Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter "m" - proverbs and sayings in the alphabet. Folk proverbs and sayings for children

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Klim smears the cart, goes to the Crimea along the turnip.
May - put on your dokha and climb onto the stove.
May grass feeds the hungry.
Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides.
The devil is small, but he has a tail.
When I was little I ate porridge, but when I grew up I ate crackers in honor.
When I was little, I listened to fairy tales; when I grew up, I began to tell them myself.
The pot is small, but it cooks porridge.
Small pot, but a saint.
A small sin, but a great guilt.

Small and stupid - they beat you more; old and smart - two lands in him.
Small, but hemp; big and mossy.
Small, but smart; old and stupid.
Small ruff, but prickly.
The spool is small, but expensive; Fedula is great and stupid.
The spool is small, but expensive; The stump is large and hollow.
The spool is small, but heavy.
A small piece, but it feeds a century.
The fur is small and stuffed tightly.
The ant is small, but it digs mountains.
The marigold is small, but sharp.

Small initiative, but expensive.
Mal was born, but grew up useful.
Small is laughter, but great is sin.
The nightingale is small, but the voice is great.
Small in body, but great in deed.
Small tongue swings mountains.
The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.
The tongue is small, but it moves a person.
The flea is small, but it doesn’t let the king off the hook.
The crow is small, but its mouth is wide.
It’s small and it’s a cornfield, but it’s big and it’s a swamp.
The hole is small - a fist will fit through.

The hut is small, and the firebox is small.
The filly is small, but the cart is big.
The whisk is small, but it sweeps cleanly.
The stove is small, but warm.
The reason is small, but the sin is great.
The bird is small, but it protects its nest.
A small bird, but a little nail.
A small spark of a city burns, but it itself dies first of all.
The small bird is a nightingale, and May knows.
A little saving is better than a big profit.
A small loot is better than a big gain.
The little dog barks, but the big one hears it.

A small jackdaw, but a big mouth.
A small loot, but take care of a big one - you will live forever.
A small lie leads to a big one.
Small horse - small collar.
A small truth will defeat a big untruth.
A small dog becomes an old puppy.
Little children are little troubles, but when they grow up they will be great.
Put a small piece of money right in the bag, but with a big piece of money you are naked.
Small is distant, and big is thin.
The little official is worse than the fever.

They scare the little ones with beech, and the big ones with flour.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
A small cloud sticks to a big one.
Little in delivery - much in request.
I visited a little, but I saw a lot.
Not much, but honestly, and not much, but satisfying.
You don’t want to give a little, but giving a lot is unprofitable.
You don’t want anything, but it hurts in your pocket.
You never know what happens, but it doesn’t reach us.
You never know what they say, but you can’t adopt everything.
Little by little the bird makes a nest.
Little was born, but great grew.

Giving birth is not enough, but feeding is great.
Little has been done, but much has been done.
It is little honor to stand still; it is a great honor to lead others forward.
There is little to want, you need to know and be able to do it.
If you don't grow small, you don't see big.
You'll regret a little, but you'll lose a lot.
A small child sucks the breast, and a big one sucks the heart.
Small seed, but great fruit.
A small word creates a big offense.
A small and stupid person gets away with everything.
Little children are like little stars: they shine and bring joy on a dark night.

Small children don't let you sleep, big ones grow up - you can't sleep yourself.
Small children mean little sadness, big children mean great sadness.
Small children are heavy on their knees, but big children are heavy on their hearts.
Small children are small troubles, and big babes- big and poor.
Small birds make small nests.
Small ones can be woven, but large ones will not be worn out.
A small profit is better than a big loss.
The small thief runs, the big one lies down.
A small peace is better than a big fight.
The little one asks, but when he grows up, he leaves.
A little laughter is not a great sin.

A painter and a carpenter are the first worker in the village.
Dear mother is an unquenchable candle, step-mother is a cold stew.
They beckon: Kozanka, Kozanka. And they will lure you: the wolf will eat you!
Maremyana the old woman is a sad woman for the whole world.
March knocks off the cow's horn.
March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
March makes his own jokes.
The March beer knocked me off my feet.
Maslenitsa without pancakes, there is no name day without pies.
Maslenitsa is crazy, I'm saving money.

Oil always floats on top.
You can't mix oil and water.

“The genius, spirit and character of a people is manifested in its proverbs” (F. Bacon)

Folk proverbs and sayings are part of the spiritual heritage that we inherited from our ancestors. This is truly a gold mine folk wisdom accumulated over many centuries. They cover almost all aspects of our lives, so it is very useful from the very early childhood introduce your child to proverbs and sayings, memorize them, explain their meaning, where and in what cases they are used, teach them to resort to them at every opportunity.


Living life is not a field to cross.

There is a saying for every Yegorka.
Flower proverb, berry proverb.

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

Life is given for good deeds.

Speech is beautiful as a proverb.

Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself.

A house cannot be built without corners; speech cannot be said without a proverb.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, but remote.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

He who burns himself on milk blows on water.

A wolf is a stump for a cowardly bunny.

It would be lunch, but the spoon would be found.

From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

Your own land is sweet even in a handful.

Oohs and oohs will not give help.

What you have gained through untruth will not be used for future use.

Once you lie, you become a liar forever.

The mother swings high, but only slightly hits, the stepmother swings low, but hits hard.

On my native side, the pebble is also familiar.

It is better to forgive ten guilty people than to execute one innocent one.

Where the pine tree is mature, there it is red.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

Without roots, wormwood does not grow.

The sting is sharp, and the tongue is sharper.

Without a friend there is a blizzard in the heart.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you have one, take care of him.

A liar is always an unfaithful friend, he will lie to you around.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.

Where to live, there to be known.

You are greeted by your clothes, but seen off by your mind.

Away is good, but home is better.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

If you go on a visit, you should also take them to your home.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

Every man is the smith of his own happiness.

On the other side, even a falcon is called a crow.

God will soak you, God will dry you.

Teach children without people.

A thunderstorm hits a tall tree.

Altyn of silver doesn't hurt your ribs.

You won't get rich by deception, but you will get poorer.

You go for a day, take bread for a week.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.

As is the spinner, so is the shirt she wears.

He who does not love others destroys himself.

It is better to remain silent than to lie.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.

The hand of the giver will not fail.

If only he knew where he fell, he’d spread some straw here.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Summer works for winter, and winter works for summer.

Whoever indulges children sheds a tear later.

For a scientist they give three non-scientists, and even then they don’t take it.

In cramped conditions, but not in offence.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

He who knows a lot, asks a lot.

Get up early, think wisely, do it diligently.

Perhaps somehow they won’t bring it to any good.

The master's work is afraid.

Play, play, but know the deal.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

The envious eye sees far.

You can't buy health - your mind gives it.

Time for business, time for fun.

It's a long day until the evening if there's nothing to do.

He who does not work does not eat.

If you walk around in the summer, you'll get hungry in the winter.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

There will be day - there will be food.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Take it together, it won't be too heavy.

Beware of troubles while they're gone.

The craft does not ask to drink and eat, but feeds itself.

The snow is white, but they trample underfoot, the poppy is black, but people eat.

The child, although crooked, is sweet to his father and mother.

It is not the ax that amuses, but the carpenter.

Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

Water does not flow under a lying stone.

To live without anything is just to smoke the sky.

Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things.

Don't rush with your tongue, hurry with your deeds.

Handle every task skillfully.

If there was a desire, the work would go well.

They meet you by their dress, they see you off by their intelligence.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

And strength gives way to the mind.

If you're smart, say one word, if you're a fool, say three, and go after him yourself.

U smart head hundred hands

A mind is good, but two are better.

You can’t live without the sun, you can’t live without your sweetheart.

As is the mind, so are the speeches.

In a smart conversation you gain your intelligence, in a stupid conversation you lose yours.

Know more and say less.

A fool turns sour, but a wise man sees through everything.

A bird is beautiful in its singing, and a man is beautiful in his learning.

An unscientific person is like an unsharpened axe.

Dunno lies, but know-it-all runs far.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

You can't see the whole world from the window.

Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

The ABC is science, and the kids are learning.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argues, but an enemy agrees.

Don't recognize a friend in three days, recognize a friend in three years.

A friend and brother is a great thing: you won’t get it soon.

I was with a friend, I drank water - sweeter than honey.

If you don’t have a friend, so look for it, but if you find it, take care of it.

Make new friends, but don’t lose old ones.

For a friend, seven miles is not a suburb.

An orphan without a friend, a family man with a friend.

Seven do not wait for one.

A horse is known in grief, and a friend in trouble.

It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.

There is no friend like your own mother.

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?

Brotherly love is better than stone walls.

The bird is happy about spring, and the baby is happy about the mother.

The hut is fun for children.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Mother's affection knows no end.

Maternal anger is like spring snow: a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.

The sweet child has many names.

Grandmother - only grandfather is not a grandson.

Annushka is a good daughter if her mother and grandmother praise her

From the same oven, but the rolls are not the same.

And from a good father a mad sheep will be born.

The bird is in the nest until autumn, and the children are in the house until they are old enough.

You can't expect a good breed from a bad seed.

Capricious in childhood, ugly in age.

All children are equal - both boys and girls.

The hut is fun for children.

Painting by artist Pieter Bruegel entitled “Sayings”.

Painting by artist Pieter Bruegel (1525/30–1569) entitled “Sayings”. The name speaks for itself; the painting depicts more than two dozen different instructive sayings. Here are some of them: banging your head against the wall, leading each other by the nose, pouring pearls before swine, putting spokes in wheels, sitting between two chairs, looking through your fingers, and others. Where in the picture is depicted, look for what proverb yourself.

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The outstanding ethnographer, folklorist and archaeologist Ivan Mikhailovich Snegirev (1793–1868) was the first in Russia to collect, comment on and publish enormous material on Russian proverbs and sayings. Some of them are offered in this small collection.


The ABC is a stepping stone to wisdom.
If anyone doesn’t listen to his mother, he ends up in trouble.
If you hunger for someone else's, you will lose yours.


A pampering cow spoils the whole herd.
Beware of troubles while they're gone.
Be afraid of thieves, do not keep cows.
If there is only honey, there will be a lot of flies.


The mare is great and carries water; The dog is small and worn on the head.
Being born a wolf, you cannot be a fox.
Father will always have fun when good son will be born.


Where the good judges are led, the sneaky ones will be led away.
Where there is love and advice, there is heaven, there is light, but quarrels and disputes are only nonsense.
Where it is simple, there are a hundred angels, and where it is cunning, there are not a single one.
Having walked a lot when you were young, you will die of hunger in old age.


This is why the pike was created, so that the crucian carp would not doze off.
A good wife is a shovel, and a thin broom, one rakes into the house, and the other rakes out of the house.
Virtue is not in words, but in honest deeds.
A father is kind to his children, and God is kind to people.


If not for God, who would help us!
There is a heart, but it is closed with a door.
There is a pie, there is a friend.


Rust eats up iron, and the envious one dies from envy.
There is marriage, but there is no getting married.
Live simply, you will live for a hundred years!


Jealous that the dog is offensive.
You can't chase a fly with a butt.
Don't expect respect for false intentions!


It is not difficult to subtract from a large quantity, but it is difficult to subtract where it is scarce.
There can be no good for anyone who is his own enemy.
And I want it and it hurts and my mother doesn’t tell me to.


As is the father, so are his children.
An oath at the wrong time is a great burden: the less you promise, the less you sin.
Whoever God helps will overcome everything.


It will be bad for the one who does a lie to someone.
The face is white, but the mind is small.
Love currants, love bitterness too!


Small children have little trouble, but when they mature, they frighten their father.
There is a lot of intelligence, but not enough intelligence.
To sort out too many brides, a married man can never live like that.


You need to have answers to all kinds of greetings.
There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.
Don't listen with your belly, listen with your ear!


One, but sharp-sighted, you don’t need forty.
One wise person will sin, but many foolish ones will stumble.
An elk produces moose calves, and a pig produces piglets.


Take the first daughter from your father and mother, and the other from your sister!
Feel free to visit when there is nothing to do at home.
It's time for the guests to go to the courtyards.


Joy is not eternal and sadness is not endless.
Paradise to hunt, to think about the soul.
The craft does not hang behind one's shoulders, but it is useful in time.


Selfish people are not loved by God.
The pig doesn't know the taste of oranges.
Sit next to the stove and warm your shoulders, and don’t pester someone else’s speech!
My son, but he has his own mind.


It’s not a problem that there’s quinoa in the rye, but it’s a problem that there’s neither rye nor quinoa.
He is the master who can do everything alone.
You know how to speak evil, but I know how not to listen to it.


Ipat has a beard the size of a shovel, but when he saw a club, his beard was like a wedge.
He who has many children is not forgotten by God.
A smart person sins, but is in a hurry to correct it.
Teach a wife without children, and children without people!


Grab, praise, but there is nothing to take.
The owner is kind and the house is good; the owner is thin, and so is the house.
A good marriage is a gingerbread cake, and a bad marriage is a coffin tire.


The king and the people, everything will go to the ground.
I want to return home, so don’t doze off on the road.


Drink the cup (cup), stay healthy; drink something else, cheer up the mind; triple, arrange the mind; quadruple, destroy the mind; drink a lot, be crazy.
What is bad, what is bad, it doesn’t matter.
Whatever you seek for someone, you will find the same for yourself.


Make jokes, but be careful, otherwise you can get into trouble.
The joke is not made for the sake of harm and not for the sake of shame.

he will deceive you and go into the forest.
May is joy, and June is happiness.
May creates bread, and June creates hay.
May is cold - a grain-bearing year.
May is cold - you won't go hungry.
May grass feeds the hungry.
The devil is small, but he has a tail.
The pot is small, but it cooks porridge.
Small and smart.
Small initiative, but expensive.
Mal was born and grew up - useful.
Small is laughter, but great is sin.
Small lies lead to big lies.
A small deed is better than a big idleness.
There is little truth in the one from which many words pour out.
A small child sucks the breast, and a big one sucks the heart.
There is joy in the hands of the small and the daring.
A boy is a joy to his father, and a girl is a joy to her mother.
Mammon is oppressive, and sleep is numb.
March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
March is dry, but May is wet, there will be porridge and loaf.
Martok - put on two trousers.
Mother's prayer reaches from the bottom of the sea.
Maternal anger is like spring snow: a lot of it will fall, but it will soon melt.
Mother spring is beautiful to everyone.
Mother Moscow is white-stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.
The mother of every business is the head.
The mother feeds her children like the earth does people.
Welcome mother - stone fence.
There is honey - go into the hive.
The bear is not a dog pleaser; a pig in the garden is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd for the sheep; a bad judge is someone who is stupid or deaf.
I caught the bear! - Lead here! - It doesn’t work! - So go yourself! - He won’t let me in!
A copper ruble, and a pound of paper.
A honey tongue and a heart of stone.
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
You can’t thread a needle between a woman’s “yes” and “no.”
Between the edges there are quarrels and abuse.
It buzzes from morning to evening, but there is nothing to listen to.
The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.
Lying less means living a calmer life.
Less money - less hassle.
The youngest son sits on the stump (in the peasantry - inherits the house).
If you love me, don’t hit my dog ​​either.
The month of January is the king of winter.
Blizzard in winter is a custom.
He aimed at the heel and hit him on the nose.
Mix business with idleness and you won’t go crazy.
Mix business with idleness, spend your time with fun.
Dear and dear, so be it friend.
The sweetest thing is who loves whom.
Darling is not a villain, but dried to the bone.
The world is not without good people.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
The world is like water: it makes noise and disperses.
The goose is not my brother, the pig is not my sister, the duck is not my aunt, but I love my colorful quail.
Just let me sit on the cart, and I’ll pick up the legs myself.
He scolded a lot, but achieved no good.
There is a lot of mercy in people, but twice as much daring.
Know a lot - sleep little.
Much has been said, but there is nothing to listen to.
A lot of words is a treasure for donkeys, but a short word- decoration of the world.
I passed through many countries, but found goodness only in my homeland.
To grab a lot means to lose yours.
Lots of good ones, but no sweet ones.
There are many brave people lying on their beds.
There are many checks, but only one checkmate.
A lot of learning will require work.
My business is a cock - he crowed, and then at least it’s not dawn.
My heart is in you, and yours is in stone.
You can say a lot in a short speech.
Tell the truth, do the truth.
There is no prayer service, but there is no benefit.
Thekla prayed, but God did not install the glass.
Young in years, but wise in mind.
Young and smart are two things in him.
The prince is young - the soul is young.
Young in years, good in deeds.
A young mind is strengthened by an old mind.
Well done against the sheep, and against the well done the sheep itself.
Well done, that cucumber, and well done, cucumber.
A young heart is not evasive.
The young are noisy, the old are unfriendly.
Young is green, and young is honest.
Young people reach out to young people.
A young heart is always closer to the truth.
The new moon is shining brightly.
The young and the daring have joy in their hands.
The young man will need to be strong in the future.
You cannot return to youth, you have to live by your years.
Youth is not in years, but in deeds.
Youth is not eternal, but fleeting.
Youth will pass like a flower fades.
Youth is on the prowl - looking for good from good.
Youth first looks at the sky and then at the earth.
Youth, don’t be proud of your parents’ wealth – learn.
You won't be right by praying.
The frost tears the iron and hits the bird in flight.
Frost grabs the lazy one by the nose, and takes off his hat in front of the agile one.
The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.
You can't splash the sea with an oar.

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