Popular Canadian singer. Famous Canadian singers and musicians

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Canadian artists, who you've never heard of (or didn't know were Canadian).

Following the advice girlnextdoor, I present the magnificent seven talented Canadians I've met through local radio and Spotify Music Canada. All genres are represented, for every taste and color: hip-hop, alternative rock, pop, electronic and country. The number seven is my favorite on the blog, because seven is the optimal number for the list, not too little and not too much.

There are a lot of videos and photos in the post.

I'll start with the number one star on the list - Drake. Now he is on a wave of popularity, but once he was a simple black guy from the suburbs of Toronto. Although there is a lot of gossip about his family, origins and parents. I once heard in a conversation that Aubrey (as his friends call Drake) did not start from the bottom, being from a wealthy Jewish family, he attended an elite closed school for young talents. And that his song Started from the Bottom and the ghetto environment are nothing more than lies and a desire to squeeze into the cohort of African-American rappers. After reading his Wikipedia page, I came to the conclusion that Aubrey Drake is from a middle-class family, although he was raised by a single (white) mother. I don't think to be talented singer, you need to be born in the lower social strata. Drake is very talented performer and deserves to be called the number one singer in North America. Even though I don't listen to hip-hop, I sometimes make an exception for Drake. Favorite songs: One Dance and Hold On, We're Coming Home.

Rapper Drake is a symbol of Canadian multiculturalism

My university youth (the first five years of university) - Metric. I accidentally heard one song in a selection of tracks on a flash drive cousin and Googled their albums. For me, hearing Metric on local Canadian radio was like a miracle. At first I thought I had turned on my playlist. I'm so used to the fact that Metric is an unknown alt-rock band that is never played on the radio, and which I discovered quite by accident on the Internet. I still rejoice when I hear the voice of Emily Haynes when I walk down the street or sit in a cafe. As someone correctly noted in the musical review of their album Fantasies, Emily’s voice is a mixture of the hoarseness of Nina Persson from The Cardigans and a certain hysteria of Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. If Madonna's voice is the canon of American pop music, the voice of Metric's Emily Haynes is the canon of alternative North American music (IMHO). Metric is originally from Toronto and came to Calgary three years ago for a concert that I didn’t have time to attend. Canadians don't really know them (or I'm talking to the wrong people), but they are often played on alternative radio.

Their most popular songs (Help I’m Alive and Gimme Sympathy) are probably familiar to you if you often watch shows like The Vampire Diaries (which I don’t watch, but I heard that Metric is included in the soundtrack of the series). I love their video Gimme Sympathy – unusual and very alternative. One of the most underrated rock bands, in my opinion. Perhaps they should change the composer and songwriters, because Emily's voice is worthy of conquering the charts. By the way, “the face of Canada” Kristen Stewart admitted that the song Metric Satellite Mind is one of her favorites.

I also love Emily's clothing style (glamrock!)

Metric will remind you of the slightly forgotten, but nevertheless beautiful in their time, The Cardigans

Tegan and Sara

In Canada they are considered a mainstream pop group, despite their unconventional surroundings. In the States, they are also considered a group for gays, but in Canada, some do not even know that the twins Tegan and Sarah have been fighting on the other side of the front for a long time. They can probably be compared to our Russian Tattoos, everyone knows about their reputation, but they are still at the top of the charts. I remember when I was in middle school, many girls dressed like Tatu soloists. And no one gave it credit special significance. Simply fashionable. The same goes for Canadian twins Tegan and Sarah Queen. An American friend heard Tegan and Sarah’s song and immediately said: “Ugh, they’re Canadian lesbians!” (not that lesbians – ugh, but that Canadians, some Americans don’t like Canadians). A Canadian colleague admitted that she didn’t even suspect that Tegan and Sara belonged to gay people.

If someone hears the sweet voices of the Queen twins in your headphones, no one will look at you askance - local radio stations love to play Tegan and Sara's cute pop songs on the daytime airwaves. Fortunately, their latest album is very cool and catchy.

Also, Tegan and Sarah are from Calgary, raised by the same mother and lived near me (Silver Springs). That's why people in Calgary love them in a special way.

Forget the Night Snipers, the glamorous and feminine Tegan and Sara will win your heart with just their cute looks.

Coleman Hell

Bearded Ontario electronica artist Coleman Hell offers a stylish mix of country music and electronic beats, just right for a disco dance in a town like Deep River or Fort McMurray. You can feel nostalgic for beautiful views Canadian nature and country bars, sitting at the bar in big city like Toronto.

Every time I hear the first notes of 2 Heads, I remember my two years in the small town of Fairbanks, Alaska. And the clip is appropriate - a country wedding in a small place with a beautiful blonde bride and a smug groom.

Dear Rouge

I once shared a room with a student journalist, Annie, from Juneau, Alaska. Annie graduated and set out to conquer New York. Arriving in Calgary, I saw a video clip of the band Dear Rouge with a girl who strikingly reminded me of my Alaskan neighbor. However, the vocalist's voice and style of music were strikingly different from musical material, which I sometimes heard performed by Annie in the local pub. Having experienced a powerful the cognitive dissonance, I went to research information about the group on Google and YouTube. Dear Rouge's Danielle does look like Annie's big sister, but she's from Red Deer in northern Alberta.

Dear Rouge is a very interesting alternative team, which is quite unusual for the Prairies. Perhaps the fact that the guys started climbing from Alberta, and not from Ontario or British Columbia, somehow influenced their popularity and recognition, but at the moment, Dear Rouge is not particularly known outside of Canada. But it's worth listening to them. Canadian alternative music itself is quite popular (Alanis Morissette, Lights, Feist, Half Moon Run), but I think I won’t hear Dear Rouge in Russia for a long time.

Annie, take your refrigerator from my room

Alessia Cara

Despite her young age (20), Alessia Cara wrote an unexpectedly very mature song, Here. When I heard her song on the radio, I thought, wow, finally someone thought of writing a song about stupid house parties from which you want to go home as quickly as possible.

Looking at such young singers (Kara was born in 1996), you think how much I have matured and how quickly time flies. However, Alessia Cara compares favorably with girls of her same age, mainly due to her lyrics and beautiful vocals.

For some reason, I always thought that Alessia Cara was a singer of Afro-Caribbean origin, but Wikipedia corrects me, saying that Cara is Italian. However, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that despite her youth, Kara manages to write excellent lyrics and be sincere in her songs.

I would love to go to her concert.

Oh, these Italians: if Alessia Cara is African-Canadian for me, then Ariana Grande is Asian

The Weeknd

We started with a world hip-hop star, and we’ll finish our list with a Canadian rap artist as well.

Everyone knows Weekend, but not everyone knows that he is Canadian from Ontario. Unlike Drake-Aubrey, whose father is African-American, Weekend's parents are Ethiopian. What is interesting about Canada is the fact that African Canadians, unlike African Americans, are usually descendants of immigrants from the former British colonies of Africa, or from Caribbean Islands(Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Islands).

As I said, I don't particularly prefer hip-hop, but I like Weekend's duets with Lana Del Rey (Stargirl and Lust for Life). I think many people know The Weeknd, if not by name, then by his songs.

Which Canadians do you listen to?


Canadian women, at first glance, may seem cold and strict, but their appearance can be deceiving!
Canada is a huge country in North America, the second largest, second only to Russia, and the ninth country in the world, known for its low population density. The east coast of Canada was inhabited by Vikings around 1000 BC. The beauty of Canadian lakes and waterfalls cannot be described in words - it must be seen.
Official languages Canada are English and French. More than 50% of Canadians are adherents of the Roman Catholic religion, 30% are Protestants, the remaining 20% ​​are atheists

Between American and Canadian girls there are differences. Already available on the site.
As a rule, Canadian women are above average height and are not prone to being overweight. This is easily explained from a scientific point of view - by harsh climatic conditions. Local canadian girls have enough broad shoulders and narrow hips. These features create the effect of false subtlety. Another feature Canadians, is the structure of the skull, due to which Canadians have a distinct profile, defined cheekbones and a slightly protruding chin. Their noses are neat, small, narrow, and their lips are well defined. Perhaps the most bright accent The appearance of Canadian women is their eyes. They are bright, very expressive, the relatively small size is compensated by blue, dark blue or gray color.

Typical Canadian girls and women, unlike American women, they like to take care of their appearance and devote great attention. Some Canadian women like to decorate their bodies with colorful tattoos.

Mostly canadian girls calm, sociable and quite friendly. They love to compliment each other. Canadian women prefer to work from home via the Internet because it is convenient for them to combine work and household chores. They value family and are ready to do anything to maintain relationships with their husbands. Divorce in this country is quite rare. But nowadays, girls are in no hurry to bind themselves with heartfelt vows and have children. They usually want to get first a good education and build a successful career.

There are many nationalities living in Canada, so it can be difficult to identify a specific type Canadian women.

IN Top 17 most beautiful Canadian women included famous Canadian actresses, singers, medalists, sportswomen and designers.

10./ Elisha Cuthbert(November 30, 1982 Calgary, Alberta, Canada) - Canadian actress and model.

9./ Erica Durance(June 21, 1978, Calgary, Canada) - Canadian actress. She became famous for her role as Lois Lane in the television series Smallville.

8. / Shania Twain (August 28, 1965 Windsor, Ontario, Canada) - Canadian singer, one of the most successful contemporary performers country and pop music.

6. / Marina Laswick(1994, Ontario, Canada) - Canadian model.

5. /Kate Bock(January 30, 1990, Vancouver) - Canadian fashion model. From 2013 to 2015, model for the American magazine Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Did you know that quite a few celebrities and Hollywood stars were born in Canada? You might be surprised by some of the people on the list. Most were born in Canada, but some became Canadian over time.

Jim Carrey

Perhaps this comedian needs no introduction. The only thing we would like to note is his place of birth - Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

Pamela Anderson ( Pamela Anderson)

Fun fact about Pamela Anderson: she was officially the first child to be born on Canada's 100th birthday. Place of birth: Ladysmith, British Columbia.

Ryan Gosling

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves was born in Lebanon but is a Canadian citizen.

Celine Dion

Photo By Denise Truscello

Near, far...wherever you are, lines that are familiar to everyone. Famous singer born in the province of Quebec.

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry was one of the main actors in cult series“Friends,” which many still watch to this day. Despite the fact that Matthew was born in the USA in Massachusetts, his mother is a Canadian citizen, which automatically gave Matthew dual citizenship.

Mike Myers

Austin Powers or Mike Myers is also a native of Canada. He was born in Scarborough, Ontario. In general, he has 3 citizenships - British, American and Canadian.


Famous producer and performer electronic music born in Toronto.

Shay Mitchell (Shay Mitchell)

Pretty Little Liars fans may not realize that Shay is a Toronto native.

Patrick J. Adams

The main character of the series Suits, like Shay Mitchell, was also born in Toronto.

Seth Rogen

Famous producer and actor Seth Rogen is a native of Vancouver. By the way, most of his films were shot in British Columbia, including his latest acclaimed film, a comedy about North Korea, "Interview".

Avril Lavigne

The famous pop-punk rock singer was born in Ontario, in a city called Belleville.

Justin Bieber

One of the most popular and, probably, hated singers of our time. He was born in London, which is in Ontario. By the way, many Canadians are not proud that Justin is a native of Canada. Read more in our article The list can be continued with such people as Evangeline Lilly, Ellen Page, Michael Fox, Nelly Furtado, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Reynolds Reynolds), Leslie Nielsen and others.

Who did we forget to mention on the list? Write in the comments!

Did you know that quite a few celebrities and Hollywood stars were born in Canada? You might be surprised by some of the people on the list. Most were born in Canada, but some became Canadian over time.

Jim Carrey

Perhaps this comedian needs no introduction. The only thing we would like to note is his place of birth - Newmarket, Ontario, Canada.

Pamela Anderson ( Pamela Anderson)

Fun fact about Pamela Anderson: she was officially the first child to be born on Canada's 100th birthday. Place of birth: Ladysmith, British Columbia.

Ryan Gosling

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves was born in Lebanon but is a Canadian citizen.

Celine Dion

Photo By Denise Truscello

Near, far...wherever you are, lines that are familiar to everyone. The famous singer was born in the province of Quebec.

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry was one of the main actors in the cult series Friends, which many watch to this day. Despite the fact that Matthew was born in the USA in Massachusetts, his mother is a Canadian citizen, which automatically gave Matthew dual citizenship.

Mike Myers

Austin Powers or Mike Myers is also a native of Canada. He was born in Scarborough, Ontario. In general, he has 3 citizenships - British, American and Canadian.


The famous producer and performer of electronic music was born in Toronto.

Shay Mitchell (Shay Mitchell)

Pretty Little Liars fans may not realize that Shay is a Toronto native.

Patrick J. Adams

The main character of the series Suits, like Shay Mitchell, was also born in Toronto.

Seth Rogen

Famous producer and actor Seth Rogen is a native of Vancouver. By the way, most of his films were shot in British Columbia, including his latest acclaimed film, the North Korea comedy The Interview.

Avril Lavigne

The famous pop-punk rock singer was born in Ontario, in a city called Belleville.

Justin Bieber

One of the most popular and, probably, hated singers of our time. He was born in London, which is in Ontario. By the way, many Canadians are not proud that Justin is a native of Canada. Read more in our article The list can be continued with such people as Evangeline Lilly, Ellen Page, Michael Fox, Nelly Furtado, Rachel McAdams, Ryan Reynolds Reynolds), Leslie Nielsen and others.

Who did we forget to mention on the list? Write in the comments!

September 8, 2017 – Canada has many the most talented singers and singers who are known all over the world: from folk to progressive rock. They all contributed to the popularization Canadian culture and helped prove that this country does not live by sports alone!

Since such lists can be quite subjective when rating them, we decided to talk about the most famous in the usual alphabetical order.

Alanis Morissette

There was a period when almost no American comedy could do without one of the most popular songs Alanis "Ironic". It was this track that made her famous throughout the world and opened up many new opportunities for winning audiences not only in Canada, but also in other countries.

However, this was just the beginning. In her subsequent albums, the singer will open up from a more original side, touching not only romantic themes, but also social. The Ottawa native boasts a huge amount awards, including 16 Juno Awards and 7 Grammy Awards. She is not only a performer, but also a songwriter, guitarist, producer and actress.

Avril Lavigne

Little girl in men's world. This image worked perfectly for millions of young fans who liked Avril’s rebellious nature, her driving compositions and uncompromising views on life.

Native of Belleville, Ontario most spent her youth in Napanee. At the age of 15, she appeared on stage with the famous Shania Twain (we will remember about her later), and already at the age of 16, Avril signed a contract with the recording studio Arista Records for two albums worth a total of two million dollars. Having burst into the charts with the soft-punk song “Sk8ter Boy”, the singer eventually moved into more formatted music, which, by the way, only contributed to attracting more listeners.

Bryan Adams

The unique Bryan Adams is known all over the world, and these are not just words - his voice is familiar to everyone. Having gained particular popularity in the '80s with hits like "Summer of '69" and "Cuts Like a Knife," he successfully cemented himself as a bona fide star with timeless '90s ballads like "(Everything I Do) I Do It For" You." This track still holds the record for the longest period spent in first place in the prestigious UK charts.

However, this Canadian legend is more than just a popular songwriter. school discos. His trademark hoarseness combined with incredible talent creating recognizable and truly beautiful songs has made him one of the most influential and successful artists in modern music.

Celine Dion

The future star was born in a small town near Montreal. She was the youngest of 14 children in the family. Mine musical path Celine started at the age of five. She has won many awards and honors, the status of the first Canadian woman to receive a gold record in France, and much more. In a grandiose step world stage, after which Dion’s fame only grew, became the official soundtrack to the film “Titanic” - a composition called “My Heart Will Go On”. The singer also has duets with Barbra Streisand and Luciano Pavarotti.


While rappers Dream Warriors and K-os in the 90s and 2000s remained only representatives of the underground, not a single Canadian musician could not achieve large-scale success in this area. Then came Drake, who began his career as a child actor but then devoted himself to music.

Drake has managed to put Canada on the map of mainstream rap culture and become one of the best-selling and most influential rap artists in the world. He founded the Canadian record label OVO Sound, used CN Tower in the design of his album, and also helped introduce another talented Canadian artist to the world, The Weeknd.

k.d Lang

Thanks to his special style of singing and a voice that can make any listener cry, k.d. lang simply couldn't become a regular country singer. The highlight was also her androgynous image, which made her even more memorable and free from all kinds of templates.

The singer-songwriter was born in Edmonton, Alberta, and her beginnings musical career had to work in the Patsy Cline team, which performed cover songs. In the 90s k.d. lang broke into the country music industry with her album Ingénue, and then became a real star genre with such compositions as “Crying” and “I"m Down to My Last Cigarette.” After some time, she pleased listeners with the real hit “Constant Craving”, which also attracted pop music connoisseurs to the army of her fans.

Leonard Cohen

Creating a song that will later be covered by more than a hundred famous performers, the famous "Hallelujah" is just a small part musical heritage, remaining in the world thanks to this legendary performer.

The successful poet and novelist was famous on the Montreal literary scene, and only then began his advancement in music. His reflections on love, faith, despair and politics can be profound and simple at the same time - this was his genius. Songs like "Suzanne", "Bird on the Wire" and "Sisters of Mercy" would cement his reputation as folk's most successful songwriter, whose incredible voice has never been matched.


Take a group of Yes-obsessed Canadians, add an English progressive rock vibe, and you have one of Canada's most successful rock acts, one that would go on to sell over a million records worldwide.

Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson grew up near Toronto and in their youth decided to realize cherished dream about your own rock band into reality. Another member joined them, and in 1974, the Rush trio released their first album. Although their style has evolved over time and faced necessary changes, their amazing lyrics and musical complexity of compositions have remained intact and easily recognizable.

Shania Twain

The title of one of the most successful performers not only in Canada, but throughout the world, belongs to the charismatic and talented Shania Twain. Eileen Edwards (the singer's real name) was born in Windsor (Ontario). Years later, she would be known on the world stage as the “Queen of Pop-Country.”

The performer’s most popular album was the album “Man! I feel like a Woman...". In total, Shania has sold more than 85 million records worldwide, and her album “Come On Over” became the best-selling album of all time in the category female vocals all genres.

The Weeknd

One of the amazing Canadian discoveries of recent years is the musical creation of Abel Tesfaye, who is known to millions of listeners under the pseudonym The Weeknd. The Scarborough native is not only a writer and performer, but also a producer.

At the end of 2010, he anonymously uploaded several of his songs to the Internet, and thanks to Drake’s attention to his work, the rest of the world learned about him. Now he has three incredibly successful albums to his name, accolades from critics calling him “the best musical talent since Michael Jackson” and a huge army of fans.

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