The grossest blunder of the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” Funny pictures

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The comedy film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” is deservedly considered the pinnacle of Leonid Gaidai’s creativity. A free fantasy-comedy based on the theme of Bulgakov’s play, in fact, became one of the most beloved comedies among the people. Everyone has known it by heart for a long time, but they still rewatch it with pleasure. And some are trying to find mistakes that the director made while working on the film.

What do they find? Well, for example, when Miloslavsky opens the cache in the Shpak quartite, he is holding a stack of bonds in his hands

And when he says famous phrase“Citizens, keep your money in a savings bank! Of course, if you have it,” then he already has three stacks of bills in his hands

Well, what's wrong with that? Couldn't Georges have put down the bonds and taken the money in his hands at that moment?

Or here's another one. Georges came to Shpak's apartment in his clothes

And at the inventor Timofeev’s he found himself completely dressed in Shpak’s things, taking with him only a jacket from his old things

And the trousers and shirt were successfully abandoned at the crime scene

Unprofessional, I agree. But here we must take into account that he ended up in Timofeev’s apartment by accident, and he did not have time to pack his clothes, which would have caused a lot of additional questions and Bunshi's suspicions

What else? Tape recorder. More precisely, one of his reels. In Shpak’s apartment, two reels of the same color are loaded into the machine

And later, when Grozny listens to Vysotsky, the reel is replaced with a red one

Again understandable. Perhaps Miloslavsky did this when he was still in Shpak’s quartet. But it should be noted that the king very quickly learned to use modern technology, because later, when he listened to “The Song about Hares,” the red reel was no longer in the tape recorder. And since no one entered the apartment during this time, it turns out that Ivan the Terrible found other records from Shurik and changed the tape in the device

This moment is called another blunder. Shurik did not drink vodka, putting a full glass on the table

And later the king comes up and pours himself some vodka into Shurik’s glass, which by that time was already empty

Again understandable. What prevented the king from drinking this glass a little earlier. We weren't shown his every move.

In the chase scene in the royal chambers, it is noted that Bunsha climbed into the chest with his head to one side

and later, when he got out of it, his head was on the other side.

Well, the chest is spacious, you could turn around there if it wasn’t very convenient

It’s more difficult to explain why, when Bunsha and Miloslavsky run out after getting their hands on royal clothes, the helmet of one of the knight’s armor is lying on the floor,

and when the frame changes, he is already wearing armor

But, perhaps, at the moment of changing the frame, Miloslavsky managed to put him in his place

Hidden advertising was not practiced in the Soviet Union. Today you can guess that it’s not for nothing that James Bond wears a watch and drives a car. certain brand. And under socialism, the mention of a product in a radio program or film was explained simply: what was there was what they took. Because most often there was no alternative.

And yet, during the USSR there was one product that received truly fabulous advertising thanks to feature film. I would even say royal advertising. You will be surprised, but it was eggplant caviar. In the early 60s, it increasingly appeared on store shelves. At the same time, causing ironic remarks from buyers regarding the name “caviar”, which until then had been firmly associated among the majority of the public with black and red caviar. Here are the creators of the famous Soviet film“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession” decided to joke about this plot.

A still from the film with a festive table: “Black caviar, red caviar...”

According to the script, the hero of the film - a simple Soviet man in the street - miraculously finds himself at the court of Ivan the Terrible and, by the will of a fantastic chance, changes places with him. The Tsar goes to socialist Moscow, and our contemporary, due to an accidental portrait resemblance, is mistaken for the monarch in the 16th century and given the appropriate honors. And during the feast, delicacies appear on the huge table: fried swans, hares, black caviar - a huge container, red caviar - a whole vase of about three kilograms. And in the very center of the table is a great value - overseas eggplant caviar. Here, there was usually loud laughter from the audience, who in the middle of the 20th century only did not feed this “delicacy” to cats.

“And the special value is overseas eggplant caviar!”

“Overseas” caviar, eggplant (or squash) - became a cult Soviet dish, included in folklore and films. If the shelves of Soviet grocery stores were filled with anything, it was her (also, however, only until the end of the 1980s). Unlike its fish “namesake,” it never personified festive table. We are, of course, talking about its store version. As for homemade, there were many recipes for it, and they were very popular. Southern cities- Odessa and Kharkov were seriously arguing about where this caviar is made better. But the most delicious, traditionally, turned out to be the one made by someone’s grandmother or “Aunt Sonya.”

Almost every housewife had her own favorite recipe. As a rule, it was prepared not just for once, but also for future use - it was canned in dozens of jars during the season. And this is what I want to tell you: they did the right thing. Vegetables packaged in sterilized jars, grown in your own garden and harvested in season, are much healthier than today’s “plastic” eggplants, peppers and tomatoes imported from a distant country.

Of course, we will also share our homemade recipe with you. Every vegetable has its time. And eggplant caviar, despite the all-season availability of eggplant in stores, is wiser to prepare in the summer. Therefore, as soon as the first summer eggplants, peppers and tomatoes appear on the market, you can start. And in the fall, when all the shelves are already filled with colorful vegetables, nothing prevents you from preparing caviar for future use.

Label of a can of “Zucchini caviar” (1986)

Eggplant caviar

We will need: 1 kg of eggplants, 6 tomatoes, 6 peppers, 3 onions, hot pepper, garlic, salt, black pepper to taste, vegetable oil, greens - parsley, cilantro, dill.

Most best option- This is to bake eggplants and peppers in an oven preheated to 190 °C. For peppers, 20-25 minutes are enough, for eggplants a little more - 30-40. When you take the peppers out of the oven, you need to put them in a bag or in a container with a lid so that the skins sweat and come off easily. Do the same with the eggplants when ready. Finely chop the peppers and eggplants or mince them. Also remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into pieces. Chop the onion into small cubes.

Eggplants (Soviet culinary postcard from the 1970s)

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the onion over low heat. Add tomatoes and finely chopped hot peppers, simmer for 10 minutes. Then add the baked peppers and eggplants to the frying pan and cook everything together for 8-10 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste, add finely chopped or pressed garlic. Simmer a little more, add chopped herbs and remove from heat. A side dish for meat or fish, an independent dish, an appetizer - this is what eggplant caviar is - “overseas”.

* Helg changes his nickname to Ivan Tsarevich
Has the princess appeared?))
Not really. Yesterday the meaning of fairy tales about princesses and dragons dawned on me.
Because I climbed up the drainpipe through Anka’s window, trying to avoid meeting her dad. And he ran away from him by jumping from the same window.
Did dad spit fire?)))
Dads spit obscenities. Ice axes play the role of claws.
And the meaning of the tale about Koshchei came to me three years ago, when I courted a diva for several months, and in the end she was taken to Europe by a forty-year-old major.
And who am I kidding...
* Ivan the Tsarevich changes his nickname to Ivan the Fool

About a year ago, our company terminated the contract with the previous security company
agency, whose rapid response team arrived an hour later
after the alarm goes off... by taxi. So, we had to go to
to the office of another private security company for a contract. The office was located on the territory
psychiatric hospital, in the center of St. Petersburg, at the entrance of the hospital
You say that you have come to the private security company and they will let you through. We've arrived, I'm a little
I’m worried, I’m seeing a mental hospital for the first time, I’m giving a speech to the entrance hall,
I joke with the driver, if I’m not back in 15 minutes, then I’m gone
released back and mistaken for a hospital patient. My last name is Hermes,
the name of our office is “Caesar”, the name of the private security company is “Ares”. So,
Hello, I'm Hermes, to Ares from Caesar. I talk a couple of times, and before
I get how it sounds. We laugh until we cry with the driver, not on purpose
you'll figure it out. Yeah, they'll say, wait a minute, Napoleon is there. But at the entrance
no one was particularly interested in who I was and where, like, to Ares that one
door. But I remember the story often, especially when I watch “Ivan
Vasilyevich is changing his profession." "And you are the Tsar? Tsar!" "And you will be cured, and
I'll be cured!"

B@RT: please note - in the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”, when Shurik makes his first experiment with his car and removes the wall between his apartment and Shpak’s apartment, against the background of the other sound effects of the operation of the installation itself, the sound of “the opening of the Protos portal” can be clearly heard. from the game StarCraft (first). I always knew that Soviet cinema had a good influence on Western minds :)

A story for those who sigh for Soviet times.
Do you remember the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”?
“Red caviar, black caviar, overseas caviar... eggplant.”
By the end of the seventies, “overseas” also became in short supply. I was once in
business trip in one regional center of Ukraine. I see a queue. Right there
stood at the end. And then I start asking what they “threw out” there.
It turned out that the same notorious “overseas” one was brought to the store. They don't give
more than two cans in one hand. Well, I stood there for half an hour, I think. And behind me
a middle-aged madam stood there and kept wailing in Ukrainian that how she
you will always get nothing. And exactly! I bought the last couple of cans. On
Madame was scary to watch. He will definitely die of grief not today or tomorrow.
“Take one jar from me,” I said with mercy.
Madame gave the money, grabbed the jar with trembling hands and crumbled into
gratitude. How much does a person need to be completely happy? Sometimes
One can of “eggplant” is enough.04/15/05

I grew up in Uzbekistan, but the city was “Russian”. And television is local.
Therefore everything legendary films type "Diamond Arm", "Operation Y"
- and especially for some reason they often showed “Ivan Vasilyevich changes
profession" - I watched it in Uzbek on an Uzbek channel. Bad
The movie was not translated into Uzbek!
Arriving in Moscow at the age of 17 and seeing a familiar name on a poster: “Ivan
Vasilyevich..." - went and looked in Russian. He received a separate
pleasure! When they decide to erect a monument to director Gaidai, I will
participate in whatever way I can. His cinema is understandable without translation.
By the way, the transfer " Good night, kids" I also saw for the first time at 17
years. The story of this causes consternation among the residents of Russia. Holy!..
In short, I’m happy for the Uzbeks. Good taste does not change them...

I watched "Ivan Vasilievich is changing his profession" here.
In the episode with the Swedish ambassador, involuntary associations arose.

Deacon Fedka:
“ it’s no wonder the Tsar trusts them, they demand the Kem volost”
IO of the king:
“Take it, the state will not become poorer!”
Prince Miloslavsky:
“What are you doing, son of a bitch, handing out government lands, so no
you won’t have enough land!”

So it turns out that a swindler in Russia is often wiser than a figure in a jacket and

A friend told me.
Her father went to visit his friend (let's call him, for example, Ivan) in the taiga
to hunt. This Ivan had a husky dog ​​of some kind of terribly purebred.
The dog was a bitch, and Ivan often boasted that his dog was going to be bred
They will bring some champion dog from the kennel. The dog was just
she was in heat at the time (i.e. she just needed a male). But Ivan decided
that nothing bad will happen if he takes his dog to the taiga,
after all, the nearest village is 30 kilometers away. So, early in the morning they
got up, my friend’s father went outside, and there…………. A whole pack of males (well
What does it mean for a male dog to run 30 km before a female dog is in heat? ), and in the center
their attention to this terribly purebred husky! Girlfriends dad it's all fun
looked around, opened the door to the shack and shouted: - Hey, Ivan, to you from
The nursery has arrived!

10 interesting facts from "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession"

1. Few people know, but “Ivan Vasilyevich” is a play by Mikhail Bulgakov. Created in 1934-1936 based on the play “Bliss”. It was not staged or published during the author’s lifetime (first published in 1965). It served as the basis for the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, shot by the famous Soviet director Leonid Gaidai. The film became the leader in Soviet film distribution in 1973 - over 60 million USSR viewers.

2. American moviegoers know the film under the name “Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future” - thus the localizers created an analogy with another famous science-fiction comedy, “Back to the Future” by Robert Zemeckis;)

3. The telephone extension “3-62”, which Georges Miloslavsky calls when he calls Shpak at work, represents the price of a bottle of vodka in the USSR.

4. Some marketers suggest that Georges Miloslavsky was one of the first from Soviet television screens to engage in Product Placement (reception of implicit (hidden) advertising of Sberbank or Sberkassa).

5. Everyone’s favorite Andrei Mironov auditioned for the role of Georges Miloslavsky, but Leonid Kuravlev played him.

6. “Overseas caviar, eggplant” was brought to Russia in the 17th century from Iran, that is, much later than the events described. During filming, what lay on the royal table was not eggplant, but squash caviar.

7. Shurik’s house - house number 13, building 1, on Novokuznetskaya street, approximately halfway between the Novokuznetskaya and Paveletskaya metro stations in Moscow. It housed the Svetoch store (part of the sign is visible in the footage), and since 2006 it housed the Scarlet Sails supermarket.

8. In the film, the Kremlin is white-stone, but the modern red-brick Kremlin was built by Ivan the Terrible’s grandfather, Grand Duke of Moscow John III.
9. The play does not contain a scene of the arrest and interrogation of the king. The police arrive after the king returns to his time. Previously, the tsar manages to break Timofeev’s apparatus in a rage, having learned that Kem was given to the Swedes. The police detained Bunsha and Miloslavsky together. Psychiatrists were not called in the play.
10. According to some sources, the total fee of director Leonid Gaidai was an incredible 18,000 rubles at that time! Which was one of the reasons for the closure of the experimental creative association"IT", created as a commercial cinema experience.

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