Height and weight of singer Athena. Athena (singer) - biography, information, personal life

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Athena, song "Burning Love", video

Athena - video for the song "But I Knew"

Athena is the real name of a singer of Greek origin who lives in St. Petersburg; she was born in Kazakhstan, in the small regional town of Kentau. Due to certain family circumstances, the family of the future singer was forced to move to the capital of Abkhazia, the city of Sukhumi (now Sukhum).

Athena’s family is very musical; from childhood, her mother and grandmother introduced the girl to the song wealth of their Greek people, where the roots of her ancestors go. Everyone in her family sang, so it’s not surprising that Athena’s favorite pastime since childhood was singing. She performs in her own individual and unique manner. Today Athena is the most temperamental, charismatic and feminine singer on our stage, a proud warrior and sensual woman, the owner of an unusual deep velvet voice. She captivates the audience with her vocals and burning energy. Such a familiar word on the Russian stage as “plywood” is alien to Athena; she believes that performing a song to a soundtrack is lying to yourself and the audience.

And people feel this and believe the singer, who not only sings songs, she experiences the stories of the heroes of her songs, standing in front of an amazed audience. Athena took after her father in temperament. Today Athena cannot even imagine her life without a song; she is a true fan of her work. Southern temperament, natural talent, a great desire to sing, strength of character, stubbornness and assertiveness played a decisive role in the singer’s career. She combines everything: ice and fire, storm and calm, rain and sun, Athena can be absolutely different, she is characterized by both female defenselessness and male willpower...”

It was the passionate, charismatic, unbridled Greek temperament that made Athena inimitable, and her manner of performance sincere and soulful. She truly sings with her heart, conveying the melody of her soul to every viewer.
The singer’s creative career has lasted more than 20 years; Athena appears before the viewer in the stage image of the beautiful, touching, gentle, but at the same time strong, warlike mythological “goddess” Athena.

The Greek temperament of the Northern capital is an image that has stuck with Athena in recent years. To date, Athena has already released more than 6 albums, the first “swallow” was the album “Sky in October”, released in 2006 simultaneously with the music video of the same name directed by Alexander Igudin.

Athena is well loved and known by music fans in Russia and abroad. In turn, the singer does a lot for her beloved listener, from recording life-affirming, beautiful, lyrical songs to the charming childish smile that she never ceases to give to everyone. In the words of Athena herself:

“...of course, over the years I have become more emotional, artistic, dramatic, there are more feelings, I live every song, I pass through every performance of it, thereby trying to more fully convey to my listener all the energy and fullness of the feelings of the work. Performing any song is a huge art that takes years to learn. As for my deep, velvety voice, this is, of course, a gift that needs to be preserved and constantly developed. Therefore, I do special exercises, visit a phoniatrist, eat a certain way, and eliminate alcohol and cigarettes. The voice is my treasure, my instrument, which I take great care of and treat with great respect. Probably only a couple of years ago I really felt that my voice was fully formed, it became powerful, beautiful, velvety, it turned into a mature instrument, which now gives me much more opportunities and choice when performing musical works...”

Today, St. Petersburg singer Athena is a person who combines culture, talent, aesthetic beauty, hard work and decency. In 2009, in Brussels, the singer received the Mary Magdalene medal, which is awarded for her contribution to world culture in the field of charity. A year later, she received the “Woman of the Year” award in the “Culture” category, which was established by the administration of St. Petersburg. Many music radio stations happily celebrate Athena’s talent and charisma and award her well-deserved prizes; she is the winner of the “People’s Love” award from the Peter FM radio station, twice the winner of the “Road Radio Stars” award, the winner of the “Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin” award, and a participant in the “Slavic” festival. bazaar" in Vitebsk, "Eh take a walk" in the Olympic Sports Complex, in Moscow, International festival "Stars of Chanson in Kazakhstan".

Let the reptile not rejoice, I will return to the stage! - said the victim

- Let the reptile not rejoice, I will return to the stage! - said the victim

Two unknown people recently attacked singer Athena DELIONIDI. She was taken to one of the hospitals in the Northern capital with terrible facial injuries.

A year ago, singer Athena told Express Newspaper about her friendship with Elena Vaenga, whom she remembered as a kind and talented girl. During the interview, Athena admitted that at one time she bought songs from Elena for two thousand dollars to help her with money. Vaenga gave one of her most popular songs, “Heart in Half,” to her beloved friend. But their relationship soured after Elena became a superstar. And one fine day, Athena heard hits bought from Lena, performed by another singer. Touched to the quick, she asked for an explanation, but the “queen of chanson” rudely swore at her in response.

Athena also didn’t like the way Vaenga treated her Kazakh producer Zhalgas Khasenov, who invested millions of dollars in promoting Elena and did not receive a penny back. By the way, it was Zhalgas who decided to repay Vaenga in his own way, taking the offended woman under his wing Athena Delionidi, whose resemblance to the chanson star was only beneficial. Athena’s career immediately took off: she was nominated for music awards, and the number of concerts increased.

Cruel revenge

The misfortune happened on October 24 - right before the tour, the presentation of the next “Road Radio Stars” award and the performance of the chanson “Eh, take a walk!” at the disco.

At 11 pm I parked the car in the garage near the house. “I decided to go to the store and get some fresh air,” Athena said. “With my peripheral vision I saw two young men following me. Then I was hit on the head from behind, and I only woke up when an unfamiliar woman was shaking me. I felt blood on my face and immediately called my director Dima. He took me to a private clinic to see a plastic doctor Denis Agapov, to which I have already addressed more than once. By the way, I never hid the fact that I had breast surgery. But I didn’t think that at 53 years old I would also have to fix my face...

When she was admitted to the hospital, the singer’s face was so swollen that she could not open her eyes. The criminals deliberately struck several blows, as they say, at the artist’s “calling card.” Doctors had to perform several operations on Athena.

“They didn’t take the money or the phone,” explains Athena. - So it's not a robbery. If they wanted to rape me, they wouldn’t turn my face into mush. Now think about it: who could I cross the road with? Who decided to take revenge on me and for what? A year ago, by the way, Zhalgas Khasenov was sent to prison - allegedly for counterfeiting banknotes! Which, to be honest, I absolutely don’t believe! And now they attacked me...

Athena did not write a statement to the police about the attack.

I was in a private clinic, and according to the law, the patient reserves the right whether to report to the authorities or not. I don’t remember the faces of the mercenaries, and there are no surveillance cameras in that place. They constantly give me IVs, give me pills, some medications - after all, I had a concussion. It dazzles in the eyes. Once the swelling goes away, I'll check my vision. Well, of course, I will look for the person who ordered the attack. Let the reptile not rejoice. I'll still be back on stage!

Athena is the brightest, temperamental and hottest singer of the St. Petersburg stage, an independent warrior and sensual woman with an amazing velvety voice. She captivated her viewers and listeners not only with her bright vocals, but also with her unbridled energy.

Performer of the most popular song genre in Russia. This is a pop chanson, a lyrical song. The singer Athena, whose biography is very touching and rich, sings with her heart and gives every fan a piece of her soul. Her music can touch the deepest strings of a person. Anyone who listens to her songs once will never be able to forget about them.

Singer Athena: biography, year of birth, early years

Athena was born in 1962, October 4th. Her name is real, it is of Greek origin. A girl was born in Kazakhstan into a creative family: her parents loved to dance, sing and attend opera and ballet. Her younger sister soon also joined the creative life.

Thanks to her grandmother, from childhood she became familiar with the song world of the Greek people, where the roots of her parents lead. The singer Athena herself mentioned these episodes of her life more than once. The biography, the family of the artist - all this is very interesting and we will talk about this in detail in the article.

More than once, relatives supported me in creative endeavors and helped develop my talent and direct it in the right direction. This makes her style of performance individual and completely unparalleled in Russian show business.

She spent her entire childhood and youth in Sukhumi, but at the age of 17 she ran away to Leningrad to start studying and working part-time. Due to her decision and actions, she did not communicate with her father for a whole year, who was offended. Despite her regular calls, letters and requests, for some time her father was adamant.

The wonderful singer Athena, whose biography, year of birth and the beginning of her career are of interest to fans, was able to reach incredible heights in the music industry. This woman surprises not only with her temperament and emotionality, but also with her childish naivety, openness and trustfulness towards everyone around her.

In addition, the singer has such a charming voice that it is able to ignite a spark of hope and faith in the listener and make them realize that everything will be fine. This is her essence, her true mood, she rightfully bears the name of a mythical goddess.

Musical career: ups and downs

The young singer’s artistic career began quite by accident: she went to a restaurant and sang the song “Without Me, To You, My Beloved.” All visitors to the establishment simply cried, believing in the girl’s sincerity. As soon as she finished singing, she was immediately offered a job.

Southern temperament, talent and a great desire to sing played a primary role in her future fate. After 15 years of working in a restaurant, Athena finally decided to take on a solo project. She had to start all over again and defend her place in the world of the music industry. Now she appeared before the audience in the image of a gentle and beautiful mythological goddess.

This image stuck with her for many years. Since 2010, the performer’s concerts are not held under “minus”, which has become the traditional system of tours for artists, but live, accompanied by her musical group. At concerts, she prefers not to deceive listeners, but to give them exclusively real live sound.

Music albums

  • In 2006 - the 1st album “Sky in October”.
  • In 2007 - the second album entitled “Tent of Stars”.
  • In 2008 - 2 albums: “Best Songs”, “It Will Be So”.
  • In 2010 - the CD collection “New Best”, a selection of old hits and new ones.

The performer is loved both in Russia and abroad. She, in turn, is ready to do a lot for her fans, from recording beautiful lyrical songs to the sweet childish smile that she gives to everyone who looks at her.

Awards and recognition of the singer

Today, singer Athena, whose biography is impressive and diverse, combines cultural, aesthetic beauty, diligence and sincerity. 2009 was a memorable year for the artist: in Brussels she was awarded the Mary Magdalene medal. It is awarded for an invaluable contribution to world culture in the field of charity. A year later, she received the well-deserved “Woman of the Year” award, which was established by the administration of St. Petersburg.

Many music radio stations celebrate Athena’s talent and presentation and award her the most prestigious prizes. She received the "People's Love" award from the radio station "Peter FM", twice became the winner of the "Road Radio Star", also the winner of the "Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin" award, became a participant in the "Slavic Bazaar" festival in Vitebsk, "Eh, take a walk" in Sports Complex "Olympic" in Moscow, participated in the international festival "Stars of Chanson in Kazakhstan".

Singer Athena: biography, personal life today

Unfortunately, she was unable to create her own strong and reliable family. The girl got married while still a student, and the marriage turned out to be fleeting. Despite the fact that the singer’s upbringing was strict and serious, according to all Greek canons, she believes that she is not intended for the kitchen and home comfort. She feels much freer on stage with listeners than as a housewife.

This strong-willed woman showed that loneliness can bring happiness. Now we have seen what an interesting path in life Athena (singer) is following. The biography, in which her daughter Anastasia occupies the main place, is truly impressive.

The artist's life motto

The most important thing for Athena is that those people who attend her performances sing and dance with her, rejoice and cry from an excess of emotions. After all, each of her songs, as the artist herself admits, is a line of her own life. She once said that music for her is the true soul, the rhythm of the heart, thoughts, this movement, this is her life.

Burning love
I don't trust men
New Year's
Warmed up
Podari (and Konstantin Kostomarov)
Just me and you

Music for me is the soul, it is the rhythm of the heart, it is thought, it is movement, it is life... This is my life... (Athena)

Athena is the most temperamental, charismatic and feminine singer of the St. Petersburg stage, a proud warrior and a sensual, gentle woman, the owner of an unusual deep velvet voice. She captivates the audience with her vocals and burning energy. A performer in one of the most popular song genres - pop chanson, lyrical song. Athena sings with her heart, giving everyone a piece of herself... Her work touches the most subtle and unexpected strings of the human soul.

Creative path

Athena is the real name of a St. Petersburg singer of Greek origin (first and last name is Athena Delionidi). She was born in Kazakhstan, on October 3 (the editors of the site were unable to find out the year of birth) in a very musical family - loving music and singing, thanks to her mother and grandmother, from early childhood Athena became familiar with the song wealth of her Greek people, where the roots of her ancestors go . Therefore, this singer’s performance style is deeply individual and has no analogues on the Russian stage. Athena spent her childhood and youth in Sukhumi, and at the age of 17 she fled to St. Petersburg to study and work.

Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.

From an interview with Athena: “...I ran away from home to St. Petersburg at the age of 17. Family traditions were very serious, and the upbringing was good. I want to say that I always had respect for my parents, but I could not understand these views - the infringement of women's dignity. When girls get married, they start becoming aunts and don’t take care of themselves. They are obliged to stay at home, wash, clean and feed their husband. I was a fighting girl, so all this was against me. I couldn't obey anyone at all. I had to go through a lot in this life. Alone in the city, there was no stake, no yard. Because I left home, daddy didn’t talk to me for a year. I called him, wrote letters... One day I told him: “I will never disgrace your name, honor!” For my parents, my departure was traumatic, but then I proved to them that everything was fine with me. After the Institute, I got married and gave birth to a daughter. Family was the basis for me in life, but, unfortunately, the relationship with my husband did not work out and we separated. As fate would have it, one day I came to a restaurant, had an inexorable desire to sing, went on stage and sang “Without me, my beloved.” The whole restaurant was crying. I was offered to work there, and I agreed. And so the road to musical creativity opened up for me, along which I have been walking for 20 years, no matter what the circumstances, I walk sincerely and boldly, trying to support the cruel laws of the music industry...”

Southern temperament, natural talent, a great desire to sing, strength of character, stubbornness and assertiveness played a decisive role in the singer’s career, and after 15 years of restaurant work, Athena finally decided to pursue a solo career. Athena started all over again, with a “clean slate,” and again she had to defend her “place in the sun” in the Northern capital. She appeared before the audience in a new stage image of a beautiful, touching, gentle, but at the same time strong mythological “Goddess”.

The Greek temperament of the Northern Capital is an image that has stuck with Athena in recent years.

To date, Athena has already released four solo albums:

2006 - the first album “Sky in October”.
Simultaneously with the album, a video of the same name directed by Alexander Igudin was released on television.

2007 - second album “Tent of Stars”.

2008 – two new albums; the collection “Best Songs” and the album “It Will Be So...”

2010 – double CD collection “New and Best”, which presents a selection of old hits and completely new songs written specifically for the singer’s anniversary.

The main thing in creativity for Athena is that people who come to her concerts, together with her and the heroes of her songs, cry and laugh, are happy and sad, empathize, dance and sing along. Each song is a line of her own life. The singer’s repertoire is designed for different listeners, both according to age category and style of musical taste. Today, the singer’s musical compositions occupy leading positions in the charts of both regional radio stations and federal broadcasting radio stations:

Radio “Peter FM” (St. Petersburg, Vyborg)
- Road radio (broadcast throughout Russia)
- Russian radio (Kaliningrad, Saratov, Volgograd, Minsk)
- Radio Rocks (Minsk)
- Radio Keks FM (Russia).

Since 2010, Athena’s concerts have been held not only according to the now-traditional “minus” performance system, but also accompanied by their own “live” band. At her performances, Athena never deceives her listeners and sings exclusively “live”, without recognizing phonograms.

St. Petersburg singer Athena is a person who combines culture, talent, aesthetic beauty, as well as hard work and decency. In 2010, the singer received the “Woman of the Year 2010” award in the “Culture” category, established by the administration of St. Petersburg. Day after day, Athena works on herself, develops, continues to reveal her talent in order to give beautiful, life-affirming, gentle, lyrical songs to you, our dear listeners and fans!

In the last days of summer 2013, the single “Darling” was released, and at the end of November the singer pleased with the new song “But I Knew It.”

This is the real name of the St. Petersburg singer of Greek origin.
She was born in Kazakhstan, into a very musical family - loving music and singing, thanks to her mother and grandmother, from early childhood Athena became familiar with the song wealth of her Greek people, where the roots of her ancestors go. Therefore, this singer’s performance style is deeply individual and has no analogues on the Russian stage.

Childhood and youth singer Athena spent in Sukhumi, at the age of 17 she ran away to St. Petersburg to study and work.
Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts.
From an interview with Athena: “...I ran away from home to St. Petersburg at the age of 17. Family traditions were very serious, and the upbringing was good. I want to say that I always had respect for my parents, but I could not understand these views - the infringement of women's dignity. When girls get married, they start becoming aunts and don’t take care of themselves. They are obliged to stay at home, wash, clean and feed their husband. I was a fighting girl, so all this was against me. I couldn't obey anyone at all. I had to go through a lot in this life. Alone in the city, there was no stake, no yard. Because I left home, daddy didn’t talk to me for a year. I called him, wrote letters... One day I told him: “I will never disgrace your name, honor!” For my parents, my departure was traumatic, but then I proved to them that everything was fine with me.

After the Institute, I got married and gave birth to a daughter. Family was the basis for me in life, but, unfortunately, the relationship with my husband did not work out and we separated. As fate would have it, one day I came to a restaurant, had an inexorable desire to sing, went on stage and sang “Without me, my beloved.” The whole restaurant was crying. I was offered to work there, and I agreed. And so the road to musical creativity opened up for me, along which I have been walking for 20 years, no matter what the circumstances, I walk sincerely and boldly, trying to support the cruel laws of the music industry...”

Southern temperament, natural talent, a great desire to sing, strength of character, stubbornness and assertiveness played a decisive role in the singer’s career, and after 15 years of restaurant work, Athena finally decided to pursue a solo career.

She started all over again, with a “clean slate,” and again she had to defend her “place in the sun” in the Northern capital.
She appeared before the viewer in a new stage image of a beautiful, touching, gentle, but at the same time strong mythological “goddess”.

THE GREEK TEMPERAMENT OF THE NORTHERN CAPITAL is the image that has stuck with Athena in recent years.
To date, Athena has already released four solo albums:

2006 - the first album “Sky in October”. Simultaneously with the album, a video of the same name directed by Alexander Igudin was released on television.

2007 - second album “Tent of Stars”.

2008 – two new albums; the collection “Best Songs” and the album “It Will Be So...”

2010 – double CD collection “New and Best”, which presents a selection of old hits and completely new songs written specifically for the singer’s anniversary.

The main thing in creativity for Athena is that people who come to her concerts, together with her and the heroes of her songs, cry and laugh, are happy and sad, empathize, dance and sing along. Each song is a line of her own life. The singer's repertoire is designed for different listeners, both according to age category and style of musical taste.

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