An out-and-out swindler and a woe. Woe from Wit (1824)

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notorious, notorious; revealed, revealed, revealed.

    Proverbs suffering past vr. from denounce (obsolete).

    only full forms. Known, incorrigible, well known for its (negative) qualities (which ones exactly can be seen from the meaning of the defined noun). He is a secular man, a notorious swindler, a rogue. Griboyedov. - The bird is visible in flight. scoundrel, notorious scoundrel. Grigorovich. True, he was a notorious drunkard, he even had swelling all over. Turgenev.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Aya, oh. Known for his extremely negative qualities, and displaying them. O. rogue, swindler, scoundrel,

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


adj. Known, known to everyone for his negative qualities.

Examples of the use of the word notorious in literature.

The senatorial fathers deigned to allocate them government posts, but under pressure from Anthony and the urban mob, they opted for the most humiliating of the posts that were usually assigned notorious nonentities and troublemakers, for this made it possible to remove them from Rome without subjecting them to exile.

Fortunately, outs - notorious racists who jealously guard their gene pool, so you don't have to deal with it.

You, notorious lawless man, do you dare to crawl here into the Glasgow prison?

And this is the misfortune of the Mountain Country, which now and a thousand years ago has always been the nest of the most notorious, the most wicked of lawless men, who constantly harassed the good-natured people of the neighboring valleys, such as our western Lowlands.

Seven years later, the largest enterprise in Viipuri for transforming children into notorious tomboys - the city public school - baptized a boy in Jera Suomalainen.

However, all the inhabitants of the Great Bittern gradually came to the unshakable conviction that, whoever this subject was, he - notorious, cold-blooded villain!

Jasper Schrieg talks about notorious killers Lawyer John Gillespie finished his punch and, putting aside the document he had devoted the whole evening to studying, yawned.

I, who lived unhappily when it came to my inner and better consciousness, was, however, outwardly satisfied with the material side of life and the luxury that surrounded me and began to develop a taste for these things and with them I tried to suppress my more subtle sorrows, and, having succeeded in this, I became more and more every day notorious a materialist, loving physical peace, delicious food, expensive wines and personal satisfaction so that gradually I even lost the desire for mental exertion.

After dinner, when his brother-in-law was smoking a pipe, Richard was reading him a newspaper, his mother was knitting, and Ellie, clinging closely to Bertha, bowed her childish head on her chest, Bertha felt notorious a liar.

Hurry up, Duclos, tell us something else in order to get this one out of our minds. notorious scoundrel.

It was even Yegorov’s father who always said that the most notorious burning.

He has both intelligence and knowledge, but is completely devoid of religiosity and moral principles; he is one of the greatest villains who has ever existed, and the most notorious a foodie like you've met.

Four villains will gather in this castle, four of the most notorious villains, and I imagine what will happen here.

Let us give the floor to the Jesuits to make sure that Jesuitism is the unconscious original and ideal for our speculative philosophers, just as it is the conscious ideal and original for our notorious conservative statesmen.

Griboyedov is famous as the creator of one work, but the role of his comedy “Woe from Wit” is so significant in the history of Russian literature, the play responded so sharply to the pressing issues of its time, it was so brilliantly written that this work alone immortalized the name of its author. The comedy was written during the years of the creation of the secret revolutionary organizations of the Decembrists. Their struggle with numerous and strong opponents - reactionary nobles, the struggle of the new with the old flared up more and more, penetrating into different spheres of life, reflected in art and literature. Observing this confrontation, being a direct participant in it, Griboyedov reflected this in his comedy. Thus, the content of the play is closely connected with historical events, and its main conflict - the clash of an intelligent, progressive person with the inert society of noble serfs - the playwright himself could observe in life. In the main character of the comedy, the writer embodied the most important qualities of a leading man of his era.

Conflict in comedy is a clash of two types of thinking, two poles: Chatsky and Famus society. The latter includes Famusov himself, Khlestova, Princess Tugoukhovskaya, Molchalin, the often mentioned Maxim Petrovich and Kuzma Petrovich and many others. All of them can be characterized as staunch supporters of the autocratic-serf system, “guardians” of the past and ardent opponents of everything new. The main thing for them is career and money, and for this they are ready to make any sacrifice. A person in this society is valued by origin and wealth, and not by personal qualities. There are many people like Molchalin among Famusov’s social circle. Careerism, sycophancy, servility to superiors, dumbness are the main traits of his character.

Famus society is contrasted in the comedy with a group of new people. They are represented in the comedy by Chatsky, Princess Tugoukhovskaya’s nephew, Skalozub’s brother, Gorich, professors and students of the Pedagogical Institute, “who practice schisms and unbelief,” some people who teach in boarding houses and lyceums. Chatsky constantly says “we” about these people, each of them “breathes more freely and is in no hurry to fit into the regiment of jesters,” and is not afraid to have his own opinion about everything. But only Chatsky directly opposes the old order in the comedy. That is why this image becomes extremely generalized and typical. In addition, the “loneliness” of this hero also has a symbolic meaning. This emphasizes the exceptional position of such people in society.

Repetilov and Zagoretsky play a special place in the comedy. They can be classified as part of the Famus society, but they are not its ardent supporters, they do nothing bad to Chatsky, but it is their “tacit consent” that often resolves important issues in the lives of other people. Let's take a closer look at these images.

He is a secular man

A notorious swindler and rogue:

Anton Antonich Zagoretsky,

With him, beware, endure too much,

And don’t play cards: he’ll sell!

This characterization is confirmed by Khlestova: “He’s a liar, a gambler, a thief.”

The opinion that Zagoretsky is “a person close to political investigation” is not without foundation. It is not for nothing that he says that if he were appointed censor, he would lean heavily on fables where:

Eternal mockery of lions! over the eagles!

Whatever you say:

Although they are animals, they are still kings.

Zagoretsky speaks quickly, with “heat,” and has a habit of exaggerating everything and making mountains out of molehills. If harsh comments come his way, he is not offended, but reduces everything to a joke. To Gorich’s caustic remark, Zagoretsky replies: “An original, grumpy, but without the slightest malice.” “A master to serve,” this character, despite all his negative qualities, is accepted everywhere and enters the noble houses of Moscow. “We are scolded everywhere, but accepted everywhere,” this phrase from Gorich most clearly expresses the essence of Zagoretsky’s image. A person who does not particularly stand out from the crowd, causing neither admiration nor hostility.

Repetilov, unlike Zagoretsky, cannot be called a liar and a thief. On the contrary, he is trying to give the impression of an advanced person who is interested in everything fashionable and foreign. A.S. Pushkin, a contemporary of A.S. Griboedov, noted in the character of this character both stupidity, humility, frivolity, and innocence. You can also add sociability and a passion for fashionable things to the above. The surname Repetilov comes from the French word “repete”, which means “to repeat”. This indicates a distinctive feature of the owner of such a surname - the need to repeat what he heard from others, the lack of his own opinion. Repetilov, by his own definition, is a “cracker.” He strives to be a progressive person in the eyes of others, but everything he talks about is not his belief; he understands nothing about the issues that worried the real progressive people of that time. People like Repetilov “make noise, that’s all.”

This character’s speech is replete with words with a fashionable “tinge”: “from where,” “by chance,” “especially” instead of “especially,” “ordinary” instead of “ordinary.” His passion for theater brought words such as “vaudeville” and “preludes” into his conversation. Repetilov likes to insert French phrases into his speech and reinterpret Russian names in a foreign way: instead of “Lev” he uses “Levon”. Talkativeness and quick transitions from one topic to another indicate his inner emptiness. Repetilov’s speech characteristics are very important, since it is through it that we understand the hero’s desire to borrow other people’s thoughts rather than express his own.

What role do Zagoretsky and Repetilov play in the comedy? Their role seems to be insignificant. They try to seem like they belong in Famus society; they do not enter into open conflict with Chatsky. But it is with their light hand that gossip about the protagonist’s madness spreads in the third act.

It all starts with a seemingly harmless phrase from Sophia:

Ah, Chatsky! You love to dress everyone up as jesters,

Would you like to try it on yourself?

But this phrase was picked up and developed by Zagoretsky:

A! I know, I remember, I heard,

How could I not know? An example case came out;

His uncle, the rogue, hid him in the insane...

This rumor spreads very quickly and as a result acquires many details that are reported by “eyewitnesses”. Griboyedov skillfully demonstrates the “game of broken telephone”, the result of which is an incredible rumor that Chatsky has gone crazy.

It is because of such talkative people who do not have their own opinions, like Zagoretsky and Repetilov, that such misunderstandings occur, leading to quite intelligible and not always positive consequences. Such people create fertile soil for the Famusovs, who use this soil to confront Chatsky. I am sure that in an equal fight, Chatsky would undoubtedly have won, and the end of the comedy would have been different. Famusov, although a follower of the old, has his own point of view and never recognizes the opinion of the enemy. But Zagoretsky and Repetilov are ready to take any side, they are not interested in which one, as long as they are accepted everywhere and considered “advanced.”

Thus, these two characters are gray, neutral personalities, “idle talkers” and lovers of chatting. They are never the center of attention, but with their tacit consent or small participation, Chatsky’s personal and social drama occurs. They are only witnesses to what is happening, but... Who knows, if they had behaved differently, the main character might not have run away from Famusov’s house and from Moscow “to search the world where there is a corner for the offended feeling”...

“Woe from Wit” is a truly brilliant work, which forever made its author a great classic of Russian literature. This satirical play literally immediately scattered into catchphrases, quotes and expressions even when it was not yet so well known to the general public. Griboyedov very truthfully portrayed the life of the Moscow nobility and accurately described the characters of the heroes inherent in the people of that century. And most importantly, he gave so much wisdom and magnificent satire that now, for almost two centuries, we have been learning from all this to understand the world of our ancestors.

"Woe from Wit." Comedy A.S. Griboedova

The main characters of the work “Woe from Wit” very clearly show that in the secular society of the early 19th century a split had formed between the young, progressive generation with progressive views, represented in the image of Chatsky, and the fixated conservatives of the old generation in the image of Famusov. “Woe from Wit” is a comedy where these two main characters are shown very brightly and colorfully, and each is principled and adamant in his truth. However, there are also minor heroes of the comedy who also add their own colors to the plot. They can be divided into three types: “Famusovs”, those who pretend to be “Famusovs”, and “Famusovs-losers”.

Zagoretsky, “Woe from Wit.” Characteristics of this hero

Among the invited guests in Famusov's house in the third act, Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky appears - a “slick socialite” who represents the “Famusovs are losers” type. He has no ranks or titles, everyone considers him “an out-and-out swindler and a rogue,” “a liar, a gambler and a thief.”

Expanding the theme “Zagoretsky, “Woe from Wit.” Characteristics,” we can say that in Famusov’s society he defined for himself the role of a universal pleaser and servant, who is always looking for an opportunity to please with his behavior and flattery and, even better, unexpected gifts, and therefore this always evokes great sympathy and approval from everyone around him . For example, he got Khlestova’s guest two “Arapchenko” at the fair or, most likely, cheated them at cards and Sophia got a ticket to the theater when no one could do it.

Unflattering hero

The character Gorich also constantly speaks unflatteringly about Zagoretsky, but believes that even though everyone scolds him, he is willingly accepted everywhere. This hero really fits into all decent houses in the capital. The image of Zagoretsky is a collective image of noble society, which gradually began to rot and look extremely immoral. It is always easier for this character to lie about something than to remember the truth. He really is so used to lying that no one pays any attention to his lies.

Zagoretsky, like Repetilov, is given a special place in the comedy “Woe from Wit”. Although critics classify them as one, they are not its defenders. However, it is with their tacit consent that the fate of other people can be decided.

Role in society

Returning to the topic “Zagoretsky, “Woe from Wit.” Characteristics,” we will even express the opinion that Zagoretsky is a person “close to a political detective” in character. And this is not at all accidental. This idea is suggested by quotes from Zagoretsky, who say that if he received the position of censor, he would first of all “lean” on fables where eternal ridicule of lions and eagles reigns: “Although they are animals, they are still kings.”

Zagoretsky quickly and passionately conducts conversations, he loves to exaggerate everything and can inflate any rumor to incredible proportions. And he does not react angrily to harsh statements about himself, but simply reduces them to an ordinary joke.

Gorich once again talks about him: “an original, grumpy, but without the slightest malice.”

Griboyedov assigns him the role of a man who spreads false rumors about Chatsky. Zagoretsky still didn’t really understand who he was talking about, but different versions of madness were already born in his head. Khlestova said about Chatsky that he drank a lot “in large bottles,” Zagoretsky adds that he drank in “forty barrels.”

Off-stage images

Zagoretsky is one of the off-stage characters and an innovative technique of playwright Griboyedov. Such heroes reveal the picture of the “past century” even wider and outline its values ​​and ideals. The role of off-stage characters is that they help to better understand and reveal the behavior of the main characters and the entire Famus society. It is the figure of Zagoretsky that shows the immoral behavior of noble society. By the way, we also learn from Gorich that Zagoretsky is an informer. And Chatsky immediately receives a warning from Gorich that it is better not to speak openly in front of him.

In conclusion to the theme “Zagoretsky, “Woe from Wit.” Characteristics”, it is important to note that the status of a nobleman in Russia was protected by this very fact, and if he followed traditions and foundations, he had good prospects for making a successful career and getting rich due to this. The main thing is not to be such losers and crazy people-pleasers like Zagoretsky, who knows everything about everyone and follows the precepts of his father “to please everyone without exception.”

One of the minor characters in the work is Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.

Zagoretsky is presented by the author as a fairly well-known personality in the capital, who enters any house, but, by nature, is a notorious swindler, gambler and rogue. However, despite this characterization, Zagoretsky is accepted in secular society, invited to formal receptions and balls. Having no ranks and titles, although he tried very hard to rise to at least a small position, Zagoretsky does not have a successful career, but representatives of the noble elite treat this fact with condescension and understanding. Zagoretsky can be a skilled businessman, obtaining rare tickets to theater performances and performances or outlandish breeds of puppies.

Zagoretsky is characterized by a rapid and ardent manner of conversation, as well as an indomitable temperament and ardor, thanks to which he is a gifted gossip, able to create rumors and stories. He turns over known facts on the fly and invents new ones, exaggerating and inventing gossip, thereby causing an unprecedented stir around his person in the high society circle. At the same time, Zagoretsky skillfully changes the chameleon mask, taking the side of the one with whom he has to conduct business or conversation. It is Anton Antonovich who initiates the news about Chatsky’s madness, which none of those around him even thinks of checking, even knowing full well Zagoretsky’s deceitful nature.

Being a stupid and narrow-minded person, Zagoretsky is still interested in reading, especially fables, but he is not able to understand the meaning of creative works.

A feature that clearly characterizes Zagoretsky’s image is his ability to be undisguisedly opportunistic, expressed in reducing any negativity towards himself in a humorous manner, the ability not to be offended and to avoid sharp corners in conversations. Anton Antonovich skillfully fawns over high-ranking representatives of the nobility and bows kindly, fearing to lose their favor. Zagoretsky’s actions do not frighten secular society, but, on the contrary, excite the minds of high society, since they are completely false and insincere.

Essay about Zagoretsky

Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky is a minor hero of the novel “Woe from Wit”, this man is a cunning sharper who knows how to achieve what he wants at any cost, his ability to adapt to any situation and achieve his goal at any cost sometimes amazes the imagination, his passion for unfair play sometimes deprives him of his own honor, but this worries Anton Antonovich little.

Since Zagoretsky is a secular man, he is not alien to the aesthetics of the theater, which he is in love with to some extent, but at the same time this man is a reveler and a slob, from time to time he revels at parties, not noticing how the night turns into a new day.

On the one hand, he harmoniously joins the society of respected gentlemen, and is able to handle thousands of topics, and his person still arouses interest. But at the same time, it’s no secret to anyone that he is addicted to playing cards, showing himself in the game in the most ignoble way, his tongue is sharp as a needle, and he doesn’t have to go into his pocket for a word. And he is often not averse to spreading some juicy gossip into society, which will quickly spread thanks to bored ladies. And Zagoretsky will have fun somewhere on the sidelines, reveling in his skillful lies, which are firmly taking root in society.

And as if this man is not so bad, he has enough positive qualities and a sharp mind, but boredom forces Anton Antonovich to come up with new combinations, he is a swindler with a capital C, and does not consider this manifestation something shameful.

Thanks to his ability to skillfully juggle with words, he always has a lot of listeners; his slippery manner of flattery helps him win over the wives of officials, and then get closer to their husbands. His thirst to create chaos around him is insatiable, and as if everyone has known about it for a long time, and yet, this does not stop him from creating new uncomfortable situations, new lies and intrigue. Sometimes he lies with such enthusiasm about his courage and generous actions that it seems that the poor fellow is not at all aware that this image is invented by himself, as if he is being torn away from reality, and he is unable to stop.

Such people cannot be changed under any circumstances; for them lies and fraud are not only their daily bread, but actually the air, so to speak, the life-giving force for an unenviable existence.

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NOTHING, oh, oh. Known for his extremely negative qualities, and displaying them. O. rogue, swindler, scoundrel. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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