Congratulations on Librarian's Day. Congratulations to the librarian

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When entering the kingdom of books, the library, it is so easy to get lost! It’s good that its keeper, the librarian, is always ready to help! You are smart, attentive and will not let you leave empty-handed! Please accept my sincere congratulations on Librarian's Day!

Today I congratulate everyone
Happy Library Day
To live without books and without reading
A person cannot.
Books open
There is a big world before us,
In them authors and readers
They share their souls.
Store libraries
We have age-old wisdom,
And here we can always
Find any book.
Let it not overgrow
The road to the book temple,
And let the libraries
They serve us forever.

Keepers of sacred knowledge,
priests of the mysterious sciences,
actually live with us
everywhere - both here and here:
"librarians" is their name,
We met with them more than once,
and many truths were revealed to us
library workers sometimes!
Today, on their service holiday,
we wish them all the blessings of life,
so that everything is magical for them
and in reality - not just in dreams!

The library is a storehouse of knowledge
Without her we would be like without hands
All those who are somehow connected with the library
Let everyone be called heroes today!
Thank you for your knowledge, care,
Thank you for always finding me
Everything we need, at any time of the day
Good luck, happiness, joy, love to you!

Libraries, whether small or large, have a special charm... You never know what kind of wonderful books you can find here! And it’s good that there is someone to call for help... Happy Librarian’s Day! Let your work bring you pleasure, and let every day pass with a smile and an interesting book!

I want to wish you -
Good books to read,
After all, they teach us: life,
They tell us about the fatherland...
If you read a lot of books,
Then they will consider it an honor,
After all, knowing how to read,
There is a lot to learn!
In books: meaning, essence and pain,
Just, I ask, don’t argue...
Better yet, take the book
And press it to your chest.
Read it with your soul,
Cover every leaf
Delve into the meaning, into its essence,
And be able to walk the path with her!

Russian libraries
Countries and pride and love.
After all, adults and even children
People come here again and again.
There is such a huge selection of books here,
That your head will spin
On the racks in a row silently
There are brochures and volumes.
Whatever your heart desires
In the library you will find
Librarian, our humble friend,
You bring kindness to hearts!

On the shelves of the world's libraries
The great volumes are carefully preserved.
All these books cannot be counted forever,
Although, of course, you can try.
Although we live in an era of change,
When progress does not mark time.
But the wisdom of books does not dare to touch decay,
And their experience is still relevant.
Let the library treasury increase,
Once again feeling the support of the state,
So that every person has the opportunity
Experience literary wealth!

Today the digital world is so developed that it seems almost real, but still, nothing can replace a paper book! Thick or thin, brand new, with the smell of printing ink or antique, in fragile binding... Today I want to congratulate you, the librarian, the custodian of the best books, on your professional holiday and wish you all the best!

Who among us has not dived
Headlong into the book pool,
He probably didn't study
Didn't work on myself.
Will preserve for generations
Silence of libraries
A storehouse of wisdom and knowledge
In the reflection of file cabinets.

When I cross the threshold
The library room is spacious
I smell a special smell
It is filled with childhood for me.
Then, during the break,
We ran to the library
Handed over books and others
Poems and fairy tales were chosen.
Live library forever
Let the reader strive for you,
Suffering from a thirst for knowledge,
Those who want to learn well!

Congratulations on Library Day,
After all, your work is still very important to us.
Let life leaf through century after century -
Our meager life is decorated with creativity.
Congratulations! We must say
That we really value books in life.
Library Day will brighten your days,
Like a good novel - a wall of everyday life.

It happens that you come for just one book, but then each one begs to be picked up, and now you don’t know how to carry it away and have time to read the entire stack as tall as you are! Today I want to congratulate you, librarians! Your work is not monotonous, but interesting and responsible!

The country celebrates Library Day,
This is a glorious holiday, it cannot be forgotten.
In the age of rapid technology, no matter where you look,
We cannot do without books; they are always needed.
Read for health, read for the soul,
Paper pages, we all should love.

Among the kingdom of precious books
You, librarian, are like a king,
And I’m already used to commanding,
Taking everything under careful control.
And even though they say that the Internet
Conquered the thoughts of the young,
But a few more years will pass,
And your emergency will begin!
In the meantime, calmly drink some tea,
Enjoy Word Masters
And find among the magic lines
The most real love!

Libraries throughout Russia
Today they celebrate their day
I congratulate you on this
And now I give you lilacs.
She's fresh and so beautiful
Worthy of the best words
And now in verse for sure
I'm ready to congratulate you.
Working with books is not uncommon
But you try to take into account
Everything down to the smallest wishes
So that a person can read everything.
On this day I wish you
So that the reader goes and keeps
All the best that the book has
And I gave you gratitude.

Librarian is an ancient and necessary profession. Even though this is the age of the Internet and progress, we cannot do without books. Sometimes you want to flip through the classics, or look into the window of history. And librarians will definitely help you with this. Today we congratulate all librarians on their professional holiday; we wish you, first of all, good health, prosperity, and great happiness. May peace and tranquility reign in your families. Let your wisdom help you in your work. Good reading to you, all the best and peace.

Happy Library Day
Everything here is like in a pharmacy:
Every day and hour
Medicines are not easy
They hand it into our hands,
What in other worlds
The door is opening for us!
Fabulous, magical
Every book has a world -
Like in the whole universe,
Where will you be alone?
Let the libraries
They live forever,
After all, the human mind
Books will only save you!

We glorify the work of salvation
Human wisdom forever!
Celebrating with respect
Today is Library Day!
Books give us roads
On earth and to heaven!
Those who protect them strictly -
Patrons of miracles!
The wise will give the librarian
And a hint and advice -
A skilled baker of young souls,
He brings us books and light!

Researchers believe that the first book depository in Rus' appeared a very, very long time ago - in 1037 under Yaroslav the Wise. Catherine II in 1795 issued a decree on the creation of a state library in St. Petersburg - the Imperial Public Library. It was the first library available to everyone. Later, in 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree on the celebration of All-Russian Library Day and timed it to coincide with the date of the decree issued by Catherine the Second - May 27.

Modern libraries, according to some experts, are experiencing a stage of decline. The increasing spread of the Internet and the availability of almost any information online is significantly reducing the popularity of ancient “book depositories”. However, forecasts for the future are optimistic: yes, there are a lot of problems with premises, lack of proper funding, legal problems, but libraries are something more than just a warehouse of books.

Today is library day
And the book is not forgotten now,
After all, the Internet will not give you knowledge,
And the library door is always open!

Only in the book is knowledge, in the book is life,
And in books is the wisdom of generations.
And let them hurry to the library
Readers of all ages and generations.

Congratulations to librarians today,
Thank you for your hard work,
We appreciate you and respect your books,
Let libraries come to life with renewed vigor.

Every profession has its own smell.
The smell of books on the shelves warms your soul,
You faithfully preserve human wisdom,
Tell people: “Take everything for free!”

On this day we wish you to live longer
And donate to the library every day.
May your health last for another hundred years,
Let the words witchcraft always excite you!

May you be loved, appreciated and spared,
They don’t skimp on prizes, expensive awards!
Happiness to you people. What more could you want?
You will never know either trouble or grief!

Happy holiday to all librarians! Creative inspiration, inspiration and good luck in all your endeavors! Health, changes for the better and the desire to be better. May all your everyday life be productive and successful.

Books are wisdom, a storehouse of knowledge -
Every person knows.
So let's remember
We're talking about Library Day!

The smell and rustling of pages
Will not replace the Internet.
Let the libraries live
The teachings give us light!

Happy World Library Day
I sincerely congratulate you,
More good, smart books
I wish you good luck in life.

Good luck, happiness and love to you,
Successes and victories in your work,
Let the days flow with interest
In worthy, meaningful concerns.

Let work give wisdom,
Let the world of good books beckon,
Let the energy rage
May every moment give you joy.

The library is a miracle
Like a high speed express train.
Here, opening any book,
You find yourself in a world of miracles.

You gain a ton of knowledge
And you make friends
This world cannot be forgotten
Happy library day, friends.

Happy Library Day!
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you now
Good health, more money
Yes, less tired at work.
The multi-genre fund is richer,
And readers - more polite, kinder.
In any case, we wish you good luck,
It makes my heart happier.
Lead children to new knowledge!
Delight people with new products!
Success, and the paths are straight to it!

How many different secrets are hidden?
On magical worn pages,
You're incredibly lucky
Stay in the kingdom of books constantly.

On this holiday I wish you -
Don't let work get boring
Will bring a lot of new knowledge,
Warm meetings, kindness and attention!

Happy All-Russian Library Day!
I wish you prosperity and growth.
Let our age be electronic and rapid
Persistence will not defeat readers.

Will not defeat all those who love the rustle of books,
Who appreciates books and has been in love with their smell since childhood.
Libraries paved the way for enlightenment
And enlightenment is the best inheritance.

Let technology only be your servant,
Let the flow of readers not weaken.
Librarians of health and goodness,
Let reading your favorite books warm your heart.

Congratulations today
All those who love books and reading.
After all, books reveal secrets,
How to live, love, learn and dream!

On All-Russian Library Day
We wish you all success and kindness.
Interesting and wonderful readings,
Stories about love and beauty!

Library storage workers
Today we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you a life full of positivity,
May you be beautiful and good!
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Today the holiday is celebrated
Libraries all over the country
They keep a lot of books,
And we really need them
We sincerely want to congratulate
Librarians now
We wish them great luck,
Let them work for us
Let them smile more often
They always give us books,
Live without troubles, insults and grief
And they never get tired!

Thoughts from generations are on the bookshelves.
And you just have to stretch out your hand,
A great genius will speak to you,
That I could look into other people's souls.

Books will show the life of the past century,
They will teach you to distinguish truth from lies,
The ancient Egyptians had a library
It’s not for nothing that it’s called a “pharmacy for the soul.”

Yes, books are so important in our lives,
After all, since childhood, books and I have been friends.
And All-Russian Library Day
Every person should check it out.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, All-Russian Library Day! Let the contribution to the development of science, culture and education be gratefully appreciated by society, let the popularity grow, and the need for a role in the consciousness of modern times intensifies. Thank you to the employees for their careful storage and attitude towards the storehouse of knowledge, an inexhaustible source of enlightenment, the kingdom of wisdom. I wish that in the age of rapid flow of information, every person has time for a classic pleasant pastime with a book in hand.

All Russia celebrates
Happy Library Day.
This is great, because it means
Intelligence wins!

A storehouse of wisdom and intelligence
The library will save:
And scientific volumes
And ditties for fun.

Librarians, you today
Congratulations from my heart,
Enjoy your work
And I wish you happiness.

Bring enlightenment
You are among the masses and good,
Let your calling give you
The shower is very warm.

Happy World Library Day!
May your life be happy forever.
May work always be a joy
And good, sympathetic people.

Let the world of books bring you impressions,
Amazing, bright moments.
And, of course, good luck to you always
Mood, respect and patience.

Your work is among prose writers, poets,
Among hundreds of thousands of different books,
The source of knowledge is books, we know this,
We draw education from them.

On All-Russian Library Day,
Librarians, salute to you today!
Let the wise from the printed words river
They will bring you to the shores happy!

Today few people read -
Libraries know this.
But what can you do - progress -
It's harder to generate interest.
However, loyal people
Books will always go to church.
There is an atmosphere here, the smell of books -
You need to remember this moment
And honor the most beautiful place,
Where the soul can warm itself.
Truly libraries
For our thoughts as a pharmacy.

Today is an interesting holiday,
Russian Library Day.
We congratulate you and wish you
Be in trend for many, many years!

We also want to develop
Don't stand still, change.
So that the circle of readers only grows,
There would be a demand for books again!

I congratulate you with all my heart
Happy Russian Library Day!
They are cultural treasures,
Man cannot live without them!

After all, a book is a reliable, faithful friend,
It will teach us and entertain us.
Thanks to all libraries
What wisdom the book gives us!

Who instilled in us a love for books -
For this, honor and praise to you!
You decorate our world
We are always grateful to you!

Let the path in life be easy,
May all your dreams come true,
And as if in a fairy tale, let it be
Full of love and beauty!

“The library has been and will be
The sacred temple of living printed words.
Young Bunin was one of its priests,
And for thirty whole years – the sage Krylov.”
V. Cherkesov

“If, as a result of some devastating catastrophe, all centers of education and culture disappear from the face of the earth, if there is nothing left in the world except libraries, the world and humanity will have the opportunity to be reborn” Dmitry Likhachev
Library (Greek “book” and “place of storage”) is an institution that collects and stores printed and written works for public use, as well as carries out reference and bibliographic work.
The activities of libraries to serve readers are carried out in two main forms. A library subscription gives the reader the right to receive a publication from the library at his or her disposal for a certain period of time. In another case, the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with the book only in the library premises (as a rule, in a specially designated reading room). Some libraries operate only a subscription service or only a reading room; in others, these forms of service are combined, although not both are possible for all storage units.

May 27, 1995 A decree “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day” was signed in Russia.
According to the decree, the all-Russian Day of Libraries was declared on May 27. The date coincides with the founding in 1795 of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National Library.

On this day, traditionally, libraries hold events aimed at increasing interest in reading and the role of books in the life of a modern person, children's literary quizzes, book presentations are organized, and also, according to tradition, all debtors can return books to libraries without penalties.

Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. Usually the first library is called a collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. It is believed that the very first library in Rus' was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

Today is your holiday, book keepers!
Knowledge is placed in its place.
Here is a shelf of novels, where there is love and intrigue,
This place is famous among ladies who read.
Here is a childhood shelf - “teremok” and “about turnips”,
Where are Chukovsky, Barto, Mikhalkov and Marshak.
For historians, the bookcase here is very rare,
Take them and read them, because knowledge is just a step away!
There are books for schoolchildren - they are treasure troves of knowledge!
And all this is kept by you, fairies of book peaks,
We wish you happiness, fulfillment of desires,
May you find light for your soul in books! ©

In Russia, library day -
Tribute to books!
A man leans towards them
In the Great Vault.
On indelible lines
Finds meaning, knowledge.
We wish in future centuries
Glory and prosperity to you. ©

Please accept congratulations and bows,
And wishes for joy forever!
Let columns of readers come to you
Sign up for Library Day!
Work tirelessly for many years,
Giving people food for the soul,
And be forever young, loved
And forever, like today - good! ©

Today is a holiday only for the initiated,
What matches the animals from the Red Book...
I want to unite us, separated,
My wish is that we read more,
And, illuminated with secret knowledge,
Every person will live better!
I want to congratulate you, Russians,
On All-Russian Library Day! ©

There is always silence in the library,
That world was completely given over to books.
Instead of a map there is a card index,
Its own magical book world has been recreated there.
Let the fires not befall you,
And let the reader not forget the path to you.
On library day, let the fanfare
Great knowledge will be replaced by sadness. ©

Libraries are always quiet.
This is a world knowledge country!
Librarians are very smart
They often dream about books!
We sincerely congratulate you now!
New ideas for you for our class hour.
Be healthy, glow with happiness.
Enjoy life even in bad weather! ©

Guardian of books and their connoisseur,
A living guide to them:
Nature, people, cities -
Librarian without difficulty
It will help you understand the topic.
He is friends with books with everyone:
From antiquity to the present day.
For adults or for children
Will create any exhibition,
The new book will be encrypted,
The event will be held
And will carry you along
Readers on a long journey.
Check out the library
It’s useful to put things aside -
Praise to its workers! ©

May 27 is celebrated All-Russian Library Day. This is a holiday not only for professional librarians, but also for all people who love books and understand their huge role in the cultural and social life of society. Even a small library is an invaluable storehouse of wisdom that humanity has accumulated over the centuries. What can we say about such famous libraries of the world as the Library of Congress in the USA, the Seattle Central Library, the Russian State Library in Moscow and many others. All of them carefully preserve books covering thousands of years of human development and are the most striking evidence of all the historical stages that society has passed through in the process of its formation.

The very first library in Rus' is the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037. From century to century, the librarian has occupied, and will continue to occupy, an important place in public life, since he works in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work The work of a librarian is not as visible as the work of a doctor or teacher, and one cannot see any final result of their work.

But all the influence that their work has on society is invaluable. It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today. And a librarian who is well acquainted with the book collection can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest. And therefore, Library Day- This is not only a professional holiday, it is also a recognition of the importance of this profession.

Few people read today -

Libraries know this.

But what can you do - progress -

It's harder to generate interest.

However, loyal people

Books will always go to church.

You need to remember this moment

And honor the most beautiful place,

Where the soul can warm itself.

Truly libraries

For our thoughts as a pharmacy.

In verse and prose

Librarian, congratulations

And a rack of my admiration.

Your pleasant character and knowledge

They force me to confess:

I don’t know a more enlightened place

I leaf through the catalog with slight trepidation.

You own the entire history of the world,

Our world is old, but you are getting younger!

Happy Librarian's Day

I want all the custodians of libraries.

After all, you can neither take away nor add, -

Man owes wisdom!

The book is a source of knowledge,

And the librarian is a guide,

And from your official efforts

Depends on the paths that lead to the hiding place!

At first glance, it seems like such a boring job for a librarian. But this is not true at all. You are called the guardians of beautiful books. Only you will help you find the book you need, and you do this very quickly and easily, since you have a catalog. And compiling it also requires a lot of effort. Dear workaholics, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Be happy. Let your life flow like a full river, passing steep banks. May there always be prosperity and love in your families.


* * *

You are in the silence of the library

Library servants, enlightened,
In scientific research, sophisticated in literature,
Helpers for those who want to study,
I wish you everything in life!
Let the readers be grateful,
Writers write more wise books,
May young and old be happy
Come to the beautiful book garden!

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