Raunchy happy birthday poems. Dirty birthday greetings

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My friend, I wish you pi*dato
You spent your time
So that he doesn’t live weakly and is rich
And full of vigor and strength!
Let everything that happened suck
Gone into the past forever,
So that you are cheerful and happy,
I forgot the sadness of hateful troubles.
I wish you to enjoy life,
To taste and really relax.
For your own good, break away,
And all enemies are easy to break!

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Congratulation #125

What the fuck ideals
And this fucking morality
I wish they gave you
Girls all when desired.
Let the ideas go to hell,
All moralists, eccentrics,
I wish my friends to buzz,
And the house was full of fun.
So that I don't bother you
And the rest is crap
For starters, you, the asshole,
Gan*on fucking dress.

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Congratulation #124

I wish you a hundred times
The age is frolicking and being naughty.
It's easy to live without getting tired,
Have fun and have fun.
Don't be stupid, but live like crazy,
And no less than a hundred years.
In sex, be cooler than macho,
Hundreds of chicks to fuck.
Euros, bucks, only a hundred each,
A hundred times into your wallet,
To be dressed in fashion
And crazy with happiness.
To share the joy
One hundred reliable homies,
And you left together
I'm in trouble for a hundred p*ds.

May your cherished wishes come true,
And everything will be OK with your friend,
The sad suffering will end,
It's your birthday, honey, don't be shy.
Let men lie at your feet,
And the suckers are too shy to approach again,
Shake your butt in front of them,
Let it ring in the pants of impotent people,
And that's it, they want my girlfriend,
But she is unlikely to give it to them.
Be forever young and sexy
The same passionate and impudent girl.

Someone got old today
Or, to tell the truth the terrible truth,
Has grown a little, matured,
He became smarter, more beautiful and braver.

Today is the brightest day
After all, it’s your birthday, friend.
Let the migraine pass by,
When you wake up with a hangover.

May the sun shine on you forever,
So that you are not alone in life.
So that happiness lasts forever,
And you didn't tear your belly button!

I wish my girlfriend the best birthday
To be happy myself, not to know worries,
Happy holiday, dear, I congratulate you today,
We will now gather the whole company.
Let life carry you on rainbow waves,
Let the prince rush in on scarlet sails,
Fate always spoils you with surprises,
Don’t forget our strong friendship.

To you, on your birthday,

We wish you all success and good luck,

But most importantly, what else I wish -

Your soul is good
Well, the butt is good!
Happy birthday,
I want to “rip you off”!

Funny and vulgar birthday greetings

Let every man get a dick,
When he sees you from afar,
Let him stain his trouser leg with seed,
Your love is too much for him.
I wish your dreams to come true,
No need to spread your legs,
In your career yourself, you will achieve everything,
You just have to really wish it.

Happy birthday,
And I wish you orgasms
So that you finish like a tractor,
She released streams of happiness.
I wish on your birthday,
Sex, joy, fun,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Embrace life.
Let the smile touch
The sun is shining brightly for you,
Joy overflows
Don't be sad and don't be bored.

Be kind like Leopold the cat
And strong like Arnold.
Talented - like Petrosyan,
And to the wise - like Dzhigarkhanyan.
Like Basque, be vocal.
And like Zhirinovsky, he is eloquent.
To have a yacht, two are better,
May you keep your body warm.
Be like Abramovich, rich
Like Stasik Mikhailov - married.
Like Urgant - funny and crazy,
Like Filya Kirkorov - big.
Like the most carefree cowboy.
But still... Remain yourself!

My friend, happy birthday!
I wish you
KamAZ with good luck and goodness,
To live without despondency.

Another golden brick
But to fall at your feet.
So that you bathe in happiness,
I wish you good health and wash your face.

Along the path of life so that you always walk
I wish you the most beautiful flowers,
Waves of gentle sea, azure shores,
Let great love come to you.
Champagne on your holiday so that the river flows
My cherished wish to come true soon,
Hope and faith be with you,
Let a lot of new and interesting things happen.

The most vulgar birthday greetings

Smart, beautiful, sexy,
The figurine is clearly with you,
You always look commendable
Order in a woman's head.
I sincerely wish you
Find love and happiness
And happy birthday,
Good honk today.
And fuck your problems
Don't get distracted, don't be sad,
Crazy changes are coming
Signs of your destiny.

Happy birthday
I love you, my friend,
And I wish that in life
Everything got away with it.

So that cabbage is in your wallet
You have a crunch
To be your lover
The queen dreamed.

So that you change cars,
Like ladies gloves
Everything in life was OK,
That is, everything is fine.

I wish you this birthday
Balloons, a barrel of honey and jam,
Always good, dear, not by day, but by hour,
I wish all the best at your feet.
A happy ray to shine in your eyes,
I wish you to have a lot of fun this evening,
After all, you are a beauty, above all praise,
And this ball is in your honor today.

My friend is celebrating her birthday again
Congratulations, compliments, accepts all gifts,
You'll never be able to count your cavaliers,
Protect your dignity and honor.
Let them lay the most beautiful bouquets at your feet,
Life shares joys with you in half,
And let there be a lot of light in your soul
So that life is like summer.

I wish my beloved girlfriend on her birthday,
Live like a princess, without knowing troubles,
Positive, colorful and brightest days,
Be loved, more beautiful than everyone else and more fun.
I want to take a walk on all the stripes of the rainbow,
I only want to receive pleasant surprises,
Let everything planned come true soon,
After all, this is why it was worth being born.

Until one hundred years, fuck and hello,
Screw all troubles.
Be healthy and in good body,
So that adversity goes crazy.
Drink, drink, don't strain,
And have a blast.
Be successful and rich
So that life is fucked up!
So that there is always an end,
And the enemies got fucked!

To you, on your birthday,
We wished you warmth, happiness and health,
You accepted men's congratulations,
And women's. Sincerely and with love.
We wish you all success and good luck,
So that everything in life is easy and simple,
And they wished for longevity, no other way.
And someone wished for career growth...
I don’t know what else you could wish for...
We wished for everything, it’s unlikely that we forgot anything.
But most importantly, what else I wish -
So that the fuck always stands and there is money!

On your birthday - on this bright holiday!
I wish you fucking happiness, and not only -
So that in every fuck there is a participant first,
So as not to f*ck there was so much money!
Let your little fucker glow with health,
May your dick expand and rise!
So that every bitch is a fucking boss,
Treated you with dignity and honor!
Let all your troubles go to hell,
Let sorrows and anxieties take you into your mouth!
May my wishes throughout all ages and years,
How the b*tches will spread their legs in front of you!

Hi! Happy Day!
Congratulations, there is such a thing,
It's a big wish.
To live life happily,
Without syringes and without tattoos,
To make the girls stand on end
When your boy is long
I went into the wilds of the forest,
Got lost and wandered
Long long along the paths
And he shot, he shot like peas!

Dirty birthday wishes for a friend

You and I know each other
More than a dozen years.
And there was all these years
You are as good as an angel.

Because by nature
Bitch blood was flowing in you.
How much do you and I need:
To avoid wrinkles
To keep the children close
And several men each

Vulgar wishes from a friend in verse

For health, for luck,
To make life easy
To have a car, a dacha,
Let's drink cognac together!

I love you my friend,
but an important question is tormented,
why the hell are you and my husband
kissed with a hickey

I warned you
If I'm offended, there's no escape,
will be your only salvation
absolutely blowjob!

Happy birthday my friend!

Happy birthday my friend!
Let everything be with you:
And the vibrator and the penthouse,
and the servants are good,

In the center is a personal apartment,
Your own yacht!
Dress in boutiques
And only rage with fat,
And live like in your dreams!

Vulgar congratulations to a girlfriend

Let there be fewer critical days,
And more – cloudless, passionate!
Let there be plenty of money in your bag,
And fewer dangerous connections!

Hope, health, luck and strength,
Love - without problem problems,
And so that Abramovich asks for his hand,
And life's joyful ups!

Dirty congratulations to a friend

And today, on my birthday,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
There was so much fun in life,
(Things) should be good.

My favorite business to prosper,
So that I know only happy days,
I didn’t go to the 100-meter race
during menopausal days
So that you don't accidentally get knocked up
So that you get prettier over the years,
Let the lights in your eyes never go out.

So that every time we meet together,
We gasped together, We rejoiced just as much again,
So that your life is like a song,
And love always lived in her!

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