Refined and unrefined vegetable oil: which is healthier, why oil is refined, frying in oil. Difference between refined and unrefined oil

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Rich and flavorful olive oil, like wine, is a matter of personal preference. Residents of many regions have long been convinced of its unusual taste and beneficial properties, and the production of this product has become a profitable and large-scale process. The wide variety of products available in retail outlets around the globe often causes confusion for the average consumer. Many buyers do not know which one to buy and which olive oil is healthier, because the taste of a product can vary greatly, and its price can vary widely.

Factors influencing the taste and beneficial properties of oil are:

  • ripeness and type of olives;
  • method and timing of harvesting;
  • soil conditions and location where the olives were grown;
  • length of time between harvest and pressing;
  • spin technique;
  • storage period and method;
  • package.

The choice of product should be determined depending on the above factors as well as the ultimate goal pursued by the person. For example, to improve your health (when using the product in its raw form), you should choose natural varieties, and using high-quality extra-virgin oil for frying will most likely be a waste of money.

Types of unrefined olive oil

According to the standards of the International Olive Oil Council, there are three main varieties of this product (natural, refined and pomace), within each of which several types are distinguished.

All types "extra-virgin" and "virgin" are a natural product of the first pressing, which results in the release of about 90% of the olive juice. This unrefined olive oil, in the production of which chemical and thermal treatment is not used. “Virgin” varieties are considered to be the most beneficial for health, but “extra virgin” has a better taste and aroma, and also contains the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins, which determines its increased cost.

  1. "Premium extra-virgin olive oil" - due to its extremely low acidity and high quality, it is used raw in dishes in which its exquisite taste and aroma can be appreciated. This olive oil should be used as a salad dressing, bread sauce, or as a condiment.
  2. Extra-virgin olive oil has a characteristic fruity taste and can range in color from pale yellow to light green. Its acidity is no more than 0.8%. This unrefined oil is not used for frying, but is used as a dressing for cold dishes.
  3. “Fine virgin olive oil” has good taste, and its acidity level is no more than 1.5%. It costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous two, but is as close as possible in quality and can be used in its raw form.
  4. “Virgin olive oil” is also a natural unrefined product, the acidity of which is less than 2%. It is used both for cooking and as a dressing or sauce.
  5. “Semifine virgin olive oil” is olive oil with an acidity of no more than 3.3%. Most often used for food preparation.

Olive oil that is not suitable for human consumption (due to poor taste or smell, acidity level above 3.3%) is sent for further purification. It can be subjected to thermal and chemical treatment, as well as filtration. After processing, the oil loses its specific smell and taste, and its acidity level is about 0.3%, which increases the shelf life of the product. This is its only main advantage. Refined olive oil contains only a small amount of beneficial substances that can benefit the human body.

Unrefined olive oil is much healthier than refined olive oil. It has a strong aroma and taste, a large amount of nutrients and vitamins, and its consumption in its raw form can improve the functioning of many physiological systems of the body and prevent the development of serious medical problems.

Key health benefits of unrefined oil:

  1. Improved sex life.
  2. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Losing weight
  4. Preventing the development of diabetes.
  5. Improved metabolism.
  6. Slowing down the skin aging process.
  7. Preventing the formation of gallstones.
  8. Strengthening the human immune system.
  9. Preventing and slowing the development of cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer's disease.
  10. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Prevention of the development of cancerous tumors.

In addition, natural olive oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the condition of the skin and hair, and its use during pregnancy can improve the psychomotor reflexes of the pregnant child, which also indicates the undeniable benefits of this product and the need for its introduction into the diet on an ongoing basis.

Based on materials


In cooking, the use of refined oil for cooking is quite popular: this is justified by the absence of odor and color in such oil. Can this product really be called oil?

To put it simply, refined vegetable oil is a product that has undergone deep purification and processing to remove various impurities and substances. Refining is a rather labor-intensive process and is carried out in several stages. In addition, each of the stages can be used either independently or in combination with others.

Some experts claim that as a result of all treatments, the oil loses its beneficial properties and is harmful to humans, while others refute these statements.

And yet, what is refined oil: is it beneficial or harmful to the body?

Refined oil: what kind of product?

Oil is refined if it contains undesirable impurities, as well as in order to improve commercial properties, for example: absence of sediment, transparency, longer shelf life.

But in addition to purification from impurities, refined sunflower oil also loses useful elements: phosphatides, vitamins A, E, D. Such oil does not have the color characteristic of oil, since the natural dye is removed from it, as well as substances that are responsible for the smell and taste of the product . Taking into account the minimum content of useful substances, refined oil is significantly inferior in characteristics and benefits to unrefined oil.

Today, the production of refined oil is an entire business industry in which manufacturers strive to make as much profit as possible with a minimum investment. The time required to obtain the final product has been significantly reduced: naturally, to the detriment of its nutritional qualities and taste characteristics. After all the procedures for processing the oil, what arrives on store shelves is not only an unhealthy product, but also quite harmful.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to worsen their health; Therefore, it is better to exclude a product such as refined oil from your diet: after all, it contains trans fats up to 25%. They are absent in nature, and it remains a big mystery for the body how to deal with these substances, as a result of which they accumulate in the body, and over time, an excess of these substances leads to negative consequences and the development of diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, cancer, and disruption of the hormonal system and others.

Frying in such oil is contraindicated: after all, under the influence of high temperatures - and a hot frying pan has a temperature of at least 200 degrees - the composition of such oil completely changes, carcinogenic substances are formed in it, which are absorbed into the food during the cooking process and enter the body with them.

Refined sunflower oil: benefits and harms

Unrefined oils have proven to be the most beneficial. During refining, both unwanted impurities and beneficial substances necessary for the body to function normally and absorb the product are removed from the oil. This oil is easy to distinguish from others due to its external characteristics: it is a light, almost transparent oil; when frying, it does not smoke or give off an odor.

Refined sunflower oil, the benefits and harms of which are unequal, is obtained through the use of various purification technologies. Some technologies are less harmful, others more, but each of them does not bring much benefit.

There are chemical and physical refining methods. The first method involves the use of alkalis through which oil is passed, and for the second method adsorbents are used. Today, the chemical method is most often used.

Is refined sunflower oil healthy, and what harm lies in its use?

If we talk about the advantages of this product, we can highlight the fact that it does not smoke when frying, does not foam and is practically tasteless. But these same points can be attributed to disadvantages. After all, after the cleansing procedure, no useful elements remain in the oil.

Refined oil is often used for frying, but this should not be done, since when heated it releases substances that are harmful and dangerous to the body. If you watch your health and are a supporter of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, then try to eliminate frying altogether: it can be replaced by stewing, steaming, or baking. If you can’t do without frying, then use natural fats that have not been subjected to additional processing, for example, ghee. Oil cannot be completely excluded from the diet; it is necessary for the body to function properly, but it must be used in small quantities.

Refined oil: harm

Oil that has gone through several stages of purification - refining - loses all its beneficial properties and becomes harmful for several reasons.

  • First: the product obtained as a result of refining is exposed to chemicals and hot steam. Thus, the probability of retaining useful substances is close to zero; the same applies to the preservation of phosphatides, carotene, proteins and vitamins.
  • The second refined vegetable oil cannot be thoroughly purified from the chemicals used for refining - hexane and gasoline. This “oil” contains impurities of these harmful substances, which subsequently accumulate in the body.
  • Third: oil after refining is much more susceptible to oxidation.
  • Fourth: the composition of refined oil is fundamentally different from the natural composition of an unrefined product.

These factors indicate that refined oil is harmful to the body! By consuming such a product, a person accumulates harmful substances in the body that are not excreted and are one of the reasons for the development of low-quality tumors and a number of other serious diseases.

How to cook with such oil? No way! It is better to completely avoid consuming such refined oil, which is stripped of all its beneficial properties. Food can be stewed or cooked in non-stick cookware. It will be much more useful.

A small amount of unrefined sunflower or olive oil is perfect for dressing salads. Vegetable oil that can be used for frying is unrefined high-oleic sunflower oil: it does not form hazardous substances when heated. Refined oil is also harmful due to the changes that occur in it when exposed to high temperatures.

How is oil refined?

What does the refining procedure include, what stages does the oil go through and what is the end result? Let's take a closer look at the purification technology and find out how refined oil is made.

Oil refining is the process of purifying oil from possible impurities, but this procedure completely deprives the product of its nutritional value. The output is a useless liquid, actively used by housewives to prepare various culinary masterpieces, the consumption of which becomes hazardous to health.

The refining process itself consists of dividing the processed product into components, some of which are filtered out (often along with useful and nutrients), and the other part is sent for sale under the code name “refined sunflower oil”, but only the name remains of the oil in it .

Nature has provided everything - both useful elements and auxiliary ones - for their absorption, substances are harmoniously combined in food. All cleansing processes violate this harmony and prevent the body from saturating with necessary elements, and the foods themselves consumed as food are already inferior, since they are deprived of most of the necessary elements.

How is oil refined?

  1. Initially, it undergoes mechanical purification, which involves removing so-called unnecessary substances from the composition through filtration.
  2. Next, the oil neutralization process is carried out. At this stage, alkalis are used to eliminate fatty acids. As a result of this effect, salts are formed, which remove pigments and phosphatides from the product, necessary for high-quality absorption.
  3. Oil purification using boiling water - hydration. As a result of this action, phosphatides precipitate.
  4. To achieve maximum colorlessness of the oil, pigments are removed from it using charcoal and bleaching clay - adsorption refining.
  5. Deodorization. To do this, the oil passes through a vacuum with boiling steam. As a result, the product does not retain even a small fraction of the smell or taste inherent in natural oil.

So how is oil refined? For cleaning, a substance such as hexane is used. This solvent, which is found in gasoline, is not very suitable for consumption. This substance is added to sunflower seeds. After obtaining the oil, the hexane is removed using water vapor, and the residues are purified with alkali.

In order for the oil to acquire a marketable appearance, it undergoes a bleaching and deodorization procedure. After all these activities, the finished “oil” is packaged and sent for sale. Can such a product be called oil? Hardly. And you definitely shouldn’t eat it.

Various oils of plant origin are an extremely, extremely popular product and quite widely in demand among those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Today, olive oil is especially loved, as it is considered healthier, dietary and rich in nutrients. However, many consumers are periodically perplexed: which olive oil is better to choose - refined or not?! And most people rarely clearly understand what exactly the difference between them is. So let’s talk about this in this article “Refined and unrefined olive oil, which is better.”

Why carry out such a procedure as refining?

Once the oil is squeezed out of the olives, it is not processed in any way. This oil is unrefined. In this form it is bottled and sold. But on store shelves, in addition to unrefined oil, you can also see refined oil... How is it obtained? For what?

In industrial conditions, the product refining procedure occurs in 2 ways:


The first of them involves the use of adsorbents, and the second relies on the use of alkali. At the same time, it is considered more in demand, because is distinguished by its simplicity and sophistication. With this method, it is much easier to control the quality of the final product.

In essence, oil refining does not affect its composition in any way. Moreover, this procedure, by cleaning the oil, makes it almost neutral, depriving it of a pronounced taste. And this procedure is extremely necessary, because... In cooking, there are a huge number of dishes and cooking recipes in which the smell and taste of natural oil would be unnecessary. The task of such dishes is to reveal the taste of the product, and the task of the oil in such a dish is not to change this taste.

But not all dishes are like this. For example, it is better to season salads with unrefined oil, because... this will give the food a more interesting taste, which will perfectly highlight the dish precisely thanks to the taste of the oil and its aroma. This is due to the fact that the salad does not undergo heat treatment.

If you mean frying foods, then unrefined oil will be more harmful than beneficial, because it will become a catalyst for smoke, burning, foam and, as a result, the unpleasant smell and taste of products. In addition, unrefined oil, when fried, is quite capable of provoking the formation of a number of harmful carcinogens (leading to the development of tumors).

Which is better, refined or unrefined olive oil?

Olive oil today is considered a product that must be included in the list of daily consumed products. And this state of affairs did not appear by chance. After all, such oil actually has an extremely positive effect on human health. At the same time, its main positive property is that it is capable of exerting its healing effect even when consuming small doses of the product.

This oil has an amazing chemical composition. In fact, it is the most nutritious plant product available - it is high in monounsaturated fats. It is this substance that helps reduce bad cholesterol. This means that those who regularly use such a product are less likely to suffer from major diseases of the cardiovascular system. This product is also often called a means of preventing Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, it additionally possesses a whole complex of other vitamins, acids, and microelements valuable for the body.

The vitamins contained in the oil include A; B; C; D; E; F; K which help slow down the aging of the female body, as they cope with free radicals. They are also responsible for bone strength and muscle strength, and also significantly correct the functioning of the digestive system and intestines.

Which one to choose – refined or not?

Since olive oil must be consumed regularly to obtain a lasting effect, the natural question becomes: which one to choose – refined or not. Traditionally, unrefined olive oil is considered healthier because... During the refining process, it goes through a certain processing, due to which it loses some properties. It is also worth understanding that in most cases, unrefined olive oil is used for cold dishes - salads, creating marinades for fish, etc. And from this it follows that for health it is better to choose unrefined olive oil (not chemically treated).

For frying, you should choose refined oil that has undergone special processing and does not foam, and also does not form carcinogens.

What to do if you need to fry, but at home you only have unrefined oil??? You certainly shouldn’t be afraid that if you need to fry it, it will start to smoke. This is not very pleasant and the dish may not turn out as expected, but it will do for frying. What about carcinogens?! Yes, to prevent their formation, it is better to use refined oil. But! Be aware that during prolonged frying, refined oil may begin to foam and carcinogens will also form in it...

When choosing an oil, you should not stop only at the “refined/unrefined” gradation of oil, because this does not fully determine the quality of the product and does not fully determine its carcinogenicity.

In the case of olive oil, it is important to choose one that is produced by cold pressing. This means that the process of obtaining it is quite lengthy: the olives are washed, then dried and pressed. The process ends with settling and filtration. This technology is considered the best, because tested for years. This oil is even often called Provençal, which on a subconscious level is interpreted by many as high quality. As a rule, it has the name “Virgen” (from Spanish - virgin). It is quite easy to distinguish it from other options - it has a somewhat greenish color and has a special bitter taste.

Oil that is labeled "Aceite de Oliva" or "Light olive oil" is usually prepared by mixing Provençal unrefined and processed oils. Pomace olive oil is often called second-press unrefined. But in fact it means that the product was obtained by squeezing not whole olives, but their pomace. By the way, the Spanish Ministry of Health banned such a product for sale in its country, because As a result of a number of studies, it was discovered that it contains substances that lead to cancer.

You should also be careful about the acidity of the oil, which is usually written on the packaging. It is worth choosing the option that has a lower index. If there is no mark about acidity, it is worth looking at characteristics such as taste and smell. It is worth remembering that the milder the taste of olive oil, the lower its acidity.

As for refined versions of olive oil, as well as all its mixtures, if necessary, they can also be used for dressing salads and consumed raw, although as a rule, the healthier unrefined one is recommended. But such a recommendation does not mean that the refined product is of poor quality or bad, far from it, but it is better to use it exclusively for frying. This oil is just not as fragrant...

Various types of oils have become widespread. Most of them are used in cooking when preparing dishes, and they are also used in cosmetology for skin and hair care and in folk medicine. Today you can find refined and unrefined oils on the shelves (the word “refined” means “purified”).

Product Similarities

To produce vegetable oil, various raw materials are taken - these can be sunflower seeds, olive fruits, corn or rapeseed. Depending on the production method, refined and unrefined oils are distinguished.

Both products have a common initial production scheme. It includes the following steps:

  • purification of raw materials from mechanical impurities using the separation method in special equipment;
  • Hulling and peeling of seeds (in the production of sunflower oil);
  • crushing fruits on roller machines until mint is obtained;
  • heating of raw materials and its subsequent supply to screw pressing equipment;
  • settling and filtration.

In this way, unrefined oil is obtained. The finished products are bottled and sold. To obtain a refined product, unrefined oil is subjected to further processing:

  • heating to extract phosphatides;
  • extraction of free fatty acids using a chemical method;
  • deodorization - the process of removing pigment substances, carotenoids, volatile compounds and some other components;
  • freezing - a process that ensures complete removal of wax from the product.

This is how refined deodorized oil is obtained. Partial similarity between the purified and unrefined product lies in their composition. For example, both contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and nutrients. However, there are much fewer of them in the refined product.

Fundamental differences

The difference between refined and unrefined oil is huge. Before being sold, the refined product undergoes multi-stage processing. As a result, the output is a light, transparent, odorless liquid. It is worth noting that during purification, almost all valuable and nutritional components for the human body are removed from the oil. What remains is a light liquid that has a lubricating effect, softening properties and an anti-adhesive effect. In addition, the differences between refined oil and unrefined oil lie in several factors.

  • In a more “marketable” form. The purified product has a light golden uniform color. Unrefined oil has a darker color and may form sediment during storage.
  • No odor. Due to the deodorization process, the purified product completely loses its aroma, which is why it does not change the taste of the dishes prepared with it. Unrefined scented oil may smell like sunflower seeds, corn, or sesame (depending on the base used in production). Due to its specific aroma, it is not suitable for all dishes - most often it is used for preparing vegetable salads.

  • In resistance to heat treatment. Refined oil is ideal for frying or deep-frying. It is not recommended to heat the unrefined product, since when exposed to heat it begins to foam and smoke, actively releasing carcinogens.
  • In the loss of beneficial properties. Due to refining, almost all substances are removed from the product: both harmful and beneficial (vitamins, phosphatides, micro- and macroelements, omega-3 and omega-6 acids). Among the advantages of refining, it can be noted that the purified product does not contain pesticides - substances harmful to human health, which are often used when growing crops.

In addition, refined oil has a longer shelf life. The purified composition is not afraid of exposure to sunlight or elevated ambient temperatures. It is intended for long-term storage in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Unrefined vegetable fat has a short shelf life (up to 4 months in the refrigerator and up to 45 days in room conditions).

Which one is healthier?

Unrefined oil is healthier in its nutritional value than refined oil. It is enriched with nutrients and biologically active components. Due to its valuable composition, this particular product is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. In cooking, it is used only for preparing cold dishes.

The benefits of unrefined sunflower oil when consumed internally:

  • restoration of the functioning of the central nervous system, improvement of liver and digestion;
  • increasing immunity due to the antioxidants, vitamins, mineral components and other beneficial substances contained in the crude oil;
  • beneficial effects on brain cells and preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • restoration of reproductive function;
  • improving vascular elasticity and joint mobility;
  • cleansing the liver of toxins and other harmful substances;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • improving the quality of blood composition;
  • stimulation of the production of growth hormones, which is especially important for children and adolescents;
  • normalization of the genitourinary system in women and men.

Regular inclusion of unrefined vegetable oil in food has a beneficial effect on the beauty and health of hair and skin.

In addition, the unrefined product is often used externally for face and hair care at home. Masks based on this component can restore curls, making them more “alive,” smooth and silky. The use of oil for skin care helps smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and nourish the skin. As a result of regular use, dryness of the face is eliminated - it is visually rejuvenated, gains health and freshness.

Refined oil does not have such benefits compared to unrefined oil. However, this is an indispensable product for preparing fried, steamed or baked dishes. Refined vegetable oil is the best alternative to animal fats. With them, fried or baked foods would be more harmful due to the high cholesterol content.

In addition, refined oil is often used for external use when caring for the skin of babies. The fact is that this product is considered anti-allergenic, so it does not cause rashes, irritation and itching in children.

Harm of a refined product

The benefit of purified oil lies in its resistance to heat treatment, absence of odor and taste. All this is possible due to the removal of free fatty acids, flavorings and other components from the raw materials. But such a product cannot be called useful. Its harm exceeds its beneficial qualities. Below are the main disadvantages of the purified composition.

Chemical refining and heat treatment kill not only harmful substances in raw materials, but also useful ones. The result is an “empty” product, devoid of phosphatides, carotene, proteins and other components. The composition of natural oils is fundamentally different from those that have undergone a purification process. To carry out the refining process in production, specialized chemicals are used - hexane and gasoline. According to the technology, the product is subsequently purified from these harmful substances. However, it is not possible to completely get rid of them.

The finished refined oil contains traces of hexane and gasoline. These substances are not excreted from the human body. Over time, they accumulate and lead to the formation of tumors.

Refined butter is also high in calories. Due to its high energy value, excessive consumption of the product can lead to obesity, disruption of the liver, heart and other organs and systems of the body.

Refined and unrefined types of oils should be consumed internally no more than 2 tablespoons (including the content of the product in dishes). For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon of the composition in the morning before breakfast - this will allow you to get rid of constipation in the shortest possible time.

To strengthen the gums and get rid of their bleeding, rinsing the mouth with unrefined oil is recommended. To do this, you need to put it in your mouth and rinse for 10 minutes. This procedure should be repeated every morning for 14 days.

Unrefined oil can be used in home cosmetology. It is noteworthy that this product is universal - it is suitable for owners of any skin type. Products made from unrefined oils are “soft”, making them suitable for use even on sensitive skin and for the care of eyelids and the area around the eyes.

For external use of oil to be effective, it is important to listen to some recommendations.

  • To care for dry and normal skin of the face and hands, unrefined oil should be added to your usual cream or mask. This composition will provide relief from inflammation, smooth out wrinkles and soften the skin. If the skin is prone to pore expansion, then it is best to use a refined product due to its lighter fraction.
  • You can lubricate your lips with heated unrefined oil, using it as a balm. The product will promote the healing of microcracks and also protect lips from various viruses.
  • To strengthen the nail plate, it is recommended to take warm hand baths based on unrefined oils.
  • To strengthen or restore hair, heated oil is applied from roots to ends of strands and rubbed into the scalp with gentle massage movements. The effect of such home procedures is also aimed at accelerating the growth of curls.
  • Vegetable oils are used for massages. They saturate the skin with nutrients that penetrate deep into the skin by heating the integument and improving blood circulation in it.

Unrefined oils have a valuable, balanced composition, thanks to which they can become an alternative to store-bought cosmetic products.

  • Product expiration date. You should always look at the production date of the product and its expiration dates, and when choosing vegetable oil, this point cannot be skipped. If the composition is close to the “expiration” date, then it has a high peroxide value. This product has a bitter taste and acquires a specific odor. It is worth noting that when storing oil in inappropriate conditions (for example, being under natural or artificial light, a significant increase in air temperature), its shelf life is reduced.
  • Oil purity. Before purchasing, you need to give a visual assessment of the quality of the product. Cloudiness and sediment in the purified product are unacceptable. These signs indicate non-compliance with storage conditions and low quality. It is recommended to refuse such a purchase. Sediment in unrefined oil is normal. The phospholipids contained in the crude product precipitate. They are not synthesized by the body and come from food.

To keep the oil fresh for as long as possible, it is important to follow several storage recommendations.

Refined and unrefined product is best kept in the refrigerator or in the kitchen cabinet. The optimal storage temperature is from 5 to 20 degrees. Refined oil can be stored longer than unrefined oil. The latter is preferably used within 3-4 weeks after opening. The refined version retains its properties for one and a half years.

To find out which oil is better - refined or unrefined, see the following video.

Until relatively recently, a couple of decades ago, the range of vegetable oils used by housewives was extremely scarce. Most often it came down to only one sunflower oil, unrefined for salads and refined for frying and stewing. Currently, a wide selection of various vegetable oils sometimes even confuses: which one to choose? First, there are unrefined and refined oils. And secondly, there are so many types of oils from a variety of seeds and nuts: olive, flaxseed, camelina, mustard, walnut oil and grape seed oil, coconut, pumpkin... Each of them is attractive in its own way - both in taste and useful properties. Let's try to figure out whether there is even an answer to the question of which vegetable oil is better.

Which vegetable oil is healthier – refined or unrefined?

The inscription on the packaging “refined and deodorized” seems so familiar to us, but we rarely think about what it means. Refined vegetable oil has virtually no smell or taste, which means our taste buds perceive it as safe. Unfortunately, it is not.

Unrefined vegetable oil is a product of squeezing seeds, either by pressing without pre-treatment (cold pressing) or by pressing after frying (hot pressing). In this case, the final product includes exclusively the substances contained in the seeds, and no additional “chemistry”. But with refined oils everything is different.

Refined oils did not appear with the goal of protecting consumers who use oil at high temperatures. The fact is that with the help of refining, up to 99% of the oil present in them is extracted from the original product. For comparison: “cold” pressing allows you to extract only 27% of the oil, and “hot” – 43% of the total amount. Agree, the benefit of the refined oil producer is obvious. However, it is not the case. Refining is not just a process of removing all “unnecessary” impurities. To produce refined oil, the seeds are infused with a petrochemical solvent, usually hexane. After the oil is isolated, the hexane is evaporated and treated with alkali, and the resulting oil is bleached, deodorized, and filtered. In this case, gasoline fractions cannot be completely removed. You understand that this alone makes refined oil harmful to health, not to mention the fact that this product is completely devoid of beneficial substances found in unrefined vegetable oil.

As for frying and the formation of carcinogens during heat treatment of unrefined oils, there really is such a problem. It would seem that using refined oil solves it. However, is it worth using a “dead” product with harmful inclusions if it is possible to choose the right oil for cooking?

Thus, the answer is clear - unrefined vegetable oil is healthier than refined vegetable oil. When heat treating, you need to carefully choose the “right” oil.

Cold and hot pressed vegetable oil - what is the difference for health?

So, we have decided: unrefined oil is healthier because it does not contain dangerous chemical additives. However, there are two types of unrefined oils on store shelves: cold and hot pressed. How are they different?

Cold pressing is the process of extracting oil from whole seeds or nuts using a press. Under the influence of high pressure, the product heats up, but the temperature does not exceed 40-42⁰С, which allows you to preserve all the original benefits of the oil. After pressing, the resulting product is settled, filtered and bottled. Thus, unrefined cold-pressed oil is not exposed to temperature and harmful “chemistry”, thanks to which this method of producing oil can be called the most gentle and natural. In addition, cold pressing is applicable only to seeds of the highest quality.

Hot pressing differs significantly from cold pressing, since the seeds are pressed after processing in roasters. Water is added to the mechanically crushed seeds (so that they do not burn), and then fried in pans at a temperature of 100-110⁰C. Next, the seeds are pressed. The result is a product with a pronounced smell and taste, which has a darker color than when cold-pressed. Processing using moisture and heat makes the quality of the seeds unimportant - it does not affect the quality of the final product. This factor, combined with a higher degree of oil extraction with this method (43% versus 27% with cold pressing), makes it much more attractive for the manufacturer. However, heat treatment and subsequent filtration destroy a significant part of the vitamins and microelements contained in the oil.

Obviously, cold-pressed oil is healthier. Therefore, even despite the higher price, this oil should be preferred. Unrefined hot-pressed oil “wins” only in comparison with refined oil.

If you are in doubt when purchasing which oil is in front of you, pay attention, firstly, to the color - cold-pressed oil is lighter, secondly, to the price - good oil cannot be cheap, and thirdly, read carefully description of the product on the label. It makes no sense for manufacturers to hide information that is beneficial to them, so on the packaging of a good oil you will almost certainly see the inscription: “Unrefined. First cold press."

Composition of vegetable oils

Vegetable oils consist predominantly (94-96%) of triglycerides of fatty acids. In addition, they also contain substances close to fats (phospholipids, vitamins, sterols), free fatty acids, etc. The table below shows the general composition of vegetable oils with a brief description of the beneficial or harmful properties of each substance and an indication of the oils where these substances most.


Health benefits/harms

Oils having big

Saturated fatty acids

Lauric acid

(+) Increases the content of “good” cholesterol, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity against acne

(-) Slightly increases the risk of blood clots, increases the level of inflammatory reactions


Palmitic acid

(-)Increases the concentration of “bad” cholesterol and can cause inflammatory reactions. Increases cancer mortality, increases the risk of blood clots, causes pancreatic cell death


Rice bran

Capronic, caprylic, capric, myristic, stearic, arachidic, behenic, lignoceric acids

Minor content

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Oleic acid

(++) Prevents aging, cancer, reduces inflammation, is useful for diabetes, reduces the risk of stroke








Erucic acid

(-) In experiments on rats it caused disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and cirrhosis of the liver



Palmitoleic, eicosenoic, aceterucic acids

Minor content

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Linoleic acid

(--) Increases the risk of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease, the development of inflammation, depression, cancer





Pine nut







Grape seeds

Rice bran

Alpha-linolenic acid

(+) Omega-3 fatty acid, which is a precursor to other Omega-3 acids; it produces Omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid, which is important for the functioning of the brain and the whole body. Not synthesized in the body, must be supplied from outside









Arachidonic acid

(-) Stimulates inflammatory processes

(+) Improves glucose absorption and promotes self-destruction of liver cancer

Grape seeds

Gamma-linolenic acid

Minor content

Rare acids

Minor content

Other oil components

Phospholipids (phosphatides)

Antioxidants, enhance the effect of vitamins, reduce total cholesterol levels



Provitamin A

Minor content

Vitamin E

Antioxidant, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity, enhances the effect of other vitamins, especially vitamin A







Grape seeds




Vitamin K1

Ensures normal blood clotting, stimulates the immune system, protects the liver





Minor content

Phytosterols (phytosterols)

They have anti-carcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties, reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine



Rice bran



Based on the data in the table on the fatty acid composition of oils, oils containing lauric saturated fatty acid, oleic monounsaturated fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic polyunsaturated fatty acid can be classified as healthy.

At the same time, you should avoid oils that contain excess palmitic saturated fatty acid, erucic monounsaturated fatty acid, linoleic and arachidonic polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Thus, useful oils include coconut, olive, flaxseed, avocado oil, almond oil .

Harmful to health, based on the composition of fatty acids, are rapeseed, palm, corn, camelina, mustard, pine nut oil, sunflower and grape seed oil, sesame, hemp, walnut oil, mustard and soybean oil, rice bran oil.

It is worth noting that varieties of erucate-free rapeseed, mustard and camelina oils have already been developed, which removes them from the “black list”. Camelina oil is not included in the list of oils with a high content of erucic acid, but camelina seeds contain a small amount of it, which is dangerous for the body - erucic acid cannot be processed by the mammalian body.

We will talk about vitamins, phytosterols and the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids below.

Which vegetable oil is the healthiest?

As you understand, when it comes to health benefits, everything is very relative. Therefore, let’s consider a few more criteria by which we can evaluate the comparative benefits of oils.

One of the main factors speaking in favor of vegetable oil is its content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty acids, like nothing else, are important for human health. They dissolve cholesterol, thereby protecting blood vessels from the formation of plaques in them; form the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, promoting good concentration and memory; are part of cell membranes where most of the processes occurring in the body take place. Omega-3 is extremely necessary for pregnant and nursing mothers, as they participate in the formation of the child’s brain. With all this, medical studies indicate a serious deficiency (6-10 times) of omega-3 in modern people.

Studies of the diet of our Paleolithic ancestors show that previously the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids was 1:1. Modern nutrition with the use of new technologies and the development of fast food has led to a shift in this ratio - for a typical diet it is 1:10 - 1:25. Many scientists explain the deterioration of human health these days. WHO recommends maintaining an omega-3 to omega-6 ratio of 1:4 – 1:10 and striving to increase the proportion of omega-3 in the diet. However, a number of recent studies question the importance of maintaining certain proportions. Scientists consider the absolute amount of omega-3s to be more important, rather than the ratio of fatty acids. One way or another, a person who cares about his health needs to ensure a sufficient intake of omega-3 fatty acids into the body.

Also, when comparing oils, you need to take into account the content of vitamins and phytosterols in them. Oils are one of the main suppliers of vitamin E, an antioxidant needed by all tissues of the body. Vitamin K is found in plant foods, and oils can be considered one of the good sources. Phytosterols are substances that can lower cholesterol levels and even prevent cancer.

Below is a comparative table for different types of oils, reflecting the average amount of components important for health in them (per 100 g).

Oil name

Saturated fat, g

Mono-unsaturated fats, g

Poly-unsaturated fats, g

Omega-3, g

Omega-6, g


ABOUTmega 6

Vitamin E, mg

Vitamin K, mcg

Phytosterols, mg

































Grape seeds


























Rice bran





As you can see, sunflower oil, popular in Russia, looks extremely disadvantageous compared to others in terms of its omega-3 content. Of course, it is also healthy because it contains vitamin E and phytosterols, which are important for our health. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with sunflower oil alone. The same applies to olive oil, which many consider the best and healthiest.

The champion in omega-3 content is flaxseed oil. Indeed, it could be recommended for use if not for its instability. Already 2 weeks after pressing, the acid and peroxide numbers of flaxseed oil begin to increase, which leads to toxicity of the product. Consuming only fresh flaxseed oil is almost impossible in today’s market conditions.

Good oils for omega-3 fatty acids include: camelina, mustard and hemp . Mustard oil is the most resistant to oxidation due to the content of essential oils, and this property makes this oil a leader in usefulness. In addition, according to most consumers, it is the most delicious of the three listed.

If we consider vegetable oils only as a source of vitamin E (and there really is a lot of it compared to other food products), then here they take the lead sunflower, flaxseed, corn, hemp, camelina, soybean, grape seed oil, sesame, cedar, pumpkin.

Which vegetable oil is best to buy?

If you have carefully read our article, then you already understand that traditional refined and deodorized sunflower oil, which prevails in supermarkets, is not a healthy and necessary product in the diet. People who care about their health should forget about this oil and switch to various unrefined oils, preferably cold-pressed. It probably won't be cheap, but your health is worth it, right?

Basic rules for choosing vegetable oil:

  • Choose only unrefined, cold-pressed oils.
  • Good vegetable oil should be packaged in glass containers. This allows you to completely eliminate the possibility of interaction between the oil and the bottle material.
  • The shelf life of unrefined oil is on average two months, so you should not stock up on oil for future use. The stated shelf life does not always correspond to reality. Pay attention to the number indicated by the manufacturer: by it you can judge his integrity. A short shelf life is a good sign. It is best to buy oil in small jars and bottles.
  • Oil that tastes bitter should not be consumed (not to mention the dangers of expired oils). Oxidized fats are harmful to human health.
  • If you see sediment on the bottom of an oil bottle, do not be alarmed. It is not harmful to health as it consists of minerals and phospholipids.
  • As for the type of oil, first of all, you need to start from your needs. Depending on how you want to use the oil - in a salad, for baking in the oven, stewing or frying, the choice will be different. Different oils have different smoke points, above which the product cannot be heated, otherwise instead of benefit you will get a dose of carcinogens. Ideally, of course, it is better not to heat the oils at all, but to add them to an already prepared dish, although not everyone finds this possible.

If you are wondering whether it is worth stopping at a specific oil and buying only that one, then most likely it does not make sense. Each vegetable oil is valuable in its own way. And no matter how confident fans of, say, olive oil are in its exclusivity, in reality it also has drawbacks - for example, a meager content of omega-3 fatty acids. Sunflower oil has the same feature. Flaxseed oil, rich in omega-3, oxidizes quickly and, despite its great benefits, becomes unstable and even harmful after a few weeks. Pay attention to the more stable mustard oil.

The smartest thing to do would be to choose a few of your favorite oils and buy them in small bottles, alternating them and using them to prepare different dishes. One oil cannot replace all the others either with its beneficial properties or taste. In addition, you should not rely only on vegetable oils for benefits. Do not forget that any oil is a squeeze from a whole product, which means it is a substance that is subject to oxidation (to one degree or another). Include in your diet not only vegetable oils, even of the best quality, but also whole seeds, nuts, and fatty fruits.

We wish you good health!

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