Lesson plan for the class with skillful hands. Introductory lesson of the "magic ball" club

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Subject: Owl (paper applique)

Goals: study of the life of an owl; assembling the toy according to plan; composing quatrains according to rhyme.

Tasks: teach how to make toys from geometric shapes; teach how to work according to an algorithm-plan; develop creative abilities.


For the teacher: sample of an assembled toy, templates of parts; parts connection diagram, illustrations; instructions for using scissors.

For students: colored paper; pencil, glue, brush, scissors.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Checking the workplace.

Teacher. Today we will make a craft that will require the materials and tools that I asked you to prepare. Let's check if you are ready for class..

The teacher reads a poem, and the children show the materials and tools prepared for the lesson.

So that the work begins to boil,

Get everything ready for business.

We will glue, tinker -

Everything should be fine.

Oilcloth needs to be laid down.

Scissors, paper, glue.

Don't forget about the pencil -

He is our helper in work.

II. Introductory part.

1. Work on the rules for working in the lesson.

The children were given cards with rules, including some that do not apply to this lesson. Children choose the ones they need and pin them on the board. As a result, a number of rules appear on the board that you need to remember during class.

1. Everyone is at their own workplace.

2. Before starting work, properly prepare the workplace.

3. While working, keep your work area tidy.

4. Take care of tools, save materials, always think about how to do the job better.

5. Finished work - quickly and carefully clean up the workplace.

6. We must work together.

2. Determining the topic and goals of the lesson.

Teacher. Now listen and think about who we are talking about. This bird has sharp claws, a crooked beak, and is a predator. It is not easy to see her hunting - she hunts at night. But you can hear her screaming terribly and loudly, her voice carries far away. But don't be afraid - this is the voice of a friend. So what kind of bird is this? (Owl.)

Illustrations are posted on the board.

Teacher. What else do you know about this bird? (Children speak out.)

Listen to some very interesting information about owls:

In North America there is an owl that builds nests in rodent burrows. When startled, it makes a hissing sound very similar to that which can only be heard from a rattlesnake. It is almost impossible for a person to distinguish these sounds from each other. Researchers have found that hissing helps the owl survive the rodent from the hole. In addition, the owl's enemies - coyotes, martens, weasels - may also be frightened by the "snake" hiss and leave the bird alone.

. “One day a small long-eared owl was brought to our corner of wildlife. We found a large cage. The owl quickly got used to it, but did not eat anything. We knew that she fed on live mice or hamsters. But we shouldn’t give her our pets, who also lived in our corner. We've studied that owls grab live, moving food, but where do you get it? And then Kolya, one of the youths, who was silently doing something on the sidelines, comes up to the cage, opens the door, puts a piece of meat in front of the owl and moves away a little. And we see that the piece begins to move. With a sharp movement, the owl instantly pounces on its prey, and the meat disappears in its wide-open beak. And Kolya quickly cuts the thread by which he pulled this meat. The first piece was followed by a second, a third... A few days later, when the owl got stronger, late in the evening we took the cage with the owl outside and opened the door. The bird carefully came out, flapped its wings and flew towards the forest.” ("Owl")

Teacher. Now we will make this amazing bird.

3. Product design analysis.

1. Determination of color.

2. Determination of the number of parts.

3. Determining the size of the part for the head, body, wings.

4. Determining the size of small parts.

5. Determination of the connection method.

Various details, including unnecessary ones, are drawn on the board. The guys must determine what parts are needed to make an owl. Unnecessary details are erased.

III. Practical part.

1. Discussion of technology issues.

Teacher. How to save time when making paired parts (eyes, wings, legs)? (Mark once on a piece of paper folded in half.)

Now let’s draw up a work plan for making the toy.

2. Drawing up a work plan.

Work plan

1. Trace the templates of the main parts (torso, head and wings) onto colored paper. Stick it on.

2. Prepare and glue the eyes and beak.

3. Make decorative trim on the wings, tail, and body.

3. Independent work on making an owl.

During the work process, the teacher monitors compliance with safety rules, provides individual assistance and consultation.

IV. The result of the work.

1. An exhibition of works is held.

2. Creative work on composing a riddle about an owl for the “Do It Yourself” page. Rhyming words are given. Come up with the beginning of the lines.

On the board:





The result is something like this:

At night the owl flies

It uses its beak to obtain food.

The sun will rise high

The owl will fly into the hollow.

3. The students decide (at the teacher’s suggestion) to give toys to the kindergarten children.

Flowers from napkins

Type of work

Class "Skillful Hands"


Good mood




Goals: repeat the properties of paper; introduce various techniques for working with paper (creasing, folding, curvilinear cutting); learn to use paper to make a variety of products; develop creative imagination; cultivate a caring attitude towards materials and interest in the activities of the circle.
Equipment: Colored brown and green paper, cardboard, napkins, stapler, PVA glue, pencil, scissors, composition templates, samples of finished paintings, postcards.
Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment.

Greeting, introduction.
2. Report the topic of the lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Flowers from napkins”.

Paper is one of the most fertile materials for making a wide variety of crafts. But those who work with paper need to know its properties and how to work with it. This knowledge will help you use paper correctly when making products.

Today in class we will remember the basic techniques of working with paper and use them to make a composition.

3.Introductory conversation.

All techniques for working with any material are developed taking into account its properties. Let's remember what properties paper has.

  1. When we tear paper, what edge do we get? (Student answers) paper consists of fibers. Therefore, when torn, there is usually a jagged edge and the individual fibers from which the paper is made are visible.

  2. What color does paper come in? (Students' answers) That's right, paper can be colored or white. It is easy to paint. That is why products made from it are very colorful.

  3. What is the thickness of paper? Which paper is the thickest and which is the thinnest? (Student answers) Paper can be thick or thin. Thick paper is cardboard, thin paper is tracing paper.

  4. What if we bend the paper along the line. What will happen? (Student answers) The paper bends, but the fold line remains. (Student answers) If you squeeze the paper with your hands, what happens? (Students' answers) Of course the paper will wrinkle. Having remembered these basic properties of paper, we also remembered the basic techniques for working with it. And using them, today in class we will create a three-dimensional composition of flowers made from ordinary napkins using the appliqué technique.
Flowers are constant companions of holidays, bright events, anniversaries. What holiday will we celebrate soon? Teacher's Day. Such a gift can be given to your teachers, grandparents, and parents, after all, giving beauty is perhaps the main task of flowers. Flowers at all times are a symbol of love, fidelity, memory.

4. Occupational safety.

Before we begin, let’s remember the rules for safe work with tools (scissors, glue)

Guys, what rules do you know about working safely with these tools?

(Students’ answers are repeated and supplemented by the teacher)

Safety instructions when working with scissors.

1. Store scissors closed in a case.

5.Do not swing the scissors.

5. Introductory briefing.

On the table you have all the necessary materials and tools for work. And also instructions on how to make a flower from a napkin, all the templates for our composition

  1. First you need to choose a background for your panel. It can be blue, light blue or gray cardboard.

  2. Then use two napkins of white and pink to make four flowers, as shown in the instructions.

  3. Trace the twig template and cut it out of brown paper.

  4. Trace the leaf template and cut out 10 rectangles. Then bend them lengthwise and cut out the leaves.

  5. Glue the twig onto the cardboard (use very little glue, dotted)

  6. Place the finished flowers on the branch and glue them.

  7. Place the leaves on the panel, glue the glue only at the base of the leaf so that the leaf lags behind the cardboard.

  8. Frame your work in a white paper frame.
6. Practical work.

Please get to work.

1. Control of workplace organization.

2. Monitoring the correct implementation of work methods and compliance with safe work rules.

3. Providing assistance to students experiencing difficulties.

4. Control of the volume and quality of work performed.

7. Summary of the lesson.

What beautiful bouquets decorated our class! And all the panels turned out very different. Carefully crafted paper flowers can serve as a wonderful gift. And then so many flowers will remain alive in nature and will decorate our beautiful land. And now I want to read you a poem by T. Sobakin

I'll pick a flower

If you

Pick a flower...

If all:

Both me and you, -

Let's pick flowers

They will be empty

And the trees

And the bushes...

And there will be no beauty.

And there will be no kindness.

If it's just me and you

If we pick flowers...

I would like to end our lesson with the following:

I have flowers of three colors on my table, if you liked the lesson, when leaving the lesson, take yourself a red flower, if you didn’t like it - blue, if you remained indifferent - gray.

(by the number of remaining colorful flowers you can determine how much the children liked the activity)

D/Z Bring cardboard, paper, glue, scissors to the next lesson.

Physical education minute

The sun is sleeping, the sky is sleeping

(put head in hands)

Even the wind doesn't make noise

Early in the morning the sun rose

(get up from their desks)

Sent its rays to everyone

(hands raised up, fingers spread).

Suddenly a breeze blew

(wave-like movements with hands),

The sky is overcast

(circular movements with hands)

And shook the trees

( tilts left, right),

The rain began to patter on the roofs.

Rain drumming on the roof

(knocking on the table top with their fingers)

The sun is sinking lower and lower

(lean forward)

So it hid behind the clouds,

Not a single ray is visible

(starting position)

Physical education minute

  1. Starting position – standing, arms down. On the count of “one-two-three”, students bend over and stretch their arms forward; on the count of “four-five-six” they return to their original position. The exercise is performed 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

  2. Starting position - = hands on the belt. Jumping on two legs (1-4 times). Jumping with turns to the right to the starting position (5-8 times). Same with left turns.

Flowers from


Cardboard, colored paper, napkins
The sequence of making panels

"Blooming Apple Tree"

1.First you need to choose a background for your panel. It can be blue, light blue or gray cardboard.

2.Then make four flowers from two napkins of white and pink colors, as shown in the instructions.

3. Trace the twig template and cut it out of brown paper.

4. Trace the leaf template and cut out 10 rectangles. Then bend them lengthwise and cut out the leaves.

5.Glue the twig onto the cardboard (use very little glue, dotted)

6. Place the finished flowers on the branch and glue them.

7. Place the leaves on the panel, glue with glue only at the base of the leaf so that the leaf lags behind the cardboard.

8. Frame your work in a white paper frame.

Type of work

Class "Skillful Hands"


Good mood




Safety rules when working with scissors.

1. Store scissors closed in a case.

2. While working, the scissors should lie on the table on the right side with the rings facing you, with the blades closed.

4. It is prohibited to pass the scissors while holding the closed blades with the rings facing forward, do not throw them, and do not drop the scissors.

5.Do not swing the scissors.

Safety rules when working with glue.

1. Store the glue in tightly closed packaging.

2. Squeeze out only the required amount of glue.

3.Apply glue with a brush or glue stick.

The Philosophical Dictionary defines play as “an unproductive activity that is not carried out for practical purposes, but serves for entertainment and amusement, bringing joy in itself.” Further, the dictionary indicates that the game has educational and developmental significance and acts as a means of psychological preparation for real life situations.

Conducting regular developmental activities and including children in constant search activities creates conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children, stimulates the child’s desire to think and search, and gives him a feeling of confidence in his abilities and in the capabilities of his intellect. During such classes, students form and develop forms of self-awareness and self-control, the fear of wrong steps disappears, anxiety decreases, thereby creating the necessary personal and intellectual prerequisites for the successful completion of the learning process at the next stages, and awakening an inquisitive mind is an integral requirement of a modern school .

Open lesson of the intellectual circle “Erudite”

Topic: Introduction to the educational program.

Goal: to introduce the areas of work of the Erudite educational program.



  • introduce non-standard forms of tasks,
  • introduce the rules of the game “Mosaic”,
  • provide initial knowledge about working with additional educational literature,


  • promote the development of interest in intellectual activity,
  • contribute to the development of quick thinking, attention, broadening horizons, development of communication skills, ability to work in a team,


  • cultivate communication ethics, the ability to hear each other, respect each other’s opinions.

Open lesson of the intellectual circle “Erudite”.
(Introduction to the educational program)

I. Organizational moment.

Music “It’s terribly interesting, everything that is unknown.” Children enter the classroom and choose a token of any color (red, yellow, blue). Seated as desired.

It’s great that we are all here today!

II. Opening remarks. Exit to the intellectual game.

Hello! I am glad to see each of you at the Erudite club class. Let me ask you a question.

Do you like to play?

What games do you know?

Sports: fun starts, basketball.

Entertainment: KVN.

Intellectual (developing the mind, thinking, expanding horizons): “Pochemuchka”, “Brain-ring”, “Field of Miracles”, “Clever Men and Women”, “Connoisseurs”, “Happy Chance”.

This is cool!

What game would you like to play today?

How can we benefit from playing mind games? (developing the mind, thinking, expanding horizons) and I also hope that you will learn something new and interesting for yourself. It is about such games that they say: “I learn by playing!” I learn by playing!”

III. Information section. (Targeting).

It is no coincidence that in our city, on the basis of the Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity (Welcoming Guests), the “Wise Owl” project has been implemented for the second year, within the framework of which the city competition of intellectual games “Marathon of Experts” is held. And you are given a great opportunity to become participants in this competition, which will help identify the most erudite team, real experts.

Photos of city teams.

“Wise Owl” website. You can chat with peers and ask questions.

Become a participant in online games. And that's great!

Would you like to take part in urban intellectual games?

What does it take to reach the city level? (read a lot, know, practice in the game)

In our classes we will help each other in overcoming difficulties and learning new things, and training games will give good results.

Guys, do you want to play a mind game? (Yes).

Then let's read the cherished words. (Emotional setting)

The nut of knowledge is hard,
But we will not retreat.
After all, our motto is:
“We want to know everything.”

IV. Travel game.

I know you love to play, but what about traveling? I suggest you take a trip. But first, I ask you to form teams by color.

Look at each other, find out who's name is.

We created 3 teams. Do you know the rules of working in a team?

a) We listen to all versions, choose one, make the right decision;

We treat each other with respect;
- one for all and all for one.

b) Each team must have a captain.

(Captain's Choice) Captains, stand up.

There must be a person who clearly and accurately keeps records. (Secretaries, stand up)

There must be a person who delivers the records on time. (Messengers, stand up).

c) The jury – count the results.

Every game has its own rules. This is the exact time for discussion, the number of points for the correct answer.

So, friends, we are going on a journey through the city of Erudites.

And the Great Mudrik will lead us through the streets of the city - he is a real erudite.

Who is called an erudite? (Children's answers).

The child reads the definition of erudition in the dictionary.

A person who has deep knowledge in various fields and is able to perform tasks presented in an unusual form.

Mudrik didn’t come up with this himself.

Where could he find out the definition? (explanatory dictionary, encyclopedia).

We will work with these wise books to learn new things.

1. Crossword Street.

What is a crossword? (Children's answers).

Crossword - a puzzle task - filling in intersecting rows of cells so that the verticals and horizontals form words given the meanings.

What is a crossword for? (Develops).

1. She is always desired. She will never interfere.

2. Will always come to the rescue.

3. A group of guys working together to achieve a common goal.

Crossword puzzle “Mysterious star system”.

Execution time 2 minutes. Every word is right. 1 point.

* Collecting leaves.

What task did you complete?

Guys, how many planets are there in the solar system? (9)

Which ones did you write in the crossword cells?

Let's list it.


Solar system.

What can you say about these planets and their features?

You can expand your knowledge on this topic by reading the literature.

Only on planet Earth there is life. There is a reasonable person. But not all the secrets have yet been revealed, many are still unknown and unexplored. Who knows, maybe you will make a great discovery in the future.

What have we learned from Crossword Street?

So, forward along the road of knowledge we move to the second street.

2. Rebus Street.

What is a rebus? (Children's answers).

A rebus is a riddle in which the words to be solved are given in the form of pictures in combination with letters and some other signs.

Blackboard – let’s solve the puzzle together.

Command task. 3 minutes. Each puzzle solved - 1 point.

Rebus. Decipher the riddle:

Without legs, but they walk
Without hands, but they beat
Without language, but they speak?
What did you get?

Explanations. Who will explain? Thank you! Well done!

What do puzzles develop?

The clock shows time moving forward.

What proverb do you know about time? (Time for business, time for fun)

Phys. min.

Lazy Eights

We continue our journey through the city of Erudites. Mood - hold hands.

3. Street Anagram.

What is an Anagram? (children's answers)

The child reads the definition of what an anagram is in the dictionary.

A word formed from another.

Board. FOREST – VILLAGE, ROS + Honey fungus = PIG

Anagram. Teamwork. Time – 2 min. Every word is right. 1 point.



Excavation of treasures - who does the excavation? For what purpose?

(Looking for something new, interesting). What treasure did you manage to dig up for yourself? What new did you learn?

What do anagrams teach and develop?

4th street. Let's unravel the mysteries of the Mosaic.

Mosaic game.

The mosaic questions are dedicated to the Russian language. Why do you think? (children's answers)

“The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about that”

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Make your move by calling out the letter and number. An empty cell is a turn transition. X-question to the team - answer - 1 point. Time – 30 sec.

Forward, captains. Short strip – 1 turn.

1. What Russian word consists of three syllables, but indicates all 33 letters? (alphabet) – 5 b.

2. What word consisting of five letters has five “O”s? (o-five) – 10 b.

3. Which two pronouns spoil the road? (I-we) – 15 b.

4. Whose speech consists of only two conjunctions? (donkey speech: “ia”) – 5 points.

5. Which word has forty vowels? (forty) – 10 b.

6. What is behind the hare and what is in front of the heron? (letter “C”) – 15 b.

7. How to write “dry grass” in four letters? (word – hay) – 10 b.

8. Replace the expression “scratch your tongue” with a verb. (chat) – 5 points.

9. Which city flies? (Eagle) – 10 b.

10. What will bring it to Kyiv? (language) – 10 b.

11. Continue the catchphrase “Big ship...(big voyage) – 10 points.

  • Narrow steel runners for skating on ice. (skates)
  • What are words called that have the same sound but different meanings? (homonyms - “three”)

The jury sums up the results.

What number is on the scoreboard? 5

Is this a coincidence? What does it mean? Best grade, excellent knowledge.

Last year, the city team of school No. 5 was called “Pyaterochka”. She sends you greetings, wishes you good luck, and that everything turns out great for you.

Now I want to ask you to complete 5 sentences

Today I found out...

I wanted...

I liked it...

I want to continue...

I learned...

Summing up. The jury's word.

Those who earned few points gained more knowledge in today's lesson. And that's great.

Well done.

Did you enjoy your journey through the Erudite City? What streets have you visited?

Would you like to become residents of this city and visit its other streets?

What other streets do you think there are in the city of Erudites?

Game street
and many others.

Mudrik thanks you for your work.

Anyone who wants to become a resident of this city can attach their circle to the board.

Music. Children come to the board.

Counting circles. In the city of Erudites there are... more people. And that's wonderful.

And I propose to end our lesson with the motto

The nut of knowledge is hard,
But we will not retreat.
After all, our motto is:
“We want to know everything.”

And I wish you good luck, may our team be a team of true friends.

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 667

Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

Subject: "Sun in the meadow"

Plan - outline

classes “Merry Brush” circle

Compiled by:

Lyutikova Evgenia Viktorovna,

additional education teacher,

First year of study.

Age of students: 7 – 8 years.

April, 2014

Club activity “Merry brush”

1 year of study, age 7-8 years

Teacher : Lyutikova Evgenia Viktorovna

Lesson topic : « Sunshine in the meadow»

Target : teach children to depict a primrose mother and stepmother using mixed drawing techniques, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks: Educational: introduce children to the structural features of the coltsfoot flower; learn the sequence of drawing a flower using different techniques (with the end of a brush, a hard semi-dry brush, “poking”, “dipping”); strengthen the skills of using a brush and paints; give ideas about the healing properties of coltsfoot.

Educational: develop creativity, attention and memory; develop the ability to present the results of one’s own activities; develop the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Educational: to cultivate neatness, emotional responsiveness and respect for nature, respect for one’s health and the health of others.


Multimedia presentation; cool magnetic board; gouache, brushes, palette, sippy cup; wet and dry wipes; ready-made backgrounds for drawings; a pack of Mother and Stepmother tea, recipes for mother and stepmother decoctions.

Planned results .

Subject: the ability to use means of artistic expression, the features of various artistic materials and techniques during practical creative work, i.e. in the process of creating artistic images; dialogical approach to mastering works of art; apply various artistic materials, techniques and means of artistic expression in their own artistic and creative activities.

Personal: meaningful and emotional - value perception of artistic images of reality; mastering the basics of a culture of practical creative work using various artistic materials and tools; mastering the means of artistic representation; development of the ability to observe the real world, the ability to perceive, analyze and structure a visual image based on its emotional and moral assessment.

Metasubject: the ability to perceive and tolerate another point of view, a different perception of the world; the ability to have an aesthetic approach to any type of activity; development of artistic and imaginative thinking as an integral part of a person’s holistic thinking; development of fantasy, imagination, visual memory.

Universal learning activities.

Personal: a positive attitude towards learning, towards cognitive activity, a desire to acquire new knowledge, skills, improve existing ones, and participate in the creative creative process; recognition of generally accepted moral and aesthetic standards for oneself, the ability to self-assess one’s actions and deeds; the desire for beauty, the willingness to maintain the state of the environment and one’s health.

Regulatory: accept and maintain a learning task, plan (in cooperation) the necessary actions, operations, act according to the plan, monitor the process and results of activities, make the necessary adjustments; adequately evaluate your achievements, be aware of the difficulties that arise, look for their causes and ways to overcome them.

Cognitive: realize the cognitive task, listen and remember the necessary information, perform educational and cognitive actions, carry out operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison to solve educational problems, establish cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations, conclusions.

Communicative: enter into an educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior; ask questions, listen and answer questions from others, formulate your own thoughts.

Teacher's activities

(The music “Garden of Eden. Birdsong” sounds)Early in the morning someone strangeLooked through my window
appeared on the palm
Bright red spot.
This sun has come in
As if a hand was extended,
A thin ray of gold.
And like with your first best friend
Say hello to me!

The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives everyone a good mood.

Smile and give joy to each other and your guests. Remember - by smiling, we improve our health and the life around us.

And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy.

Spring has come. What's good about her?

1. Topic. - The theme of our lesson is: “Sun in the clearing.” But you’ll find out who greets us besides the sun in the clearing if you guess the riddle.1. Warmed by a golden rayThe sun's portrait has grown!But the yellow flowerTemporarily there are no leaves.2. Yellow dots appeared on the hillock,It was the first flowers that smiled at the sun.


- Let's try to determine the purpose of the lesson.

- What do you know about this plant?

- Does anyone know why the flower has such a double name?- The bottom of the leaves are covered with a thick layer of white hairs; the top is smooth and green. If you touch the leaf from above, it seems cold - this is the stepmother, and from below - it seems warm - this is the mother.- Where can you find the first mother and stepmother flowers?

- Coltsfoot grows on damp, clayey banks of rivers and streams, along embankments, ditches and is the first to feel the beginning of spring, striking us with the yellow lights of its flowers as soon as the snow melts.

Do you know that this plant is medicinal?

In scientific medicine, the leaves are most often used. Coltsfoot is collected, dried, made into an infusion and drunk for coughs, hoarse voices, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and pneumonia.

Take the preparations that I have prepared for you.

What do they show?

Right. Take a pencil and outline the stem of the flower.

What shape does it have?

And now - a flower.

What shape does it have?

Now - in color. Remember the properties of gouache.

Where do we start working in color?

That's right, from the stem.

We will make the stem like a herringbone using the “dipping” technique. (Show)

Look carefully, what shape are the petals?

I'll teach you how to draw them now. Take a thin brush. Dip one edge of the brush in yellow, the other in ocher or dark yellow. We make strokes from the center to the edges with the very tip, all the time turning the brush with different edges. This will make the petals look like real ones. (Show)

Well, “poke” the core. (Show)

That's it! The flower is ready.

Bottom line.

Let's remember the purpose of our lesson.

Do you think we have achieved our goal?

Who succeeded? Who learned to draw mother and stepmother?

I am sure that today's lesson was interesting and useful for you.

I just want to add that the green pharmacy is under our feet. So rich and completely free. You just need to be able to see it and apply it.

I would like to present a pack of mother-and-stepmother tea for your cool medicine cabinet.


And finally, an exhibition of your works.

Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of spring. (The music “Garden of Eden. Birds singing” plays) (Exhibition design.)

Thanks for the work! Be healthy! The lesson is over.

Tell friends