It is true that Dmitry Vdovichenko died. Vladimir Vdovichenkov received three gunshot wounds

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Looks like it's an actor thing Vladimir Vdovichenkov takes an unexpected turn. There was an accident, a showdown on the road, after which the shooter fled the scene, and the actor tried to pretend that everything was fine with him and no one shot at him.

Maybe, "Boomer" star Vladimir Vdovichenkov scared the young driver so much that he used a traumatic weapon.

Let us remind you that on Wednesday, at about 12:30, in Moscow, the famous actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov became a victim of a road conflict. During a quarrel on Kompozitorskaya Street, an unknown person shot the actor three times at point-blank range with a traumatic pistol. He only checked in at the First City Hospital to have an X-ray done and checked for hidden injuries to internal organs.

Employees of the capital's police department found out that 39-year-old Vladimir Vdovichenkov was driving an Audi Q7 and collided with another foreign car. Its driver opened fire on him with a traumatic pistol. It was not possible to catch the driver-shooter in hot pursuit.

Then the actor tells the police that he was attacked by the driver of a foreign car with license plate E617ET. Its owner was immediately identified, but it turned out that this license plate belonged to a Ford Focus, which had nothing to do with this accident. A Nissan X-Trail SUV was at the scene. It turned out to be easy to install this car with a similar number; it was enough to replace the first letter with “B”. The car turned out to be registered to the head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, 53-year-old Nikolai Kondratyuk. He, however, told investigators that it was managed by proxy by his 23-year-old son Oleg.


Oleg Kondratyuk: “Your actor began to beat me”

Yesterday, the police were able to communicate with the young man only by telephone, said the head of the Arbat police department, Alexey Platonov. He said that the actor started beating him. And he, they say, had no choice but to use weapons.

It is known that Oleg Kondratyuk graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in law. On his page on the social network VKontakte, Oleg writes that he professes Judaism, is a member of the antifa graffiti youth group Bad Line Syndicate, and is also a radical anti-fascist. Being a radical young man, he carried a traumatic pistol with him.

“Your actor began to beat me,” Oleg told the investigation, “I was very scared, and I had no choice but to use self-defense weapons.

Now the conflict itself may take a completely different development and result in legal proceedings. Although usually cases of this level do not reach the court. The parties are allowed to resolve the case out of court. and they mutually satisfy their claims.

Investigators are studying video footage from outdoor surveillance cameras that recorded the moment of the incident. Investigators are studying all the materials received, said the head of the UIOS of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow, police colonel Viktor Biryukov. - Police officers will take all measures to identify the culprit in the conflict.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov: The attacker acted calmly and coolly

Vladimir Vdovichenkov: “I was sure that they shot at me from a combat pistol”

According to one version, the actor was driving from a rehearsal at the theater. Vakhtangov, when on Kompozitorskaya Street he did not share the road with the driver of a Nissan jeep. Word for word, it seemed that Vdovichenkov asked to let him through, he was in a hurry - an argument arose. As a result, the actor’s opponent pulled out a traumatic pistol and fired several times at point-blank range. Vladimir Vdovichenkov was wounded. His attacker fled.

Let the police investigate who is right and who is wrong. Now the investigation is underway, I have my statement. The investigator came straight to the hospital. I believe that the person who shot me should be punished. Anything can happen on the road, you can make a row, talk in a raised voice, but taking out a gun and shooting is lawlessness. Moreover, he deliberately shot in the face: he got out of the car and started shooting, and I sat in the car and dodged.

Why yesterday (November 17 - Ed.), when we called you, did you hide the truth, claiming that nothing happened?

It’s not very pleasant when you are in a helpless state, and you are pestered with questions from all sides. At such a moment, your whole life flies before your eyes, you don’t want anyone to pry into your soul. To be honest, I was sure that this guy fired from a combat pistol, blood was flowing. Half-shocked state - oh, I wish I could get home, see my wife and child again...

- He didn’t recognize you? After all, you are a popular actor...

What difference does it make... Is it really possible to shoot at a person who does not appear on TV? I know for sure that he was not afraid of consequences and scandal, he behaved confidently. He acted calmly, without bothering himself. He calmly fired, calmly got into the car and drove away. As if he said: “Boy, you got yours, and I moved on!” By the way, I even tried to chase him in a car, to catch up.

- When will you start work?

Filming was suspended for several days because I had an abrasion on my face. But rehearsals at the theater will continue.

CCTV cameras recorded the conflict, police colonel Viktor Biryukov, head of the UIOS of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Moscow, told KP. - This will help establish who is to blame. Later this video was at the disposal of KP. The cameras recorded that it was Vdovichenkov who hit the offender first...

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Vdovichenkov was the first to start the fight [video surveillance footage]. Alexander BOYKO

Actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov was wounded in the center of Moscow. According to news agencies, the star of “Brigade” and “Boomer” was unable to pass an SUV on a narrow street, the driver of which fired 3 bullets from a traumatic pistol at the artist. The capital's police are looking for the shooter. There is conflicting information about the condition of Vdovichenkov himself. But the conflict scene itself was completely filmed on surveillance cameras.

The location of the shell casings on the roadway was marked with chalk even before the scene of the incident was marked with special tape. The testimony of the witnesses was recorded in the protocol. It is possible that a video of the conflict on the road will soon be made public:

- The cameras are here, everything was on monitors. The police have already taken all the materials.

The Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate still refused to comment when the capital's ambulance service information office said: yes, Vdovichenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich, yes - born in 71st. Hospitalized in First Gradskaya.

- He's in the seventh department... go there...

Considering that the scene of the incident is in close proximity to the Vakhtangov Theater, where actor Vdovichenkov has been in the troupe for seven years, it became obvious that such a complete coincidence is hardly possible. This was indirectly confirmed by the clinic’s security guards.

- Alive and healthy. Maybe already home...

They met at approximately 15.00 at house 21. On Kompozitorskaya Street, which was narrow and also densely packed with parked cars. The Vakhtangov Theater, where the star of the TV series "Brigade" and the main character of both "Boomers" Vladimir Vdovichenkov works, is a few hundred meters away.

The dispute arose over the right of priority on the road. The actor was driving an Audi Q7, and an unknown person was moving towards him in a Nissan jeep. His final argument was the Osa traumatic pistol. Vdovichenkov, who played one of the main roles in “Taras Bulba,” as reported by news agencies, received three wounds: in the chin, chest and armpit. The unknown person who shot the actor fled the scene.

“The victim told the police the registration number of the offender’s car. The “Interception” plan was introduced in the city, which did not give a positive result. Perhaps the vehicle number was indicated incorrectly, as these are. Now the investigators of the task force are working on this,” said the capital’s police department.

The last similar case involving the use of trauma, when a public person became the victim, occurred just six months ago. In St. Petersburg, trying to protect his wife, a famous man received a bullet in the eye.

In general, unmotivated aggression on the roads is becoming more widespread every year. It’s good if they limit themselves to fists, but with the use of trauma only in the last five years - . Their result was more than 600 wounded and 60 dead.

In Moscow, the famous actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov was injured as a result of a traffic conflict. The police found out that the driver who fled the scene was driving a car with stolen license plates from another car. It is possible that he was involved in street robberies, in particular, in attacks on money carriers.

A RIA Novosti source in law enforcement agencies reported that in the center of Moscow, after a traffic conflict, an unknown person wounded the famous actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov with a traumatic pistol. The artist drove an Audi Q7. He had an argument over the priority of travel along the narrow Kompozitorskaya Street, lined with parked cars, with the driver of a Nissan jeep.

During the quarrel, the jeep driver shot the actor three times with an Osa traumatic pistol, after which he fled.

The artist was hospitalized with gunshot wounds to the abdomen.

The actor became famous thanks to the roles he played in the film series "Brigade", the films "Boomer", "Taras Bulba" and "Paragraph 78".

The press service of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate confirmed the information about the traffic conflict. “Indeed, there was a traffic conflict, and Vladimir Vdovichenkov was injured in it,” said the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. “However, perhaps this person is only the actor’s namesake.”

The actor himself later denied the news of the injury. “My wife just called me, they told her that something terrible happened to me. I’m now at a rehearsal in the theater, everything is fine with me,” the actor told RIA Novosti. However, the fact of the incident was confirmed to Interfax at the theater where the artist works.

“There was an emergency on the road, some bandit shot at him. We contacted him, everything is fine with him,” the management of the Yevgeny Vakhtangov Theater said on Wednesday.

The agency’s interlocutor noted that “he cannot give more precise comments, since the artist is not in the theater.”

Meanwhile, another source in law enforcement agencies told the agency that the person who shot V. Vdovichenkov with a traumatic pistol in the center of Moscow may be involved in other crimes.

According to the source, it turned out that the state license plates installed on the Nissan X-trail car had previously been stolen from a Ford Focus car that belonged to a Muscovite living in the Western District.

The police officers concluded that since the person who escaped was driving a car with stolen license plates from another car, it is possible that he was involved in street robberies, in particular, in attacks on money carriers.

Famous people often become victims of street violence. In St. Petersburg, the famous actor Andrei Zibrov lost his eye after being shot from a traumatic pistol. The attack on the actor occurred on April 24, 2010. At night on Kamenoostrovsky Prospekt, two men began to pester the actor’s companion. Zibrov stood up for the girl and a fight broke out. During the scuffle, one of the hooligans shot the actor in the head with a traumatic pistol. The bullet hit the eye, Zibrov was hospitalized in city hospital N2 and underwent emergency surgery, but doctors were unable to save the eye. The rowdies were detained. Anton Ivchenko, who shot the actor in the head with a traumatic pistol and deprived him of an eye, will spend three years in a colony. Zibrov called the sentence too lenient.

Alexey Druzhnikov

Famous actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov was shot at with a traumatic pistol in the center of Moscow. The artist simply did not share the road with the driver who pulled out a weapon. […]

Kompozitorskaya Street in Moscow adjoins the busy Novinsky Boulevard. The close proximity to the Garden Ring explains why there are dozens of parked cars on the adjacent streets at any time of the day or night, preventing other cars from passing.

It was on this relatively calm street that a traffic conflict occurred on November 17 between actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov and an unknown person who started shooting at him.

According to law enforcement agencies, events developed as follows. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, a dispute arose between Vdovichenkov, who was driving an Audi Q7, and the driver of a Nissan X-trail jeep over the priority of travel along this narrow street. During the quarrel, the jeep driver shot the actor three times with a traumatic pistol and then fled.

Vdovichenkov himself managed to contact the nearest police officers, after which he was hospitalized in the 1st city hospital, according to initial information, with wounds in the abdominal area. It later turned out that he had suffered a laceration on his chin and a wound to his chest. The actor was quickly given first aid and released. Vdovichenkov answered the journalists who besieged him by telephone that everything was fine with him and nothing had happened. However, both the Central Internal Affairs Directorate and the Vakhtangov Theater, where the actor serves, confirmed that he was indeed shot. […]

[RIA "Novosti", 11/17/2010, "Conflicting information is being received about the incident with the actor Vdovichenkov": The actor himself, who became widely famous by starring in such films as "Boomer", "Brigade" and "Taras Bulba", denied information about his injury.
“I’m now at a rehearsal at the theater, everything is fine with me,” Vdovichenkov told RIA Novosti over the phone.
In turn, the actor’s director stated that there really was an accident involving Vdovichenkov.
“I talked to him, his voice is quite cheerful,” she told RIA Novosti, refusing further comments.
At the emergency department of the First City Hospital, RIA Novosti stated that a certain Vladimir Vladimirovich Vdovichenkov was brought to them. The patient is 39 years old, like the actor. […] Information about Vladimir Vdovichenkov’s hospitalization was also confirmed in the ambulance information center. - Insert]

Meanwhile, some media outlets found out the details of the conflict. So, they say, the actor was to blame for what happened. […]

[Life.Ru, 11/17/2010, “Vdovichenkov’s wounds are not life-threatening”: The employees of the First City were pleasantly surprised by the artist’s modesty. Vladimir willingly signed autographs and talked about what happened to him.
“He told the staff that it was his own fault,” the hospital told Life News. - According to him, he lowered the car window and asked to let him through. Either there was a traffic jam, or he was parked and drove out, or that car was parked in front. And he started shooting. He said that everything happened as if in slow motion, as if someone had pressed a button on the remote control. - Insert]

Later, a source in law enforcement agencies reported that Vdovichenkov’s guilt in the incident was even more serious. The investigation obtained a video of an actor beating the driver of a jeep almost until he bled, and only after that did he shoot at him. […]

The shooter was 23-year-old Oleg Kondratyuk, the son of the head of the Odintsovo district administration, a graduate of the MGIMO Law Faculty.

Original of this material
© Life.Ru, 11/18/2010

They are looking for the Yeltsins' neighbor for the execution of Vdovichenkov

Life News has learned the name of the owner of the jeep who fled on Wednesday from the scene of the shooting of 39-year-old actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

According to documents, the Nissan X-Trail belongs to the head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region - 53-year-old Nikolai Kondratyuk. By proxy, his 23-year-old son Oleg drives this car. […]

It is noteworthy that Nikolai Kondratyuk is a neighbor of one of the most famous families in Russia. In house 4, building 2 on Osennaya Street, where Nikolai Fedorovich and his sons Oleg and Gleb are registered, the widow of the late Russian President Boris Yeltsin, Naina Iosifovna, and her relatives also live.

As Life News learned, the police had already tried to find Oleg Kondratyuk at his place of residence, but the district police officer was not allowed into the territory of the house by employees of the Federal Security Service.

The policeman was told that all information was classified and was offered to look for the suspect at any other address, a source in the capital’s law enforcement agencies told Life News.

By the way, the alleged shooter is a lawyer by training. Oleg Kondratyuk graduated from the International Law Faculty of MGIMO this year. Original of this material
© Life.Ru, 11/18/2010

Vdovichenkov was the first to hit the man who shot him

[…] The 23-year-old son of the head of the administration of the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, Oleg Kondratyuk, who fled yesterday from the scene of the artist’s execution, said that he shot in self-defense. Allegedly, Vdovichenkov attacked him during a road quarrel and began beating him.

However, 39-year-old Vladimir Vdovichenkov completely refutes this information. He claims that he did not raise his hand against his opponent at all.

“I didn’t attack anyone,” the actor told Life News. - I didn’t hit anyone! How could I attack a person if I was sitting in a car, and he stood on the street and shot at me?!

However, the day before the actor completely denied that he was wounded. While doctors were treating his wounds, his friend Igor Petrenko replied that Vladimir was in the theater.

As it turned out, Vdovichenkov lied even now. The video footage clearly shows how he first pushes his opponent and then hits him in the face. And only then the young man takes out a weapon and shoots.


In Moscow, the police are looking for a criminal who fired at Vladimir Vdovichenkov, a film actor known from the television series “Brigada” and “Boomer”, with a traumatic pistol. The attacker opened fire in a quarrel after a traffic accident.

The conflict occurred in the center of Moscow near house No. 21 on Kompozitorskaya Street, RIA Novosti reports with reference to a representative of the information department of the capital's Central Internal Affairs Directorate.

According to the investigation, a traumatic weapon was used by the driver of a Nissan X Trail. His foreign car collided on a Moscow street with an Audi Q5 SUV, driven by a 39-year-old actor, famous for his “gangster images” in films.

According to preliminary information, the artist was hit by 3 bullets: one hit the chin, the other hit the chest, and the third hit the armpit.

The victim was immediately taken by ambulance to the hospital, where he was first examined by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Life News reports.

“The criminal fled the scene,” explained a law enforcement source. “What caused the conflict is still unknown. An operational investigation team is working on the spot.”

A silver Nissan X Trail with license plate number E 617 ET 177 RUS has been put on the wanted list. The Interception plan was introduced.

The victim himself refuses to provide comprehensive comments. “I won’t comment on anything, I feel great, thank you,” said actor Vdovichenkov over the phone from the First City Hospital.

Vdovichenkov’s colleagues on the television series “Brigada,” which made him a national star under the nickname Phil, have already learned about the daring crime. “This news literally killed me,” says Pavel Maykov, who played a bandit nicknamed Bee in the series. “While we don’t know anything about his condition, we’ll call him now.”

Vladimir Vdovichenkov also starred in the TV series "Kamenskaya", "Cadets", the films "Boomer", "Paragraph 78" and "Taras Bulba".

The actor's eye was knocked out near a cafe in the presence of his wife

This is not the first time that traumatic weapons have been used against stars of the domestic film industry. So, six months ago, another performer of “brutal” roles, actor Andrei Zibrov, got into a similar criminal story in St. Petersburg. Then the meeting with armed hooligans who decided to “hit” the artist’s wife ended tragically for him: the attacker shot Zibrov right in the eye, depriving the master of stage art of his organ of vision.

As previously reported, the attack on Andrei Zibrov occurred on the night of April 24 at the XXXXX club on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg. The actor and his wife were sitting in a cafe, where a quarrel occurred between them. Frustrated, the woman ran out into the street, where two young men insistently suggested that she relax together. They saw that a conflict had arisen between the cafe visitors and decided to have fun with the lady.

While the young people persistently begged the woman to go with them, her husband left the cafe. Andrey Zibrov approached the suitors and pushed one of them away. In response, the man took out a traumatic pistol and shot point-blank at his offender.

With an eye injury, Andrei Zibrov was taken to city hospital No. 2, where all efforts to save the artist’s damaged organ were in vain.

Later, Vladimir Prokhortsev, born in 1987, and Anton Ivchenko, born in 1989, were detained on suspicion of attacking Andrei Zibrov. A traumatic pistol was seized from the second suspect, from which, as investigators established, the fatal shot was fired. Later, Vladimir Prokhortsev was transferred from a suspect to a witness.

Initially, as often happens, the media reported that the actor stood up for his wife, who was being harassed by people from the Caucasus. However, after the real hooligans were detained, the “Caucasian version” naturally disappeared by itself.

In early October, the court sentenced 24-year-old Anton Ivchenko to three years in a general regime penal colony. He was charged with Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm).

In addition, the convicted person must compensate for material damage in the amount of 77 thousand rubles, as well as Zibrov’s moral costs in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. Previously, the actor stated in his demands an amount of five million rubles, but the court considered this amount excessive.

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