Step by step drawing of the eternal flame presentation. Drawing the Eternal Flame - more details

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On the eve of Victory Day, we are thinking about preparing symbolic gifts and congratulatory little things. Adults buy St. George ribbons and bright scarlet carnations, teenagers make military equipment and three-dimensional panels, kids draw postcards and cute watercolors or pencil drawings on May 9th. In a word, everyone is trying to show heroes-grandfathers and to grandmothers respect, admiration and immeasurable gratitude for the peaceful sky above their heads. As you know, crafts and sketches created from pure heart, for our veterans is much more valuable than any material assets.

Drawing for May 9 step by step in pencil: Eternal Flame (master class with photos)

The eternal flame that never goes out is a symbol of unforgetfulness and long memory. Almost every memorial complex is supplemented with such a flame. They are often used to equip soldiers’ graves and monuments to victory in military operations. The bowl of fire itself is usually in the symbolic shape of a star, and the flames evoke memories of heroic deeds our veterans. Why not draw a monumental eternal flame, like a drawing for May 9, step by step with a pencil. Detailed instructions look further.

Necessary materials for a step-by-step drawing for Victory Day

  • sheet of white paper
  • eraser
  • pencil
  • ruler

Step-by-step instructions for drawing in pencil for May 9

Beautiful drawing with colors for May 9: Ceremonial fireworks (master class with photos)

One of the most important symbols of Victory Day is the ceremonial fireworks. It was he who decorated the sky above the heads of the participants in the battles when they gathered in the square to celebrate heroic victory over fascist troops. This is probably why fireworks are displayed on everyone greeting cards, applications, panels and paintings dedicated to the fateful event. We invite you to draw a symbolic picture for May 9 using one of the methods described below.

How to draw fireworks for Victory Day: 3 best options

Such a simple, but very relevant fireworks will decorate any drawing with colors for May 9th for a school or kindergarten.

How to draw a drawing for an exhibition for May 9 with your own hands

All for Victory Day educational establishments countries hold cultural events: they organize thematic exhibitions of handicrafts, introduce students to military history, meet and congratulate veterans fresh flowers, ribbons and children's drawings for May 9. After all, it is very important for people who heroically defended our homeland to know that no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!

For the exhibition on Victory Day, anyone can make a monumental eternal flame from cardboard, create a symbolic panel using the quilling technique, or prepare a watercolor image military equipment. How to draw an exhibition drawing for May 9 with your own hands, see below.

Necessary materials for drawing for the exhibition by May 9

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • sheet of white paper

Step-by-step instructions for drawing by May 9 for the exhibition

How to do beautiful postcard for Victory Day, see.

Irina Sergeevna Panova

On Great Victory Day, every person must pay tribute to those who fought for our bright and calm future. For the future of the next generations in a world where there is no place for war. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives for the good of the Motherland. Their memory must remain in our hearts forever.

Eternal honor and respect to all those who fought for our Motherland.

We must tell our children how much each of us now living owes our heroes, heroes Great Patriotic War. How many warm words of respect I would like to say to our veterans. On May 9, Russia celebrates the most significant event in its history.

From the younger age we must sow in little hearts the significance of this holiday, that the Victory Parade is not only a holiday where Heroes of WWII, this is a tribute to the memory of those killed soldiers, officers, showing respect and gratitude to war veterans.

This holiday is filled with love, tears, grief for the dead and joy for a happy, peaceful future.

Eternal honor and respect to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

We are with our kids on the eve of the Victory Day holiday drew the Eternal Flame for the soldier hero. Children o Eternal We learned about fire a little earlier, when we in the group were decorating windows for the Victory Day.

I told the kids again what it is ETERNAL FLAME, this is a flame constantly maintained in special burners at monuments, on memorial complexes, cemeteries, graves; symbol of memory of the fallen heroes, their exploits, victims of fascism.

The kids tried very hard, please watch the process drawing and the result of the work.

Publications on the topic:

This year our country celebrates significant date- 70th anniversary of the Victory. On the eve of the holiday, my parents suggested making a craft.

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Master class “Eternal Flame”. The holiday is approaching - Victory Day, which is celebrated by the whole country. The events of that time still reverberate today.

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Very often in various drawings, both children and adults, need to draw fire. In order for it to really look realistic and please the eye, you need to know how to draw fire. To do this beautifully and easily, you need to know drawing techniques and drawing stages.

Drawing fire

A child’s drawing differs from an adult’s drawing in that the adult divides drawing into stages, practicing various ways, in contrast to a child who immediately tries to recreate the whole picture. As a result, it turns out that the so-called children's drawing, far from perfect. For a child, such art looks cute and funny, but for an adult, such a drawing is not suitable. He just needs to master certain drawing techniques, decide on color scheme, which will make the drawn fire natural and natural. In that case, let's get down to business.

A drawing can also be created on a computer using special programs, but it’s much more interesting to do it by hand, putting your energy and soul into the paper.

How to draw fire?

There are several methods for drawing fire. One of them is based on geometric shapes. Usually these figures are a circle and an oval. They act as the basis from which the flames are then drawn. The oval can be positioned in different ways, which will ultimately affect the final result. If you put an oval, the fire will be more voluminous, and if you put it, it will be high.

In addition, fire can be simply drawn by drawing the flames separately, without basing them on any geometric figure, but in this case there is a risk of getting a sloppy, asymmetrical drawing. Fire can be drawn simply with a pencil and then painted.

How to draw fire with a pencil?

So, first you need to decide on the drawing method. Let it be based on an oval, which we will place elongated. We will place a fire flame inside the oval, as a result of which it will have symmetrical edges and look neat.

How to draw fire step by step with a pencil? First we draw wavy lines from bottom to top, then double them to give volume to the fire. After this, we erase the oval with an eraser, and we are left with flames. You can outline them with a pen or thin pencil for later coloring. Then you need to analyze what has already been drawn and make the necessary adjustments.

Drawing flames

How to draw a fire flame with colored pencils right away, without using a simple one? This can be done, but you should remember that in this case it will no longer be possible to make corrections - to correct or erase something. Therefore, this method is suitable for those who have repeatedly drawn fire with a simple pencil and already have a fairly steady hand.

The first thing to do is give the fire the desired shape using a pencil yellow color. Slightly blurred lines are welcome - after all, this is a fire that does not have clear shapes. After this you need to thicken it a little contour lines, and then add red, which will add color and volume to the entire picture. There is no need for uniformity here, because in a flame there is no color uniformity, so the colors can be arranged quite chaotically.

Types of fire

Flames come in different forms and can convey different sensations. It’s very cool when a drawing conveys mood and emotions. This can be the warmth and tranquility of a fireplace in which flames gleam, the freedom and patriotism of an eternal flame and the romance and courage of a forest fire of travelers and tourists who lit it in order to cook food on it and sing camping songs around it, interspersed long conversations. In any case, it’s nice to look at a drawing that evokes pleasant associations and memories. That is why it is important to convey the inner content through an artistic image. It should not be just an empty drawing, but one that is pleasant to look at.

If, for example, the question arises about how to draw an eternal flame in stages, first of all, you need to think about the background. They will most likely have a monument made in granite, so they will need to draw that too. There should be a contrast between the light and warmth of the fire and the cold and solemnity of the stone.

Children's drawing

Children's drawings differ from adults in their spontaneity and lack of any techniques. This is the beauty of a children's masterpiece. Of course, if the child goes to art school, sooner or later he will be trained there different techniques drawing, but if he is still too small for this, or does not go anywhere at all, then he can draw as he pleases. It is important that parents support any endeavor of their child and praise him more often. You can offer your child a story. For example, you can ask him a question about which fairy tales include a fire, and ask him to draw a picture from the fairy tale. As an example, we can take the fairy tales “The Twelve Months” and “The Snow Maiden”.

How to draw fire, which appears in a fairy tale? In any case, in the center of the composition, having previously thought through it all. The fire should also display its main function in the picture - unification and warming. You can offer your child a choice of pencils or any paints, explaining that you need to use several colors, including black, which needs to be drawn at the very base of the fire. You can also paint half-charred logs on the bottom.

After the drawing is completed, both you and your child will already know exactly how to draw fire.

The eternal flame is an invariable attribute of the Victory Day. This is a fire that always burns in honor of the fallen defenders of our country during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 of the last century. Usually the Eternal Flame is a component element sculptural compositions in parks, squares and squares. There is always a flat bowl on the ground, usually in the form five-pointed star, inside of which there is emptiness and from there the eternal fire burns upward, spreading its unquenchable rays in different directions.

Near the Eternal Flame on the days of great holidays they stand young girls and the guys in strict form. This guard of honor, with this the younger generation pays tribute to their ancestors who died in the war. People walk past the Eternal Flame, laying flowers at nearby monuments: mass graves and monuments. On May 9, veterans look sad at the Eternal Flame and children look at them admiringly. So, here we draw step by step the element of the Victory Day - the Eternal Unquenchable Flame.

Stage 1. Draw the lines of the base of the Eternal Flame - one larger oval, the other slightly smaller oval. Let's draw more lines from the larger one down and show its edge, that is, we will get something like three-dimensional image. Then, under such a circle we will draw wavy lines, and inside the circle we will outline the inner side.

Stage 2. From the middle of the Eternal Flame, draw four lines under the ruler - these are the diverging rays of the star.

Stage 3. Now between these rays we will draw smaller rays of the same length and connect the long and short rays with straight lines. We also do everything according to the line. And we will get an even star - the base of the fire.

Stage 4. Add another fifth ray of the star at the back.

Stage 5. Let's draw more lines under the star, giving it volume.

Stage 6. From the middle of the monument we will draw tongues of flame - fiery flashes. We draw them with wavy, abrupt lines. The fire rises up into the sky. This is how the “Eternal Flame” monument turns out. You can draw it as an element of a postcard or painting for the Great Victory Day, which is always celebrated on May 9.

Our reader asked me to make a lesson on how to draw an eternal flame step by step. At school they asked. I think this lesson should be useful to many, and not only at school.

Although in reality the eternal flame is never eternal. To maintain it you need to spend a lot of resources. But it’s beautiful, it’s generally accepted, and it also symbolizes the memory of someone who is no longer with us. Therefore, eternal flames are installed next to monuments.

How to draw an eternal flame with a pencil step by step

Step one. I'm pretending geometric figure, in which the light will be located.

Step two. I draw a circle in the center. In fact, it is just a pipe from which gas comes.

Step three. Now we need to draw an even star. I believe this monument was erected in honor of the fallen soldiers.

Step four. I'm washing auxiliary lines and trace the contours of the star. With just one a simple pencil I can't depict the color of the fire, so it will be in the form of smoke. And so everyone understands that if there is smoke, then there is fire. Although it also looks like a flame. I also add some shading:

If you could draw this, then you have talent. It can be developed so that you become a real artist. You do not trust me? Try my other lessons and see for yourself.

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