Psychology of a 7 year old child. Education of a schoolchild: characteristics and psychology of school-age children. What difficulties await parents?

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When a child turns 7 years old, mental changes begin to occur. A crisis arises that the parents of the child face. This period has been well studied by psychologists and is called the “7-year crisis.” The changes that a child undergoes are associated with his transition from preschool to school status. Daily routines and social interactions change. Therefore, he has problems with discipline. In addition, during such a period the child begins to become aware of his mental “I”, whereas previously he felt only the physical.

Many parents believe that the 7-year crisis in a child’s life is a period that needs to be prevented, so as not to suffer themselves and the baby not to suffer. But this is a natural process of normal mental adaptation of a child to changing conditions. Therefore, every mother and every father will have to face the situation in question. All they can do is spot the first signs of a crisis, mitigate its severity and reduce its duration. This is very important, because the child may not outgrow the problems he encountered at the age of 7, and they will become firmly entrenched in his memory, then it will be very problematic to correct anything.

Negativism - this is a refusal of everything that the parent asks the child to do. This sign should be distinguished from ordinary disobedience, characteristic of all children. In the case of negativism, the baby almost always refuses. It is not recommended to punish a child at such moments. Even a heart-to-heart conversation or a demand for explanations will not help in this case. But if, at the moment of refusal, the child is engaged in something that completely captivates him, then disobedience in this case is natural.

Stubbornness - when a child demands something from his parents. It could be a toy, candy or any other thing. But the child doesn't need it. The main thing that a child wants is self-affirmation, and not possession of a thing.

Obstinacy - the child tries in every possible way to violate discipline, the daily routine that they are trying to impose on him. This may be a reluctance to get up early in the morning, go to school, eat, or do homework.

Self-will - the child wants to be independent, so he tries to do everything on his own, overcome difficulties, without asking permission or advice from his parents. The wishes and instructions of adults are not important to him. The needs of the child himself come first.

Protest - when a baby adapts to a new way of life and the conditions of society, he accumulates internal denial, protest, which he splashes out on almost every person. Quarrels in the family and at school are becoming commonplace. This comes from what the child experiences internal conflict on adaptation to society.

Depreciation - the child develops new ideals. What he previously considered interesting now has no meaning to him. The child breaks his favorite toys, says bad words which are banned in society. He is a hooligan and does all sorts of mischief to all the children around him, sometimes treating them with cruelty.

In families where children are under strong guardianship, despotism : the child changes the family’s lifestyle to suit his needs.


Symptoms of the crisis:

  • is often rude;
  • does his homework poorly;
  • refuses to go to school or kindergarten;
  • he stands on his point of view until the last moment; clowning, antics, and posing begin;
  • I'm not happy with everything in the family.

Also the child becomes:

  • irritable and hot-tempered;
  • get tired easily;
  • absent-minded;
  • withdrawn and timid.

If at least two points coincide and are observed in a child, he is experiencing a 7-year-old crisis. But don't worry too much. In the near future, parents need to adjust their behavior so as not to hurt their child’s feelings. Because inaction and ignoring manifestations, both active and passive, will affect the child’s behavior in the future.

It is also possible that the 7-year-old crisis has not yet begun, and all of the above behavior patterns found in the child are the result of improper upbringing. Then, mom and dad need to pay attention to this moment and adjust their parenting methods.


The causes of the 7-year crisis arise from a sudden change in everyday life. When a child moves from kindergarten to school, he faces many problems. This includes a change of scenery and communication with schoolchildren. of different ages and level of mental development. Chad wants to join society and become a full member of the system. Therefore, to be prepared for school stage, the crisis of 7 years is the first thing he will have to go through.

It is at this age that the child is aimed at searching for an authoritative person. Therefore, during a crisis, a child may have friends older than him in age who are considered school hooligans and bullies. A child can snitch on his peers and ingratiate himself with his elders. The baby begins to look at himself from the outside: he constantly compares with someone, and there is a tendency to underestimate his personality.

What difficulties await parents?

The child begins to irritate adults. In addition, the parents themselves do not fully understand what they can do with the baby so that he becomes controllable again. Even those mothers and fathers who previously spoke calmly with the child begin to scream, quarrels arise, and the situation reaches a dead end.

The baby becomes naughty. His performance at school is deteriorating. He compares himself with others, his responsibilities in the family with what mom, dad, and brother do. For example, he may have a conflict due to the fact that his older brother is allowed not to wear a hat, but he is not allowed to.

The child torments everyone in the family with his stubbornness. A situation may arise when a child needs a toy at all costs. He asks his parents for it again and again, and when they buy the item for their baby, they suddenly lose interest in it.

What should parents do?

There is no need to panic. This is a temporary stage in a child’s life and it is like any other age crisis, will pass. You should behave correctly with your child and everything will return to normal over time. The parent needs to give the child more freedom. This is necessary for the child to understand his inner “I”. It is necessary to know the balance between strict restrictions (which parents abuse) and control and direction of the child in the right direction.

It is necessary to take into account that the child is no longer as helpless as he once was. If you give him more freedom, he will become more independent, and then he himself will come to mom and dad for advice.

The child should be given the opportunity to argue with his parents. He needs to express his opinion, and adults need to take this opinion into account. This way, the child will understand that unreasonably demanding something is not the best option.

At the beginning of the crisis of seven years, there is no need to take away the child’s toys and immediately put him in charge of notebooks and textbooks. It is necessary to do this gradually, even playfully, so that the transition from entertainment to study looks like an adventure. For example, a child can play, relax, but at the same time repeat the words and material assigned at home. Parents need to be involved too educational process. For example, a mother can do homework on drawing with her child.

There is no need to force your child to follow a daily routine. If he doesn't want to, he doesn't need to. Mom should ask how much time the child needs to complete all his tasks. Let him try to keep up with the time allotted to him. This action will make him feel like an adult. You need to communicate with the child as equals, forget that he is a baby. It is then that the child will make decisions for which he must be held accountable, and not shift all the blame onto the parents.

Parents are required to set examples not of themselves or their friends, but of fairy-tale cartoon characters. Moreover, it is advisable to take into account cartoons with deep meaning. Thus, the authority for the child will be fairy tale character, and the child will understand that this needs to be done not only because the parents demand it. After all, even the hero in his favorite cartoon does this.

Parents should not treat their child as their own thing or toy. You need to understand that he is a person who does not have to be like mom or dad in everything. After all, the crisis manifests itself primarily because of the behavior of parents. The child’s mother and father need to understand that their child is much more difficult than they are, and they need to support him and guide him in this difficult moment in his life.

What can't you do?

You cannot prohibit your child from further exploring the world and trying something new. After all, it is at this age that the baby transitions from play activities to non-game ones: sewing, drawing, designing. The child has a need to create something new.

You can't criticize a baby. At the age of 5-7 years, children's reaction to criticism intensifies. The child can bring the drawing he has drawn to his parents so that they can appreciate it. If they do not praise him, the child's self-esteem decreases. But it is at this age that it is formed.

You can’t get angry with your child when he puts off fulfilling some obligation that he doesn’t want to do. Parents should take into account that he can hear them, it's simple new way relationships with adults, which the child is just trying out in his life. The peculiarities of the 7-year-old crisis are that the baby rethinks the previous rules and his life.

When should you see a doctor?

It’s better not to see a doctor at all. This period is temporary and will soon pass. You just need to accept that the child is forming his own new inner life, which he still allows his parents into. But they already need to ask him for permission to enter it. Therefore, the natural course of the baby’s mental development should not be treated by a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

If parents still decide to consult a doctor, they should contact child psychologist. The doctor will tell adults in detail about what kind of attack this is, how to overcome the crisis, and teach them how to interact with the child in a new way. And he will explain to the child what his parents don’t like and how to come to a consensus.

If during a crisis of 3 years a child learns to distinguish himself from the world around him, then during the period under review, he learns to communicate with himself and understand himself. This is not easy for the child, parents should understand this. If the child began to behave as described during the crisis at five or six years old, this is not a reason to worry.

It is at this age that the child begins to take responsibility for himself. On the part of parents, especially mothers, they need to stop thinking about the child as “We”. We will pack the backpack for school not “We”, but “He”. Only patience and mutual understanding will help you overcome the 7-year crisis without problems.

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The 7 year crisis is a turning point on the curve child development, separating one age from another. In this article you will learn the symptoms, causes, characteristics, and features of the seven-year crisis in children.

One of the main symptoms of the crisis of seven years is antics, mannerisms, and disobedience. The child becomes uncontrollable, he does not respond to his parents’ comments, pretends that he does not hear them, or goes into open conflict. In general, all crises are similar to each other. Both the teenage crisis and the crisis of three or seven years, they are all expressed in the denial of everything and can be illustrated by a simple dialogue familiar to all parents:

Seryozha, put on your hat. It's cold outside. - Not cold. - Put on your hat. - I won’t wear it - Seryozha! - Not Seryozha!

However, despite the external similarity, each age crisis has its own background. If earlier child“fought” mainly for independence, the ability to act autonomously (I’ll sit on the potty myself!), then at seven years old the manifestation of the crisis is associated with the loss of childish spontaneity, that is, with the “wedging” of the intellectual moment between experience and action. Ordinary household rules established by parents become for the child the embodiment of the “childish” world, from which he rather wants to move away. The child feels an urgent need to be an “adult”, to behave like an adult, to dress appropriately, to make independent decisions. This is largely facilitated by the very cultural environment in which children are raised. From an early age, a child is taught that when he goes to first grade, this will indicate that he has grown up. Having become a schoolchild, the child expects to become an “adult” with the acquisition of his own social position. (In the psychological concept of L.I. Bozhovich, “the crisis of 7 years is the period of the birth of the child’s social “I.”

The importance of the crisis of seven years is evidenced by the fact that many domestic psychologists studied it. L.S. Vygotsky sees psychological meaning The crisis of seven years is that, having lost spontaneity, the child gains freedom in the current situation. This freedom is given to him by the arbitrariness and indirectness of his mental life. He begins to understand and realize his experiences, and a “logic of feelings” arises. In addition, the ability to generalize one’s own experiences appears (only now the child, fully aware, can say “I like this, but I don’t like that,” without focusing on the preferences of a significant adult). Through involvement in school life, the range of interests is expanding and social contacts child; communication with adults and peers becomes arbitrary, “mediated” by certain rules.

The main mental new formation that the seven-year crisis leads to is the ability and need for social functioning. The child strives to obtain a certain social position - the position of a schoolchild. It should be noted that according to Vygotsky’s theory, age-related crises are an integral part of personality formation. The result of each crisis is a mental new formation on which further development is built.

Thus, development is not possible without age-related crises. Vygotsky introduces the idea of ​​two types of ages - critical and stable. During a crisis, “Development takes on a stormy, rapid, and sometimes catastrophic character.” The critical period is determined by disharmony, a contradiction between the environment and the child’s attitude towards it. Development in a stable period leads to the emergence of a new personality structure - a neoplasm. This neoplasm leads to a violation of harmony between the child and the reality around him. The emergence of the new in development is necessarily at the same time the disintegration of the old.

Using the example of the seven-year crisis in the works of L.I. Bozhovich, it was demonstrated that delaying the transition to new living conditions leads to phenomena that were understood as indicating a development crisis. This was the expression of A.N.’s idea. Leontyev about the crisis-free nature of development. Crises were considered not the norm, but a developmental pathology. The crisis is a consequence of improper upbringing. Critical age in the theory of activity of A.N. Leontiev - the moment of change of leading activity. At the age of seven, play activities are replaced by educational activities. Appearance new activity associated with the mechanism of the emergence of new motives, with a “shift of motive to goal.” Leontiev believed that a crisis (a painful, acute period in development) is not a necessary symptom of the transition from one stable period to another, from one leading activity to another. In recognition or non-recognition of the need for withering away, there is a cardinal divergence in the positions of L.S. Vygotsky and A.N. Leontiev.

IN domestic psychology there are two principled positions in understanding critical ages.

1). Recognition of critical ages as necessary moments of development in which special psychological work. This is the position of L.S. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin.

2) Recognition of the need for qualitative transformations, which consist of a change in leading activities and a simultaneous transition to a new system of relations. In this case, the emphasis is on external conditions, social rather than psychological mechanisms of development. In this form, the position is presented by A.N. Leontiev, L.I. Bozhovich.

As you can see, even among professional psychologists there is no consensus on age-related crises, so each parent himself decides to hide and wait out the storm or fight with all his might to ensure that the child avoids painful periods in his development. There are only opinions, but there is no general recipe.


  • Children are confused by the need to take a new, more “adult” position in life and do work that is important not only for themselves, but also for those around them. And, oddly enough, this does not necessarily mean studying at school. This could include helping parents around the house and with their work, playing sports, and caring for pets on their own.
  • Appears new level self-awareness - awareness of oneself not only as a boy, son, play partner, but also as a friend, student, classmate. The child becomes aware of his social self, that is, of himself in society. It is important to him how he communicates with others and how they communicate with him.
  • The emerging personality of a 7-year-old child acquires a so-called internal position, which remains for life and determines a person’s behavior, his activities, as well as his attitude towards the environment and himself. The internal position is formed depending on what the child himself is like, what place he occupies in the environment and what kind of environment it is.

At the age of 7 it is no longer possible to difficult situations switch the baby’s attention and impose your opinion on him. Remember that a seven-year-old child needs to identify with an authoritative adult. For a boy, this is dad, grandfather, older brother; for a girl - mother, grandmother, older sister.

For many children, this is also the first teacher: “As Marya Ivanovna says, so I will do!” In such situations, parents should not be offended. If you encourage and support the child’s desire for a new, more “adult” position in life, the child’s age crisis may not manifest itself at all in life, the child’s age crisis may not manifest itself at all.

Many children don't want to go to school. Why?

  • Children don't want to study because they are afraid of difficulties. How did they know that school was difficult? From parents' conversations: "Which school should I choose? How long do they teach there? foreign languages? Is there programming or logic there? No?! Then we won't go to such a school."
  • Children do not want to learn because they already know “what it is.” “Can I bring my 4-year-old son to you for a consultation?” - “What’s your problem?” - "He doesn't want to do his homework!" - "?"
  • Many children begin to study quite seriously already in kindergarten. Thus, the motive “I want to learn to read and write” is already partially satisfied for them. But everything has its time. Because study (and not play) as a leading activity is characteristic of a seven-year-old only theoretically. Throughout the entire period junior school education is only trying to become a friend for the child.
  • On a note.

To make the child’s adaptation to school smoother:

  • A month before school, change your baby's routine. Let him get up early in the morning and not stay late in the evening.
  • Introduce your child to the school and teacher. If your child knows where his class, cafeteria, and toilet are at school, he will feel more confident. Help your child remember the way from school to home. After all, if he is “already an adult,” he will certainly want to return himself.
  • During the initial period of learning, do not overload your child with various “developmental activities”: clubs, tutors, music. Let him get used to one thing - in this case, school.
  • Take a few weeks off. The child simply needs your support: the environment at home should be calm, and mom or dad will help if necessary.

Be a family of optimists, then you will not have to deal with any problems and development crises. After all, you are together!

Parenting 7- year old child must be built on learning, communication and play. During play, children learn to live in society, interact with other people, and realize their knowledge, skills and abilities. Raising children 7-10 years old requires regular and obligatory praise. The child should be praised when he succeeds in something, and help him when difficulties arise in communication and learning. During this period, parents must form in the child the right attitude towards school activities. When raising a 7-year-old child, parents should make every effort to rid the child of fears about school and set him up positively.

Features of raising a 7 year old child

When raising a 7-year-old child, it is imperative to include activities and games that develop attentiveness, vision and hearing. You can sculpt and draw with your child, or play “broken phone.” Such games are good for developing hearing, intelligence and fine motor skills baby's hands. However, when planning developmental activities, parents should take into account that the child needs to constantly change types of activities. Children at this age get tired quickly when doing the same activity.

When teaching and raising children school age Many new responsibilities appear, so it is important to accustom them to discipline in a timely manner and establish a strict and clear daily routine. With this approach to education, a 7-year-old child will become more organized and it will be easier for him to cope with all new responsibilities.

If the child did not attend kindergarten or other preschool, then parents should pay special attention to its adaptation. It is much more difficult for such children to settle into a new team. They most often do not understand that they need to listen carefully to the teacher. Children have difficulty finding mutual language with classmates and peers.

The full development and upbringing of a 7-year-old child is possible only in a team. Only in a team will the psychology of children be formed correctly. Only at school will a child learn to evaluate his own decisions and actions and understand the seriousness of the responsibilities that are entrusted to him.

Responsibility in raising children 7-10 years old

Raising children 7-10 years old is a rather difficult task for parents. After all, this is a very important period of formation new personality. At this stage, the load on the child is noticeably redistributed. Parents must take into account the psychology of children of this age.

The responsibility of parents in raising school-age children is to properly organize the child’s daily routine. It will be easier for the baby to adapt, get used to new responsibilities, and get involved in the learning process.

At first school year adults must independently organize the entire process of the child’s activity (determine the time when to prepare homework, set a time for attending clubs, communicating with friends, helping around the house).

When drawing up a daily routine with alternating study load and rest, the physiological characteristics of the child must be taken into account. At the same time, adjustments and reasonable shifts in the duration and number of classes are allowed. However, in general, repeatability of actions should be maintained.

When raising a 7-year-old child, special attention must be paid to his physical development. While playing sports, a child learns to overcome laziness, inertia, and fatigue. The baby will learn to set himself specific goals and achieve them. Correctly selected physical exercise will help teach your child self-control and self-discipline.

Labor education of a 7 year old child

When raising a 7-year-old child, it is very important to gradually transfer responsibility for doing some specific work in the household.

At the beginning new job the child can perform together with his mother. For example, a mother can take her child by the hand and take out the trash with him. After some time, you can let the child go alone, when he gets used to it and remembers the way. Job responsibilities schoolchildren have homework great importance in education. Such responsibilities teach self-organization and develop discipline skills. During this period, parents should behave quite flexibly in relation to the child. They need to take into account that the baby has already grown up, any failures and successes are of great importance to him. Parents should be sensitive to all manifestations personal development baby. And if there is no reasonable approval and understanding of the child on the part of the parents, then good contact the family may be disrupted.

How should parents behave? How to help your child adapt to school?

Parents, as a rule, do not pay special attention to this phenomenon, and, in general, few people believe in the existence of any developmental crises. Everyone remembered a long time ago that only adolescence, mothers await this terrible puberty with horror, sometimes not even realizing that the ground for future hysterics is being prepared now, at 7-9 years old, and if you successfully pass this test of nature, then future hormonal changes will not become so terrible and dangerous.

So what happens to a child at this age? And is this crisis connected only with the fact that the child is moving to a new social status student? Go to new status is very important, but even more important are the changes that the child’s brain undergoes during the process of maturation at this age. In the age interval from 6-7 to 9-10 years, significant changes occur in general character interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, as a result of which the child can already regulate his behavior and moves from objective activity to mental actions (analysis, generalization, reasoning, inference, etc.).

By the age of 7, a child changes a lot. The face loses its “doll” features, teeth change, fast growth, changing diet, taste, increasing endurance, muscle strength, improving coordination of movements. The central nervous system and endocrine glands, new relationships in their work; It is at this age that the thyroid gland begins to work intensively. According to many scientists, it is this gland that is to blame for the well-known emotional instability and rapid mood swings in seven-year-old children. Naturally, the main test for a first-grader is not endocrine changes, but they cannot be ignored.

Very rarely, the 7-year-old crisis is expressed in direct aggression emanating from the child; this is probably the quietest age-related crisis; sometimes, if parents behave correctly and think through their demands, it can be completely avoided. It is necessary to explain to the child in time, if he himself has not realized the seriousness of the situation, what exactly has changed in his life, to help the child make a correct reassessment of his own values. Games, walks, cartoons are secondary, first of all - studies.

But all this is easy in theory; in practice, beliefs alone are not enough. It is necessary to constantly remind the child that he is becoming an adult, and therefore responsible, and the territory of his responsibility lies in acquiring knowledge. And here the parents themselves will have to show patience. During this period of formation, the child pays more attention to his experiences, becomes extremely emotional, harsh in his statements, and if adults, instead of calmly and clearly explaining the new school requirements, setting specific tasks for him, blame and force him, then the result will be even not zero. Is it worth spending extra energy, your own and your child’s, to get a minus at the end?

Several years ago, Oleg, one of my students, having become a first grader, could not understand why he was forced to go to school. On the first of September, he honestly stood on the line, took a photo, gave the teacher a bouquet, he happily went to school on the second and third, but by the end of the week he was pretty tired of this activity. In truth, it is worth noting that kindergarten he did not attend, was raised mainly by his grandmother and about the responsibilities of growing up young man had no idea. Naturally, he was not ready for such a test as school. Two weeks later he categorically refused to go to school, and a month later he fell ill, and very seriously. It wasn't a simulation, it was just his nervous system failing. And the parents are primarily to blame for this. Not only did no one prepare the child for changes in the general course of his life, the parents, having decided that Oleg had already grown up and was obliged to study, took the “easiest path” - without going into the details of his experiences, they simply forced him to go to school and do hometasks. Now he is in tenth grade, moves from grade to grade and has bronchial asthma. And I am sure that if it were possible to change anything, my mother would gladly return to those times and behave somewhat differently towards her son. But then she didn’t want to hear anything - after all, Oleg was “obligated and obligated,” and the conditions of her task included “force and punish” when the boy does not obey.

Another manifestation of the seven-year-old crisis can be emotional closeness, inventing incredible stories, outright deception. Naturally, you cannot help but notice this, but before you scold and call for honesty, figure out what provoked your son or daughter to such behavior.

One of my students, coming home from school, told his mother about how difficult it was for him to combine study and work. We don’t know where and when he heard this phrase, but that’s how he expressed himself. Moreover, as it turned out later, he was entrusted with very serious work - he turned very important parts for aircraft engines on a machine, and during the break he managed to work on copybooks and solve math problems. At first, all this seemed like a simple child’s fantasy, but by the middle of the school year, “working at an aircraft factory” exhausted him so much that he began to complain of a constant headache, often cried and felt very unwell. His deception was not just a fantasy - it was a need to reach his parents, to try to explain to them how difficult it was for him to study, that he needed help and compassion.

Not every child, and especially a boy, who is taught from a young age that “men never cry, they are strong, brave and patient,” is ready to be frank with their loved ones. The task of parents is to discern the problems of their own children and provide help. Sometimes basic sympathy may be sufficient: “I understand that this is difficult for you. I see that you are trying, and not everything is working out the way you would like. But you are not alone, we love you and are always ready to help.”

During the period of 6-7 years, serious changes occur in the emotional sphere of the child. If for a preschooler any criticism of his abilities or appearance means “they are dissatisfied with me” and nothing more, then for a first-grader any word or action aimed at a negative assessment of his capabilities is deadly. Unflattering reviews at this age can radically affect the formation of his personal qualities in future.

I am always surprised by this exclusive right of adults to “scourge” their own children. Of course, we want our children to avoid mistakes, not to waste time, to study well, to play sports... We want everything that we ourselves did not do in childhood, and if we did, we did not do it hard enough.

We feel sorry for our own missed opportunities, and we transfer our desires to our children. We adults want the best for the child. And so that he hears and understands, we shout. Only, including “just anger” and criticism, we, unfortunately, instead of encouraging our own child to have a new understanding of school and do homework, kill any desire to learn in him at the root. We ourselves create a person who is complex about the future, who does not believe in his own abilities and capabilities.

One of my friends, a very pretty girl in childhood, having become a girl, could not understand that young people were courting her not at all because they could cheat from her. coursework and not out of compassion for her unsightly appearance. IN primary school Mom loved to compare her with her classmates, and every time, looking at the photographs, she noted with sadness in her voice: “What a pity that you don’t have such fine features as Sveta” or: “If only you had a nose like Tanya’s.” ”, ending the conversation with the same phrase: “But you have legs like a ballerina.” By the age of twenty, Zinaida realized that she was attractive not only because of her slender legs, men had feelings for her that were far from compassion, and rushed into “ real life" Now she is married for the third time and seems to be happy. But perhaps her life would have turned out a little differently if her mother, instead of studying appraisal activities, I was just happy about how beautiful and smart her daughter was.

The first year of school is non-grading, that is, grades are not used to evaluate students' work. But this does not mean that you should “turn a blind eye” to your son or daughter’s insufficiently responsible attitude towards fulfilling the duties of a student. Lack of control and lack of judgment are not the same thing. Need golden mean- You can’t scold, but you can’t allow yourself to relax either. It would be optimal to include the child’s own assessment. But throughout my rather long teaching practice I met only two elementary school students who could “mark” their own efforts.

Discuss mistakes with your child, but do not scold or educate by comparing with other children, even if at this moment other people’s children seem exemplary to you. Under no circumstances evaluate knowledge and skills, but be sure to discuss his actions and aspirations.

“You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without work” - let this proverb become the motto of your life, support your child’s activity in overcoming difficulties, notice the slightest achievements of your own son or daughter, celebrate big and small victories with all your heart.

Transition to school age- this is not only a change in activity, it is also a complete change in the daily routine, way of life, and not taking this into account is very important point in life little man it is forbidden. Just recently he went to kindergarten, had breakfast, lunch at certain time days, slept during the day, walked on the playground - lived according to a precise schedule drawn up by the kindergarten teachers. But, having become a student, he was somewhat lost - it would seem that there was much more free time, he was busy at school for no more than four hours, completing homework- another 3 hours, it’s not necessary to sleep during the day, it’s not always possible to go for a walk, but you need to keep yourself busy with something. And then best friend the schoolchild becomes a computer or television.

In elementary school, when the workload is not yet very heavy, games on the computer and cartoons bother us little: “Let the child rest, whatever, just some relief.” Namely, that there is no unloading. Let's not deceive ourselves - first grade is difficult not only for children, but also for parents, therefore, “by entrusting our daughter or son to the computer,” we provide, first of all, the opportunity to relax a little for ourselves.

Create a daily routine for the week. But this should not be an oral plan, with conversations about how “it would be nice to go to the cinema on Sunday and finish reading a book about a wizard on Wednesday.” If for some reason you cannot plan the whole week, let it be the schedule for the next day. The child’s participation in the discussion and preparation of this plan is mandatory.

You can hang a large metal board in your child’s room (similar boards are sold in office supply departments); on Sundays, you can write a “strategic weekly plan” on it with a special marker. As they are completed, the points are erased; on Saturday, parents and their child must sum up the results and discuss their own mistakes.

The larger this board is, the better - the routine requires details. I see the most important thing in such work as time to complete homework and the school schedule. When your son or daughter knows that every day at eight in the morning he must go to school, even if he doesn’t feel like it or it’s cold outside, from 16 to 18 - copybooks and examples in mathematics given by the teacher at home, the question “why?” will disappear on its own. Remember Exupery's fairy tale about the Little Prince? The lamplighter, who lights the lanterns every evening, did not do it because he wanted to - “such an agreement.” And this agreement seems undeniable to us, even though we, just like A little prince, we know that “there is no one on the planet except the lamplighter.”

The plan drawn up for the week is especially convenient for those children who, in addition to school, attend clubs and sport sections. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in such a combination. But gradually one of the activities “begins to limp.” Treasure own time, don't waste it and it won't happen. We are adults, and it is easy for us to understand this, but for a child, our conversations about how difficult it is to catch up and restore lost time are not informative. Examples can be convincing. Enter the circle of interests of your own son or daughter, choose a character that is especially important for the child and tell stories from his life, preferably true ones, even if somewhat exaggerated by you. Draw his attention to artistic images, on the statements of the characters of his favorite films. One of my students, after watching the next episode of “ Star Wars” and hearing the phrase: “Life is nothing, time is everything!”, I believed so much in the “cosmic truth” that the problems of organizing homework disappeared by themselves.

Clearly set the time for activities outside of school, do not allow you to “sit out” the allotted hours, explain (and be consistent in this) that “you should not sit at a desk and pretend that you are doing something.”

Approximate daily routine for a primary school student

7.00 — Get up.

7.00-7.30—Making the bed, washing.

7.30-8.00 - Breakfast.

8.30-13.00 - Classes at school.

13.30-15.00 - Lunch, rest.

15.00-16.00 - Walk or play games at home (not on the computer).

16.00-18.00 - Doing homework.

18.00-18.30 — Dinner.

18.30-20.00 — Free time.

20.00-20.15 — Getting ready for bed.

20.15-21.00 - Reading books with dad or mom. (A child can read independently only if there is good lighting.)

A daily routine will help you go through the process of physiological adaptation to school more easily.

Psychologists identify 3 main stages of this adaptation.

1. The “physiological storm” stage - the first 3-4 weeks of training. It, like any storm, ends with significant energy costs for all body systems. Some children find this stage so difficult that they may become ill; most experience weight loss.

2. Stage of initial or unstable adaptation. During this period, the child’s body finds acceptable, close to optimal responses to new conditions.

3. Stage of relatively stable adaptation - tension subsides, the body has almost adapted to the new way of life.

Pay attention to general state child at this time. It is possible that his moodiness, impaired self-regulation of behavior, complaints of headaches, and lack of appetite are not at all explained by the fact that he is “a quitter and doesn’t want to study.” We must try to survive this period without any significant losses to health, and here your task is not to force, but to help cope with the very difficult task of adapting your son or daughter to a new social environment.

Physical development. At seven years old, children experience a change in body proportions, they become harmonious and correct. The ratio of the size of the body to the head approaches the adult norm, which indicates a specific period of maturation of the organism.

The musculoskeletal system is developing rapidly, which is due to increased loads on the spine (heavy briefcase, prolonged sitting posture). Regular use is required to avoid serious consequences and illnesses.

The muscles of the arms are not yet fully developed, so the children write unsteadily and often complain of pain and fatigue in the hand or shoulder. The child maintains balance well, easily jumps on one leg, as well as in length and height. However, he is still unable to carry out long-term intense exercise, so physical activity must be strictly dosed.

The respiratory organs continue to develop, as does the endocrine system. The heart becomes more resilient and gradually approaches the size of an adult.

The nervous system is also not completely perfect, which explains the difficulties with reaction speed and repetition of movements. The brain is actively growing and its reactions are becoming more complex. The baby acquires a decent vocabulary, his speech acquires variety and correct sound. Seven-year-olds are very sociable and are happy to make new friends, but the friendships are predominantly same-sex. They have teamwork skills, ask a lot of questions and want to know everything.

Based on growth charts developed by WHO, at age 7 children grow to an average height of 121.7 cm, which is within the acceptable range of 115.4 cm to 126.9 cm.

For girls, the height indicator is slightly lower than for boys: the normal range of values ​​is from 115.4 cm to 126.2 cm, the average value is 120.8 cm.

Boys can reach heights between 116.5 cm and 126.9 cm, with an average height of 121.7 cm.

It happens that boys stretch out slower than girls in elementary school, but then their body becomes more active, and sudden jump growth. Therefore, there is no need to worry if your son falls slightly short of the average norm.

The norm for a 7-year-old child is an average weight of 22.9 kg (acceptable limits are from 20.1 kg to 26.5 kg). Temporarily, the weight of girls and boys of seven years old is equalized, but a little later the situation will change. Severe weight fluctuations are not normal and may indicate problems in the body.

Age characteristics . Seven-year-olds are full-fledged individuals, with their own worldview and set of habits that must be taken into account. The age characteristics of children 7 years old can be described as follows:

Psychological characteristics. During this period of a child’s life, many parents are faced with and are confused, not knowing how to behave correctly with a growing person. Knowing the psychology of a seven-year-old child will help you avoid difficult situations and live through the crisis calmly and peacefully.

This stage is associated with the formation of the social “I”, awareness of one’s place in the family and society, and the development of a new social role - a schoolchild. Old hobbies and motives gradually lose their influence on the child, and they are replaced by new ones. The game no longer constitutes the main content of his entire life. Emotions and experiences now have an impact on self-esteem; failures and negative situations remain in the memory for a long time and can change mood.

The student learns to think, analyze and project in his mind the results of his actions; impulsive actions become less and less.

Closedness and detachment may arise - this is how the baby hides his experiences. That is, external manifestations in a child’s behavior may not correspond to internal ones. It is this dissonance that is the main manifestation of the 7-year-old crisis and is accompanied by characteristic antics, artificiality, ostentatious mannerisms, and in some children, hysterics, whims and conflicts. As soon as the child’s behavior begins to clear itself of such antics, you can be sure that the crisis has passed.

Crisis 7 years. This crisis does not bypass any child, although it may happen a little earlier or a little later. Related to: he learns to analyze the situation and predict the result, control his behavior, reason, master new role, acquires own point perspective on many issues. Social position undergoes significant changes - self-esteem and personal “I” are formed, the student absorbs and generalizes new rules of behavior, becomes receptive to criticism and the opinions of others, can control his emotions and hide them. Externally, a crisis situation can manifest itself in excessive antics, mannerisms, unnaturalness, frequent whims and scandals. How should parents behave with a raging seven-year-old child?

  • Understand and accept the child - he has the right to negative emotions;
  • Refrain from criticism and learn to support;
  • Give enough time for rest and play;
  • Broadcast positive attitude to school, devoid of panic and irritation;
  • Share the interests of your son or daughter, discuss issues important to them, ask for advice;
  • Trust yourself and teach children to trust;
  • To promote the formation of positive self-esteem and self-confidence - to show love and tenderness to the child.

Seven years is the right time to instill responsibility, honesty and integrity. At school, the child will encounter different situations, including unpleasant ones, and the task of parents is to show the correct patterns and norms of behavior. To correct outbursts of whims, it makes sense to establish clear rules and a daily routine for the child, for example: we do homework until 6 p.m., then rest, lights out at 10 p.m., the computer can only be used with the permission of adults and limited quantity time. By fixing these points and strictly following them, the child will have fewer reasons start a scandal. Naturally, such a scheme will work if it is supported by parental authority.

Knowledge and skills. What should a 7 year old child know? Let’s immediately make a reservation that the requirements for a newly graduated first-grader depend on the school to which he enters. But there is also a basic list that determines what a child should know at age 7:

  • yours full name, age, date of birth, address, city, country, planet;
  • full names of parents, close relatives, their birthdays and professions;
  • days of the week, months, seasons;
  • wild and domestic animals, insects, birds, aquatic inhabitants;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries, plants, trees, flowers;
  • fairy tales, songs, poems by heart;
  • geometric figures;
  • numbers up to at least 10;
  • plus and minus signs and how to use them;
  • Russian alphabet;
  • forward and backward counting;
  • colors and shades;
  • designation of directions and sides;
  • Traffic Laws.

If your baby has not mastered everything yet, work with him additionally.

Regular exercises and positive attitude will help your child approach school with a good base of knowledge.

It is not at all necessary to teach the baby all possible activities and take him to a thousand clubs. The main thing is to give the child basic skills and abilities that by the age of seven he will successfully use independently:

  • count to at least 10, count down;
  • read syllables;
  • retell the text in the correct sequence;
  • make up stories from several sentences, including from a picture;
  • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
  • determine stress and number of letters in words;
  • concentrate attention for 30-40 minutes;
  • find differences and similarities in objects, pictures;
  • copy a drawing, movement;
  • remember up to 10 objects or pictures;
  • put together puzzles, create figures from the construction set in accordance with the sample;
  • draw in such a way that it is clearly clear what is depicted;
  • carefully color and shade;
  • sculpt from plasticine, create applications, use scissors.


What does a mother of a seven-year-old child usually do:

  • if there Small child- the mother surprisingly finds time for both the elder and the baby;
  • keeps the house in order;
  • trains;
  • if not small child- Mom works (in the office or remotely).

It would seem that there are only 5 points, but how many are behind them? real work, fatigue and dead nerve cells.

Therefore, mothers of seven-year-old children should not put off taking care of themselves “for later” and sometimes drink soothing herbal teas.

Common everyday life

Seven-year-olds are very enthusiastic people, capable of independently inventing entertainment and new options for their leisure time. They draw inspiration literally out of thin air, but they also have periods of decline when they get bored with all their activities and want something new. That's when mom and dad will come to the rescue with their time-tested ideas for fun children's games.

Let’s make a reservation right away that we will not consider the option of watching TV. This is an overly banal and simple option that always works, but has certain negative consequences.

Activities for children over 7 years old should harmoniously combine active and calm activities. Considering that 5-6 days a week the child is in a sitting position for 4-5 hours, it’s worth it. It’s great if the outburst of energy occurs on the street or sports field - you can run around to your heart’s content, shout and do literally whatever your heart desires. Draw a map and take the kids on a treasure hunt or teach an orienteering lesson. In winter and summer, use outdoor activities according to the season.

Quiet games no less. This includes leisure activities such as reading together, Board games, quiet walks, creative activity, role-playing games. IN to a greater extent These are options for spending time at home. Think about what games will help your child not only relax after a busy school day, but will also contribute intellectual development. During this period, it is important to train memory, attention, logical thinking. Of course, it is necessary to build on the child’s hobbies and temperament. Here are some solutions on how to entertain a 7-year-old child at home:

Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon

It's better to start with checkers or dominoes - these are fairly easy to understand games.


Stock up on a list of long words - more than 10 letters. These should not be proper names, names of cities, medicines, etc. Record the time (for example, 10 minutes) and start forming new words from the original one. At the end, check the results. Whoever runs out of stock first loses. More than two people can participate.

Another version of this game is oral. You name any words (except for the exceptions listed above), each participant in turn pronounces another word starting with the last letter of the previous one. This is an invaluable way to expand and deepen lexicon child, train his memory and attention.


The essence is the same as in the game “Words” in oral interpretation, only we use exclusively the names of cities. You can also tell your child about different countries, traditions, dreaming about travel. In general, not a game, but pure pleasure.


Invite your child to write own book. Let your child put the resulting work into a beautiful cover and read it to you over evening tea.

Wall newspaper

If it's getting close an important event or a holiday, you can create a newspaper or poster with its theme. Use everything - photographs, magazine clippings, applications, drawings - the flight of creativity is unlimited.

Board games

Before entering school, find out in advance and bring your child up to this level. If the gap in knowledge is too large, consider delaying going to school for another year.

Build the right daily routine, leaving enough time for rest, games and walks.

At the first failures, do not criticize the child, offer your help and try to instill interest in new subjects.

Provide the right to choose in simple life situations (what to eat for breakfast, what to wear to school). Be sure to celebrate any success of your baby, praise even for minor achievements. It will be useful to entrust him with feasible housework - cleaning and washing dishes, walking a pet, etc. Awareness of his importance and degree of trust will inspire him and give him confidence in his abilities.

Sometimes seven-year-old children stop obeying their parents. In such situations, the following algorithm should be applied:

  • approach the child (do not shout from the next room);
  • touch him - take him by the hand, stroke his shoulder or head;
  • start with the words “I see/understand that you are very busy now”;
  • say your request: “I would like you to.”

If a child regularly turns a deaf ear to your requests and instructions, you should seriously think about the strength of your authority. This means that, most likely, you are transmitting the wrong model of behavior, and therefore the baby has stopped listening to you, feeling weak. Review your words and actions, analyze their impact on the child and adjust the situation.

To-do list

  1. Before entering school, undergo a medical examination.
  2. Buy school supplies.
  3. Organize children's schedule in such a way that there is not too much workload due to school and extracurricular activities.
  4. Strengthen children's immunity.
  5. Give your child the necessary vaccinations.


At the age of seven, the following vaccinations are given:

  • first revaccination against tuberculosis (BCG);
  • second revaccination against diphtheria and tetanus (DT).

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