In memory of Lyudmila Senchina: the “Cinderella” of the Soviet stage is gone. “She was a person of light”: friends shared memories of Senchina Music in Lyudmila’s life

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A civil memorial service for the deceased People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Senchina took place at the Musical Comedy Theater of St. Petersburg on Sunday, January 28.

During the farewell to Senchina, the contents of the Russian President’s telegram of condolences were read.

Putin said that the singer’s death was a great and irreparable loss not only for the art of music, but also for the entire national culture.

According to the Russian President, Lyudmila was loved for her sincere and unique style of performance, for her “amazingly beautiful voice and respectful attitude towards listeners.”

The head said that the songs performed by Senchina will remain in the hearts of millions of people forever. She will be remembered by all those “who knew and appreciated this wonderful singer and admired her art,” the Russian Prime Minister emphasized.

According to Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko, Lyudmila Senchina’s work for many years “gave people joy and the brightest feelings,” and according to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', Senchina had “a profound and unique talent.”

The head of Belarus also expressed condolences to the family and friends of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Senchina.

“A wonderful singer who captivated listeners with her soulful voice, unique style of performance and enormous personal charm has passed away. Her tender, lyrical musical works, which became an integral part of the Soviet stage, always awakened the brightest and kindest feelings,” the press service of the President of Belarus published his address.

Alexander Lukashenko noted that “on Belarusian soil the work of Lyudmila Senchina is well known and loved.”

Many fans of Lyudmila Senchina came to the Great Hall of the Musical Comedy Theater to say goodbye to the singer, a correspondent reports from the scene. In the hall with the coffin, recordings of Senchina's main hits were played. According to the head of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Vyacheslav Makarov, Senchina was a “symbol” of the city, and the heartfelt duty of St. Petersburg residents was to perpetuate the memory of the artist.

Several hundred townspeople came to the farewell ceremony for Senchina, and she was greeted with a long ovation on her final journey. After the funeral service was completed, the funeral procession headed to the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God on Vladimirskaya Square, where the singer was buried before her repose at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery on Vasilyevsky Island.

People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Senchina died on Thursday, January 25, in St. Petersburg at the age of 67. Senchina struggled with pancreatic cancer for a long time; doctors hospitalized her back in December last year. Only her closest and dearest knew about the singer’s illness.

Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina was born on December 13, 1950 in the village of Kudryavtsy, Nikolaev region, Ukrainian SSR. In 1966 she entered the musical comedy department of the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Music School at the Leningrad Conservatory. In 1970, Senchina began acting in the theater, and five years later she decided to become a singer.

The singer became popular throughout the Soviet Union in 1971, performing the song “Cinderella” based on poetry at the New Year’s “Blue Light”.

Lyudmila Senchina is known as a performer of such popular Soviet hits as the romance from the film “Days of the Turbins”, the song “Forest Deer”, “Bird Cherry”, “Wormwood” and “Song of Tenderness”.

In 1986, she participated in a joint Soviet-American project - the musical performance “Child of the World” in American and Canadian cities.

Every year Lyudmila Senchina held festive concerts “Christmas in the Northern Capital” in St. Petersburg. At 200, Lyudmila performed at the 30th anniversary concert of the group “Flowers,” with which she had collaborated for many years.

In mid-summer 2005, Senchina took part in the XIV International Arts Festival “Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk,” held under the auspices of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In 2014, Lyudmila Senchina signed an appeal from cultural figures of the Russian Federation in support of the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and Crimea.

In the same year, Senchina was a member of the jury of the Variety Theater project on Channel One.

In Moscow, after a long illness, the famous Soviet and Russian singer Lyudmila Senchina died at the age of 67. Millions of television viewers first heard and remembered her name after she performed “Cinderella’s Song” at one of the New Year’s “Blue Lights.” The portal site remembered what the path to fame was like for one of the most charming Soviet pop artists.

Love for the stage

The future singer was born in 1950 in the Ukrainian village of Kudryavskoye, in the family of a rural teacher and cultural worker. Soon her father became the director of the local cultural center - it was he who brought the girl to the stage. True, she played episodic roles in amateur performances.

At the age of ten, having moved with her parents to Krivoy Rog, the girl entered music and singing clubs and continued to participate in amateur performances. Then, in the early 1960s, the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” with Michel Legrand thundered in the cinema halls of the Soviet Union - after seeing it, Lyudmila Senchina finally decided to become an actress. After graduating from school, she went to Leningrad to enter the music school.

The girl chose the department of musical comedy at the Music College named after. ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov at the Leningrad Conservatory. But when she arrived, it turned out that she was late for the start of the entrance exams. Senchina was not at a loss - she caught one of the members of the selection committee in the corridor and persuaded him to listen to the program she had prepared. Hearing Senchina’s voice, the teacher admitted her to the next round, and Senchina successfully entered the school. Perhaps it was this cheerful energy, perseverance and belief in the best in people and in life that not only helped her achieve success on the stage, but also brought the love of numerous viewers.

Step onto the stage

In 1970, immediately after graduating from college, Senchina was invited to work at the Musical Comedy Theater there, in Leningrad. In this theater, over the course of several years, the young, gifted artist, who also possessed a bright and at the same time fragile beauty, played many roles.

Senchina also appeared in films, including in the films “Magic Power”, “Shelmenko the Batman” and “After the Fair”. The turning point in her career was her role in the film “Armed and Very Dangerous,” which became the leader of the Soviet box office - also thanks to Senchina, who flashed in a spectacular love scene.

True, in the mid-1970s she had to leave the theater - the troupe had a new chief director, with whom the artist could not work well. She quit and decided to try herself in pop performances. As it turned out, this was a step towards truly national fame.

Business card

To delight and infect millions of television viewers with her sparkling charm, Senchina only had one number. At one of the New Year's "Blue Lights", which, according to tradition, the whole country watched, Senchina performed "Cinderella's Song". She herself didn’t really want to sing it, but the director of the orchestra with whom the artist worked insisted, and she agreed.

“Believe it or check it, but yesterday I dreamed that a prince came rushing after me on a silver horse,” sang the fair-haired, graceful Senchina in her crystalline young voice. And the next day I woke up famous.

In the 1970s and 1980s, she repeatedly became a laureate of the popular singing competition “Song of the Year,” but her talent was admired not only in her homeland. In 1974 she received the Golden Lyre in Bratislava, and in 1975 the Grand Prix at the Sopot Music Festival.

The youthful "Cinderella's Song" was replaced by a romance from "Days of the Turbins" - lyrical, poignant, sad and at the same time very bright. The whole country sang along with her to the lines about how “the white acacia’s fragrant clusters drove us crazy all night long.” And “White Acacia” was followed by “Love and Separation,” written by Isaac Schwartz with poems by Bulat Okudzhava.

Meeting with Legrand

During her career, Lyudmila Senchina managed to work with the main stars and masters of the Soviet stage: Alexandra Pakhmutova, Andrei Petrov, David Tukhmanov and even the rock star of the 1980s Igor Talkov. Lyudmila Senchina was married three times, her third husband was the famous musician and director Stas Namin.

But perhaps the main creative meeting took place during one of Senchina’s Moscow concerts. By coincidence, he was visited by Michel Legrand, an Oscar-winning composer and singer, winner of numerous international awards, who has worked with major Hollywood stars.

He was so delighted with the singer’s voice that he invited her to record a joint record. And soon the Melodiya company released their joint recording with songs from “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” - the very ones with which young Lyudmila Senchina’s love for the stage began.

Love and separation

In recent years, Lyudmila Senchina lived in St. Petersburg with her husband and producer Vladimir Andreev. She actively participated in various musical projects and appeared on television. In 2003, collections of her best songs were recorded: “Cinderella” and “Love and Separation”.

The singer’s death was announced by her husband, Vladimir Andreev, on the morning of January 25, noting that she had been seriously ill for the last year and a half.

Lyudmila Senchina is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Senchina Lyudmila Petrovna is a popular Soviet singer, actress and very beautiful woman. She was born in the village of Kudryavtsy, which is located in Ukraine on December 13, 1950, and it is worth noting that according to the documents the woman was born in 1948. As Lyudmila herself said, this was done by her father so that she could start receiving a pension as early as possible. Height 165 cm.

Rosa is a girl in the most ordinary Soviet family, where her mother was a teacher at a local school, and her father was initially interested in bodybuilding, but later became the director of a cultural center in their village. It was thanks to her dad that the girl was able to go on stage for the first time. Most often, she took part in performances dedicated to some kind of celebration or amateur performances.

After the girl turned 10 years old, her whole family decided to move from the village to the city of Krivoy Rog, where little Lyuda began studying in singing clubs, and also completed her studies at school. Afterwards, the girl decided to go to Leningrad to enter a music school, but, unfortunately, she did not have time for the main tour.

Lyudmila managed to enter the school only by luck - in the corridor she met the chairman of the examination committee, whom she managed to persuade to listen to songs performed by her. Lyuda’s voice captivated the entire commission, and the girl received permission to pass the next exams.

And in 66, the girl began to study at this music school. Moreover, due to the fact that she was not local, Lyudmila had a rather difficult time standing out there. But the girl always had a punchy character, which allowed Lyudmila to complete her studies with a good diploma.


In fact, Lyudmila Senchina very rarely appeared in films, but in those in which she starred, she was always in the leading role. All the spectators really liked her, and her roles were actually very congenial for every person. Men fell in love with her most of all for her courage and incredible beauty, since in the film “Armed and Very Dangerous” Senchina exposed her breasts. It was with the filmography that Lyudmila’s biography began to change.

Music in Lyudmila's life

The Soviet actress worked in the theater for a long time and played a huge number of roles, and everything could have continued like this, and Lyudmila might never have become a popular singer, but the director changes in the theater, with whom they do not have a good relationship, and Lyudmila has to quit .

The girl decided to go on stage and perform songs that famous singers refused. Senchina’s calling card was the composition “Cinderella,” although, as the woman herself admitted, she didn’t want to perform it either, Anatoly Badkhen forced her to do it.

After this, Senchina began to receive a huge number of laureates and Grand Prix, and a few years later she was recognized as an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
Senchina reached the peak of her popularity in the 80s and 90s, when concerts began to attract thousands of fans, and her songs were played on virtually every corner. But, after some time, the popularity subsided, and only by 2002 the singer began to appear on the stage again, trying to regain her former popularity.

Personal life

Lyudmila was married three times. With her first husband, the artist had a common and only son, Lyudmila Vyacheslav. The relationship lasted 10 years and everyone thought it was ideal.

According to many people, Lyudmila decided to break off relations with her first husband after she met Stas Namin. As the singer herself admitted, it was with him that she had the most interesting years. But due to the jealousy of her second husband, who did not even allow Lyudmila to tour, the couple decided to separate.

6 years after breaking up with Namin, the woman decided to marry Vladimir Andreev again. As the woman herself said, with him she felt like behind a stone wall.

Death of a People's Artist

On January 25, 2018, it became known that Lyudmila Senchina had died, her last husband informed everyone about this. A woman died in the hospital; the woman had been very ill for the past year and a half.

Today, at the 68th year of her life, Lyudmila Senchina, the “Cinderella” of the Soviet stage, passed away, whose song “At least believe me, at least check”, it seems, everyone without exception knows. For a year and a half, Lyudmila Petrovna struggled with oncology, but did not want to burden anyone with her problems, so even the most devoted fans did not know about her poor health. She continued to perform and said that the stage gave her strength.

Today in the studio of the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live” people who knew and loved the singer gathered. They all spoke in one voice about what a bright, bright, sunny person she was, and recalled her extraordinary talent, soft velvet voice and rare spiritual qualities. Composer Laura Quint told how on tour Senchina fed the entire orchestra, bought and distributed to the group scarce goods to which she had access. Andrei Malakhov recalled how Lyudmila Petrovna, having learned about the explosions in the St. Petersburg metro, interrupted her chemotherapy and rushed to the scene of the tragedy, just to help in some way.

Emma Lavrinovich, director of the Great Concert Hall "Oktyabrsky" in St. Petersburg, a friend of Lyudmila Petrovna, knew about her terrible diagnosis for a long time: “I went into the dressing room, she was sitting very tired after a difficult procedure. “You don’t understand how bad I feel,” - she said. “But I’m fighting.” After that, I put on a concert dress and went on stage. And no one knew anything.”

Alla Pugacheva, having learned about Senchina’s death, posted a photo of the singer on Instagram and wrote: “Farewell, beautiful Cinderella.” It turns out that Diva always admired Lyudmila Senchina’s voice and believed that her songs were the future. Actor and singer Sergei Zakharov is also confident that such a voice has never existed and will never exist. “There is no one to pick up this flag. No one will ever be able to sing like that,” singer and composer Igor Kornelyuk echoes him.

Guests in the studio also spoke about the rare beauty of Lyudmila Senchina, about her unique style. Many men paid attention to her, and there were legends about her marriages and romances. The first husband of the young singer was the operetta soloist Vyacheslav Timoshin, who divorced the star of the 50s, actress Tatyana Piletskaya, for the sake of marriage with her. After the divorce, the son of Senchina and Timoshina stayed with his father, studied at the philology department, played in rock bands, then moved to Boston and began translating. Lyudmila’s second husband was Stas Namin, leader of the “Flowers” ​​group, grandson of Anastas Mikoyan. They met at the Olympic Games in Moscow. After getting married, we lived in different cities for 10 years. After the second divorce, Senchina disappeared from the stage and lived alone for six years. Senchina's third husband is director and producer Vladimir Andreev. With him, as the singer claimed, she felt like Christ in his bosom. But even more than marriages, the country discussed the singer’s novels - real and imaginary. She was credited with connections with Kobzon, Talkov, Sergei Zakharov and even the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU Grigory Romanov, who allegedly eliminated rivals and even put them in prison because of his love for Senchina.

Why did the singer spend little time with her son? Who was her neighbor in the country? Who was Lyudmila Senchina's friends? All this and much more is in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”.

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