Presentation on the topic of Svirids. Presentation on the topic: Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov - musical and public figure

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Music for chamber orchestra (orchestral version of the Quintet for piano and strings 1964) “Kursk Songs” for mixed choir and orchestra, folk words (1964; State Prize, 1968) “Pushkin Wreath” for choir and orchestra (1979) Musical illustrations for Alexander’s story Pushkin's "Blizzard" (1964) Small cantata for choir and orchestra "Wooden Rus'" to the verses of Sergei Yesenin (1964) Small cantata for choir and orchestra "Snow is falling" to the verses of Boris Pasternak (1965) Small cantata for choir and orchestra "Sad Songs" "to the verses of Alexander Blok (1965) Romance "These poor villages" for voice, piano and oboe to the words of Fyodor Tyutchev (1965) Suite "Time, forward!" (1965) - the theme of the screensaver of the "Time" program, a USSR news broadcast at 21 o'clock. “Little triptych” (1966) Music for the monument to the fallen on the Kursk Bulge (1973) “Spring Cantata” for choir and orchestra (1972) Choral concert “In Memory of A. A. Yurlov” for a mixed choir singing without words (1973) Cantata “ Ode to Lenin" to words by Robert Rozhdestvensky for reader, choir and orchestra (1976) Hymns of the Motherland for choir (1978) 25 chorales for bass and piano (1939-1979) "Night Clouds", cantata to words by Alexander Blok for mixed choir a cappella ( 1979) 10 romances to the words of A. Blok (1972-1980) "Ladoga", poem for choir to the words of A. Prokofiev (1980) "Songs", concert for a cappella choir to the words of Alexander Blok (1980-1981) "Petersburg" , vocal poem (1995) “Chants and Prayers” (for unaccompanied choir)

Lesson summary on local history on the topic: "Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov - the great Russian composer of the 20th century" (6th grade)

Polyakova Svetlana Nikolaevna, history teacher OKSKO "KSKO school", Kursk.
Job description: I offer a lesson summary dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding composer G.V. Sviridova. This lesson is accompanied by a presentation. This work will be useful for local history teachers in the Kursk region or teachers for conducting classroom hours at school.

Lesson on the topic: Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov is a great Russian composer of the 20th century.

Target: to form an idea among students about an outstanding musician originally from the Kursk region.
tell students about the life and creative path of the composer G. Sviridov;
prove that G.V. Sviridov was an outstanding composer;
broaden students' horizons;
clarify and formulate the concepts: composer, orchestra, conservatory;
correct memory, attention, thinking, oral speech, develop the ability to analyze, compare, systematize the studied material, highlight the main thing; develop the ability to answer questions comprehensively and coherently;
to cultivate citizenship, hard work, and a sense of pride in one’s region.
Equipment: projector, PC.
Didactic material: presentation on the topic.
Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Org. moment.
II. Main part.
1. Updating knowledge, announcing the topic.
- It’s joyful to know that our land of Kursk is rich in wonderful people. Great Russian writers, artists, actors and other outstanding personalities were born and grew up in our cities and villages. And today we will talk about the outstanding musician of the 20th century Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov. He is a composer and pianist.
Slide 1 (with the topic of the lesson)
Report the topic of the lesson, write it in your notebook.
- Let's figure it out, first of all, who are called pianists?
- Who among the musicians is called a composer?
Composer- author of musical works; a person who creates music.
- Guys, Sviridov is not just a Russian, he is also a Kurdish citizen. There are many outstanding musicians in Russia, but this one is interesting to us because he was born and raised and began his creative career on our Kursk land. And you and I should know the people who glorified our region.
2. Studying new material.
Slide 2 (with the inscription of words by G.V. Sviridov)
- Before we get acquainted with the biography of the musician, I would like to read a few words that Georgy Vasilyevich said about himself and his work.
Slide 3 (with photo of G.V. Sviridov and date of birth)

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov was born on December 3, 1915 in the town of Fatezh, Kursk province, into the family of an employee. His father died in the civil war in 1919.
Students write down the text of slide 2 in their notebook.
Slide 4 (with a picture of a piano)
- The future composer showed a craving for music and a penchant for composing it even in childhood. When the boy was nine years old, a piano teacher was invited to see him.
Slide 5 (with information about the initial period of mastering musical literacy in Kursk)
Later the family moved to Kursk, where there was a good orchestra of folk instruments. Young Sviridov mastered the beginnings of musical literacy there, playing the balalaika.
Slide 6 (depicting musical instruments)
- Look at the screen, there are different musical instruments in front of you. Find a balalaika? In what corner is it located?
Students prepare their answer orally. Then one student goes to the board and checks the correct answer by clicking on the picture.
- What are the similarities between these musical instruments?
- What is the difference between these musical instruments?
- Let's determine the names of the remaining musical instruments.
3. Physical education minute.
Slide 7 (with information about studying at a music school)
- From 1929 to 1932 he studied piano at the Kursk Music School. A 14-year-old teenager performed a march of his own composition on the piano during the entrance exams to a music school.
- How many years did he study at the music school?
Slide 8 (with information about studying in Leningrad)
- After graduating from school, Sviridov entered the Leningrad Central Music College in 1932, where he studied piano and composition. Works written during this period quickly became famous.
After graduating from technical school in 1936, Sviridov entered the composition class at the conservatory.
- Guys, you've probably heard the word conservatory. What kind of educational institution is this?
Conservatory is a musical higher education institution.
Slide 9 (with information about who inspired Sviridov)
- Now let’s figure out who inspired Sviridov.
- First of all, Russian poets and writers, among them: Lermontov, Yesenin, Blok and especially Pushkin.
Slide 10 (with a musical fragment from Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm”)
- Here, for example, are musical illustrations for Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm,” the famous waltz.
- G.V. Sviridov wrote a lot of beautiful music, but he wrote one composition specifically for his little son and for all children. The composer called this work “An Album of Plays for Children.” It includes 17 small compositions of different nature - lullaby and dance melodies, pictures of nature, musical portraits. These are pieces for very young pianists and for those who are already studying at a music school.
Slide 11 (with musical compositions: “Rain”, military march and composition for the film “Time, Forward!”)
- Let's listen. This reminds you of something (some weather phenomenon). This composition is called “Rain”.
Students are listening (top icon).
- He lived during the Great Patriotic War, so military themes are also present in his works. For example, a military march.
Students are listening (middle icon).
- Now listen to another work by Sviridov and try to remember where you heard this music.
Students are listening (bottom icon).
- This composition was written for the film “Time, Forward!” (1977). But you probably heard it not there. For many years it was the musical theme song for the information television program “Vremya”. And in 2014, this work was heard by the whole world, during the opening of the 2014 Olympic Games.
- Do you think Sviridov can be called an outstanding, great composer? Why?
Slide 12 (with information about the date of death of Sviridov and his photo)
- G.V. died Sviridov January 6, 1998. He was 82 years old.
Slide 13 (with photo of the monument to G.V. Sviridov
- 2005 in Kursk, a monument was erected to the composer Sviridov (at the corner of Lenin and Zolotaya streets).
4. Consolidation of new material:
- Where was G.V. born? Sviridov?
- What is the name of his profession?
-What do we call a conservatory?
- What instruments did he learn to play?
- Who inspired the composer?
- How did grateful descendants perpetuate the memory of the outstanding composer, our fellow countryman?
III. The final part.
1. Summing up.
3.D/z (entries in notebooks).

Presentation on the topic: Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov - the great Russian composer of the 20th century

Born on December 3, 1915 in the town of Fatezh
(Kursk province). Father was a peasant
at the beginning of the revolution joined the Communist
party, died in World War I in 1919.

In 1929 he entered the piano class
local music school. Three years later
Sviridov graduated from school and came to Leningrad,
to continue studying music. He started
study at the piano department of the Central
music college

At the end of 1935, Sviridov fell ill and left for
time in Kursk. There he wrote six romances
Pushkin’s words “The forest drops its wind cover”,
“Winter Road”, “To the Nanny”, “Winter Evening”,
“Premonition”, “Approaching Izhora”.

In 1936, Sviridov entered the Leningrad
Conservatory, where he became a student of D.D.
Shostakovich. In June 1941, Sviridov
graduated from the conservatory.

At the very beginning of the war, Sviridov wrote
my first songs for the front. From the military
closely related to the theme and written at the same time
musical comedy “The Sea Spreads Out”
widely”, dedicated to the Baltic sailors.

The most unique thing in Sviridov’s work
1940s - his vocal compositions, poem
“Songs of the Pilgrim”, suite to the words of W. Shakespeare,
new romances and songs. Sviridov works a lot
in theater and cinema. This experience helped him create
new major works that appeared in
early 1950s.

In 1949, Sviridov became acquainted with the work of
poet Avetik Isahakyan and was shocked by him
poetry. One by one they began to appear
romances based on poems by Isahakyan in translations by A. Blok and
Soviet poets. Soon the idea was formed
great vocal poem for tenor and bass with
piano called "Country of Fathers".

In November 1955, Sviridov, carried away by poetry
Sergei Yesenin, wrote several songs on his
poetry. They were followed by a number of others, and in a rush
high creative inspiration in just two
week, a multi-part poem “In Memory of
Sergei Yesenin." It was first performed on 31
May 1956 in Moscow.

A special place in Sviridov’s work
ranks "Pathetique Oratorio" (1959)
for soloists, choir and orchestra, poems by V.
Mayakovsky. Very many Soviet
composers wrote to Mayakovsky's poems,
but the "Pathetic Oratorio" is one of them
the most significant and interesting.

"Pathetic Oratorio" is
monumental artistic canvas from
many intonations. Particularly impressive
part of an oratorio that uses
poem "An Extraordinary Adventure, Former
with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.”
This part is called “The Sun and the Poet.”

The line of revolutionary romance coming from
"Pathetic Oratorio" got its due
further continuation in very
dynamic music for the film “Time,
forward!" (1977), which is
musical intro for information
television program “Time.

Following the oratorio were written
“Spring Cantata” (N. Nekrasov), cantata
“Wooden Rus'” (S. Yesenina), several
choral works “In the Blue Evening”,
“Herd”, “The soul is sad about heaven”, cantata
“It’s snowing” (B. Pasternak).

However, the composer did not part with
peasant song. In the 1960s
the composer's passion for
this folk Russian music. So it was
the vocal cycle “Kursk Songs” was created,
which became one of the masterpieces of the Soviet

“Spring Cantata” to lyrics by Nekrasov
(1972) with its amazing lightness, fresh
the first part and one of the brightest
works of Sviridov - Three choruses from the music to
tragedy by A. K. Tolstoy “Tsar Feodor”
Ioannovich" (1973).

Noteworthy are the essays on
Blok's poems - cantata “Night Clouds”
(1979) and the choral cycle “Songs of Timelessness”
(1980). Sviridov discovers the poet
whimsical, with the dialectic of becoming,
new growth. Passionate prayers for
perfection of life, bright spring, unsteady
night, secret love.

In modern music there is more and more
musical language becomes more complex,
the dissonance of sounds intensifies.
Because Sviridovskaya is apparent
simplicity combined with new
intonations, generating clarity of thought,
the transparency of the sound seems especially
valuable. The search for a composer in
in this direction have gained deep
feeling of gratitude to the artist - for
attention to what is best in
our national art, in Russian
folk song element.

Slide description:

Works by G.V. Sviridov - 7 small pieces for piano (1934-1935) - 6 romances to the words of A. Pushkin (1935) - 7 romances to the words of M. Lermontov (1938) - Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 1 (1936-1939) - Chamber symphony for strings (1940) - 3 romances on poems by A. Blok (1941) - Concerto for piano and orchestra No. 2 (1942) - Musical comedy “The sea stretches wide” (1943) - Sonata for piano (1944) - Romances for voice and piano to poems by William Shakespeare (1944-60) - Quintet for piano and strings (1945) - Trio for piano, violin and cello (1945; Stalin Prize, 1946) - Vocal cycle “Country of the Fathers” for tenor, bass and piano to poems A. I. Isaakyan, consists of 11 romances (1950) - Musical comedy “Sparks” (1951) - Oratorio “Decembrists” to the words of Alexander Pushkin and the Decembrist poets (1954-55, not finished) - Romances for voice and piano on poems by Robert Burns in translations by Samuil Marshak (1955) - Vocal cycle for tenor, baritone and piano “My Father is a Peasant” to poems by Sergei Yesenin (1956) - Vocal-symphonic poem “In Memory of Sergei Yesenin” (1956) - “Pathetic Oratorio” to the words of Vladimir Mayakovsky (1959, Lenin Prize, 1960) - Vocal cycle (poem) “Petersburg Songs” for four solo singers, piano, violin and cello to poems by Alexander Blok (1961-69)

Svetlana Paimakova, 6th grade student of the MBOU "Kilemar Secondary School"

Georgy Vasilievich Sviridov Soviet composer, pianist, musical and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1970), Hero of Socialist Labor (1975).The theme of the Motherland is of particular importance in the composer’s work. It sounds in lyrical-epic works, and in works dedicated to pictures of folk life and landscapes of the native land, and in heroic images of the revolution.



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Slide captions:

Sviridov Georgy Vasilievich Completed by 6a student Svetlana Paimakova

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov (December 3, 1915, Fatezh, Kursk province - January 6, 1998, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian composer, pianist. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1975). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1960), the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1946), two State Prizes of the USSR (1968, 1980) and the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1994). Among Sviridov’s works are world-famous musical illustrations for A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm” and the suite “Time, Forward!”

Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov was born in the city of Fatezh, now the Kursk region of Russia. His father was a postal worker and his mother was a teacher. Father, Vasily Sviridov, a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the civil war, died when Georgy was 4 years old. In 1924, when Georgy was 9 years old, the family moved to Kursk. In Kursk, Sviridov continued to study at primary school, where his passion for literature began.

Gradually, music began to take first place in his circle of interests. In elementary school, Sviridov learned to play his first musical instrument - the balalaika. Learning to play by ear, he demonstrated such talent that he was accepted into the local folk instrument ensemble. From 1929 to 1932 he studied at the Kursk Music School with Vera Ufimtseva and Miron Krutyansky. On the advice of the latter, in 1932 Sviridov moved to Leningrad, where he studied piano with Isaiah Braudo and composition with Mikhail Yudin at the Central Music College, which he graduated in 1936.

In recent years, Sviridov has been sick a lot. On January 6, 1998, he died of cardiac arrest. A civil memorial service and funeral took place on January 9 in Moscow. After the funeral service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Sviridov was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery

Sviridov wrote his first compositions back in 1935 - a cycle of lyrical romances based on the poems of A. S. Pushkin, which became famous. While he studied at the Leningrad Conservatory, from 1936 to 1941, Sviridov experimented with different genres and different types of composition. He wrote Piano Concerto No. 1 (1936-1939), Symphony No. 1 and a chamber symphony for string instruments (1940). Sviridov's style changed significantly in the early stages of his work. His first works were written in the style of classical, romantic music and were similar to the works of the German romantics. Later, many of Sviridov’s works were written under the influence of his teacher Dmitry Shostakovich, but also, for example, in the First Part for Piano, the composer’s attention to the musical language of Paul Hindemith is noticeable.

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