Presentations for preschool children based on fairy tales. Presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard (middle group) on the topic: Presentation on fairy tales

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Objectives: 1. Clarify and enrich children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales. 2. Learn to recognize a fairy tale by assignment. 3. Learn to convey the structure of a fairy tale using modeling.

Materials and equipment: Game “put together a fairy tale” (cut-out pictures), game “Turnip” and “Teremok” (cards-schemes). Stand with books of Russian folk tales Toys for riddles

Hello, dear guys! Today we will go to visit the Fairy Tale. All people, young and old, love and read fairy tales. Let's see how well you know fairy tales and at the end of our evening a surprise awaits you, as in any fairy tale. And so, let's begin. . .

How is a fairy tale different from others? literary works? Fairy tales always begin in a special way: -Once upon a time... -In a certain kingdom, in a certain state... -One day….

Animals, plants and even objects in fairy tales talk like people. There is magic in fairy tales. Fairy tales usually have a happy ending.

The fairy tale ends with a saying: -They lived happily ever after... That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened. I was there, I drank honey, I drank beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.

Now let's rest a little, stretch our fingers and remember what fairy tales we know. Finger gymnastics“Favorite fairy tales” (Children take turns bending their fingers. They clap their hands for the last line.) Let’s count the fingers, Let’s call the fairy tales Mitten, Teremok, Kolobok - ruddy side. Vasilisa is a beauty, Three Bears, a Wolf is a Fox. Let's not forget Sivka-Burka, Our prophetic kaurka. We know the fairy tale about the firebird, we don’t forget the turnip, we know the wolf and the kids. Everyone is happy about these fairy tales.

First competition: guess the name of the fairy tale Sivka-……. According to pike ...... Geese - ...... Kroshechka - ...... Zayushkina ..... Wolf and .....

Next competition: magic items-helpers Now I will wave my wand, I will say special words, and these objects will become magical, and you will give answers to the questions.

For the competition: magic items Boots-…… Hat-…… Magic…… Carpet-……..

Next competition: guess the riddle. There are different fairy tales around us, here and there. There are riddles in the clearing Guess without a hint Call, dare, These fairy-tale friends!

I didn’t tremble before the wolf. I ran away from the bear, but still got into the fox's teeth. . .

An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in that swamp, someone caught her. Who said goodbye to green skin, became instantly beautiful and pretty?

Sister Alyonushka's brother was taken away by the birds. They fly high, they look far.

Her grandfather planted it in the field. It grew throughout the summer. The whole family pulled it. She was very large.

And now let’s rest again - a short physical education lesson Physical education lesson “fairy tales” The mouse ran quickly (running in place) The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement) Oh, I dropped the testicle (bend over, “raise the testicle”) Look, I broke it (show the “testicle” on arms outstretched) Here we planted it (bend down) And watered it with water (imitation of movement) The turnip grew good and strong (spread arms to the sides) And now we will pull it (imitation of movement) And we will cook porridge from the turnip (imitation of food) And we will turnips are healthy and strong (show “strength”) Nice family of kids We love to jump and gallop (bouncing in place) We love to run and play We love to butt with horns (they stand in pairs and show “horns” with the index fingers of both hands)

Next competition: complete the puzzles. Koschey was visiting yesterday. What did he do, just - Ah! He mixed up all the pictures. He mixed up all my fairy tales. You have to put together the puzzles. Call them a Russian fairy tale! (Children collect a picture of a fairy tale from puzzles and name it.

We will remember fairy tales, We will play fairy tales. Watch the fairy tale “Turnip” and help the heroes. They need to get the turnip. Who should stand behind whom, where?

This is the fairy tale "Teremok" It is not low, not high. And everyone is waiting for their tenants, Who will come here for whom?

For skillful hands, for intelligence and ingenuity I want to say thank you! To those who worked, To those who tried, I will give my gifts!!!

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention another presentation, “Journey through Fairy Tales”. Children love to solve riddles, and colorful answers delight them. When creating the presentation, I used a collection of clipart found on the Internet and bright fairy-tale templates. I use the presentation in my classes when I explain the theme of our fairy tale game. After all, stretching classes take place in game form- a journey into a fairy tale, but I suggest you guess which one we’ll go to. The goal has been achieved - the children are interested and ready to dare. Teachers also use this presentation in classes and entertainment.

Attached files:

puteshestvie-po-skazkam_ija2t.pptx | 11631.09 KB | Downloads: 1652

Outline of a literacy lesson (middle group) on the topic: Leisure scenario for preschoolers “Journey through the fairy tales of Grandfather Korney” (middle group)

Leisure scenario for preschoolers

"A Journey Through the Tales of Grandfather Korney"

(middle group)

Leisure time is spent in the hall.

Hall decoration: the central stage is designed like a street fabulous city(houses, lanterns, miracle tree, fountain, characters from fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky). Images of the three gnomes Riddler, Forgetter and Confused. IN different places halls are attached Balloons(red, blue, yellow, green), a map fragment is attached to each ball.

Characters: children, presenter, grandmother Fedora.

Materials and equipment: Fedora’s costume, a chest with prizes, fragments of a map, slides with images of a forest and the seashore, sound recordings: “The Sound of the Forest” and “The Sound of the Ocean”, a “black box” with a galosh in it, computer presentation“Find out a fairy tale from a picture”, screen, projector, laptop, sets of toys of wild, domestic and exotic animals.

Program content: To consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about the works of K.I. Chukovsky in a playful form.

Continue to develop auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, resourcefulness, ability to work in a team.

Continue to cultivate children's love and interest in fiction.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons, conversations on the material read and viewed. excursion to the library.

Leading:- Guys, I want to invite you to go on a trip, do you agree?

Then let's see what I have in this big backpack (takes out caps, small backpacks, a compass, a spyglass from the backpack), and distributes them to the children. Now we are like real travelers, but our journey will be unusual, we will go to a fairyland, the land of fairy tales of grandfather Korney Chukovsky.

Ready? Then let's go.

Look who's meeting us? These are three dwarfs, they live in this fairyland. Their names are Riddler, Forgetful and Confused.

The riddle has read a lot of books and often comes up with ideas for friends entertaining games and assignments based on fairy tales.

Forgetful also reads a lot, but reads so quickly that he often forgets what he read.

And Confusion loves books very much, but when she tells the stories she has read, she always gets something wrong.

Something always happens to gnomes, so this time they lost the chest with fairy tales, and they ask us to help them find it. Shall we help them guys?

A map will help us find the chest, but unfortunately it is not complete, and in order to collect it we will need to answer questions and solve riddles. and complete various tasks. Do you agree? Then let's go further through the fairyland.

We will find the first part of the map near the red ball.

Red ball: 1st task:“Find the items Moidodyr needs”

Guys, Confusion has messed something up again and can’t find the items Moidodyr needs. let's help him.

(Laid out on the table various items: soap, toothpaste, towel, washcloth, comb, basin, shampoo, Toothbrush, notebook, envelope, colored pencils, etc.) children must select the necessary items and explain their choice.

2nd task: Gnome Forgetful forgot the name of the book he read. Maybe you can help him, listen to the riddle.

“In this book there are name days,

But at these name days a villain suddenly appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

But someone cut off the head of the insidious villain.”

(What is the name of this book?, Who is the Villain?, Who cut off the villain's head?)

3rd task: “Say a word” - the gnome Zabyvalka suggests playing this game.

You have such hands that they even ran away………(pants) -

And on the tree the ruffes build nests from……..(noodles) -

The sieve gallops across the fields, and the trough through……..(meadows) -

For a long, long time the crocodile extinguished the blue sea. Pies and pancakes and………( dried mushrooms) etc.

Well done guys, here's the first part of the map for the correct answers.

Leading: Now you and I find ourselves in fairy forest, be careful.

“We went out to the forest path, we raised our legs higher, whoever walked so high did not stumble or fall. There’s a river on the way, just try to pass, jump and jump across the river, and here’s the bank, the bank.”

(Children perform movements according to the text).

And here is the green ball, new challenges await us.

Green ball: 1st task:“Find out a fairy tale from an excerpt”

Please tell me what fairy tale these lines are from, asks the gnome Forgetful.

“The table fell out of the window and went, went, went.

And on it, and on it, like riding a horse,

The samovar sits and shouts to his comrades:

Leave, run, save yourself!” (fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”)

2nd task: “Find and name what ran away from Fedora the slob?”- asks the gnome Riddler. (Children are asked to choose the ones they need from various pictures (sieve, axe, iron, kettle, samovar, etc.+ school supplies) .

3rd task: “Get to know the stranger” Now we are about to meet a stranger. A riddle will help you find out who it is.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! There's such a commotion here!

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping,

Well, someone is crying loudly,

Out of frustration and shame.


Presentation for children "Quiz - presentation on fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin" - download, watch for free

What fairy tale did A. S. Pushkin write?

Slide no. 4Slide description:

What fairy tale is this excerpt from? “In the blue sky the stars shine, In the blue sea the waves lash; A cloud is moving across the sky. A barrel floats on the sea...” “The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda” “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”

Slide no. 5Slide description:

How did the old man talk to the goldfish? He died on the battlefield He married the queen He was pecked by a golden cockerel

Slide no. 6Slide description:

How did the old man talk to the goldfish? “Have mercy, lady fish!” “Have mercy on me, lady fish” “Have mercy, dear fish!”

Slide no. 7Slide description:

About whom Pushkin wrote these lines: “He moves, he perks up, he turns to the other side and shouts “Kiri-ku-ku.” Reign while lying on your side!”

Slide no. 8Slide description:

In which work by Pushkin did the knights emerge from the sea and how many were there? “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” 33 knights Poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” 30 knights “The Tale of dead princess» 7 heroes

Slide no. 9

Who did King Guidon turn into?

Slide no. 10

Why did the old woman remain at the broken trough? Because she was: Evil Greedy Lazy

Slide no. 11

What was the name of the prince who bewitched the dead princess? Yenisei Elisey Alexey

Slide no. 12

How was the priest supposed to pay for working with Balda? Food Money Clicks

Slide no. 13

Who was the imp running a race with?

Slide no. 14Slide description:

Which fairy tale are these lines from: “Tell my little mirror and report the whole truth Am I the cutest, most rosy and white in the world?” “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the 7 Heroes” “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

Slide no. 15Slide description:

Why gold fish was it magical? Because: She knew how to make wishes come true, She was golden, She swam in the blue sea

Slide no. 16

In which fairy tale by Pushkin can you find the following words: Astrologer Tent Sage Spoke Troops

Slide no. 17Slide description:

In which work of Pushkin is there a hut on chicken legs? “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” Poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

Slide no. 18Slide description:

How did the tale of the priest and his worker Balda end? “And Balda said reproachfully: “You shouldn’t be chasing cheapness, priest.” I was there, drinking honey, drinking beer, and just wet my mustache. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson.

Slide no. 19

What was the name of this heroine? And what fairy tale is she from? Swan Princess Young Queen Shamakhan Queen

Slide no. 20

Challenging tasks for parents and children Go to next slide

Slide no. 21

More details on the website

Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013"

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

There are many ways to make the learning process in kindergarten more interesting and exciting. For older preschoolers, a fairy tale quiz would be an excellent option.

With the help of a quiz based on the fairy tales you have read, you can consolidate the material you have covered and develop your ability to dramatize. The competitive aspect of quizzes stimulates cognitive interest children, and the awareness that a quiz awaits them after some time increases their motivation to remember and learn.

In order to generalize and clarify the knowledge of older children preschool age about Russian folk tales, I created literary game"Visiting a fairy tale." I used this game in the "Visiting a Fairy Tale" quiz.

Target: consolidating children’s knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Practical significance:

  • will help consolidate knowledge about Russian folk tales;
  • will increase interest in oral language in children of senior preschool age folk art;
  • will create motivation for independence;
  • will bring joy and emotional balance.

The target audience: I suggest using the presentation in an organized educational activities, in leisure activities, in subgroup and individual work.

Appendix 2: Abstract.

Presentation “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2014"

Nomination “Multimedia technologies in pedagogical process at preschool educational institution"

Target presentations: in a playful, entertaining way to promote the development of children's speech and expansion of vocabulary. To deepen and expand children's knowledge about fairy tales, the development of creative imagination through work on Russian folk tales.

Social and personal development: cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, a desire to help, and show care. Introduction to theatrical games.

Artistic and aesthetic development: from creating a positive emotional state in children during musical accompaniment. Development of productive activities: drawing. Be able to perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Cognitive and speech development: Develop the ability to build a dialogue during communication and answer questions in complete sentences. Foster a love of oral folk art. Develop grammatical structure of speech.

Activate children's mental activity. Develop coherent speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination. Exercise the ability to select definitions for a given word, select words with a given sound, and develop word formation skills.

Find the place of sound in a word. Refine and expand lexicon. Ability to solve riddles; form phonemic awareness; exercise in developing a sense of rhythm; form intonation expressiveness of speech.

The presentation contains animations, interesting tasks in the form of games that attract the child.

Material from the site

Presentation Master Competition

As you know, preschool age is the most favorable for developing clear, expressive speech with correctly pronounced sounds. Even if a child’s mastery of pronunciation of sounds proceeds normally, then work on speech development is still necessary, because clear and correct speech is the key to productive communication, confidence, successful learning At school.

The formation of coherent speech in children is one of the most important tasks of working with preschoolers. This is necessary both for the most complete overcoming of systemic speech underdevelopment, and for preparing children for upcoming schooling.

One of the auxiliary means that facilitates and guides the process of developing a detailed semantic statement in a child is mnemonics.

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics for preschoolers is currently becoming more and more relevant.

Mnemonics you can start practicing with early age, but it is more rational to introduce it into classes with children 4-5 years old, when they have accumulated a basic vocabulary.

Didactic material in the form of mnemonic tables and diagrams-models significantly facilitates children’s mastery of coherent speech; In addition, the presence of a visual plan makes stories (fairy tales) clear, coherent and consistent.

A mnemonic table is a diagram that contains certain information. Like any work, work on mnemonics is built from simple to complex. The size of mnemonic tables can be different - depending on the age of the children and their level of development. The following table sizes are recommended:

  • For younger preschoolers- tables for 4 cells (2x2), for 9 cells (3x3);
  • for middle-aged preschoolers - tables for 9 cells (3x3), for 16 cells (4x4);
  • for older preschoolers - tables for 16 cells (4x4), for 25 cells (5x5).

What can be depicted on a mnemonic table? Almost everything can be depicted in a mnemonic table - i.e. produced graphically or partially graphic image fairy tale characters, natural phenomena, some actions, i.e. You can draw whatever you see fit. But depict it in such a way that what is drawn is understandable to children.

The purpose of the presentation “Telling the fairy tale “Kolobok” using mnemonic diagrams”:

  1. vocabulary increased;
  2. expand your knowledge about the world around you;
  3. the emergence of a desire to retell fairy tales - both in class and in everyday life;
  4. overcoming timidity, shyness, learning to speak freely in front of an audience;

Stages of work on the presentation “Telling the fairy tale “Kolobok” using mnemonic diagrams”:

  1. Find out the fairy tale based on the main character.
  2. Remember the main characters of a familiar fairy tale.
  3. Tell the fairy tale “Kolobok” using mnemonic diagrams.

Appendix: Presentation “Who is this” (17 MB).

Fairy tales-presentations for children | My Wunder Kinder

Good day everyone, I’m glad to see you on the blog “My Wunder Kinder”! Today a new section is starting on my blog - “Moneybox of Fairy Tales”, in which I want to offer you voiced presentations with fairy tales.

I’ve been writing about the development of preschoolers for so long now and have never touched on the topic of children’s literature. But it is the book that is our first friend and assistant in the development of children. Without reading books, it is impossible to grow a holistic, harmonious personality.

In my defense, I would like to say that I planned to devote a separate website to children’s literature and fairy tales in particular. Whole year I tried to bring this project to life, but I realized that I was sorely lacking time for it. That’s why I decided to move the idea to a separate section on this blog.

When we decide to offer our baby a book for the first time, we will most likely choose fairy tales. And it is right. Almost all children love to play and listen to fairy tales more than anything in the world. This gives a very wide range of activities with the child based on fairy tales.

In fact, fairy tales can do a lot, their potential is enormous: they can simply interest a child, put him to sleep at night, produce an educational effect, and even solve any psychological problem.

A fairy tale is an excellent educational tool: it always tells about what is important for a person: to be attentive, responsive, how to behave correctly in different life situations.

That is why I decided to collect information based on fairy tales which will help develop children’s speech, their memory, attention, thinking, as well as mathematical representations And Creative skills. Presentations with fairy tales await you, many of which will be voiced.

Why presentations? Maybe because modern children can't imagine their life without a computer. Already in kindergarten, children often buy their first children's tablet.

Whether this is good or bad is a separate question. I think that with a reasonable approach from adults, the computer will serve well in the development of a child.

In any case, we are forced to keep pace with progress. Remember how we loved filmstrips as children? We can say that presentations with fairy tales are a kind of modern version filmstrips for kids.

From working with children in kindergarten, I can say that the children simply loved watching filmstrips.

Filmstrips, and now presentations, are very valuable because they allow you not only to hear and see the heroes of your favorite fairy tales, but also to look at familiar fairy tales from a new perspective. At the same time, you do not use television and exclude bad influence 24-frame changes.

Also, presentations usually do not contain much text and many fairy tales are in an abbreviated version. This allows you to introduce children to works that the child’s age does not allow them to read in full. Yes, and books in Lately They are very expensive and the quality of the pictures often leaves much to be desired.

In many fairy tale presentations, the pictures are scanned from old books that were always clear beautiful pictures. Many presentations with fairy tales are already voiced, so you don’t even have to read. This is very convenient if you need to do housework and your baby wants to read fairy tales.

Of course, you can listen to the story in audio format. But a preschool child has visual-figurative thinking. To fully assimilate information, the baby must not only hear, but also see what is being told to him.

And in in this case Voiced presentations have a number of advantages.

I also really want to draw your attention to the fact that viewing presentations with fairy tales in no way replaces reading books. Our kids very often experience a lack of communication with their parents. And reading books helps fill this gap and establish emotional contact with the baby.

See you again!

Read more:

Presentation Quiz on fairy tales for elementary school and preschoolers

The presentation will allow a most interesting quiz based on fairy tales for students primary school or preschoolers. You can download the manual for reading lessons. This development may be of interest to children who attend the GPA.

On this topic Students of grades 1, 2, 3, 4 will be happy to talk during library hours. In short, the manual is universal, so it should definitely be in the piggy bank of everyone who works with schoolchildren.

On 22 slides, questions are offered that affect the content of Russian folk tales and foreign ones, author's and folk ones. Choosing the correct answers to questions, children compete, remember their favorite stories, reason, and discover something new.

Quiz for preschool children based on the fairy tale “Turnip” with presentation

Zhabina Irina Vladimirovna
Position, place of work: kindergarten teacher kindergarten general developmental type No. 43 “Sosenka”, Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Tseleevo village
Description of material: methodological development quizzes may be of interest to educators and teachers working with preschool children. The questions are designed for children aged 3–6 years who are already familiar with the Russian folk tale “Turnip”. The quiz will show how well the children understood the fairy tale and remembered its characters, as well as questions based on illustrations will help preschoolers remember the fairy tale and reproduce its content. The quiz helps develop memory, attention, logical thinking and speech. Such work with a fairy tale stimulates children's cognitive activity, helps strengthen counting skills, and continues their acquaintance with geometric shapes. Experience shows that preschoolers easily cope with questions and are interested. Therefore, the quiz is well suited for a holiday or simply for organizing and diversifying the leisure time of preschoolers.
The presentation was created in PowerPoint 2007. Each illustration on the slide appears with a mouse click. When creating the presentation, I used the instructions from the materials on Tatyana Alexandrovna Tolstikova’s blog:

Target: identifying knowledge and understanding of the Russian folk tale “Turnip” by preschoolers.
Tasks: cultivate a love for Russian folk tales;
maintain positive emotional attitude from meeting the heroes of a fairy tale;
develop the ability to listen and hear questions, answer with complete answers;
to activate the cognitive and speech activity of children;
improve the ability to recognize geometric shapes;
improve numeracy skills.
Preliminary work: reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, conversation about the heroes of the fairy tale, acting out the fairy tale “Turnip” (dramatization, puppet or finger theater), looking at illustrations depicting fairy tale characters.

Quiz questions:

1. What fairy tale is this picture from: “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, Teremok”? (In the question for children of senior preschool age I use the word “illustration”)
Answer: "Turnip"

2. What did grandfather plant?
Answer: turnip
Here you can ask the children to name what we see separately and in one word (“vegetables”). And also ask where and how these vegetables grow, what color they are, why they are needed, how many vegetables are there in the picture? (For children of primary preschool age, the answer is “a lot”)

3. What shape does a turnip resemble?
Answer: circle
You can check the names here geometric shapes, discuss their characteristics, compare how they are similar (color, size) and how they differ (shape). Offer to count how many figures there are. (For children of primary preschool age, the answer is “a lot”)

4. How big is the turnip?
Answer: big
We also specify the size of the second turnip (small). We compare them by shape, color, and count the turnips.

5. Who did grandfather call?
Answer: grandma
After answering the question, we discuss what happened when the grandmother arrived. Who else is in the picture?

6. What was the dog's name: Tuzik, Bobik, Zhuchka?
Answer: Bug

7. Who came last to pull the turnip?
Answer: mouse
After the children name the mouse, you can ask them to remember what happened when the mouse came. Who else is in the picture?

8. What heroes were not in the fairy tale “Turnip”?
Answer: bear
After the children name the bear, you can invite them to name everyone who is depicted in the picture individually and in one word (“animals”). Offer to count how many animals there are. (For children of primary preschool age, the answer is “a lot”)

9. How many people pulled out the turnip? How many animals?
Answer: 3 people, 3 animals.
(For children of primary preschool age, the answer is “a lot”)

10. What does the fairy tale “Turnip” teach us?
Answer: It’s easier for everyone to accomplish a common task together and in unison. Even the smallest ones are capable of helping and benefiting.
On final stage With quizzes, everyone can recreate the events of the fairy tale together and in unison.
Then you can invite preschoolers to talk about who they help and how.

Presentation on the topic: Quiz for preschool children based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

Target presentations: promote in a playful, entertaining way development of children's speech, expansion of vocabulary.To deepen and expand children's knowledge about fairy tales, the development of creative imagination through work on Russian folk tales.

Social and personal development:cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, a desire to help, and show care. Introduction to theatrical games.

Artistic and aesthetic development: fromcreating a positive emotional state in children during musical accompaniment. Development of productive activities: drawing. Be able to perform musical and rhythmic movements.

Cognitive and speech development:Develop the ability to build a dialogue during communication and answer questions in complete sentences. Foster a love of oral folk art. Develop grammatical structure of speech. Activate children's mental activity. Develop coherent speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination. Exercise the ability to select definitions for a given word, select words with a given sound, and develop word formation skills. Find the place of sound in a word. Refine and expand your vocabulary. Ability to solve riddles; form phonemic perception; exercise in developing a sense of rhythm; form intonation expressiveness of speech.

The presentation contains animations, interesting tasks in the form of games that attract the child.

Presentation “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”

Lesson summary “Journey to the land of fairy tales”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center – kindergarten No. 41 “Zvezdochka”

Joint event with parents on Russian fairy tales

using ICT

"Journey Through Fairy Tales"

(senior preschool age)

Developed by: O.A. Levantsova

Sarov, 2015


Creating conditions for the spiritual and moral development of a child


To form a correct understanding of children about spiritual and moral categories and the rules of a good, conscientious life.

To promote the development of the cognitive sphere of children, the harmonization of their psycho-speech development.

To develop children's ability to distinguish good from bad in a fairy tale and in life, the ability to make moral choices.

Develop obedience based on love and respect for parents and loved ones.

Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood and unity of the group team.

Form of conduct: educational and gaming quiz

Preparatory stage:

1. Visual information for parents on issues of spiritual and moral development of preschool children.

2. Reading fairy tales with children, asking riddles.

3. Homework for joint work between parents and their child (drawing, appliqué, three-dimensional fake of their favorite fairy-tale character).

4. Involving parents in the production of attributes for the event role-playing games on fairy tale themes.

Preliminary organizational work:

1. Selection of musical soundtracks for the musical accompaniment of the event.

2. Selection of material for the event and writing a script.

3. Decoration of the event venue (music hall).

4. Preparation of team emblems and diplomas for awards.

5. Making magic wands and envelopes.

6. Learning mottos.

7. Making a presentation for the event.

Necessary equipment:team emblems (symbols), three magic wands, three envelopes, bi-ba-bo theater dolls, diplomas, tape recorder, ICT.

Progress of the event:

Educator: (1 slide)Dear adults and children! Do you know fairy tales? I propose to find out by taking part in our fabulous quiz.In many fairy tales, the heroes have a saucer with an apple that shows them what they want. And I have a magic screen. Now we will all say together - “One, two, three-tales show." This screen will help us a lot during our game.

Command View

Three teams will take part in our quiz.Let each team introduce itself:

1 team " Strong turnips"(2 slide).

Motto: “Think quickly - and forward,

Then victory awaits us!”

2nd team “Merry Koloboks” (3rd slide).

Motto: “Inseparable friends, adults and children

They have come to please you with accurate answers!”

Team 3 “Goldfish” (4 slide).

Motto: “We have a large supply of fairy tales!

Who are they for? - For us!"

Rules of our quiz:

  1. The team chooses its captain.
  2. The answer is given to the team whose captain is the first to raise magic wand, which every team has.
  3. The captain grants the right of response to any player on his team. If a team's answer is incorrect, then the other two teams have the right to answer. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. For an answer that helps the other team - an additional 1 point.Dear players! If the command gives the correct answer, a corresponding picture will appear on the screen.
  4. At the end of the game the results are summed up. The team that scores the most points wins.
  5. The teacher sums up the results and comments (the total score is entered into the table on the board).

Competition “The fairy tale begins to tell”

So, let's move on to the first competition of our quiz. I will read you the beginning of a fairy tale, and from this beginning, you must guess what kind of fairy tale it is and give it its full name.

  1. “Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the bunny had a bast hut; The red spring has come, the fox’s hut has melted, but the bunny’s hut remains as before.”(5 slide). (Russian folk tale"The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster").
  2. “Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter and a little son. Daughter, daughter,” says the mother. “We’ll go to work, bring you a bun, and you look after brother Ivanushka.”(6 slide). (Russian folk tale “Geese-Swans”).
  1. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man and an old woman, and they had three sons. The youngest was called Ivanushka. They lived - they were not lazy, they worked all day, plowed the arable land and sowed grain."(7 slide). (Russian folk tale “Ivan- peasant son and miracle Yudo").
  1. “Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. We lived well, amicably. Everything would be fine, but one misfortune - there were no children."(8 slide). (Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden”).

Educator: So we found out which of the teams best remembers the beginnings of Russian folk tales. But our quiz is just beginning, and in the future those who were unlucky at the very beginning can distinguish themselves.

Competition "Fairytale Gallery"

Educator: The conditions of the new competition are as follows: imagine that we are in a fairy-tale gallery.Pictures from fairy tales will be shown on our magic screen, and you will have to guess this fairy tale.(9 – 14 slide)

Educator : And now I invite everyone to relax a little and play a game that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers played.

Physical education lesson: Russian folk game"Freeze"

The cranes have arrived (participants show their wing hands)

And they told us: "Freeze"

And who will die first (they shake a finger)

He will get a bump on the forehead (clap the palm on the forehead)

Don't laugh, don't chat

And stand like a soldier (they freeze, with their hands down).

Competition "Fairy Mail"

Educator: Here we have new experts on fairy tales. Let's see how you answer the following questions.
After all, we are on our way to a fairy tale. And the further, the more miracles. Here, for example, is a fabulous post. Have you heard of this one? In many fairy tales, the characters correspond and receive a variety of messages from each other. I have fabulous letters in my hands fairy-tale heroes. You need to guess who sent them and to whom, in which fairy tale you read such a letter.
Who is the author of the fairy tale?
So, I read you fabulous correspondence!

  1. “Come, doctor, to Africa quickly,
    And save, doctor, our babies.”
    (Telegram from Hippopotamus to Doctor Aibolit. K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”).
  1. “I am not your master, but an obedient slave. You are my mistress and whatever comes to your mind, I will do with pleasure.”(The forest beast, the miracle of the sea - to the maiden, the merchant’s daughter. S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”).
  1. “The grass is green, the sun is shining, and spring flowers are blooming in our royal gardens. Therefore, we command that a full basket of snowdrops be delivered to the palace by the New Year. We will reward the one who fulfills our highest will royally. We will give him as much gold as will fit in his basket, give him a velvet fur coat on a gray fox and allow him to participate in our New Year’s skating.”(Royal decree, which is written by the Professor under the dictation of the Queen. S.Ya. Marshak “12 months”).

Educator: I must say that you turned out to be excellent postmen - letters were delivered to addresses correctly, fabulous telegrams, the decrees were dismantled. In a word, they did a good job. Now you can rest. Therefore, our next vocal competition will take place in a fabulous concert hall.

Competition "Fairytale Concert Hall"

Educator: There are many singers in fairy tales. Who sings in them: bears, roosters, wolves, and cats. So in our quiz there will be a fairy-tale concert. Your task: you need to recognize the hero of the fairy tale and its name from the song.
So, the first number of our concert program(excerpts from songs for fairy tales are heard).

  1. “I left my grandmother,
    I left my grandfather
    I left the hare
    I left the wolf
    Left the bear
    And it’s easy to get away from you, fox!”
    (15 slide)
    (Kolobok. Russian folk tale "Kolobok".)
  1. “Little goats, kids,
    Open up, open up.
    I'm a goat, I was in the forest,
    I ate silk grass,
    I drank cold water.”
    (16 slide)
    (Goat. Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”)
  1. “My sister, Alyonushka,
    Swim out, swim out to the shore.
    The fires are burning high,
    Cast iron boilers are boiling,
    Damask knives are sharpened,
    They want to kill me!”
    (Little kid, brother Ivanushka).

(17 slide)

  1. Who and in what fairy tale “in front of all the people, honestly” sings the song “In the garden, in the vegetable garden.”(Belka. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).

(18 slide)

Competition “What kind of fairy tale is this”

Educator: The next competition is as follows. Team captains will come up to me and choose any of the envelopes I offer. In this envelope you, dear parents, read a situation from a fairy tale, which in a few minutes you will have to act out. The task of your opponents is to be the first to correctly name the fairy tale and highlight moral quality shown in this tale.

1 envelope Fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears"

2 envelopes. Fairy tale "The Hare Boasts"

3envelope Fairy tale "Tops and Roots"

Competition "Feast for the whole world"

Educator: Soon the fairy tale will tell - not soon the deed will be done. Our participants went far into the fairy tale. fairytale quiz, tired, hungry. So I decided: a lunch break is announced. But the break is not easy - lunch will be fabulous.

– Our question is: who treats whom and in what fairy tale? Who came up with such a dinner - a fabulous feast?

  1. “He prepared okroshka, poured it into a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and served it.”(Crane - fox. Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”)(19 slide)
  1. “Eat my rye pie...
    - I won’t eat rye pie!
    My father doesn’t even eat wheat!”
    (20 slide)
    (Stove, girl. Russian folk tale “Geese-Swans”).
  1. “I baked a loaf - loose and soft,
    Decorated the loaf different patterns sophisticated.
    On the sides of the city with palaces,
    Gardens and towers - flying birds on top,
    Below are prowling animals.”
    (21 slides)
    (Vasilisa the Wise for the Tsar. Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”).
  1. “I kneaded flour with sour cream, made a bun, fried it in oil.”(Old woman to old man. Russian folk tale “Kolobok”)
  1. laid)

5. “I made semolina porridge and spread it on a plate...
“Don’t blame me, kumanek, there’s nothing else to regale!”(23 slide)
(Fox and crane. Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane.”)

Educator: So you and I attended a fairy-tale dinner, and, as it should be in a fairy tale, “it flowed down our mustaches, but didn’t get into our mouths,” but still, probably no one will say that he left the feast with a slurp! After all, here we have become even more friends with the fairy tale. Our journey into a fairy tale is over, but the fairy tale always remains with us, we just have to open the book and read: “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, once upon a time…”

“Inseparable friends, adults and children have come to please you with accurate answers!”

“We have a large supply of fairy tales! Who are they for? - For us!"

Fox, hare and rooster

Swan geese

Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle - Yudo

Snow Maiden

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened – well done!

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