Let's draw funny blots with your baby. Blotography drawing technique for children

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In the good old days, when writing used quills that had to be dipped in ink, making a blot on paper was as easy as shelling pears. It only took a little gaping, not completely shaking off the pen, or just a careless twitch of the hand, and the letter would be ruined. There was a huge blot on it, indicating that the work would have to be rewritten. Nowadays, only people who are passionate about rarities write with a pen in order to feel the atmosphere of the past.

Fountain pens vs fountain pens

In Soviet times, there were devices that had to be refilled with ink yourself. Confusions with blots occurred less frequently, but were not completely eliminated. Fountain pens, like their predecessors, continued to spoil writing, forcing people to redo, rewrite, and tear out damaged sheets. Now that the fountain pen rules the roost, it is almost impossible to see a blot. Such an event can only happen in emergency situations, for example, if the rod leaks in hot weather. Children began to forget what a blot is, because a fountain pen is convenience and practicality.

Blot in cartoons about schoolchildren-idlers

In many of our favorite Soviet cartoons about would-be students, there are episodes when a schoolboy writes an ink in his notebook. While doing his homework, which already seems difficult to him, the character begins to get terribly angry because of the opportunity that has happened. Modern children, watching old cartoons, wonder what a blot is and where it comes from. It is difficult for them to understand the whole mechanism and history of the formation of a blot, because the fountain pens they use do not flow. Here, as always, parents come to the rescue, who can not only explain everything clearly, but also clearly show the child, using paints, gouache or watercolor as an example, how to draw a blot. Learning new things is much more interesting if you do it together.

Collaborative creativity

The shape of a blot resembles a blurry spot of paint or ink. The most accurate way to explain it to a child is in several ways, for which you will need a sketchbook and paints, a brush and a simple pencil:

  1. The first method is with a brush and paints. Having dipped the brush in water, and then thickly smeared it with paint, you need to lift it above the album sheet and wait until a drop of color falls on the sheet. Under the force of its weight, it will acquire a unique shape. It’s easy to draw a blot; even a one-year-old baby can do it.
  2. The second way is using a simple pencil. How to draw a blot with a pencil? It’s simple, if you’re not afraid and show a little of the creative abilities that are inherent in each of us. To do this, you just need to reproduce circles or ovals that are uneven in shape and proportions on paper. This should be done by including imagination in the work, because each blot is unique. Inexperienced artists may think they are the same, but this is completely misleading.
  3. The third original way of drawing blots would be this: first, you should completely paint a landscape sheet or any canvas intended for work with uniform paint. Then you should dip a clean brush in plain water and, without shaking it off, hold it over a previously decorated sheet of paper. A drop of water will certainly fall on the canvas and leave a mark in the form of a blurry place. This will be the blot. This method answers the question of how to draw a blot with clean water. Using it as a competition at events, you can captivate kids for a long time, and this, as we know, is very valuable.

How to draw a blot and turn it into a masterpiece?

That's not all. The resulting blurry spots can easily be turned into funny monsters or wonderful jellyfish. After clearly explaining to your child how to draw a blot, you can begin this more exciting activity. This is easy to do by adding a few original details: eyes, nose, mouth. You can draw whole families of similar monsters or make them all different. Everything is decided by imagination and fantasy. Drawing is easy when you do it in a good mood and in a cheerful company. Such interesting joint creative events are also good to hold in large children's groups, for example, at some kind of holiday. Children will have great fun laughing at each other's original masterpieces.

Draw with your children and the whole family - it's exciting and funny.

Unconventional drawing techniques allow you to fully explore the possibilities of artistic materials. In addition, there are no strict rules on how to draw. This is a kind of pampering. The child is allowed to create as he wants and with what he wants.

Even if we do not prepare the child to be a great artist, although who knows? non-traditional art techniques have a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche precisely because the child is not limited in creativity. He does what he wants. But in real life there are so many prohibitions around a child on all sides: this is not possible, don’t do that, etc. So, at least in the visual arts, let the child “become misbehaving”, let him open up, be liberated.

Of course, I didn’t come up with this technique. They used it before me and will use it after me. Everyone brings something different to this technique. Therefore, each teacher and parent in particular, whether he wants it or not, will have his own method of working in this technique. Blotography is available to children of preschool age, from the age of four. But the older he gets, the more interesting his work becomes. First, the child repeats what the adult does. And then... You will be delighted with his work.

So, to work using the “blotography” technique you will need: watercolor paints, a brush (preferably a soft one - a squirrel or a pony, No. 4-5), a jar of water, album sheets (why sheets and not an album, because it’s more convenient to draw and dry the work), optional felt-tip pens.

Let's get started:
1. Everything you need was collected in one place on the desktop.

2. If the child is not yet familiar with this technique, let’s try to start with something simple, but at the same time, so that something will work out. Because If the child doesn’t succeed the first time, it is quite possible that he will no longer want to create using this technique.

So, we make an oblong puddle at the bottom of the sheet (the sheet is located horizontally). To do this, take a lot of water and a lot of green paint on the brush. It should be just a puddle, there should be a lot of water.

3. Blow on the green puddle towards the top of the leaf. This can be done together with the child (just keep in mind that if you blow for a long time, the child may become dizzy, take breaks from “blowing”), there is enough space for both. This is how we got weed.

4. Above the grass we make a small puddle, for example, red.

5. We inflate it in different directions. To do this, the sheet will have to be rotated. Inflated in one direction, turned the sheet, inflated in the other - turned, etc. This is how we got a flower.

6, 7. Let's make another flower in the same way. And if space on paper allows, you can do more.

8. Finish the stems of the flowers with the tip of the brush. Simple, but still the landscape is ready!

9. Second job. Make a yellow puddle in the middle of the sheet.

10. Inflate it in different directions. This is the sun.

11. There is a blue puddle in the corner.

12. Inflate. It turned out to be a cloud or a cloud.

13. Make such clouds in every corner. It turned out to be sunshine and clouds.

14. And the last work. It's more complicated. Make a small yellow puddle in the top half of the sheet.

15. Inflate it in different directions.

16. At the bottom of the leaf there is a larger yellow puddle.

17. Let's inflate it.

18. Let’s draw on the paws, beak, and eye - we get a chicken.

Of course, you shouldn't do all three jobs at once. One job per session is quite enough. If, after your work together, you have a desire to draw yourself, give him this opportunity. If the child likes this technique, he will use it in the future in his creativity.

Drawings created using the “blotography” technique can also find practical applications. In addition to the fact that the best children's drawing can be hung on the wall, framed in paper, you can make a postcard. Make a flower or sun using this technique. Cut this fragment from the sheet. Glue it on a sheet of colored cardboard folded in half on the front side. Postcard for grandma or grandpa ready! Loving grandparents will not remain indifferent to their grandchildren's first homemade cards.

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Let's create a realistic blot in Photoshop.

First we need a brush. It's simple - create a new document, for example, 30x300 pixels in size. Fill it with black and set it as a new brush. (Edit->Define Brush Preset) Then create a new document. Attention! In order for our blot to not be flattened, the dimensions of the new sheet must be equal both vertically and horizontally. In short, the new document should be square. (for example, 1000x1000 px) Select our newly created brush, and set approximately (more creative freedom!) the following parameters:

Now, slightly varying the size of the brush, you need to paint something like this: (here everyone will have their own way, and that’s good)

Now Filter->Distort->Polar Coordinates and Rectangular to Polar You will get the following:

Now under the layer with this... let's call it a spread, make a new layer, fill it with white. Select the layer with the spread and do Merge Down (or Ctrl+E). Then we blur the result (Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur) so that it looks something like this:

Attention! The degree of blur is inversely proportional to the splatteriness of the future blot. Now Image->Adjustments->Threshold. Here, by moving the slider, you select the shape of the blot. Having chosen the one you like, click OK. So, almost done, but... the edges are a little angular. Truly a discrete blot!

Therefore, use a magic stick (Avadakedabra!!) to select the entire white area, invert the selection (Shift+Ctrl+I) and, hovering the cursor over the blot, create a work path. (Make Work Path) Choose the tolerance yourself, I recommend 0.5-1 pixel. If you take more, there will be no necessary smoothness of the lines; if you take less, the “pixelated” appearance will remain. Create a new layer and go to it. Go to Paths, fill in the resulting work path. If you do not plan to use the contour again, you can remove it so that it does not interfere.

Remove the visibility of all layers except the resulting blot. You can create a layer under it with some kind of background (white, gradient, some imported image with a surface - whatever you like). Create a layer style with a blot.

I used these settings, but again, this is just a general direction; customize it the way you like. That's all, actually!

Using this lesson you can make similar blots:

photoshop lesson, photoshop lessons, photoshop lesson


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Master class on unconventional drawing

Master class on drawing.

Name. Blotography is normal.
Author. Gencheva Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, MOU DO “Dnestrovian Children and Youth Center”, Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.
This master class is designed for work in a children's creative association, drawing lessons for children aged 5 years and older, for teachers, educators, and parents.
Purpose: making drawings in an unusual way.
Target. Introduce the unconventional drawing technique “regular blotography”.
Tasks. Teach new ways of obtaining images, objectifying and “revitalizing” unusual forms (blots). Develop attention, thinking, artistic imagination from the abstract to the concrete. Cultivate accuracy when working.
Material: paper, paints, brushes, jars of water, wet wipes, pencils.
Presentation of the material. Guys, I received a letter from a colorful country, from our friend, the artist Raskraskin. Listen to what he writes.
Hello guys! I want to tell you what happened to me.
My sister brought it to me as a gift
A bottle
Black, black ink.
I started drawing
But right from the pen
He dropped a huge blot.
And it blurred
There is a spot on the leaf
It began to grow little by little:
On the left is a trunk, And on the right is a tail, Legs are like pedestals, Tall...
I will immediately
I added huge ears to the black ink,
And it turned out
Of course, he is - you guessed it - Indian... (elephant).
(poem by D. Ciardi “About the one who came out of a blot”) I am sending you several of my new works, made in an unusual way of drawing using regular blotography. I hope you enjoy them. See you. Your Raskraskin.

Looking at the drawings

Discussion. Children's reasoning about ways to obtain an image.
Do you want to learn how to draw like this? Children's answers.
Demonstration of drawing methods by the teacher.
For work you will need: paper, paints, brush, water, felt-tip pens or pencils.

Let's prepare the paints - add a few drops of water to each watercolor color, fold a sheet of paper in half and unfold it.

On one side, closer to the middle, drop a few greasy drops - blots. You can use paint of different colors.

Then fold the sheet in half along the fold line and move your palm up and down several times so that the paint spreads across the sheet. To “transform” a blot we will say the magic words.

Carefully unfold the sheet. You see a weird spot.

Think about it, what does that look like? Let your imagination run wild. “Revive” the blots - turn them into living creatures or objects. Carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different directions. You can draw on some details with a pencil.

Questions for children about the drawing sequence.
Where do we start working?
Where are we going to put the paint?
How many drops will we drop?
When we put the leaf together, what will we do?
What should we do next?
When you figured out what it looks like you need to use pencils……..
Independent practical work of children.
Children master the usual blotography technique. The teacher works individually. Gives instructions, helps to obtain an image in an unusual way. Encourages independence. He advises you to carefully examine the blots, turning the sheets of paper in different directions. Shows as an example: this is my blot, if you look at it like this, it looks like a butterfly, you just need to finish drawing the antennae. What will your blots turn into? The teacher quietly, in his ear, asks each child about his plans and associations; he helps indecisive children with advice or indirect questions. The teacher works with more active, capable children. Gives them additional tasks. Analysis of children's works. At the end of the lesson, there is a general exhibition of “live” blots.

Summary of a drawing lesson for the senior group.

Topic: Blotography. Blowing with a straw

Target: Development of children's imagination through an unconventional drawing technique - blotography.


Educational: consolidate knowledge about primary colors, introduce the unconventional drawing technique of blotography - tube blowing.

Educational: develop children's creative thinking (through problem situations), curiosity, imagination.

Educational: in develop an interest in artistic activities

Expand and activate the dictionary: blotography, blot,Vblowing with a straw.

Equipment : container with soap solution, transparent container with clean drinking water,album sheet, gouache, wide brush, jar of water, cocktail tube,wet wipes, paint brush.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by V.G. Suteeva "We are looking for the Blob"

Lesson plan

1. Introductory part: 4 min

Creating a problematic situation

Creating a motive for children's activities

2. Main part: 13 minutes

Visual activities


Visual activities

3. Final part: 3 min.

Assessment of children's activities and self-esteem

Summing up the lesson

Lesson duration 20 minutes

Progress of the lesson

Parts of the lesson

Introductory part

Creating a motive for children's activities

Children approach the teacher's table. The teacher holds a cocktail tube in his hands.

- What do you think it is for? (children's answers)

The teacher drinks from a straw, makes a storm in a glass, blows soap bubbles, just blows...

Imagine, I can also draw with a straw. Do you know how? (children's answers)The teacher leads the children to ask them to teach.

Take a seat at your workstations.

2. Main part

Guys, drawing with a tube is an unconventional drawing technique, and it’s called blotography.

With the help of cocktail tubes we will blow out a design, and what you get depends only on you. Take a brush, dip it in water, then in paint and drip it onto the paper, you get a small blot. Place the brush aside. Now, using a straw, we inflate the blot and get a pattern. Everyone will have their own pattern, unique. The teacher demonstrates the drawing process.

In the meantime, while your blots are drying, I suggest doing a physical exercise.

Physical exercise. "Watch"

Tick-tock, tick-tock -

All clocks go like this:

Tick ​​tock. (Tilt your heads first to one shoulder, then to the other.)

Look quickly what time it is:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock. (Swing to the rhythm of the pendulum.)

Left - once, right - once,

We can do this too. (Legs together, hands on the belt. On the count of “one,” tilt your head to your right shoulder, then to your left, like a clock.)

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Your patterns have dried, look carefully at your drawing. Who sees what? You can finish painting with a regular paint brush. Imagine guys, don't be shy.

Your works are ready, bring them to the exhibition table.

3. Final part

Guys, what interestingwork for you turned out.

The teacher asks the children to tell what they drew.

Then he asks the children which work they liked the most and why.
Guys, what You Today Well done! You Great we worked hard! Tell me, eh What We With you Today did you do? (answers children)

How And how We painted ?(answers children) How are called technology that We used V his work?

And who can say why we painted with cocktail straws?

I see that you have all learned to draw using this technique.

You guys are great!

Thank you to you!

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