Is it true that Maxim Fadeev died? Maxim Fadeev is having a hard time with the death of his only daughter. What happened to Maxim Fadeev.

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“I’m sitting and thinking.. What are we living for? What is the ultimate goal? And that’s what I thought. We are like a “storage” of actions and thoughts. Everything white goes into one cell, everything dark into another. There are no shades. There is only thought and action. And it seems to me that at the end of life this information is “checked” with spirit and after making a decision we go either to correct mistakes or to go further and higher. Sorry if it is difficult or confusing (Hereinafter, the author’s punctuation and spelling are preserved. – Editor's note)," Fadeev wrote.

A little later he developed the idea, but did it in a slightly different direction. To begin with, Maxim talked about his experience of cardiac arrest. “Each of us wonders if there is life after life.. I’ll tell you one story. I had heart surgery at the age of 17.. It was very difficult and I experienced clinical death.. Doctors fought for me,” - the artist began his story.

Maxim noted that he didn’t remember anything. But something still stuck in his memory. “I felt that I had become as light as a speck of dust... And I could move freely in a second to any point I could think of. My father told me about the old Jewish cemetery in France where there are his relatives and he dreamed of going there. But there was the USSR and it could to be just a dream. I thought about this story and found myself there... I flew through it all and didn’t find one person with that name. When I woke up, everything was behind me and the doctors gave me back my life,” Fadeev said.

Maxim realized that a miracle had happened to him only after a while. "20 years have passed since this story. And one day my father came to me when I was living in Prague. And he told me... let's go to Paris to the Jewish cemetery.. And we went.. But..... shock What happened to me was that I navigated the city as if I knew it by heart... and through the back streets without a single hint or navigation, I brought my father to the place and not just to the place, but led him to the place where the namesake lay. But this was the first time I was there. in Paris, and certainly couldn’t know where this cemetery was... And only then did I understand... that that “speck of dust” was not a dream, it was me,” Maxim Fadeev concluded the story.

Maxim Fadeev Lately I’ve started talking more and more often about moments in my personal life. He shared with fans a story about the betrayal of a close friend and girlfriend, and talked about how reverently he treats his wife Natalya and his son Savva. And recently he decided to report the details of a terrible family tragedy - the death of his daughter.

The producer, in an interview with the magazine Caravan of Stories, admitted that his first-born, a newborn daughter, died immediately after birth due to a doctor’s mistake. According to the celebrity, this grief became an incredible test for him and his wife, because of which Natalya herself almost died. “Natasha barely survived. She was under terrible stress, which resulted in severe bleeding. I called the hospital and they told me this: “Get ready, man. She lost a lot of blood. “Very weak,” Fadeev noted.

As it turned out, after the baby’s death, Natalia began bleeding profusely due to severe stress and was taken away by ambulance doctors. It was winter then, and the producer, wearing only a sweater, rushed after his wife to the Cherkizovsky hospital. He admitted that he was incredibly afraid that he would not be able to see her in time, since the doctors’ forecasts were disappointing. When Maxim arrived at the place it was already midnight and all the doors were locked. But after some time, in one of the windows he saw an old woman, whom he asked to find out about Natalya’s condition.

“She was only gone for two minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. How I was shaking then - I can’t even describe now! The first thing I saw on the old woman’s face when she returned was a smile. And I realized that Natasha was holding on,” said the artist. Maxim noted that in memory of his deceased daughter, he took part in the project for free "Voice. Children".

The famous producer and mentor of the show “The Voice.Children” Maxim Fadeev avoids questions about his personal life and always tries to silence topics that are unpleasant to him. However, in the last interview, the showman nevertheless opened his soul and talked about what a terrible blow the death of his first child was for him - his newborn daughter died in the arms of doctors, and the producer’s wife fell ill with terrible bleeding caused by stress.

In an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories,” Maxim Fadeev said that about twenty years ago he experienced a terrible loss. The producer's little heiress, a newborn daughter who was not even given a name, died in the hospital almost immediately after birth. Maxim’s wife, Natalya, was so distressed by the loss that, amid stress, the woman began to bleed profusely and she herself found herself on the brink of life and death.

“Natasha barely survived. She was under terrible stress, which resulted in severe bleeding. I called the hospital and they told me this: “Get ready, man. She lost a lot of blood. “Very weak,” the showman told reporters. According to Maxim, he was horrified at the thought of losing his beloved wife. Wearing only a sweater, he rushed out of the house in the middle of the winter night and rushed by taxi to the Cherkizov hospital, where Natalya was lying. The man was afraid that he would not even be able to see his wife, who, according to doctors, was dying.

Arriving at the hospital, shining with sleeping windows, Fadeev began to look for help. Near the emergency entrance to the building, he met an old woman, an employee of a medical institution. The elderly woman agreed to help him and went to visit Natalya. Maxim remained standing outside. “She was only gone for two minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. How I was shaking then - I still can’t describe it! The first thing I saw on the old woman’s face when she returned was a smile. And I realized that Natasha was holding on,” said the producer.

Having learned that everything was fine with his wife, Maxim felt severe weakness and nausea from the fear he experienced. Filled with conflicting feelings, Fadeev sat down in a deep snowdrift to rest, but he himself did not notice how he fell into sleep. The man woke up only in the morning and reached home at dawn.

According to the producer, such life blows do not pass without a trace. The death of his daughter prompted Fadeev to take part in the show “Voice.Children” for free and even invest part of his funds in the project. The man is sensitive to all children and the nightmare he experienced in the past helps him to be stronger in the present.

Now Fadeev is raising an heir - Savva, the son of Natalya and Maxim, recently turned 19 years old. The young man is interested in music, studies at the directing department and takes his first steps in the world of show business.

The report about the death of Maxim Fadeev is not true. The famous musician is alive, healthy and continues to work actively.

Where do such sensations come from? As a rule, they do not arise out of nowhere, but as a result of a free interpretation of real facts.

In 2016, Maxim lost his father. He was not only a parent for him, but also a friend. A teacher by vocation, the talented composer Alexander Fadeev managed, without breaking his son’s character, without imposing his ideas with unquestioning authority, to instill a love of music and develop a natural gift.

The naughty child knew from childhood where he would be scolded for his pranks, and where he would be adamant. Music lessons from the age of five became an integral and obligatory part of education. Subsequently, the boy himself realized that he was interested in this. At the age of 13, he could play the guitar perfectly. At 15 he became a student at a music school, where he studied in two faculties at once.

Today, a talented Russian producer, he has gone through all stages of professional growth far from the capital, in his native Kurgan, playing in youth groups, touring distant villages. And all this is the merit of my father, who demanded hard work and a serious attitude to business.

After his sudden death (he worked until his last day), the younger Fadeev wrote a touching poem. And the media hastened to notify that 48-year-old Maxim had died.

Another reason for the unverified information released may be the recent recollections of the master of modern music about personal dramas that took place in the distant past.

These are difficult experiences associated with the loss of a newborn daughter, which occurred due to a mistake by medical staff. And also clinical death experienced at the age of 17.

The physically healthy young man did not even suspect that he had a dangerous heart disease. By nature, restless and hooligan, he loved to play sports. After another hard workout, the guy ended up in intensive care. Only emergency heart surgery could give him a chance to survive. Although it was successful, the patient actually died. Thanks to the experience of the doctor, who performed direct cardiac massage with his hands, he returned to reality.

But different than before. Maxim discovered his poetic talent and began to write poetry. And also Memories of being in the other world later found a continuation in reality.

Instead of a tunnel, the boy, feeling weightless, traveled in space. Many years later, when he lived in Europe, he and his father visited a cemetery in Paris in search of the graves of relatives. The picture from the mysterious past completely coincided with what Maxim saw in those seconds when his heart stopped beating.

Since then, he has developed a philosophical attitude towards life. Recently, the name of Maxim Fadeev is often mentioned in the press due to the fact that he promised in one of the television programs.

Maxim Aleksandrovich Fadeev. Born on May 6, 1968 in Kurgan. Russian music producer, composer and director, singer-songwriter, arranger, actor.

Father - Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev (1941-2016), composer, Honored Artist, was the head teacher at a music school. Author of music for more than twenty performances of the Kurgan and Shadrinsky drama theaters and the Gulliver puppet theater, including “Beyond the Ural Ridge”, “Shadrinsky Goose”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”. He also wrote music for children's plays, including “The Musical Snuffbox”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “The Ugly Duckling”. Author of music for the opera "Blizzard".

Mother - Svetlana Petrovna Fadeeva, musical director at the Builders' Palace of Culture, a famous performer of Russian and gypsy songs and romances.

Maxim Fadeev's cousin is Timofey Maksimovich Belozerov, Soviet poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR.

Brother - Artyom Fadeev, Russian composer and producer. Songwriter of the group "Monokini". In 2009, Artyom Fadeev wrote music for the children's musical “My Toothy Nanny.”

From the age of 5, Maxim began going to music school at the Kurgan Music College. At the age of 12, he learned to play the bass guitar. At the age of 15, he entered the music school in two departments at once - conducting-choral and piano. Gradually I learned to play the acoustic guitar.

At the age of 17, after training in the gym, I was admitted to intensive care with an aggravated heart defect - I had problems with the septum. During the operation he experienced clinical death. After this incident, Fadeev began composing songs. The first one was called “Dance on Broken Glass.” It was then that he began to dream of a musical career.

In his youth, he played in a local musical group at the Mashinostroiteley Palace of Culture, then sang as a backing vocalist in the group “Convoy”, with the leader of which disagreements arose, after which Maxim left the group, and after a while the leader himself left it. Maxim was asked to return, but as a soloist. The group began to work from the Kurgan Regional Philharmonic, where A.I. was the artistic director. Fadeev, father M.A. Fadeeva.

At this time, due to the division of show business, M. Fadeev was mutilated by bandits. His ankles were broken, his fingers were broken, and he was left to die in the forest. After recovery, M. Fadeev continued to perform in the group “Convoy”.

In 1989, he was sent to participate in the Jurmala-89 competition, passed the zonal qualifying round in Yekaterinburg and the selection in Moscow. Meanwhile, the competition turned into “Yalta-90”, where Maxim took 3rd place. For this he received a bonus of 500 rubles. Gradually, Max's talent began to bring him fame, but not as a singer, but as a musician - he received orders for jingles, screensavers, and music for advertising.

Showman Sergei Krylov invited Fadeev to Moscow, promising support. After living for some time in Omsk and Yekaterinburg, Maxim moved to the capital in 1993, where he got a job as an arranger in a recording studio, making arrangements for famous musicians -,.

According to Maxim Fadeev, when he started living in Moscow, he realized that he would not develop his singing career, since all his attempts to appear on radio and television with his musical material ended in an “unformatted” review.

Linda project:

In 2015, Maxim Fadeev became a mentor for the Main Stage project.

Video clips of Maxim Fadeev (director):

1994 - Little Fire - Linda
1994 - Dance underwater - Linda
1994 - Do It So - Linda
1995 - Girls with sharp teeth - Linda
1995 - Girls with sharp teeth-2 - Linda
1996 - Crow - Linda
1996 - Circle by hand - Linda
1997 - North Wind - Linda
1997 - Marijuana - Linda
1999 - Let Me Go - Linda
1999 - A View from the Inside - Linda
2001 - Sitting on the clouds - Monokini
2001 - Ticking - Monokini
2001 - See you on the star - Monokini
2001 - Leaving into the sunset - Total
2001 - Hit the eyes - Total
2002 - I Hate - Gluck’oZa
2003 - Fly Away - Katya Lel
2003 - Glucose Nostra - Gluk’oZa
2004 - Shiva - Total
2004 - Oh-oh - Gluck’oZa
2004 - It’s Snowing - Gluck’oZa
2003 - Bride - Gluck’oZa
2003 - My marmalade - Katya Lel
2003 - When I become a cat - Maria Rzhevskaya
2004 - Well hello - Total
2004 - Kama Sutra - Total
2004 - Don’t Drive - Total
2004 - Sorry for Love - Yulia Savicheva
2004 - London-Paris - Irakli
2004 - Chocolate Bunny - Pierre Narcisse
2004 - Musi Pusi - Katya Lel
2005 - Schweine - Gluck’oZa
2005 - Moscow - Gluck’oZa
2005 - Wedding - Gluck’oZa
2007 - Song #1 - SEREBRO
2007 - Breathe - SEREBRO
2008 - Opium - SEREBRO
2008 - After the rain - KIT-I
2009 - Autumn - KIT-I
2010 - My heart - KIT-I
2010 - This is such love - Gluck’oZa
2008 - Dance, Russia!!! - Gluk'oZa
2008 - Daughter - Gluck’oZa
2009 - Say, don’t be silent - SEREBRO
2009 - Money - Gluck’oZa
2009 - Sweet - SEREBRO
2010 - No time - SEREBRO
2011 - Let's hold hands - SEREBRO
2011 - Tell me what love is - Yulia Savicheva
2011 - Yours - Katya Lel
2011 - Mama Lyuba - SEREBRO
2012 - Yulia - Yulia Savicheva
2012 - Gun - SEREBRO
2012 - This is love - ILYA
2014 - I am not your war - Nargiz Zakirova
2015 - You are my tenderness - Nargiz Zakirova
2015 - I don’t believe you - Nargiz Zakirova
2016 - Farewell, my friend - Olga Orlova
2016 - Let's find each other - Emin

Discography of Maxim Fadeev (producer):

1990 - Maxim Fadeev & Convoy - The dance on the broken glass
1991 - Max Fadeev - Dance on broken glass
1992 - Maxim Fadeev & “Convoy” - Dance on broken glass (LP)
1992 - Laura - Madame Paris
1995 - Linda - Songs of Tibetan Lamas
1995 - Linda - Dances of Tibetan Lamas
1996 - Linda - Crow
1997 - Max Fadeev - Scissors
1997 - Linda - Crow. Remix remake
1997 - Max Fadeev - Nega
1998 - Linda - Concert
1999 - Linda - Placenta
1999 - Linda - White on White
1999 - Linda - Crow remix remake (LP)
2001 - Monokini - Reach for the Sun
2001 - TOTAL - 1+
2001 - Maxim Fadeev - The Red One. Triumph
2003 - Star Factory 2 - Star Factory 2
2003 - Gluck'oZa - Gluck'oZa Nostra
2004 - Star Factory 2 - Part 2
2004 - Irakli - London-Paris
2004 - Katya Lel - Jaga-Jaga
2004 - Pierre Narcisse - Chocolate Bunny
2004 - Linda - Life
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show begins
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show continues! Part 1
2004 - Star Factory 5 - The show continues! Part 2
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 1
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 2
2004 - Star Factory 5 - Final show! Part 3
2005 - Yulia Savicheva - High
2005 - Gluck’oZa - Moscow
2005 - Yulia Savicheva - If love lives in the heart
2006 - Yulia Savicheva - Magnit
2006 - TOTAL - 2 My world
2007 - SEREBRO - Song #1
2007 - TOTAL - 2+ Live
2008 - Yulia Savicheva - Origami
2009 - SEREBRO - OpiumRoz
2009 - Angelica Agurbash - Love! Love? Love...
2012 - Googoosha - Googoosha
2012 - SEREBRO - Mama Lover
2012 - Yulia Savicheva - Heartbeat
2016 - 3G - Calls
2016 - Nargiz - Heart Noise

Projects of Maxim Fadeev:

"Glitch" oza
Yulia Savicheva
Nargiz Zakirova
"Children's voices of Maxim Fadeev"
Group "4G" (formerly "3G")
Sasha Zhemchugova
Igor Pidzhakov
Oleg Miami
Alisa Kozhikina
Cook (Elena Kukarskaya)
Daria Klyushnikova
Pierre Narcisse
Victoria Ilyinskaya
"Star Factory-2"
"Star Factory-5"
Mitya Fomin
Irina Epifanova
Katya Lel
Alexey Sulima
Maria Rzhevskaya
"Oil Plant"

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