Easter. Family holiday from A to Z

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Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of this blog! Today’s article will be devoted to Easter scenarios, because very soon April 28th is Easter. By tradition, kindergartens and schools stage performances for this Bright holiday with the direct participation of children. In this regard, I want to offer ideas for productions and I will be very glad if you like them...

And according to tradition, all celebrations end with eating all kinds of other treats. Everyone together, cheerfully and amicably at one table, celebrates the Bright Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes victory over death!

Scenario for Easter 2019 in kindergarten

The Resurrection of Christ is the most important and special holiday for all Christians, including children. Therefore, in order to introduce them to Russian traditions and customs, I offer you a scenario for Easter in a playful way to create a joyful festive mood.

Children enter the hall to the music.

1 Presenter: Dear Guys! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday, a holiday of spring, fun and goodness. A holiday when everyone forgives each other, rejoices and welcomes spring. The holiday of all Christians is Easter! Happy holiday to you!

1 child:

We call all the kids
Girls and boys
Drink teas
Sing and dance!

2 presenter: Easter is considered one of the most important holidays for Christians; on this day it is customary to congratulate each other on Christ's Sunday and exchange eggs, having previously painted them with bright colors.

2nd child:

Spring is waking up
The meadows are getting dressed
The sun is shining and playing
Christ is Risen!

Everyone sits down at the table. There is a samovar and eggs on the table.

1 presenter: One of the most wonderful Easter games is egg beating. The rules are simple: two eggs knock against each other; the one whose egg remains intact wins. But the loser shouldn’t be upset either, because the broken shell symbolizes all the sorrows and hardships that go away along with the shell.

Children break eggs and eat. Everyone who wins is given candy.

2 presenter: wait, wait. Something is missing on the table.

2 presenter, looking around the table: Oh oh oh, how we forgot. There are no Easter cakes on the table! What would Easter be without them?

The Sly Grandfather appears on the stage with a basket of Easter cakes.

Grandfather the Sly:

I passed by here
I heard your problem
I brought you some Easter cake
But I won’t give it for nothing!

1 presenter: And what do you want, Grandfather?

Grandfather the Sly:

I'll tell you two riddles
It’s difficult, wow, you won’t guess!
Well, if you understand
The table will be more beautiful.

2 presenter: Come on, make a wish. Our kids are smart, they know everything, they can guess everything.

Grandfather the Sly:

Ooh, look.
Dropped by for a light
Friend Fedot to see me in the morning
I told him “Christ is Risen”
Well, he told me: .....

Children in chorus “He is risen indeed.”

Grandfather the Sly:

How smart
Do you want to eat something baked from the stove?
Delicious, sweet, ruddy as if from the sun
Easter symbol, beautiful...

Children in the Kulich choir.

Grandfather the Sly:

Well done kids
Grandfather was outwitted
So be it, I'll give you some sweetness
But grandpa needs to rest
Sing a song please
Then we'll talk.

1 presenter: Well, guys, let's show grandpa how we can sing songs?

The children begin to sing a song about Easter.

Ding-Dong (song for Easter)

Grandfather the Sly:

Thank you, children, you made friends
Here are your Easter cakes
Well, now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!

2 presenter: Oh, grandpa, where are you going? Stay with us, let's eat Easter cakes and drink delicious tea. Today is such a holiday.

Grandfather the Sly:

Are you inviting? Well, thank you
Maybe I'll actually sit
After all, on such a wonderful holiday
It's a shame for me to be alone

The Sly Grandfather sits down with the children at the table, while taking out candy from his pocket. The tea party begins.

Easter play for schoolchildren

This celebration in Rus' was called differently: Bright Sunday, Great Day, Christ's Sunday. The holiday was long-awaited and most joyful for the children. On this day there were the first round dances, swing rides, funny Easter games, children went around the courtyards, which were similar to Christmas caroling, they were often called that: green Christmastide. To make the holiday full for schoolchildren, teachers and parents need to work in advance. Talk about history and traditions, prepare themed gifts and souvenirs with your own hands, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, and also prepare everything you need for games, and the suggested scenario below will help you with this...

Child (1):

Like a bright coloring

Easter has arrived at school!

She brought it in her basket,

Eggs, buns, flatbreads,

Pies, pancakes and tea.

Have a fun Easter!

Presenter (1): Dear friends! On this wonderful sunny day we were united by a great Christian holiday. Every spring, Christians around the world celebrate the Resurrection of Christ, the brightest celebration.

Presenter (2): How much do you know about Easter? Let's go over the basic facts.

Presenter (2): Easter is the most important Christian celebration, lasting forty days. Currently, the date of Easter in each specific year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, which makes Easter a moving holiday.

Presenter (1): This year, the official date is April 8th.

Presenter (2): From Hebrew, the name of the holiday is translated as “crossing over.” Most of all, I bet you like coloring eggs. Here eggs symbolize rebirth. According to legend, Saint Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Emperor of Rome; the egg turned bright red, confirming the good news. The color of Christ's blood is red.

Presenter (1): Christ is risen!

Presenter (2): Truly Risen!

Presenter (1): Exchanging eggs and congratulating each other on Easter Day with the words: “Christ is Risen!” - and receiving in response: “Truly He is Risen,” - Christians profess faith in the resurrection. If the resurrection had not occurred, the new faith would have no basis and would have been in vain. But Christ rose again and thereby revealed Divine grace.

Child (2):

The sun sparkles in the puddles,

The willow blossomed down,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells sing.

There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,

A pile of colored eggs.

You won't see gloomy faces!

Presenter (2): Do you love Easter? Which custom do you like best? I'll tell you a poetic riddle. Your task is to finish the poem for me.

The housewives baked it in the oven for the holiday

Lush, ruddy miracle -...

(ANSWER: Easter cakes)

Presenter (1): Kulich is my favorite Easter treat - the most delicious Easter tradition, and a very ancient one at that! I know that it is a product for breaking the fast. Throughout the year, bread is part of meals, meals, and only once during this time does it become festive, Easter. Neither a wedding nor a birthday loaf can compare with it in its status: the Easter cake not only serves to break the fast, but is also a symbol of the great day, illuminated in a holy place, a church.

Presenter (2): Did you know that Easter cake is the younger brother of artos? This is the name of the sacred bread, which is placed on the lectern on the first day of the Resurrection for the entire Bright Week, having previously been illuminated. They are even similar in shape. Artos – “leavened bread”. Kulich is also a metaphor for the bread that Christ shared with his disciples after His Resurrection.

Child (3):

Look what a miracle

Did mom put it in the dish?

There is an egg, but not a simple one:

Golden painted,

Like a bright toy!

There are stripes, curls,

Lots of little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?

Like in a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave everyone the answers:

— Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,

Symbol of life on earth!

Presenter (1): Surely, you guessed what tradition we are talking about now! We have known this custom since childhood and love it, because in such little things as decorating, painting, painting eggs, creative potential can completely unexpectedly develop! How great it is to prepare for the holiday with the whole family in the evening, and then, early in the morning, organize fun games on Easter themes and eat rosy Easter cakes!

Presenter (2): Surely, you know such a fun tradition as “beating eggs.” When we collide two testicles in a short battle, it is a kind of test of strength. The winner is the one whose egg is not cracked.

Presenter (1): My favorite Easter activity! Do you like to play? Now I will ask the bravest ones to rise from their seats! I need two volunteers.

The essence of the game: two eggs are placed on a hard, smooth surface. After the “start” command, the children simultaneously begin to spin the eggs. The one whose egg lasts the longest wins a sweet prize.

Presenter (1): Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called dyed eggs; and if on a colored background it was possible to see dashes, strokes, specks - speckled.

Presenter (2): There were also pysanky - eggs, hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns, very mysterious at that time. The best craftsmen of the village prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. Confectionery shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs. Yummy! And famous jewelry companies created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone...

Presenter (1): Why are you all about eggs and eggs, because besides them there are such beautiful traditions. Did you know that in ancient times, on the first Easter week, everyone could practice bell ringing? Nowadays it’s hard to imagine such a thing.

Presenter (2): But the most important and bright tradition of Easter is helping your neighbor. Mercy for poor people, lonely people, abandoned people. Charity is important, is and will be an integral part of the holiday!

Presenter (1): Here I agree with you. Have you guys done a lot of good deeds? Remember that all good things will be recreated for you from above, and the holiday is just an additional reason to become better and help out a friend. A tradition that everyone should think about.

Child (1):

The sun sparkles in the puddles,

The willow blossomed down,

"Alive, live!" - birds chirp

And the bells sing.

Child (2):

There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,

A pile of colored eggs.

This holiday is bright, clean

You won't see gloomy faces.

Child (3):

They say: “Christ is risen!”

“Yes, he is truly risen!”

Tearing apart the veil of darkness,

He came down to people from heaven.

Child (4):

Christ lives and people believe:

If we part with evil,

Life will last. Will be eternal

Peace with love and goodness!

Presenter (1): And on this festive note, we say goodbye to you! Time to drink tea!

Children go to the set tables with Easter cakes and other delicacies.

Christian skit for Sunday school children

Easter is the main and most beloved Orthodox holiday among people. Often, you want to spend this day with joy, in a warm family circle.
The festive event is opened by the school director, who gives the floor of congratulations to the priest.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! Christ is Risen!
On this wonderful, festive day, there is joy and warmth in my heart, and I want to share it with each other! On these Easter, joyful days, the Lord called us to common happiness!

Presenter 2: The oldest Christian author wrote about this bright day: “Our entire Universe today, like one family, can turn to Christ. We will not see travelers in the steppe or sailors at sea. The common people left their work and took out patterned outfits... all life’s worries were replaced by quiet family happiness.”

Presenter 1: Everyone knows that Easter in Rus' is considered not only one of the most important holidays, but also the most fun and beloved. Preparations for it began much earlier than the celebration itself. Let us now look into the past and see the preparation of the people for Easter.

The princess's chambers. The nanny arrives.

Nanny: It’s time for the princess to get up, it’s morning outside the window. The last day of Maslenitsa celebration is Forgiveness Sunday.

The Princess arrives.
Let us ask each other for forgiveness, so that we can enter Lent with a pure heart.

Nanny: Look, forty days will fly by - Easter will come.
Come in Tsarevich

Tsarevich: Hello, nanny! Good morning my sister!

Nanny: May God bless you during the Great Lent!

Tsarevich: The pre-Easter time has come for us to rejoice!

Nanny: Oh, my children, remember fasting for the smart, not as a burden, but as a great joy.

Princess: Nanny, tell us about the celebration of the Annunciation?

Nanny: Of course, I'll tell you. We must remember how Archangel Gabriel came to our earth and brought good news to the Virgin Mary. Yes, he said that she would become the Mother of the Son of God. There is also a good tradition of releasing birds into the sky on this day.

Children come out holding toy birds in their hands. “Birds chirping” music plays (supposedly birds are being released).

The nanny appears on the stage again with a willow twig.
Nanny: The post is already ending. We will soon celebrate Palm Sunday.

Children bring out decorated willow branches.
Nanny: look, princess, what a beautiful willow we have! All decorated with ribbons and flowers.

Princess: Oh, what a beauty! You won’t find anything on it: apples, nuts, ribbons.

Tsarevich: You should have seen the willow tree on our square, a sight for sore eyes!

Princess: I’ll go to the window, from there you can see the religious procession.
Bell music.

Princess: All the same, the palace craftswomen and craftsmen worked hard. It probably took more than a week to make the willow.

Tsarevich: Oh, oh, look! The Patriarch has left the Cathedral! He took the branch from the willow tree and went back into the cathedral. Why?

Nanny: He will bless the willow and then send it to the people in the village. Children, here we are at the very top of Lent. Here, here is the final week before Great Easter.

Happy bell ringing song.

Song for Easter “Christ is Risen”

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing;
People are pouring out of all the churches;
The dawn is already looking from the sky...

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers break from their shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The earth is waking up
And the fields are getting dressed...
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

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Soon we will celebrate the holiday. During these May days, it’s so great to get together as a family with family, friends, and loved ones and spend time together. But you shouldn’t just sit at a richly laid table, especially if children take part in the Easter celebration.

How to organize an Easter holiday for children, what to do with them at home or outdoors, what kind of children's scenario for Easter to come up with so that everyone is happy, happy, noisy, and the holiday is remembered for a long time? will tell you about it tochka.net .


We have selected a lot of interesting competitions, active games outdoors and indoors, creative ideas and unforgettable entertainment for you and your children. You can use this Easter script in kindergarten, at school, or with your friends who came to visit with their children on the holiday.

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It is best to decorate your vacation spot in Easter motifs - multi-colored ribbons and balls that look like paints, painted Easter bunnies and chickens, baskets and compositions with flowers and angel figures - so that the meaning of this bright holiday is not lost in the general fun.

Think about what Easter songs you can prepare for children, and also briefly tell the story of Easter for children. Games and competitions must be held in a friendly atmosphere, so that on the bright holiday of Easter there will be no tears, no resentment, no discord.

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Easter games: "Egg fights"

Perhaps the most popular Easter entertainment, which is known to both children and adults, and is necessarily included in the Easter holiday scenario, is paint fights, when everyone fights with Easter eggs, hitting their paint on their neighbor’s paint. The one whose Easter egg remains unbroken until the very end wins.

  • Easter Eggs: Bowling Competition

It is clear that real Easter eggs for children can be replaced with toys - colorful balls, plastic cups, etc. - this way the product will be saved and the clothes will be cleaner. A white egg is placed in the center of the room or area, and the task of each of the participants standing around is to roll their paints as close to it as possible.

  • Easter Bunny Races

Prepare props: large bags according to the number of participants, and to make the Easter scenario more elegant and fun, draw silhouettes of rabbits on them with colored paints. Give the children bags and put headbands with bunny ears on their heads. Whoever jumps in a sack to the finish line first is declared the speedy Easter Bunny.

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  • Guessing Contest: "Easter Basket"

Easter souvenirs, for example, Easter eggs, kinder surprises, candies, gingerbread cookies, egg coasters, toy bunnies, chickens, angels, Easter-themed figurines, etc., are pre-packed into an elegant Easter basket. The task of the players is to take turns putting their hand into the basket, choosing a souvenir by touch and, without looking, tell everyone what Easter gift they got. The one who guesses correctly takes a souvenir as a prize.

  • Easter pantomime game "A pair for every creature"

An educational game for Easter: a story for children that tells how, on the eve of the Flood, Noah built an ark and took a pair of each creature. An even number of children must participate in the game. The presenter hands out cards with a picture of an animal to all participants, or whispers the name in everyone’s ear. It is important that all animals are repeated twice. The participants’ task is to portray their animal (without sounds) and find their mate among other children as quickly as possible.

  • Easter relay race with Easter eggs

This fun relay challenge requires two teams to complete a course from start to finish with an Easter egg in a spoon without dropping or breaking it. The first team with the minimum number of losses wins.

Easter © Depositphotos

  • Quest game "Search for Easter treasures"

For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance a lot of plastic multi-colored eggs with Easter surprises inside: candies, cookies, souvenirs, etc. Then hide the eggs in the grass and bushes throughout the area, give the children Easter baskets and send them off to collect treasures. To avoid any disputes, you can immediately announce the number or a certain color of eggs for each participant. The prizes are in the eggs themselves.

  • Extreme game "Egg Volleyball"

A fun game for older participants. Those who don’t feel sorry for eggs and their clothes can play. The essence of the game is to throw a raw egg at each other. The one who missed is the loser.

  • Easter competition: "Bring Easter eggs"

This competition will also require a pair of participants. All couples are given multi-colored balloons. The ball needs to be pressed against each other by its sides and thus run from the start to the finish without losing the ball. Whichever pair is first wins.

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  • Easter competition "Painting Easter eggs"

For this quiet creative activity, children will need unpainted boiled eggs or wooden figures, paints, brushes and other materials, as well as glitter, ribbons, thread, glue and imagination. Whoever gets the most beautiful Easter egg is the winner. Don't forget to praise all participants.

Masha and Anya are sitting on a bench, playing with a rag doll. There is a table nearby. On the table are willows, paints, brushes, a samovar, cups.

Quiet music is playing. Nastya runs in.

Nastya: Masha, Anya, come here quickly! Look what I found!

Masha: Oh, a whole basket of eggs!
Dear readers, I present to your attention a website where you can order Santa Claus for a New Year’s corporate party.
Nastya: It was probably our Ryabushka who demolished it. Here's a gift for Easter!

Masha(looking at it). They are all so white and smooth. Here I am holding a fresh egg in my hands, looking at it carefully and thoughtfully: there are no bones, no feathers, because there are no eggs in the egg.

Anya: How does this happen?

Where can I find the answer?

The bird suddenly comes out

from egg to light!

Nastya: This is the miracle:

God created it this way

That he turned a raw egg into a bird.

Anya: The same power of God will collect our ashes.

And from the dust the body will come to life again.

This is our guarantee, miracle of miracles:

Firstborn from the Dead

Christ Himself is Risen!

Masha: He died on the cross -

That's how he loved us

What kind of sinners are we?

He shed his blood.

Masha: Nastya, let's color these eggs!

Nastya: For what?

Masha: For a long time, a testicle, red as blood,

Love reminds us of Christ.

Anya: Eggs are always painted for Easter. Let's go to grandma too

We'll give you an Easter gift.

Nastya, Anya, Masha sit down at the table and pretend to paint

eggs and place on a plate.

Anya: To my friend Egorka

I'll draw a moth.

Without father's, let without spanking

His life will be easy.

Masha: Well, I’m with my friend Olya

I'll paint everything with beans -

She will have a rich groom

Cute, freckled.

Nastya: And I'm the neighbor's twins

I'll draw the sun.

Let him stop by more often

The sun is in their window.

(Granny comes in with a bowl and spoon, kneading the dough).

Grandmother: Where are you going to get shot? Oh - oh Easter is in the yard, and we

breaking your fast is nothing! Something with our Ryabushka

It happened. It's been a whole week now

there is not a single testicle.

Anya: Yes, that you are a grandmother! Can't be!

Grandmother: True, Ryabushka does not lay eggs. I'll tell you

I didn't want to upset you. (sadden).

Masha:(from behind) Grandma! Christ is Risen!

(holds out the hidden egg from behind his back).

Grandmother: Truly Risen! My dears, where did you get the eggs?

Nastya: And I, grandma, want to congratulate you. Christ is Risen

(holds out the egg).

And Ryabushka tried to make you happy. After all, we are under

They found a whole basket of eggs at the shop.

Anya: And take an egg from me. Christ is Risen!

Grandmother: Truly Risen!

Nastya: We decided to give you an Easter gift, Ryabushka

laid eggs, and we painted them with love and joy for

Happy holiday - Easter.

Grandmother: Well, you made old me happy. Let's have some tea together

Let's drink, but first let's pray before eating.

(Easter troparion is sung).

(They sit under the table and get ready to drink tea)

Grandmother: And now my granddaughters, I want to tell you where

this Bright holiday begins.

(the granddaughters ask their grandmother to tell

holiday, grandmother slowly begins the story).

I'll tell you now

Wonderful story.

That was a long time ago,

My great-grandmother said,

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to Tsar Tiberius.

It was all white

It was all round

She brought it, gave it

“Christ is Risen,” she said.

And Tiberius accepted

Didn't reject the gift

I said that I would believe

If I see a miracle myself.

He held an egg in his hands,

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle turn red

Then on Sunday I will believe.”

The egg seemed to hear

Burnt scarlet

In Tiberius's hands, -

There was horror in his eyes.

What a miracle! What a miracle!

I won't argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly Risen!

Children: Oh, how great!

Grandmother: Since ancient times, many of the brightest and kindest traditions have been associated with the Easter holiday. For the holiday, they baked Easter cakes, made Easter eggs from cottage cheese, painted eggs and lit them in the church. The egg has become a symbol of Easter. The egg has always been treated with special reverence - life is born in it.

Anya: Granny, why is it the last week before Easter?

called Holy Week?

Grandmother: Because this week we remember the last

days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. His suffering and

death on the cross. Each of these days was named


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are dedicated to memories

the last conversations of Jesus Christ with the people and disciples.

Anya: What about Thursday?

Grandmother: On Thursday we remember Jesus' Last Supper

Christ with his disciples.

Masha: What about Friday then?

Grandmother: Oh, granddaughters, Good Friday is the most mournful

day, because it was on this day that the crucifixion and

Death of the Savior on the cross.

But on Saturday of Holy Week - the day of stay

body of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb.

Nastya: And on Sunday - what is Easter already?

Grandmother: Yes, on Sunday we celebrate the triumph of celebrations

the greatest of all holidays is Easter - Resurrection

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(Grandma, Anya, Masha, Nastya get up from the table facing the audience).

Grandmother: People, wake up! Spring is coming to you

And with spring, Easter brings you joy.

Masha: Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults.

Nastya:"He has risen from the dead"! - the whole earth sings.

And soon He will come to earth again.

Anya: Sing, people: “Our Christ is risen”!

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!

Grandmother:(Addressing the audience - children).

Dear children, do not forget to wish yours Happy Easter

parents and loved ones and give an egg with the words:

"Christ is risen"! wish

health, happiness, peace. Make your parents happy

good deeds and righteous deeds! After all,

After His Resurrection, the Lord commanded everyone:

"Rejoice!" and may your soul be bright in warm

rays of love of Jesus Christ!

Christ is risen!

All children: Truly Risen!!!

Granddaughters: Grandma, did Easter last only one day?

Grandmother: No, granddaughters, the first day of Easter is Sunday

usually spent at home with family. From the second day (a

Easter is celebrated for a week) began

folk festivals. And they did round dances and dances

arranged and of course played games, I remember

Did she tell you about folk, ritual games? That's

Now play with the guys.


The guys are spinning eggs on the floor. The game is played in pairs. Whose egg will spin longer? The winner is awarded the “Cool” medal


Agility task. You need to roll the egg from the left sleeve of your clothing to the right. Who is faster?


We need 16 people.

The guys become pairs, knocking paints against each other. The one whose egg is not cracked wins.


Around him, in an equal place (on the floor), sweets and prizes are laid out. Whoever knocks down the prize takes it. Children from a distance of 1m. Eggs are rolled on the floor towards the prize candies; if the egg touches the prize, the player takes it for himself.


Five eggs are laid out on the floor. Six children are playing. While the music is playing, the children dance near the eggs. As soon as the music stops, the children must have time to take the egg. Whoever doesn't get it leaves the game. The leader removes one egg, the game continues until the winner.


Children take turns naming words that are related to the celebration of Easter (Egg, Easter cake, willow, resurrection, etc.) The last one to name the word receives an Easter prize. (egg)


Two teams of 6 people. On command, with your arm outstretched, you need to carry the egg in a spoon without dropping it. I went around the chair and quickly returned, giving the spoon and egg to another player.


Roll, roll egg.

Ved. Now everyone stand in a circle.

Grandmother: I have a surprise for you.

(Takes out a “wonderful bag”).

Here's a riddle for you. Guess what's in my "wonderful"


“Red rides - to the whole world

the miracle is illuminated"!

That's right, an Easter egg.

(takes out a red egg) Let's play with it.

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives the egg in a circle, they pass it to each other while the music is playing, when the music stops, whoever has the egg in their hands is out of the game.

Well, guys, this was the last game. Happy Easter to you, Happy Resurrection of Christ!

See you again!

Prepared by: folk art methodologist of the MUK "MPTSD MO" Tarakanova A.P.

A competitive game program for children of preschool and primary school age: And again Easter is at the gates...

Presenter: Hello, dear guests!

It's good that you came.

Let's sit side by side and talk well.

I’ll tell you something interesting, and I’ll listen to you too.

And recently, what holiday was it?

Easter - Sunday of Christ!

What is Easter?

This is the main Christian holiday

In honor of the resurrection of Christ. It signifies the transition from death to life, from earth to heaven. That's how it happened.

1. Showing pictures from the life of Christ.

Ved. And Christ died on the cross, being completely innocent. But you cannot kill God. He rose again and with his Sunday defeated death itself, and saved all people from devilish captivity. Therefore, on the holiday, everyone says to each other “Christ is risen” and answers (children in chorus) “Truly he is risen.” And in every house they prepare a festive table, bake Easter cakes, prepare Easter, paint eggs, sing songs and have fun. Sing a song, a cheerful, playful one. I'll tell you a riddle:

He puffs like a locomotive

He has a hot nose

Will hum, calm down,

Invite a seagull to drink (samovar).

2. Song "Samovar".

Ved. At Easter people give each other colored eggs. Who knows where the custom of painting eggs came from and what it means?

Ved: But I know, and I’ll teach us this way to paint eggs now.

Invites children and parents to the table and colors eggs(method: dyes - 3-4 colors, then in vinegar)

Ved: They not only treated themselves to them, but also played with them. So we'll play.

3. Games with eggs.

1. Carry it in a spoon.

2. Hit the goal.

3. Who will collect the most eggs?

Ved. Well done boys. Some people are lucky in the game, they win, some people lose. Don't be upset. And we will survive this trouble.

4. Song “We will survive this trouble.”

Ved. At Easter, people decorate their huts with willow branches. Willow is a healing tree. If you whip each other with it, you won’t be sick for a whole year. Grandmothers baked willow fluff into Easter cakes. Whoever gets such a cake will have good luck for a whole year. So we will play with the willow.

5. Games with willow.

1. Pass the willow.

3. Who is first (grab the willow).

Ved. In the old days they said, Easter has come and brought spring. And indeed spring has brought, everything is blooming, the birds are returning. All the bugs woke up. We have waited for spring. And who knows poems about spring and will read them to us?

6. Poems about spring.

Well done boys. How the guests clapped and smiled at you. Smiles in spring are very bright and kind. And people are kind and that's good.

7. Song “If you are kind.”

Ved. And clearly I invite you to play. After all, Easter is a fun holiday.

8. Games.

1. Fishermen and fish.

2. Collect dryers.

Ved. We had a fun holiday. And we sang and played and recited poems. You have a good, happy childhood; you know neither grief nor sadness. It's good to live in your native land.

9. Song “Our Land”.

Ved. You have pleased me with your enthusiasm and as parting I will tell you:

- love each other.

- know how to forgive

- be fair

- live in love and peace

And as it should be for Easter, I give you eggs. True, they are not real, but chocolate, but they will also bring you joy.

The presenter gives everyone a Kinder surprise.

Give the children the task in advance to learn poems about spring and Easter with their parents;

The song repertoire can be changed at the request of the leader;

In advance, together with your parents, make tabletop theater figurines based on the plot of the Bible. Parents show scenes from the Bible;

Instruct children and parents to bring empty eggs to the holiday for coloring;

During the “Skillful Hands” classes, make dummies of eggs for games;

The presenter in the role of “Granny” involves parents in games with children;

Parents can prepare treats (Easter, Easter cakes), they can hold a presentation of Easter cakes, and defend recipes.

Ankudinova Lyubov Lvovna, MBU DOLC "Raduga", Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Tagil, teacher of additional education

To download material or!


(age of children for whom this work is designed is 9 11 years)
Rudich Oksana Fedorovna,

Purpose: To introduce the history of the origin of the tradition of celebrating the Light
Easter holiday.
games accompanying this holiday.
To introduce children to the traditions of celebrating Easter in Rus', rituals,
Introduce the history of the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter.
Create conditions for children to have spiritual and cultural heritage
Christian holiday of Easter.
Foster respect for Russian Orthodox traditions.
Improve creativity.
Equipment: Willow branches, paints, brushes, samovar, cups, sweets for
tea party
"Who built this house?"
E. Queen
Children read one at a time, positioned around the globe.
What a wonderful house!
There are many neighbors in it.
But who built it?
Who put order in it?
Who sowed moss and flowers?
Who gave the trees leaves?

Who poured water into the rivers?
Who put the fish in them?
Did he send summer to us for spring?
Who, who came up with this?
Who could arrange everything like this?
Well, of course it's God.
It is impossible to see God.
You can only see things
The ones that do for us
Every day He, every hour.
Here's what and why
We are grateful to Him.
So as not to upset Him,
The soul must be sanctified
Do no harm to anyone
And be obedient to Him.
1 student:
From the land of distant swallows fly,
They chirp merrily and tell people:
"People, wake up! Spring is coming to you,
And with spring and Easter brings you joy.
Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults!"
"He has risen from the dead! The whole earth is singing.
And soon He will come to earth again."
Sing, people: “Our Christ is risen!”
There is salvation for people, and there is hope!
I congratulate you on the brightest and most joyful holiday - Easter. Let
Today let the bells ring, let the songs sound, let everyone have fun. In Russia
Easter was called Great Day, Bright Day. The peasants had a belief
that on Easter the sun shines. And many tried to watch for this moment.
The children even addressed the sun with a song:
Sunshine, bucket,
Look out the window!
Sunshine, go for a ride,
Red, dress up!
Young people climbed onto the roofs to meet the sun. Easter was very
a great holiday that lasted a week, and this whole week was filled
various games, entertainment, visiting. At Easter it was customary
congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ, christen yourself and
exchange colored eggs. On Easter everyone was allowed (men,
guys, boys) to ring the bells, so the continuous sound
bell ringing, maintaining a joyful, festive mood.
We invite you to the celebration.
Masha and Anya are sitting on a bench, playing with a rag doll. Near
there is a table. On the table are willows, paints, brushes, a samovar, cups.
Quiet music is playing. Nastya runs in.

Nastya: Masha, Anya, come here quickly! Look what I found!
Masha: Oh, a whole basket of eggs!
Nastya: It was probably our Ryabushka who demolished it. Here's a gift for Easter!
Masha (looking at it). They are all so white and smooth. Here I am holding in my hands
fresh egg, I look at it carefully and thoughtfully: no bones, no feathers, because in
no testicle.
Anya: How does this happen?
Where can I find the answer?
The bird suddenly comes out
from egg to light!
Nastya: This is the miracle:
God created it this way
That he turned a raw egg into a bird.
Anya: The same power of God will collect our ashes.
And from the dust the body will come to life again.
This is our guarantee, miracle of miracles:
Firstborn from the Dead
Christ Himself is Risen!
Masha: He died on the cross -
That's how he loved us
What kind of sinners are we?
He shed his blood.
Masha: Nastya, let's color these eggs!
Nastya: Why?
Masha: For a long time, a testicle, red as blood,
Love reminds us of Christ.
Anya: They always paint eggs for Easter. Let's give grandma an Easter gift too

Let's do it.
Nastya, Anya, Masha sit down at the table and pretend to paint
eggs and place on a plate.
Anya: To my friend Yegorka
I'll draw a moth.
Without father's, let without spanking
His life will be easy.
Masha: Well, I’m going to my friend Olya
I'll paint everything with beans -
She will have a rich groom
Cute, freckled.
Nastya: And I’m to the neighbor’s twins
I'll draw the sun.
Let him stop by more often
The sun is in their window.
(Granny comes in with a bowl and spoon, kneading the dough).
Grandmother: Where are you going to get shot! Oh - oh Easter is in the yard, and we have to break our fast - then
nothing! Something happened to our Ryabushka. There hasn't been one for a whole week
Anya: Yes, that you are a grandmother! Can't be!
Grandmother: True, Ryabushka doesn’t lay eggs. I didn't want to upset you.
Masha: (from behind) Grandma! Christ is Risen!
(holds out the hidden egg from behind his back).
Grandmother: Truly He is Risen! My dears, where did you get the eggs?
Nastya: And I, grandma, want to congratulate you, Christ is Risen!
(holds out the egg).
And Ryabushka tried to make you happy. After all, we found a whole thing under the bench
basket of eggs.

Anya: And take an egg from me. Christ is Risen!
Grandmother: Truly He is Risen!
Nastya: We decided to give you an Easter gift, Ryabushka laid eggs, and
we painted them with love and joy for the Holy holiday - Easter.
Grandmother: Well, you made old me happy. Let's drink tea together, but
Let us first pray before eating food.
(They sit under the table and get ready to drink tea)
Grandmother:And now my granddaughters, I want to tell you where it comes from
this Bright holiday.
(the granddaughters ask the grandmother to tell the holiday about the holiday, the grandmother slowly
begins the story).
I'll tell you now
Wonderful story.
That was a long time ago,
My great-grandmother said,
Like Mary Magdalene
She gave the egg to Tsar Tiberius.
It was all white
It was all round
She brought it, gave it
“Christ is Risen,” she said.
And Tiberius accepted
Didn't reject the gift
I said that I would believe
If I see a miracle myself.
He held an egg in his hands,
I thought to myself:
"Let the testicle turn red
Then on Sunday I will believe.”

The egg seemed to hear
Burnt scarlet
In Tiberius's hands, -
There was horror in his eyes.
What a miracle! What a miracle!
I won't argue with you.
This is a miracle of miracles!
Christ is truly Risen!
Children: Oh, how great!
Grandmother: Since ancient times, many of the brightest and kindest things have been associated with the Easter holiday.
traditions. For the holiday they baked Easter cakes, made Easter from cottage cheese, painted eggs and
illuminated them in the church. The egg has become a symbol of Easter. The egg has always been treated with
special reverence - life arises in it.
Anya: Grandma, why is it the last week before Easter?
called Holy Week?
Grandma: Because this week we remember the last
days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. His suffering and death on the cross. Every
From these days he received the name “Great”.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are dedicated to memories of recent conversations
Jesus Christ with the people and disciples.
Anya: What about Thursday?
Grandmother: On Thursday we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with our
Masha: What about Friday then?
Grandmother: Oh, granddaughters, Good Friday is the most sorrowful day, because
It was on this day that the Savior’s crucifixion and death on the Cross took place.
But on Saturday of Holy Week - the day of the stay of the body of the Lord Jesus
Christ in the tomb.
Nastya: And on Sunday - what is Easter already?

Grandmother: Yes, on Sunday we celebrate the greatest of all celebrations.
all holidays Easter - Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Grandmother: (Addressing the audience - children).
Dear children, do not forget to congratulate your parents and loved ones on Easter and
give an egg with the words: “Christ is Risen”! wish you health, happiness,
peace. Please your parents with good deeds and righteous deeds!
After all, after His Resurrection, the Lord commanded everyone: “Rejoice!” let it go
your soul will be bright in the warm rays of the love of Jesus Christ! Christ
All children: Truly He is Risen!!!
Granddaughters: Grandma, did Easter last only one day?
Grandmother: No, granddaughters, the first day of Easter was usually spent on Sunday
at home, with family. From the second day (and Easter is celebrated for a week)
folk festivities began. And they led round dances, and staged dances, and
of course we played games, remember I told you about folk, ritual
games? Now go play with the guys.
Children are divided into groups (at the entrance to the hall they received geometric
shapes: circle, square, etc.) and are sent along a given route.
1 station.
Youth celebrations took place in the open air: boys and girls danced, drove
round dances, started games on the lawns, outside the outskirts, in forest clearings, at the end
village street. A young man came out into the middle of the meadow, began to sing, and with the help
others began a song, inviting all the fellows present. Then like this
The girls were called in the same way. After that, holding hands, they formed

a circle that moved first in one direction and then in the other, and they sang. (Children form
circle and sing the round dance song “We have already sown flax”).
We have already sowed, sowed flax,
We have already sowed, sowed flax,
We have already sowed, sentenced,
They nailed them with chebots:
- You succeed, succeed, little lenok,
You succeed, my little white lenok,
Len, my flax,
White linen.
We weeded, weeded the flax,
We weeded, sentenced...
(Then the lines of the verse and chorus are repeated, like this in all stanzas).
We tore, we tore the flax...
We washed, we washed the lenok...
We ruffled and ruffled the flax...
We were crumpling, we were crumpling lenok...
We were spinning, we were spinning flax...
We were weaving, we were weaving flax...
The song is performed lively, at a fast pace, they stand in a circle and depict those
the actions that are sung about - sowing, weeding, tearing... etc. To the words “You
succeed, succeed, Lenok..." they straighten up, hold hands, stand in a circle,
stamp (right-left, left-right foot in the rhythm of quarter beats in
song). At the words “Flax, my flax...” they stop, sing slowly,
seriously, as if conjuring flax.
2nd station.

On Easter there was a custom of making wishes while standing in church at matins -
morning service. The girls, of course, asked for grooms. And also on Easter
played hide and seek. One of the adults would go out early into the garden with
a large bag of gifts, but will return empty-handed... Where is everyone
gone? Then it’s the turn of the young treasure hunters. Festive
On Sunday morning, as soon as they opened their eyes, they were already running into the garden. Who will find more
gifts? Who is more dexterous? Our parents also prepared a surprise for you. In class
gifts are hidden. Teams are given 3 minutes to search for them. Who will find more
hidden gifts? Let's start!
You can use chocolates, candies and other gifts as gifts.
sweets, pens, markers and other nice little things.
3rd station.
For Easter, each family collected and painted 100-200 in onion skins.
eggs They were distributed to children who came to receive Christ. First day
During the holiday, the whole family broke their fast with them. After the festive breakfast
new game... The kids have Easter eggs in their hands - I just feel sorry for them
Roll, roll egg.
Ved. Now everyone stand in a circle.
Grandma: I have a surprise for you.
(Takes out a “wonderful bag”).
Here's a riddle for you. Guess what's in my "wonderful"

“Red rides - to the whole world
the miracle is illuminated"!
That's right, an Easter egg.
(takes out a red egg) Let's play with it.
Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives the egg in a circle,
passed to each other while the music is playing, when the music stops, who has
If you have an egg in your hands, you are out of the game.
The guys are spinning eggs on the floor. The game is played in pairs. Whose egg is longer?
will scroll. The winner is awarded the “Cool” medal
Agility task. You need to roll the egg from the left sleeve of your clothing to the right.
Who is faster?
Sweets and prizes are laid out around him out of the blue (on the floor). Who
knocks down the prize, takes it. Children roll eggs to the side from a distance of 1 m on the floor
candy prizes; if the egg touches the prize, the player takes it for himself.
Five eggs are laid out on the floor. Six children are playing. While the music is playing, children
dancing near the eggs. As soon as the music stops, children must have time to take
egg. Whoever doesn't get it leaves the game. The presenter removes one egg, game
continues until the winner.
“Malechinakalechina” (Easter game)

One person per team participates.
Each player picks up a willow twig approximately 2030 cm long. All
The players say the following words:
How many hours
What time is left until evening?
Players place a twig on their palm or any finger of their hand. Fingers another
It is impossible to support a crippled person with your hands. To prevent the branch from falling, you need to do
balancing movements with both the hand and the whole body. As soon as the children put
twigs, the leader begins to count: “1, 2, 3..., 10”, etc. The one who wins
will hold the branch longer.
The leader can give the children different tasks: for example, players must walk,
squat, turn in different directions, around yourself.
4 station.
"Sack Run"
Here is the path. Here are the bags.
Come out, brave souls!
The one who runs away further
Then he will win.
Team members jump in bags a certain distance from the start to
finish line Whoever finishes the jumps first wins.
5 station.
"Easter signs"
A very difficult task
There is nothing more difficult.
We invite you to exercise

In drawing up signs.
The participants’ task: to correctly compose signs, parts of which are written in
cards of different colors (beginning/end of the sign).
1. At Easter, the sky is clear and the sun is shining - for a good harvest and a red summer;
2. Good rye for Easter rain;
3. If the weather is cloudy on Easter, the summer will be dry;
4. If the weather is clear on the second day of Easter, the summer will be dry.
6 station.
What will we put in the Easter cake?
A “yes” or “no” game is a great way to warm up. Good game
for children to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes are made of.
They loudly shout “Yes!” if they think that this Easter cake
you can add the ingredient. If it’s impossible, then they shout “No!” even louder:
I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there too,
Vanillin powder
And a big bag of oats,
I'll pour some cucumbers.
and here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be at the top.
Easter cake needs water,
They always put rum there
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,
Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,
And also our prayer,

Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in no time!
7 station.
"Amusing Row"
And now we offer you a game -
Measure strength, as it happened in the old days.
We invite the strongest guys.
Nuka, stand up, strong men, in a funny row!
A bench is placed. An equal number of players from teams sit facing it
towards each other and try to push each other. Whoever succeeds in this is the one who
8 station.
Easter Quiz
– Now let’s test your knowledge in the Easter “sweet” quiz, why
sweetie, guessed it? (for the correct answer - candy)

What was Easter called in Rus'? (Bright Resurrection, Great Day, Christ
day, king day)

Name of the Mother of the Savior? (Maria)

How many disciples – apostles – did Christ have? (12)
One of them became a traitor. What was his name? (Judas)
On what day of the week was Christ betrayed, on what day was he crucified, on what day?

risen? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius and said: “Christ

risen! What did she give him? (egg)
This is how the tradition of painting eggs began. Do you know what they are called

eggs painted the same color? (Krashenki) And if against the general background

were spots, stripes, specks of a different color indicated? (Specks)
there were eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns, they
And also
are they called? (Eysanky)

What is the name of the last week before Easter? (Passionate or
Great Week dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)
Easter cakes are so good!
We'll eat to our heart's content!
The samovar is purring
And how the grandfather puffs:
Drink, drink some tea,
Children, sweetie!
We invite everyone to the table to drink tea with Easter cakes that were baked by our
housewives with their mothers and grandmothers.
A tea party is taking place.
End of the holiday:
Dear Guys!
Let the spring wind tease everyone.
We cannot live without fun.
Don't leave your heart, holiday!
Until new holidays, friends!
Used Books:
Besova M.A. Jokes, games, songs will bring us together. – Yaroslavl,
Academy of Development, 2000.

Kogan M.S. Gatherings. – Novosibirsk, 1997.
Orlova A.V. Russian folk art and ritual holidays. –
Vladimir, 1995.
Petrov V.M., Grishina G.N., Korotkova L.D. Spring holidays, games and
fun for children. – M., Sfera, 1998.
5. Shmakov S.A. Unconventional holidays at school. – M., New School,

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