Self-development: how to start a new life and change yourself.

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Developing good habits is the foundation of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all of our habits are good, so we constantly strive for better. Below is a list of 30 healthy habits that can make a huge difference in your life. This list is nothing more than a recommendation. It's advisable to implement only one habit per month, so you have time to fully absorb each one, seeing significant improvements each month.

Health Habits

  1. Exercise 30 minutes every day. Especially if you don't move much at work, it's important to get some exercise every day. 30 minutes daily is the minimum recommended for optimal health.
  2. Have breakfast every day. Breakfast is the most significant meal of the day, yet so many people skip it. Personally, I like to have some toast in the morning along with a fruit drink. [Very useful recommendation, breakfast in the morning should not be neglected, at least minimally]
  3. Sleep 8 hours. Sleep deprivation is not a good idea. You may think that you are gaining time by resting less, when in reality you are only gaining stress and fatigue. 8 hours is fine for most people, along with an extra 20 minutes of napping after lunch. [Regarding sleep, very well written , however, from personal experience I will say that it is better to get enough sleep]
  4. Don't snack between meals. This is the best way to gain weight. If you are hungry, eat something specific. Otherwise no. To clarify, I mean don't eat unhealthy food between meals, and normal food is good. [Of course, it’s difficult to restrain yourself, but the advice is very correct!]
  5. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Our bodies and brains love vegetables and fruits, so I highly recommend eating as much of them as you can. Five servings is the dose that is generally recommended by many health associations.
  6. Eat fish. Fish is rich in omega-3 and other beneficial particles. At least once a week should be enough to get all these nutrients. [I’ve heard a lot about this, but I’ve never been interested in it, maybe in vain?)))]
  7. Drink one glass of water after sleep. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs fluids. Make it a habit to drink one glass of water after waking up in the morning. Also, drink a lot throughout the day. [Very true, I recommend it to everyone! The main thing is not to go on a long journey right away, otherwise there may not be a toilet nearby =)]
  8. Avoid soda drinks. Soda water is one of the unhealthiest drinks. Limit yourself from this as much as possible and your body will thank you for it. [Soda is poison! I haven’t drunk for a long time and I’m very happy]
  9. Keep your body clean. I don't recommend spending all day in front of the mirror, but a little self-care never hurts.
  10. If you smoke, stop. There is no reason to smoke and it is very easy to stop.
  11. If you are drinking, stop. Same as above. Don't think that alcohol will solve your problems. After all, this is not true. The only exception is one glass of wine per day with meals.
  12. Use the ladder. This is an excellent opportunity to do a minimum of physical exercise, with a good load. Instead of the elevator, take the stairs. [Excellent advice, but again, how to force yourself, after work there is no time for running up the stairs, especially if you live high]

Habits for Productivity

  1. Use a mailbox system. Make it a habit to keep track of all the ideas and things that come to mind. You can use a laptop for this and then sync everything to your main computer. [It seems to me sooner or later, but everyone who has to keep a lot of information in their head comes to this. Personally, I came a long time ago, albeit in a slightly different form]
  2. Separate by priorities. If you have a list of tasks, where do you start? One way is through priorities. When in doubt, ask yourself: “If I could only accomplish one thing today, what would it be?”
  3. Plan, but not too much. Planning is important and you must decide in advance what you are going to do today or this week. However, planning more than a few weeks is generally ineffective, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  4. Wake up early. Waking up early in the morning is a great way to gain extra time. I personally like to start my day at 5:00 so that by 9:00 I have already completed what would have taken me many days to complete.
  5. Check your email only twice a day. Checking frequently can become addictive, but it's usually not necessary to check your email every 10 minutes. Make an effort to check your email only once or twice a day, and you will find that the world will continue to turn as it always has. [Very true, and not just email!]
  6. Eliminate unimportant tasks. Being busy all day doesn't mean you're doing important work. Eliminate everything that doesn't matter and focus on what really matters.
  7. Clean up your desk and room. Having a clean room and desk is important to maintain focus and creativity. [What about creative chaos? =)))]
  8. Automate. There are many tasks that need to be completed every day or every week. Try to automate them as much as possible.
  9. Set strict deadlines. When you do something, decide in advance when you are going to stop. Usually, you will spend all the time you have to solve a problem. So, make a habit of setting precise deadlines for maximum productivity. [I think one of the most useful pieces of advice is that you must set deadlines for yourself, otherwise all projects/cases/tasks stretch on forever]
  10. Rest once a week. Instead of working every day, take one day off (for example, Sunday) when you won't turn on the computer. Better spend this time with loved ones.

Habits for personal development

  1. Read one book a week. Reading is a good way to keep your brain active. With just 30 minutes a day, you are capable of reading one book a week, or more than 50 books annually.
  2. Solve puzzles. Quizzes, word games, etc. - good ways to exercise your brain. [Very good advice, because if some organ in the human body is not used, then it degrades, and we don’t want to reach the level of development of a five-year-old child by the age of 50??? Life is a constant learning]
  3. Think positively. You are what you think all the time.
  4. Make decisions quickly. Instead of thinking for an hour, make a decision as quickly as possible (usually less than one minute). [It seems to me that a lot of things can be done because of this advice =)]
  5. Wait before you buy. Wait 48 hours before purchasing anything. In most cases, this saves a lot of money. Try it yourself. [I confirm! And after a couple of days, figure out the pros and cons of this purchase.]
  6. Meditate 30 minutes a day. A great way to gain clarity and peace through thoughts. 30 minutes is not a lot, but it is enough to get started. [A warm bath is very good for thinking, so you can combine business with pleasure]
  7. Don't put things off for too long. If you decide to do something, then it is better to do it as soon as possible, since most likely later it will either not be completed very soon or will be completely forgotten.

Habits for a career

  1. Start a blog. Blogs are one of the best ways to have your say. It doesn't have to be on a specific topic, a personal blog works well.
  2. Create a portfolio. If your work creates things, a portfolio is a great way to show what you're capable of. You can also distribute things for free if it applies to you and your work.

Original article available

Modern girls are ready for the most daring changes in their lives, for constant self-improvement. Many people know to become better, smarter, more attractive, sexier, you need to work a lot on your appearance, lifestyle, habits and rules of behavior.

If you are wondering how to become a better person, a clear 30-day plan will help you. Every girl can change her life for the better! It's not as difficult as it seems.

Some representatives of the fair half of humanity need years to change their image, others try to introduce something new into life in a very short time.

In any case, if the result were guaranteed, quite a lot of people would like to know how to make yourself and your life better in just 30 days girl. In our article you will learn how to implement this and change radically in just a month. Improve yourself externally and internally.

Changing for the better is not as difficult as it seems.

How to become better in a month: a real action plan

To improve your internal and external data in 30 days, you need to create an action plan to work on your appearance and habits.

How to become a better girl in 30 days: monthly plan

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Get used to getting up early. Throw away all unnecessary items and things that are not in demand for a long time.Make a plan for rest and work, completing everything point by point.Try to do things differently than before, learn new things.
Eat light food. Finish all planned tasks or abandon unnecessary ones.Make a dream map.Fight all your fears.
Do sports, dance or yoga every day. Stop communicating with people who negatively affect self-esteem (exception: parents).Every evening, make a plan for the coming day.Rest properly (without the Internet, outside the home, alone with yourself).

Cosmetic procedures to make you look better

To improve your appearance, you need to visit a cosmetologist. The elasticity and firmness of the skin is maintained by regular facial cleansing, which can be:

  • ultrasonic;
  • manual;
  • peeling.
  • fruit peeling;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization.

After 30:

  • correction of fine wrinkles with butoloxin;
  • fillers with hyaluronic acid.

By the age of 40, it is necessary to add volume, freshness, and clarity of lines. Recommended procedures:

  • plasma lifting;
  • peeling;
  • revitalization;
  • laser polishing;

Cosmetic procedures are selected strictly according to age and specialist recommendations.

Skin, hair and nail care

External changes should affect hair, skin and nails. Hair should look well-groomed, without split ends (you need to keep an eye on this). The roots of the hair should be tinted in time, and the remaining length should be refreshed if necessary.

Gelatin-based masks will help improve hair condition for dry texture, with the addition of cognac for oily curls. If your hair length allows, you can master braiding, this will add a novelty to your look, and it’s also fashionable. For medium length hair, bronzing is suitable.

Please note: nails should be regularly taken care of. Men don't like peeling manicures, hangnails, or dirt under their nails.

The stronger sex likes French, red or, better yet, clear varnish. If a girl takes care of her nails every day for 30 days, it will become a habit.

A modern girl doesn’t always manage to get her nails done every day, so it’s worth resorting to salon care.. A procedure such as nail lamination has proven itself well. It restores the nail plate, hides all flaws and imperfections.

The nails are covered with a substance that fills all the depressions and deformations. After the procedure, the plates become healthier, aesthetics and nutrition return to them. This procedure will improve the appearance of your nails, and the preparatory stage in the form of a hand massage will give you a feeling of relaxation and complete harmony.

Facial skin should have an even tone, a fresh, well-groomed appearance with highlighting makeup. To do this, you need to nourish, moisturize, cleanse and refresh your face every day. This will prolong your youth.

Facial products are selected according to skin type. At home, in the refrigerator, there should be ice cubes with chamomile, which should be used to wipe your face daily. After a week of such procedures, the skin calms down, the color evens out, freshness appears, and fatigue disappears.

A light tan will help you become more attractive. Self-tanning or visiting a solarium are suitable for this.

How to become better: proper nutrition

The right diet will help you become better: internally and externally.

Healthy eating is the key to a healthy life and good mood
  • Before starting any meal, 1/4 hour before, you need to drink 200 ml of water.
  • Every day a girl should drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • By eliminating unhealthy high-calorie foods for 30 days, you can lose extra pounds.
  • The side dishes that existed before this time must be replaced with vegetable dishes.
  • Eliminate sausages, sausages and other semi-finished products from your diet forever.
  • The interval between meals should be at least 3 hours, meals should be fractional.
  • The evening meal should be 2.5 hours before going to bed.
  • Every week you need to do fasting days.
  • You can't skip breakfast.
  • Every day on an empty stomach you need to drink 1 tsp. flax oil
  • It is better to replace baked goods with citrus fruits.

It is important to know! Do not drink liquid or water after eating (at least half an hour must pass).

The best diets for weight loss and wellness

To answer the question of how to become better in 30 days, a girl needs to get her figure in order. Various diets will help with this, the most popular of which are soup, kefir and fractional diets.

Soup diet will help you lose weight quickly

The diet consists of a variety of soups without potatoes, legumes and butter. During the diet you should avoid bread. Use salt in very small doses. After a seven-day period, you can lose up to 4 kg of excess weight.

Kefir in the fight against extra pounds

This diet is designed for 7 days. During this time, it is easy to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. During the week you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of low-fat kefir daily.

Diet Ladder

This diet is designed for 5 days. On the first day, you need to cleanse your intestines (during the day, eat 2 kg of apples and drink activated charcoal). On the second day, the body requires recovery (eat cottage cheese and kefir).

The “Lesenka” diet will help you quickly lose weight

The third day of the meal should consist of foods rich in healthy sugars. The fourth day is protein (eat boiled lean poultry). Fifth day – fiber in the diet (muesli, oatmeal, fruits are suitable).

In 5 days you can lose 7 kg. The diet can be carried out every 2 weeks, the main thing is that there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to become a better girl in 30 days - psychological trainings

You can become better in a month with the help of psychological training. Each girl chooses a program for herself that will help develop her hidden qualities.

Self-confidence is another component of a successful life!

By choosing the right program for yourself, in 30 days you can completely change yourself, and most importantly, change everything around you. Raise your self-esteem and become more successful.

Girls become better after training programs, and the main question of how disappears in itself. Any issues can be resolved with ease, there is no fear or worry, which means an end to depression and stress.

You can conduct independent training at home. To do this, you need to write down on a piece of paper all the good deeds, achievements, awards, joyful memories.

You need to read this list every day, and soon it will turn into a life guide. The more positive deeds and accomplishments that come to mind, the longer the list will be, which means daily readings for 5 minutes a day will give positive results.

You need to remember to praise yourself - this is a reward and an increase in self-esteem. You can practice praise in front of a mirror.

Don’t forget to smile at yourself every day - then things will be most successful.

Creating a new image to become even better

Every girl has her own image, which is more acceptable and comfortable for her, but in order to change for the better, she will have to completely change. This means that the path to success lies through dramatic changes.

Changing your image can start with your hairstyle:
long straight hair - curl, and curls - straighten, get a fashionable haircut or coloring. This season, ombre and balayage are at the peak of fashion.

Change your usual makeup, trying to make it fashionable: painted eyelashes, eyes lined with eyeliner, foundation, neat and expressive eyebrows, gloss or lipstick.

If you have vision problems, then your usual glasses should be replaced with contact lenses.. If you used contact lenses, stylish glasses or colored lenses will help you change your look.

Changing your image also applies to changing your wardrobe. Business women who are accustomed to formal suits can dilute their look with lighter and more playful accessories, for example, using a bright color scarf in combination with a dark suit. Lovers of a relaxed sporty style can purchase several feminine dresses and high-heeled shoes.

The whole look is highlighted by stylish accessories.
: bags, belts, jewelry, and most importantly shoes. All things should complement each other.

Changing your image is not just about creating a new image, you need to change your habits, remove unnecessary gestures, change loud laughter to a smile. Knowing your complexes and shortcomings, they need to be corrected.

To make a girl better, she must have its own individual unique image. You should not constrain yourself, just as you should not be shy about making new acquaintances (in 30 days, you can make at least 10 friends). It is necessary to make new friends all the time, but at the same time not to forget about the existing ones. Your social circle should be diverse.

Sociability plays a significant role. In a company you need to be cheerful and joyful, then the success of leadership is guaranteed, in any company there is a place for such a positive person.

Sociability is the key to success in life. Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!

Important to remember! Having loved yourself with all your might, others will not remain indifferent. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb: love yourself the way you want others to love you.

Wanting to become better is painstaking daily, minute-by-minute work. You will have to work on your views, taste, image, feelings, fears, perfection and external data.

If you do not deviate from the rules, then achieving your goal will be very close, and all unpleasant memories and fears will remain in your old life.

Useful videos on how to change your life for the better. How to become a better girl




How to become a better girl in 30 days:

The ideal lifestyle is not a myth, but quite achievable. Everyone can live the way they dream and actually live. In fact, each of us lives as we choose. We become aware of this when we compare ourselves to others or do things we don't want to do.

By being able to see the big picture of your life and realizing that this is not exactly how you want to live your life, you become aware of the fact that everything could be different, better. Then we ask ourselves, “What do I want my life to be?” and “What do I want to fill it with?”

These are the very first steps towards change. The same door to a new life. This is not about perfectionism at all. It’s about not doing boring work, not doing things that don’t inspire, and not wasting opportunities and time.

So, to take the best from life, do what really brings joy, become someone you will be proud of, help others and spend more time on those who are truly dear, create new things, give and share... and just be happy and filled in every day, do so.

1. Determine what your ideal lifestyle is.

First, answer two questions: “What do I want my life to be?” and “What do I want to fill it with?” Answer them as fully and honestly as you can, because this will determine what you want from life and who you want to become. After a while this will become your reality.

The important thing to remember is to accept that you have to change yourself in order to change your lifestyle. Many people make the mistake of starting to change the world around them, forgetting that key changes occur first within ourselves. Therefore, remember this and develop the qualities that you need to develop in order to become the person whose lifestyle you want to lead.

2. Remove excess

Without this step you won't get far. Because now your life is simply filled with something that does not allow you to move on. These could be people, negative thoughts, events, habits, and so on. All you need to do is get rid of the extra burden; it has no place at all in your ideal lifestyle.

3. Realize what is good for you

Now that you have gotten rid of unnecessary baggage, take another step in your own development. And this is the time to do as much trial and error as possible. What is meant? This is that you have to learn to distinguish what suits you, what works for you, and what doesn't.

The best way to find out is to take action, making as many attempts as possible and preferably making mistakes. As they say, the best teacher is experience. If you make mistakes, one day you will probably know whether it’s for you and whether it’s worth moving in the chosen direction at all. Experiment.

Only by trying will you understand what sport brings you results, what food satisfies hunger and brings the greatest benefit, what time of day is best for productivity; the habits you need to establish, how you want to look, speak and relate to others.

You may realize that waking up at 5am is not your habit and it has to do with productivity, although most successful people start their day that way. But the time of your personal activity occurs during lunch or even evening. We are all different, so act on your instincts and do what is good for you.

Try different sleep habits, peak hours for work, behaviors, motivational strategies, and so on, wherever you feel like experimenting. Find yours and follow it.

4. Develop foundational habits.

Foundational habits give rise to a whole series of new healthy habits. Getting up early gives you the opportunity to eat breakfast, do morning exercises and start the day positively. This usually leads to reading affirmations and writing notes.

For example, going to the gym every day helps me stay in shape. Afterwards, I always take a contrast shower, which allows me to remain active. The sooner you develop positive habits, the better. Once you implement these habits, your life will reach a significantly higher level of quality. Work on the main one first, and the secondary one will be transformed after it.

Here is a list of the main habits with which to start the transformation:

  • daily exercise,
  • meditation,
  • healthy food,
  • early rise,
  • plan for each next day in the evening.

These habits have been proven to work wonders and it is important to follow them no matter what. Create habits that will stay with you for the rest of your life, no matter if you are on vacation, if you had a good day, and even when everything seems pointless.

5. Find your passion

This is possible if you listen to your inner voice, concentrate on what you like to do and try new things. The point is not just to understand what makes you happy, but also to start following it, learn to be the best at it and make it an integral part of your life. Such a strategy will fill life with meaning, bring a feeling of satisfaction and never let you doubt that you are doing your job.

6. Make it your job

This is where you really have to work. But the difference is that now you will be doing what you really love, so it won’t really be a job.

If you want to become a writer, write as much as you can every day. Try to get better at this while learning how to promote yourself. If you are a fan of training in the gym, improve and reach heights. Pump up your body. Study this niche thoroughly, receive possible certificates and awards. Become a personal trainer and help others achieve their desired results.

This way, you will surround yourself with people who are committed to change and will be able to spend all your time being in the gym. Or maybe even open your own.

Once you start doing what truly makes you happy, working at it, dedicating time, energy, effort and believing in your success - you can turn your passion into your work. And it will be a truly ideal job. Which is what anyone who wants to lead an ideal lifestyle should have.

7. Decide how much time you want to spend working

Organize your work so that you work every other week, a few hours a day, or 4 days a week. But this, of course, will be after you have worked really hard on building your business (this will take at least a year) and built a system of work in the necessary way.

8. Travel more often

Traveling is one of the best things in life. And it is important to do this at least once or twice a week. Or better yet, every two to three months. Most people travel to escape from problems or to escape reality. But as you build a new, ideal lifestyle, you don't need to hide from reality.

Travel to explore the unknown, the unusual and not miss the beauty that the world has to offer us. This way you can discover new sides of yourself, learn more about other cultures and enjoy the beauty of the world. This way your life will never be boring.

9. Start a hobby

Figure out what else you love to do and dedicate time to it.

10. Keep your nose to the wind

Don't miss a single opportunity to learn and try something new. It doesn't matter who you are this moment and what your income is, there is always something to learn around. Don't neglect your spiritual world. Meditate, read books, find inspiration in everything.

11. Be open to new things

Try to do something new, unusual, and something you're afraid of several times a month. This could be a conversation with a stranger, a parachute jump, scuba diving, speaking in front of a large audience, dancing, visiting new countries, mastering new sports. All this will fill life with a unique experience and make it even more exciting.

12. Give and be grateful

Sharing is the best investment possible and provides much more than buying new things. Learn to give to others as much as you can, be it advice, help, inspiration, money or things you don't need. Do volunteering and charity work. And also remember to be truly grateful. Every step in a lifelong journey should be filled with acceptance and gratitude.

Everything you have, even if it is not much, is beautiful in itself and should make you feel deeply grateful. Try to feel this feeling towards all people, events and things that come your way in life.

It may take some time to create your ideal lifestyle, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In fact, anyone can do this. Enough burning faith, desire and perseverance. In the end, you will realize that all that effort was worth it. And enjoying every moment of life is the main commandment of one who already lives in his own, ideal way.

Your daily life is more like chaos. You sleep on average three hours a night, and sometimes you don't sleep at all. Go to bed long after midnight and wake up late. As a result, you are constantly late and do not have time to do anything. And all your attempts to go on a diet and start eating healthy food end with snacking at night. Obviously, you just need to change your lifestyle!

Try to develop a number of habits in 21 days, such as:
1. Go to sleep no later than 12 am.
2. Get up early.
3. Read books at least once a day.
4. Meditate.
5. Don't be late.
6. Follow a diet, etc.

Most likely, it won't be easy at all, but it's worth a try. Your life will become more organized and may even change dramatically. You will wake up early, stop being late and be able to finish all your tasks on time.

If you think that only very persistent and disciplined people are able to change their lives, then you are mistaken. Developing certain habits is not such a tricky thing. Just highlight the basic principles that you will definitely adhere to and that will help you achieve your goal.

We offer 6 simple ways to put your life in order and develop the necessary habits.

1. Find out why your previous attempts to develop a habit failed.

Find the cause of the problem rather than wasting time analyzing the consequences. A desperate struggle with yourself every morning to wake up at 5:30 am is already a consequence. Understanding why you are unable to wake up at 5:30 am is the reason.

For example, you are unable to wake up early in the morning, you strive to change this, but every day you fail. This can go on for months, and eventually you will come to the conclusion that you are not succeeding. Try to analyze the situation and understand why you can’t wake up early. Ask yourself why this happens and answer yourself:

Why can't I wake up early?
Because I'm tired.

Why am I tired?
Because I didn't sleep much.

Why didn't I sleep enough?
Because I went to bed late.

Why did I go to bed late?
Because I had too much to do.

Why did I have so much to do?
Because I couldn't finish them.

Why couldn't I finish them?
Because I plan to do more during the day than I can.

Finding the cause may lead you to realize that:
1. All our habits are interconnected (sleep time, rise time, timely execution).
2. We underestimate the time required to complete all tasks (accordingly, we overestimate how quickly we can complete them). It often happens that we plan to finish many things in one day, which, in fact, is simply not possible.

To wake up earlier:
1. It is necessary to change habits that affect early rise.
2. Be more realistic in your planning. Don't set many tasks during the day and not complete them, make a realistic to-do list and complete them on time.

Once you get to the real cause of the problem, you can immediately solve the problem itself.

2. Group your habits

Our habits are interconnected. Some habits are more connected with each other, others less so. For example, it is clear that going to bed early and waking up early are more correlated than sleeping early and reading books. If you want to develop a habit, find other habits that are related to it and can significantly influence it. They will reinforce each other and make it easier to develop a habit.

For example, habits such as: getting up early in the morning, falling asleep before 12 am, not being late, meditating, eating healthy food - can be interconnected.

— Waking up early means that you have more time to do all your business and, accordingly, go to bed earlier. This, in turn, will help you wake up earlier the next day.
— The habit of not being late helps to stick to the planned daily routine. This means you can go to bed and wake up on time.
– Meditation clears mental clutter and reduces the amount of sleep we need. We usually sleep 6-10 hours, but if we meditate in the evenings, our sleep time can be reduced to 5-6 hours.
- Switching to a diet increases mental alertness, and you no longer need as much sleep as before. This doesn't mean you need to go on a strict diet just to develop the habit of waking up early. Simply, you can easily fall asleep in the evening and wake up early in the morning by changing other habits.

3. Plan your day (with time)

A schedule will help you know whether you're on track or off track. First of all, you need to plan the first day of your new lifestyle so that you can stick to a similar schedule in the following days.

You need to make a list of things that need to be done that day in advance. You can use, for example, Gcal.

Divide them into categories: major projects, tasks of medium importance and minor tasks.
Add them to your daily schedule. More time must be allocated to complete major projects. You can, for example, use the following principle and allocate 60-30-10% of the time to complete tasks of categories 1-2-3, respectively.
You need to know how long it takes to complete this or that task. In most cases, we allocate less time to completing tasks than necessary. Try to realistically assess your capabilities. It is also worth leaving a short break (5-10 minutes) between tasks, which is necessary to switch from one task to another.

5. Indicate the exact start and end time of the task. For example, 9.00-10.30 - project A, 12.30-13.30 - lunch, 18.30-19.30 - road.

If you have more tasks than you can complete according to your schedule, you can move the less important tasks to another day.
When everything is planned out and a new day begins, the only thing to do is to stick to the schedule. You need to keep track of time to complete tasks on time. 5 minutes before the time allotted for completing a particular task expires, you can slowly move on to the next task on the list.

The beauty of having a precise schedule is that it lets you know when you're taking longer than you'd like, allowing you to work more efficiently. Some time frames cannot be violated under any circumstances, for example, bedtime/wake-up time, so the time allocated for completing tasks should be fixed. This means working more efficiently.

At first glance this may seem very difficult, but in reality it is not. Creating a daily schedule will take no more than 10 minutes. You should also allocate time in the schedule for drawing up the schedule itself (for example, 23.00-23.10). It is enough to create a template once and then use it to create a schedule for other days. For example, items such as waking up/breakfast/travel/work/lunch/sleep will always be present in your schedule.

If you don't schedule an exact time to complete the work and just tell yourself it needs to be done today, then chances are you won't get the work done. That's why most of habits do not last long in a person. Suddenly, other things will appear and you, without noticing it, will be busy with them and abandon your schedule. Consequently, everything will become the same and you will never develop the habit.

4. Get ahead of your schedule.

Getting things done ahead of schedule is a motivating factor. Waking up at 5 a.m. puts you ahead of the world (and your old self who lived according to the old schedule), and this motivates you to work faster and stay ahead. Finishing work ahead of schedule and starting a new task before the scheduled time gives you extra momentum. Knowing that you are getting things done ahead of your schedule will help you be naturally motivated to complete all your planned activities, including your habits.

If completing a task takes longer than necessary, you should make a choice:

Hurry up and do everything in time.

Postpone unimportant tasks or
Take advantage of the time allocated to complete the following tasks and continue the current one. This also means that you will have to work faster for the rest of the day.
This decision-making process is important because otherwise you will spend the rest of the day trying to catch up, which will affect your planned tasks/habits. Subsequently, this will also affect your desire to maintain habits. Do everything ahead of schedule and you will find that it is easier to stay motivated.

5. Stay in control

When you control the process, you are consistent and committed. Hang a piece of paper or a board in your room and draw a large chart on it, divided by days (for example, 21 days to develop a new habit) and habits. In it, somehow mark the days when you stuck to the habit you were developing and the days when you didn’t. You can also track the process using special web services such as:

HabitForge - will help you control the process of habit formation within 21 days. If you miss one day, the countdown starts again.

Rootein - unlike Habit Forge, this is a continuous tracker; if there are too many missed days, it warns you about it. You can also use its mobile version.

Joe's Goals - Similar to Rootein. You can set the option to check the same task multiple times during highly productive days.

6. Involve the people around you

There are several ways - active participation, where you tell your friends who want to develop the same habit and work on it together, or passive participation, where you tell others about your plans and they support you morally in your endeavors.

For example, share your desire to develop certain habits on your blog and describe in detail your program for changing yourself, and you will most likely find a lot of followers. Describe in detail the feasibility of your program, its benefits, list the habits you are going to develop, and how you want to achieve what you want.

Your relatives and friends may also want to help you achieve your goals. For example, in your desire to eat healthy, they will want to fill your refrigerator with fruits and vegetables, and in a cafe they will try to order dishes made from vegetables.

The main thing to remember is that you are not alone at this moment, there are always people around you who will cheer you up and support you.


If you successfully complete your tasks, you will not notice how you will begin to adhere to the necessary habits automatically, and they will become an integral part of your life. The proposed methods may seem too simple, but do not underestimate them. Try it yourself and see that they work!

Once upon a time, I managed to maintain a good appearance only with various diets. Unfortunately, this can only keep you in shape for a short period of time. And then one day, having become interested in a healthy lifestyle, I decided to change myself radically. I read a couple of books and started my auditions. It was very difficult to switch from a regular diet to a raw food diet... but the results were not long in coming! My figure began to tighten, my mood began to improve, plus all sorts of bonuses.

Then I gave up shampoos that contained sulfates, and generally regained my natural hair color and increasingly used herbal shampoos prepared according to the canons of Ayurveda. Unusual - yes, but the result was worth it! When the years fly by, but you want to look decent, and not only for yourself, but also for your husband and children, you have to change your mind. All necklines and minis disappeared from my wardrobe: I realized that in the classics you can look much more seductive. Plus, pairing fun, colorful shirts with a pencil skirt is so pretty.

In general, the older I get, the more natural I try to be... By the way, makeup has also stopped being flashy, everything is calm and gentle. As a result, they no longer guess my age; having two children is generally a shock for those who are not in the know. I'm happy with myself! Now on my shelf, instead of an anti-sweat stick in the usual sense, there is a salt stick (I bought it in Egypt, it costs a penny and works better than anything I’ve tried, and it’s a natural product!). In the bathroom there is sulfate-free shampoo plus a choice of two or three herbal shampoos (they come in powder). Instead of a toothbrush, use miswak, or, in extreme cases, tooth powder. Of course, handmade soap, various clays for wrapping, bath salts and aromatic oils.

I make a mask for wrapping like this: 1-2 tbsp. clay, preferably blue, 1 tsp. cinnamon, the same amount of red hot pepper, ginger, a couple of drops of citrus aroma oil, 1-2 tbsp. ground coffee. Dilute all this with water or milk, spread on problem areas and wrap with film. I keep it on for as long as I can, on average for about 40 minutes. This mask keeps the skin toned, tightens and helps fight fat.

There are always fresh vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator; they are preferred. Juicers don’t turn off, because making fresh juices is so easy and so healthy! Salt and sugar are excluded; if there are breakdowns, then only on a vegetarian table, no more. Every day at least 15 minutes of exercise, this is available to everyone! And many new things appeared in my wardrobe, hitherto unknown to me, because they didn’t suit me at all. I try to buy everything that is light and, if possible, rich in color.


I don't think this mask is suitable for all skin types. For example, it is clearly contraindicated for sensitive skin and skin prone to allergies!

Comment on the article "New me: how to change your diet, lifestyle and wardrobe"

Have you ever thought about changing your lifestyle and engaging in self-development, both physical and spiritual? You need to engage in self-development (well, at least you can) without changing your lifestyle, continuously. And yes, self-development cannot be alien.

Difficulties of a new life. Hello. I wanted to radically change my life at 48 years old. I quit my boring but rewarding job and moved to the big city for an interesting life. Some will require a gentle lifestyle, while others may result in disability.


run away from this job!!! I understand that you are on your feet the whole shift. Well, varicose veins are guaranteed for you in the very near future

As long as you are under 50 years old, you can survive this. But after 50, women enter a different period in life. Not for everyone, but for the majority. Diseases rain down on you like from a cornucopia. Some will require a gentle lifestyle, while others may result in disability. I’m 53 and from my experience I don’t advise you to make far-reaching plans for your life.

07.11.2017 05:20:03, Optimist in life

Section: Serious question (We need to change our lifestyle - go to the countryside, mow, plow, plant). Not medical, more trindelian. You just need to decide to change your life and say every day that life has begun to change for the better, today you have something new...


I read them all, thank you. Yesterday, apparently in a state of complete despair, I made this decision. In general, what you say is correct. I have an appointment with a new neurologist for August 15... Well, I hope))

It’s your desires that are strange - to get out. You can’t and won’t be able to mow, plant, and plow with a bad back.
From my experience about a sudden change in life - quitting a very profitable job, changing my diet, giving up my car in favor of walking, including giving up the elevator, I was baptized (but this was more for the peace of mind of my loved ones, they were worried that I would die unbaptized).
But I have a great massage therapist, a yoga teacher and a loving family. Therefore, even six months of lying down were quite fun and comfortable.

And how many can change their lifestyle 07/21/2017 16:44:33, yellow shoes. Remove the word “downshifting” and the question will not arise. They make mistakes with him almost more often than the “pediatist”, it’s just boring for those who understand what they’re talking about.

(Dear ladies, with our common sense, can we give practical advice on employment and lifestyle changes to a 40-year-old lady?) Tips for a housewife who is going to change her lifestyle.


I read the thread yesterday, finished reading it today, conclusion: You were given a lot of advice, but your reaction to everything is the same - it won’t work, because this and that won’t work, because this..... My advice is this - write everything down - Think about all the advice, and if you follow this advice, then what will happen and how, and if that? and what needs to be done to fulfill them? just think about it or even write it down next to the advice itself. Yes, it will take time, but no more than three hours of evening cooking. You've probably heard: those who want to do it, look for how, those who don't want to, look for why NOT...

By the way, why aren’t you just resting and sleeping right now?

How many times during a lifetime should a shunt be replaced? How much can this condition worsen? What are the prognosis? There is a lot of different information on the Internet, I have already read a lot of things, but everywhere they talk about completely different developments - from complete recovery to blindness and death.


A friend of mine has a nephew with a shunt in his head... He goes to kindergarten, they live in a regular group in the Moscow region, but he and another boy have their own teacher.
Fly airplanes, etc. it is impossible, i.e. lead the safest possible lifestyle. It is still small, but I can find out how many times the shunt has already been changed and how many are planned, if necessary?

Friends, I am from Tajikistan, my son has craniostenosis (hydracephelia), he had an operation at three months, after that he is undergoing rehabilitation, now we are 11 months old, my son has sudargi, increased hypertension, trauma, pressure, and development is lagging behind, he does not crawl, I don’t know what this will happen in the future my first child, anyone who had this would like to know how they cope with their babies, thank you in advance who has Viber, please write to me my Viber: +992927532332 and Facebook Dilya Berdieva

12/10/2017 12:54:19, dilya

I don’t like my way of life, I don’t like it at the level of understanding that I’m living wrong. But there is no motivation to change. If you don’t like your lifestyle, this should motivate you to change, or not? And if “there is no motivation to change, over...

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