Outline of a lesson on speech development (junior group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities on the sound culture of speech in the second junior group “Sound. Notes on the development of speech in the second junior group on the topic “Sound culture of speech: sound U

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Lesson on sound culture of speech sound “Z” in the second junior group.

Subject: Sound culture of speech (sound – z). Game "Bunny". Application "Let's treat the hares with carrots."

Program content: teach children to clearly pronounce the sound - z-; consolidate the pronunciation of the sound –z-; develop speech breathing; consolidate clear pronunciation of the sound –s. Practice counting: many, one. Continue to teach carefully, perform appliqué, and place objects correctly on a sheet of paper. Cultivate a desire to engage.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle:

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, sit down correctly and listen to me carefully. A tongue lives in our mouth. The mouth is the home of the tongue. The house opens and closes. The tongue either looks out of the house or hides in it.

The tongue loves to sing different songs. He has already taught us to sing a lot of songs.

Guys, I’ll sing you a song now, and you try to guess whose song it is.

teacher: ssss.

Children: Water's song.

Educator: That's right, this is a water song. Let's remember how to sing the song correctly. To make the water's song sound good, you need to press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth and quietly sing - ssss.

(Children sing the water song).

Well done guys, you sang the song well. And today I will tell you a new history of the language.

“One day, the tongue was walking and met Komar (showing a picture of Komar on an easel).

Bilingual component: mass - mosquito

Excuse me, but do you like to sing? – the tongue asked.

Of course, of course,” Komar nodded, “we mosquitoes are good singers.”

Our songs are beautiful and sonorous.

And he sang: -z-z-z.

Z-z-z,” the tongue tried to sing along. But he didn’t succeed right away, because Komar’s song is a difficult song.”

Guys, do you want to sing the Komar song?

Komar's song is difficult; to sing it you have to hide your tongue behind your teeth.

Now let’s put our right hand on the front of the neck to feel how the throat is trembling, and the throat is the house of a voice, the voice sings songs so loudly that even the walls of the house are shaking. Let's all sing together the song of the big Mosquito - z-z-z, and now the song of the little mosquito - z-z-z. (Choral singing, 5-6 individual performances).

So we learned to sing the Mosquito song. And in order not to forget how it is sung, we will play with you. Do you want to play?

Yes. Game "Bear and Mosquitoes" 2 times.

Now Arlan will be a bear, and we will be mosquitoes. The bear was walking through the forest, walking, tired. He sat down on a tree stump and fell asleep. And then mosquitoes flew into the clearing and sang their song. They sang their song and flew so loudly that the bear woke up and wanted to catch the mosquitoes. (The bear runs after mosquitoes, and they fly away from him and sit on chairs).

And now everyone sat down and listened to me carefully.

Making a riddle:

Rushes without looking back

Only the heels sparkle,

He runs as fast as he can,

The tail is shorter than the ear.

Guess quickly.

Who is this? (bunny)

The Hare and the Little Bunnies come to visit. Look, guys, who came to us?

Children: Bunnies.

-l: Mommy hare with her babies. What can you call this bunny?

Children: Big Hare, Mother Hare.

V-l: What can you affectionately call these little bunnies?

Children: Bunnies, bunnies, little bunnies, kids.

V-l: What are these bunnies?

Children: Little ones.

Vs: How many little bunnies will there be?

Children: A lot.

Vs: How many big hares are there?

Children: One.

Vs: Let's count how many little bunnies there are?

Children: 1-2-3, three bunnies in total.

Q: What do bunnies like?

Children: Carrots, cabbage.

V-l: How can you call carrots and cabbage in one word?

Children: Vegetables.

alchikova gymnastics

We chop and chop the cabbage,
We salt and salt the cabbage,
We eat three or three cabbages,
We press and press cabbage.

(movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the fingertips, rubbing fist against fist, clench and unclench fists).

-l: Guys, let's treat our bunnies to carrots.

Children go to the tables.

The teacher reminds the children that they need to work on oilcloth, hold the brush in their right hand, carefully spread the prepared carrot shapes with glue, and remove excess glue with a napkin.

V-l6 Now take your work and insert it into a circle, show the work to the bunnies. Well done.

The teacher summarizes the lesson.

Akmola region

Zharkainsky district


SCKP kindergarten "Shanyrak"

Sound culture of speech (sound -z-)

(second junior group)

Educator: Zhakenova N.Sh.



Target: remind children of a familiar poem, teach them to read it expressively, slowly, without straining their voice, pronouncing the endings of words clearly and correctly; train children in clear pronunciation of soundsAND in words and phrasal speech; activate the word in children's speechfoal.

Equipment: Toys Horse and Foal. Pictures of spruce in summer and winter.

Progress of the lesson: Hello guys! Today we will devote our lesson to studying the correct pronunciation of the sound “I”. To begin with, I would like to read you A. Barto’s poem “The Horse,” he reads it expressively.

I love my horse, I’ll comb its fur smoothly, I’ll smooth its tail with a comb, and I’ll ride on horseback to visit!

After reading, he asks one of the children to go out and read the same poem, monitoring the expressiveness of the child’s intonations. -The horse heard our poem and came to visit us, but her child was not alone with her. What's his name? (foal) Listen to another poem:

“I-I-I-GO-GO,” the horse shouts. Everything is fine at the stables. Next to her is her child, a very cute foal.

Growing up every day, Soon he will become, like dad, a wonderful horse!

E-I-I is a horse song. Let's quietly sing the horse's song together. (Children complete the task together and one at a time).


And now for a physical minute. Let's show our guests how we can wash ourselves. (Look at the teacher and repeat).

Water, water Wash my face - So that my eyes shine, So that my cheeks burn, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite.

Great, now the game is for attention. Look around you, find and name objects that have the sound “I”.

The teacher listens to the children's answers, makes comments, and helps if necessary.

Well done, you carefully examined the room, and now listen carefully to another interesting tongue twister:

Frost lay on the spruce branches, the needles turned white overnight.

What is EL? (Listen to the children's answers.) That's right, it's a tree. In other words, a Christmas tree. What color is it? (green), what if a snowball falls on it? (white). Let's repeat this tongue twister with you, do you know why it's called that, because you have to pronounce it very quickly, let's try? (in chorus, then individual answers).

Egorka played with Igorka and rolled down the hill head over heels.

Do we have Egorkas in our group who do somersaults? Then we will repeat this poem together in chorus especially for them.

Did you like the lesson? Who was our guest? What verses do you remember? What sound did we work on pronunciating? Let's repeat it again in chorus IIIIIIIIIIII! Well done!


    “Two cheerful geese” poems, nursery rhymes. Publishing house "Prof-Press" Rostov-on-Don 2011

    Agnia Lvovna Barto “I love my horse” RIO “Samovar” 2004

Irina Molenova
Abstract of educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Sound culture of speech. Sound [S]"


GCD for speech development in the second junior group.

On the topic: Sound culture of speech: sound

Molenova Irina Andreevna - teacher.

Target. Practice clear pronunciation of the sound [C].


1. Develop the ability to hear the sound “s” against the background of a word. 3. Exercise the ability to conduct a dialogue 4. Develop auditory attention. 5. Help create a joyful emotional mood in children. 6. Cultivate friendly relationships, goodwill, and a desire to help. 7. Develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher, act according to the verbal instructions of an adult.

Equipment. Portable speaker, audio recordings with the song “Hen - Rabushechka”, a water song (the sound of water from a tap, the sound of an airplane, a picture of a swallow, equipment for playing shop.

GCD move

Educator includes an audio recording with the song “Chicken - Rabushechka”.

The chicken is a hazel grouse. Where did you go? - To the river. - The chicken is a hazel grouse. Why did you go? For some water. - The chicken is a hazel grouse. Why do you need some water? - Water the chickens. - The chicken is a hazel grouse. How do chicks ask for water? - Pi, pi, pi, pi!

Educator. Remember the song? (Yes). Who is this song about? (About the chicken). Well done, you remembered!

Educator. And now I want to introduce you to a new song. This is a special song, they don’t even sing it, but whistle it. Listen to "S-S-S". Let's try to sing quietly with me. This is a difficult song. Not everyone will immediately learn to sing it correctly, but don’t let anyone be upset. Let's all sing this song together once again. (After which 3-5 children sing it individually).

Educator. When you open the tap and let the water flow, it seems that the stream is also singing (the teacher plays the water song) and whistles the same song. Guys, let's sing a long, whistling song together. Who else wants to sing? (Choose as desired)

Dynamic pause.

Educator.Turns on the sound of the airplane, talking along with the children

The planes hummed (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows, the planes flew (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right,

They sat quietly in the clearing (sit down, hands to knees,

And they flew again.

Educator. Spring! Spring! Spring is outside! They say a swallow has already flown from warmer climes. Have you seen her? (puts up a picture of a swallow). Reads the poem "Swallow"

Where are you, where are you, swallow, have you been flying all day? - Braided the golden braid for the sun. - Where are you, where did you disappear at night, little swallow? - I swept the yard for the gray month!

Educator.Repeat the poem again, and the children, with the help of the teacher, answer questions addressed to the swallow.

Educator. Guys, do you remember what we tried that was so delicious? (Crackers). Did you like the crackers? (Yes). What kind of crackers did you like? (With poppy seeds, with raisins). Do you like juice? (Yes). What kind of juice do you like? (Apple, orange, grape, carrot). And now I want to play with you a very interesting game called “Shop”. I will be the seller, and you will be my buyers. I will sell juice and crackers, and you will buy juice and crackers.

Educator. Don’t be shy, come up, buy, leave. Anyone who wants to buy juice or crackers, get in line (Make sure they get in line, if there is a crowd, then remind them that this is a store, and they should get in line, one after another). But before you buy something, you must say: - Would you please give me some orange juice? - Please give me crackers with raisins. (If children find it difficult, then help with guiding words: what juice, what crackers, be sure to repeat them).

Educator. Hello! Children. Hello! Educator. What would you like to buy? Children. (If the child finds it difficult, help him and ask him to repeat)

Educator. Guys, did you like the game? (Yes). I’m giving it to you, but first let’s remember and repeat the name of this game together. Shop! Shop again! Well done!

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Sound [B]” SUMMARY OF DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES ON SPEECH DEVELOPMENT 1. Topic: Nurturing the sound culture of speech. Sound [B]. 2. Base.

Subject. “Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds s-sh.” Goals: to improve children's auditory perception through discrimination exercises.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group “Sound culture of speech. Sound [sh]" Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group Svetlana Andreevna Tarskaya Teacher, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 69 “Brusnichka” p. Magan,.

Summary of educational activities with children of middle preschool age. Topic: “Sound culture of speech: sound /ts/”. Goals and objectives: Learn to distinguish words.

Abstract of the educational activity for children of the younger group “Sound culture of speech. Sounds [M] and [M’]"“SOUND CULTURE OF SPEECH: Sounds A, O, U, I – repetition. Sounds M and Mb - study” The goals of the teacher’s activities: to train children in clear articulation.

Summary of an open lesson on speech development. Sound culture of speech “Working with sounds [F]-[SH]” Summary of an open lesson on speech development Topic of the lesson: Sound culture of speech: working with the sounds zh - sh. Completed by: Educator Ivanova.

Target: Teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the isolated sound f and onomatopoeic words with this sound.



Train children to clearly and correctly pronounce the isolated sound F and onomatopoeic words with this sound.

To consolidate children's knowledge on the topic: “Wild Animals.”


Promote the development of speech breathing and articulatory motor skills.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.


Cultivate an interest in wild animals.

Cultivate a desire to be polite.



Summary of educational activities on the sound culture of speech in the second junior group “Sound [F]”

Target: Teach children to clearly and correctly pronounce the isolated sound f and onomatopoeic words with this sound.



Train children to clearly and correctly pronounce the isolated sound F and onomatopoeic words with this sound.

To consolidate children's knowledge on the topic: “Wild Animals.”


Promote the development of speech breathing and articulatory motor skills.

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.


Cultivate an interest in wild animals.

Cultivate a desire to be polite.

Equipment. A hedgehog toy, subject pictures of wild animals (a bear, a fox, a hare, hedgehog masks, a fox toy, a guide to the development of speech breathing, treats for a hedgehog in a bag, a recording of forest sounds,

video slides with purple pictures, eagle owl mask.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Good morning, guys! Look, our Sunshine has been waiting for us and we really want to say hello and warm you with his warmth. Let's say hello to him. Whoever has the sun in his hands will call his name affectionately.

Educator: Today we will go on an excursion to the forest.

(Music sounds, children sit on the bus (on chairs).


It's so nice to be in the forest, guys!
It smells like porridge, it smells like mint,
Smells of linden and pine
And forest raspberries.

Who do you think lives in the forest? (Animals, birds)

Now, I will tell you riddles about wild animals, be careful.

(The teacher asks riddles about a squirrel, a bear, a hare).

Instead of a fur coat there are only needles.
Wolves are not afraid of him either.
A sharp ball, no legs visible,
His name is of course... (Hedgehog)

Educator: Of course, this is a hedgehog, he also lives in the forest and loves to listen to fairy tales. Shall we tell our hedgehog a fairy tale?

Tongue lived in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, looked at the weather, and then hid in the house again.

(the tongue peeks out and hides in the house; on command(looked - hid)all children do the exercise)

Then Tongue looked to the left, looked to the right: what is the weather today? Do children play outside?

(the tongue looks right - left, and the children perform tasks on command (left right…))

Tongue saw that the weather was good and ran for a walk in the yard. (stands near the house). Tongue wanted to run and play outside with the children (quick and clear movements to the right and left). The tongue got tired and lay down to rest (tongue on the lower lip). Tongue returned home and closed the door.

The hedgehog really liked our fairy tale, and he wants to sing his song to you, listen F - F - F. Let's sing together.

Educator: When hedgehogs are happy, they say: “FI – FI – FI”,

and when they don’t like it, they say: “FU – FU – FU.”

Didactic game “Feed the hedgehog.”

I have a magic bag with treats in it. Taking out one item at a time, we will guess whether the hedgehog liked the treat or not, and answer“FI – FI – FI”, “FU – FU – FU.”

Educator: But there’s also an owl living in the forest, he also wants to play with you.

Outdoor game "Day - Night".(The teacher plays the role of Owl).

Educator: the word eagle owl also has the sound F. Look carefully at the screen, the eagle owl offers to name each picture with the word “purple”: purple flower, purple lantern, etc.

Educator: Now let’s play catch up with the eagle owl.

(Children place the palms of both hands on the table, fingers apart, and knock alternately, beating each word with their palms).

One, two, one, two,

Very slowly at first.

(The rhythm gradually accelerates. Number of beatscorresponds to the number of syllables).

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Educator: We had such a good time, it's time for us to go back, let's say goodbye to the hedgehog and the eagle owl.

(Funny music sounds, children get on the bus).

In conclusion, you can learn a poem by G. Sapgir.

Gray eagle owl, old eagle owl,

And the eyes burn like headlights.

Eagle owl - jump, eagle owl - leap,

Filinenku gave a flag.

Maria Argudyaeva
Lesson on sound culture of speech in the junior group “Articulation of sound [O]”

Program content:

Improve auditory attention, develop phonemic awareness. Teach children to pronounce a vowel clearly O sound(isolated, in onomatopoeic words, phrasal speeches). Develop intonation expressiveness speeches, encourage children's improvisation.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Familiarization with with the sound O. “Oli had a Paul doll. Olya loved her doll very much. One day Olya accidentally dropped her doll on the floor and her nose broke off. Olya cried bitterly. Mom came, saw the trouble and exclaimed Oooh! After said: “Don’t cry, Olya, we will fix the doll, glue its nose on”

Vosp: What did mom exclaim? (Children answer: Ooo)

2. Articulation of the sound O.

Vosp: Cheerful Tongue heard mom say Oooh! He liked this song and wanted to sing it. He opened his mouth, his lips made a wheel and a ringing voice sang: Ooo! “This is a very good song,” said Tongue, it can be heard in the words Olya, autumn, wasps. And now you, children, make your lips a wheel and sing the song O-o-o. (Choral and 3-4 individual responses).

3. Working with pictures: vegetables, cat, house, cook. Pronounce so that it can be heard O sound. (Activation)

4. A sad O-o-o is heard. This is Polya. What happened, Polya? Ooo! What hurts? Throat! Open your mouth, say ah-ah. Yes, my throat is red. I'll apply some medicine. That's all. Thank you Doctor!

5. Physical education minute: p/n "Big feet walked along the road"

Forty, forty,

White-sided magpie!

Where were you? Far!

Who are you looking for? (Petya, Olya, Tanya)

The magpie names the child talking to him.

tell friends