Generation X game. XYZ generation theory

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This year, the Saatchi & Saatchi agency implemented a unique project in more than thirty cities around the world. Agency employees left the offices and “went out into the world” in order to make friends with representatives of generation Y - young people born between 1981 and 2000. The experts did not use questionnaires or questionnaires; they tried to penetrate into the environment being studied. As a result, it was possible to paint a very interesting picture of a generation that has entered an active life and is shaping trends in social development today.

Many people mistakenly classify all of today's youth as generation Y (also often called the Millennium generation abroad). However, according to the theory of generations, developed in 1991 by American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss, generation Y should include those born in 1981-2000, and in Russia - those born in 1984-2000. Neil Howe was an economist and demographer who worked for the US Congress, studying the cycles of economic behavior in the States, and William Strauss was a historian, writer and playwright. They simultaneously and independently tried to understand the essence of such a phenomenon as generational conflict. But to do this, they had to take up the study of the very concept of “generation”.

As a result, Howe and Strauss came to the conclusion that generational conflicts are not caused by differences in age, but by differences in values. If it were otherwise, people, upon reaching a certain age, would acquire the values ​​characteristic of, say, their parents. But this does not happen, children do not become exactly the same as their fathers and mothers. Howe and Strauss studied the period of world history from 1584 to 1991 and made a forecast until 2069. In the 20th century they identified five generations and in the 21st century - one.

The formation of generational values ​​is influenced by many factors - political, economic, social, technological. The model of upbringing adopted in the family plays a special role. Many values ​​are formed before the age of 12-14, during this period a person accepts the model of behavior in the family for granted, he does not perceive it critically, what is good and what is evil is told to the child by the parents. This is how a value system with which a person lives his life is formed. The formation of the values ​​of generation Y was influenced by factors such as globalization and the rapid development of information technology, mobile communications, the Internet, etc. In addition, Russian Igreks were greatly influenced by the collapse of the USSR, market reforms and political liberalization.

However, it is globalization that has become the reason that for the first time in many decades, generation Y in the world and in Russia are almost no different from each other. “The theory of generations after the United States was first tested in South Africa, then in the Asian Tiger countries, and then in Europe and Russia,” says Evgenia Shamis, coordinator of the “Theory of Generations in Russia-Rugenerations” project. — The values ​​of generations are similar in all countries. The fact is that there are key events and phenomena in the world (the emergence of the Internet, the spread of mobile communications) that are common to different countries. The change of generations takes place almost in the same way all over the world.” The only exceptions may be remote, isolated regions where the Internet has not yet arrived.

“If I can imagine something, it probably can be done in reality,” says Sam, a graphic designer from New Zealand. Unlike other generations, representatives of generation Y are very free, their mentality is practically not constrained by any restrictions, Saatchi experts concluded. Generation Y has no understanding of science fiction. Looking at the development of modern technologies, generation Y is convinced that nothing is impossible - today it doesn’t exist, but tomorrow it will be invented, raised, built.

Making dreams come true and getting what they have in mind is in the order of things for Igreks, and the very concept of success is filled with a completely new, non-standard meaning for them. For representatives of generation Y, a prestigious job and a high position are not a dream. The game develops horizontally, not vertically. So, instead of climbing up a single vertical ladder, a representative of this generation will rather try to gain broader experience in several areas. Gamers are less interested in material values, influence and power than in the variety of emotional experiences, say Saatchi experts. “A prestigious employer is not the goal. I want to know that something depends on me. I want to move the machine, not just be a cog,” says the twenty-five-year-old Tokyo resident.

All activities that arouse the slightest interest are immediately “tasted.” For example, sixteen-year-old Anton from Moscow, while studying at school, simultaneously works as a DJ in one of the capital’s clubs and plays sports. At the same time, Igreki, as a rule, refuse to do things that are not interesting to them. If they don't like something, they immediately throw it away. Previously, such inconstancy was condemned. Perseverance and determination were considered a value, but today this is no longer the case. “As soon as work stops giving me pleasure, I will quit,” confirms Farhad (26 years old) from Mumbai.

Greeks want to get the most out of life, develop their personality, try everything - climb Kilimanjaro, dive into the ocean, jump with a parachute.

People belonging to this generation value their time very much. It is important for the player to do everything in time. When scheduling a meeting, he always asks how long the event will last. Sitting at a meeting, Igreki will scroll through the same thought in their heads: “During this time, I would do so much and so much.” Their schedule is scheduled minute by minute. When asking a specific question, young people always want to get a specific answer and do not like to listen to lengthy, abstract discussions. The players are results-oriented. They rely only on themselves and rarely ask for help from other generations. And at the same time, they count on reward, and not in the distant future, but here and now. Millennials are not long-term thinkers and need to know where they are investing their time.
According to experts, all these features of the Igreki, primarily horizontal development, are associated not only with the fact that the world has become more diverse and provides many new opportunities. Generation Y has not only seen good things, they have witnessed numerous terrorist attacks. Hence the feeling of the fragility of the world, the brevity of life and the ephemerality of existence. Everything you have achieved can be destroyed in an instant. So isn’t it better to live for your own pleasure, try and accomplish a lot before the world goes to hell?

But despite this, optimism remains the most important trait of Ygrek. After all, the Igreks were born and live in a relatively prosperous period, when the economic well-being of many families grew. This optimism and excessive, in the opinion of elders, self-confidence can become causes of conflicts with representatives of other generations.

An important difference between Generation Y and others is that they do not have heroes. Such as, for example, Yuri Gagarin was for the baby boomer generation (born 1943-1963). “Igrek is the first generation that has no heroes, but has idols,” says Evgenia Shamis. - We assume that they will not have heroes. They will become them for other generations, despite the fact that they do not always want to be heroes.”

“We will make it ourselves, we will achieve it ourselves” - this is the main motto of generation Y. The generation is determined to be heroes, although they may deny it. If earlier generation X wore T-shirts with photographs of their heroes, now a T-shirt with the inscription “I have no idols!” is popular among the Igreki.
Another remarkable quality of the generation that arose in connection with the development of high technologies is contact. There are no longer clear boundaries in the world; everything has merged into one stream of information. “Before, the groups you belonged to were very clearly divided. Now your best friend, your boss and your dad are all on the same social network. So when you update your status on Facebook, you are interacting with them all at the same time,” says Sriram (29) from Mumbai. Igrek has about a hundred people as friends on his social network, but the young people themselves admit that they recognize barely half of them on the street.

Gamers all over the world receive information through social networks, not through television, and certainly not through newspapers that were printed yesterday. “What’s the point of having a classmate reunion if we’ve already learned everything about each other through Facebook?” - says twenty-eight-year-old Zoe from London. Generation Y has access to a wide variety of information on everything from sex to drugs, long before they have any experience with it. But openness and walking distance also have a downside. They regret that there are no more mysteries and secrets for them.

In addition, Igreks are not inclined to analyze and double-check the information they receive. If those born in the USSR in the 70s are the generation of the television program “What? Where? When?”, then the Igreki do not try to delve deeply into the issues that interest them. Action is more important to them. For Russian Igreki, psychologists find this explanation for this: Generation X in Russia emerged in the years when a lot had to be read between the lines, while the Igreki were formed in the era of glasnost, so they easily take their word for it.
Confident Generation Y is ready to change the society in which it lives. They are interested in improving the country and the world. True, their attitude towards their homeland is somewhat different from the attitude of their parents, sometimes their elders even reproach them for their lack of patriotism, but in fact, the Igreki are simply less ideological.

And another common stereotype: many people believe that Yers, due to their increased self-centeredness, do not need a family. This is not true: representatives of generation Y, like their predecessors, want to find their soul mate. According to statistics, baby boomers have the least number of divorces. Generation X did not have a clear understanding of what a family is - in the USSR, for example, posters promoted “Glory to the CPSU” and “World Peace,” and free relationships were promoted abroad during this period. The number of divorces among Xs is very high. For the Igreks, the family is again gaining importance, but here, too, amendments are being made: half recognize same-sex marriage. By the way, according to researchers, the highest concentration of marriages will be in the next generation - Z.

But that is not all. The authors of the theory of generations, Howe and Strauss, discovered an amazing pattern: every 80 years, the values ​​of generations coincide. The values ​​of generation Y closely coincide with the values ​​of the GI generation (born 1900-1923), conventionally called “winners” or “survivors.” True, the authors of the theory could not theoretically explain this empirical pattern. The GI generation also believed in a bright future and witnessed remarkable technological breakthroughs. They were also ready to stand for the truth and were somewhat skeptical about money. Their motto was also “Act!” They were proud of their sense of power. Isn't it true that all this is reminiscent of generation Y? But many of the GI generation ended badly: they died on the fronts of World War II and in concentration camps... However, maybe for generation Y everything will not end so badly.


In the West, the object of study of the theory has become the middle class, which has a high level of income and can afford significant expenses on education, food, enlightenment, and cultural life. The application of the theory of generations in Russian practice has its own specifics. According to the results of sociological research, at least two groups of Russians consider themselves to be middle class. The first group are people with high economic income and the second are people with a high level of education and not very high income. Therefore, in Russia, when applying theory, experts prefer to use the term “majority”.

Along with “pure” generations, there are also “borderline” ones, when the qualities of several generations are mixed in a person, especially if he was raised by elderly parents or grandparents. Generational change is also hampered by the fact that sometimes children live with their parents for a very long time and, therefore, remain committed to the values ​​of two generations.

Generation Y or the Millennials generation, as well as the next generation, the network generation, millennials - the generation born after 1981-1983, who met the new millennium at a young age and are characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies. When the term was coined, Generation Y was contrasted with Generation X, which corresponds to the previous demographic generation. The term Yllo (Young Liberty Love) is often used.

Before starting a conversation about the characteristics of a particular generation, it is necessary to make a historical and chronological explanation.

The founders of the theory of generations as such are the Americans Neilly Howe and William Strauss. In Russia, the application of this theory has its own specifics, since the events under the influence of which our generational values ​​were formed are somewhat different from the American ones.

So, according to American scientists, five generations can be counted since the beginning of the twentieth century:

Those born between 1900 and 1923 were classified as GI - the “generation of winners”. Their values ​​were formed before 1933. In Russia, this happened under the influence of the revolutionary events of 1905 and 1917, collectivization, and electrification. Hard work and responsibility, as well as adherence to ideology, were the hallmarks of a person of this generation as a worker.

Following them, from 1923 to 1943, the “silent generation” was born, which was formed before 1953 and was distinguished, according to the observation of the American founders of the theory, by patience and law-abidingness. In addition to the Great Patriotic War, Stalin’s repressions and the restoration of the destroyed country had a decisive influence on these people. Among the main values ​​of this generation are loyalty, adherence to rules and laws, respect for position and status, honor and patience.

The baby boomer generation, associated with a surge in birth rates, came into this world in 1943 - 1963 and grew until 1973. In the USSR, its growth occurred under the influence of the Soviet “thaw”, the conquest of space, the improvement of the world superpower and the presence of the Cold War. As workers, these people are optimistic, interested in personal growth and rewards, while at the same time they are distinguished by collectivism and a well-developed team spirit.

1963 – 1983 (education, accordingly, continued until 1993) – the emergence of “generation X”, or the “unknown generation”. The continuation of the Cold War, perestroika, AIDS, drugs, the war in Afghanistan - all this, according to experts, shaped the readiness of these people to change. They are characterized by global awareness and technical literacy, as well as individualism, the desire to learn throughout life, pragmatism, and self-reliance. But this strong and numerous generation also feels that young people are stepping on its heels.

And young people are precisely “generation Y,” which we will try to dwell on in more detail. The years of birth of the “Greeks” are 1983 – 2003. Their life values ​​continue to form even now.

According to a survey on the topic “What is most important to you in life?”, conducted by the organizers of the round table of the same name on the social network Vkontakte, the majority of young people put learning something new and self-improvement in first place. In second place by the number of votes is the desire to create a strong and loving family.

These results are very different from the priorities of Generation X. And of course, their life values ​​differ, but this is precisely the secret of moving forward.

As mentioned above, generation Y was greatly influenced by the development of network communication technologies, such as e-mail, short message service, instant online messaging and other new media resources such as video hosting YouTube and social networks (Livejournal, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and etc.).

One of the most important distinguishing features of the psychology of modern youth is multitasking in the use of communication tools: they can chat with several people at the same time, read the text of a website on a distant topic, and follow updates on Twitter and blogs. Among them, the consumption of media such as television and radio has been reduced tenfold.

Children of the Russian millennium

“The children of the Russian Millennium are, perhaps, the first generation that does not have heroes, but has idols. We assume that they themselves will become heroes and models for other generations, despite the fact that they do not always want to be such.” - Coordinator of the project “Theory of Generations in Russia-Rugenerations” Evgenia Shamis

The person who once said that young people will be perceived negatively at any time was right. The older generation will always look at the younger generation a little askance, and sometimes even with caution. And what is evident is not so much a conflict of generations or a difference in the views of fathers and children, but a natural precaution towards everything new and still little known.

In order to properly understand the character of modern Russian youth, we need to turn to the time when they came of age.

Modern “young people” are people under 30 years old - that is, as already indicated, the generation of the late 80s and early 90s. In literature, there is such a thing as the “lost youth” of that time. She got lost in the labyrinth of changes that were taking place in our country at that time. She became lost both for the state and for the older generation.

A colossal revaluation of values ​​and an irrevocable change in all ideals made itself felt.

Thus, the childhood of modern “young people” did not pass in the easiest conditions. Over time, these conditions broke some, led them down the wrong path, taught some to be cynical about everything and everyone, while others made them stronger and more purposeful. And the latter are the absolute majority. Otherwise, there would be no news about more and more Olympiads won by Russian students, and we would not rejoice at the sporting achievements of our young compatriots.

Of course, problems exist: drugs, alcoholism, and teenage recklessness. But here, as with any rule, there are exceptions. And, of course, you cannot put all young people under the same standard. People with immoral behavior have existed and most likely will always exist.

By the way, now we hear less and less criticism of young people. The older generation, those people who have something to compare with, understand that life changes, the world is not static, and a person, like a litmus test, reacts to the slightest changes. And if anywhere you can hear the notorious: “We were different at your age,” then, as a rule, with the addition: “It’s true, the time was different...”.

Much of what people could once only dream of has become within reach and everyday life for today’s youth; moreover, it has become the order of things. The Internet, video communication, satellite telephone and other technological advances make a person absolutely mobile and independent. And all this left a certain imprint on the character and behavior of young people.

Probably, unlike older generations, this generation is not ready to die for the sake of a universal idea, but it can just as successfully bring something new, go beyond established boundaries and expand the horizon of its actions. All this is possible thanks to inner freedom and the ability to navigate many aspects of modern life.

Previous generations first started families, then started careers - and more often did this simultaneously and immediately. Today, young people see and understand that having this approach to life, their parents divorced long ago and to this day have a job they don’t like. Most millennials also want a family, but they want to make the right choice the first time, and the same thing happens with work. But, again, every rule has its exceptions.

"Trophy Generation"

Another name for generation Y is the “trophy generation.”
This term reflects the tendency of modern character to manifest itself in competitive activities, as well as in other areas of life, where there is no winner and loser, since time after time “friendship wins” and everyone receives “gratitude for participating in the competition.”

A survey among employers confirmed that the younger generation manifests itself in the same way in corporate culture. Some employers note that young people have too high expectations from their employment; they prefer to adapt working conditions to their lives, and not vice versa. However, they are able-bodied, want impact from their work and greater participation in decision-making, and often prefer to use flexible working hours.

PricewaterhouseCoopers expert Svetlana Kulganek gave an interesting presentation on the topic of employers' attitude towards people of generation Y. According to her, working with generation Y is one of the most important tasks.

Young people representing the modern labor market will be actively working in the next ten years. The main features of this generation are as follows: the guys are focused on education more than on work, they strive to go to large cities and other countries, they have clear requirements for employers, and a well-formed worldview. They don’t want to work according to the principle of “this is how it should be”; they need interest in what they do.

The presence of career priorities and obligatory interest are, perhaps, the main features of generation Y.

Yers, as a rule, do not have such a deep fundamental education as Xers, and many of them prefer to develop simultaneously in several areas. They are distinguished by high learning ability, versatility and quick adaptation. Therefore, by the age of 23, many people already have more than one education diploma, often in completely different fields, which is reflected in their behavior on the labor market. Among them, short-term retraining and advanced training courses are in great demand, helping to save time, which is highly valued by them.

And although representatives of generation Y are mostly people with higher education, they do not always become “white collar” workers and often find themselves in a variety of areas of business, be it manufacturing and the extractive industry or, say, public service. Considering the abilities and love of young people for new technologies, many of them, unlike Generation X, easily master professions related to communications and IT. The Igreki also enjoy conquering completely new areas where there is not yet much competition.

Youth about youth

Immersing myself in aspects of modern trends in personality development, I still became interested in how young people themselves characterize themselves? And is she satisfied with the behavior of her peers? Here's what I found out:

Elena, 19 years old

The modern young man is bright, dynamic, self-sufficient, independent, constantly on the move and searching. Modern students have a desire to study in order to get a decent and interesting job in the future, so as not to depend on their parents and grandparents. Many accuse young people of passivity and inaction. This is wrong. Even during their studies, modern students try to earn extra money to help their parents. In any case, I try and so do my friends.

Kirill, 30 years old

Modern young people, especially teenagers, are always surrounded by temptations: bright color advertising beckons them to drink beer; a famous actor encourages you to smoke, promising an instant solution to all problems; The slot machine makes you thirsty for easy money. The unstable child's psyche is very sensitive to such things. You need to constantly control yourself, not give in to temptations, not get into bad company... I, in turn, could not avoid this, as a result, I have not been able to quit smoking for 10 years now.

Sergey, 25 years old

Modern youth, in my opinion, are frivolous and want everything at once. It seems to me that our generation has not yet fully comprehended its destiny and does not have clear plans for the future. Perhaps this is due to general instability and the fact that this very future is not yet known to anyone.

Kira, 18 years old

Whatever the current generation, it is important to remember one thing: in order to preserve the connection between generations and times, we must pass on to our children the most valuable things that our parents taught us. After all, there are two eternal things in the world: the sky above our heads and the youth of our souls. Both are equally important for everyone. And woe to those who see only gray clouds in the sky, and measure the age of their soul only by the years they have lived.

Anna, 29 years old

I agree, a qualitative “conflict” between generations has always existed. We can say that this is quite normal, because there is a clear difference in interests, value systems, etc. But here it should be noted that the most important thing in society is morality, spiritual values ​​and ethics. Today's youth are in no way to blame for what is happening, because alcohol, drugs, the sex industry, and luxury goods are produced under the patronage of the older generation (the capital is in their hands). Also, a certain part of the blame lies with the government, because... There is a complete absence of state, civil and moral ideology in the country. Man as a whole, and especially the younger generation, needs ideological direction and a visible outline of vital principles.

Of course, the younger generation can always be reproached with something. After all, they have energy, but still little experience. At the same time, approximately the same can be said about the previous generation: after all, they have experience (even if not always positive), but they no longer have energy.

Generation Y are the guys who want everything at once. They are not ready to put up with routine and uninteresting work, and do not want to separate work from self-realization. They will not do something now for the sake of the future, put off good things for later, and endure hardships today. They want to leave their mark, not be a cog in the mechanism. Not to lay bricks, but to build a temple - that’s what they want. And to make life interesting, you want to be part of something big, achieve something, grow and develop, change the world around you, and not just make money. They are ready to work hard - but only on the condition that they see what they are doing it for.

Generation X, generation Y, generation Z - these expressions often appear in articles by sociologists and demographers, personnel officers and marketers. What do these letters mean?

For the first time, two people spoke about the peculiarities of age differences in 1991 - US researchers Neil Howe and William Strauss. They created a theory that was based on differences in the values ​​of people of different generations. These differences were studied, as well as the reasons behind them, for example, the situation in the economy and politics, technological development of society, etc. Some time later, the theory began to be applied in practice, because she has proven to be very effective in the business field. Today this theory is used more and more often.

Representatives of the following generations now live in Russia (years of birth are indicated in brackets):

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923).
  • The Silent Generation (1923-1943).
  • Baby boomer generation (1943-1963).
  • Generation X (“X”) (1963-1984).
  • Generation Y (“Igrek”) (1984-2000).
  • Generation Z “Zed” (since 2000).

Scientists note that the boundaries are calculated with the assumption of plus or minus 3 years, and for people at the junction of generations, features of both are often characteristic.

Post-war generation. Photo from the site

Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are people born between 1943 and 1963. The generation received its name due to the post-war surge in birth rates. The events that had the greatest impact on the formation of the values ​​of people of this generation are, of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet “thaw”, the conquest of space, uniform standards of education in schools and guaranteed medical care.

They grew up in a real superpower. These people are optimists, team-oriented, collective people. The best sports for them are football and hockey. The best vacation is tourism. They greatly respect curiosity in other people. Now representatives of this generation, the “boomers,” are quite active, go to fitness centers, swimming pools, master new gadgets and the Internet, and travel to other countries as tourists.

Currently, most baby boomers are retired, although there are some who are still working. A distinctive feature of this category of people in Russia is good health and enviable endurance.

Generation X. Photo from

Generation X

Generation X are people born from 1963 to 1983. Generation X is also called the lost or unknown generation. They grew up against the backdrop of the Cold War, shortages, and the beginning of perestroika. Many X-ers grew up in single-parent families, and working parents allowed them to lead an independent life. This generation is often called “”. In political life, the X's are little active due to their individualism and are less patriotic than their fathers.

Their distinctive features are the ability to rely only on themselves, alternative thinking, awareness of what is happening in the world, and a willingness to choose and change. By and large, people in this age category are loners who are focused on hard work and achieving individual success. They move through their careers for many years, adhering to the chosen direction.

Generation Y

The “autumn” generation Y, which was born from 1983 to 2003, grew up against the background of global upheavals: the collapse of the USSR state, terrorist attacks, epidemics. But the passage of time has introduced new symbols - the rapid development of information technology. Thanks to the Internet and cellular communications, the generation of Gamers received the nickname “thumb generation”, for their ability to type SMS with the finger of one hand.

Gamers can easily communicate with strangers online, but in real life they experience communication problems. In the virtual world, players create their own ideal world, where their rules and laws reign. Therefore, the generation is distinguished by great naivety and ignorance of the realities of this world.

Players don’t like to start their professional growth from the lower levels; they want to receive awards and high fees right now, just for being there. At the same time, they strive to achieve professionalism in several areas at once and strive to receive diverse information, which is a plus in the modern world.

Generation Y jokes

We were born - the USSR collapsed, went to school - default, entered university - a crisis began, found a tolerable job - the end of the world. Just a generation of lucky ones.

Generation Z

Those born after 2003 belong to generation Z. They saw the restoration of the power of our country, cheered for our winning athletes at the Olympics and world championships. Their school has computers, renovations have been done, the courtyards are clean, new playgrounds and sports complexes have been installed.

Representatives of generation Z actively use tablets, iPads, VR and 3D reality. The term “Generation Z” is often considered synonymous with the term “digital native.” Generation Z is interested in science and technology (for example, many representatives of the generation are expected to work in engineering, biomedicine, robotics), as well as the arts. The generation is expected to be frugal and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Generation Z jokes

When I was a child, I was not accepted as a Padawan, at the age of 10 I did not receive my first Pokemon, at the age of 11 I did not receive a letter from Hogwarts... If by the age of 33 my uncle does not give me the One Ring or at the age of 50 he does not knock on my door wizard, I'll stop hoping and go look for a job...


If we follow the theory of Strauss and Howe, the generation that will replace the zeros (representatives of this generation will begin to be born in 2023-24) will be the generation of Artists, the “new silent generation.” We cannot predict exactly what it will be like, but we can remember what the previous one was like. Here's what the Times wrote sixty years ago: “Waiting for the guiding finger of fate, today's youth work tirelessly and without complaining. The most amazing fact about this young generation is their silence. With very few exceptions, you won’t see them in the stands... They don’t write manifestos, don’t make speeches, and don’t walk around with banners.”

Just like for the silent ones of the twentieth century, for the “new” ones the main values ​​will be collective values ​​(social networks will play an important role in their lives); they will probably work a lot, and in their free time go into virtual worlds, not just books (like 100 years ago), but computer games.

Generation Y

Generation Y(generation “Greek”; other names: millennials - generation of the Millennium, generation “next”, “network” generation, echo boomers) - the generation born after 1980, who met the new millennium at a young age, characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies . When the term was coined, Generation Y was contrasted with Generation X, which corresponds to the previous demographic generation.


The characteristics of a generation vary from country to country depending on political, economic, social and other conditions. While the “Greek” generation in the United States usually includes those born in 1981-2000, in Russia it includes the generation born in new socio-political conditions, with the beginning of Gorbachev’s Perestroika, the collapse of the USSR - 1984-2000. However, sociologists do not have a clear starting date for this generation.

In the United States, the Y generation is associated with the rise in birth rates that began in 1982, the so-called “echo boom.” These are mainly children of the baby boom generation, hence the name “echo boomers.” However, as far as developed countries are concerned, the downward trend in the number of children in families continues, so the phenomenon of the “echo boom” is not as widely known as the “baby boom” itself.

The majority of the Y generation belongs to a liberal culture, but certain groups hold more conservative views. Research conducted in 2006 in the United States showed that 48% of “echo boomers” believe in God, 20% do not believe, and 32% are not sure of his existence.

It is also worth mentioning the fact of loyalty to more radical political movements. Neo-Nazi, communist and monarchist ideas are widespread among the Y generation. Democrats are also present, but their percentage is relatively small.

Peter Pan generation

The “Yay” generation also correlates with the so-called “boomerang generation”, or “Peter Pan generation”, due to the fact that its representatives tend to delay the transition to adulthood for a longer period than their peers in previous generations, and also longer stay in the parental home. Sociologist Kathleen Chaputis called this phenomenon “full nest syndrome.” The root cause of this trend can be attributed to economic conditions: the international financial crisis, widespread increases in housing costs, unemployment.

However, economics is not the only explanation for this phenomenon. Among sociologists, the question of definition has not yet been fully resolved: what is considered “adulthood”? A study by Dr. Larry Nelson noted that the Y generation is in no hurry to take on the responsibilities of adulthood because of the negative example of the previous generation.

“Previous generations started families, started careers - and did it immediately. And today young people see: having this approach to life, their parents divorced and have jobs they don’t like. Most Gen Yers want a family, but they want to make the right choice the first time, and it’s the same with work.”

Communications and Integration

The Millennial generation, like other generations, was shaped by the events, leaders, and inventions of their time. However, some Russian commentators claim that he does not have his own heroes.

Ygrek is the first generation that has no heroes, but has idols. We assume that they will not have heroes. They will become them for other generations, despite the fact that they do not always want to be heroes.

Coordinator of the project “Theory of Generations in Russia-Rugenerations” Evgenia Shamis

It was influenced by the development of network communication technologies such as email, short message service, instant messaging and other new media resources like video hosting YouTube and social networks (Livejournal, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). One of the most important distinguishing features of the communication psychology of “echo boomers” is their multitasking in the use of communication tools: they can chat with several people at the same time, read a website on a different topic, follow updates on Twitter and blogs. Among them, the consumption of media such as television and radio has been reduced tenfold.

Self-expression is extremely important to this generation. For example, in China, with a population of over a billion people, the desire to stand out from the crowd, to be individual, has become the cornerstone of the culture of Chinese youth. In countries around the world, only thanks to access to the Internet, people assert themselves in online role-playing games of the MMORPG genre and virtual worlds like World of Warcraft and Second Life. The most expressive members of the Y generation have earned recognition by organizing online communities, launching Internet memes or organizing flash mobs. Other, more socially shy people have found anonymous online communication to be more liberating.

Pop culture

The Y generation emerged at a time when the Internet caused a global upheaval in traditional media. Compared to previous generations, this is characterized by the universal availability of any information, music, cinema, which could not but affect the business of television channels, recording studios and the entertainment industry as a whole. In countries with stricter laws, the distribution of unlicensed content online has become a problem, and copyright is enforced by the state and authorized bodies. However, torrent trackers are winning markets from copyright holders, and now music lovers are no longer hunting for new discs, but can easily download them (legally or illegally) from the Internet directly into their pocket digital audio player.

Conditions for cultural understanding

In the USA, a kind of “bridge” in realizing a certain kinship of tastes and preferences, cultural continuity of generations X (1965-1980/83) and Y (1981/84 - 2000) took place: the “Y” generation also loves films about Spider-Man (1962, comic book) and “Star Wars” (1976, promotional book), as once (in the 1970s) “Xers” loved comic books and movies about these characters (about successful idols who came out of a layer so close and familiar to them "non-heroic" life).

This cannot be said about the USSR and Russia. Generation X until the end of the 1980s objectively used the cultural signs adopted by the Russian generation of baby boomers (1946-1964) - the “cult of heroes.” Moreover, these cultural signs were bipolar: on the one hand, the heroes of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars, on the other, the images of the heroes of the sixties from films and literature of the 1960-1970s. (smart, ironic, apolitical). Only in the second half of the 1980s did contemporaries jump on this “hero bandwagon” of the “X” generation - Viktor Tsoi (b. 1962), Igor Talkov (b. 1956) with their tragic destinies.

But already the beginning of the 1990s “cancels” the “cult of heroes” in the mass consciousness of the X-generation: a very, very painful breakdown of cultural and value guidelines taken from the “heroic eras” is taking place, as witnessed by those born (since 1984-1985). .) children. Their presence during this process quite likely caused a state of culture shock and an age-related desire to “hide your head in the sand.” Computer networks and communications technologies have accelerated this desire.


Millennials' economic prospects worsened markedly during the 2008-2009 economic recession. Some states have had to take special measures to employ young people due to social tensions, such as the prolonged unrest in Greece in 2008 caused by soaring unemployment. Youth unemployment in Europe remains high (40% in Spain, 35% in the Baltics, 19.1% in the UK and over 20% in many other countries). In other regions, unemployment is also high, in particular, in the United States, youth employment statistics have been kept since 1948, and unemployment in this population group reached a record in July 2009, amounting to 18.5%. In Asia and other regions the situation is somewhat different, but the problem of unemployment is still relevant.

Another name for the “Greek” generation is “trophy generation.” This term reflects a tendency in competitive sports, as well as in other areas of life, where there is no winner or loser, “friendship wins,” and everyone receives “gratitude for participating in the competition.” A survey among employers confirmed that the younger generation of “Greeks” manifest themselves in corporate culture in the same way. Some employers are concerned that young people have too high expectations from their employment, they prefer to adapt their working conditions to their lives, rather than vice versa. However, they are able-bodied, want impact from their work and greater participation in decision-making, and prefer to use flexible working hours.

Already now and in the future, according to expert forecasts, representatives of the Y generation will often change jobs. The personnel departments of some large organizations are aware of this psychological conflict and are trying to remove it by helping managers of older generations understand the younger ones and create more comfortable conditions for the latter.



  • Natalia Sokolova Generation Igrek // Profile. - September 20, 2010. - No. 34 (685).
  • Evgenia Shatilova Generation Y: Managing with Many Unknowns. - January 11, 2012.
  • Lyudmila Pushkina Igrek people. - March 13, 2012.

Wikimedia Foundation.


Material from the site

Generation Y Generation Y emergence time , or as it is also called generation Millennium

– these are people who were born between 1981 and 2003. It must be said that in different countries, depending on political, economic, and social conditions, the reference date for this generation changes. So, if in the United States generation Y includes people born in 1981, then in Russia the time of the “Greeks” began later, in 1984, after the collapse of the USSR with the beginning of perestroika.
The main events that shaped the values ​​of generation Y in Russia: - the collapse of the USSR;
- terrorist attacks and military conflicts;
- increasing consumption of alcohol and drugs by the country's population, and especially young people;

- development of digital technologies, Internet.

Generation Y values

Generation Y in business
1) The emergence of a market economy during their childhood. Future entrepreneurs observe the picture of business development from an early age and adapt to these realities. Naturally, the legislation of the new country played an equally significant role, where any methods of making money that are not prohibited are allowed. Therefore, the conclusion is: generation Y is a product of new times.
2) Reluctance to work in teams and companies where the rules of the “old regime” apply. It is psychologically uncomfortable for young people to work in a team with the older generation, who live according to their own values. And it is not easy to work under leaders who held administrative positions during the “building of communism.” The point here is not even a generational conflict. These are just different people, with different values, different worldviews and different views. As a result, it turns out that young employees prefer either to work in a team of their peers (which is about 80% of the total number of vacant jobs) or to start their own business, choosing their own assistants and partners.

Self-realization and development of the new generation

As a result, we can form the following picture of the vision of Generation Y:
1) They are not tied to one workplace. They believe that regularly changing jobs is in the order of things. The main thing is to develop yourself as a specialist, and in which companies it does not matter, your career does not depend on the employer. Naturally, employers also understand this state of affairs. As a result, in order to get a job, a young specialist must thoroughly prove that he needs this job (long-term selection of candidates for a vacant position, fairly long internships and practice before official employment, slow salary growth in the first years of work, etc.) . Young workers themselves believe that this is an infringement of their working rights, but in fact this is only an adequate reaction to the excessive “career mobility” of Generation Y.
2) They are not even attached to their own business. The love of freedom, the ability to manage their personal time and independence are the reasons that Generation Y chooses this type of business as project work.
This is self-employment, which has a start time and an end time when the final goal is achieved and the finished product can be offered on the market. Large corporations and other companies also see their benefit in this: young professionals do not want to work for them, sitting in an office and adhering to corporate rules, but they want to sell the results of their activities to these companies. The latter, in turn, do not mind receiving a finished product, in which they do not need to invest money and spend their own reserves to achieve the goal.
3) Generation Y has become the “pioneers” of such a type of employment that is so specific to the older generation as remote work or freelancing. If a young specialist is given a choice about how to work: on a flexible schedule or remotely, preferences are divided approximately 50:50, depending on the specifics of the work and the life circumstances of the young specialist.

Literature and links

  1. “Demoskon Weekly” No. 381, E. Mitrofanova “The history of the emergence of the theory of generations”
  2. Natalya Sokolova “Generation Igrek” “Profile” No. 34 (685).
  3. Announcement of the magazine “HR Management”, October 2007
  4. Subscription to the HR Management magazine at the E-xecutive Kiosk
  5. E. Shamis, A. Antipov “Theory of Generations”

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