Psychological meaning of Russian folk tales. The meaning of the fairy tale turnip The meaning of the Russian folk tale turnip

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Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Genre: folk tale for little ones

Reading the fairy tale "Turnip":

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big.
Grandfather went to pick a turnip: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out!
Grandfather called grandma:
grandmother for grandfather,
grandfather for the turnip -

The grandmother called her granddaughter:
granddaughter for grandmother,
grandmother for grandfather,
grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
The granddaughter called Zhuchka:
A bug for my granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother,
grandmother for grandfather,
grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
Bug called the cat:
cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother,
grandmother for grandfather,
grandfather for the turnip -
They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out!
The cat called the mouse:
mouse for cat,
cat for Bug,
A bug for my granddaughter,
granddaughter for grandmother,
grandmother for grandfather,
grandfather for the turnip -
they pull and pull - they pulled out a turnip!
We highlight the main characters of the fairy tale "Turnip".
There are six characters in this tale and all of them are the main characters. Because if we remove one of the characters, the ending of the fairy tale will change, the turnip will not be pulled out.
Main characters: Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.

Learning to retell the fairy tale "Turnip"
We make a retelling plan:

  1. Planting a turnip
  2. Grandpa can't pull out a turnip
  3. Grandpa calls grandma
  4. Grandmother calls her granddaughter
  5. Granddaughter calls Zhuchka
  6. The bug is calling the cat
  7. The cat calls the mouse
  8. Pulled a turnip
A brief retelling of the fairy tale "Turnip", example
One day Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew for a long time and became very large. Dedka wanted to pull out the turnip, but he didn’t succeed. Then he called Grandma, but even with Grandma he couldn’t pull out the turnip.
Grandma then called her Granddaughter to help. And again the turnip does not stretch. The Granddaughter shouted to the Bug. But again failure. Then the Bug called the Cat. And together with the Cat they cannot pull out the turnip.
And so the Cat calls the mouse and the turnip is pulled out.

Let's learn to determine the main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Turnip".
This fairy tale says that it is easier to work together. That everyone together can handle any job.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Turnip":
The team will cope with what one person cannot do.

Let's learn to analyze the fairy tale "Turnip".
We determine what the fairy tale “Turnip” teaches
This fairy tale teaches us to work together, together to solve a difficult problem. Teaches mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Learning to write a review of the fairy tale "Turnip"
I really liked in this fairy tale that the turnip grew so big that only all the heroes of the fairy tale could pull it out together. But there will be enough turnips for everyone.

Learning to select proverbs for the fairy tale "Turnip"
This fairy tale comes with proverbs that say that it is easier to work together. And that the help of friends is always welcome.
Example of proverbs for the fairy tale "Turnip":
Take it together, it won't be too heavy.
Together we will move mountains.
Road help on time

Let's learn how to make a drawing for the fairy tale "Turnip".
We can draw either all the heroes pulling the turnip, or some of them, for example Dudka. Or you can simply depict a huge turnip.

One of the characteristic components of the folklore of any country is the presence of fairy tales. And our country is no exception here. You all probably remember how, as a child, one of your parents or, for example, your grandmother, read you a bedtime story so that you would quickly close your eyes and fall asleep. A calm and monotonous native voice, telling about something very interesting before going to bed, has a truly calming and soporific effect. However, we will not talk about the effect of reading fairy tales before bed, but about the meaning that is inherent in these fairy tales, but very often remains incomprehensible due to the fact that it is hidden. And not only children, but even adults cannot understand it.

The fact is that fairy tales are often imbued with the deepest symbolism, and also contain inexhaustible information about all kinds of events of antiquity. In most fairy tales there are no random images and characters, titles, names and words, and the semantic load can be so deep that you are simply amazed - akin to a Russian nesting doll, inside of which there is another, and inside of it another, etc., The main meaning of a fairy tale may be hidden somewhere in its depth - under a layer of simpler semantic layers. All levels of a fairy tale can represent a window into the unknown world of the structure of the universe and the foundations of life.

We all should know that fairy tales, in addition to the usual everyday educational function, can also perform a number of other – more complex ones, for example:

  • Reveal the secrets of the universe and other secret knowledge
  • Point out the cyclical nature of life
  • Serve astronomical or natural
  • Be a repository of history
  • Connect with ancestors
  • Talk about initiation rites when a person moves from childhood to adulthood
  • Guide a person on the path of personal growth, etc.

In many fairy tales, the presented directions can not only go next to each other, but also intersect and even synchronize. The characters of fairy tales are certain symbols, each of their actions carries a sacred meaning, and the paths they follow indicate special methods of obtaining secret knowledge and achieving inner harmony. Fairy tales are often compared even to magical formulas, which lose their power if pronounced incorrectly.

And let's look at several well-known Russian folk tales as examples. It is not a fact that our transcripts will fully reflect the truth, but they can still serve as a kind of algorithm for understanding the hidden meaning inherent in fairy tales.

So, let's look at three fairy tales: “The Turnip”, “At the Order of the Pike” and “Koshey the Immortal”.

Fairy tale "Turnip"

What we know from the fairy tale: We know that my grandfather planted a turnip, and due to a particularly fruitful year, it grew very large. To pull out the turnip, the grandmother, granddaughter, Zhuchka, cat and mouse came running to help the grandfather in turn. They were only able to pull the turnip out when they all pulled it together.

Hidden meaning: If we talk about the hidden, esoteric meaning of this tale, then it tells us about the knowledge that was accumulated by the ancestors who lived in ancient times. The turnip acts as the roots of the family, and it was planted by the first ancestor - the same grandfather, who is the oldest and wisest.

The grandmother in this tale symbolizes the traditions of the house; father – support and protection of the family; mother - care, warmth and love; granddaughter - continuation of the family; Zhuchka - protection of welfare; cat - a blissful state in the house and; and the mouse is prosperity.

Each of the presented images is closely related to each other, and all together they represent one whole. Only by connecting all the parts together is a person able to achieve true harmony of being, learn to live in a world where everything that is inside a person and everything that surrounds him outside comes into harmony with each other.

The fairy tale “At the behest of the pike”

What we know from the fairy tale: A young man named Emelya sat on the stove and did nothing. One day, going to the river for water, he caught a pike. Pike asked Emelya to let her go, and in return agreed to fulfill several wishes. After some thought, Emelya asked the pike for a princess and a palace, which he received in the end, and also became a handsome man.

Hidden meaning: The oven symbolizes the space of consciousness in which the hero of the fairy tale was most of the time, and from which he really did not want to get out, because... I was contemplating myself all the time. However, a person cannot be in harmony if his inner world is in no way connected with the outer.

“Having become acquainted” with the pike, Emelya realized his true desires and acquired an intention, which is expressed in the words: “By the pike’s command, according to my desire.” The pike, in turn, represents mother nature, towards which Emelya showed attentiveness. And only then nature gave him the opportunity to realize his intentions and self-awareness.

The phrase: “At the command of the pike, at my will” means the unity of two facets of existence - the Spirit of man and his Soul. Pike can also be interpreted as “Schura”, i.e. ancestor - the ancestor of everything and the human spirit. The river from which Emelya decided to draw water is a kind of energy-information channel that can be penetrated only by abandoning constraining beliefs. Ultimately, Emelya, through the liberation of his spirit, achieved possibilities inaccessible to a person in a normal state of consciousness and became the master of his destiny. In addition, Emelya becoming a handsome prince is a manifestation of inner beauty on the external plane.

Fairy tale "Koschei the Immortal"

What we know from the fairy tale: Koschey is the evil ruler of the dark kingdom of the dungeon, regularly stealing beautiful maidens. He is wealthy, and his domain is home to strange birds and animals. Serving as Koshchei is the Serpent Gorynych, who has a huge amount of secret knowledge, which is why he has great power. Koschey is considered immortal, and cannot be defeated by ordinary methods, although, if there is a desire, you can find out unusual methods, which, as a rule, are revealed to Ivan Tsarevich by Baba Yaga.

Hidden meaning: If we turn to the pantheon of gods of the Slavs, we will see that Koschey is one of the manifestations of Chernobog, who rules over Navya, Darkness and the Pekelny kingdom. Koschey also personifies the winter cold, and the girls he steals represent the life-giving power of Nature and spring. Ivan Tsarevich is a symbol of sunlight and spring thunder, accompanied by rain (remember the god Perun), in the search for Koshchei, which is facilitated by all natural forces. Having defeated Koshchei, Ivan Tsarevich, darkness and death.

As we know, Koshchei’s death can be found in an egg, which is a symbol of rebirth and the possibility of the existence of all things that can be. Based on this, Koschey is at the beginning of Everything, and his death is equated to the emergence of the world.

The needle, at the tip of which is Koshcheev’s death, serves as a reference to the world Tree, connecting the underworld, earth and sky, as well as the winter and summer solstices. Koshchei can be interpreted as the winter solstice, and Ivan Tsarevich as the summer solstice. They are always in a state of struggle with each other. The death of one is the birth of another, just as winter leaves and summer comes, and then this cycle repeats.

And one more detail: Koschey the Immortal is an attempt to scare Ivan Tsarevich, which contains a completely different message - Koschey the Immortal is Koschey the Mortal Bes.

A little parting word

Time moves inexorably forward. The world is changing. And along with the world, a person and his perception change. Today, very few people can understand and explain the sacred and very deep meaning of the fairy tales of our wise ancestors, and, as you have seen for yourself, of course, there is one. And the knowledge that was transmitted in these fairy tales may very soon sink into oblivion. It is easy to notice that over time, the subtle connection that connected different generations of people with each other was interrupted.

In order to understand the true essence of fairy tales, especially Russian ones, a person must push into the background his current worldview, and try to look at the world and life in it, as they were viewed by people who lived in those distant times when fairy tales just began to appear .

The search for meaning must certainly be present, because the Laws of existence, no matter what the time, no matter how developed the society, no matter how high-tech human life, have always remained and will remain the same. Therefore, let the fairy tales about Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emelya, Alyonushka and other characters be for you not just interesting ideas, but those pointers that you will be guided by in your everyday life, in which, it would seem, , there is no true magic left at all.

Remember: magic exists, and it surrounds you everywhere!

Versions of “Turnip” are known in the collections of Onchukov (“Northern Tales”, 1908 - recorded in Lizhma, Petrazavodsk district, Olonets province), Bessonov (“Children’s Songs”, 1868).

Many writers, among them V.I. Dal, K.D. Ushinsky, A.N. Tolstoy, reworked the invariant plot and wrote their own versions of the fairy tale.

The clear meaning of the tale of the turnip

Mutual assistance is the first thing that comes to mind when you try to uncover the meaning of a fairy tale. This is suggested by the chain construction of the fairy tale: when the heroes, one after another, ask for help from the next one and eventually pull out a turnip together.

In fairy tales, also constructed according to the chain principle among other peoples, additional elements are added that reveal other qualities: hard work and ingenuity.

In the Russian version, the instructive meaning is that any work that seems overwhelming can be done by getting together. You just need to ask for help (grandfather called grandmother, grandmother called her granddaughter, etc.).

Why “grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip”, etc.?

The fairy tale shows a hierarchical model of interaction, which is important for a child to learn in order to build relationships in a team and family.

The grandfather, the head of the family and household, called his wife, the grandmother.

The granddaughter, as the youngest in the family, is obliged to help the adults; she was called next.

Let's note that the grandmother called her granddaughter as her first helper around the house, and only then Zhuchka.

Why a granddaughter and not a son or daughter?

The role of the grandfather and grandmother in the fairy tale is as follows. In addition to the fact that they symbolize seniority in the family, they replace the granddaughter’s parents who are inappropriate for the meaning of the fairy tale. If in the fairy tale, instead of the grandfather, the granddaughter’s father, i.e., a man in the prime of life, pulled the turnip, then the image of the man as a husband and father would be undermined by the fact that he could not cope with such a simple task - pulling the turnip. Grandfather cannot pull out a turnip without shame - he is old and weak.

A granddaughter is raised by her grandparents - this is a normal phenomenon of that time. The option in which, instead of the grandfather and grandmother, the father and mother of the granddaughter pulled the turnip is not suitable for the fairy tale model, because it adds the need to describe minor unnecessary details.

If the fairy tale talks about a grandfather and grandmother, then their adult children probably live separately. Asking for help from them means distracting them from their work and admitting their own powerlessness. Therefore, all those people and animals who express one collective unite around the turnip. Using the example of pulling a turnip, the theme of mutual assistance is revealed, which should be present in any team.

Why Bug and the cat?

A dog is deservedly considered a person’s first assistant: she is a house guard, a shepherd, and a faithful friend. As J. Billings wrote: “A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself.” That's why the granddaughter shouted to the dog first. In the original version of the fairy tale, Afanasyev’s granddaughter is helped by a dog (in further interpretations she received the nickname Zhuchka), and she is helped by “five legs.” What kind of “five legs” these are – a local concept, an allegory or a joke – is unclear. The version in which the dog is helped by a cat and a mouse has been established in literature.

But why did the dog call the cat he hated?

The fairy tale is silent, but clearly shows the theme of reconciliation between a dog and a cat: sworn enemies among themselves, but equally necessary for humans. It would be difficult against the background of other animals to convey the importance of peace and harmony in the team. Reconciliation for a good purpose is another important meaning of the fairy tale.

A child who has heard a fairy tale should understand the importance of reconciliation: the need to forgive and be able to ask for forgiveness himself.

In addition, there are no other domestic animals in the tale, which emphasizes the poverty of the old man and the old woman. Therefore, what will happen on the dinner table depends on whether they pull out the turnip or not. Turnips are the peasant’s second bread.

What does the turnip symbolize?

The turnip is the central subject of the fairy tale. Everything is connected to her. The theme of mutual assistance and reconciliation revolves around it. The turnip symbolizes the main goal for a person, so important that both people and animals rallied around it.

I continue the theme of Slavic fairy tales. This time I will talk about the original meaning of the fairy tale about Turnip. Unlike the fairy tale about Kolobok (which I talked about last time), the changes in “Turnip” have not undergone such global changes and the meaning that the ancestors wanted to convey to us can be understood without the original version.

This tale points to the relationship between generations, as you may have guessed, and also points to the interaction of temporary structures, forms of life and forms of existence.

In the modern version of this fairy tale, which you know, two more characters are missing that existed originally - the Father and the Mother.
Christians removed the Father and Mother for two reasons (initially there were 9 characters, but there were 7):

1 - Christians have a septenary system of perception, so the fairy tale was reduced to 7 elements, just as the week was shortened from 9 to 7 days (the Slavs had a circular or ninefold system).

2 - for Christians, protection and support is the Church, and love and care is Christ, and among the Slavs, protection and support is the Father, love and care is the Mother.

Each of the nine characters had its own hidden image:

The turnip symbolizes the wealth and Wisdom of the Family, its roots. It seems to unite the earthly, underground and aboveground.
- Grandfather symbolizes Ancient Wisdom.
- Grandma - traditions at home, housekeeping.
- Father is protection and support.
- Mother - Love and care.
- Granddaughter - symbolizes offspring.
- Zhuchka - prosperity in the Family (the dog was bred to protect prosperity).
- Cat - symbolizes a blissful environment in the Family (cats are harmonizers of human energy).
- Mouse - symbolizes the well-being of the family (it was believed that the mouse lives where there is a surplus of food).

Among the Slavs, the original meaning of this fairy tale was as follows: to have a connection with the Family and Family Memory, to live in harmony with relatives and to have Happiness in the family.

Next time I’ll talk about the image of Baba Yaga, and if it works out, I’ll talk about the immortal Koshchei and his role in Slavic culture.

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