Why won’t we see “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” “The Irony of Fate” will be shown to Ukrainian viewers after a two-year break.

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Ukrainian TV viewers may be left without the main New Year's film - "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" by Eldar Ryazyanov. It seems like we’ve seen this comedy a hundred times, but New Year’s Eve without him seems vague. National Council on issues of television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine reminded Ukrainian television channels of the list of persons posing a threat to national security and whose content is prohibited for broadcast in the country.

Among them Russian actress Valentina Talyzina, who played Valya, friend and colleague, in Ryazyanov’s film main character. In addition, it is Talyzina’s voice that Nadya speaks in “The Irony of Fate...”.

Ironically, the continuation of the cult film cannot be shown on Ukrainian television channels, since it stars Sergei Bezrukov, who also poses a threat to national security in the opinion of the Ministry of Culture.

What does the law say?

In 2015, changes were made to the law “On Cinematography”. These changes stipulate that Goskino refuses to issue a distribution certificate to a film “one of the participants of which is an individual included in the list of persons posing a threat to national security.” However, the law does not specify whether this ban applies to films for which a distribution certificate has been received previously.

Let us note that “The Irony of Fate” is not on the list of prohibited TV series and films compiled by Goskino. But this list was compiled even before Valentina Talyzina was included in the list of persons posing a threat to the national security of Ukraine.


1. Kucherenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
2. Kholmogorov Egor Stanislavovich
3. Khazin Mikhail Leonidovich
4. Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich
5. Kobzon Iosif Davidovich
6. Perfilova Valeria Yurievna
7. Prigozhin Joseph Igorevich
8. Bezrukov Sergey Vitalievich
9. Boyarsky Mikhail Sergeevich
10. Rastorguev Nikolay Vyacheslavovich
11. Okhlobystin Ivan Ivanovich
12. Porechenkov Mikhail Evgenievich
13. Leps Grigory Viktorovich
14. Depardieu Gerard
15. Bistritskaya Elina Avraamovna
16. Burlyaev Nikolay Petrovich
17. Bondarchuk Natalya Sergeevna
18. Bogachova Irina Petrovna
19. Kara Yuri Viktorovich
20. Grachevsky Boris Yurievich
21. Galtsev Yuri Nikolaevich
22. Piekha Stanislav Pyatrasovich
23. Klebanov Igor Semenovich
24. Klyuev Boris Vladimirovich
25. Gergiev Valery Abisalovich
26. Livanov Aristarkh Evgenievich
27. Leshchenko Lev Valeryanovich
28. Bondarchuk Fedor Sergeevich
29. Milovanov Leonid Petrovich
30. Nesterenko Vasily Igorevich
31. Polyakov Yuri Mikhailovich
32. Samoilov Vadim Rudolfovich
33. Steblov Evgeiy Yurievich
34. Talizina Valentina Ilarionovna
35. Telichkina Valentina Ivanovna
36. Tabakov Oleg Pavlovich
37. Kharatyan Dmitry Vadimovich
38. Kovalenko Andrey Olekseevich
39. Shakhnazarov Karen Georgievich
40. Varley Natalia Vladimirovna

"KP in Ukraine" tried to figure out what other New Year's films, in addition to "The Irony of Fate, or With a Light P aroma..." we may lose New Year's Eve.


"Carnival night-2"(2006);

"The Irony of Fate. Continued" (2007);


"New Year's Men" (2004).

Photo: Screenshot


"Fedka" (2014);

Photo: Screenshot

"New Year's Tariff" (2008).

Photo: kinopoisk.ru


"Oh, frost, frost" (2005);


"Showcase" (2000);

Photo: Screenshot

"Cottage for sale" (2005).

Photo: Screenshot


"Who comes to winter evening" (2006).

In addition, it was banned legendary film Leonid Gaidai "Caucasian captive" , which is traditionally shown on new year holidays. The main role in it was played by Natalya Varley, who also poses a threat to national security in the opinion of the Ministry of Culture.

“Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse,” said the hero of the famous comedy Eldara Ryazanova Evgeny Lukashin. Over the past ten years, Russian TV viewers An equally stable tradition has developed: on December 31, watch the country's main New Year's comedy on Channel One. Since 2007, Channel One has invariably shown the story of the adventures of Zhenya Lukashin and Nadya Sheveleva on the New Year's broadcast.

Zhenya and Nadya change their New Year's "registration"

This time, however, viewers won't see "Irony..." on the usual button. As reported by Lenta.ru with reference to a representative of VGTRK Victoria Arutyunova, those who do not want to meet New Year without familiar heroes, will be able to find them on Russia 1.

According to Lenta.ru's source, the reason is related to broadcasting rights. According to the agreements of the channels with the Mosfilm film concern, which owns the rights to most of the best domestic paintings, “there is a package of films that should be rotated between channels, like Eurovision.”

However, the concessions are not unilateral. Channel One, instead of “Irony,” will be able to show the films “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” which were previously aired before the New Year on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

This distribution of the “golden fund” of Soviet cinema concerns only Channel One and VGTRK and does not affect other television channels.

The beginning of a legend

Play Emil Braginsky and Eldar Ryazanov “Enjoy your steam! or Once Upon a New Year's Eve...", which formed the basis of the film, was written in 1969 and was successfully shown in theaters for several years.

The film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” was filmed by Eldar Ryazanov at the Mosfilm film studio in 1975 by order of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Television and Radio Broadcasting.

The premiere of the film took place on January 1, 1976 at 17:45 on the first Central Television program. "Irony..." instantly deserved incredible love spectators. It doesn’t happen very often that a film shown on television is then released into cinemas, but this is exactly what happened with Ryazanov’s film.

“Irony...” was recognized - according to the results of a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen" - best film 1976, and Andrey Myagkov called best actor year. In 1977, the creators of the film were awarded the USSR State Prize.

“Continuation” will remain on First

On December 21, 2007, the film was released in Russian cinemas. Timur Bekmambetov“The irony of fate. Continuation". Among the creators of the film was Channel One, and its director Konstantin Ernst became one of the producers of the film. The film was recognized as the highest-grossing film at the box office in Russia and the CIS in 2008: receipts amounted to about $49.92 million.

Since 2007, Channel One has retained the right to broadcast the classic “Irony of Fate” before the New Year. TV premiere of the film “The Irony of Fate. Continuation” took place on January 1, 2010 on Channel One. Unlike Ryazanov’s film, Bekmambetov’s film will not move anywhere: those who wish will find it on Channel One.

Ukrainians were again allowed to watch “The Irony of Fate”

IN lately passions around “The Irony of Fate” were boiling in Ukraine. In December 2015, the State Cinema Committee of Ukraine announced that it was ready to consider the possibility of banning the screening of the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” in the country if the SBU receives a corresponding request.

As Goskino explained, this is possible because Valentina Talyzina, who played in the episode, is included in the “black list” Russian artists. If the National Security and Defense Council or the Security Service of Ukraine submits a corresponding request, Goskino will consider it.

As a result, on New Year’s Eve 2016, the film’s distribution certificate was not revoked, but Ukrainian TV channels chose not to include “Irony...” in the broadcast schedule out of harm’s way.

Clarity came only in December 2017. Head of Goskino Philip Ilyenko in an interview with the Ukrainian Vesti, he said that Ryazanov’s film can be shown in the country:

“The Cinematography Law states that a film may be prohibited from being shown if one of the participants in the film is included in the list of persons posing a threat to national security, but the law also defines who a “film participant” is. A “film participant” is an individual who took part in the creation of a film made and/or first shown after 1991.”

Since “Irony...” with the “wrong” Talyzina was released on January 1, 1976, it is not subject to the ban.

And thanks for that. In any case, for the first time in recent years Ukrainians now have the opportunity to calmly watch their favorite New Year's film.

The famous film comedy by Eldar Ryazanov “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” after two-year break returns to Ukrainian television screens. As the head of the country's State Cinema Committee, Philipp Ilyenko, explained, the film is not included in the list of films prohibited from showing, ITAR-TASS reports.

“The Cinematography Law states that a film may be banned from showing if one of the participants in the film is included in the list of persons posing a threat to national security,

but the law also has a definition of who a “film participant” is,” Ilyenko explained in an interview with Vesti. “And a ‘film participant’ is an individual who participated in the creation of a film made and/or first shown after 1991.”

The Law “On Cinematography” was adopted in Ukraine in 2015. The document banned the display of all paintings worked on by persons included in the Ukrainian “black list of cultural figures.” In the spring of 2016, Rada deputies supported amendments according to which the broadcast of films produced by Russian citizens and released or first published after January 1, 2014 is prohibited in Ukraine.

As for “undesirable persons,” these include, first of all, those artists who visited Crimea after 2014.

Kyiv requires foreigners to enter the peninsula only with the permission of Ukrainian authorities. law enforcement agencies this country and only from its territory. In addition, those people whose statements the Ukrainian authorities consider directed against their country are also included in the “black list”.

The official “black list” initially included more than 140 Russian figures art, but its content is not fully revealed. In total, in 2017, according to the head of the State Border Service Viktor Nazarenko, Ukraine banned the entry of 616 Russian citizens.

The list is updated from time to time.

Thus, entry into Ukraine is prohibited for directors Karen Shakhnazarov and Pavel Lungin, actors Vasily Lanovoy, Valentin Gaft, Oleg Tabakov, Valentina Telichkina, Natalya Varley, Lyudmila Artemyeva, musicians Alexander Rosenbaum, Sergei Penkin, Nikolai Rastorguev, singers Lev Leshchenko, Joseph Kobzon, Nikolai Dobrynin, Natasha Koroleva and others.

One of the most high-profile cases was the ban on the entry of Yulia Samoilova, the Russian delegate at Eurovision, who has been traveling to the wheelchair— she visited Crimea in 2015. The Security Service of Ukraine is helped to collect information by volunteers of the “Peacemaker” website, who maintain a database of Russian public figures. So, in September, after entering this base, Ukraine was denied entry Russian rapper Vasily Vakulenko (Basta).

One of latest decisions The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine banned the broadcast of the television series “Matchmakers”, in which he starred Russian actor from the “black list” Fedor Dobronravov.

The list also included the actress from “The Irony of Fate” Valentina Talyzina, who signed a letter in March 2014 in support of the Russian President’s actions regarding Crimea and Ukraine. For this reason, Ukrainian television channels two years ago - after the adoption of the law - stopped showing the comedy by Eldar Ryazanov, despite the fact that the film was released on January 1, 1976 and has nothing to do with the films mentioned in the document made after 1991.

In addition, for unknown reasons, an unspoken ban Ukrainian TV channels touched on all the “winter” Soviet film hits - not a single picture was shown in the past time.

Now, after Ilyenko’s explanations, the situation on Ukrainian TV may change, and everyone’s favorite films will be rehabilitated. In a promotional video for one of the channels, it was mentioned that “The Irony of Fate” will be returned to the country’s screens on December 31.

The two-part comedy “The Irony of Fate,” filmed in 1975 by director Eldar Ryazanov based on a play he co-wrote with Emil Braginsky, is the most beloved New Year’s film in the USSR.

The actors, including Barbara Brylska, Andrei Myagkov, Yuri Yakovlev, Valentina Talyzina, Liya Akhedzhakova, Georgy Burkov, Alexander Shirvindt, instantly became people's favorites after the film's release. And the famous sparkling phrases - “What disgusting, what disgusting this is your jellied fish”, “And you have shoes with thin soles”, “How could I be mistaken, I never get drunk” and others - they were quickly sorted into quotes.

Film Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath! already for a long time is a symbol of the new year. Everyone knows the words of all the characters by heart, but still wants to watch it before the holiday. At the same time, you don’t have to look for it on the Internet or, God forbid, buy it somewhere on disk. It usually airs on December 31 on some main channel in the country. For example, in Russia, for several years now, the film Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath! broadcast by Channel One. But this year there was quite a bit of hype around the film. Now only Russia 1 channel has the right to show the film. In Ukraine, Irony of Fate was banned back in that year. At the same time, the Ukrainian channel Inter decided to go against the law and still please the Ukrainian audience with their favorite film.

How the film Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

Film Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath - This is Soviet TV movie for two episodes, filmed by director Eldar Ryazanov in 1975. It was first shown on January 1, 1976 on the first Central Television program at 17:45. The first show was able to attract 100 million viewers. Numerous requests to show the film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! again did not leave the channel of choice. Already on February 7 of the same year, it was put on air again. According to Fyodor Razzakov (writer, journalist), the film Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! was viewed by 250 million people between 1976 and 1978. In 1977, the film received the USSR State Prize.

Distribution of roles

Initially, the role of Hippolytus was supposed to go to Oleg Basilashvili. But in the midst of filming the film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! Father Basilashvili and his work colleague, actor Efim Kopelyan, die. For these reasons, Oleg was unable to get to filming on time. And then Ryazanov decides to invite Yuri Yakovlev. Evidence of these changes can be seen in the film itself. There is a moment when the photographs of Ippolit thrown out of the window by Zhenya are picked up by Nadya and the image of Oleg Basilashvili is visible on them.

The role of Galya went to Natalia Gvozdikova. Evgeniy Lukashkin was to be played by Andrei Mironov. Only Mironov’s great popularity among women at that time forced Ryazanov to change the actor. What was required was a man who was not too flashy and at the same time charismatic. Difficult choice made many people watch it famous actors. Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Stanislav Lyubshin, and Pyotr Valyaminov auditioned for this role. But chance gave Ryazanov Andrei Myagkov his greatness.

No less excitement was observed around the role of Nadezhda Sheveleva. The following applied for the vacant position: famous actresses, like Lyudmila Gurchenko, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Valentina Talyzina and others. Ryazanov himself did not like all these tests. One day he watched the Polish film "Anatomy of Love" in leading role with Barbara Brylska. By Soviet standards, this film was considered all sex. Ryazanov liked the actress’s performance, and he decides to invite her to audition. Brylska spoke almost no Russian. Some shooting moments had to be explained in English.

Brazilian passions around the film

If in Soviet era film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! they just took it and showed it, but today they first figure out who will show it, and then they put it on air. For example, in Russia, for a long time on December 31, all residents of the country could watch their favorite film The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath on Channel One. Suddenly, the owner of the copyright to the film, the Mosfilm film concern, decides to transfer these rights to the Rossiya 1 channel. In return, Channel One has the opportunity to broadcast equally popular Soviet films“Prisoner of the Caucasus” and “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” All this is strange... In any case, the main thing is that most The Russian audience was able to watch their favorite picture on New Year's Eve.

No less strange with the film Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! are happening in Ukraine. It was categorically banned there. It's all because of actress Valentina Talyzina. She signed the appeal of the figures Russian culture in support of Vladimir Putin's policy towards Ukraine. In turn, the Ukrainian authorities added all these subscribers to a special list of persons posing a threat to the country’s national security. Considering the fact that Talyzina, who is banned in Ukraine, is starring in the film, it was banned from showing it. How is Valentina Talyzina in the film Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath! may pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine remains a mystery. After all, there is a separate film product without any hints of Ukraine and actress Valentina Talyzina with her own position. Why ban a harmless film product and deprive people of a holiday? Strange…

The situation with the film this year is even stranger. It turns out that the banned film Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath will be shown in Ukraine on the Inter channel, despite the ban. Just something New Year's magic🙂 Be that as it may, at least this year residents of both countries will be able to see their beloved Zhenya and Nadya on TV.

P.S. Dear our friends! Let health know no problems, and let happiness remind you every day. In the new year, we will also publish the most interesting and relevant information for you. Happy New Year! Instead of a banal New Year's song, we suggest listening to an equally talented composition from Dj Move called “Let's Make You Happy.”

The main reasons why the film may be withdrawn from screening have been announced. Central television channels have been warned about the ban.

Comedy by Eldar Ryazanov “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” The reason was the limit of licenses for showing the film and the focus on their own product.

Previously, it was assumed that the film would not be shown to viewers due to the presence of actress Valentina Talyzina on the “black list”, who signed a letter in support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The film “The Irony of Fate” is not mentioned in the television program of the country’s six main television channels. However, this is not explained as a security threat.

“The fact is that the film belongs to the so-called “Golden Fund” of cinema and the rights to broadcast it are scheduled for several years in advance. Moreover, the number of impressions is strictly limited - as a rule, 1–2 times a year, no more. One of the Ukrainian channels, immediately after the death of Eldar Ryazanov (November 30), already showed “Irony” and thus exhausted its ability to show the film this year, and another channel, according to the license, can show it from January. But, to be honest, for a couple of years now, TV bosses haven’t really been fighting for broadcast rights. The channels have enough of their own products - shows and series that have no less, and sometimes even greater, ratings than “Enjoy Your Bath!”, top managers comment.

“The National Council cannot remove him from the air of any of the TV channels. Only after the fact of its broadcast and someone’s oral or written appeal to the National Council can we consider this fact for a violation. Personally, I don’t see a threat in it being shown. It's simple interesting film, viewing of which has become a tradition in Ukraine,” says Ekaterina Kotenko, executive secretary of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting.

We can only sympathize with pensioners living in the village and without the Internet. They will never watch their favorite comedy.

Let us recall that Forbes compiled

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