Entertainment on the topic: “A journey into the natural world through games - riddles. Poems about Agnia Barto's school

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TEST on the section “About our little brothers.”

1. Guess the riddles. Write what works these heroes are from.

1) Forest owner

Sprinkles in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

M __________________________________________________________

2) Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion.

WITH __________________________________________________________

3) Lies on the hay,

Doesn't eat on her own

And he doesn’t give it to others.

WITH ________________________________________________________

4) Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

The ship goes ahead and leads everyone behind it.

At _____________________with at________________________________

5) I don’t touch him –

He goes his own way,

And if you touch -

You will stumble upon a needle.


2. Which writer believes that “only our love can save nature”?


3. Use an arrow to connect the works and the genre to which they belong.

“Guys and Ducklings”, M. Prishvin

“The Musician”, V. Bianchi a) A story about animals

“Once upon a time there was a dog...”, I. Pivovarova b) A Tale of Animals

« Scary story", E. Charushin c) Poems

“Cat Puppy”, V. Berestov d) Scientific and educational

“Owl”, V. Bianchi text

Test on the topic “From children's magazines”

1. Which of these magazines is not a children's magazine?

a) “Hedgehog” c) “Chizh”

b) “Kolobok” d) “Health”

2. What does the name of the magazine “Chizh” stand for?

a) extremely interesting life

b) honest interesting magazine

c) an honest, sincere magazine

d) an extremely interesting magazine

3. What poem did D. Kharms and S. Marshak write together?

A) " Funny siskins"b) "Game"

b) “What was that?” c) “Jolly old man”

a) D. Kharms c) S. Marshak

b) A. Vvedensky d) Y. Vladimirov

5. Find the correct meaning of the word “STICK”

a) stalk c) hummock (small)

b) poker d) bent stick

6. What is the real name of D. Kharms?

a) Daniil Yuvachev c) Daniil Kharms

b) Dmitry Yuvachev d) Dmitry Kharms

a) D. Kharms c) A. Vvedensky

b) Y. Vladimirov d) S. Marshak

8. Finish the proverb. “Look at the tree in its fruit, and...”

a) ... a person is in study. c)… a person – in wealth.

b)… a person – in beauty. d)… a person – in business.

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Elephant is strong and smart

The elephant is big, the elephant is strong and smart, everyone knows this. The domestic elephant in India carries heavy loads, carrying water and even small children.

But not everyone is able to see a herd of wild elephants. The elephant has almost no enemies. But if an elephant senses danger, it sneaks away quietly, like a mouse.

It happens that it curls up along the elephant path giant snake python and will attack a small elephant calf who has fallen behind the herd. The baby elephant will squeal and trumpet. The elephants will instantly rush to save the baby elephant. The whole herd runs around and tramples the python, as if dancing on it. And when the baby elephant is rescued, he will get it from his mother elephant so that he will obey the adults and keep up with the herd.


1. Mark the redundant statement. "Elephant…."

a) big b) strong

b) smart d) weak

2. Mark true statement. "If an elephant senses danger, it..."

a) runs away b) calls the baby elephant

b) sneaks quietly like a mouse d) sneaks quietly like a cat

3. Note the meaning of the word giant(snake)

a) big b) very big

b) weak d) strong

4. What genre does this text belong to?

a) fairy tale b) riddle

b) story d) fable

5. What kind of work can a domestic elephant do? Write it down briefly.


Option 2

1. Determine the genre of N. Nosov’s work “Entertainers”.


    Fairy tale



We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out. We climbed into it, and it was dark and dark in there!

    N. Nosov “Entertainers”

    V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

    Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”

    A. Barto

    N. Nosov

    N. Bulgakov

    V. Oseeva

4. Do you know Nosov’s first and patronymic?

    Sergey Vladimirovich

    Samuil Yakovlevich

    Nikolai Nikolaevich

    Fedor Ivanovich

5. Mark a story that teaches you to be honest.

    Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”

    V. Oseeva “Why?”

    V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

    N. Nosov " Living hat»




    table of contents (contents)

Test on the topic “Writers for Children” and “Me and My Friends”

Option 1

1. Determine the genre of Y. Ermolaev’s work “Two Cakes”.


    Fairy tale



2. What work is this excerpt from?

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately grabbed them into a pile and covered them with her hands.

    N. Bulgakov “Anna, don’t be sad!”

    N. Nosov “Living Hat”

    V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

    Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”

3. Which of the following authors is a poet?

    V. Berestov

    N. Nosov

    V. Oseeva

    Yu. Ermolaev

4. Do you know Chukovsky’s first and patronymic?

    Samuil Yakovlevich

    Nikolai Nikolaevich

    Fedor Ivanovich

    Korney Ivanovich

5. Which story is about friendship?

    Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”

    V. Oseeva “Why?”

    N. Bulgakov “Anna, don’t be sad!”

    V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

6. Think and answer what is part of the book.


    reading room



Test on the topic “Writers for children”

1. Who is K. Chukovsky?





2. Which poem was not written by A. Barto?

    "We didn't notice the bug"

    “Vovka is a kind soul”

    "My puppy"

    "To school"

3. Who is he?Prusak ?

    black spider

    big spider

    black beetle

    red cockroach

4. What is the name of the boy who “woke up ten times at night”?





5. Which poem teaches how to overcome fear?

    "My puppy"

    "My secret"

    "Strength of will"

    "The Cat and the Quirks"

6. What time of year does everyone rejoice in the poem “Rope”?





7. Choose a synonym for the wordquitter.




    lazy person

"Writers for Children"

1. Complete the titles of the poems and indicate their authors.

1) “______________________________ grief”, author _________________________________

2) “Cat and ______________________________”, author_________________________________

3) “The Power of _______________________________”, author _________________________________

4) “Vovka-_________________ ____________”, author_________________________________

5) “My ________________________________”, author _________________________________

6) “We are not____________________ __________”, author_________________________________

2. Find out the story using keywords.

1) They were building, slide, slippery, sand, steps. _________________________________

2) Chest of drawers, hat, kitten, poker, potatoes. __________________________________

3) Games, house, fairy tale, wolf, “three little pigs”. ________________________________


4. Why are the works of writers K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, A. Barto and N. Nosov combined into one section? Find the answer on page 68 of the textbook and add your opinion.


Test to section"Writers for Children"

Option 1

    Which poet is the author of the “Toys” cycle?


    S. Mikhalkov

    S. Marshak

    K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn't the boys notice how the hat covered the kitten?

    They were reading a book.

    They colored the pictures.

    They watched cartoons.

    They were playing checkers.

    What mistake did Kotka make?

    Once again I filled the slide with water.

    Broke the slide

    I sprinkled sand on the hill.

    I ruined the slide with my skate.

    Remember K. Chukovsky’s poems “Joy” and “Confusion”. What are such small poems called in oral folk art?

    Fairy tales




    In the works of which writer are there heroes: the astronomer Steklyashkin, Gunka, Mishka with his ill-fated porridge?

    S. Mikhalkova

    S. Marshak

    K. Chukovsky


6. What work are the lines taken from?

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out.

    "Living Hat"

    "On the Hill"


    "The Adventures of Dunno"

    Read the riddle of K. Chukovsky, choose the answer.

Beautiful doors in my cave,

White animals sit at the door.

Both meat and bread - all my spoils -

I gladly give it to white animals.

    Lips and teeth

    Eyes and eyelashes

    Nose and mouth

    Arms and legs

8. Read the riddle by S. Marshak, choose the answer.

We always walk together,

We look alike like brothers

We are at lunch - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.




    Chair legs

Test for the section"Writers for Children"

Option 2

    Which writer is the author of the book “From Two to Five”?


S. Mikhalkov

S. Marshak

K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn’t the boys play “the three little pigs” more?

They played for a long time and got tired of it.

Mom came and began to scold them.

They were afraid that someone would grab their leg again.

The game was boring.

3.Why did Kotka sprinkle sand on the hill?

    I couldn't get up.

    I decided to do some harm.

    So that no one can ride from it.

    So that no one else falls.

    Which of the works

Verification work by section “I love Russian nature”

The snow is no longer the same

He turned black in the field.

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split... A. Pleshcheev

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave is murmuring in the stream... F. Tyutchev

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be clothed with leaves... A. Blok

It’s not for nothing that winter gets angry,

Its time has passed_

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard... S. Marshak

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies towards us... A. Pleshcheev

    Divide these works into 2 groups and give common name each group.

Fox and black grouse. ____________________ __________________

Spring waters. _____________________ ___________________

Country song. ______________________ ____________________

Fox and crane. _______________________ ___________________

In the meadow. _______________________ ___________________

Porridge from an axe. _______________________ __________________

    Insert the letters correctly.

The dream... is no longer the same, Spring is moving sideways...

P..t..he thought in the field... We are m..l..messengers until spring....

Tweeted in..r..beat

V..s..ley on the roof...

1. What works are these lines from? Write down their names and authors.





1). A.S. Pushkin a) “Kitten”

b) " old grandfather and granddaughters"

c) “Swan, Cancer and Pike”

2) I.A. Krylov d) “Filipok”

e) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

e) “Here is the north, the clouds are gathering...”

3. Collect a proverb from the words below and determine which work it fits into the work you read.

Time for business, time for fun.


4. Remember a few catchphrases from the fables of I.A. Krylov.

Test work 3.

To the section “Russian writers”

5. What works are these lines from? Write down their names and authors.

· “Thank you for telling the truth.”


· “And together the three of them all harnessed themselves to it”


· “And in front of her is a broken trough”


· “There’s a Russian spirit there... it smells like Russia!”


· “When you and your mother are too old to feed you from a pelvis.”


· “The teacher laughed and said: “Don’t boast, but learn.”


1). A.S. Pushkin a) “Kitten”

b) “Old grandfather and grandson”

c) “Swan, Cancer and Pike”

2) I.A. Krylov d) “Filipok”

e) “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

e) “Here is the north, the clouds are gathering...”

3) L.N. Tolstoy g) “Dragonfly and Ant”


7. Collect a proverb from the words below and determine which work it fits into the work you read.

Time for business, time for fun.


8. Remember a few popular expressions from I.A. Krylov’s fables.


Test work 4.

1. Use an arrow to connect the work and the genre to which it belongs.

1) M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings” a) a story about animals

2) V. Bianki “The Musician” b) a fairy tale about animals

3) I. Pivovarova “Once upon a time there was a dog...”

4) E. Charushin “A Scary Story” c) poem

5) V. Berestov “Cat Puppy” d) scientific and educational

6) V. Bianchi “Owl” text

2. Which writer believes that “only our love can save nature”?


3. Guess the riddles. Write what works these heroes are from.

1) Forest owner

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

2) Blue airplane

Work: ____________________________________

3) Lies on the hay,

Itself is not a set

Work: ____________________________________

4) Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

There's a ship ahead,

Work: ____________________________________

5) I don’t touch it -

He goes his own way,

And if you touch -

Work: ____________________________________

Test work 4.

To the section “About our little brothers”

4. Use an arrow to connect the work and the genre to which it belongs.

7) M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings” a) a story about animals

8) V. Bianchi “The Musician” b) a fairy tale about animals

9) I. Pivovarova “Once upon a time there was a dog...”

10) E. Charushin “A Scary Story” c) poem

11) V. Berestov “Cat Puppy” d) scientific and educational

12) V. Bianchi “Owl” text

5. Which writer believes that “only our love can save nature”?


6. Guess the riddles. Write what works these heroes are from.

5) The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. M________________

Work: ____________________________________

6) Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion. WITH_________________

Work: ____________________________________

7) Lies on the hay,

Itself is not a set

And he doesn’t give it to others. WITH________________

Work: ____________________________________

8) Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

There's a ship ahead,

He leads everyone behind him. U___________ with u_______________

Work: ____________________________________

5) I don’t touch it -

He goes his own way,

And if you touch -

You will stumble upon a needle. Ё___________________________

Work: ____________________________________

1. Read the text, complete the task.

Our favorite writers



2. Over 85 years, “Murzilka” has been read by hundreds of millions of children. Your mothers and fathers were once among them. Write the names of the fathers horizontally in the crossword cells if the middle names of their children are:


1) Dmitrievich

2) Alexandrovna

3) Grigorievich

4) Kuzminichna

5) Viktorovich

6) Anatolyevna

7) Nikolaevich

8) Vladimirovna

3. Read the poem, write in the missing words.

Most tasty pie

I wanted to throw a ball

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Pie, knives and forks are here -

I waited until I had enough strength

Test work 5. To the section “From children's magazines”

4. Read the text, complete the task.

Our favorite writers

More than a hundred years ago, a boy was born in St. Petersburg, who was named Danya. Danya Yuvachev. Like all little boys then, he wore short pants and a sailor suit.

But some fifteen years passed - and he began to dress like a foreigner: a sports cap, a specially cut jacket, knee-length trousers - breeches, short stockings - knee socks. And he no longer called himself Danya Yuvachev, but with a surname in a foreign style - ......

Exercise: did you find out who we are talking about? Write down the name of the writer on the left and the surname on the right.


_________________ _____________________

5. Over 85 years, “Murzilka” has been read by hundreds of millions of children. Your mothers and fathers were once among them. Write the names of the fathers horizontally in the crossword cells if the middle names of their children are:


9) Dmitrievich

10) Alexandrovna

11) Grigorievich

12) Kuzminichna

13) Viktorovich

14) Anatolyevna

15) Nikolaevich

16) Vladimirovna

6. Read the poem, write in the missing words.

The most delicious pie

I wanted to throw a ball

And I have guests ___________________

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,

Baked crumbly ________________

Pie, knives and forks are here -

But somehow the guests ___________________

I waited until I had enough strength

Then a piece ________________

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down, and the whole pie in a minute ____________

When the guests arrived, even the crumbs ____________________

1. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

2. Check if you have read “ New Year's story»

1) She was written by:

2) The Christmas tree grew not far from:

3) One day she met:

4) Pro New Year Yolochka told:

6) When did you find the Christmas tree?

1) “...The frost is scattered on the branches of the birches...” ________________________

2) “The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.” ______________________________________________________________

3) “Down the hill - wow, up the hill - wow!”________________________________

Test work 6. To the section “I love Russian nature. Winter".

4. Read the poem, fill in the missing words.

There is one game for you: I will start the poem now.

I'll start, you finish! Answer in unison.

It's snowing outside, ______________________ holiday is coming soon!

The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from _________________

The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright __________________________

And the toys swing - flags, stars, ____________________

And decorating the top, it shines there, as always

Very bright, large, five-winged _________________________.

5. Check whether you have carefully read “New Year’s Fact”

4) She was written by:

a) S. Marshak b) S. Mikhalkov c) N. Sladkov

5) The Christmas tree grew not far from:

a) forests b) cities c) forester’s house

6) One day she met:

a) with a hare b) with a fox c) with a wolf

5) I told Yolochka about the New Year:

a) crow b) magpie c) owl

5) The Christmas tree lived in fear and anxiety:

a) spring and summer b) summer and autumn c) autumn and winter

6) When did you find the Christmas tree?

a) cut down b) dressed up c) cut down and dressed up

4) “...The frost is scattered on the branches of the birches...” ________________________

5) “The bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.” ______________________________________________________________

6) “Down the hill - wow, up the hill - wow!”________________________________

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
I'll collect my toys
And I’ll give it to Seryozha.

Wooden dishes
I won't give it away yet.
I need the hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is too dirty...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He'll give it to the boys
Or he'll throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
It's bad, without a wheel...
And then I need it too
Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book...
But it seems that I am Seryozha
I won't give you anything.

To school

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

I walk down the street

I'm home down the street
I'm going with books
Maybe I'd like
Slide on the ice...

Here are the guys in pairs
They go to the park on foot,
Maybe I'd like
Throw a snowball at them.

Maybe I'd like
Sing about something
A girl I know
Push straight into the snow...

I don't touch anyone
I'm going my own way.

First lesson

This is my first time in class.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class -
Stand up or sit down?

How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk doesn't knock.

They tell me - go to the board, -
I raise my hand
How to hold a pen in your hand?
I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student.
I'm sitting on the desk correctly,
Although I can't sit still.

On the way to class

Nikita hurried to class.
He walked without slowing down.
Suddenly a puppy growls at him,
A shaggy mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He's not a coward!
But Tanyusha walked nearby.
She said: - Oh, I'm afraid! –
And immediately there were tears in a hail.

But then Nikita saved her,
He showed courage
He said: - Go quietly to class! –
And he drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way
Thanks for your courage
Save her one more time
Nikita wanted it.

You'll get lost in the forest
And I will come and save you! –
He offered it to Tanya.

Oh no! - she answered. –
I won't go for a walk alone
My friends will come with me.

You can drown in the river!
You'll drown someday! –
Nikita proposed to her. –
I won't let you go down!

I won’t drown myself! –
She responds angrily.
She didn't understand him...
But that’s not the point!
He's all the way to the corner
He saved Tanyusha bravely.
In my dreams I saved her from a wolf...
But then the guys came to class.

What to do with Alexey?

What to do with Alexey?
He's so distracted!
He's the school gate
Took them for football.

There's trouble with him, and that's all!
Rarely teaches lessons
And he says that three -
Excellent mark.

More than once he was shamed
They took me to the director
And they explained for a long time,
What does a sense of duty mean...

But he is used to reproaches -
He dozed off during class.

Suddenly a girl sat down with him.
She laughs at him
Then he will laugh loudly:
- Look at the handwriting like this! –
Then he whispers: - Sloth!
I've come to the end of the lesson!

He didn't pass on Monday
She shouts: - Slacker!
He won't give up on Saturday either!

He closed himself with a notebook -
I wanted to yawn furtively,
She laughs again!
What's so funny about that?!

Now this girl
Will kill him from the world!

No, he will teach her a lesson:
He'll get a quarter
To spite your neighbor
Decent marks.

Here he will correct the handwriting -
Let him laugh then!

Became literate

It's been a long time
We read
With difficulties:
“Do-mick.” House.
Mi-sha is sweet.
Mi-sha is small.
Mi-sha’s house was broken.”

How long have we been calling mom?
And for the first time ourselves
Read aloud to mom:
“Ma-ma we-la ra-mu.”

November has passed
December - January -
And we prevailed

Congratulated us
Tenth grade -
What an honor we are!
We decided to tell the guests a story
Read about the squirrel.

But from excitement
I read
What's in the cage
The bun lived!

Your dreams

Before going to bed,
You order sleep.
Well, let you dream
A dream from knightly times.

You are chained in a shell,
You hold a sword in your hand,
You for the sake of such a dream
I agree to go to bed earlier.

Here you are, floating in a submarine,
But there's a bear on the ice,
But this dream is short,
There's nothing to see in it.

Before going to bed,
You order sleep.
For example, perhaps we should
Order for a week.

Let other dreams for now
Everything will be cancelled.


I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three -
Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.

Well, if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.


If you are still nowhere
Haven't met the queen -
Look - here she is!
She lives among us.

Everyone left and right
The Queen announces:

Where's my coat? Hang him!
Why isn't he there?

My briefcase is heavy -
Bring it to school!

I instruct the duty officer
Bring me a mug of tea,
And buy it for me at the buffet
Each, each, a piece of candy.

Queen in third grade
And her name is Nastasya.

Nastya's bow
Like a crown
Like a crown
From nylon.

Song about Petya

He's busy all day,
Can't rest for two minutes:
Then he smears the desk with chalk,
He's sitting there tearing up papers!

And during recess
He is even busier:
He will approach a clean wall,
He draws little devils on her.

We sing a song about Petya
We decided to sing to you,
So that it doesn't exist in the world
Sing like him!

Oh, how busy this Petya is!
I broke my watch for an hour
And in my mother's portrait
I drew on my mustache.

Then he will jump on the bench,
He'll crawl under the bed,
Then for some reason he grabs the watering can,
He will start watering the puddles.

He will return home from the yard,
Throws the sled at the porch,
If you undertake to repair them,
It will break to the end.

Then he will skip along,
It will climb into the attic...
No time to pick up a book -
He's too busy as it is!

We sing a song about Petya
We decided to sing to you,
So that it doesn't exist in the world
Sing like him!

Seryozha teaches lessons

Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But just then the fitter arrived.
Seryozha started the conversation
About traffic jams, about wiring.

A minute later the fitter knew
How to jump from a boat
And that Seryozha is ten years old,
And that he is a pilot at heart.

But now the light has come on
And the counter started working.

Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But suddenly he saw through the window,
That the yard is dry and clean,
That the rain stopped a long time ago
And the football players came out.

He put down his notebook -
The lakes can wait.

He was, of course, a goalkeeper,
I didn't come home soon
Around four o'clock
He remembered about the lakes.

He took his notebook again,
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But here Alyosha, younger brother,
Serezhin broke his scooter.

I had to repair two wheels
On this scooter.
He fiddled with it for half an hour
And I went for a ride, by the way.

But here is Serezha’s notebook
Opened for the tenth time.

How many questions they began to ask! –
Suddenly he said angrily. –
I'm still reading the book
And still haven’t learned the lakes!

The right song

We are learning to sing!
We're on Saturdays now
Not just eating -
We sing along to the notes.

We have a lot of melodies
Must remember:
And on a long journey
We need songs
And friends at home
They sing in their spare time...

There are smooth songs
And there are dancing ones.
Today we are in class
Let's eat them for the first time.

Every lesson
I wish I could sing like that!
There's even a special song
For Wedding.

Here we are twenty years later
I decide to get married
Then this song
And it will be useful to me.


Lesson don't ask me
Don't ask, don't ask
Lesson don't ask me -
The squad is on vacation,
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are on.

Schoolchildren will have fun
On free days.
We are outside the city, in Sokolniki,
Skiing, skating.

You'll sink to the waist,
To the waist, to the waist,
You'll sink to the waist,
You'll stay in the snow
And I'm skiing through the forest
To the North Pole
I’ll run as you wish!

Lesson don't ask me
Don't ask, don't ask
Lesson don't ask me -
The squad is on vacation,
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are on.

And all the notebooks are hidden,
Let them sleep for now.

Evening in class

The people gathered on time -
To the first lesson.

Sits on the desk on the right
Petrova at the window,
Behind her is Smirnova Klava
And Shura Fomina.

And behind him Ilyina,
But she's sick now.

The students are leaving
The room is empty...
But who sits down again?
Back to their desks?

Petrova came again
And sat down by the window,
Smirnova came again
And even Ilyin.

Taking your briefcases,
Daughters go home.
They came to class and sat down.
Twenty-eight mothers.

Moms sat next to each other
They started to sigh:
- Too much to take home
They started asking!

The school teacher came in
There was silence.
-Are you happy with Fomina? –
Fomina asked.

Smirnova raised her hand:
- How are Smirnova doing?

Smirnova has a troika
Today for the answer.
Answers smartly -
No deep knowledge!

Fomina is stubborn.
And she is lazy.
“Yes,” mom sighs, “
Fomina is stubborn!

And because of Smirnova
And Shura Fomina
Ready to get upset
Every mother!

They don't separate for a long time
Moms at home
And they make noise like schoolgirls
Twenty-eight mothers.

Two notebooks

Oleg draws ships,
And the shore in the distance
And a blue palm tree in the distance,
And a boat on the sand.

He paints a palm tree
IN Blue colour
Ours is green
There is no paint.

A sailor stands on the deck,
Gives a signal with a flag.
Oleg always draws like this -
He will be a sailor.

There are no seas in my notebook,
But there is infantry in it.
And they look from every leaf
Armed troops.

Look, there's a tanker standing there,
It takes up a whole page
Below it is my signature:
“Tank driver Volodya, that is, me.”

Target: development of children's mental abilities in an entertaining way, through games - riddles.

Tasks: Teach children to think logically, solve riddles, activate colloquial speech children;-Enrich lexicon children; -Develop and identify children’s mental abilities, skills descriptive speech, consolidate evidence skills;
Expand knowledge about nature;

Bring up ecological culture children, interest in nature, desire to know it, love and protect it;

Develop Creative skills children.

Progress of entertainment:


“A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,

We're having fun this morning,

Spring gives us a ringing holiday

And the main guest on it is the game.

She is our friend - big and smart,

It will not let you get bored and discouraged.

A cheerful, noisy argument will start,

It will help you learn new things"

Children, today someone will come to visit us, guess who?

“He’s a dancer, he’s a singer, he’s a funny toy, and his name is...(PARSLEY)

Parsley:- La, la, la! La, la, la!

La, la, la! Hello, here I am!

Welcome guests, friends!

After all, I didn’t come alone today, I have wonderful friends with me. Guess who came with me:

“Shaggy, mustachioed, she washes herself often, but doesn’t know how to handle water. Will he quietly enter the room, purr, and sing?” (CAT)

Cat:“Pur, pur, pur, meow!”

Hello children! I came to visit you and brought riddles. Guess!

Riddle one:

  1. “Doesn’t sing songs, doesn’t build nests, carries people and cargo?” (AIRPLANE)
  2. “Has a nest in a tree, jumps and flies along the branches, and not a bird?” (SQUIRREL)
  3. “A carpenter using a sharp chisel, building a house with one window?” (WOODPECKER)
  4. “Falls loudly, jumps along the paths?” (HAIL)

Cat: Well done, you guessed all my riddles, smart guys! (Leaves)

Parsley: Guess who else came with me?

“The living castle grumbled and lay down at the door - across? (Dog)

Dog: Woof! Woof! Woof! Hello, here I am! Listen to my riddles!

  1. “What kind of horse plows the ground but doesn’t eat the hay?” (Tractor)
  2. “Liquid, not water, white, not snow?” (Milk)
  3. “A cap and a leg, that’s all Eroshka?” (Mushroom)
  4. “Small, gray, sitting under a bush, trembling with fear?” (Hare)
  5. “The long-eared coward climbed into the garden, saw a carrot - and put it in his mouth?” (Hare)

Dog: Well done, you guessed all my riddles! (Runs away)

Parsley: Someone else came with me, guess the riddle:

“I don’t touch him,

He goes his own way,

And if you touch -

You’ll stumble upon a needle” (Hedgehog)


Hedgehog: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! (Snorts)

Hello children, I also prepared riddles for you, can you guess them? Listen!

Riddle one:

  1. “In the swamp in the summer, you won’t find it, the little animal is jumping, not a mouth, but a trap. Will a mosquito or a fly get caught in the trap?” (Frog)
  2. “Just touch it, pull your palm away, does the grass burn like fire?” (Nettle)
  3. “Talented little thing, she draws a little at a time, did she take out her brushes and tie them to her ears?” (Lynx)
  4. “You can’t say ‘screw’ to her, isn’t that a cat?” (Lynx)
  5. “A striped shirt, a fashionable hairstyle, a dark back, not a horse, but a picture!” (Zebra)
  6. “Strongly built, but not tall, with a strong horn on his nose. Whoever dares to tease him will get his horn?” (Rhinoceros)

Hedgehog: Clever girls! All my riddles have been solved! (Runs away)

Parsley: Who else came with me? Guess:

- A red collared fox (Fox) is jumping straight across the field

Fox: Hello, kids! I brought riddles for you, listen!

  1. “You don’t know where he lives, he’ll swoop down, he bends the trees, he’s a mischief maker and you can’t stop him” (Wind)
  2. A painted rocker hanging over the river?” (Rainbow)
  3. “Who wears a forest on his head?” (Deer)
  4. “A red-hot arrow, felled an oak tree near the village?” (Lightning)
  5. “Will he fly south for the winter, and be the first to arrive in March?” (Rook)
  6. “The messenger of spring is a nimble young man, he came to visit, and moved into the house, the house is made of wood, the messenger is warm and cheerful, he sings songs, and a testament to spring?” (Starling)

Fox: Well done, you guessed all my riddles, smart guys! (Runs away)

Parsley: Smart kids. All our riddles were solved. We'll have to go for new riddles. Goodbye! (Waves to the children)

Leading: thanks for interesting riddles, come to us again!

IIPhysical education minute(Finger game)

  1. Game "Fawns"

“The baby deer don’t have horns on their heads ( Fists pressed to head)

The little ones are growing up, the horns are growing ( Index fingers unclench)

The legs became stronger, their horns branched out ( Unclench all fingers on your hands)

Adult deer have strong legs, adult deer have strong antlers ( They make raking movements with their feet)

  1. "Into the forest to pick mushrooms"

This finger went into the forest (start with the little finger)

This finger found a mushroom

This finger was peeling a mushroom,

This finger was cutting a mushroom,

This little finger ate mushrooms and that’s why he got fat!

III Dramatization "Our Guest"

(The children come to visit: 2 grandmothers - Riddles and grandfather - Riddles)

1 Baba- Grandfather! Look how many people there are! Say hello!

Grandfather- No, you, woman. First say hello!

2 Baba- No, you, grandfather!

1 Baba- Let's say hello together!

Together- Hello, kids!

Leading-Who are you?

Grandmothers know- we are grandmothers - Riddles

Grandfather - And I am Grandfather-Guess

1 Baba- And we, kids, came to ask you riddles. Can you guess?

Listen carefully!

The streams rang, the rooks flew in

A bee brought the first honey into her hive.

Who can say, who knows when this happens? (Spring)

1 Baba-And now you are a grandfather, guess the riddle:

The blue sheet covers the whole world (Sky)

Grandfather- Something is old, I’ve become, I can’t guess. Help me guys, what is this?

(Children guess)

2 Baba- There was a blanket lying there, soft white

The sun was hot - the blanket flowed away (snow)

2 Baba- There is a palace on the pole, in the palace there is a singer, and his name is? (starling)

Grandfather- Singer!

Grandmother- Help, guys. Grandfather, do you know any riddles?

Grandfather- Guess! Riddle one:

He dragged the fox out of his mink by his curly tuft,

It feels very smooth, tastes like sugar, sweet!

Grandmothers together- Carrot!

Grandfather- Our piglets grew up in the garden

Sideways towards the sun, crochet ponytails

These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

Grandmothers together- Cucumbers!

Grandfather- When I put on a hundred shirts, I crunched my teeth!

Grandmothers together- Cabbage!

Grandfather: Here are some riddles for you kids! Guess it!

My caftan is green, but my heart is like red,

Tastes like sugar is sweet

Looks like a ball (Watermelon)

They flew into a raspberry and wanted to peck it,

But they saw the freak and quickly left the garden!

And the freak is standing on a stick, with a beard made of a washcloth (Garden scarecrow)

Grandfather: Can you guess the difficult riddle?

A green bush is growing, if you touch it, it will bite! (nettle)

Svetlana sits in colored pajamas

Honey chews and sings songs (Bee)

Lucky business lady, for one penny

I managed to buy a samovar (Fly - clatter) Without arms, without legs, sits on a leaf, looks at people,

Where it crawls, it eats the leaf (caterpillar)

This is not an easy riddle, solve the secret!

The body will be wrapped in thread and born,

Multi-colored miracle, cherished magic (butterfly)

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

I didn’t want to sleep anymore!

He woke up, perked up, soared up and flew away (butterfly)

It crawls very slowly and carries its own home (snail)

In a brown tailcoat, walking in the darkness (cockroach)

Long helicopter, its own pilot,

Wherever he wants, he will direct his course (dragonfly)

A six-legged horse, black as a coal,

Walking along the path, carrying a log (ant)

An old lady sits, a scarf on top of her head,

Red handkerchief, black dots (ladybug)

The plane, but without a pilot, squeaks when it flies,

Whoever comes close will be attacked (mosquito)

The blue carriage rides all summer long,

Winter will come, the carriage will stop (river)

Little brother of the river (spring)

Natural silent (stone)

Red rooster grew and went out (fire)

A wide ribbon lay across the field

Whoever stood on it was led into the distance (the road)

Little sister dogori (path)

Full length yellow whip

It flew across the sky and lit up the whole sky! (lightning)

High from the ground the drum thunders

It hits the roofs higher and higher.

It knocks and rumbles, it wants to deafen everyone (thunder)

Walks without legs, touches without hands (rain, wind)

Presenter: What interesting riddles you have! Can you guess mine?

The girlfriends are standing there, dear to everyone,

Green braids, white sundresses,

Bare feet, and earrings in the ears (Birches)

In a white hat, a beautiful lady,

He looks from high, arms to his sides.

Rich and important, but no one needs it! (toadstool)

On the grass - an ant, on a carved bench,

Natashas are sitting, sad, white skirts, yellow shirts (daisies)

The carpet is fluffy, not woven, not sewn

Calls the traveler - moss grows in the forest

Presenter: Well done! Difficult riddles guessed it right! Thank you for your interesting riddles, come to us with new riddles!

1 Baba: Grandfather, say goodbye to the guys!

Grandfather: No, you say goodbye first!

2 Baba: No, you, grandfather!

1 Baba: Let's all say goodbye together!

All: Goodbye, kids!

IV Musical pause"Ditties - laughter"

  1. Our Tanya barks loudly,

Became a little dog

If I were a boy

I would become a girl!

  1. The rook dreams of spring,

Fisherman about carp,

On the girls' mind

Only Barbie doll!

  1. Our girls don't fight

They will defeat any enemy

If they scream loudly,

They'll stun whoever you want!

  1. What do I wish you guys?

All the best!

Two hundred packs of different chewing gums

And a carload of ice cream.

Physical education lesson “Rooks”

One day in early spring at the edge of the forest ( children stand in a circle)

A flock of birds appeared, not rooks or tits ( run on tiptoes, legs slightly bent)

They scattered along the edge of the forest, jump, jump, crack, crack, here a bug, here a worm.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

(run in different directions, lean forward, down, look for a worm)

Word game “Answer, is it true?”

(Know-It-All comes to visit the children)

Know-it-all(in suit: black cape, four-cornered): At this hour, happy hour, I brought you riddles, I’ll listen to you!

  1. The blizzard has swept the field, and the whole room is white,

Answer, is it true?

  1. In March the snow and ice melted, winter is coming to us, Answer me, is it true?
  2. The cat likes grapes and vinaigrette for lunch. Answer, is it true?
  3. At night, in the rain, like a shepherd, a rooster took the chickens out for a walk. Answer, is it true?
  4. A swan swims in a pond, sleeps on an apple tree in the garden. Answer, is it true?
  5. We wound the wool into a skein, a silk scarf will come out, Answer, is it true?
  6. Even though the snail is small, it carried away the whole house, Answer me, is it true?
  7. The dog Barbos cackled and laid an egg in the nest. Answer, is it true?
  8. Grab with a paw, snap with your teeth, a predator tiger, and a predator wolf, Answer, is it true?

Know-It-All: That's right, kids, well done! All my riddles have been solved! And now I’ll tell you some riddles, tricks. Think!

  1. Curled up in a ball, well, touch it, prickly on all sides... (horse) (hedgehog)
  2. In the thicket he raises his head and howls with hunger... (giraffe) (wolf)
  3. Who knows a lot about raspberries, well, of course it’s ... (wolf) (bear)
  4. On a pine tree, like a drum in the forest... (ram) (woodpecker)
  5. A simple question for kids, who is afraid of a cat... (mice) (dogs)

Presenter: and I also prepared riddles for you - deceptions. Think!

  1. The sun's ray has gone out over the forest, the king of beasts is sneaking... (rooster) (lion)
  2. Having overcome all obstacles, the faithful one hits with his hoof... (lion) (horse)
  3. You won’t find a longer neck, it will tear off any branch... (hedgehog) (giraffe)
  4. Under the moon he sat down on a branch to sing songs... (Bear) (Nightingale)
  5. Teaches daughters and sons to grunt (ant) (pig)
  6. Anyone who likes to run around on branches is, of course, a red (fox) (squirrel)

Know-It-All: You guys are great! You will be rewarded with lollipops!

(Distributing candy to children and guests)


Test on the topic “About our little brothers”

  1. B.Zakhoder
  2. V. Berestov
  3. I. Pivovarova
  4. M. Boroditskaya

2.Remove the extra character.

  1. old man
  2. horse
  3. owl
  4. mice

3. Find out the title of the story by reference words.

Violin, stream, sliver, music, bear.

  1. "Musician"
  2. "A Scary Story"
  3. "Brave Duckling"
  4. "Guys and Ducklings"

4. Who scared the children in Scary Story?

  1. crow
  2. hedgehog
  3. dog
  4. cat
  1. B. Zhitkov
  2. M. Prishvin
  3. V. Bianchi
  4. V. Berestov

6. What is Charushin’s first and patronymic?

  1. Evgeniy Ivanovich
  2. Vitaly Valentinovich
  3. Mikhail Mikhailovich
  4. Boris Stepanovich

7.Which writer believes that the medical rule “Do no harm!” suitable for everyone who visits forests and fields?

  1. N.Sladkov
  2. M. Prishvin
  3. V. Bianchi
  4. E. Charushin

8. Remove the extra character.

  1. Alyosha
  2. cat
  3. dragonfly
  4. ducklings

9. Which writer traveled half the world - Russia, Europe, Asia, spoke many languages ​​fluently, played the violin excellently and was a skilled trainer?

  1. N.Sladkov
  2. V. Bianchi
  1. B. Zhitkov
  2. M. Prishvin

10.N. Sladkov believes that “nature can only be saved…”

  1. ...our kindness
  2. …our love.
  3. ... our attention.
  4. ...our understanding.

Verification work

under the section “About our little brothers.”

1. Guess the riddles. Write what works these heroes are from.

1) Forest owner

Sprinkles in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut.

M __________________________________________________________

2) Blue airplane

Sat on a white dandelion.

WITH __________________________________________________________

3) Lies on the hay,

Doesn't eat on her own

And he doesn’t give it to others.

WITH ________________________________________________________

4) Along the river, along the water

A line of boats is sailing.

The ship goes ahead and leads everyone behind it.

At _____________________with at________________________________

5) I don’t touch him –

He goes his own way,

And if you touch -

You will stumble upon a needle.


2. Which writer believes that “only our love can save nature”?


3. Use an arrow to connect the works and the genre to which they belong.

“Guys and Ducklings”, M. Prishvin

“The Musician”, V. Bianchi a) A story about animals

“Once upon a time there was a dog...”, I. Pivovarova b) A Tale of Animals

“A Scary Story”, E. Charushin c) Poems

“Cat Puppy”, V. Berestov d) Scientific and educational

“Owl”, V. Bianchi text

Test on the topic “From children's magazines”

1. Which of these magazines is not a children's magazine?

a) “Hedgehog” c) “Chizh”

b) “Kolobok” d) “Health”

2. What does the name of the magazine “Chizh” stand for?

a) an extremely interesting life

b) an honest, interesting magazine

c) an honest, sincere magazine

D) an extremely interesting magazine

3. What poem did D. Kharms and S. Marshak write together?

a) “Happy Siskins” b) “Game”

b) “What was that?” c) “Jolly old man”

a) D. Kharms c) S. Marshak

b) A. Vvedensky d) Y. Vladimirov

5. Find the correct meaning of the word “STICK”

a) stalk c) hummock (small)

b) poker d) bent stick

6. What is the real name of D. Kharms?

a) Daniil Yuvachev c) Daniil Kharms

b) Dmitry Yuvachev d) Dmitry Kharms

a) D. Kharms c) A. Vvedensky

b) Y. Vladimirov d) S. Marshak

8. Finish the proverb. “Look at the tree in its fruit, and...”

a) ... a person is in study. c)… a person – in wealth.

b)… a person – in beauty. d)… a person – in business.

Read the text. Complete the tasks.

Elephant is strong and smart

The elephant is big, the elephant is strong and smart, everyone knows this. The domestic elephant in India carries heavy loads, carrying water and even small children.

But not everyone is able to see a herd of wild elephants. The elephant has almost no enemies. But if an elephant senses danger, it sneaks away quietly, like a mouse.

It happens that a giant python snake will curl up along the elephant path and attack a small elephant calf who has fallen behind the herd. The baby elephant will squeal and trumpet. The elephants will instantly rush to save the baby elephant. The whole herd runs around and tramples the python, as if dancing on it. And when the baby elephant is rescued, he will get it from his mother elephant so that he will obey the adults and keep up with the herd.


1. Mark the redundant statement. "Elephant…."

a) big b) strong

B) smart d) weak

2. Mark the correct statement. "If an elephant senses danger, it..."

a) runs away b) calls the baby elephant

b) sneaks quietly like a mouse d) sneaks quietly like a cat

3. Note the meaning of the wordgiant(snake)

a) big b) very big

b) weak d) strong

4. What genre does this text belong to?

a) fairy tale b) riddle

b) story d) fable

5. What kind of work can a domestic elephant do? Write it down briefly.


Option 2

1. Determine the genre of N. Nosov’s work “Entertainers”.

  1. Bylina
  2. Fairy tale
  3. Story
  4. Poem

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out. We climbed into it, and it was dark and dark in there!

  1. N. Nosov “Entertainers”
  2. V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”
  3. Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”
  1. A. Barto
  2. N. Nosov
  3. N. Bulgakov
  4. V. Oseeva

4. Do you know Nosov’s first and patronymic?

  1. Sergey Vladimirovich
  2. Samuil Yakovlevich
  3. Nikolai Nikolaevich
  4. Fedor Ivanovich

5. Mark a story that teaches you to be honest.

  1. Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”
  2. V. Oseeva “Why?”
  3. V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”
  4. N. Nosov “Living Hat”
  1. catalog
  2. writer
  3. artist
  4. table of contents (contents)

Test on the topic “Writers for Children” and “Me and My Friends”

Option 1

1. Determine the genre of Y. Ermolaev’s work “Two Cakes”.

  1. Bylina
  2. Fairy tale
  3. Story
  4. Poem

2. What work is this excerpt from?

Lena was sitting at the table and drawing. Paints - green, blue, red - lay in front of her. Seeing Pavlik, she immediately grabbed them into a pile and covered them with her hands.

  1. N. Bulgakov “Anna, don’t be sad!”
  2. N. Nosov “Living Hat”
  3. V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”
  4. Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”
  1. V. Berestov
  2. N. Nosov
  3. V. Oseeva
  4. Yu. Ermolaev

4. Do you know Chukovsky’s first and patronymic?

  1. Samuil Yakovlevich
  2. Nikolai Nikolaevich
  3. Fedor Ivanovich
  4. Korney Ivanovich

5. Which story is about friendship?

  1. Y. Ermolaev “Two cakes”
  2. V. Oseeva “Why?”
  3. N. Bulgakov “Anna, don’t be sad!”
  4. V. Oseeva “The Magic Word”

6. Think and answer what is part of the book.

  1. library
  2. reading room
  3. writer
  4. illustration

Test on the topic “Writers for children”

1. Who is K. Chukovsky?

  1. composer
  2. poet
  3. artist
  4. writer

2. Which poem was not written by A. Barto?

  1. "We didn't notice the bug"
  2. “Vovka is a kind soul”
  3. "My puppy"
  4. "To school"

3. Who is a Prusak?

  1. black spider
  2. big spider
  3. black beetle
  4. red cockroach

4. What is the name of the boy who “woke up ten times at night”?

  1. Peter
  2. Vovka
  3. Sasha
  4. Sergey

5. Which poem teaches how to overcome fear?

  1. "My puppy"
  2. "My secret"
  3. "Strength of will"
  4. "The Cat and the Quirks"

6. What time of year does everyone rejoice in the poem “Rope”?

  1. winter
  2. spring
  3. fly
  4. autumn

7. Choose a synonym for the word quitter.

  1. Hooligan
  2. Chatterbox
  3. Veselchak
  4. lazy person

"Writers for Children"

1. Complete the titles of the poems and indicate their authors.

1) “______________________________ grief”, author _________________________________

2) “Cat and ______________________________”, author_________________________________

3) “The Power of _______________________________”, author _________________________________

4) “Vovka-_________________ ____________”, author_________________________________

5) “My ________________________________”, author _________________________________

6) “We are not____________________ __________”, author_________________________________

2. Find out the story using keywords.

1) They were building, slide, slippery, sand, steps. _________________________________

2) Chest of drawers, hat, kitten, poker, potatoes. __________________________________

3) Games, house, fairy tale, wolf, “three little pigs”. ________________________________


4. Why are the works of writers K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, S. Marshak, A. Barto and N. Nosov combined into one section? Find the answer on page 68 of the textbook and add your opinion.


Test for the section"Writers for Children"

Option 1

  1. Which poet is the author of the “Toys” cycle?
  1. A.Barto
  2. S. Mikhalkov
  3. S. Marshak
  4. K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn't the boys notice how the hat covered the kitten?

  1. They were reading a book.
  2. They colored the pictures.
  3. They watched cartoons.
  4. They were playing checkers.
  1. What mistake did Kotka make?
  1. Once again I filled the slide with water.
  2. Broke the slide
  3. I sprinkled sand on the hill.
  4. I ruined the slide with my skate.
  1. Remember K. Chukovsky’s poems “Joy” and “Confusion”. What are such small poems called in oral folk art?
  1. Fairy tales
  2. Proverbs
  3. Sayings
  4. Tales
  1. In the works of which writer are there heroes: the astronomer Steklyashkin, Gunka, Mishka with his ill-fated porridge?
  1. S. Mikhalkova
  2. S. Marshak
  3. K. Chukovsky
  4. N.Nosova

6. What work are the lines taken from?

We pulled the blanket off the bed and covered the table with it. This is how the house turned out.

  1. "Living Hat"
  2. "On the Hill"
  3. "Entertainers
  4. "The Adventures of Dunno"
  1. Read the riddle of K. Chukovsky, choose the answer.

Beautiful doors in my cave,

White animals sit at the door.

Both meat and bread - all my spoils -

I gladly give it to white animals.

  1. Lips and teeth
  2. Eyes and eyelashes
  3. Nose and mouth
  4. Arms and legs

8. Read the riddle by S. Marshak, choose the answer.

We always walk together,

We look alike like brothers

We are at lunch - under the table,

And at night - under the bed.

  1. Slippers
  2. Socks
  3. Boots
  4. Chair legs

Test for the section"Writers for Children"

Option 2

  1. Which writer is the author of the book “From Two to Five”?


S. Mikhalkov

S. Marshak

K. Chukovsky

2. Why didn’t the boys play “the three little pigs” more?

They played for a long time and got tired of it.

Mom came and began to scold them.

They were afraid that someone would grab their leg again.

The game was boring.

3.Why did Kotka sprinkle sand on the hill?

  1. I couldn't get up.
  2. I decided to do some harm.
  1. So that no one can ride from it.
  2. So that no one else falls.
  1. Which of the works

Test work for the section“I love Russian nature”

  1. Match the author and an excerpt from his poem:

The snow is no longer the same

He turned black in the field.

The ice on the lakes is cracked,

It's like they split... A. Pleshcheev

Isn't this spring?

No, it's loud, subtle

A wave is murmuring in the stream... F. Tyutchev

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,

There was a breath of spring through the window...

The nightingales will soon whistle,

And the forest will be clothed with leaves... A. Blok

It’s not for nothing that winter gets angry,

Its time has passed_

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard... S. Marshak

The grass is turning green

The sun is shining

Swallow with spring

In the canopy flies towards us... A. Pleshcheev

  1. Divide these works into 2 groups and give a common name to each group.

Fox and black grouse. ____________________ __________________

Spring waters. _____________________ ___________________

Country song. ______________________ ____________________

Fox and crane. _______________________ ___________________

In the meadow. _______________________ ___________________

Porridge from an axe. _______________________ __________________

  1. Insert the letters correctly.

The dream... is no longer the same, Spring is moving sideways...

P..t..he thought in the field... We are m..l..messengers until spring....

Tweeted in..r..beat

V..s..ley on the roof...

tell friends