Wishing a good day to your beloved man, in your own words. What SMS to send to your lover to make her melt: examples of messages Get up darling, good morning

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Good morning darling

My native! Thank you for the morning, like a tender soufflé in hot chocolate of your feelings, passionate love and care. I wish you as many smiles today as there are rays of the sun.

Good morning, honey! The bright splashes of dawn knock on your window and rejoice with me at your awakening. I love you and in my thoughts I kiss every cell of you.

My dear, may this day be as amazing as our meeting - sunny, bright, filled and infinitely dear, like a million scarlet roses! I wish you a sea of ​​luck and an ocean of evening kisses with me.

My favorite man! I dream that the born sun will fill your soul with the aroma of red Chardonnay, and trembling feelings will take you into a fairy tale of emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Dear, I want to wish you that the new twenty-four hours become brighter than the ripest sunflower, sweeter than June strawberries and juicier than the pulp of a watermelon. Good morning!

The sweet juice of your hugs and tender kisses, like a mountain echo over the horizon, woke me up today, and I want to tell you that this day will be filled only with joyful moments of your positive emotions. Have a good day!

My dear, good day! Let him become for you like a string that fills your soul with the most tender notes and octaves, and fill your soul with the melody of love despite the distance that separates us.

Darling, I wish you good morning! Today I woke up to the sound of our hearts beating in unison and realized that my half of my heart was waiting for your half to hear recognition from you.

Dear, happy new day! Today I started my day with exercise, looked at your photo and was charged with your smile and look. I sent you my photo so that you too can improve your shape.

The morning has come, my dear! I greet you and want to say that your palms are softer than any pillow and more tender than fluffy clouds. This day will pass easily and quickly. Have a positive day!

Good morning! These two words are so short, but I will put my meaning into them. I wish that your day starts with a smile, continues with success and ends in my arms.

I will be your pillow so that you hug me tenderly, I dream of being streams of water on your body when you take a shower, I hope to be a beautiful cup of aromatic coffee so that your lips touch me. Good morning, Dear!

Darling, the sun just came out from behind the horizon and painted everything around with scarlet color. And in this amazing moment of the birth of a new day, I want to wish that the day is as magical as the morning. Wake up, kitten.

Good morning, my most beloved man! May the new day bring dozens of new opportunities, hundreds of reasons to smile and thousands of compliments from those who love you.

Good morning to my beloved man, boyfriend, husband

Good morning, darling! Your male magnetism attracts you and fills every day with a huge palette of colors. I want to fill your day with the music of my soul, which has been singing since we met.

Let a gentle morning with the aroma of coffee give you a warm day with the smell of good luck, and let the pink sunset greet you with the warm embrace of your beloved. Good morning!

Let thousands of kisses fly along with my SMS, as if air bubbles of chocolate will remind you of me and give you a good mood for the whole day. Good morning, the only one!

Sunny, open your eyes to a new day, it is wonderful because we will be there again.

Let a gentle breeze run across your face and touch your lips, this will be the hope for our new kiss. Good morning!

Impressed by the sincere feelings of our tender relationship, I am writing you this SMS wishing you good morning and a good day. May the new day leave a stamp of sweet emotions in your heart. My dear, good morning!

My dear, open your eyes and look - the world has become brighter, morning has come. Let this day pass easily, like a butterfly fluttering over a flower, and let all worries and worries pass by without touching you. Wake up, dear!

Darling, wake up and greet a new day! This day is ours, and for your sake I am ready to become a maple leaf that spins in an autumn waltz to touch your cheek and put the scent of my love on it.

My ray of sunshine, wake up. The bird of happiness flew to your window to wish you a good day and good mood. And I wish that this day brings you new pleasant impressions and emotions.

Hello! I am a text message that arrived to wake up the most courageous and handsome guy. I’m not around now, but I remember your strong hands, attractive look and breathtaking smile. Have an unforgettable day!

Sunny, the night has passed and the morning has come. A drop of rain runs across your lips, a light breeze touches your cheek, a strawberry scent lands on your palms. And this is all to make your day unforgettable. Good morning!

A beautiful, smart and caring girl sends her greetings to you, who really wants to hug you, kiss you and wishes you good morning and a great day! 14

Start your day on a positive note so that it will be wonderful until the evening! I send you all my love, tenderness and good mood! 12

Darling, good morning! Stretch well, smile very nicely and remember that somewhere there is a girl who thinks about you and loves you very much! 22

I touch you quietly, kiss you tenderly on your neck, then on your lips, and sweetly, sweetly wake you up with the most romantic words! 10

Good morning, my love! Let the rays of the bright and warm sun convey my love to you, envelop you in warmth and give you a gentle, gentle morning! Wake up, I'm waiting for your attention and our meeting! 10

Morning is approaching, it's time to get up so as not to oversleep a good day! Good morning, beloved, wake up soon! 11

Morning delivery of positivity! Receive loving hugs and a hundred passionate kisses on the lips! Have a nice day! 17

Are you awake? I miss you very much! I send you a million, million, million kisses this morning! Stretch, smile, think positive thoughts. Remember my love and feel that life is good! Good morning, honey! 19

Start today with a smile and a delicious breakfast! I kiss you with tenderness and love! 16

If you know how to sleep, you know how to wake up! So wake up, my love! I have a feeling today will be a great wonderful day! 12

How great it is to wake up and realize that very close in this world there is a person whom you love and who loves you! Good morning, my other half! 17

Good morning, today is a super duper day! I am in a wonderful mood and I know that the impossible is possible and everything will be great! I share my positivity with you and charge you with energy! 13

The morning has come, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, only you are missing by your side! 10

How nice it is to wake up with the thought that today I will see my beloved! Wake up soon, I missed you madly during this long night! 14

Good morning! Have you ordered a good mood? Receive a million kisses! 16

Good morning! I wish you to be in a good mood and not to forget about the girl who treats you so kindly! Always yours! 13

My gentle one, good morning! I send you good luck and a hundred kisses! Get up and charge the whole world with your energy, smile and tune in to the positive! 10

Let's wake up together one morning and walk around the city all day, dream about the future, drink coffee and just enjoy life! Wake up soon, good morning! 17

I sweetly wake you up with kisses and the most affectionate touches! I dream that someday we will wake up together on the seashore in each other’s arms! Wake up, morning has already come) 7

May this morning be perfect and your day successful! I'm sending you a kiss! 9

No matter what they say, the morning is good. Even if it's Monday and there's a whole week of hard work ahead. How to cheer up without a cup of strong hot coffee and a jog through a sleepy city?

The secret is simple. Write a nice SMS to your lover. What can cheer up a person faster, despite the bad weather and the upcoming serious conversation with the boss, than the realization that he is loved? That there is an amazing girl in the world who is happy to meet a new morning with him, even if you slept in different beds.

What message can make a man happy and inspire him to small feats of his working day? You can formulate a magical charge of cheerfulness in your own words or choose something that will best illustrate the depth of your feelings. Even if you are not a master at choosing the right words, our examples can inspire you to create your own masterpiece.

To add intimacy to the message, add the name or pet nickname of your loved one, known only to the two of you. Here is a simple recipe for a wonderful morning mood. Don't forget about spices, because all men love compliments.

Good morning sms

Interesting examples:

  1. Good morning can only happen after wonderful nights spent with you!
  2. This is not an SMS, but a gentle kiss. Submit your sweet lips!
  3. Hello, this is your sunshine! I woke up, and you?
  4. Have you ordered an awakening with a charge of vivacity? Receive and sign. Good mood delivery service.
  5. Awoke. Sun, warmth, delicious breakfast. I feel like something is missing for complete happiness. I searched, remembered, thought. It turns out that you are missing.
  6. Get up. Dreams come to us at night. In the morning - opportunities for their implementation. Seize the chance! Everything will work out for you.
  7. This day started with my SMS, so it should end with me too, what do you think?
  8. I told my fortune on the coffee grounds. A particularly successful day awaits you. Be careful not to oversleep!
  9. Such a wonderful person cannot have a bad morning. Have a great start to the day!
  10. Is it not about you that the birds are singing under your window? So sweet I'm jealous!
  11. Wasn't it you who threw the alarm clock out the window? He even called me and complained.
  12. I dreamed about you all night, I didn’t even get enough sleep. Can you tell me how to cure love insomnia?

Beautiful poems for a pleasant awakening

Your loved one will also be pleased to receive positive, inspiring wake-up poems. They exude warmth, tenderness and good humor. A very tasty cocktail of emotions for a good morning, don’t you agree?

1. Good morning, cat,
I kiss my tummy.
And when I see
kiss below.

2. I want to wake up with you,
so that in the deepest sleep
I managed to smile
whisper: “I need you.”

3. I wish you a wonderful day!
Know that I am mentally nearby.
I hug you tightly,
I follow you with a gentle gaze.

4. My beloved, happy new day!
Let only joy be in him.
Stop shaking the crib.
Come, I'll be waiting.

5. Amazing sunrise.
It's a pity you're just not around.
But I whispered to the sun,
so that he can look at you.

6. What is this sour face?
This (name) is a lack of sleep.
Breakfast, rush, bustle...
Wake up, beauty!

7. Catch a gift from me -
the start of a great day.
You're in luck this morning!
It's time for us to wake up.

8. Together with the first rays
all matters can be resolved by ourselves.
Just don't be arrogant
get dressed quickly.

9. Cool day for bright meetings,
you need to save your strength.
Something passionate will happen...
And work is not a she-wolf.

10. While you were sleeping so sweetly
an angel fell from heaven.
Didn't even ask for the address.
I don't have the strength to wait for you.

Your angel.

For a particularly sensitive guy, you can choose beautiful lines from your favorite work. For example: “Have you noticed how beautiful the summer morning is, having just cast off the mists of a quiet night? Still splashed with dew, with thickets of wet leaves and healing coolness? No? Then hurry up!” Is it possible to be sad after receiving such a wonderful SMS?

A sprig of lilac for everyone!)

Leave the seriousness for a while, and let your lover smile after reading the cool SMS he received. Or maybe the correspondence will take on a competitive nature? But rest assured that on this site you will find something to answer him and will hit you not in the eye, but right in the eye.

Cool SMS for your lover. "I miss"

  • I want you to be a hero-lover on the pages of my novel only! And preferably, he appeared there more often, not letting me get bored.
  • I'm so lucky to have you! You are someone you can sit on the edge of a cliff with and laugh happily. I already miss you as soon as you walk out the door.
  • Thank you, my love, for turning all my whims into roses. I’m already missing the next bouquet (I’m kidding, of course, on you))
  • You may be an unfaithful husband, but you are a faithful lover. I miss our hot hugs.
  • Your kitty's fluffy paws are cold and are asking you to warm them up as soon as possible. Jump faster, my favorite bunny!
  • I want to admit that I fell in love with you because you are so strong. How dare you lift a huge glass of beer!)
  • I miss you incredibly and I really want to hear you purring next to me - on the rug near my bed.)
  • I remember now our recent meeting. 24 hours have passed - how long ago it was! We need to repeat it soon!

My tongue already misses yours, come quickly and let’s play warmers.)

  • Oh my captain! Your mermaid is waiting for you in foam and, if you want, even with foam.)
  • Darling, I really like your efficiency - you come specifically for business! I already miss our amorous affairs.)
  • There is no cooler lover in the world than you! You can outdo any colonel in bed! I miss your “projectile”.)

It’s not so easy to come up with cool SMS messages to cheer up your lover. But everything has already happened - choose the most and send it to the number you have memorized!

  • So that your landscape now changes to my bare chest! Just change your location)
  • In this SMS I am sending mighty dragons who will burn all your difficulties in an instant, and on the way back they will bring you to me.)
  • Let the azure height of the sky send you a wonderful mood and slap you on your right cheek with a hot kiss from me!)
  • May your lover give you unforgettable moments of pleasure today! This is me being immodest about myself)
  • I send my ardent greetings to my magician of love affairs and make an appointment under the blue sky. I'll be wearing a rainbow-colored scarf.
  • I want to give my moth a flight into the blissful distance. You can get your ticket at my house.)
  • To the conqueror of my heart I send a light breath of the breeze, which with its gentle touch will remind me of me and bring back memories of the days of our meetings.
  • If your morning was gloomy today, then the evening will be held in the style of the Kama Sutra. Guess with whom.)
  • May the whole Universe help you in your business, and I will only help you with my “ahs.”)
  • I will be very happy if you think only about me today. Don't forget to eat in between.)
  • If you are bored now, then bend your right leg behind your neck and try jumping on your left.)

The theme of this collection is Good morning to your lover in your own words, exciting, only the most interesting instructions from a sincere soul and heart!

I wish that every day begins with a smile and the anticipation of an incredible life episode!

Have a good, cheerful, sunny, gentle morning. I wish you to deeply breathe in the air of happiness and follow your dreams with full confidence!

May your day fly by in one easy breath!

Good morning! May the gentle sun shine on you today, may the gentle wind blow and everyone around you smile!

Achieve your goals and enjoy life. May your morning be rich and cheerful, happy and inspiring.

Good morning my darling!

I wish you that your day is filled with joy and many successes!

I hope you got enough sleep today and feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic! Well, if not, then I still wish you to be in an excellent mood today and successfully solve all your problems.

The first ray of sun illuminates every corner of your room. Its bright light pours across your courageous face. And now, when you read these lines, I say good morning to you with a smile.

My most beloved and kind person, good morning to you!

Let the coming day warm you with my love, like sunlight!

I want this and not only this morning to be special for you, because you are my love, my soulmate!

May this day be the most fun, brightest and most incredible! Good morning

Have a nice day! May he give you the opportunity to become even better, reach new heights and gain strength for tomorrow.

Good afternoon my dear! I feel so good with you. Know that I adore you, I always miss you...

Let a great mood appear from the very morning and last throughout this wonderful day!

I wish you success for the whole day, fun, excellent mood and excellent well-being.

My miracle Good morning, it’s hard for me to come to terms with your absence, but every day ends, and we will be together again.

Good morning is hope for a good day. I wish you only good morning!

I wish you the warmest and most wonderful morning. I wish you a sweet awakening and great goals!

May the beautiful bird of luck circle above your head today, may it drive away all problems from you with every flap of its wings!

May this day be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile!

Kindness, positivity and good luck. Good morning! Have a good day…

May your day be clear and beautiful today!

May everything work out for you today, may the day be good! Beautiful, clear and beautiful!

May the coming morning generously scatter emerald happiness in crystal dew diamonds before you.

This morning I wish you to be full of desires and strength for new good creations! I believe in you!

Good morning! Let a ray of sunshine peek through the window, warm you with warmth, invigorate you, and inspire you!

I’m writing you this SMS wishing you good morning, and the only thing that upsets me is that I won’t see you smiling while reading my message. Good morning, I love you.

I wish you to simply enjoy your day because it is special. Work in such a way that you will be proud of yourself later.

The sun has risen, drops of dew gently lie on the grass. Nature has woken up and it’s time for us to get up, my love. A new day awaits ahead, filled with pleasant impressions!

Smile quickly, a new day has come, give everyone positivity, enjoy the new day!

May your day be filled with pleasant moments, unforgettable meetings, vivid emotions and impressions.

Look for something positive every morning, spend the day with a cheerful motive...

Congratulations on your great holiday - the beginning of a new day. I wish you that things will go in the right direction from the very morning.

Let health boil in your body from the very early morning, and let harmony flow in your soul and let music sound!

Good mood and well-being, great ideas and plans!

Good morning! nature will say, and I will make you strong and moderately invigorating coffee!

May prosperity, harmony and love flourish in your home.

Good morning! - I wish you a life without despondency, in love with madness and passion, in a career of profit and power.

I wish you a good, eventful, and most importantly, auspicious day. May luck accompany you everywhere, and may success never leave you for a moment.

The morning has come, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, only you are missing by your side!

Wake up, smile, good morning, get up quickly! Celebrate the new day soon!

Morning, afternoon, evening and night. Yesterday, today, tomorrow and always I love you! Good morning

Wake up soon, I missed you madly during this long night!

Good morning! Let the path to prosperity and success be like a colorful rainbow that radiates positivity and instills confidence, calmness and faith in victory.

I hasten to wish you the very best morning. Let it start with a beautiful smile and a wonderful mood!

May this day be filled with successful moments and may everything turn out exactly the way you want!

I wish you a great mood for this whole coming day. Charge yourself with strong and aromatic coffee, and good luck will not leave you!

Let your day pass exclusively on the positive, and in the evening I will take care of...

I warmly wish you prosperity and devoted love! Let the freshness of the morning be warmed by the good vibes of my warm

Clear skies, a cheerful smile and a pleasant awakening to you! Let this morning be one of thousands of the kindest and most joyful!

This morning I wish you success in business, but without fatigue in your work!

Be sure to wake up today with a bright smile, and keep it on your lips all day long to easily solve current problems and walk confidently towards your high goal.

Do not believe those who say that there is no such thing as a good morning! Good morning everyone!

Good morning! I wish you good luck, luck and assistance from higher powers on the way to your goal!

May your heart be filled with the melody of a kind and loving universe this morning!

Blessed be the heavens above you! Good morning!

May your morning be cheerful and bring good news! The sun rises and waits for your answering smile! It's time to rise up to meet him and live in such a way that everyone around him will envy!

Stretch, smile, think positive thoughts. Remember my love and feel that life is good! Good morning

I walk and smile, and I’m not embarrassed at all, and I wish you a super-duper-mega day!

I opened the window in the morning and was greeted by a sunny morning, which reminded me of your smile. The sun was shining so gently, and I remembered your eyes. And the morning breeze was so gentle that I remembered your lips. I miss you so much. Wake up quickly and come to me. Good morning.

Good morning! Good luck in all your endeavors and work.

This morning, let a delicious breakfast charge you with strength and positive energy, and let all your planned activities go smoothly!

Wake up quickly, my love! I agreed with the rain, today is his day off. I warmed up the sun, today it will shine with double strength

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood.

Morning has come, I wish you a day filled with smiles and laughter, kindness, love, happiness and success!

I would like to wish your new day to be sunny, successful and interesting.

Let this morning freshness give you many impressions and new ideas!

Let this morning be the best, let the sun shine from behind the clouds!

Have a great day, have a wonderful week! Don't get tired of working days! May life invigorate you and give you wonderful moments!

Let the morning be a good start to a wonderful day!

May everything work out for you today, may luck be with you from morning to evening.

With love and tenderness I wish you good morning and a wonderful day!

May your day be visited by good luck, which will not depend either on the weather or on the mood of your boss!

I wish that no matter what, every morning will be very good for you. Good morning!!!

Good morning to your lover in your own exciting words - I wish you to always wake up in a great mood, think only about everything pleasant and positive.

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