Why did Rapunzel and Dima Dmitrenko break up? Pregnant Olya Rapunzel divorces her husband three months after the wedding

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The star couple of former participants in the show “Dom-2” Dmitry Dmitrienko and Olga Rapunzel, whose relationship was watched almost live by viewers of the TV show, again does not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines. Despite the fact that in a few months the young couple will have a child, they decided to divorce. Many place the blame for what happened on the head of the family. Dmitry Dmitrienko's aunt and guardian Lyudmila outlined her version of events.

Lyudmila Grigorievna is Dmitry Dmitrienko's aunt, but she took custody of him after the death of her sister. The woman is sure that the young man is not guilty of what he is accused of. in her opinion, he became a victim of the intrigues of his wife, who thus wants to return to Dom-2.


“Ole had to return to the project. That’s why she did everything this way,” the Dom-2.Life publication quotes Lyudmila Grigorievna. The scandal with Dmitrienko’s intimate correspondence, she is sure, is also the work of Olga Rapunzel. “This is Olya’s PR, which she started in order to return to the project. She never needed Dima...”, the woman noted.

“For two years, my son has been made out to be a loser and an idiot. He is a normal guy. “Dom-2” ruined his life and fate. Both Olya and “Dom-2”. They allowed a person to be humiliated, trampled, plunged into the dirt and deprived of him life,” she is sure. Dmitrienko’s mother is afraid that after such scandalous fame, the young man will not be able to find a job and settle down in life. According to her, Olga Rapunzel doomed her husband to torment.

“I don’t want to talk about Olya at all. I’m only interested in the fate of my son. A broken fate,” the woman admitted. She added that other participants in the television production also took part in bullying her son. “They deprived him of his life! They deprived him of his fate and future. I don’t know how he will hold on,” emphasized Dmitry Dmitrienko’s guardian.

Let us remind you that earlier the star of “House-2” Olga Rapunzel filed a police report against her husband, ex-participant of the reality show Dmitry Dmitrenko. The pregnant girl accused him of beating her and intends to divorce him. Fans of the TV project are even demanding that the young man be taken into custody.

There is terrible disappointment among fans of the TV show House 2. One of the most popular participants, Olga Rapunzel, will no longer delight TV viewers with quarrels with her sister, whom she took from the TV set. Did Rapunzel leave house 2 or was she kicked out?

After a brawl between rivals using toilet paper, Alena Savkina left the ranks of Ilya Yabbarov’s lovers and the clearing. Olga's sister Rapunzel was kicked out of the project! Or rather, her sister Olga and Tatyana Vladimirovna took her.

They do not want the youngest to be left completely without hair, because the violent Olga Zharikova, who is distinguished by increased aggressiveness, in a brawl provoked by Katya Kaufman not only grabbed Savkina’s hair, but also almost left her without a scalp. And the younger sister also publicly renounced her relationship with Ilya Yabbarov, trying to make the audience forget about her lightning-fast love.

At the moment, there are no people willing to pick up Alena after the “toilet king” on the TV project House 2. Is this why the Grigorievsky family decided to take a time out for their youngest representative, who was originally intended to be a nanny for the as yet unborn baby?

Is it washed away from the odors or has it returned to the family?

A joke in a foul-smelling style with toilet paper (as if) led not only to a brawl, but also to Alena Savkina’s final decision to finally get rid of associations with the “toilet chansonnier”. The best solution is to leave the project, perhaps for a while.

It is likely that, as often happens on the television project House 2, the news about the departure of the youngest Rapunzel is... Have you decided to use this way for a short-term vacation? Or do you believe that having seized upon the benefits and promotional items of the House 2 project, Alena Savkina decided to leave it completely?

In fact, thoughts of divorce had been in his head for quite some time - but what can I say, the guy wasn’t particularly eager to marry, knowing both about her bad character and her dark past. But the scriptwriters of the TV series stood firm on their position - they had to marry the most scandalous couple of the project, no matter what they faced - and they coped with their task. under their endless pressure, I had to drag the impudent little girl to the registry office and read out from memory the oath of eternal love and devotion. And everything would be fine if everything had worked out at least according to the typical scenario for Russian families: “endure and fall in love” - but no, the young man’s patience soon came to an end. So soon that, in fact, not even two months had really passed since the wedding, and his patience was already filled to the brim. For several episodes now, he has been complaining in plain text that he is fed up with everything: his impenetrable, “peas against the wall” wife, the management, which requires him to portray happiness on camera, and the presenters, who constantly take it out on him, considering him a pear for beating.

“Yes, how long can you endure all this - no matter how foolish they call me and consider me, but my angelic patience is already coming to an end. Well, is this a normal family life of two happy people?! No, everything is bad with us - without any beauty or exaggeration. It would be better not to get married at all!” - so Dmitrenko, in the heat of rage... muttered something similar, as usual, under his breath. Was he even heard by anyone? No, the hosts continued to make fun of him, but Rapunzel didn’t even think to stop nagging him with or without reason. Has anything changed for the better? Well, this will be seen in future releases - but so far there is not much progress planned. Were these “cries of the soul” just another production? It’s unlikely, because even if this is a fictitious marriage, it is officially registered, and the guy has to endure next to him the stuffed animal that he took as his wife. So will Dima have the courage to admit that he has gone too far, just to stay on the project - that is, to file for divorce, get rid of the heavy burden in the form of Rapunzel and finally breathe deeply? We place our bets, gentlemen and ladies...

“What happened was what, in principle, many TV viewers had been expecting for so long. One of the most outrageous participants Olya Rapunzel and her husband left reality. The initiator of the departure was, surprisingly, Dmitry Dmitrenko. And this time, neither Rapunzel’s tears and hysteria, nor the persuasion from the presenters could influence his decision. Despite the fact that Olya shouted to her husband about the “mission not completed in House-2” and “think with your head,” Dmitrenko snapped: he was tired of the eternal attacks and insults from his colleagues on the project.

The impetus for the decision to leave was the appearance on the project NicholasDolzhansky, who reminded Ole that they were actually in a relationship after their engagement in the Seychelles. In this regard, Dolzhansky asked “Olga Eduardovna Dolzhanskaya to return to her family and go with him to Maryina Roshcha.” Dmitrenko lost his temper, attacked Nikolai, who was making fun of his wife, and broke his nose. “Avenge” for the beaten Kolya had to Zakhar Salenko, who challenged Dmitry to a “men’s fair fight” in the boxing ring. The initiative was supported by the reality hosts, but Dmitrenko, quite logically, was surprised what Zakhar had to do with it and why he needed to fight with him.

After Dmitrenko refused the fight, Kadoni and Buzova gave the couple a debriefing, which ended with the announcement that the Dmitrenko spouses were leaving the Dom-2 project. Buzova reminded Dmitrenko that the couple had nothing outside the project gates, and Dima and Olya would have no way back to Polyana. However, Dmitry said that he was sure that it would be better for their young family. “I’m coming for you: you are my husband, you said everything...” And Olga Buzova expressed that she considers this decision ridiculous. Some participants believe that in just two weeks Rapunzel will be climbing over the fence into the Glade.

IN Instagram Olga Rapunzel spoke out very emotionally after leaving the project (the author's spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.) : “I’m tired of this circus, ridicule, provocation (they seem to have confused us, they take us for the wrong people, they make us out to be someone we don’t understand, that’s enough, I’m tired. The performance is over. A normal, adequate person will understand us and do the same. We must always remain a person and to be real, sincere, to be honest, kind - this is Strength! But Never let yourself be offended! My Husband and I were never afraid to go against the team, against lies, and We always stood up for ourselves and each other and We are always for Love. and for the truth!

Olga Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko with TV presenter Olga Buzova

Let us remind you that exactly a year ago, having easily received the title “Burd of the Year,” Rapunzel set herself a super task: to win a million for her wedding. Last time, the million went to Ella Sukhanova and Igor Tregubenko - a boring but very correct couple. And Rapunzel and Dmitrenko decided to play in contrast. Alas, the plans of this couple were not destined to come true, but the wedding still took place. In mid-June of this year, Rapunzel became Dmitrenko’s wife.

“House-2”, departure of Olya Rapunzel and Dmitry Dmitrenko

Ex-participant of “House-2” Olga Rapunzel said that she had a serious scandal with her husband, Dmitry Dmitrenko. The expectant mother went live on Instagram and talked about problems in the family. According to the young woman, she is afraid to return home.

“I’m in a position, you know, sleepless nights at home, terrible toxicosis. I’m holding on in order to save the baby,” Olga began through tears.

According to Rapunzel, she called her mother. A relative is flying to visit her in Moscow. Olga claims that Dmitry intimidated her and forbade her to talk about their real family life.

“He spreads his arms and swears. I am the mother of his child. I wanted this family to be complete... I loved him, forgave him everything. Then the other day God took me to look at his phone number... He was unemployed for two months. “We are together, we will succeed,” I said. I open my phone, and there are correspondences with six girls. I will file for divorce, otherwise I will not be able to bear the child,” says Olga.

According to Rapunzel, her husband sent intimate photographs to young girls and also arranged meetings with them. The ex-participant was shocked when she found something like this on Dima’s phone. He began to deny that these were his photographs. Olga is outraged by her husband's behavior.

“I'm afraid to go home. Yesterday he took me by the neck and started shaking me. He said: “I’ll strangle you now.” I called my mother, she said: “Leave the house.” He remembered everything to me,” said Rapunzel.

Olga is no longer ready to tolerate her husband’s behavior. She didn’t think that Dmitry would be such a monster outside of the television set.

“It’s my own fault, I didn’t consider it. I didn’t listen to anyone... Assault is already too much. It’s okay, we’ll raise the child and raise him. I loved Dimka very much, so the baby is welcome,” added Olga.

Rapunzel claims that she did not sleep for two nights. Dmitry's mother did not interfere in the conflict. According to pregnant Rapunzel, her relative takes his side. The ex-participant of the reality show believes that she can cope without the help of her husband. The most important thing for her is to give birth to a healthy baby.

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