The process of introducing innovative technologies in museum activities. Modern information technologies in museum activities Information technologies in museum activities

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G.A. Akimova

(Russia, Novocherkassk)

history teacher, GBOU SPO RO "NKPTiU"

E. V. Ivanova

(Russia, Novocherkassk)

information technology teacher


Museum and integration of information technologies into museum and pedagogical activities

A museum is not just a house where things breathe,

The museum is the keeper of secrets, of all that is holy,

He will hear everyone's heartbeat,

He is a bridge to the valley of the dearest.

Our contingent is students. These are not exactly children, these are teenagers, and sometimes even adults, already established individuals, but nevertheless, the importance of the topic of patriotic education is relevant for any age, especially young ones. It is here that, on a completely conscious level, the foundations of patriotism, citizenship, respect for one’s history, for the people who defended the Motherland in different centuries are laid, instilling readiness for heroism - in general, everything that is the basis for the viability of any society and state. Self-esteem and self-confidence are impossible without respect for the history of your Fatherland and a sense of involvement in the affairs of your ancestors.

Memory connects generations. This is a spiritual bridge across years, decades. And his strength, and courage, and beauty, and courage - the sacred memory of the defender of his native land helps a person to find his entire spirit.

One of the most important issues facing educational institutions today is the revival of the spiritual traditions of Russia, with a very clear fixation in the student’s mind of such concepts as Motherland, Fatherland, Motherland, native land, citizen, patriot, hero, war and labor veteran. For an educated person and a citizen of Russia, knowledge of Russian history, its spiritual origins and traditions is very important for understanding all the processes taking place in it today. Education and training must be structured in such a way that young men and women who grow up in our country do not become people who do not care what country they live in and who do not care at all about the fate of their homeland.

The history and culture of Russia and the Don region have deep roots. There have always been and are legendary personalities of whom we are proud and by whose example we educate our students. Today, educational institutions are a place where it is possible to purposefully educate citizens and patriots of Russia, people who will love their Motherland, which means, when necessary, they will be able to protect it and increase its glory, like their grandfathers and fathers.

The museum of military and labor glory became the center of educational work in the college, especially of the patriotic direction. The basis of patriotic education is the active communication of students with the older generation in the process of searching, collecting, educational and research work. Spiritual experience, principles and assessments of elders influence the spiritual world of students who form their life position. Live communication combines and interacts with knowledge and values ​​gleaned from authentic documents of past years, local history and memoir literature. The result of this communication is reflected in creative works - abstracts, during excursions by public guides, in speeches at classes, conferences, lessons in courage and other events.

Thus, While maintaining its traditional functions (collecting, storing, studying and presenting cultural heritage), the museum in the 21st century is gradually acquiring the role of a leading sociocultural unit of society.

The museum begins and ends where the museum object begins and ends - a witness to historical and cultural processes, phenomena and events of social value. However, the idea, meaning, and history of a museum object can be conveyed in various ways, including through the use of digital technologies. Namely, this process became most noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. This is largely due to the rapid development of technical means of creating, presenting and storing information: In accordance with the conceptual design of the exhibition, three main functions of the use of digital technologies in museum activities can be distinguished:

Information (supplementing exposition materials with virtual materials);

Educational (learning through the synthesis of digital technologies and museum tools);

Marketing (promoting the museum’s image).

Advantages of using digital technologies in museum exhibitions

1. Expansion of the information space of the exhibition in conditions of limited room sizes. They are capable of changing the exhibition space, providing a new type of area, measured in units of measuring the volume of information.

2. Strengthening the attractiveness of the exhibition. Digital technologies provide opportunities for the creative use of computer technology and the information potential of a museum object, make it possible to realize a variety of creative ideas, and fill the exhibition space with visually expressive interactive elements. The museum is trying to work more for young people, who have long switched to the language of information technology.

3. Increasing the availability of information. Digital tools allow you to comment on, present this or that object in the context of virtual space, which makes it possible to reproduce the atmosphere of the time the museum exhibit existed.

4. Maintaining interest in the museum, museum and research work.Digital technologies, due to their novelty, are interesting in themselves. Original museum projects using digital technologies arouse interest and help promote a positive image of the museum among students:

The Museum of Military and Labor Glory of our college is 26 years old. 2 years ago it was reconstructed and updated. Exhibits have been arranged: from the history of the creation of the college, our teachers are war and home front veterans, the 5th Don Guards Cossack Corps, exhibitions about graduates who died in hot spots, labor veterans, about our teachers and students - defenders of the Fatherland.

The museum contains more than 800 of a wide variety of exhibits, among which there are real relics - these are items from the Second World War, awards and award documents, weapons, photographs, clothing and other personal belongings of veterans; no less valuable exhibits telling about graduates who died heroically in hot spots and graduates and industry workers.

Museum pedagogy is a unique means for solving many educational and educational problems.

The main methodological task of the college is the formation of key professional competencies of the graduate, that is, the ability to solve problems in various spheres of social and intellectual activity.

The forms and content of the museum’s work are determined by the tasks of historical education and upbringing and are aimed at the practical implementation of the acquired knowledge.

The main objectives of the museum are:

Active participation in the educational process of the college

Carrying out cultural and educational work for students

Organization and conduct of excursions

Design of albums, stands and display cases with old and new exhibits

Organizing meetings with WWII and labor veterans, combatants in hot spots.

Forms of museum work using information technologies:

1. The use of computer technology to create an electronic database of museum collections, describe museum objects, prepare accounting documentation, create an electronic library in the museum collections, a collection of audio and video recordings, and a collection of photographs.

2. Creation of an electronic exposition, interactive exhibition space, conducting virtual excursions or virtual reviews of museum exhibits in classes and extracurricular events.

3. Creating presentations for use in educational activities and demonstrating them as part of events. Inclusion of the college museum in a single local network of the educational institution, displaying information about the museum’s activities on the college website.

On the basis of the museum there is a patriotic club “Courage”, whose members mainly carry out this work.

We know that the museum, education and the latest technologies equally reflect and experience the transitional nature of modern culture, therefore the forms and mechanisms of development of the previous stage of cultural evolution continue to exist and actively operate in the museum

Thus, one of the sections of the club consists of public guides who are trained and can conduct a tour of the college museum, the village of Starocherkasskaya and a short sightseeing tour of the historical center of the city.

Every year in February the college holds a military-patriotic month, in which club members take an active part. It is expressed in thematic excursions around the museum and in the use of museum materials in classroom hours, history classes and other social and special disciplines. Open meetings of the “Courage” club have become traditional these days, dedicated to the memory of students, our graduates who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and now in South Ossetia. Parents of deceased students are invited to attend. Their speeches expressing gratitude to the members of the “Courage” club are the highest assessment of the activities of the museum and the club and always evoke a response in the souls of those who are present at these events. Trips to the graves of fallen children and to the monument, where on granite our students see the names of those who once studied at our college, evoke no less reverent feelings, and the flowers laid are a tribute of respect and admiration for the feat.

The museum's material makes it possible to solve the problems of educating citizenship, forming a cultured person, a subject of education with a humanistic system of values. We try to keep up with the times, realizing thatThe younger generation perceives the world in the context of a new vector of civilizational development: creativity. The spirit of constant renewal, endless changes, improvement inherent in the network space, museum values, representing the period of their creation and facing eternity, must find the optimal combination and be revealed in the museum pedagogical process. This is one of the ways to achieve an indissoluble connection between heritage and modernity, because none of us is the beginning - we are all a continuation.

Innovative use of the museum's potential allows us to teach the younger generation, while preserving the past, to confidently step into the future.

Work in the field of information technology is based on the concept of information support for the Kizhi Museum-Reserve and is carried out in the following areas:

  • The development of information systems (IS) is associated with the development of an integrated automated museum information system (KAMIS). In 2007, this system was expanded to work with immovable monuments (the “Architecture” module). The new module allows you to enter descriptions of immovable monuments into a unified system and make links between them and stock items. In 2009, the “Archival Documents” block was added, which allows for primary accounting and a detailed description of the documents included in the archive, and automatically generates all the necessary documentation when working with storage units. An important feature of the installed module is the ability to attach an unlimited number of images to the card, for example, high-quality electronic copies of documents (drawings, photographs) and even audio and video recordings. In 2010, the “Restoration of Movable Objects” module was introduced, which is designed to automate the accounting and scientific storage work of the restoration department. It operates in conjunction with accounting information about objects and allows you to automatically generate restoration documents and maintain registers of restoration passports. Thus, currently KAMIS of the Kizhi Museum includes the following modules: “Scientific fund work”, “Architecture”, “Scientific archive”, “Restoration”. The database volume is about 68 gigabytes, of which the text component is about 0.4 gigabytes (equivalent to 193,000 pages of A4 format text).
  • In 2009, after work on developing the network on the island of Kizhi, the opportunity was created for employees of the collections department to work year-round with the KAMIS museum system both in Petrozavodsk and on the island of Kizhi.

    It should be noted that the information technology department also carries out constant work on the administration and maintenance of all other information systems and databases (DBs) of the museum, including the TicketNet resource planning and ticket sales system.

  • Support and development of the museum computer network. By the end of 2010, the museum's computer park consisted of 170 computers (126 desktop and 44 laptops). The museum's computers are integrated into a common network, which allows employees, regardless of where they work - in Petrozavodsk or on Kizhi Island, to use common network resources - an internal website, a file server, etc. The communication channels used are fiber optic channels between buildings in the city, an Internet access channel, a VPN channel to the island, and five DSL channels on the island.
  • The Information Technology Department is constantly working to improve the museum network. For example, in 2008, a new communication channel was organized between the administrative building in Petrozavodsk and the island of Kizhi, which has an order of magnitude greater capacity than the previously used one. In 2009, Vasiliev’s house on the island of Kizhi (funds department) was connected to the museum network, as well as a new museum building in the city at 15 Fedosova Street. In 2010, the Summer Museum and Educational Center was connected to the general museum network on the island complex in the village Hole, gift shop and warehouse. In total, there are currently 7 servers and more than 50 active network devices operating in the museum’s network infrastructure.

    In 2010, the museum began work on the project “Local computer network (LAN) to ensure the security of objects on the island of Kizhi.” The projected fiber-optic network will pass through the entire island, 28 objects will be connected to it: monument houses and infrastructure facilities (administrative buildings, security post, industrial complex, funds, etc.). The capacity of the projected communication will provide all data transmission requests on the island, including video broadcasts from a large number of security cameras. Design work is carried out by Archimedes LLC (Kirov).

  • Development of the official website of the museum. Over the past few years, the Kizhi Museum website has been one of the most popular museum Internet sites in Russia and consistently occupies a leading position on the Museums of Russia portal in terms of the number and votes of visitors. In 2010, the official website of the Kizhi Museum (website) received more than 365,000 visitors (465,000 visits, according to the counter - 311,000). The museum’s website contains information about the museum’s exhibition, its stock collection, natural heritage, as well as information about the museum’s activities in the field of preservation, study and popularization of cultural heritage. The Information Technology Department of the Kizhi Museum is constantly working on the technical and technological development of the site, filling it with up-to-date information, as well as improving the design.
  • In 2010, based on the research, the format for presenting information on the initial page of the site was changed: the most interesting information for Internet users was placed on the first page (about the status of the museum and architectural monuments of the Kizhi Pogost, museum news, posters, webcams and museum Internet -shop).

    The site is most popular among Russian-speaking users from Russia and neighboring countries. Distribution of languages ​​according to Internet browser settings of visitors: Russian – 88%, English – 6.4%, German – 1%, Finnish, French – 0.55%.

    The most popular sections are: “Information”, “Architecture”, “Museum collections”, “Virtual travel”, “Gallery”. These sections reflect the main activities of the museum, are regularly updated and contain a large array of up-to-date information - and that is why they are in demand. [text from the website of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve: http://site]

    In 2007, the museum’s Internet project “In front of the whole world,” created with the goal of providing information support for the restoration process of the Church of the Transfiguration on the Internet and creating conditions for information exchange and cooperation among restoration specialists, became the winner of the VI All-Russian media competition “Patriots of Russia” " in the nomination "For developing the theme of folk traditions" - "Pavel Bazhov".

    In 2008, the museum’s Internet project “Virtual Museum Travels” became the winner in the competition of multimedia projects “Content - 2008” within the framework of the annual international conference “EVA” in the “World of Hobbies” category.

    One of the most popular and sought-after virtual museum trips is the “Virtual Tour of the House of a Karelian Peasant” - an interactive tour of the real-life exhibition of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve - the house of the Karelian peasant Yakovlev. In 2010, the Internet project was translated into the Lyudikov dialect of the Karelian language. It is the first and so far the only Internet resource in this language.

    The Kizhi State Museum-Reserve thanks the Lyydilainen Seura ry society (Lyudik Society (Finland)) for translating the Internet project “Virtual journey through the house of a Karelian peasant” into the Lyudik dialect of the Karelian language.

  • Technical and multimedia support for museum events. Not a single museum event is held without technical support from specialists from the information technology department. For example, in 2010 alone, 95 requests for technical maintenance of museum events were completed - including such large ones as “Intermuseum - 2010”, the “Illusions of the Old Town” festival, as well as all museum exhibitions, lecture halls, and holidays on the island Kizhi. More than 30 videos and multimedia presentations were created for museum exhibitions and events.
  • An important area of ​​work is the formation of a digital photo and video archive of the museum. In 2010 alone, more than 14,000 images were added to the museum's digital photographic archive. The demand for the museum's photo archive is extremely high: its materials are actively used in the preparation of publishing and souvenir products, the development of multimedia and Internet projects, and in museum information systems. In 2008, a web interface for searching the museum’s digital photo archive was opened on the museum’s intranet site, which allows museum staff to use the photo archive more efficiently.

// Report on the activities of the Kizhi Museum-Reserve. 2006-2010
Under general ed. E.V. Averyanova; comp., resp. ed. N.M.Melnikova
Kizhi Museum-Reserve. Petrozavodsk. 2011. 112 p.

(speech at the 2nd open scientific and practical conference “Search and research work in the museum of an educational institution”)

Kirillova Natalya Aleksandrovna, methodologist of the State Center “Aegis”

Everything that is studied in school is the cultural experience of the past. The decrease in schoolchildren’s interest in studying the history of the country, their native land, and the indifferent attitude towards the past of the city, region, and surrounding people are due to objective changes in the political life of the country, changes in the value orientations of society, the structure and content of the information space and cultural environment.

Museum pedagogy is a unique means for solving many educational and educational problems.

The main methodological task of the school is to develop the key competencies of the graduate, that is, the ability to solve problems in various spheres of social and intellectual activity. A modern school should:

§ develop skills in working in the civil and public sphere;

§ develop skills of critical thinking in conditions of working with large amounts of information;

§ develop skills for independent work with educational material based on the use of ICT;

§ develop self-education skills, develop abilities for academic mobility;

§ develop communication skills;

§ develop the ability to formulate a problem and solve it cooperatively.

A museum in a modern school is an integrated information and pedagogical environment where new forms in the organization of cognitive and communicative activities of students become possible.

Such principles of the school museum as complexity, systematicity and continuity provide for a combination of traditional and innovative forms and methods of relationship with students. One of the most characteristic features of a school museum is a shift in emphasis in understanding the mission of the museum from the accumulation, storage and transfer of specific knowledge from teacher to student to the development of the ability to acquire this knowledge and skills independently and use it in practical activities. Information technologies can and do provide invaluable assistance in solving this problem in practice.

Modern information technologies that have entered the educational space, and the role of the museum as an information and communication unit of an educational institution, actualize a new level of work with information. The traditional activities of the school museum - search, stock, excursion and lecture, exhibition, propaganda - can be implemented by new means. Modern schoolchildren are very familiar with the capabilities of computer technology; they often understand software, terminology, and virtual communication tools better than the teacher. A screen type of culture and a new aesthetics are being formed, based on television and video. One of the factors that activates the cognitive, research work of students in a museum is the very process of their use of new technologies, be it creating electronic materials on a computer or participating in a telecommunications project.

Forms of work of the school museum using information technology

1.Use of computer technology to create an electronic database of museum funds, describe museum objects, prepare accounting documentation, create an electronic library, a collection of audio and video recordings, and a collection of photographs in the school museum funds.

2. One of the ways to use museum information resources is to create electronic catalogs. When creating them, descriptions of objects are selected from the database on the basis of some idea, grouped as necessary, accompanied by articles, that is, the information is interpreted.

3.Creation of an electronic exhibition, interactive exhibition space, transformation of an existing one or the formation of a special museum environment. The use of audiovisual and computer tools, multimedia programs in the museum creates new opportunities in working with visitors.

4. Use of office and computer equipment for editing and reproducing printed and electronic materials, creating presentations for use in educational activities and demonstrating them as part of school events. Including a school museum in a single local network of an educational institution involves transferring accumulated information and materials to the intranet and the Internet on the school website or presenting your own museum website on the network.

Websites that present databases of museum objects with the ability to build various queries on them are very dynamic, make maximum use of such a powerful tool as interactivity, and stimulate the growth of museum information resources.

1. Organization of project activities using Internet technologies (collecting materials on the Internet, searching for possible “network” partners of the school - libraries, museums, foundations, distance learning centers; electronic correspondence with experts and various institutions for consultations; conducting joint projects with schoolchildren from other cities , with museums of a similar profile, including foreign ones). The Internet is a powerful source of information resources, which, among other things, gives us access to electronic libraries and electronic versions of periodicals. The ability to find, critically comprehend and productively use Internet information will help the student in the future to feel confident in other modern information flows. Interaction in Internet projects, work on the creation of collective Internet applications help socialize the individual, develop students’ ability to plan and organize joint activities.

It should be noted that few educational institutions today have a regularly updated and meaningfully progressing website. Various forms of presenting the school museum online are possible:

1. Mention of the presence of a museum at the school on the website of the educational institution. Such a link will help you find partners and attract the attention of students to the work of the museum.

2. Presentation of topics, forms of work, organizational information on a separate page of the website of the educational institution. Methodological materials will help fellow managers of school museums, and a colorful report on past events will create an attractive image for the museum and the educational institution as a whole.

3. Presentation of the museum’s funds in such a volume that the museum’s electronic materials can be used in educational or educational work. Publishing on the website memories of eyewitnesses of events, unique text, photo documents, audio and video recordings will make it possible to demonstrate with maximum completeness the diversity of materials stored in the exhibition and in the museum’s storerooms, and provide access to the museum’s resources to remote users. Possible sections of the school museum website:

§ General information, information about the possibility of visiting

§ History of the museum

§ Description of funds

§ Museum exhibits

§ Exposition

§ Poster

§ Museum projects

§ Museum publications

§ Guestbook

§ Sponsors, friends and partners

1. Participation in telecommunications projects. For example, on the website of the electronic journal “Issues of Internet Education” the project “ School museums on the Internet" The project is organized as a kind of virtual museum, the exhibits of which should become school museums.

The creation of a unified electronic fund of materials from school museums in Novosibirsk and the region can be a solution to the problem of filling the resource base of the city’s educational information space.

In Novosibirsk, conditions are being created for creating a unified information and educational environment. As part of the implementation of the program “Informatization of the municipal education system for 2004 – 2007”:

§ The supply of computer equipment to educational institutions of the city continued. During 2004, 620 units of computer equipment were purchased. In 2005, in Novosibirsk there were 33 students with 1 computer (for comparison: in 2003 - 49; in Russia - 80);

§ The network of school media libraries is expanding, and educational institutions continue to be equipped with electronic learning tools;

§ As part of the implementation of the project “Connecting Novosibirsk City Schools to the Internet”, 42 educational institutions are today connected through fiber-optic communication channels (in the future it is planned to connect all educational institutions);

§ a city experimental platform has been created, uniting 15 educational institutions and the State Center “Aegis”, for the effective use of information and communication technologies in educational and extracurricular work with students, providing consulting, methodological and technical support to educational institutions of all types and types.

The main goal of creating the City Informatization Center “Egida” is the introduction of information technologies into the educational process. One of the areas of work to achieve this goal may be assistance to educational institutions in changing the forms of work of the school museum in organizing the cognitive and communicative activities of students.

1.Training of museum teachers in the basics of working on a PC, the basics of publishing, design activities and website building.

2.Providing advisory assistance in the use of information technology.

3.Publication of pages of school museums on the Novosibirsk information and educational server Presenting museum collections will help create a catalog of resources for school museums in Novosibirsk.

4. Conducting competitions on local history topics. In the 2005-2006 academic year, as part of the “My Novosibirsk” competition, the “School Museum Website” nomination was created.

The priority of the child’s personal development is the objective reason for the transition to a new quality of education and upbringing, to new mechanisms of influence on a person. Information technologies will make it possible to attract students to the museum, arouse interest in various fields of knowledge, to study the history of their country, and will help to instill in students a sense of respect for the deeds and works of our contemporaries, pride in the successes and achievements of their fellow countrymen.

Information technologies are currently widely used in all areas of museum activity (accounting and stock, scientific, exhibition, restoration, publishing). Modern information technologies make it possible to avoid repeated duplication of identical information and improve the information activities of the museum. Thanks to the automated information system (AIS), museums create databases of museum collections that are constantly updated. Existing databases enable museum workers to quickly search for museum objects according to specified criteria and use the results obtained in accordance with their purposes (scientific, curation, exhibition, restoration, etc.). Registration of accounting documentation and recording of the intra-museum movement of objects and their release from the museum walls is also carried out using AIS.

In the work of domestic museums, standard AIS projects are used, adapted to a specific museum - the KAMIS, NIKA, AS-Museum systems. For the compatibility of databases created in different museums, it is necessary to develop standard description principles. There is no generally accepted classification of museum objects at the state level that allows for an effective search for objects. The Museum Documentation Committee CIDOC, created within ICOM, has been working since the 1970s to improve the recording and scientific processing of collections using computer technology. “The minimum set of data required to create an “information core”” was developed by the Documentation Committee in 1996 and recommended to museums.

New information technologies are used in the museum when designing displays and exhibitions. The visitor can receive in-depth information about events related to the theme of the exhibition, about the exhibited objects (or obtain information about similar ones from the database), take a virtual tour of the museum using an electronic guide, etc.

The use of new information technologies has significantly intensified the publishing activities of museums and accelerated the process of publishing scientific (monographs, catalogues) and popular (guidebooks, encyclopedias) publications, which is carried out on electronic media.

Electronic publications are created using multimedia technology (main characteristics - hypertext and interactivity, components - text, sound, video, animation) in static (CD-ROM, DVD) and dynamic (publications on the Internet) form. Many museums have their own representative offices on the Internet - websites where you can get information about the exhibitions and composition of the collections, about the museum's opening hours and new exhibitions. Museum professionals find information on websites about museum scientific publications and conferences that interest them. There are websites on the Internet that unite museums of one region (Museums of Tatarstan, Museums of the Omsk Irtysh region). Russian museums are most fully represented on their websites.

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