Outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (preparatory group) on the topic: Lesson outline Flora of planet Earth. Story B

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Goals: introduce the biography and works of I. Tokmakova, V. Bianki “Conversation of birds at the end of summer”; instill interest and love for poetry; practice expressive reading; develop memory, speech, thinking, imagination.

Planned results: students will learn to read expressively, smoothly, in whole words, correctly highlighting stressed syllables; answer questions about the content of what you read; determine the moral meaning of the content of the section; talk about your relationship to animals and plants.

Equipment: portraits of I. Tokmakova and V. Bianki, their books, text of speech warm-up.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read the poem.

Good people are always grateful

For service, for loyalty, for joy for the eyes.

It’s not for nothing that there is a monument to St. Bernard,

That he saved many lost people.

He looked for them through a menacing blizzard,

In the bitter cold and in the dark night,

So that a person - not a brother, not a friend -

How to help a brother and friend, if necessary!

—What impression did this poem make on you?

— What are people grateful to dogs for?

- How did they thank her? (Children's answers.)

- Read slowly with a buzzing reading.

- Read with a questioning intonation.

- Read with an affirmative intonation.

- Read it with an angry intonation.

- Read with a cheerful intonation; with an intonation of surprise; with an intonation of regret.

III. Checking homework

— What texts about dogs have you read in encyclopedias?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

—Can you understand the language of animals? Read in the textbook on p. 7 poem by I. Tokmakova “Frogs”.

— What words does the poet find to convey the sounds of nature?

- Work in pairs. Read the dialogue with a friend. Convey the intonation of interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

- Read it to your classmates.

Material for teachers

Irina Petrovna Tokmakova(b. 1929) - children's writer. She was born into an ordinary Moscow family: her father was an electrical engineer, and her mother was a pediatrician and the head of a children's home.

I started writing poetry early. The daughter of the famous poet V.I. studied in the same class with Irina Tokmakova. Lebedev-Kumach (author of the lyrics of the song “Holy War”). Irina’s poems came to him, and he wrote a very serious review of them, respectfully calling Irina “the author.” Pointing out the shortcomings, he still discovered Irina’s poetic abilities and advised her to continue writing.

- Do you think it is possible to hear birds talking? Let's read it in the textbook on p. 8 poem by I. Tokmakova “Conversation between a tit and a woodpecker.” This is the conversation between two birds that the poetess heard.

- Read the poem yourself, listen to the sound of the poems.

- Read the poem expressively.

V. Physical education minute

We are happy, we are having fun!

Let's laugh at the cape of the morning!

Tell us honestly:

It's time for us to get serious.

Eyes closed

Heads lowered

Hands folded

They moved their tongue.

And they fell silent for a minute,

So as not to hear even a joke,

So as not to see anyone...

Only yourself alone.

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

- Open the textbook on p. 9 and tell me who the author of the next work we will read is. (V. Bianchi.)

— What do you know about him, what works have you read?

Material for teachers

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki(1894-1959) - writer, author of many works for children. He grew up in the family of a famous scientist. Studied at St. Petersburg University. Traveled a lot in the Volga, Ural, Altai. He created many works about nature for young readers. Their heroes are animals, birds, plants. He wrote approximately 300 works.

Bianchi is a master of literary fairy tales. Almost all of his fairy tales are scientific, they talk about the living world of nature, teach children to treat it with care and love it.

— What do you think birds can talk about at the end of summer? (Children's assumptions.)

(Children read and answer questions after reading.)

— What birds does Vitaly Valentinovich tell us about?

Chiffchaff- a bird making a ringing intermittent sound.

Hoopoe- a bird slightly larger than a starling, with a very distinctive appearance. The plumage of the common hoopoe is variegated, buffy-red with black and white. The feathers of the beautiful fan-shaped buffy crest have black tips, and the hind feathers also have white pre-apical spots. The bird can fold and unfold its crest like a fan.

Redstart- a small songbird from the flycatcher family, passerine order. This is one of the most beautiful birds living in parks and gardens of the European part of Russia.

Grouse- a medium-sized bird: its weight ranges from 700 to 1600 g. It is quite slender and agile. The black grouse spends most of its life on the ground, although in winter it almost everywhere feeds on trees. On the ground it moves quickly, usually stretching its neck forward. Sitting on branches, the body is held horizontally. The black grouse flies quickly and quite easily, making frequent flapping movements of its strongly curved wings. Takes off freely both from the ground and from trees; taking off from the ground is accompanied by a lot of noise, while falling from a tree is almost inaudible.

Chizhik- one of the species of songbirds from the finch family, passerine order. Distributed in Eurasia, usually in coniferous forests. Siskins are often kept in cages at home for the sake of their singing. The bird's body length is about 12 cm, weighs 12-14 g. The general color is greenish-yellow or olive-green, with vague dark spots, with yellow spots below. The beak is gray.

— What conversation of birds did the writer overhear in the forest?

Grandfather the Birder stood up with the roosters. He walked around the village, knocking on the windows with his stick.
- Kids, kids, don’t you hear, the roosters have been crowing for a long time:
Stop sleeping on your side!”
The kids rub their eyes and stand up.
We went outside - chickens cackled, ducks quacked, geese cackled, turkeys squeaked. . Grandfather the Birder opens the gate in the poultry yard and lets the birds out.
Kids: - Grandfather is a birder, and Grandfather is a birder! What are these birds talking to each other about?
Grandfather Birder: - Look for the incomprehensible ones! The turkeys left the yard like this:
Chickens to them: - Where? Where to where? Where?
Turkey: - We're going far! We're going far!
Turkey poults: - And everyone is barefoot! And everyone is barefoot!
And the turkey: - Where can I get a boot? Where can I get the boots?
Turkey poults: - Let’s have lunch! Let's have lunch!
Turkey: - I don’t have a fur coat, no, no, no!
Turkey: - I'll buy it, I'll buy it, I'll buy it!
The collective farm herd began to dust along the street. When the bull roared, the kids all ran towards Grandfather.
- What is he, grandpa?
“Yes, you see, I didn’t get enough sleep, or I had a bad dream,” he’s angry at the whole world.
- I'll kill you! - shouts.
Pigeons from the roof ask: - Who, sir? Who?
And the sheep, in fright, all at once: - Me-ah! Me-ah! Me-ah!
Sparrows from the fence: - What? How? How?
Hog from a puddle: - Ryukhoy! Ryuhoy!
Ducks: - Wra-ag! Wra-ag! Wra-ag!
Geese: - Ga-ad! You bastard!
Turkey: - Stupid, stupid, stupid!
And the dog Polkan from the booth: - Ham! Ham! Cowards!
The kids look at Grandfather with all their eyes:
- Do you, Grandfather, understand wild animals and birds?
- I can understand a little. Which speak clearly.
- Tell me, Grandfather, what are they talking about among themselves?
And Grandfather the Birder tells them.

Birds talking in spring

Little Scops Owl from a hollow: -I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping! There is no sun, but I don’t like light! I'm still sleeping and sleeping. .
From the large moss, behind the forest, the cranes announce with trumpet voices: - U-rro! Urrro!
Red-breasted Robin to Terenty-Teterev, who fell asleep under a bush:
- Terenty! Terenty!
Wake up! Wake up!
They come with a gun -
They will kill, they will kill, they will kill!
Terenty-Teterev: - Overslept, disappeared, disappeared!
He rattled his wings, flew into the forest, sat down - and: - Get away! Got away!
The red lentil asks everyone: - Have you seen Nikita? Have you seen Trishka?
- Man, man
Bake, bake, bake!
Pulled, pulled -
Eat, eat, eat,
It's hot!
Forest pigeon-wityuten:
- I’m sitting on an oak tree, little one,
I look at the beauty, vituten!
And snipes, heavenly lambs, falling from under the clouds:
- Teki, Teki, Teki, Teki, little stream!
A black sandpiper flies over the forest, shouting:
- Burn the hay, burn the hay, burn the hay!
Something new has arrived!
- Wow! Nonsense!
I'll sell a fur coat, I'll sell a fur coat, I'll buy it. .
And the owl from the dark forest:
- Shubu!
- Wow! Nonsense!
I'll buy a hoodie, hoodie, hoodie!
Owl: -Shubu!
Tit: - Blue caftan, blue caftan!
Grouse: - Hoodie, hoodie, hoodie!
Song thrush from the top of a spruce:
- Spring came!
Spring came!
Everyone, everyone, everyone!
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!
And the Scops Owl from the hollow:
- I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!
When is night?
When should you catch mice?
There is no darkness. - Everything is light!
I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!

Birds talking at the end of summer

Yellow Chiffchaff from a yellowed branch:
- Shadow!
Pied crested hoopoe: - It's bad here! It's bad here!
Bullfinch: - Creepy! Horrible!
Redstart: - Live! Live!
Sparrow: -Almost alive! Barely alive!
The crows will fly to the trash heap and shout: “Harch!” Grub!
Swallows chirp:
- Baking rolls,
Roast on the stove
Snipe - heavenly lambs, falling from under the clouds:
- Bake, bake, bake, bake,
- Touch, touch!
Let's go on a hike!
Over the mountains, over the seas:
We're not flying in vain
We are eagles -
Kurls! Kurls!
Wild geese, flying by: - ​​Hungry! Cold!
Terenty-Teterev: - Wow! Nonsense! Selling a hoodie, selling a hoodie, buying...
Eagle owl from the forest: - Shu-buu!
Grouse: - I’ll buy a fur coat! I'll buy a fur coat!
- Stockings, stockings, felt boots!
Stockings, stockings, mittens!
Heavenly lambs:
- Well, buy, buy, buy, -
Ba-ee-ee!. Chiffchaff:
- Shadow!

The sun set, the birds and animals became silent.
Sheep and cows are sleeping.
Chickens, ducks, turkeys are sleeping.
Grandfather the Birder locked the gate to the poultry yard and sat down on the rubble to rest.
The frogs started talking at dusk.
Different frogs purr and croak differently.
The children were sad and huddled close to their grandfather.
- Grandfather Bird Scientist, why are the frogs crying?
- Well, let them go to the swamp! They are boring and stupid.
- Tell me, grandpa!
- I say: these creatures are completely crazy. And their conversation is the stupidest.
One says: “There was a godfather.”
Another: - On the Don.
Third: - Where is godfather?
Fourth: -Drowned!
Fifth: - Well, cry?
And all in unison: - Well, well!
These toads are small yellow-bellied frogs.
And the golden tree frog repeats one thing, looking from a branch into the lake: “Durrra!” Durrra!
And from the lake a green frog blows bubbles behind its ears:
- Sa-ma ka-ko-va!
Sa-ma ka-ko-va!
The kids are laughing.
Grandfather on them:
- Look, they're making noise! Or don’t you hear the quail calling from the field?
- We hear, grandpa, we hear. The quail clearly screams.
- Time to sleep! Time to sleep!
- That's the same! This is it for you. March home!

This methodological development expands children’s ideas about the world around them, promotes the development of logical thinking and children’s imagination; introduces children to V. Bianchi’s story “The Conversation of Birds at the End of Summer”; strengthens reading and counting skills; forms creative imagination; trains counting in pairs within 20; develops the ability to draw a portrait; develops dexterity.



MKDOU "TsRR-Suburban Kindergarten"

Kalacheevsky district, Voronezh region

Lesson notes

in the preparatory group

“Flora world of planet Earth. Story by V. Bianki Conversation of birds at the end of summer.”



Gorobtsova N.K.


Target: expand children's understanding of the world around them.

Tasks: promote the development of logical thinking and imagination of children; introduce V. Bianchi’s story “Birds’ conversation at the end of summer”; strengthen reading and counting skills; develop creative imagination; practice counting in pairs within 20; develop the ability to draw a portrait; develop dexterity.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: conversation about the plant world, riddles.

Visual: looking at book illustrations.

Practical: drawing a portrait.

Material: illustrations of birds, plants; counting sticks; toy Luntik; sheets of white paper; colour pencils; story by V. Bianchi “Birds talking at the end of summer.”

Integration of educational areas:

- “Cognitive development”;

- “Speech development”;

- “Artistic and aesthetic development”;

- "Physical development".

The teacher conducts an articulation warm-up with the children:

Om - om - om - we walk together in single file.

Am - am - am - run home.

Mind - mind - mind - many, many different thoughts.

We will distribute toys to them - to them - to them all.

Luntik comes to visit the children. He greets the guys and talks about himself. Luntik is surprised that there are many amazing things on Earth, but the guest does not know what it is. Luntik talks, and the children say what it is.

White basket –

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun sparkles.


This scarlet flower

Like a little flag.

Silky in the morning

It flutters in the wind.


Both on the hill and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the fir tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done guys are wearing hats.


She was little green

Then suddenly she became scarlet,

Turned black in the sun

And now it has become ripe.


Here's a riddle for you:

What kind of miracle is this?

On a green pillar

Golden dish.


Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes

Everyone gives a bow.


Evil as a she-wolf

It burns like mustard!

What kind of miracle is this?

What is this?


Now Luntik knows many plants of planet Earth. But that’s not all, and the guys promise to gradually introduce him to many other types of plants. Luntik also brought a story with pictures.

Children listen to an excerpt from V. Bianchi’s story “Birds Conversing at the End of Summer.”

Yellow Warbler - Chiffchaff from a yellowed branch:

Those - shadow - ka!

Pe - night - ke

Day - day - day


Pied crested hoopoe:

It's bad here! It's bad here! It's bad here!


Horrible! Horrible!


Live! Live!


Barely alive! Barely alive!

The crows will fly to the trash heap and shout:

Grub! Grub!

Swallows chirp:

Baking rolls,

Roast on the stove

Yay - puppy!

Snipes are heavenly lambs, falling from under the clouds:

Bake, bake, bake, bake – Bae – uh – uh!


Touch, touch!

Let's go on a hike!

Over the mountains, over the seas

We're not flying in vain

We and the eagles -

Kurls! Kurls!

Wild geese flying by:

Ho - lod - but! Cold!

Terenty - black grouse:

Nonsense! Selling a hoodie, buying...

Eagle owl from the forest:

Fur coat - yay!


I'll buy a fur coat! I'll buy a fur coat!


Stockings, stockings. Felt boots!

Stockings, stockings, mittens!

Heavenly lambs:

Well, buy, buy, buy -

Bae - uh - uh!..


Te-shadow - ka!

Pe - night - ke

Day - day - day

Shadow - shadow - shadow!

The teacher shows pictures of the birds that were mentioned in the story, the children repeat the sounds that the listed birds make.

The teacher invites the children to give Luntik a gift: draw his portrait. The teacher places the resulting drawings on a flannelgraph.

Luntik brought counting sticks and invites the children to count them. Children count, but Luntik can count in a different way: in pairs. Children try to count like this. Luntik talks about the planets of the solar system, says goodbye to the children and leaves.

The teacher invites the children to play the active game “Catching Butterflies.” Four catchers are selected from the children. They get into pairs and move to the edge of the site in one place. The rest of the children are “butterflies”. In response to the teacher’s words: “Butterflies, butterflies have flown into the garden,” the children – butterflies are flying – are running all over the playground. In response to the teacher’s words “catchers,” two children, holding hands, try to catch a butterfly; they take it to the edge of the playground and sit it on a bench. At this time, the remaining butterflies squat down. To the words: "Bah" glasses, the butterflies have flown into the field" - children - butterflies jump all over the playground. They are caught by another pair of catchers. When four to six butterflies are caught, count how many each pair caught. Then other catchers are selected. The game is repeated. .


Bianchi V.V. Collected works: In 4 volumes. T. 1: Stories and fairy tales / Intro. Art. Grodensky G.; Comment. Bianchi E.; Rice. Charushina E. - L: Det. lit., 1972. - 399 pp.: ill., portrait. - Stories and fairy tales.


Grandfather the Birder stood up with the roosters. He walked around the village, knocking on the windows with his stick.

- Kids, kids, don’t you hear, the roosters have been crowing for a long time:


Stop sleeping on your side!”

The kids rub their eyes and stand up.

We went outside - chickens cackled, ducks quacked, geese cackled, turkeys squeaked. . Grandfather the Birder opens the gate in the poultry yard and lets the birds out.

Kids: - Grandfather is a birder, and Grandfather is a birder! What are these birds talking to each other about?

Grandfather Birder: - Look for the incomprehensible ones! The turkeys left the yard like this:

Chickens to them: - Where? Where to where? Where?

Turkey: - We're going far! We're going far!

Turkey poults: - And everyone is barefoot! And everyone is barefoot!

And the turkey: “Where can I get a boot?” Where can I get the boots?

Turkey poults: - Let’s have lunch! Let's have lunch!

Turkey: - I don’t have a fur coat, no, no, no!

Turkey: - I’ll buy it, I’ll buy it, I’ll buy it!

The collective farm herd began to dust along the street. When the bull roared, the kids all ran towards Grandfather.

- What is he, grandpa?

“Yes, you see, I didn’t get enough sleep, or I had a bad dream,” he’s angry at the whole world.

- I'll kill you! - shouts.

Pigeons from the roof ask: - Who, sir? Who?

And the sheep, out of fright, all at once: “Me-ah!” Me-ah! Me-ah!

Sparrows from the fence: - What? How? How?

Hog from a puddle: - Ryukhoy! Ryuhoy!

Ducks: - Wra-ag! Wra-ag! Wra-ag!

Geese: - Ga-ad! You bastard!

Turkey: - Stupid, stupid, stupid!

And the dog Polkan from the booth: - Ham! Ham! Cowards!

The kids look at Grandfather with all their eyes:

- Do you, Grandfather, understand wild animals and birds?

- I can understand a little. Which speak clearly.

- Tell me, Grandfather, what are they talking about among themselves?

And Grandfather the Birder tells them.

Birds talking in spring

Little scops owl from a hollow: “I’m sleeping!” I'm sleeping! There is no sun, but I don’t like light! I'm still sleeping and sleeping. .

From the large moss, behind the forest, the cranes announce with trumpet voices: “Urrro!” Urrro!

Red-breasted Robin to Terenty-Teterev, who fell asleep under a bush:

- Terenty! Terenty!

Wake up! Wake up!

They come with a gun -

They will kill, they will kill, they will kill!

Terenty-Teterev: - Overslept, disappeared, disappeared!

He rattled his wings, flew into the forest, sat down - and: - Get away! Got away!

The red lentil asks everyone: “Have you seen Nikita?” Have you seen Trishka?

- Man, man

Bake, bake, bake!

Pulled, pulled -

Eat, eat, eat,

It's hot!

Forest pigeon-wityuten:

- I’m sitting on an oak tree, little one,

I look at the beauty, vituten!

And snipes, heavenly lambs, falling from under the clouds:

- Teki, Teki, Teki, Teki, little stream!

A black sandpiper flies over the forest, shouting:

- Burn the hay, burn the hay, burn the hay!

Something new has arrived!


- Wow! Nonsense!

I’ll sell a fur coat, I’ll sell a fur coat, I’ll buy it. .

And the owl from the dark forest:

- Shubu!


- Wow! Nonsense!

I'll buy a hoodie, hoodie, hoodie!

Owl: - Fur coat!

Tit: - Blue caftan, blue caftan!

Grouse: - Hoodie, hoodie, hoodie!

Song thrush from the top of a spruce:

- Spring came!

Spring came!

Everyone, everyone, everyone!

Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!

And the Scops Owl from the hollow:

- I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!

When is night?

When should you catch mice?

There is no darkness. - Everything is light!

I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!

Birds talking at the end of summer

Yellow Chiffchaff from a yellowed branch:

- Shadow!



Pied crested hoopoe: - It's bad here! It's bad here!

Bullfinch: - Creepy! Horrible!

Redstart: - Live! Live!

Sparrow: -Almost alive! Barely alive!

The crows will fly to the trash heap and shout: “Harch!” Grub!

Swallows chirp:

- Baking rolls,

Roast on the stove


Snipes are heavenly lambs, falling from under the clouds:

- Bake, bake, bake, bake,


- Touch, touch!

Over the mountains, over the seas:

We're not flying in vain

We and the eagles -

Kurls! Kurls!

Wild geese, flying by: - ​​Hungry! Cold!

Terenty-Teterev: - Wow! Nonsense! Selling a hoodie, selling a hoodie, buying...

Eagle owl from the forest: - Shu-buu!

Grouse: - I’ll buy a fur coat! I'll buy a fur coat!

- Stockings, stockings, felt boots!

Stockings, stockings, mittens!

Heavenly lambs:

- Well, buy, buy, buy, -



- Shadow!





The sun set, the birds and animals became silent.

Sheep and cows are sleeping.

Chickens, ducks, turkeys are sleeping.

Grandfather the Birder locked the gate to the poultry yard and sat down on the rubble to rest.

The frogs started talking at dusk.

Different frogs purr and croak differently.

The children were sad and huddled close to their grandfather.

- Grandfather Bird Scientist, why are the frogs crying?

- Well, let them go to the swamp! They are boring and stupid.

- Tell me, grandpa!

“I say: these creatures are completely crazy.” And their conversation is the stupidest.

One says: “There was a godfather.”

Another: - On the Don.

Third: - Where is godfather?

Fourth: -Drowned!

Fifth: - Well, cry?

And everyone said in unison: “Well, well!”

These toads are small yellow-bellied frogs.

And the golden tree frog repeats one thing, looking from a branch into the lake: “Durrra!” Durrra!

And from the lake a green frog blows bubbles behind its ears:

- Sa-ma ka-ko-va!

Sa-ma ka-ko-va!

The kids are laughing.

Grandfather on them:

- Look, they're making noise! Or don’t you hear the quail calling from the field?

- We hear, grandpa, we hear. The quail clearly screams.

- Time to sleep! Time to sleep!

- That's the same! This is it for you. March home!

Notes by E. V. Bianchi.

BIRD TALKS. “Finished on 7IX-39 Mikheevo,” says the manuscript. V. Bianchi was constantly interested in the selection of words for onomatopoeic replacement of bird voices. I found such words in folklore, took them from scientists and simple bird lovers, and selected them myself. In 1939, the writer proposed to the publishing house to make “Bird Conversations” (“Grandfather the Bird Scientist”) into a lithographic book. In 1940, “Grandfather the Birder” was published in the magazine “Friendly Guys”.

During the war, speaking to children, V. Bianchi read this piece often and with great success, perfectly imitating bird voices. In 1944-1946, two issues of the book were published in the “Collaborator” artel (Moscow). In 1946 in the collection “Seasons” (Uchpedgiz). Later, the “conversations” are constantly republished in collections. Illustrated by E. Charushin.

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