Scenario of the reporting concert “favorite melodies” of the association of guitarists “ringing strings”. Creative project “Report concert at a music school

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Explanatory note

The concert for parents “Favorite Melodies” is a traditional event of the association, which allows us to sum up the results for the first half of the year academic year, each pupil demonstrates their achievements, and parents are given the opportunity to assess the level of performing and vocal skills of their child.

Target: create conditions for students to independently apply a set of knowledge and skills, as well as maintain a high level cognitive interest and children's activity.


  • an opportunity for students to realize and improve their creative abilities through participation in concert activities;
  • create conditions for meaningful leisure for children and their parents;
  • create a favorable psychological atmosphere - joy, comfort, friendship;
  • to create a sense of responsibility for the quality of the collective work;
  • contribute to the accumulation of experience in concert performances and stage behavior.

Performing participants: students of the association.

Musical repertoire:

  • "Small Country", words and music by I. Nikolaev
  • " New Year's song", words and music by I. Medvedeva
  • "Song about me", lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Zatsepin
  • "WITH good morning, beloved", words and music by O. Mityaev
  • "Andante", music by Carcassi M.
  • "The Wizard is a Dropout", lyrics by L. Derbenev, music by A. Zatsepin
  • "City", words and music by B. Grebenshchikov
  • "The Cossack was riding beyond the Danube", Ukrainian folk song.
  • "Cranes", lyrics by R. Gamzatov, music by Y. Frenkel
  • “When it suddenly turns out”, words and music by A. Makarevich
  • "A Little Orchestra of Hope", words and music by B. Okudazhava
  • "Night", words and music by S. Trofimov
  • "First Fandango" E. Steimann.
  • "Pass", words and music by V. Ivanov
  • "Song of Friends", words and music by I. Medvedeva
  • "The Jumper", music by Carcassi M.
  • "Happy New Year", words and music by I. Medvedeva
  • "You go home, my little cow", Russian folk song
  • "Amazing Waltz", words and music by A. Dolsky
  • "The Baby Was Walking", Russian folk song
  • "Elegy", music by Bakhur V.

Main methods used at the concert:

  • stimulation and motivation of children's activities: creating a situation of inclusion in creative activity, creating a situation of success, a positive example.
  • verbal: story, conversation, explanation, listening.
  • visual: use visual materials(photos, posters).
  • practical: students’ execution of the studied program, demonstration of individual and collective achievements.
  • musical and aesthetic propaganda.

Material and technical equipment: cabinet, acoustic guitars, electric guitar, bass guitar, consoles, chairs, demonstration tables, guest book.

WITH cenario

Presenter: teacher of the association.

Decoration of the office: photographs of students, diplomas, a map of creative achievements, catchphrases of famous people are placed on the stands; music consoles are installed, on which concert repertoire folders are located.

Leading: Good evening, dear parents and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to our festive audience. This meeting is festive not only because everyone’s favorite New Year’s holiday is ahead, but also because it is time to sum up the results of three and a half academic months. This means that each student has the opportunity to show off their skills.

Our concert program is called “Favorite Melodies” for a reason. After all, today the guys will perform their favorite melodies and songs, and we think that you will like them too. The program includes works of various subjects, as we want to show the full range of our work.

With military songs we will take part in the marathon “Songs with which we walked to Victory”, which will be held in DD(Yu)T. And we will perform lyrical and New Year’s songs in order to create a New Year’s mood for all guests.

It seemed so recently that we met here to get acquainted with the educational program, with the concert activities of the “Voicing Strings” association, and your children were present, while the audience. And today they are already acting as artists!

Perhaps many will say: “What can you learn in this time? short time"Yes, not much time has passed and we did not walk towards this day with easy steps. It was not easy for me, it was not easy for the children, but today everyone can say with pride that they achieved a victory! Even if it was small, but effective!! ! After all, everyone already knows how to play the guitar, understand musical language. Every child can feel their personal growth, their uniqueness and originality!! And that means today is a holiday for each of us - parent, teacher, student!

And if you think the performance is not professional enough, do not judge the children harshly, because this is only the beginning of a great journey through the land of musical discoveries!

Time flies quickly, inexorably fast. The holidays are over, it’s September and the guys are rushing to my classes with guitars and sheet music.

Words and music by I. Medvedeva “Friends’ Song” (performed by the “Golden Four” ensemble, 2nd year students).

Presenter: Guitar is the most common instrument. At first glance, it may seem that mass and prevalence are one and the same thing. This is wrong. For example, in some European countries harmonica can be considered a massive and very popular instrument, but the rest of the world treats it rather coolly. The guitar is widespread on all continents, including now Antarctica, and has even managed to travel to space.

It is a very versatile instrument. Let's take the accompaniment - it can also be very different. Accompanying a lyrical song requires its own accompaniment, a student song requires another, and the guitarist does not require perfect skill, in this case it is enough to have basic skills, but accompanying a song by the famous bard performer O. Mityaev requires a certain skill.

Words and music by O. Mityaev “Good morning, my love” (performed by the “Rondo” ensemble, 3rd year students).

Host: Music is like the ocean, and musical instruments are like islands scattered in the ocean. It’s so good that we all found ourselves on an island called guitar. How good it is that music and people are an inseparable whole, otherwise how could we hear the music inspired by beautiful cities, squares, and bridges?!

A. Dolsky “Amazing Waltz” (performed by the “Rondo” ensemble, students of the 3rd year of study).

Host: Remember, someone said: “We all learned a little something and somehow.” Fortunately, this saying has nothing to do with my students. But they will sing precisely about such a careless student.

Music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev “The Half-Educated Wizard” (performed by the “Golden Four” ensemble and the “Rondo” ensemble).

I never understood
The art of sacred music,
And now my hearing discerned
There is someone's hidden voice in it.
I loved that dream in her
And those emotions of my soul,
That all the former beauty
They bring it in waves from oblivion.

Russian folk song "You go home, my little cow", Ukrainian folk song "A Cossack rode across the Danube". (performed by a 1st year student).

Music by M. Carcassi "The Jumper", M. Carcassi "Andante". (performed by a 1st year student).

Russian folk song "The Baby Was Walking" (performed by a 1st year student).

Music by V. Bakhur "Elegy". (performed by a student of 2 years of study).

Music by E. Steimann. "First Fandango" (performed by a 3rd year student).

Host: There are many different beautiful cities on the map. You and I live in one of the most beautiful cities in Russia. But somewhere, under the blue sky, there is a golden city, with transparent gates and a bright star.

Words and music by B. Grebenshchikov "City".

(performed by 1st year ensemble)

A line without music is wingless,
You be a friend to me, be a friend -
And everything that's in the word sweet to my heart,
Set it to music.
Words and music by V. Ivanov "Pass"

(performed by an ensemble of 1st year of study).

And the song goes to war.
And the song destroys pillboxes.
I also knew one song,
As a subject of the infantry.
At that explosive turn,
When the planet shakes
She comes - and already
There is no evil, no fear.
A mortar is shooting at her,
She gets hit by a grenade.
And the song flies, And everything sings.
And everything leads the soldier.

Music by Y. Frenkel, words by R. Gamzatov “Cranes” (performed by an ensemble of 2 years of study).

Words and music by B. Okudzhava “Hope’s Little Orchestra” (performed by the 3rd year ensemble “Rondo” and the 2nd year ensemble).

What's music? She's alone
Comforts us endlessly
So sweet, so harmonious
Our destiny is seen in it.
And, reflecting our torment,
She still promises us
Merger with the eternal law
And from generation to generation,
And tames our pain.

Music and lyrics by I. Nikolaev “Little Country” (performed by ensembles of 2 and 3 years of study “Golden Four” and “Rondo”).

Music and lyrics by A. Makarevich “When it suddenly turns out” (performed by the 3rd year ensemble “Rondo”).

Music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev “Song about me” (performed by the 3rd year ensemble “Rondo”).

Music and lyrics by S. Trofimov “Night” (performed by the 3rd year ensemble “Rondo”).

Music and lyrics by I. Medvedeva "New Year's song" (performed by all student associations).

Music and lyrics by I. Medvedeva "Happy New Year" (performed by the 3rd year ensemble "Rondo").

Host: With this, our festive concert has come to an end. We thank you for your attention. Until next time.

Municipal institution additional education"Slantsevskaya children's music school"
Creative project « Reporting concert
V music school»
Author: Kaznacheeva Elena Vladimirovna,
teacher of theoretical disciplines
Project passport……………………………………………………………..p. 2
1.Introduction…………………………….………………………… 4
2. Main part (technological)..…………………..p. 5
2.1. Sequence of project execution………………...p. 5
2.2. Concert program of the reporting concert……………....p. 7
2.3 Scenario of the reporting concert……………………………………p. 9
3. Conclusion…………………………………………….page 13
4. Sources of information…………………………………… 15
5. Appendix (photo report)…………………………….…………p. 16

Project passport
1 Educational institution Municipal educational institution of additional education for children "Slantsevskaya children's music school"
Address: 188560, Leningrad region,
Slantsy, st. Lenina, 25.
Phone: 8(81374)33980
Fax: 8(81374)33203
2 Project title “Report concert at a music school”
3 Project customer School administration
4 Project manager Elena Vladimirovna Kaznacheeva, teacher of theoretical disciplines
5 Project consultants Deputy. directors for educational work, heads of methodological sections
6 Subject areas close to the project topic Musical performance, music history, literature, history
7 Age of students for whom the project is designed Participants in the preparation and implementation of the project (leaders): 13-14 years
Concert participants and spectators: 7 – 17 years old
8 Project type Practice-oriented, creative, collective
9 Goal To provide students with the opportunity to realize their musical and creativity in accordance with your inclinations and interests
10 Objectives: expanding the boundaries of students’ imagination

11 Fundamental question Why is it that in a music school, summing up the results of the school year and demonstrating the achievements of students and teachers traditionally takes place in the form of a reporting concert?
12 Problematic issues 1. What role will their participation in the project play in the upbringing and education of students?
2. How to attract as many students as possible to participate in the reporting concert?
3. Will their participation in the project lead to greater motivation to learn?
4. What needs to be done to attract as many listeners as possible to the concert?
5. How to enhance the musical experience?
13 Required equipment Musical instruments: piano, violins, accordion, guitars, keyboard synthesizer
Personal computer
Multimedia projector
Music center
Mixing console
4 microphones
Music literature
14 Abstract The project examines the role of the reporting concert as an integral part of education at a music school. The introduction analyzes the practical significance of the project. The main part describes the stages of work on the project, presents the program and script of the reporting concert. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the project is examined.
15 Intended project products Script, concert, multimedia presentation
1. Introduction
Justification of the relevance of the project. Every academic year, different events happen in the life of the Slantsevskaya children's music school - our school lives a very busy life creative life. But among many events and concerts, there is one where students and teachers, demonstrating their achievements, must show their work for the year. Such an event is the school’s reporting concert. During the reporting concert, the result of our work is summed up, which is based on the combination of educational and concert activities, and the concert at a music school is an integral part of education, its permanent form.
Goal: to provide students with the opportunity to realize their musical and creative abilities in accordance with their inclinations and interests.
expanding the boundaries of students’ imagination
development of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual
development of organizational qualities and communication abilities of students
formation of active life position students
attracting children's attention to the rich and diverse world of music
Practical significance of the project. The reporting concert, like any other, - serious test for young musicians, which strengthens their will and teaches them to control themselves. By mastering new forms and methods of teaching children music, increasing their level of performing skills, and being in constant creative search, the teachers of our school achieve very great success in their pedagogical activity. Every child is given the opportunity to experience moments of success, good luck, faith in their own strengths and abilities.
The project is intended for a wide audience of listeners of all age categories. Not only students and teachers of the music school, but also parents, as well as ordinary city residents, show great interest in such events. Music heard in a recording or even on TV is one thing, and the atmosphere of performance in a concert hall is quite another. When music is born, as they say, at this moment and when many people listen to it attentively, a special, bright and festive musical unity is created, musical empathy between spectators and performers.
Planned result:
teachers will be able to provide students with the opportunity to develop self-control, confidence in themselves and in their decisions
children and adults will be able to enrich their knowledge and expand the boundaries of musical fantasies
Students will have the opportunity to communicate with teachers during after school hours, which will contribute to greater motivation for learning through the development of trusting and informal relationships
children will be involved in collective activities, thereby developing the ability to communicate in the language of music, collaborating with their peers in such creative teams, as a choir, vocal and instrumental ensemble.
Execution method. To achieve best result, in order to attract more participants and spectators, there is a need to look for new forms of holding this event: involving students as presenters, as well as demonstrating a multimedia presentation, which should help enhance musical impressions and emotional perception of music.
During preparation and implementation of this project age was taken into account, individual characteristics children, the level of knowledge and skills of each student.
2. Main part (technological)
2.1. Project sequence
No. Stages of work Description of the algorithm of actions Number of working days
1. Collection and analysis of information 1) All the most important and significant events in the life of the school in the 2013/2014 academic year (competitions, festivals, concerts) were analyzed and summarized. 2) The head teacher of the school provided information on all these events.
3) Photo materials were collected from the personal photo archives of teachers and the school photo archive. 5
2. Thinking through and preparing the material and technical equipment of the event Concert Hall
Musical instruments: piano, violins, accordion, guitars, keyboard synthesizer
Personal computer
Multimedia projector
Music center
Mixing console
4 microphones
Music literature
Stationery 1
3. Listening and selecting the best concert numbers for the reporting concert 1) Providing the manager. methodological sections of the departments of the list of concert numbers, deputy. Director of HR
2) Scheduling auditions
3) Listening and selection of concert numbers by a commission consisting of: director, deputy. Director for Water Resources Management, Head. methodological sections
4) Drawing up a concert program (see paragraph 2.2) 3
4. Creating a script 1) Selection of material for the script from various sources of information: books, personal archive, information sheet provided by the head teacher of the school, the Internet
2) Creation of a script in accordance with the concert program, taking into account the theme of the concert numbers and individual achievements of students (see paragraph 2.3)
5. Creation of a multimedia presentation “The most significant events of the school year” Selection of photographs of speakers and photo illustrations for each concert number and including them in multimedia presentation 7
6. Posting information about upcoming concert 1) Posting information about the upcoming reporting concert on the school website.
2) Creation and placement of posters on the bulletin board in a music school and others educational institutions cities 2
7. Selection of presenters for the reporting concert Presenter No. 1 - Kaznacheeva E.V.
Presenter No. 2 - Egor Orlov, 6th grade student
Presenter No. 3 - Vlad Trufanov, student of 6th grade 1
8. Rehearsal process 1) Distribution of the script text among the presenters
2) Work on the quality of text execution: clarity, accuracy, volume, expressiveness
3) Ordinary rehearsals (run-through)
4) Dress rehearsal 5
9. Release of the project product The reporting concert took place on April 29, 2014 (see photo report in the Appendix, pp. 16-18) 1
2.2. Concert program of the reporting concert
V.A. Mozart, Longing for Spring.
P. I. Tchaikovsky, My kindergarten.
Spanish Choir class, middle group
R. Gliere, Dance in the square from the ballet “The Bronze Horseman”
Spanish Trio of violinists and Oleg Chapysheva. Ermolov, "Sun"
Spanish Ensemble "Freckles" and Vlad Prutkovsky T. Smirnova, Brazilian Carnival.
Spanish Irina Lubenets, Maria SereginaJewish people. song HAVA NAGILA (Let's rejoice)
Spanish Gleb VelikoboretsK. Bom, Tremolo
Spanish Nastya Emelyanova and Albina Mironova
L. Walker, Little Romance
Spanish Olga Belikova
I. Krasilnikov, Polka.
Spanish Nora Simonyan
10. J. Lennon, IMAGINE (Drawing)
Spanish Vlada Ryani11.A. Arensky, Elegy
Spanish Lisa Bokataya12.A. Arensky. Italian song
Spanish Violin trio of teachers, accompanied by Pylkova O.V.
13.S. Rachmaninov. Sketch-painting
Spanish InnaMagon14.F. Schubert, Evening Serenade.
Spanish guitar ensemble
15.S. Prokofiev. Dance of the knights from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet"
Spanish Maria Afanasyeva
16.G. Sviridov. Romance from the music to the drama by A. S. Pushkin “Blizzard”
Spanish Melnik L. S.
17.Russian people song "Rakita"
Spanish Vocal ensemble under the direction of Ferbey M.V.
18.B. Zubkov, melody from the film “Gypsy”
Spanish Grigorieva V. P. and Dul I. V.
2.3. Report concert script
Background music is playing.
Presenter No. 1 (C 2) comes out: Good evening, dear friends! Good evening, dear fans of young talents! We welcome you to the main celebration of the children's music school - the Reporting Concert of students and teachers. Before we begin, I would like to remind you of some rules of behavior during the concert: we ask you to turn off mobile phones, during the performance, do not talk or walk around the hall, and also stay in auditorium before the end of the concert program, since all performers, without exception, deserve your attention...
Our evening today is unusual in many ways, and, above all, in that I have many assistants. Dear viewers, let me introduce you (Presenters No. 2 and No. 3 walk along the hall to the stage from the far entrance) two wonderful young people, my co-hosts - Yegor Orlov and Vlad Trufanov (The guys stand next to presenter No. 1).
Presenter No. 2: It’s no secret that one of the most significant events at the school - a reporting concert of students and teachers. This is a kind of starting point: “Spring is coming - make way for spring!”...
Presenter #3: Today concert hall the children's music school hospitably opened its doors, welcoming everyone who wanted to plunge into beautiful world, world of Music! The excited faces of the teachers, the more responsible children, parents, guests - all this, of course, gives a special solemnity to the festive evening.
Vedas No. 1: And before the start of our concert, let's remember the most important, most significant events of this school year.
Vedas No. 2: Opened a series significant events grand performance combined choir at a regional event dedicated to Teacher's Day. Under the leadership of Elena Veniaminovna Vasilyeva, 83 people gathered on stage! The audience was also delighted with the joint performance of students and teachers of the class pop vocals.
Vedas No. 3: Our guys started the competition season already in October. They performed very successfully at the Open regional music and art competition “Sound and Color of the Roerich State”.
Vedas No. 1: In the same month, 1st grade students, together with Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Gorneva, visited the exhibition “Native Spaces” in Slantsevsky local history museum, dedicated to the Day of National Unity.
Vedas No. 2: In November, Nikita Zubov defended the honor of our school at the XV International festival-competition"Childhood Celebration" He became a 1st degree laureate.
Vedas No. 3: December has come, as always, rich in events. Academic concerts traditionally took place this month, parent meetings. Our students also took part in the International Competition children's creativity“First chord”, where they achieved good results.
Vedas No. 1: On December 25, a traditional New Year's concert took place...
Vedas No. 2: During the Christmas holidays, an unusual event occurred: students of a pop vocal class, under the guidance of their teacher Marina Valerievna Ferbey, went with a concert to the village of Vetvenik, Gdovsky district.
Lead No. 3: In January, Elena Vladimirovna Kaznacheeva organized a trip to St. Petersburg. The children, together with the teacher, visited the Butterfly Garden and attended Sergei Prokofiev’s ballet “Cinderella” at the St. Petersburg Opera and Ballet Theater State Conservatory named after N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
Vedas No. 1: Also, students of the pop vocal class took part in the already traditional Regional Festival-Competition “Bright Angel of Christmas”. And, as always, they returned as winners.
Vedas No. 2: The geography of victories of school students extends beyond the borders of our city and region. Yes, this year young talents took part in the International competition " Musical world" You can see that it’s hard to fit all the participants’ diplomas and teachers’ certificates on one slide. Vedas No. 3: In March, our students took part in the regional competition instrumental ensembles. And this competition, like others, was marked by significant victories.
Vedas No. 1: In the same month, the annual “Spring Drops” concert took place within the school’s walls.
Vedas No. 2: I would especially like to mention the youngest contestants. On the screen you see students of grades 1 and 3 - all of them took 1st place in the most difficult and prestigious regional competitions.
Vedas No. 3: On the last day of March, students of the pop vocal class of teacher Marina Valerievna Ferbey took part in the creative project “Musical ABC” by professor of the St. Petersburg University of Arts Eleanor Rybakova. The guys performed at the “Sounding Colors” concert lesson.
Vedas No. 1: And then there were international competitions“Cultural Capital”, “St. Petersburg Spring”, Municipal competition"Cream", 18th Open competition children's pop song "Golden Key", 15th regional piano competition "Musical Pages". And everywhere our guys’ performance was very successful.
Vedas No. 2: You can tell a lot about each participant in the listed events and their teachers in superlatives. Because one cannot help but admire their hard work and dedication to high art.
Vedas No. 3: We thank the children and teachers for their achievements and hope that the young virtuosos will glorify our school with their successes more than once.
Vedas No. 1: And now comes the most main point this wonderful evening - we present our concert program.
Vedas No. 2: Every year, listeners never cease to be surprised and admire the originality and, at the same time, the professional potential of our young talents!
Vedas No. 3: A crowded hall, and this time in anticipation of a miracle. A miracle that can make us laugh and cry, that has soul and heart! This miracle is born here, on this stage. And his name is
All together: Music!..
Vedas No. 1: Opens the concert program with a performance middle group special choir class. Director: Elena Veniaminovna Vasilyeva, accompanist: Tatyana Arsenievna Bogodomova. The choir will perform two songs: 1. W. A. ​​Mozart, Longing for Spring. 2. P. I. Tchaikovsky, My kindergarten. So, welcome! (The presenters go backstage)
Vedas No. 2 (out): Our holiday continues, and we invite to the stage a wonderful trio of violinists and their accompanist Oleg Chapyshev. The children will perform Gliere's "Dance".
Vedas No. 3: The next group of performers was formed quite recently, and their new performance will be presented to your attention. On stage are the ensemble “Vesnushki” and Vlad Prutkovsky with Alexander Ermolov’s song “Sun”.
Ved No. 1: This one piano duet well known to the residents of our city. Ira Lubenets and Masha Seregina performed at school and city events more than once, and thanks to them, on City Day, Slantsev residents heard live music on the square piano music. The duet will perform Tatiana Smirnova's play "Brazilian Carnival".
Vedas No. 2: Today our concert will feature music not only from Russian composers, but also from foreign ones. One of these works is the Jewish folk song “Hava Nagila” performed by Gleb Velikoborets.
Vedas No. 3: The following performers are Nastya Emelyanova and Albina Mironova. Their duet is united not only by joint preparation for concerts and competitions, but also great love to music. Nastya and Albina will perform Karl Bohm’s play “Tremolo”.
Vedas No. 1: We invite Olga Belikova to the stage. In her performance you will hear the play “Little Romance” by the Austrian guitarist and composer Louise Walker.
Vedas No. 2: A student of the department speaks electronic music Nora Simonyan. She will perform “Polka” by Igor Krasilnikov on a keyboard synthesizer.
Vedas No. 3: (C38) Now a very young performer - Vlada Ryani - will appear on stage. Despite the fact that Vlada is in 1st grade, she successfully performs at school, city and regional events. Today Vlada will perform John Lennon’s song “Imagine”.
Vedas No. 1: The next performer, Liza Bokataya, is well known to the audience, as she is a participant in many events, as well as a winner of various competitions and festivals. Today Lisa will perform “Elegy” by Anton Arensky.
Vedas No. 2: The next group of performers was formed a long time ago, and it is very well known to the Slantsev public - this is an adult ensemble of violinists, in which teachers from our school participate. The ensemble will perform for you “Italian Song” by Arensky. Meet!
Vedas No. 3: We invite Inna Magon to the stage. She is also a participant in many events and a winner of various competitions. In the piece that Inna will perform, sounds are heard Merry Maslenitsa, echoes of Russian songs, ringing of bells. For your attention – Etude-painting in E-flat major by Sergei Rachmaninov.
Vedas No. 1: And now an ensemble of guitarists will perform in front of you. The ensemble will perform a piece that has gained outstanding popularity thanks to its beautiful melodious melody. Franz Schubert's song "Evening Serenade" is played.
Vedas No. 2: Next in our program is a speech by graduating class student Masha Afanasyeva, who over the course of many years of study has brought home school not a single victory. Today Masha will perform famous work Sergei Prokofiev's "Dance of the Knights" from the ballet "Romeo and Juliet".
Vedas No. 3: We invite Lyudmila Sergeevna Melnik to the stage. In her performance you will hear the wonderful “Romance” by Georgy Sviridov from the music to Pushkin’s drama “The Snowstorm”.
Vedas No. 1: No matter how fast and crazy our lives may be, we are all united by the love of folk songs. Russian songs amaze with their melody, sincerity, and depth of feelings. And, waiting for a meeting with folk song, we invite you to the stage vocal ensemble under the leadership of Marina Valerievna Ferbey. They perform the Russian folk song “Rakita”.
Vedas No. 2: Our concert ends with a performance by a duet of teachers. On stage - Valentina Pavlovna Grigorieva and Irina Vladimirovna Dul with “Melody” by Boris Zubkov from the film “Gypsy”.
(All presenters leave)
Vedas No. 3: Our reporting concert has come to an end.
Vedas No. 2: As we say goodbye, we thank you for your kind smiles and friendly applause!
Vedas No. 1: We are sure, dear viewers, that this meeting undoubtedly resonated with warmth in your hearts. We do not say goodbye, but only say: “Goodbye!” See you again in magical world musical art!
3. Conclusion
Project effectiveness. It’s probably no coincidence that every year the children’s music school hosts a reporting concert, because its significance for harmonious development young musician difficult to overestimate. The academic name hides the brightest palette of worries and experiences. By performing at the final concert, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their talents and achievements. For the audience, among whom are excited teachers, proud parents, attentive friends, this is an opportunity to evaluate the level musical training children, see and hear bright performances, just enjoy the sound wonderful music, which was demonstrated at the reporting concert, which took place on April 29, 2014.
During the preparation and implementation of the creative project “Report Concert at a Music School,” the main goal was achieved: all students were given the opportunity to realize their musical and creative abilities in accordance with their age, as well as inclinations and interests.
During the reporting concert, the following results were achieved:
children were involved in collective activities, which contributed to the development of their communication abilities, the development of the ability to communicate in the language of music, and expanded the boundaries of students’ imagination
the concert featured works of classical and modern music different genres and styles, accompanied by appropriate comments, which contributed to enriching the knowledge of all participants of the event
thanks to the opportunity for teachers and students to communicate outside of class hours, which contributed to greater motivation for learning, some students subsequently showed better attendance and performance in classes
attendance at school concerts and events by students and their parents has improved
teachers provided the opportunity to develop the child’s independence and self-control through the development of such qualities as self-confidence and in their decisions
All of the above once again emphasizes the importance and necessity of holding a report concert at a music school.
4. Sources of information
1. Madorsky L., Zach A., “ Musical education child." Moscow, publishing house "AIRS-press", 2011.
Anna Yaroslavina, article “About spring, music and reporting concerts in art schools”, 2013 ( Electronic resource–
Scenario of the reporting concert “Let’s fill our hearts with music” (Electronic resource
Electronic resource – resource –
Personal photo archive
5. Application
Project release (photo report)

Rice. 1. Presenters: Orlov E., Kaznacheeva E. V., Trufanov V.

Rice. 2. Choir of grades 2-3 special choir class

Rice. 3. Guitarist ensemble

Rice. 4. Student in the keyboard synthesizer class Simonyan N.

Fig.5. Trio of violinists, accompanied by O. Chapyshev.

Rice. 6. Speech by teacher Melnik L.S.

The guitar is perhaps the most famous, beloved and democratic instrument. He is loved by both professionals and amateurs. The concert program offers interesting works For six string guitar with a little introductory remarks. I wish you all creative success!



Concert program

"Take a Guitar"

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! We are starting the “Take Your Guitar” concert. Today at concert program music will be performed different eras, styles and genres.

And today the guitar will not only play solo, but also sound harmoniously in various instrumental compositions.

1. A. Vivaldi. Concerto for guitar and strings in D major, 1st movement

The guitar is perhaps a unique instrument: the most famous, widespread and in demand. To the sound of a guitar you can be happy and sad, cry and laugh. They sing love serenades to the accompaniment of a guitar, dance the famous “gypsy girl”; she is an irreplaceable friend of tourists and a cheerful, friendly company.

Composers of different times created musical masterpieces for this tool.

2. Alexander Ivanov – Kramskoy- Soviet guitarist, conductor, teacher.He wrote many works for guitar. Here's one of them


3. They will sound "Three Preludes" by Brazilian composer E. Vila Lobos.

4. Now you will hear the famous “Ave Maria”, which sounds great both vocally and instrumentally.

Bach - Gounod "Ave Maria".

5. A. Guillermo “Spanish Capriccio”

6. Esche a Francisco T arrega, famous composer, guitarist - virtuoso of the 19th century,he is also the founder of the modern guitar school in Spain.

And now three plays by this composer will be performed

"Tear", "Mazurka" and "Arabic Capriccio".

9. Despite the chamber sound of this instrument, many composers were not afraid to write serious works accompanied by a symphony orchestra.

Ivanov - Kramskoy. Andante, 2nd movement of concerto in D major for guitar and orchestra. There is another name for this work: “Waltz”.

10. Alexander Tsfasman - founder of the first Soviet Russia jazz orchestra, created many works that have become popular and beloved of all times.

The foxtrot “Bad Date” sounds.

11. C In 1995, an ensemble of guitarists was formed at the school. Later the group received the name “Canzona”. And for 16 years now this ensemble regular participant school and city festive events. Participant and winner of various festivals and competitions. And most importantly, this team has long been loved and popular.

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