Russian folk proverbs about justice. Proverbs and sayings about justice for children of preschool and school age, schools, preschool educational institutions: a collection of the best proverbs with an explanation of the meaning

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The power of friendship is justice.

Brains are the most equitably distributed in the world: no one complains about their lack.

Autumn is boastful, spring is fair.

Better the oppression of cats than the justice of mice.

It is always easier to act fairly in good fortune than in bad luck.

A kind (fair) word does not break bones.

Song loves good performer, and the person is a fair connoisseur.

A person's injustice strikes him.

Don't be afraid of a rich thunderstorm, be afraid of a wretched tear.

There is no such bird that sings and does not eat.

What goes around comes around.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds.

It is not the matchmaker who will pay, but the one who is to blame.

For the master and beef.

According to Senka and the hat.

An honest greeting brings joy to the heart.

Honesty is not about power, it is about truth.

Goal, but not a thief; poor, but honest.

Better small crumbs with honesty than large pieces with daring.

An honest deed calms a violent head.

A good wife and an honest husband.

Honest lady - honest character.

And it’s not a big problem, but it’s honest.

The nobleman has an honorable ring on his hand.

Honestly, he brought it right under his nose.

A good horse is not without a rider, but honest man no worries friend.

Honor the honest, but despise the proud.

Almsgiving in times of poverty is honorable.

An honest feast for the wedding.

It is not the one who is strong who is right, but the one who is honest.

An honest deal is not hidden.

An honest wife is the soul of her husband, and with good mind and good for everyone.

It is better to live poor than to become rich through sin.

Better poverty and honesty than profit and shame.

Honesty is more valuable than anything.

A wife is honest with her husband.

Honest eyes do not look sideways.

Ugly in appearance, but honest in soul.

Proverbs and sayings about honesty for adults and children on

about honor
Rich, but a rogue; poor, but honest. An honest death is better than a reprehensible life.

about rank
The rank is large: senior assistant to junior janitor. Honor the rank of the rank, and honor the lesser.


Proverbs and sayings about honesty for children and adults Proverbs and sayings about honesty - for children and adults - I bow to an honest husband. An honest greeting brings joy to the heart. Not in...

Proverbs about kindness

Kindness- one of the best qualities of a person. It’s not for nothing that good always triumphs over evil in fairy tales. Since ancient times, the Russian people have been confident in the power of kindness and have devoted many proverbs and sayings to this topic.

They always stand next to goodness honesty and justice, love and friendship. Good deeds and deeds each of us can do it, it is important to develop this desire in the younger generation. And teachers and parents will help with this proverbs about kindness.

About good deeds and deeds,
- Proverbs on the topic of honesty, kindness, justice,
- Proverbs about kindness and honesty,
- Proverbs about love and kindness.

Proverbs on the topic of honesty, kindness, justice

About kindness and honesty:

A kind and honest person is the strength of our heart.
A good horse is not without a rider, and an honest man is not without a friend.
It is not the one who is stronger who is right, but the one who is more honest.
An honest deal is not hidden.
For fair treatment - trust and respect.
It's better to be an honest poor man than a rich scoundrel.
To honor honestly, to greet you on the threshold.
Even if he's a rascal, he's just an honest person.
Honesty is more valuable than anything.
Honest eyes do not look sideways.
Parents' happiness? honesty and hard work of children.
An honest man makes peace, but a rogue starts a fight.
I bow to an honest husband.
Honestly brought it under my very nose.
Be naked, but not a thief, but poor, but honest.
Not to your liking? But honestly.

Where there is justice, there is truth.
The power of friendship is justice.
In someone else's business, everyone loves justice.
A fair word will crush the stone.
Where money talks, justice sleeps.
Where there is justice, there is truth.
He who is silent in a just cause is like one who shouts in an unjust matter.
What goes around comes around.
As it comes back, so will it respond.
Do not repay evil for evil.
What is hello is the answer.
Senka's hat.
Whoever is a cheat, the whip was made for him.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
The wolf is not beaten because he is grey, but because he ate a sheep.
Don’t beat Foma for Eremin’s guilt.
For work and pay.
Everyone trumpets the truth, but not everyone loves it.

Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
There are many kind people in the world.
The good die, but their deeds live.
Good God helps.
To a kind person Every day is a holiday.
A kind word is better than a soft pie.
Good is good everywhere.
Good good memory.
Good word- good answer.
A kind person takes someone else's illness to heart.
Helping a kind person is not a loss.
Kindness without reason is empty.
A good end to the whole thing is the crown.
Good hello and good for the cat.
To create good things is to amuse yourself.
Virtue is rewarded.
A hundred hands for a good man.
They do not seek good from good.
True Good always simple.

The highest kindness is love for people.
Good feelings are neighbors of love.
To love an evil person is to destroy yourself.
A kind wife and fatty cabbage soup - don’t look for any other good.
If you take a good wife, you won't experience either boredom or grief.
With a good wife, grief is half grief, but joy is doubly so.
With a good wife, sorrow and sorrow.
The good matchmaker has all the brides and grooms counted.
A good wife is fun, and a thin one is an evil potion.
A good wife will save the house, but a bad wife will shake it with her sleeve.
Live kinder, you will be nicer to everyone.
He who loves God will receive much good.
To a good man the whole world is his own home, to an evil man his own house is alien.

True love neither burns in fire nor drowns in water.
Without love is like without the sun.
For a dear friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
For those who love, spring is also in December.
If you chase wealth, no good will come.
The sweetest thing is who loves whom.
Love cannot be bought with gold.
Love, like fire, cannot be hidden from people.
You can't lock up love.
Don't take a dowry, take your sweetheart.
A gift is not precious, but love is precious.
Don't look for beauty, look for kindness.
The bride herself will not come to the house.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
The ocean is deep, but the human heart is deeper.
A girl without love is like a flower without the sun.
God loves those who love.
Love burns even hotter after a quarrel.
Although love is torment, without it there is boredom.
Love is like glass: if it breaks, it will not grow together.
Dear ones scold - they just amuse themselves.
Old love does not rust.


Proverbs about kindness Kindness is one of the best qualities of a person. It’s not for nothing that good always triumphs over evil in fairy tales. Since ancient times, the Russian people have been confident in the power of kindness and have dedicated this

Proverbs about honesty

Is it true- like a bitter drink, unpleasant to the taste, but restoring health.

Is it true overcomes any space and cannot be stopped by any boundaries.

All, those who stand for the truth strive for the same goal.

The source of our faith and hope is truth.

Scoundrels are successful in their affairs because they treat honest people as if they were scoundrels, and honest people treat scoundrels as if they were honest people.

Honest people always have the bad habit of lowering their eyes in shame before impudent and impudent meanness.

Only the truly truthful is unshakable, like a rock.

Not only can we afford the truth, moreover, we only need it alone.

Sincerity is the source of all genius.

Defeat is a school from which the truth always emerges stronger.

Only the truth, no matter how hard it is, is easy.

True, like the sun, it can become clouded, but only for a while.

Honesty is not only the first step to greatness, it is greatness itself.

Truth is militant, it fights not only against untruth, but also against certain people who distribute it.

He who does not know the truth is simply a fool. But whoever knows it and calls it a lie is a criminal.

He who writes the truth rejects any lie.

Tell the truth and you will be original.

Sincerity is a difficult and very delicate matter; it requires wisdom and great emotional tact.

An honest man can be persecuted, but not dishonored.

Only the pure can defeat the dishonest.

Proverbs of different genres accompany humanity throughout life, and justice is of paramount importance. By reading the wise revelations of the peoples of the world, people gain experience and pass it on to their children. Thousands of sayings can be found on the Internet and reading rooms countries. Some people are interested in collecting apt and clever phrases. And I really want to follow the example of collectors ancient wisdom and increase knowledge by adding it to the general baggage.

Proverbs and sayings about justice

Do good and be fair not only to yourself, but also to those around you - suggests popular ingenuity. That's how it is. With whatever respect and attention you treat people, they will repay you with the same. But attention must be sincere, radiate care and justice, and respect must radiate kindness and politeness. That's the whole secret.

Let's get enough of the wisdom of sayings that carry the potential for spiritual harmony.

Selected proverbs about justice and goodness

Sayings and proverbs about justice:

  • If you love milk mushrooms, you also love milk mushrooms.
  • If you plant something bad, you will get something bad.
  • Good is answered with good.
  • Whose side is truthful will win.
  • According to work and payment.
  • What you shout is what you hear.
  • Fair word better than a lie.
  • Do your work, but don’t forget about justice.
  • Even evil knows what is right, but remains silent.
  • Human affairs are upheld by justice.
  • Don’t seek the truth if you haven’t cultivated it within yourself.
  • Many will judge others, few will judge themselves.
  • Justice without goodness is empty talk.
  • God has his own justice.
  • Being fair is easy, but being kind is difficult.
  • From correctness to love there are a hundred roads.
  • Human justice is as changeable as the wind.
  • Where there is benefit for people, there is justice.
  • If you are looking for a fair word, listen to everyone.
  • Justice without profit is almost the truth.
  • Don’t beat Kuzma for Tyomka’s guilt.
  • Whoever is a liar is the one who is whipped.
  • With kindness and treats.
  • Better is the oppression of a lion than the sincerity of a hyena.
  • Everyone is fair in other people's affairs.
  • Justice illuminates darkness too.
  • In fairness, the wound received does not sting.
  • A word of honor will crush even a stone.
  • Do not judge another, lest you be judged too.
  • A conscientious act and the dog remembers.

Sayings about goodness and justice:

  • For evil there is time, for good - eternity.
  • Do good - it will come back a hundredfold.
  • For selfless goodness God will give.
  • Bad deeds will not lead to good.
  • A benefactor is hard to find, like a treasure, but if it’s bad, you just have to stretch out your hand.
  • To an evil person, a good person will seem evil.
  • Charity without love is meaningless.
  • If you follow the evil, you will not find the good.
  • It’s bad if you’ve done good to anyone.
  • Choose the beautiful, turn away from the bad.
  • Increase the good, throw away the bad.
  • The good don't care about death.
  • Don't exchange goodness for bad.
  • Look for the good and look for it, but the bad just creeps in.
  • A kind one is useful in every home.
  • Darkness does not tolerate light, and evil does not tolerate good.
  • Look after yourself, choose good.
  • Only making good for yourself is a path to harm.
  • For good, every day is a holiday.
  • WITH kind hearted life is fun.
  • A kind person will do better than a dissatisfied one.
  • Sow good, fertilize with good, reap good, share good.
  • Real goodness does not discriminate between people.
  • Do not boast about the coin, but rather boast about the good.
  • Life is given for good deeds.
  • If you don’t understand good, then don’t do evil.
  • Deeds of goodness live for two centuries.
  • Good done in secret lives two lives.
  • A kind answer and it will warm you up in the cold.
  • It’s bad for those who are not generous with goodness.

Agree that these proverbs and sayings about justice and goodness will correct anyone, even the most stubborn “misunderstanding.”

Justice and goodness never end

Simply put, you need to run your mind and heart over the sensible statements of antiquity more often. This is why poets and writers, priests and ordinary people such sensible proverbs and sayings about justice to convey simple truths to people. And if you have a book of aphorisms lying around somewhere, look through it and remember why we live.

The article contains many proverbs about justice with the meaning revealed. Thanks to the pictures and detailed explanations, children will learn to understand them correctly.

So that children learn to think about spiritual values, develop in their character good qualities, already with early childhood you should talk to them about it. And to convey to their consciousness moral values necessary for clear examples. These can include fairy tales, proverbs, sayings and other folk art. Sayings have accompanied people for many centuries. They include folk wisdom. It’s impossible to argue with their content, because they reflect reality. Next, let's look at sayings and proverbs about justice.

Proverbs and sayings about justice for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Folk sayings teach not only children, but also adults to do good deeds and be honest and fair. If you behave respectfully and truthfully, be kind, and do not commit mean acts, then people will also treat you well. They will only radiate in response positive emotions, they will receive you fairly and kindly and show you their respect. This is exactly what folk wisdom speaks about in sayings and other oral folk teachings.

  • Time for evil, eternity for good- under any circumstances, our world is structured in such a way that evil does not last forever, goodness and justice are able to triumph over any manifestations of anger and lawlessness.
  • Good is answered with goodillustrative examples There are many such expressions. If you treat everyone with kind soul and justice, then you will be treated the same way.
  • What you shout is what you hear- Every person tends to feel how they treat him. If intrigues are being woven against him, then he will have a negative attitude towards such people and may also respond in kind.
  • Don’t seek the truth if you haven’t cultivated it within yourself.- there are people who want to achieve unrealistic heights, using any tricks, playing on the justice and good nature of people. However, they will not be able to implement their plans. After all, lies are always revealed.
  • Where there is justice, there is truth- if justice is the same for everyone, then only honest people live in this region.
  • Get things done, but don’t forget about justice- only through honest work can you build your well-being and not be afraid to look people in the eye.
  • A fair word is better than a lie- Liars have never enjoyed respect among the people.
  • Justice without goodness is empty talk- you can talk a lot about honesty, justice, and at the same time do nothing in the name of good. Naturally, such chatter has nothing to do with a sense of justice.
  • There is no punishment for the just- when a person lives according to his conscience, then there is nothing to punish him for.
  • A just cause is brighter than the sun- Performing important missions in the name of justice, a person feels powerful and invincible.

The best proverbs and sayings about justice for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Such expressions can correct any child and put him on the right path. The main thing is for parents and teachers to explain the meaning of proverbs, discuss their meaning with children, and listen to their point of view. It wouldn’t hurt to arrange a discussion of this or that saying at home, and then listen to what the child has to say. The dialogue can be interesting.

  • A real person the one who has justice- people who firmly follow their own path life path, there is always a belief in justice.
  • A person's justice will never disappear- if this feeling is already present in the consciousness of the individual, then it will not go anywhere.
  • Where money talks, justice sleeps- as a rule, big money is often made by deception, so the one who has it lacks truthfulness.
  • A song loves a good performer, and a man loves a fair connoisseur— it is important that each person is valued according to his merits, fairly. If this is not the case, then there is no belief in the truth.
  • Everyone loves justice in someone else's business- when they judge other people, they always start talking about justice, not noticing that they themselves are not so biased towards themselves.
  • When violence comes into the yard, justice leaves- any violence cannot be guided by good deeds.
  • Only a fool gets angry at a fair word- Some people don’t like to be reproached for not doing the right thing. This makes them angry, they cannot admit that they are wrong.
  • If people were fair, then judges would go on vacation- if morality were the same for everyone, then no one would commit bad acts. The judges would resign.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about justice: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

In Russian folk art There are many aphorisms and sayings on this topic. Thanks to them, generations were raised. Old people, as a rule, knew them by heart and used them accurately when life situation fit the description of the proverb and saying.

The concept of justice - for children
  • It is not the matchmaker who will pay, but the one who is to blame— the guilty person will not be able to shift his mistake onto another. If he committed a crime, then he must be held accountable.
  • Senka's hat- whoever deserves what he deserves will get it.
  • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth- if a person does something bad to another, then they will do something bad to him too.
  • What's the hello, what's the answer- how an individual behaves in relation to another person, that will be the answer.
  • What kind of worker is that is his pay- when a person works conscientiously, then the employer meets him halfway and rewards his work with additional pay.
  • Don't be afraid of the rich thunderstorm, be afraid of the wretched tears— do not be afraid of threats from higher management if fairness is on the side of the workers.
  • It’s not because they beat the wolf because he’s gray, but because he ate a sheep- a fair punishment should be borne by the one who deserved it, and not by the one who simply did not like him outwardly.
  • It is always easier to act fairly in good fortune than in bad luck.- when luck accompanies a just cause, it is easier to achieve the truth than when you are not supported.
  • As it is acquired, so it is lived- if wealth is not acquired through honest labor, then sooner or later its owner will become bankrupt.
  • What you don’t want for yourself, don’t do to others.- when you want to live in peace with those with whom you communicate, then do not do evil deeds. And no one will wish you harm.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about justice for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Many people, including children, react poorly to any manifestations of injustice. They try to intercede for the offended and restore justice. Children perceive manifestations of grievances and inequality especially emotionally. The task of adults is to teach kindness and other good qualities to children by example. To do this, you need not only to read literature, but also to do good deeds.

The triumph of justice - the fairy tale "Morozko"
  • A fair person treats himself strictly and treats others leniently.- if you consider yourself authorized to judge others, then you must also set certain requirements for yourself and fulfill them.
  • Human affairs are held to justice— the world rests on justice and goodness.
  • Human justice is as changeable as the wind- sometimes people tend to change their ideas about justice, which indicates their unprincipledness.
  • Justice without profit is almost the truth- when an individual demands compliance with established norms and at the same time there is no benefit for him from this, then he is one hundred percent right.
  • Many will judge others, few will judge themselves- even if a person is wrong, he can shift his blame onto another, so as not to harm himself.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about justice: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Fairness is sometimes confused by young children with equality. This judgment is a mistake. For example, a child is offended by his parents because his friend has a children's electric car, but he does not. In such cases, you should explain to your child that not everyone has the same opportunities. Some people can afford such an expensive toy, but others cannot. Justice lies in something completely different. You need to do things for which you won’t have to blush later.

Goodness and justice are inseparable concepts. Good always defeats evil
  • All's Fair in Love in War- it’s easy to understand who is right and who is wrong if there is a war or a person is in love.
  • Fair criticism is a help- usually no one gets offended by fair comments. In such cases smart people listen to the advice of others so as not to make mistakes in the future.
  • Evil knows what is right, but remains silent- it cannot be said that unjust people did not learn at all in childhood how to behave, and when a person’s actions cause general bewilderment. It’s just that kindness and other good qualities are not inherent in this individual.
  • Don't beat Kuzma for Tyomka's guilt- if you fair man, then deal directly with the perpetrator of the offense committed, and do not express your dissatisfaction with his relatives and friends.

Proverbs and sayings about justice with drawings for children: photos

It's good when you teach your baby empathy, kindness, and justice. You feel sorry for animals, including homeless ones. Moreover, it is necessary to correctly explain the problem to children. If a dog or cat does not have a home, then you should not try to pet such animals, but rather just feed them. The child will understand that it is fair to share with those who need it, and not just feel sorry.

  • What's the hello, what's the answer
  • Money is trash, justice is gold
  • A just person is like a monument: visible from everywhere
  • He who is silent in a just cause is like one who shouts in an unjust matter.
  • Where might is right, right is powerless
  • So, thanks to your explanations and popular proverbs, sayings, you will instill in your children honesty, decency, justice, kindness and a number of others. positive characteristics. The main thing is to devote time to education, teach them to live by your examples.

    Video: proverbs and sayings

    Proverbs of various genres accompany humanity throughout life, and aphorisms about goodness and justice are of paramount importance. By reading the wise revelations of the peoples of the world, people gain experience and pass it on to their children. Thousands of sayings can be found on the Internet and reading rooms across the country. Some people are interested in collecting apt and clever phrases. And I really want to follow the example of collectors of ancient wisdom and increase knowledge by adding it to the general baggage.

    Proverbs and sayings about justice

    Do good and be fair not only to yourself, but also to those around you - suggests popular ingenuity. That's how it is. With whatever respect and attention you treat people, they will repay you with the same. But attention must be sincere, radiate care and justice, and respect must radiate kindness and politeness. That's the whole secret.

    Let's get enough of the wisdom of sayings that carry the potential for spiritual harmony.

    Selected proverbs about justice and goodness

    Sayings and proverbs about justice:

    • If you love milk mushrooms, you also love milk mushrooms.
    • If you plant something bad, you will get something bad.
    • Good is answered with good.
    • Whose side is truthful will win.
    • According to work and payment.
    • What you shout is what you hear.
    • A fair word is better than a lie.
    • Do your work, but don’t forget about justice.
    • Even evil knows what is right, but remains silent.
    • Human affairs are upheld by justice.
    • Don’t seek the truth if you haven’t cultivated it within yourself.
    • Many will judge others, few will judge themselves.
    • Justice without goodness is empty talk.
    • God has his own justice.
    • Being fair is easy, but being kind is difficult.
    • From correctness to love there are a hundred roads.
    • Human justice is as changeable as the wind.
    • Where there is benefit for people, there is justice.
    • If you are looking for a fair word, listen to everyone.
    • Justice without profit is almost the truth.
    • Don’t beat Kuzma for Tyomka’s guilt.
    • Whoever is a liar is the one who is whipped.
    • With kindness and treats.
    • Better is the oppression of a lion than the sincerity of a hyena.
    • Everyone is fair in other people's affairs.
    • Justice illuminates darkness too.
    • In fairness, the wound received does not sting.
    • A word of honor will crush even a stone.
    • Do not judge another, lest you be judged too.
    • A conscientious act and the dog remembers.

    Sayings about goodness and justice:

    • For evil there is time, for good - eternity.
    • Do good - it will come back a hundredfold.
    • God will reward you for selfless goodness.
    • Bad deeds will not lead to good.
    • A benefactor is hard to find, like a treasure, but if it’s bad, you just have to stretch out your hand.
    • To an evil person, a good person will seem evil.
    • Charity without love is meaningless.
    • If you follow the evil, you will not find the good.
    • It’s bad if you haven’t done any good to anyone in your life.
    • Choose the beautiful, turn away from the bad.
    • Increase the good, throw away the bad.
    • The good don't care about death.
    • Don't exchange goodness for bad.
    • Look for the good and look for it, but the bad just creeps in.
    • A kind one is useful in every home.
    • Darkness does not tolerate light, and evil does not tolerate good.
    • Look after yourself, choose good.
    • Only making good for yourself is a path to harm.
    • For good, every day is a holiday.
    • Life is fun with a kind heart.
    • A kind person will do better than a dissatisfied one.
    • Sow good, fertilize with good, reap good, share good.
    • Real goodness does not discriminate between people.
    • Do not boast about the coin, but rather boast about the good.
    • Life is given for good deeds.
    • If you don’t understand good, then don’t do evil.
    • Deeds of goodness live for two centuries.
    • Good done in secret lives two lives.
    • A kind answer and it will warm you up in the cold.
    • It’s bad for those who are not generous with goodness.

    Agree that these proverbs and sayings about justice and goodness will correct anyone, even the most stubborn “misunderstanding.”

    Justice and goodness never end

    Simply put, you need to run your mind and heart over the sensible statements of antiquity more often. This is why poets and writers, priests and ordinary people come up with such sensible proverbs and sayings about justice in order to convey simple truths to people. And if you have a book of aphorisms lying around somewhere, look through it and remember why we live.

    Related materials:

    • Riddles about goodness for children
    • Proverbs about conscience. Why is conscience needed?
    • Aphorisms of Confucius and their interpretation. Ancient thinker and philosopher Confucius

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