The problem of kindness, arguments from the Unified State Examination. Heartlessness, spiritual callousness - arguments of the Unified State Examination

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The problem of attitude towards the teacher.
We need to be attentive to teachers not only when we are in school, but also when we enter adulthood.
The lines of Andrei Dementiev are immortal:
Don't you dare forget your teachers!
They worry about you and remember you,
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
They are waiting for your returns and news.

The problem of talent recognition.
I believe that we should be more attentive to talented people.
V. G. Belinsky expressed himself very precisely on this matter: “A true and strong talent will not be killed by the severity of criticism, just as it will not be slightly raised by its greetings.”
Let us remember A. S. Pushkin, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, whose genius was recognized too late. Centuries later it's hard to realize that genius poet A.S. Pushkin died in a duel very young. And the society around him is to blame for this. How many great works could we still read if not for Dantes’s villainous bullet?

The problem of language destruction.
I am deeply convinced that improving a language should lead to its enrichment, not degradation.
The words of I. S. Turgenev, the great master of literature, are eternal: “Take care of the purity of the language like a shrine.”
We must learn to love our own native language, the ability to perceive it as an invaluable gift from the great classics: A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, I. A. Bunin, L. N. Tolstoy, N. V. Gogol.
And I want to believe that the degradation of the Russian language will be prevented by our literacy, ability to read and perceive with love best works world classics.

The problem of creative search.
It is important for every writer to find his reader.
Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote:
Poetry is the same as radium mining:
Production per gram, labor per year.
You exhaust one word for the sake of
A thousand words of verbal ore.
Life itself helps a writer solve creative problems.
The life of S. A. Yesenin was multifaceted and fruitful.
Writer, director, actor V. M. Shukshin achieved recognition thanks to persistent creative work.

Family savings problem.
I believe that the main function of the family is the continuation of the human race, based on proper upbringing.
A. S. Makarenko expressed himself very precisely about this: “If you gave birth to a child, this means for many years to come you gave him all the tension of your thought, all your attention and all your will.”
I admire family relationships Rostov, heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”. Parents and children here are one. This unity helped to survive in difficult conditions, to become useful to society, Motherland.
In my deep conviction, the development of humanity begins with a full-fledged family.

The problem of recognition classical literature.
To recognize classical literature, a certain reading culture is necessary.
Maxim Gorky wrote: “ Real life little different from good fantastic fairy tale, if we consider it from the inside, from the side of desires and motives that guide a person in his activities.”
The world classic has passed thorny path recognition. And the real reader is pleased that the works of W. Shakespeare, A. S. Pushkin, D. Defoe, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, A. Dumas, M. Twain, M. A. Sholokhov, Hemingway and many other writers make up the “Golden” fund of world literature.
I believe that there should be a line between political correctness and literature.

The problem of creating children's literature.
In my opinion, children's literature becomes understandable only if it was created by a true master.
Maxim Gorky wrote: “We need a cheerful, funny book that develops a sense of humor in a child.”
Children's literature leaves an indelible mark on every person's life. The works of A. Barto, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin, A. Lindgren, R. Kipling made each of us rejoice, worry, and admire.
Thus, children's literature is the first stage of contact with the Russian language.

The problem of saving a book.
For a spiritually developed person, the very essence of reading is important, no matter in what form it is present.
This is the point of view of Academician D.S. Likhacheva: “... try to choose a book to your liking, take a break from everything in the world for a while, sit comfortably with a book and you will understand that there are many books that you cannot live without...”
The meaning of the book will not be lost if it is presented in electronic form, as they do modern writers. This saves time and makes any work accessible to many people.
Thus, each of us needs to learn how to read correctly and learn how to use a book.

The problem of raising faith.
I believe that faith in a person should be cultivated from childhood.
I was deeply touched by the words of the scientist and spiritual figure Alexander Men, who said that a person needs faith “... in the Highest, in the Ideal.”
We begin to believe in goodness from childhood. How much light, warmth, and positivity the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin, Bazhov, Ershov give us.
The text I read made me think that the shoots of faith that appear in childhood multiply significantly in adult life and help each of us to be more confident.

The problem of unity with nature.
We must understand that the fate of nature is our fate.
The poet Vasily Fedorov wrote:
To save yourself and the world,
We need, without wasting years,
Forget all cults
And enter
Cult of nature.
The famous Russian writer V.P. Astafiev in his work “The Tsar - Fish” contrasts two heroes: Akim, selflessly nature loving, and Goga Gertsev, who is predatorily exterminating it. And nature takes revenge: Goga absurdly ends her life. Astafiev convinces the reader that retribution for an immoral attitude towards nature is inevitable.
I would like to end with the words of R. Tagore: “I came to your shore as a stranger; I lived in your house as a guest; I leave you as a friend, O my Earth.”

The problem of attitude towards animals.
Yes, indeed, God’s creature has a soul, and sometimes it understands better than man.
Since childhood, I have loved the story of Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim” black ear" I admire the friendship between the Owner and the dog, who remained devoted until the end of his life. Sometimes you don’t find such friendship among people.
Kindness and humanity emanate from the pages of the fairy tale by Antoine Saint-Exupéry “ A little prince" He expressed his main idea a phrase that has almost become a slogan: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

The problem of artistic beauty.
In my opinion, artistic beauty is beauty that pierces the heart.
Favorite corner that inspired M.Yu. Lermontov to create real masterpieces of art and literature, was the Caucasus. In the bosom picturesque nature the poet felt inspired and inspired.
“I greet you, deserted corner, a haven of tranquility, work and inspiration,” A.S. Pushkin wrote with love about Mikhailovsky.
Thus, artistic beauty, invisible, is the lot of creative people.

The problem of attitude towards one's homeland.
A country becomes great because of the people living in it.
Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Love for the Motherland gives meaning to life, transforming life from vegetation into a meaningful existence.”
Homeland is the most sacred thing in a person’s life. It is she who is first thought of in unimaginably difficult situations. In the years Crimean War Admiral Nakhimov, defending Sevastopol, died heroically. He bequeathed to the soldiers to defend the city until the last second.
Let's do what depends on us. And let our descendants say about us: “They loved Russia.”

What does our misfortune teach us?
Compassion and empathy are the result of awareness of one’s misfortunes.
The words of Eduard Asadov make an indelible impression on me:
And if trouble strikes somewhere,
I ask you: with my heart never,
Never turn to stone...
The misfortune that befell Andrei Sokolov, the hero of M. A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man,” did not kill the best in him human qualities. After the loss of all his loved ones, he did not remain indifferent to the fate of the little orphan Vanyushka.
M. M. Prishvin’s text made me think deeply about the fact that no misfortune is someone else’s.

The problem with the book.
I think that each book is interesting in its own way.
“Love the book. It will make your life easier, will friendly help you sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for people,” said Maxim Gorky.
Episodes from the biography of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin are very interesting. Due to difficult living conditions, it was only in his youth, when he entered VGIK, that he was able to become acquainted with the works of the great classics. It was the book that helped him become a wonderful writer, talented actor, director, screenwriter.
The text has already been read, put aside, and I still continue to think about what to do to ensure that we encounter only good books.

The problem of media influence.
I am deeply convinced that modern media should instill in people a moral and aesthetic sense.
D.S. Likhachev wrote about this: “You need to develop intellectual flexibility in yourself in order to understand achievements and be able to separate the fake from the truly valuable.”
I recently read in one of the newspapers that in the 60-70s, the popular magazines “Moscow”, “Znamya”, “Roman-Gazeta” published the best works of young writers and poets. These magazines were loved by many because they helped them live truly and support each other.
So let's learn how to choose useful newspapers and magazines from which you can extract deep meaning.

Communication problem.
In my opinion, every person should strive for sincere communication.
As the poet Andrei Voznesensky said about this well:

The essence of true communication is to give the warmth of your soul to people.
Matryona, the heroine of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona’s Dvor,” lives according to the laws of goodness, forgiveness, and love. She “is that very righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand. Neither the city. Neither the whole land is ours.”
The text has already been read, put aside, and I continue to think about how important it is for each of us to understand the essence of human relationships.

The problem of admiration for the beauty of nature.
In my opinion, the beauty of nature is difficult to explain, it can only be felt.
The text by V. Rasputin echoes the wonderful lines from the poem by Rasul Gamzatov:
There is no falsehood in the songs of clouds and waters,
Trees, grass and every creature of God,
Everything in the world sings with its own voice,
Unlike other voices.
The name of the “singer of nature” was firmly assigned to M. M. Prishvin. His works depict eternal pictures of nature, magnificent scenery our vast country. Their philosophical visions He described nature in his diary “The Road to a Friend.”
V. Rasputin’s text helped me to understand more deeply that while the sun drinks the dew, while the fish goes to spawn, and the bird builds a nest, the hope is alive in a person that tomorrow will definitely come and, perhaps, will be better than today.

The problem of uncertainty in everyday life.
In my opinion, only stability and solidity will help you be confident in “tomorrow.”
I would like to emphasize T. Protasenko’s thoughts with the words of Eduard Asadov:
Our life is like a narrow light from a flashlight.
And from the ray to the left and to the right -
Darkness: millions of silent years...
Everything that came before us and will come after us,
We are not allowed to see, really.
Shakespeare once said through Hamlet: “Time has dislocated the joint.”
After reading the passage, I realized that we ourselves have to correct “ dislocated joints"of his time. A complex and difficult process.
The problem of the meaning of life.
I am deeply convinced that a person, when engaging in any type of activity, must be aware of why he is doing it.
A.P. Chekhov wrote: “Deeds are determined by their goals: that work is called great, which has a great goal.”
An example of a person who strived to live his life profitably is Pierre Bezukhov, the hero of L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” It is he who is clearly characterized by Tolstoy’s words: “To live honestly, you have to rush, get confused, rush about. To be wrong. Starting and quitting again, and forever struggling and rushing about. And calmness is spiritual meanness.”
Thus, Yu. M. Lotman helped me to realize even more deeply that each of us should have the main objective in life.

The problem of complexity literary work.
In my opinion, it is in the writer’s skill to convey to every person the secrets of his native and foreign languages ​​that his talent is manifested.
Eduard Asadov expressed his thoughts about the complexity of literary work: “I try to comprehend myself day and night...”.
I remember that the brilliant Russian poets A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov were wonderful translators.
The text has already been read, put aside, and I continue to reflect on the fact that we should be grateful to those who open up the vast expanses of languages ​​for us.

The problem of personality immortality.
I am deeply convinced that geniuses remain immortal.
A. S. Pushkin dedicated his lines to V. A. Zhukovsky:
His poems are captivatingly sweet
The envious distance of centuries will pass...
The names of people who dedicated their lives to Russia are immortal. These are Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Peter 1, Kutuzov, Suvorov, Ushakov, K. G. Zhukov.
I would like to end with the words of Alexander Blok:
Oh, I want to live crazy:
All that exists is to perpetuate,
The impersonal is humanized,
Unfulfilled - make it happen!
The problem of being true to one's word.
A decent person must be honest, first of all, to himself.
Leonid Panteleev has a story “Honestly”. The author tells us a story about a boy who gave honestly stand guard until the changing of the guard. This child had a strong will and a strong word.
“There is nothing stronger than words,” said Meander.

The problem of the role of books in human life.
Meeting a good book is always a joy.
Chingiz Aitmatov: “Goodness in a person must be cultivated, this is the common duty of all people, all generations. This is the task of literature and art.”
Maxim Gorky said: “Love the book. It will make your life easier, will help you in a friendly way sort out the motley and stormy confusion of thoughts, feelings, events, it will teach you to respect people and yourself, it inspires your mind and heart with a feeling of love for the world, for man.”

Problem spiritual development personality.
In our opinion, every person should develop spiritually. D. S. Likhachev wrote “Every person, in addition to large “temporary” personal goals, should have one big personal goal...”
In A. S. Griboedov’s work “Woe from Wit,” Chatsky is an example of a spiritually developed personality. Small interests, empty Savor disgusted him. His hobbies and intelligence were significantly higher than the surrounding society.

The problem of attitude towards television programs.
I believe that nowadays it is very difficult to choose the most useful one to watch from hundreds of programs.
In the book “Native Land” D. S. Likhachev about viewing television programs wrote: “..spend your time on what is worthy of this waste. Look with choice."
The most interesting, educational, moral programs, in my opinion, are “Wait for me”, “Clever men and women”, “News”, “ Big races" These programs teach me to sympathize with people, learn a lot of new things, worry about my country and be proud of it.

The problem of honor.
In my opinion, servility and flattery have not yet been eliminated in our society.
In A.P. Chekhov’s work “Chameleon,” the police chief changed his behavior depending on who he was communicating with: he bowed to the official and humiliated the worker.
In N.V. Gogol’s work “The Inspector General,” the entire elite, together with the mayor, tries to please the inspector, but when it turns out that Khlestakov is not who he says he is, all the noble people freeze in a silent scene.

The problem of alphabet distortion.
I believe that unnecessary distortion of the written form leads to disruption of the functioning of language.
Even in ancient times, Cyril and Methodius created an alphabet. May 24 is celebrated in Russia Slavic writing. This speaks of the pride of our people in Russian letter.

The problem of education.
In my opinion, the benefits of education are judged by the end results.
“Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness,” says Russian folk proverb.
Political figure N.I. Pirogov said: “ Most of The most educated among us will truly say no more than that teaching is only a preparation for real life.”

The problem of honor.
In my opinion, the word “honor” has not lost its meaning today.
D. S. Likhachev wrote: “Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that should be valued.”
The story of the hero of the novel by A. S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter′′ Petra Grinev - confirmation that a person is given the strength to live correctly by fulfilling his duty, the ability to take care of his honor and dignity, respect himself and others, preserving his spiritual human qualities.

The problem of the purpose of art.
I believe that art should have an aesthetic purpose.
V.V. Nabokov said: “What we call art, in essence, is nothing more than the picturesque truth of life, you need to be able to capture it, that’s all.”
The great creations of true artists are recognized throughout the world. It is not for nothing that paintings by Russian artists Levitan and Kuindzhi are exhibited in the Louvre art museum in Paris.

The problem of changing the Russian language.
In my opinion, the role of the Russian language depends on ourselves.
“Before you is a community - the Russian language. Deep pleasure is calling you. Pleasure will be immersed in all its immeasurability and you will feel its wonderful laws...” wrote N.V. Gogol.
“Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors, among whom Pushkin again shines! Handle this powerful tool with respect; in the hands of skilled people it is able to perform miracles... Take care of the purity of the language as if it were a shrine!” - I. S. Turgenev called.

The problem of human responsiveness.
Reading this text, you remember your own examples.
Once upon a time, an unfamiliar woman helped my parents and I find the right address in the city of Belgorod, although she was in a hurry about her business. And her words stuck in my memory: “In our age, we just help each other, otherwise we will turn into animals.”
The heroes of A.P. Gaidar’s work “Timur and His Team” are immortal. Guys who selflessly provide help help to form a moral and aesthetic sense. The main thing is to cultivate a bright soul, a desire to help people and understand who to be in this life.

The problem of remembering native places.
Sergei Yesenin has wonderful lines:
Low house with blue shutters
I will never forget you, -
Were too recent
Sounded out in the twilight of the year.
I. S. Turgenev last years spent his life abroad. He died in the French city of Bougeval in 1883. Before his death, the seriously ill writer turned to his friend Yakov Polonsky: “When you are in Spassky, bow from me to the house, the garden, my young oak tree - my homeland, which I will probably never see again.
Reading the text helped me to understand more deeply that nothing could be more valuable than my native places, my homeland, and a lot is invested in this concept.

Problem of conscience.
I believe that the most important decoration of a person is a clear conscience.
“Honour, decency, conscience are qualities that should be valued,” wrote D. S. Likhachev.
Vasily Makarovich Shukshin has a film story “Kalina Krasnaya”. The main character Yegor Prokudin, a former criminal, cannot forgive himself in his heart for bringing a lot of grief to his mother. When meeting an elderly woman, he cannot admit that he is her son.
Reading the text made me think deeply about the fact that no matter what situations we find ourselves in, we must not lose our human face and your dignity.

The problem of individual freedom and responsibility to society.
Everyone must be aware of their responsibility to society. This is confirmed by the lines written by Yu. Trifonov: “Every person bears a reflection of history. It scorches some with a bright, hot and menacing light, on others it is barely noticeable, barely warm, but it exists on everyone.”
Academician D.S. Likhachev said: “If a person lives to bring good to people, alleviate their suffering from illness, give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of his humanity.”
Chingiz Aitmatov said about freedom: “Freedom of the individual and society is the primary unchanging goal and the most important meaning existence, and nothing can be more important in historical terms, this is the most important thing of progress, and therefore the well-being of the state.”

The problem of patriotism.
“Love for the Motherland gives meaning to life, transforming life from vegetation into a meaningful existence,” wrote D. S. Likhachev.
Feats of the older generation during the Great Years Patriotic War confirm that the Motherland is the most sacred thing in a person’s life. One cannot remain indifferent while reading Boris Lvovich Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...” about young girls anti-aircraft gunners who died defending native land from the enemy.
A real soldier who selflessly loves his homeland is Nikolai Pluzhnikov, the hero of Boris Vasiliev’s story “Not on the Lists.” Before last minute During his life he defended the Brest Fortress from the Nazis.
“A person cannot live without his homeland, just as he cannot live without a heart,” wrote K. G. Paustovsky.

The problem of choosing a profession.
V. G. Belinsky is the author of the lines: “Find your way, find out your place - this is everything for a person, this will become you for him.”
Only then will a person be passionate about his work if he does not make a mistake in choosing a profession. D. S. Likhachev wrote: “You must be passionate about your profession, your business, those people to whom you directly provide help (this is especially necessary for a teacher and a doctor), and those to whom you bring help “from afar”, without seeing them.”

The role of mercy in human life.
Russian poet G. R. Derzhavin said:
Who does not harm and does not offend,
And he does not repay evil with evil:
Sons will see their sons
And there is every good thing in life.
And F. M. Dostoevsky owns the following lines: “Not accepting a world in which even one child’s tear is shed.”

The problem of cruelty and humanism towards animals.
Kindness and humanity emanate from the pages of Antoine Saint-Exupéry’s fairy tale “The Little Prince”. He expressed his main idea with a phrase that became almost a slogan: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”
Chingiz Aitmatov’s novel “The Scaffold” warns us about a universal human misfortune. The main characters of the novel, wolves - Akbara and Tashchainar, die due to human fault. All nature perished in their face. Therefore, people face an inevitable execution.
Reading the text made me think about the fact that we should learn devotion, understanding, and love from animals.

The problem of the complexity of human relationships.
The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “There is life only if you live for others.” In “War and Peace” he reveals this idea, showing, using the example of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, what real life is.
And S.I. Ozhegov said: “Life is the activity of man and society, in one or another of its manifestations.”

The problem of the relationship between “fathers and children”.
B. P. Pasternak said: “The violator of love for one’s neighbor is the first among people to betray himself...”
Writer Anatoly Aleksin describes the conflict between generations in his story “Division of Property.” “Sueing your mother is the most unnecessary thing on earth,” this is what the judge says to a man-son who is suing his mother for property.
Each of us needs to learn to do good. Do not cause trouble or pain to loved ones.

The problem of friendship.
V.P. Nekrasov wrote: “The most important thing in friendship is the ability to understand and forgive.”
A. S. Pushkin characterized true friendship like this: “My friends, our union is wonderful! He, like a soul, is indivisible and eternal.”

The problem of jealousy.
Jealousy is a feeling uncontrollable by the mind, forcing one to commit thoughtless actions.
In the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “ Quiet Don“Stepan brutally beats his wife Aksinya, who for the first time truly fell in love with Grigory Melekhov.
In L.N. Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, her husband's jealousy leads Anna to suicide.
I think everyone should strive to be able to understand loved one and find the courage to forgive him.

What is true love?
Marina Tsvetaeva has wonderful lines:
Like the right and left hand -
Your soul is close to my soul.
K. D. Ryleev has a historical thought about Natalya Borisovna Dolgorukaya, daughter of Field Marshal Sheremetyev. She did not leave her fiancé, who had lost his will, titles, and fortune, and followed him into exile. After the death of her husband, the twenty-eight-year-old beauty took monastic vows as a nun. She said: “Love is secret, sacred, it has no end.”

The problem of art perception.
The words of L.N. Tolstoy in art are true: “Art performs the work of memory: it selects from the stream the most vivid, exciting, significant and imprints this in the crystals of books.”
And V.V. Nabokov said this: “What we call art, in essence, is nothing more than the picturesque truth of life; you need to be able to catch it, that’s all.”

The problem of intelligence.
D. S. Likhachev wrote: “... intelligence is equal to moral health, and health is needed to live long, not only physically, but also mentally.”
Genuinely an intelligent person I consider the great writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. He lived difficult life, but until the end of his days he remained physically and morally healthy.

The problem of nobility.
Bulat Okudzhava wrote:
Conscience, Nobility and Dignity - This is our holy army.
Extend your palm to him, You won’t be afraid for him even into the fire.
His face is high and amazing. Dedicate your short life to him.
You may not become a winner, but you will die like a person.
The greatness of morality and nobility are components of the feat. In Boris Lvovich Vasiliev’s work “Not on the Lists,” Nikolai Pluzhnikov remains a man in any situation: in a relationship with the woman he loves, under continuous German bombing. This is true heroism.

The problem of beauty.
Nikolai Zabolotsky reflects on beauty in his poem “The Ugly Girl”: “Is she a vessel in which there is emptiness or a fire flickering in the vessel?”
True beauty is spiritual beauty. L.N. Tolstoy convinces us of this, drawing images of Natasha Rostova Marya Bolkonskaya in the novel “War and Peace”.

The problem of happiness.
Wonderful lines about happiness from the poet Eduard Asadov:
See the beauty in the ugly,
See the river floods in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy on weekdays,
He really is a happy man.
Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: “Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about their interests and themselves, at least for a while.”

The problem of growing up.
When a person begins to realize his involvement in the decision of important life problems, he begins to grow up.
The words belonging to K. D. Ushinsky are true: “The goal in life is the core human dignity and human happiness."
And the poet Eduard Asadov said this:
If you grow up, then from your youth,
After all, you mature not in years, but in deeds.
And everything that I didn’t have time to reach thirty,
Then, most likely you won’t have time.

The problem of education.
A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Our entire education system is the implementation of the slogan about attention to people. About attention not only to his interests, his needs, but also to his duty.”
S. Ya. Marshak has the lines: “Let your mind be kind, and your heart be smart.”
A teacher who has made his “heart smart” towards his pupil will achieve the desired result.

What is the meaning of human life
The famous Russian poet A. Voznesensky said:
The more we tear from our hearts,
The more it remains in our hearts.
The heroine of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryonin’s Dvor” lives according to the laws of goodness, forgiveness, and love. Matryona gives the warmth of her soul to people. She “is that very righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand. Neither the city. Neither the whole land is ours.”
The problem of learning.
Happy is the person who has a teacher in his life
For Altynai, the heroine of Chingiz Aitmatov’s story “The First Teacher,” Duishen was the teacher to whom “... in the most difficult moments of her life” she held an answer and “... did not dare to retreat” in the face of difficulties.
A person for whom the teaching profession is a vocation is Lidia Mikhailovna V. Rasputina “French Lessons”. It was she who became the main person for her student, whom he remembered all his life.

The problem of the importance of work in human life.
In relation to a person’s work it is measured moral value each of us.
K. D. Ushinsky said: “Self-education, if it wishes a person happiness, should educate him not for happiness, but prepare him for the work of life.”
And the Russian proverb says: “Without labor, you cannot take a fish out of the pond.”
According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “Work is necessary for a person just like food, it must be regular, systematic.”

The problem of self-restraint.
Human needs must be limited. A person must be able to manage himself.
In “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin, the old woman lost everything that she helped her acquire gold fish, because her desires exceeded the necessary limit.
The Russian folk proverb is true: “Better is a bird in the hand than a crane in the sky.”

The problem of indifference.
Unfortunately, many people live by the proverb: “My house is on the edge - I don’t know anything.”
Confirms the author's correctness famous saying Bruno Yasensky: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill, but only with their tacit consent There is betrayal and murder on earth.”

Good day, Dear friends. This article will also discuss an original essay to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

The following arguments will be used:

– E. Asadov, “Kindness”

– H. C. Andersen, “The Little Mermaid”

Goodness gives happiness and joy, smiles and positive emotions. A person with this quality will never leave a friend in trouble, will not pass by someone in need, or will not offend an animal. His heart will go out to everyone crying baby and a dog freezing on the street, such a person is alien to indifference and selfishness.

But it is very difficult to remain kind and sympathetic when cruelty and selfishness reign around. From childhood, it is necessary to cherish in our hearts the light that will illuminate us throughout our lives.

In the poem “Kindness” by Eduard Asadov, the poet encourages us to cherish friendship and love, not to commit evil acts and to learn to forgive our loved ones.

Sometimes we may hear hurtful and unpleasant words from a friend during a quarrel, which make us want to cut off all communication with him. We think this is a serious reason, but having calmed down and looking at everything soberly, you can understand that friendship is much stronger than all omissions and insults.

Love is very important for us, but quarrels also happen with our chosen ones. At a time when conflicting feelings are overwhelming, the reason for the disagreement seems significant, but negative emotions should not be allowed to destroy our happiness. At such moments, it is especially important to find the strength to forgive a loved one or ask for forgiveness yourself, because love for our loved one is stronger than temporary resentment towards him.

There are times when we cannot restrain ourselves in a fit of anger, and we offend people dear to us. We need to learn self-control and patience, because later we regret what we did. But there are actions that no one can forgive, such as meanness, treason and betrayal. There is a lot of evil in the world, it is necessary to maintain noble qualities in yourself and do good deeds in order to change the world for the better.

You can let go of a lot of things, forgiveness indicates the infinite kindness of the heart that one possesses. main character fairy tale of the same name H. C. Andersen The Little Mermaid. Having fallen in love with the young prince, the Little Mermaid decided to make a deal with the witch, received a pair of human legs, but gave up her voice in return, and every step she took was filled with unbearable pain.

The sea dweller could be close to the prince, which she was very happy about, and he in return became attached to her. But the young man was able to love the Little Mermaid only as a sister, and later got married to another girl, thereby dooming the heroine to death. The condition of the deal was imminent death in the event of the prince's marriage to another.

The Little Mermaid had a chance to survive and return home if she killed her lover, but the girl’s soul is full of love and mercy, and the Little Mermaid was able to do this. The heroine left the life of the prince, sacrificing her own. Such an act is an example of boundless kindness and generosity.

Kindness lives in our hearts from childhood, but sometimes qualities such as selfishness, cruelty or indifference crowd it out. It becomes difficult for us to forgive, show patience and consideration towards others. It is necessary to protect the bright things that are stored in our soul, because this is what helps protect the world from all the bad weather created by evil.

This article discussed the problem of kindness: arguments from literature and an original essay were given below to prepare for the unified state exam.

  1. (53 words) Lack of goodness affects people adversely. For example, Akaki Akakievich from Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” died because those around him did not show any concern for him. Evil scoundrels robbed him, but the whole city remained indifferent to the trouble, it is in him that the author sees the source of evil, because a kind person is never indifferent to the feelings of another.
  2. (37 words) In Andersen's fairy tale " The Snow Queen“The main character saves Kai with the power of her kindness, melting his frozen heart. The author used a metaphor: in fact, he wanted to say that it is warm loving heart can destroy the coldness of even the most arrogant person.
  3. (51 words) In Andersen's fairy tale " ugly duck» the idea is revealed inner beauty, which is expressed precisely in kindness to others. Society rejected the hero, but he did not become embittered and still moved towards peace with with an open heart. This quality of his was rewarded with external beauty, but worthless in comparison with the charm of the soul, called kindness.
  4. (60 words) In Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the princess chose only one of the knights - Ruslan - only because he did not wish harm to any of his rivals, he was kind and fair. The heroine did this not only out of the inclination of her soul: she understood that the ruler of the state must have, first of all, kindness in order to teach people to become better by her example, and not just manage them.
  5. (45 words) Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” also reveals the theme of kindness. Masha Troekurova, showing understanding and gentleness towards Vladimir, rejected by everyone, brings him back to life from the darkness of hatred into which circumstances have driven him. The hero responds to kindness with active and devoted love for the daughter of his enemy.
  6. (58 words) In Pushkin’s story “ Stationmaster"The hero dies from lack of kindness. His daughter ran away with the hussar and never made her presence known, and her fiancé pushed her father out of the house. The young did not have enough sensitivity for the old man, for whom the whole world lay in his daughter. This is how kindness restrained in the heart can destroy someone whom it did not warm in time.
  7. (52 words) In Solzhenitsyn’s story “ Matrenin Dvor"The heroine generously gave affection. Out of the kindness of her heart, all she did was help others: she raised someone else’s daughter, gave her everything she had, and always worked for the sake of other people’s successes. Her selflessness is a sign of holiness, without which, according to the author, not only the village, but the whole world will not survive.
  8. (50 words) In Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” the theme of kindness is touched upon by the main character. He calls Famusov society to mercy and compassion for the peasants who are mercilessly oppressed by the landowners. His monologue convinces us that one cannot be condescending to people, no matter who they are, because true nobility is not a title, but a virtue.
  9. (55 words) In Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin” main character neglected kindness and killed a comrade. From that moment his true misfortune began: he did not find peace anywhere. But if he had not drowned out the voice of his heart, his kindness would have found words for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, because it implies a readiness for dialogue and a desire for harmony.
  10. (54 words) In Green's work " Scarlet Sails“The heroine was a kind and bright girl. And as if as a reward for this, the wizard predicted a happy fate for her. It cannot be otherwise: only a kind person believes in a dream more than in cruel reality. Therefore, kindness attracts those who are ready to make her dreams come true in spite of harsh reality.

Examples from life

  1. (53 words) The first time I thought about kindness was when I noticed that my sister was sneakily feeding the cat on the street. She saved her pocket money to buy him food, deprived herself at dinner to treat her pet, and even in the rain managed to run out to him with a gift. Then I realized that kindness makes people sublime and good.
  2. (53 words) One dog shocked me with its kindness. She treated cats poorly, always barked at them, but one day a kitten wandered into her den. He barely opened his eyes, apparently he had been orphaned early. To my surprise, the dog not only did not touch him, but also warmed him up in his booth. So he grew up under her care.
  3. (58 words) I can give another example from life. One day I saw my brother and sister walking from school, when suddenly my brother was attacked by older guys. They didn’t touch the girl, but she, without hesitation, stood up and began to attack. The guys were embarrassed, walked away, and the brave girl didn’t even tell anyone about what happened. I realized that this is real kindness.
  4. (58 words) Let me give you an example of the kindness of our class teacher. She was strict, no one really expected anything good from her. But one day, having learned that one of the “troubled” girls had not returned home, she went alone at night to look for her. Having found her in dubious company, the woman was not afraid of hooligans and took the girl home. Since then I have respected her immensely.
  5. (49 words) Personally, I felt the desire to do a good deed when I saw a program where they showed sick children. They needed expensive operations, and I, looking back at my wealthy and happy life, I realized that I could do without ice cream. I translated a small amount and was happy that I was able to do something truly important.
  6. (59 words) My father told me about kindness when Once again returned with a bandaged hand. He donated blood. I was very afraid of injections and did not understand his motivation. Then he said that he himself was once in the hospital after an accident, and his entire native village donated blood to him. I imagined this willingness to help, uniting absolutely different people, and realized that kindness is driving force humanity.
  7. (57 words) I learned about kindness when I first went to the hospital. I was scared and lonely. My sister came to me, I was already huddled under the blanket, waiting for the injections, but then she smiled and just started chatting with me. She played up all the procedures as if they were an empty formality. Then I realized how important it is, no matter who you are, to remain a kind person.
  8. (53 words) I consider my friend truly kind. One day the boys caught a frog and wanted to cheat it. And then he screams at us with good obscenities, and snatches it from the main instigator of the prank that no one had time to figure out. He released her, but he and I received a fair beating. But goodness is still worth standing up for.
  9. (66 words) From my experience, I remember a situation when a stray cat appeared in our barn. I felt very sorry for her, but I was afraid to tell my grandmother about her, because she did not like living creatures in the house. So I fed her secretly until I noticed that grandma was doing the same. She explained that she was afraid to adopt a cat because of my asthma. Since then, I know for sure that I went into it with a soft character.
  10. (68 words) I learned about kindness when I was put with one girl. She didn’t know mathematics, unlike me, and I was terribly proud of this, I didn’t let her cheat. But chemistry didn’t work out for me, but she was the smartest girl in the class. And then, on the final test, she sees that I’m failing, and... lets me write it off! Since then we have been friends, and I realized that kindness is more important than mathematics.
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What is kindness? This is a manifestation of care towards a person. This is helping those in need careful attitude to nature, love to our " little brothers" There are many examples of kindness in our world, because this quality has always been valued by Russian people. It can even be called the basis of our character. In literature we will find many examples of kind, sympathetic heroes.

Let us remember, for example, Sonya Marmeladova, the heroine of F. M. Dostoevsky’s work “Crime and Punishment.” The girl's mother died, she was raised by her father, who did a lot for her. But a difficult time came when he lost his job and started drinking. On her shoulders lay concern not only for him, but also for her stepmother, about stepbrothers and sisters. Out of despair, the girl went “on the yellow ticket.” She was forced to sell herself in order to save her family not just from hunger and poverty, but also from death.

Can we really blame her? And it was Sonya who helped Raskolnikov, the main character of the novel. He went to her for help after committing a terrible crime - the murder of an old pawnbroker and her sister. Sonya condemned his act, because for her, killing a person is a great sin. But it was she who provided him with spiritual support. She forced him to confess to the murder and followed him to hard labor. Sonya waited patiently for him to understand the enormity of his crime, and was there at the moment of his epiphany. In the finale, we see them reading the Bible together, and we understand that, although Raskolnikov is still far from the real resurrection, Sonya will be next to him.

This is precisely what lies in it moral ideal the author, because it real example kindness and generosity.

From the works of the 20th century, I remember “Matrenin’s Dvor” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Matryona, the main character of the work, is an unusually kind person. She does not refuse to help anyone. If you need help with the housework, they go to Matryona. Dig up the potatoes - go back to them. And she never asked for compensation, she helped just like that, at the call of her soul. Her whole house is the personification of character. It is surprisingly warm and cozy for everyone: the ficus trees, which in a “free crowd” brightened up the loneliness of the mistress, and the middle-aged cat, picked up by Matryona out of pity, and the mice, brazenly rustling under the wallpaper, and even the cockroaches, which “respected” Matryona’s rules and did not cross the boundary between the room and the kitchen. And the narrator himself admits that already in the morning he was pleased with the melodious voice of Matryona, who called him to breakfast. Of course, in the finale we feel sorry for Matryona: she died, perhaps also because of her kindness: at a railway crossing she rushed to help the men transporting her room adopted daughter Kira. However, it is on people like her that the world rests. It is no coincidence that the author calls her “righteous.”

Thus, kindness is the basis of the character of a Russian person. This is what has allowed our society to survive in the most difficult times. And I want people to not forget about kindness in our difficult times.

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Updated: 2018-09-07

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