Sunflower oil or olive oil, refined or unrefined? What is the difference between refined oil and unrefined oil?

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An amber oily liquid, without which it is difficult to imagine eating and preparing many dishes, is found in every kitchen. The rich composition and enormous benefits of vegetable oils explain its widespread use in nutrition, medicine, and cosmetology. There is only one drawback to this ideal product - when boiled, some substances in the composition are converted into harmful elements that provoke malignant neoplasms. To prevent the release of carcinogens during frying and to increase shelf life, the oil is refined.

Refined oil - what is it?

Refined vegetable oil is a product obtained as a result of purification from pressed vegetable raw materials and consisting of triglycerides of fatty acids. Sunflower seeds, oilseeds or an oil base obtained from them are used as the starting material. The term refining was adopted from the French language and means "processed". Refined vegetable fats are oil extracts purified from undesirable lipid groups, impurities, and, at the same time, from their characteristic color, smell and taste.

How is it different from unrefined

Both types of vegetable oil (both natural and refined) are beneficial for human health. The basis of the oil extract is 99.9% fat, and the calorie content of 100 g of the product is 900 kcal. Removal of certain categories of fat-like substances from the oil base during processing makes it less caloric. Because of this feature, it is used by people who are on a diet. There are other differences between unprocessed vegetable fats and those that have gone through the refining process:

Natural oil Refined product
Fatty, saturated Less oily
Natural aroma Neutral
Benefits for the human body
Maximum valuable substances Partial loss of beneficial properties
Cleaning method
Mechanical cleaning and filtration Technological methods: chemical (alkaline refining, hydration) or physico-chemical (deodorization, bleaching, etc.)
Production technology
Hot pressing or cold pressing By extraction with chemicals (Hexane or gasoline)

How is oil refined?

Refining is a complex operation consisting of many successive stages. The purpose of the processing and purification process is to remove various substances and impurities from the unrefined raw material. Modern methods of refining vegetable fats: physical method using absorbents, chemical technology using alkali.

In modern production, the second method of refining oil extracts from plant raw materials is more often practiced. The reason for this is a simplified process, better processing, and ease of quality control of the finished product. Manufacturers assure customers that vegetable oil obtained by chemical refining is absolutely safe for health. Manufacturers guarantee consumers the complete absence of harmful impurities and claim that only harmless alkalis are used during refining.

In production, oil refining is carried out using a chemical called Hexane. A saturated hydrocarbon belongs to the class of Alkanes and is a component of synthetic gasoline. The colorless organic element does not dissolve in water, and its boiling point is 67.7 degrees. The process of refining vegetable fat involves the following steps:

  1. Mixing sunflower seeds with Hexane results in the release of oily liquid from plant materials.
  2. Removal of saturated hydrocarbon is carried out with water vapor.
  3. Neutralization involves treating the remaining oil mixture with alkali.
  4. Hydration of vegetable fat is aimed at removing phospholipids from the oil base. In an unrefined product, fat-like substances in a short period of time are capable of forming insoluble hydrated substances that precipitate, which leads to cloudiness of the oil base.
  5. Freezing helps eliminate waxy substances that affect the transparency of the oil liquid.
  6. Adsorption refining (bleaching) is achieved by removing pigments from sunflower oil using charcoal and bleaching clays.
  7. Deodorization leaves the final product without the aroma and taste characteristic of natural vegetable oil. The process involves passing the oil liquid through a vacuum with hot steam.
  8. Pouring the finished vegetable oil into bottles, gluing labels and sending it to retail outlets.

Why are vegetable fats refined if this does not affect its beneficial composition, as manufacturers claim? This is done to obtain odorless and tasteless oil, that is, neutral. In cooking, it is used to prepare all kinds of cold and hot dishes. If natural vegetable fats are more suitable for salads, which give appetizers a rich taste and aroma, then for frying it is better to use refined ones.

Using natural oil extract from plant materials for cooking hot dishes at high temperatures may do more harm than good. This happens due to the transformation of certain substances into carcinogens, which cause cancer. In addition, the process of frying with unrefined is always accompanied by the formation of foam, smoke, and burning.

Benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of refined oil are the cause of ongoing debate among lovers of this product. Some people like purified and clarified oil, others prefer natural, rich in the aroma and taste of fruits or seeds of oilseeds. Each type of oil extract has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Positive qualities Negatives
It does not have a specific taste or smell, which is an advantage for preparing some dishes. During treatment with chemicals and alkali, the oil extract from plant raw materials loses some of its beneficial substances.
You can fry foods on it, because refined vegetable fat does not foam and does not create burning or smoke. Refined fats are produced at temperatures of about 200°C, which destroys almost all trace elements.
When heated above 100°C, no carcinogenic substances are formed in it, since refined sunflower oil has previously undergone heat treatment and purification from unwanted impurities. The lack of natural aroma and taste for vegetable oil is not liked by adherents of natural nutrition.
The shelf life of vegetable fats ranges from 3 to 10 months if stored in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. The refined product can be stored for 15 to 24 months, even at room temperature and in transparent containers. The refined product is ineffective for medical purposes, but is widely used in cosmetology.

Which oil is healthier - refined or unrefined?

Natural oil extract from sunflower seeds contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. These substances are valuable because they take an important part in metabolism, and also build cell protection to withstand negative effects and protect them from destruction. Sunflower oil contains three main fatty acids: linoleic (omega 6 content from 45 to 60%), linolenic (omega 3 - 23%), oleic (omega 9 content from 25 to 40%).

This natural product is distinguished by the highest content of alpha-tocopherol, of which there are about 60 milligrams in 100 g of product. Vitamin E is known for its ability to restore reproductive function, have a positive effect on vision, improve joint mobility, make blood vessels elastic, and rejuvenate the skin. Just two tablespoons a day will provide the body with many useful substances that activate hemoglobin synthesis, improving blood composition.

Regular use of natural sunflower oil in the diet will help normalize the activity of the gallbladder, immune and digestive systems, and suppress inflammation in the body. Its use reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Phosphorus, contained in the oil extract in an amount of 2 mg per 100 g of product, improves the condition of all bone tissues and plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Phosphorus deficiency depresses the central nervous system and has a detrimental effect on the brain, causing mental retardation.

Refined vegetable oil subjected to multi-stage processing is not as healthy as natural oil. The main advantage over the unrefined oil extract is its absolute harmlessness when used for preparing hot dishes. Purification from impurities allows those who suffer from food allergies to consume fat from oilseeds.

Which olive oil is better - refined or unrefined?

Natural olive oil, due to its rich composition, is a real storehouse of useful substances (vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other microelements), which contribute to the healing and rejuvenation of the entire body. Ideally, you should use only cold-pressed olive oil extract labeled Extra Virgin; it contains a lot of useful substances:

  • phenols and polyphenols help prolong youth;
  • tocopherols, terpene alcohols normalize blood sugar levels;
  • oleic acid accelerates metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • Omega 9 fatty acid has a preventive effect against diabetes, atherosclerosis, obesity;
  • linoleic acid accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues, increases visual acuity;
  • squalene prevents the development of tumors;
  • Vitamin E (a natural antioxidant) stops the process of premature aging, fights radicals, and prevents intoxication of the body;
  • Vitamin A promotes the formation of new cells, restores skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Vitamin D prevents rickets and is involved in the full formation of bone tissue.

Refined olive oil is much less beneficial for the body than the natural product, because during refining it loses many beneficial microelements. Extra virgin olive oil is most prized. The advantages of the processed oil extract from the fruits of olive trees include an increase in its shelf life and the absence of sediment.

How to choose

It is easier to buy good natural vegetable oil, because the quality is always indicated by the characteristic amber color and smell of the raw materials, a rich oily taste without bitterness, and the absence of pronounced sediment at the bottom of the bottle. To choose a high-quality refined product, pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer on the label:

  • shelf life ranges from 3 months to 2 years (maximum shelf life for nitrided oil extract);
  • a mark indicating compliance with all standards in accordance with GOST (oils produced according to specifications undergo less stringent control);
  • category of vegetable fat from oilseeds, on which the purpose of the product depends (“Premium”, “Highest grade”, “First grade”, etc.);
  • The date of production and bottling must coincide.

The bottle, label or packaging must be free of damage and leaks. The most expensive and high-quality varieties of vegetable fats are bottled in dark glass bottles with a metal or cork cap. But this does not mean that the oil extract in plastic containers is necessarily of low quality. When purchasing, you should always read the consumer information on the label.


The cost of refined vegetable fats depends on the raw materials, the category and degree of processing of the product, the distance of the manufacturer from the place of sale, and the popularity of the brand. During holiday promotions, you can buy such products at competitive prices at major sales points. It is always more profitable to purchase domestically produced vegetable fats from sunflower, because their price includes minimal transportation costs. The price of olive oil depends on the country of origin, mainly Spain, Italy, and Greece.

Name of refined oil Cost in rubles (volume 1 liter) Manufacturer
"Oleyna" 101 Moscow, LLC "BUNGE CIS"
"Video" 100 Rostov-on-Don, JSC "ASTON"
"Sloboda" 97 Belgorod region, JSC "EFKO"
"Gold" 78 OJSC "MZhK Krasnodarsky"
"Good" 96 Krasnodar region, LLC "Company Blago"
"Masterpiece" 89 Tula region, LLC "Cargill"
"Avedov" 139 Krasnodar region, LLC "MEZ Yug Rusi"
"IDEAL" 140 Voronezh region, LLC BUNGE CIS"
"BOURGEOIS" 1220 Spain
"MONINI" 1075 Italy
"Iberica" 800 Spain


Refined vegetable oil is a product obtained as a result of various purification operations from pressed plant materials. Moreover, any oil can be used: obtained from seeds, as well as from leaves, roots and nuts. The word “refinement” itself came to us from the French language, in which “raffine” means “refined, processed.”

Refined oil is, in simple terms, processed and refined vegetable oil. The refining process involves removing a wide variety of impurities and substances from unrefined raw materials. Refining is actually a rather complex operation. It consists of several stages, each of which can be either the only refining method or used in conjunction with the others.

How is it refined?

Vegetable oil is refined in the following ways:

Useful properties

Despite the fact that opponents of refined oil use to argue their position that refining completely deprives the oil of beneficial substances and vitamins, this opinion is still somewhat erroneous, since it is worth paying attention to the heat treatment that you will carry out with this type of product. The fact is that when heated, unrefined food produces very harmful carcinogens. That is why only refined oil should be used for frying and other types of culinary operations directly related to high temperatures. In addition, refined oil is not capable of acting as an allergen, which means that it will be safe for people suffering from various types of allergies.

And, of course, one should not say so categorically about the “emptiness” regarding the presence of useful substances in the composition of refined vegetable oil. The fact is that, indeed, various stages of refining remove some types of vitamins from the oil. But fatty acids remain available, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are necessary for the cardiovascular system of our body; they save us from the development of atherosclerosis and prevent thrombosis. The absence of these acids in the daily diet can slow down the growth and development of the body, impair blood clotting and suppress the reproductive system.

Use in cooking

The use of refined vegetable oil in cooking is very widespread. Most often, of course, our compatriots use refined sunflower oil for culinary purposes. But one should not discount many other types of oils, each of which has its own unique taste qualities and the presence of a variety of useful components:

In almost every recipe we can find such an ingredient as vegetable oil. You should pay attention to the method of processing the products included in its composition. Remember that unrefined vegetable oil is permissible only in recipes where there is no heat treatment at all, for example, in salads and dressings for ready-made dishes, because when heated and reaching the smoke point, it forms a huge amount of harmful substances.

Another positive quality of the refined product is that it does not have the specific taste and smell inherent in unrefined oil. After all, if you are preparing a salad, then the rich aroma of olive, sunflower or sesame oil will be appropriate, but when frying a juicy steak, it will not be suitable at all. In addition, unrefined oil will foam during frying and will not give that golden brown crust that we would like to get.

Benefits of refined vegetable oil and treatment

The benefit of refined oil is that there is no allergic reaction during its use. That is why it is recommended for small children. After all, vegetable oil is an essential component of a child’s diet literally from the first year of his life. Besides, When caring for your baby's delicate skin, you should also use refined versions of various oils that are not capable of causing allergic itching, rashes and irritation on the baby's delicate skin.

In addition, it is also preferable for adults to use refined oil for medical purposes.

Regular consumption of refined corn or sunflower oil in moderation will help lower blood cholesterol levels, and their mild enveloping effect will help relieve coughs and cope with dry skin.

For cosmetic purposes, refined oil will become your faithful assistant. After all, oil masks will restore strength, shine and beauty to your hair. Thanks to warm oil baths, your nails will become stronger and grow better. The oil will also help treat rough heels and chapped lips.

Harm of refined vegetable oil and contraindications

The harm of refined oil lies mainly in its calorie content, because it is quite high and amounts to 899 kcal per 100 g. That is why you should carefully monitor the amount of product consumed.

Are you planning to fry potatoes in a frying pan, but the sunflower oil is smoking and shooting? Do you dream of not hiding your hands and not closing your eyes while preparing chops? Then let's find out which oil is best to use. What is the difference between refined oil and unrefined oil? There are at least six main differences.

Chemical composition

It is important to understand that refined oil goes through several stages of purification. Doctors recommend giving it to younger children to improve stomach function.

Seed pressing method

The manufacturing process of each composition is long and complex. Sunflower oil of any type can be produced either cold pressed or hot pressed. The first option is gentle - it preserves all the properties and elements of the plant without exposure to temperature, the second - requires significant heating of the seeds. Thus, during hot pressing, unrefined oil acquires sediment, while refined oil loses water.


It is important to know that it is during the manufacturing process that refined oil changes color and its chemical composition. Outwardly, it differs from unrefined sunflower oil; it is the one that does not shoot and does not smoke. The secret is that there is very little water in it, so the combustion process does not occur under the influence of open fire.


Typically, unrefined oil has a very concentrated odor. Purified (refined) oil does not have such a concentrated odor. This is due to the production technique, which cleans the composition as much as possible.

Properties and methods of application

Some people prefer refined oil, others are in awe of the unique natural taste and smell of the rich composition. Unrefined oil can be seasoned on salads or added to sauces. However, such sauces should not undergo heat treatment. At the same time, refined oil is inferior to unrefined oil in biological value.

Various types of oils have become widespread. Most of them are used in cooking when preparing dishes, and they are also used in cosmetology for skin and hair care and in folk medicine. Today you can find refined and unrefined oils on the shelves (the word “refined” means “purified”).

Product Similarities

To produce vegetable oil, various raw materials are taken - these can be sunflower seeds, olive fruits, corn or rapeseed. Depending on the production method, refined and unrefined oils are distinguished.

Both products have a common initial production scheme. It includes the following steps:

  • purification of raw materials from mechanical impurities using the separation method in special equipment;
  • Hulling and peeling of seeds (in the production of sunflower oil);
  • crushing fruits on roller machines until mint is obtained;
  • heating of raw materials and its subsequent supply to screw pressing equipment;
  • settling and filtration.

In this way, unrefined oil is obtained. The finished products are bottled and sold. To obtain a refined product, unrefined oil is subjected to further processing:

  • heating to extract phosphatides;
  • extraction of free fatty acids using a chemical method;
  • deodorization - the process of removing pigment substances, carotenoids, volatile compounds and some other components;
  • freezing - a process that ensures complete removal of wax from the product.

This is how refined deodorized oil is obtained. Partial similarity between the purified and unrefined product lies in their composition. For example, both contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and nutrients. However, there are much fewer of them in the refined product.

Fundamental differences

The difference between refined and unrefined oil is huge. Before being sold, the refined product undergoes multi-stage processing. As a result, the output is a light, transparent, odorless liquid. It is worth noting that during purification, almost all valuable and nutritional components for the human body are removed from the oil. What remains is a light liquid that has a lubricating effect, softening properties and an anti-adhesive effect. In addition, the differences between refined oil and unrefined oil lie in several factors.

  • In a more “marketable” form. The purified product has a light golden uniform color. Unrefined oil has a darker color and may form sediment during storage.
  • No odor. Due to the deodorization process, the purified product completely loses its aroma, which is why it does not change the taste of the dishes prepared with it. Unrefined scented oil may smell like sunflower seeds, corn, or sesame (depending on the base used in production). Due to its specific aroma, it is not suitable for all dishes - most often it is used for preparing vegetable salads.

  • In resistance to heat treatment. Refined oil is ideal for frying or deep-frying. It is not recommended to heat the unrefined product, since when exposed to heat it begins to foam and smoke, actively releasing carcinogens.
  • In the loss of beneficial properties. Due to refining, almost all substances are removed from the product: both harmful and beneficial (vitamins, phosphatides, micro- and macroelements, omega-3 and omega-6 acids). Among the advantages of refining, it can be noted that the purified product does not contain pesticides - substances harmful to human health, which are often used when growing crops.

In addition, refined oil has a longer shelf life. The purified composition is not afraid of exposure to sunlight or elevated ambient temperatures. It is intended for long-term storage in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Unrefined vegetable fat has a short shelf life (up to 4 months in the refrigerator and up to 45 days in room conditions).

Which one is healthier?

Unrefined oil is healthier in nutritional value than refined oil. It is enriched with nutrients and biologically active components. Due to its valuable composition, this particular product is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. In cooking, it is used only for preparing cold dishes.

Benefits of unrefined sunflower oil when consumed internally:

  • restoration of the functioning of the central nervous system, improvement of liver and digestion;
  • increasing immunity due to the antioxidants, vitamins, mineral components and other beneficial substances contained in the crude oil;
  • beneficial effects on brain cells and preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • restoration of reproductive function;
  • improving vascular elasticity and joint mobility;
  • cleansing the liver of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • improving the quality of blood composition;
  • stimulation of the production of growth hormones, which is especially important for children and adolescents;
  • normalization of the genitourinary system in women and men.

Regular inclusion of unrefined vegetable oil in food has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of hair and skin.

In addition, the unrefined product is often used externally for face and hair care at home. Masks based on this component can restore curls, making them more “alive,” smooth and silky. The use of oil for skin care helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and nourish the skin. As a result of regular use, dryness of the face is eliminated - it is visually rejuvenated, gains health and freshness.

Refined oil does not have such benefits compared to unrefined oil. However, this is an indispensable product for preparing fried, steamed or baked dishes. Refined vegetable oil is the best alternative to animal fats. With them, fried or baked foods would be more harmful due to the high cholesterol content.

In addition, refined oil is often used for external use when caring for the skin of babies. The fact is that this product is considered anti-allergenic, so it does not cause rashes, irritation and itching in children.

Harm of a refined product

The benefit of purified oil lies in its resistance to heat treatment, absence of odor and taste. All this is possible due to the removal of free fatty acids, flavorings and other components from the raw materials. But such a product cannot be called useful. Its harm exceeds its beneficial qualities. Below are the main disadvantages of the purified composition.

Chemical refining and heat treatment kill not only harmful substances in raw materials, but also useful ones. The result is an “empty” product, devoid of phosphatides, carotene, proteins and other components. The composition of natural oils is fundamentally different from those that have undergone a purification process. To carry out the refining process in production, specialized chemicals are used - hexane and gasoline. According to the technology, the product is subsequently purified from these harmful substances. However, it is not possible to completely get rid of them.

The finished refined oil contains traces of hexane and gasoline. These substances are not excreted from the human body. Over time, they accumulate and lead to the formation of tumors.

Refined butter is also high in calories. Due to its high energy value, excessive consumption of the product can lead to obesity, disruption of the liver, heart and other organs and systems of the body.

Refined and unrefined types of oils should be consumed internally no more than 2 tablespoons (including the content of the product in dishes). For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon of the composition in the morning before breakfast - this will allow you to get rid of constipation in the shortest possible time.

To strengthen the gums and get rid of their bleeding, rinsing the mouth with unrefined oil is recommended. To do this, you need to put it in your mouth and rinse for 10 minutes. This procedure should be repeated every morning for 14 days.

Unrefined oil can be used in home cosmetology. It is noteworthy that this product is universal - it is suitable for owners of any skin type. Products made from unrefined oils are “soft”, making them suitable for use even on sensitive skin and for the care of eyelids and the area around the eyes.

For external use of oil to be effective, it is important to listen to some recommendations.

  • To care for dry and normal skin of the face and hands, unrefined oil should be added to your usual cream or mask. This composition will provide relief from inflammation, smooth out wrinkles and soften the skin. If the skin is prone to pore expansion, then it is best to use a refined product due to its lighter fraction.
  • You can lubricate your lips with heated unrefined oil, using it as a balm. The product will promote the healing of microcracks and also protect lips from various viruses.
  • To strengthen the nail plate, it is recommended to take warm hand baths based on unrefined oils.
  • To strengthen or restore hair, heated oil is applied from roots to ends of strands and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements. The effect of such home procedures is also aimed at accelerating the growth of curls.
  • Vegetable oils are used for massages. They saturate the skin with nutrients that penetrate deep into the skin by heating the integument and improving blood circulation in it.

Unrefined oils have a valuable, balanced composition, thanks to which they can become an alternative to store-bought cosmetic products.

  • Product expiration date. You should always look at the production date of the product and its expiration dates, and when choosing vegetable oil, this point cannot be skipped. If the composition is close to the “expiration” date, then it has a high peroxide value. This product has a bitter taste and acquires a specific odor. It is worth noting that when storing oil in inappropriate conditions (for example, being under natural or artificial light, a significant increase in air temperature), its shelf life is reduced.
  • Oil purity. Before purchasing, you need to give a visual assessment of the quality of the product. Cloudiness and sediment in the purified product are unacceptable. These signs indicate non-compliance with storage conditions and low quality. It is recommended to refuse such a purchase. Sediment in unrefined oil is normal. The phospholipids contained in the crude product precipitate. They are not synthesized by the body and come from food.

To keep the oil fresh for as long as possible, it is important to follow several storage recommendations.

Refined and unrefined product is best kept in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cabinet. The optimal storage temperature is from 5 to 20 degrees. Refined oil can be stored longer than unrefined oil. The latter is preferably used within 3-4 weeks after opening. The refined version retains its properties for one and a half years.

To find out which oil is better - refined or unrefined, see the following video.

Vegetable oil made from sunflower seeds, olive fruits, sesame seeds, corn, and rapeseed today occupies an important place in every person’s food set. Depending on our own preferences, we choose refined and unrefined oils for the table, the difference between which lies in the type of processing of the product. For every cook there are preferred varieties, brands and volumes of such ingredients added to certain dishes.

Vegetable oil is very beneficial for the body. But in order for there to be only benefit from using this product and not even minimal harm, you need to choose the right oil. And the first question that arises when choosing a good option: is it better to buy refined or unrefined oil? What are the differences and features of these two different products in terms of processing? Let's try to delve into this question and find a fair answer that will help you choose the right food option for your health.

What is the difference between refined oil and unrefined oil? Product Options

In order to understand how refined oil differs from unrefined oil, it is worth understanding what refining is. Essentially, this is a type of purification of a product from impurities and some elements. This process is carried out through a chemical or physical method. Purification technology involves evaporation, filtration, and neutralization of substances included in the product. In order to obtain refined oil, the liquid is subjected to multi-stage purification, deodorization, and clarification. The final processed product has a light transparent color, almost no odor, and does not foam during thermal exposure. It would seem that this is not an ingredient, but a godsend! But all these advantages are not so clear-cut.

Unrefined oil is an unrefined product. But what is it not cleared of? What impurities or elements of the composition of oil, for example sunflower, can we consider unnecessary? The refining process removes almost everything that could be considered valuable about the product from the structure. Only fats and a small part of the other composition remain.

It turns out that refined oil is a product that has been purified of everything! There is almost nothing useful in it, and nothing useful either. All that remains is the consistency and properties: lubricating effect, anti-adhesive effect, softening ability. All these qualities are often used to improve the taste and texture of dishes. But can we glean anything else beneficial from refined oil? It's worth thinking about!

Which oil is healthier and better: refined or unrefined?

When going to the supermarket to fill your cart with tasty and healthy products, you should think about what exactly you should choose for yourself and your family. Which oil is healthier and better: refined or unrefined? Let's take a closer look at both oil options.


  • almost colorless or has a subtle yellowish tint;
  • does not have a pronounced taste or is completely devoid of any flavor nuance;
  • does not foam during frying;
  • has good lubricating and softening abilities;
  • combines with a number of basic foods in the diet of a large number of people;
  • almost does not change the taste of the products.


  • has a pleasant amber tint;
  • has a pleasant taste depending on the base (seed, corn, olive);
  • foams slightly during frying;
  • lubricates and softens well;
  • combines with a wide range of products;
  • affects the taste of the dish.

To each of the lists of product features, I would like to add a point about the content of useful substances: vitamins, microelements, bioactive components. In the case of the refined version, this point will be almost negative. Most of the useful components are removed during cleaning. That is, in fact, refined oil no longer contains the amount of vitamins that it originally had, while unrefined oil retains a high proportion of all substances important for the body.

Based on all this, let's try to answer the question: what is better and healthier - refined or unrefined oil? If we look at this issue from the point of view of choosing a product that fits ideally into a healthy diet, then we should definitely give preference to unrefined oil. Here you ask: “What about the possible harm from those substances that remain as a result of lack of purification?” We will answer: “There can be no harm with moderate, proper use of a plant product. But the benefits of a natural, unmodified product, which contains valuable fatty, semi-saturated acids, amino acids, vitamins, etc., are definitely there.”

As an example, let’s look at the composition of sunflower oil that has not undergone purification treatment. Contains: vitamins E and A, omega-3, -6 acids, oleic acid. Saturation of the body with these and other components contributes to:

  • preservation of youth and elasticity of tissues (skin, hair, nail plate);
  • formation of a strong immune system;
  • stabilizing the balance of nutrients in the body;
  • improving bowel function;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

Vegetable oil gently envelops the gastric mucosa, which creates natural protection against mechanical microtrauma and the introduction of pathogenic microflora. The antioxidant effect of vegetable oils has also been proven. The use of this product during a diet for weight loss has a very beneficial effect.

What does refined oil mean?

Let's look at what refined oil is. This is a purified product that does not stand out too much in taste and aroma. However, culinary experts note a very striking softening effect and separating ability. By adding this oil to any culinary product, you can achieve reliable mixing without gluing the components of the products. At the same time, the taste of the dish does not change. Refined oil for frying is beneficial - it does not burn and does not foam. When using this variation of grease for the bottom of dishes, you will not encounter soot and a burning smell in the kitchen.

But if we talk about healthy eating, where eating fried foods is completely unacceptable, then this ability immediately loses its value.

So what does refined oil mean? This means that it is a purified product that has retained its physical (not all) qualities and mechanical abilities. But this food component brings almost no benefit to the human body. Refined oil has been stripped of everything beneficial! Is such a product necessary on the table of a person who has chosen the path of healthy eating? The answer is obvious! This oil - from the point of view of healthy nutrition - is absolutely “empty”.

The benefits of unrefined oil

I would like to understand the beneficial qualities of unrefined oil. Many may think that an unrefined product is harmful to the body. This is wrong! Unrefined does not mean dirty. Oil that has not been refined undergoes minimal purification. This cleaning process removes suspended impurities and eliminates elements that affect clarity, color and softness of texture.

Vegetable oils that have not undergone deep purification retain a variety of beneficial qualities.

However, it is worth noting a number of features of such a product that can be considered disadvantages:

  • the unrefined product is sensitive to light;
  • has a shorter shelf life;
  • may taste bitter;
  • not suitable for heat treatment;
  • has a bright flavor (this can be considered both a minus and a plus).

There should be a reverent attitude towards a natural product. It is important to take into account the specifics of application, storage, and selection. However, for experienced cooks and housewives it will not be difficult to remember some rules for using natural, unrefined vegetable oil.

What happens if you choose refined oil?

A reasonable question - is there any harm from consuming a refined product? Many people believe that purified oil does not cause much harm to the body. This is not true at all. After all, the refining process involves the use of substances and compounds such as phosphates, silicates, and poisons. Gasoline is often used for cleaning. Do you think the absorption of these chemical elements in food is harmful to the health of the body? The answer is clear and simple! Carries.

However, by choosing this option for a culinary component, in addition to the obvious harm, you cause damage to your health by depriving yourself of the benefits that a good natural food option provides.

And if your body regularly does not receive valuable microelements and biologically active substances contained in a particular product, you need to either find a replacement for this source (but it is not always available), or accustom yourself to healthy foods. What are some reasons for choosing a less healthy option?

  1. The price of vegetable oils of any level of processing is almost in the same cost range. Plus/minus 20 rubles will not make a big difference to the family budget.
  2. Today any product options are easy to find on the shelves of standard supermarkets, markets, and grocery stores. Therefore, the problem of accessibility is definitely unfamiliar to the modern consumer.
  3. Some people find the special taste of natural oils not very familiar to them. In fact, the natural taste of a natural product is more natural and pleasant. Don't add too many oily additions to your dishes. You just need a drop of this valuable product to spice up a combination of vegetables or add zest to some other dishes.

Another feature of unrefined oil is that you need very little of it to provide your body with the necessary saturation of benefits and health!

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