Last call scenarios. Scenario for the last bell (2017) material on the topic Beautiful line for elementary school students for the last bell - ideas for numbers and video examples

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Scenario for the extracurricular event "Last Call".

Music (presenters' appearance).

Presenter 1

On this May morning, this warm spring
Everything is as before, everything seems to be going smoothly.
Only everything at the parade, with smiles, flowers,
The hall is in a beautiful outfit and the guests are simply afraid.

Presenter 2

We know that today you don't need a lesson
We gathered for a holiday,

TOGETHER: Last call!

Presenter 1. Attention! Solemn moment!

Presenter 2. To your endless applause, we invite the heroes of the occasion into the hall - graduates of 2017 and their class teacher.

Coming out of graduates (music) “School Waltz”.

Presenter 1

Once upon a time, exactly 9 years ago,
When the trees were golden
For you there was a holiday of the First Bell,
You entered the classroom for the first time to his trill.

Presenter 2

And first-graders students -
We studied, grew up and matured,
And every day we met their calls,
And nine years flew by like birds.

Presenter 1

Today you are a little worried,
Today this room is full of friends,
Today is the day of the Last Call -
Today you say goodbye to school!

Leading 2. The ceremonial line dedicated to the Last Bell is declared open.

The anthem sounds.

Presenter 1

Here it is: exciting, alarming
And the long-awaited moment of parting.
All the chalk was written on, and the bells were ringing,
And large mountains of books were re-read.

Presenter 2

The last lessons have already passed,
And every teacher was in a hurry to give us advice.
Today a parting word
We'll ask the director to tell us.

Presenter 1. There are other graduates present at our celebration, but only primary school graduates. Let's welcome them!

Presenter 2

The sun shines joyfully on you.
Moths dance around.
You're now in elementary school
They will be called "graduates".

Presenter 1

For four years you were taught
Finally weaned off.
Your mothers took you here
Sometimes my father drove.

Presenter 2

In the rain and icy cold,
On weekdays, even on Saturdays,
Through snowdrifts and puddles
It was like they were going to work

Presenter 1

If only they would give you something for this,
To relieve your nervous stress,
Gold medals for everyone...
Do we have medals? The answer is NO.

Presenter 2. And we will fix this now, and we will all congratulate you on the holiday.

Presenter 1. The word for congratulations is given to the class teacher.

Presenter 2. The right to present commemorative ribbons “Elementary School Graduate 2017” is granted to our senior graduates!

Melody 4 sounds(presentation of ribbons).

Presenter 1. The “Elementary School Graduate 2017” ribbon is awarded to: ...

Presenter 2. And now the floor is given to primary school graduates and their parents.

Presenter 1. Dear elementary school graduates, your friends are rushing to congratulate you.

Poems 1st grade.

Presenter 2. And we continue to honor our 9th grade graduates.

Presenter 1

Today you are a little worried,
A little happy today
And, of course, you can understand,
After all, there is a new path ahead of you.

Presenter 2

He waits, calls, scares a little,
Great things beckon
But let the road be remembered,
That she took me to school every day.

Presenter 1

Who is your main mentor?
Who ruled your boat at school?
He regretted, scolded, talked, asked,
I suddenly brought a magazine to class,

Presenter 2

He advised, he appealed to his parents,
I loved and helped as they were...
In all capital letters TEACHER!
He is our great leader.

Presenter 1. The floor for congratulations is given to the first and class teacher of our graduates.

And now the ceremony! Presentation of ribbons. The right to present commemorative ribbons “Graduate - 2017” is granted to our elementary school graduates and the class teacher.

Melody 6 sounds (presentation of ribbons).

Presenter 1. The “Graduate 2017” ribbon is awarded to: …. The song “Last Call” sounds for you.

Presenter 1. Dear graduates! And now your school friends are rushing to congratulate you and say parting words, welcome you!

Lyrics and song "Five Reasons".

Presenter 2. Present in our hall are the parents of our graduates, for whom today is also significant.

Presenter 1

Beautiful parental kindness
There is nothing holier in the world.
So that everything turns out great for you -
Your parents give you advice.

Congratulations from parents of graduates

The word for congratulations is given to the guests of our holiday.

A wish song will be performed for you by the primary school students.

Presenter 1. Dear graduates, today you have the opportunity to say all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love to those who were the guiding and guiding force of your growing up.

Words and congratulations from 9th grade.

Presenter 2. Dear principal, head teachers, teachers and parents!

Thank you for loving us
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because we were taught to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us!

Presenter 1

Now your last one will ring,
For nine years, a farewell call.
Ring over the past and present,
A ringing, farewell, last call!

Presenter 2. The right to give the last call is granted....

The bell rings.

Presenter 1.And according to tradition, the students of our school will perform the song “White Lilac”.

Presenter 1. Dear Guys! Dear guests and parents! Let's not be sad. May your life be cheerful and ringing, like the school bell that just rang for you.

Presenter 1

We wish you to go through life boldly,
We wish everyone happiness.
Let everyone's wish come true
On the road! Happy journey everyone!

Presenter 1. Please don't disperse! Now there will be a climax - the final scene - the scene of farewell to teachers, students and the school bell. Parents! Cool teachers! Take your children's hands and, after making a circle in front of the line, walk through our "Thief" O knowledge" to the street to launch pigeons and balloons into the sky, as symbols of a secret dream.

(Two decorated chairs are brought out, a boy and a girl (1st grade) stand on them and hold a bar with bells. As they pass under it, everyone touches the small bells).

Leading: Attention! The school is preparing to say goodbye to graduates!

The melody of the song School Waltz sounds.

Graduates leave the line.

Performance by first graders

Fourth grade
We are seeing off now
And we give you goodbye
Our first-class order.

When leaving, take with you
Your strong friendship,
Because a friend will help
Both in study and in battle.

You have mastered the shock
A hundred rules and sciences,
But there's still a little bit left -
In high school - 1000 pieces.

We want to develop the convolutions,
So that thoughts just beat in them.
Study, you always get a high five,
And don’t give in to difficulties.

We also want to give you a bouquet of wishes
There are so many things on them
We tried our best and wrote it beautifully for you.
On colorful balls not so long ago!

Instructions for graduates from grade 8

Look - good fellows!
- Look, the girls are red
- How many people have gathered here today?
- It’s impossible to count how many people came!
- And the reason for this is that they are young boys!
- How many years did they train them?
- How many years have they been looked after!
- So, are you ready to hit the road?
-Have you decided to leave us?
- Well, then listen to our advice:
- 1. If bad thoughts creep into your head...
-...then drive them to the neck!
- 2. When you lose your temper...
-... please don’t get lost!
- 3. Don’t grab the stars from the sky!
- If everyone grabs stars from the sky, what will we have left in a year?
-... and there will be no starry nights!
- 4. Remember: one head is good...
-... there can’t be two!
- And finally...
- 4. Don’t go with the flow...
- Don't swim against the current...
-... and swim there...
-...where do you want to go!
- And we will follow you
- Not in many, many years
- And just a year later
- So be jealous, people!

A new interesting scenario for the last bell in 11th grade with songs, poems and surprises

Spring has come. A little more and we will already be welcoming summer, which will certainly give us many bright emotions. But first, schoolchildren will celebrate a special holiday in schools - the last bell of 2017. The script for this holiday for 11th grade should be interesting and memorable. We offer you our own version, which can be used in whole or in part. And so, let's watch.

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon to everyone present at the holiday.

Presenter 2:
A special greeting to the main people of the last bell - graduates and teachers.

Presenter 1:
Today the whole school gathered here, and they gathered for a reason. It is today that the last school bell in their lives will ring for graduates.

Presenter 2:
Many of you remember the day you first came to school. Remember the moment when high school students took you by the hand and led you to your first class. Those high school students have long since become adults. They have families. They have their own interesting lives.

Presenter 1:
And today they came here to tell you their parting words and see you off from school.

Those high school students who were graduates 11 years ago come out and escort today's graduates to first grade. They say their words and congratulate everyone on the holiday.

Presenter 2:
Look how they've all grown! Look how mature and responsible they have become.

Presenter 1:
We hope that you, today's graduates, will also come here in 11 years and tell these kids (points to 1st grade students) what you have become. Give them words of encouragement for adulthood.

Presenter 2:
In the meantime, they will tell you their parting words.

First graders come out and recite poems.

Poems by 1st grade students for the last bell.

Presenter 1:
What beautiful poems! Graduates - did you hear and understand everything?

Presenter 2:
Then look, we will definitely come to you at the hospital, at the bank and other places where you will work.

Presenter 1:
After such poems, it's time to listen to music. And now the school band will make their musical gift for graduates!

Song remake for graduates.

Presenter 2:
Well done! Did you like it? Then we immediately invite the school director here for a ceremonial speech!

The school principal gives his ceremonial speech.

Presenter 1:
And so, many today said their words to the graduates. The time has come for graduates to say their words of gratitude to their teachers.

Presenter 2:
Our graduates decided to do it beautifully and prepared an interesting and touching scene. Let's see it.

A skit from graduates for teachers.

You can also give teachers a dance as a gift. Watch the video of the dance that the 11th grade girls from the Togliatti school will show their teachers.

Presenter 1:
You know, it seems like we forgot about someone.

Presenter 2:
No, we didn’t forget, we just left this person for last, for the most touching moment. Meet the first 11th grade teacher!

The first teacher comes out and speaks his words.
Afterwards, the graduates present him with flowers.

Presenter 1:
And now there will be something for which we have all gathered here. Now the last bell will ring for 11th grade graduates, and they will go to their home class to your applause.

The last bell rings, after which the graduates go to their class.


1 presenter:
It would seem one and the same
What day, what year,
But again, as in childhood, we are worried
Another day's arrival.
2 presenter:
And I can’t contain my excitement in the morning,
It’s as if in these everyday life you
You are waiting for an opening, and a revelation,
And dreams come true.
3rd presenter:
Nice, fine, of course
This year has turned out for us.
Today, here in the hall, is the premiere,
Today is “Last Call”.


4 presenter:

Exams, rest, work -
They flash in their own order,
And we are in the passing year
We wave our hand sadly.
5 presenter:

We strive for happiness and believe:
Farewell is the key to meeting.
The school has a premiere today -
Our last school bell!


6th presenter:
We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered today in our beautiful hall.

According to the good old tradition, for many years now the sounds of the “School Waltz” have been heard at holidays like ours in all schools of our large country, exciting the souls and hearts of teachers, parents and friends of those who are going to leave the walls of their home school. This is both sadness and joy, regrets and hopes...

7 presenter:

For teachers, this is a part of their life, which they lived with us, giving us their knowledge, experience, and love.

8 presenter:

For parents, this is a nervous shock, the realization that WE are already adults, and now new troubles await our dear parents.

1 presenter:

And for us, this is farewell to childhood, to the wonderful world of school.

2 presenter:

Our school will become for us a symbol of the tenderness and purity of childhood. And we would like this holiday to bring us all even closer together, so that it leaves in the hearts of each of those who come here the most joyful, bright and happy memories of these minutes.
3rd presenter:

And again it’s May in this world.
On the school joyful planet
Nature comes to life again
It rings, blooms, smells fragrant.
4 presenter:

And we are all back in our hall...
Graduates have gathered us here!
Here is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,
Here youth enchants us.
5 presenter:

Here souls are full of anticipation,
An unexpected declaration of love...
Solemn excitement reigns...
Sounds like a nice intro
For those who have been waiting, counting the days...
Meet us! Enter the hall - GRADUATES!

6th presenter:

Our classmates!!! And our class teachers!

7 presenter:

11A class and Olga Sergeevna Burmistrova

8 presenter:

11B grade and Kukanova Natalya Vladimirovna

The melody of D. Kabalevsky’s song “Wonderful School Years” sounds

1 presenter:
Dear graduates, our dear teachers! Our beloved parents! And dear guests! The holiday dedicated to the Last Bell of 2017 is declared open.

(Russian Anthem sounds)

2 presenter:

We came here as foolish children,
Now we have become adults.
We need to report for the school years.
We have something to remember and tell
And confess something.
Presenter 3:

Our unspent cup of feelings
And the living breath of spring,
And our love and gratitude
We address it to the director.
Presenter 4:

Dear Sergey Viktorovich!
We thought you were very strict,
And for several years
We strived to make our roads
We should go around your office.
Presenter 5:

But one day you are simpler, kinder
They began to resolve issues with us.
Maybe it's us who have matured
Are we responsible for our school?!
Now the hour of parting has come,
We remember a lot of good things about you.
Our worries, worries, sorrows
You certainly always noticed.

The floor is given to our director Sergei Viktorovich Danilin.

We also introduce the guests who will come to congratulate the graduates

3rd presenter:

They came to congratulate us _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

in front of the scenes there are 2 tables 8 chairs 2 chairs without a desk, on the other side of the scenes there is a school board. There is a stack of paper on the table, the hosts are talking animatedly

4 presenter: That you won’t do it this way, no, it’s not supposed to be like that at all! Well, where is this leaf, NO! No! NO! again not this!

throws leaves into the hall like falling leaves, everyone looks at him in bewilderment

4 presenter: Here it is, finally! This is how it should be!

5 presenter: Dear teachers! All these 11 years you have seen us like this:

video about 2017 graduates

6th presenter: And you will remain like this in our memory forever!

La La Land Cast - Another Day Of Sun (La La Land La La Land).mp3

11th grade students come out from behind the scenes wearing masks with photographs of their teachers, the presenters also put on masks, each with their own image:

1. Marina Alekseevna with pieces of paper - placing announcements about the Unified State Exam on the edge of the stage

2. Natalya Nikolaevna with a pile of books and big glasses

3. Anastasia Alexandrovna – with a gymnastics ribbon

4. Olga Sergeevna and Natalya Vladimirovna with cool magazines and looking into the hall and as if counting people in the hall, constantly getting confused and starting to count again

5. Valentina Alekseevna with a saucepan and paper for sealing windows

6. Irina Evgenievna in galoshes and with a watering can

7. Elena Alekseevna with a ball - a globe

8. Natalya Pavlovna with butterfly wings flutters between other teachers

9. Violetta Genrikhovna and Olga Vladimirovna sit on the edge of the stage and leaf through a huge book together

10. Irina Valerievna and Viktor Gennadievich - measuring the length of the stage with large rulers

11. Svetlana Aleksandrovna – painting a gas mask with a Khokhloma pattern

12. Sergei Viktorovich and Igor Nikolaevich appear - everyone freezes, and then they all dance together

in the midst of the dance, a cleaning lady appears with a bucket and a mop, without looking at anyone, begins to wash the floors and says loudly:

CLEANING WOMAN: It's time for you to go home! I need to wash! (points the mop at the director) OH! Oh! Oooh! (goes to the speakers, wipes off the dust and sweat on his face with the same rag) Oooh! Everything is so dusty, it needs to be washed properly... more cleaners come out with mops and symmetrically wash the stage, everyone dances together

everyone leaves the stage after a general bow at the end of the music, only the presenters remain

7 presenter: This is how you will remain in our memory, dear friends, I’m not afraid of this word! Thank you teachers for your knowledge, for everything!!!

8 presenter: And to our technical staff for cleanliness and order!

We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
How good it is to be with us
You are smiling now!
Presenter 2:
How many times have we seen you at work?
You are always in search, always in care.
Everything worries you, everything worries you,
A sensitive heart will help anyone.

Presenter 3:
We wish you to remain like this,
And never change for anything!
During the song, photographs of 11th graders with the school administration are projected onto the screen.

For the head teacher to the melody of the song “I’ll wait for you” “And outside the window it’s raining, then snowing...
K. Orbakaite

To study in the morning
we don't want to go,
All night until dawn
SMS messages were sent again,
Well, and you, as always
you are waiting for us with a smile,
And again latecomers
you'll start scolding a little.

Pr: But we don’t harbor any grudges against you,
After all, you are our most devoted friend,
And we will repeat it a hundred times,

In your office
didn't hesitate to talk
About the problems that
visited us often.
Very fast always
all problems were solved,
And for this, of course,
We will say “thank you” to you now.

Ex: We will say once, we will say twice,
That you are our most devoted friend!
And we will repeat it a hundred times,
Let everyone around them know this!

1 presenter: Again, something is wrong! Not so and not so! This is not how it should be!

2 presenter: What's wrong? What's wrong?

1 presenter: Oh, did I say that out loud? Well, yes! I think last call should be different!

3rd presenter: Yes! Yes! I think so too! Everything should be different! Everyone should give us gifts, tell us that we are all so beautiful, smart and loved! And we are all so smart, they take pictures of us, everyone takes pictures with us...

4th and 5th presenters: Eh! Girls! You're thinking wrong!

4 presenter: We have become so smart and beautiful thanks to those who sit in this room!

5 presenter: Thanks to our parents and teachers!

The presenters are divided into two groups, boys and girls, and sing a song based on the song by A. Pugacheva and M. Galkin “This is Love”

6th presenter: And the very first teachers in this school gave us their love!

7 presenter: It was they who taught us to be disciples:

1. Sit at a desk

2. write letters and numbers correctly

4. be friends and respect each other

5. take care of your loved ones

8 presenter: Our dear Elena Sergeevna, Marina Sergeevna and Olga Anatolyevna! Thank you for your enormous contribution to our comprehensive development!

(On the screen are photographs of primary school teachers, and photographs of 2017 graduates in first grade)

performance by first graders

1st class performance
1st grader:

Dear friends! At the solemn hour
We welcome you to our native school.
2nd grader:
We are special boys:
your little brothers!
3rd grader:
We are special girls:
your little sisters!
4th grader:
Today is your holiday - "Last Call"
5th grader:

Last call for last lesson!
How quickly the farewell date came,
How quickly the hour of parting came...
1st grader:

You also wore satchels once,
Now you will leave us forever.
2nd grader:
How much did you learn at school?
How many books have you read?
We are on your way
There are still many years to go!
3rd grader:
You have gained a lot of different knowledge,
It just sometimes seems to teachers:
You deliberately missed something,
To leave something for us to teach...
4th grader:

And we wish you that in no region,
We never forgot our school youth.
You and I have already finished our studies,
We should go for a walk - it's time for your exams.
5th grader:

Wish us good entertainment,

We wish you: no fluff, no feather!
1st grader:

For your last lesson,
The bell will ring soon.
1st class wishes you:
TOGETHER:“Good journey and good hour!”
The first presenter gives the floor to the first teachers

Speech by primary school teachers

the presenters are dressed in white “MALAKHOV+” robes

1 presenter: The elementary school teachers carefully provided us with knowledge!

2 presenter: But to grow big, beautiful and healthy, you need some more ingredients:

1. these are proteins

3. and of course carbohydrates!

children appear on stage with signs instead of squirrels - with a squirrel, then a squirrel appears

4. Oh yes, you also need VITAMINS

5. And-and-and Immunity!

3rd presenter: Thanks to our chefs for the delicious, healthy and nutritious food!

4 presenter: Vera Stepanovna! Thank you so much for strengthening our immunity!

5 bells sound

5 presenter: somehow this is not how I imagined the sounds of the last bell?!

6th presenter: It's an EVACUATION!

On the stage are class teachers (students in masks) with signs 11A 11B, behind them are children in pairs - Igor Nikolaevich (a student in a mask) comes out from behind the scenes with a stopwatch in his hands, measuring the time according to the latter!

IGOR NIKOLAEVICH: Well done everyone today! We met the evacuation standards! No harm done! There are no casualties or destruction!

7 presenter: Meeting the standard is not difficult! Especially if you follow everything strictly according to the instructions!

8 presenter: And most importantly, attend physical education and life safety classes! ( on the screen are photographs of physical education teachers, life safety, Igor Nikolaevich) Thanks to the teachers and Deputy Director for Safety I.N. Burmistrov for our health and safety!

We know that any sport
Tempers you and me,
Hands and feet will be dexterous,
From sports training.
The body will be flexible and slender,
I can handle any task.
Who plays sports?
He smiles in life
Confident, cheerful, always healthy,
Never lose heart!

Song for physical education teachers (based on the song “About Hares” from the film “The Diamond Arm”). On the screen are photos from physical education lessons and classroom wallpapers.
The bell rang
To a physical education lesson
And I have a soul
I went back on my heels again.
What awaits us today?
I look forward to it with fear,
And at the same time I hum
Words to myself.

Be patient, my friend.
Pass the long jump
Throw a grenade
Do a hundred pull-ups.
It's no problem
This is bullshit.
You hand it over and it’s all for you
There will be grass.

Don't be lazy,
Better smile
And you're healthy
Back up yours.
You'll be good
Like a flower, fresh
And all the diseases
There will be grass.
1 presenter: So, okay, we evacuated! We warmed up in physical education! What do we have now?

2 presenter: Literature lesson!

1 presenter: No! What before class?

2 presenter: (feels the temperature) Before class it always happens - PE-RE-ME-NA!

photos from recess

A skit about literature 2 people from class A (boys) with the BOOK “TARAS BULBA” 2 people (boys) from class B with the book “DEAD SOULS”

A class: What are you reading? (looks at the cover) You don't have to answer! And it’s so clear!

B class: And you? (Looks at their book) UUUU "Taras Bulba"! … And who is it?

A class:??? Taras! Bulba! This is a free Cossack! He didn’t work anywhere, he gave lectures to his Cossacks before the battle!

A class: Yes! Yes! He also had sons! Andriy - he was so afraid of his father that he always hid his head in the ground! And Ostap, .... Bender ... he was strong, courageous and very nervous! Taras himself even killed him! And then Taras was tortured by the Gestapo! Here! Something like this!

B class: This is a powerful work, and who wrote it? Gogol? Can't be! I'll have to re-read it! I think I missed something the first time I read it!

A class: What do you have?! "Dead Souls"? "The zombie apocalypse"? Interesting?

B class: No, what “Zombies”! This is about how one landowner bought the souls of dead serfs from other landowners!

A class: I understand that this was his hobby!

A class: Yes Yes! And I remember something! Read! Gogol wrote this too! This landowner also had friends: Vatrushkin, Sobakin and Casket...or don’t remember!

B class: Unfinished verse. Haven't read the novel. The characters and phrases in the books are mixed up.

A class: Someone said something. Someone was there somewhere... How to remember everything at once during the break...

(photos of Literature teachers on the screen)

A class:

Dear and beloved Olga Vladimirovna and Violetta Genrikhovna!
From Lukomorye to War and Peace
We've come a long way together
And with humor, grotesque and satire
We were able to learn a lot.
B class:

And let sometimes mistakes upset you
But you still managed to teach us,
That a word can be harder than steel
And with a word you can heal wounds.

A class: Thank you for our excellent knowledge, and for the fact that we know how actions are actually described in the works of N.V. Gogol!

B class: We have read, are reading and will read books! We hope that we will meet your expectations in the exams!

Song for a Russian language teacher to the tune of “Grass near the house.”

There are a lot of classics
Poets and writers -
The Russian land is rich in them,
But no matter how hard we try
We shed tears,
Still, you can’t read all the classics.
But we will redouble our zeal
And through all the torment,
An essay will be born from us
And Violetta and Olga
They will check and pay,
And they will tell us that Pushkin is not for us.


And we don’t dream about the roar of a disco,
And not even walks under the moonlight,
And I dream of Capulets and Montagues,
Both Larina and Lensky are young.

Lena Morozova and Vladislav Vasiliev(in a vest, white gloves, black beret, black trousers, Lena with an umbrella)

Lena: And more than anything else in the world after the exams I would like to TRAVEL!!!

Presenters: What are you doing!!! How can you do this???

Lena: And what?! To do this, all you need is to know geography well and several foreign languages! Lena opens her umbrella and Vlad appears, to the music he extends his hand to her, and they begin their journey. The sights of the MHC flash by to the sounds of music; the guys are followed by 6 mimes with a suitcase, soap bubbles, etc.

they travel to the sounds of French music, on the screen the Elphel Tower, Bikben, Venice, the Colosseum, the Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Japanese Imperial Palace, the Statue of Liberty, the Barcelona Singing Fountains. Trip around the world. The presenters stand on both sides of the curtains and watch everything in surprise.

Presenters (looked at each other) Lena! ( They pull her out of the trip) Lena! What are you doing? Do you really think that just knowing a foreign language and geography is enough???

Lena: Yes!

Presenters: But what about the exchange rate, economic sanctions, you also need to know at least economics!

Lena: Why didn’t you say it before!!! Galina Vladimirovna! Help close the knowledge gap!!!

(runs away)

Presenters: Galina Vladimirovna ?! Yes! Exactly Galina Vladimirovna! And Tatyana Nikolaevna will also help you to correctly fill out a VISA in a Word document or Excel! Let's run quickly!!!

(On the screen are photographs of teachers of a foreign language, geography, computer science, and economics, MHC. The presenters run backstage, there is a dance on stage, with ones and zeros - BASIC)


The bell rings in the classroom, only one student Kirill Lazyev is sitting at his desk, the blackboard is clean on one side and a matrix of 100 by 100 is written on the other.

Teacher: Hello children! ( the teacher looks around the class and sees only one student) Children-shech-ko! Where are the rest of the people?

the student makes a grimace of complete hopelessness and horror

Teacher: Well, okay, the topic of today’s lesson is “Integrals of a matrix system”

the student bulges his eyes out of his forehead

Teacher: This topic is taught only at the institute, and you are now at school, but I’m in a hurry!

the student makes his eyes even bigger

Teacher: The homework assignment was to create a 100 by 100 matrix

the student shows complete horror on his face

Teacher: Who will answer for us? ( the student bends down to the table and at every word from the teacher he bends lower and lower, tries to bury himself in the papers, the teacher turns over the board, and there is a musical staff)

Teacher: Oh yes the matrix! OK! And so it goes to the board... today we have.... will go to answer... who will go... today... Le.. Le.. Len.. Lazy... Lazy... Lentyarenko! Oh, sorry, this is from another class, now! Len..tya..ryaev! Oh he's not there! This is interesting! Who will go to sheep???

the student slowly, without sudden movements, hides under the desk

Teacher: Who will go to answer today? ( the director enters the office)

Director: Sorry, Irina Valerievna! They brought furniture to us there, we need help, unload it!

(Kirill puts on black glasses, jumps out from under his desk, on the screen there are photographs of mathematics teachers and from mathematics lessons)

Kirill: I! I'm always ready!

Presenter 1: Ah, mathematics! We used to cram it from morning to evening.

Presenter 2: If you don’t learn it, write it and it’s lost! Our teacher is tireless!

Presenter 3: Although he forgives us a lot, he is principled and strict,

Presenter 4: All his classes adore him - this is how a teacher should be!

Presenter 5: Dear Irina Valerievna, Irina Evgenievna and Victor Gennadievich, we thank you for your interesting lessons and accessible presentation of the material and we did not have to hide under our desks.

(To the tune of Alsou's song "Winter Garden")

The degree rises higher
Logarithms drive you crazy
All my thoughts are in integrals
And my joy is in systems.

The polynomials have expanded everything,
All the roots have already been removed,
Cosine and tangent added,
We created the graphs.

Algebra is our friend now
And instead of a friend, a protractor.
I will calculate the area of ​​a circle
After all, numbers are our whole world.

Addition and subtraction
Division, fractions and equals...
We send you our confession of love...
For a long time…

11A and 11B stand on stage, 11B turns and leaves

11A: Where are you going?

11B: We're going for a walk, but what?

11A: Walk???

11B: Fine, fine! To the bookstore!

11A: So we are completely confused, are you going for a walk or to the store???

11B: Yes, to the bookstore, we need to keep up with reference books on history, social studies and law!

Through the darkness of unknown and strange eras,
Across all centuries, across all overseas countries
He will guide us confidently, fearlessly
Our history teacher!

So many dates and so many events,
Great destinies, terrible wars, discoveries -
To understand everything in this kaleidoscope,
We come to the teacher for advice.
on the screen are photographs of Tatyana Vladimirovna and Anastasia Valerievna and from history and social studies lessons

With our mouths open, we listen to her words
And gradually we remember everything.
For interesting and useful lessons
Please accept these lines as gratitude!

Song to the history teacher “Kings of the night Verona”

We have been studying at school for a long time
Read a story instead of a movie
But sometimes it’s very difficult
Without understanding who ruled the country
We must know the past
Remember the events of the date must
To avoid past mistakes
And make the world beautiful without them

Nicholas, Catherine, Charles, Henry the Eighth, Peter I, Mussolini -
They all decided their fate!
We are children's favorite school!
We live an easy life in the world!
We've made history!
May we continue it!

School does not last forever and is very fast
The time for exams will soon come to us,
But we know: passing history is like playing with fate.
Games with fate are funny and empty,
We burn bridges behind us,
But always the same,
Only the school's hope should rule!

11A: Everything around us is history! Our relationship is social science and law!

11B: Thanks to Anastasia Valerievna and Tatyana Vladimirovna for our knowledge and beautiful relationship!

Presenter 1: A beautiful relationship is something from the category of physics... it seems like one of the classics said it!

Presenter 2: Physics?! Yes! Physics, let's run quickly, it's about to start!

Presenter 2: What will start?

Presenter 1: This is how physics begins!

physics lesson skit

Teacher: Hello guys! Let's start the survey! What device measures current?

Students try to look into cheat sheets or somewhere else, one goes to the board

Student1: Oh, look, they've come to you! (the teacher turns away, all the children look at their phones or textbooks)

Teacher: Yes?! No! This is not for me!

Student1: Current strength is measured with an ammeter!

Teacher(to look in and check the correctness of the student’s answer, he drops his piece of paper): Look guys, your leaves have fallen!

all the students lean under their desks, the teacher looks at the phone

Students: Yes! These are our leaves!

Teacher: Okay, let's continue the survey! How is current measured?

Student2: Oh, look, there's a UFO outside the window!

Teacher: Scientists have proven that UFOs do not exist!

Student2: Don't miss it, such a spectacle! Look, it will fly away now!

Teacher: What kind of UFO could it be?

Student2: It will fly away!!!

Teacherturns his head, the sound of a UFO flying away is heard : The training was right, there are no UFOs! (the student managed to see the correct answer)

Student: Current strength is measured in amperes!

Teacher: Oh, look, there's someone's purse lying on the floor over there?

the children turn back, the teacher looks at the phone to check the correctness of the answer

Students: No! This is not ours!

Teacher: Yes, absolutely right, next question! What device measures voltage? (the teacher notices one student has a phone and holds his hand)

Student: Voltage meter! (the teacher wanted to check the correctness of the answer, but the student now also held his hand)

Teacher: Yes! Right! The survey is over! All credit!

Presenter3: Thanks to our physics teachers for the excellent knowledge they gave us!

Oh, dear school side,
Oh, dear physics!
We are sure that it will be late or early
The time will come to hand over everything for Ivan.
One two three four five...
One two three four five...
One two three four five...
One two three four five...
One-two-three-four, one-two-three-four,
...Came out!!
Vania: I came to take physics,
I'm scared, I'm scared,
My soul is full of hope...
My soul... My soul-ah...
...Filled with hope. The soul is full...
Chorus: His premonitions did not deceive him!
Security guard:(sings in bass)
So where are you? It's you that I need.
You would like to bring your phone!
Vania: Not true!

Chorus: Is it true!
Vania: Not true!

Chorus: Is it true!
Vania:...I didn't bring the phone!
Security guard(takes out a box): To the barrier!
Vania(proudly): To the barrier!
Now someone's blood will be shed,
Now it will spill... It will spill...
One male voice from the choir:
It's pouring...
Vania: Oh, could I really let her down like that?
My teacher! My love!
Oh my physics!
Forever yours.... Forever yours!
Forever yours, my dear-a-a-a-a-a-a-a...
Security guard(holds the box along the sides):
Now. Now. Now...
Yeah! found!
Vania: Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!
This is my calculator!
Physics is not difficult for me
Tests to learn for five...
Chorus: Physics is not difficult for him
Learn tests to perfection!
Vania: And more than once
Learn tests to perfection!
At five! At five! On five - on five - on five!

Presenter 3: Before a physics lesson, I overheard your conversation about relationships, it seems to me that this is more chemistry than physics!

Presenter 4: I am also more inclined towards chemistry!

Presenter 3:

Chemistry is wonderful
Chemistry is important!
And she will have to stay
In our lives forever!
Presenter 4:

Your subject is very relevant,
Particularly popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
Since we are in the clouds.
Presenter 3:

Please forgive us -
Chemical process in the brain...
the choir sings a song to the tune of “Sambo of the White Moth.” On the screen are photographs of Iraida Valentinovna and from chemistry lessons

We loved teaching chemistry so much,
That we didn’t sleep during the dark nights.
Alcohol and acid cannot be added together,
But we didn't understand this.
And a bright red fiery flower,
We once wanted to pick
Instead of fingers there is a black coal,
Everyone immediately turned gray from fear.
Sodium, platinum, and lanthanum,
Bismuth, gold, and hexane
If you want to become a doctor,
You need to study chemistry.
And don’t wait until everything explodes for you.
You need to remember what to mix with what
And be able to solve problems.
We will never forget your lessons.

Presenter 5:
Wait, there is no chemistry or physics in relationships! This is pure biology!

Presenter 6: Don't know! Biology - science - is one of the most important,
Because it requires brave experiments.
Presenter 5: How to crossbreed, who and with whom - we now know ourselves,
But we learned this for a long time together with you.
Presenter6: We learned a lot with you. Thank you now for going to biology
You opened the door to priceless knowledge by handing it out to your students.
Presenter 5: You didn't suffer in vain. Thank you for everything, Natalya Pavlovna!

staging of the song “I’m running across the field and in my hands there’s a net...” On the screen are photographs from biology lessons and Natalya Pavlovna

I'm running across the field, and there's a net in my hand,
He's so blue.
Not a bug can hide from him, nor anyone else!

Clean air, fast river.
Our class has broken free!
And we caught the cockchafer.

We will put together a collection of butterflies for the school...more than one!
Well, if we come across a cockchafer... we’ll take it!

Hello, sunlit field!
Clean air, fast river.
Our class has broken free!
And we caught the cockchafer.

The sun is shining brightly in the sky - Very vell.
May bug - Vzhzhzhzh... Flew by.
We are walking across the field and spring is coming,
Bee Zzzzzzz...Sings.

Hello, sunlit field!
Clean air, fast river.
Our class has broken free!
And we caught the cockchafer.

Paps pararurairururaps, parayrurairururaps, parayrurairururaps.
Paps parayrurairururaps, parayrurairururaps!

On the screen there is an image of a street, a bench, a child is sitting on a bench and crying, a passer-by walks by and stops near the child

Passerby: Boy, why are you crying so bitterly?

Boy: Because of rheumatism!

Passerby: What? So small, and you already have rheumatism?!

Boy: Nooo! I got a bad mark because I wrote “rhythmism” in the dictation!

the child runs away, the passerby shakes his head and goes backstage! A son and father emerge from behind another curtain:

Son: Dad! I must inform you that tomorrow there will be a small parent-teacher meeting at school for students, parents and teachers!

Dad: What does small mean?

Son: Just you, me and our class teacher!

Presenter 1: Class teacher... That's what our episode has in common! This is what unites us!

Presenter 2: Is it true that we only have one class teacher?

Presenter 3: No! What are you talking about? We have Olga Sergeevna, and you have Natalya Vladimirovna!

Presenter1: Yes, they are different, but they have the same subject and their goals were the same!
They not only taught us the basics of a foreign language, but in the turmoil of school days they always found a moment for us to sort out our problems, and educated us for many years!

Presenter 2: Ah-ah-ah! It's clear! These are our inimitable and beloved class teachers, Olga Sergeevna and Natalya Vladimirovna!

Presenter 3: We ask you to come out here and place your right hands on our class magazines.
Presenter 4: Do you swear that you will always remember us?
Class teachers: I swear!
Presenter 5: Do you vow to attend each of our weddings?
Class teachers: I swear!
Presenter 6: Do you vow to attend all class reunions?
Class teachers: I swear!
Presenter 7: Do you swear to teach our children?
Class teachers: I swear!
Presenter 8: And we, in turn, swear that we love you with all our hearts and will NEVER forget you!

ALL graduates TOGETHER: We swear! We swear! We swear!
Song for the class teacher to the tune of “I’ll Stay” (City 312)
1 verse
How many years have already passed,
since you
They became no stranger to the class, but, alas...
The time to part always comes - here it is.
We will take the sadness with us -
We leave hope of meeting you.
You are a dear person to us,
We know for sure that forever
You will remain an example for us.
And that thread that connected us
We will keep in memory
Verse 2
And there are so many days ahead, they are waiting for us,
We are walking along the path of life,
on thin ice
But passing by the school, we will see the light,
And your soul will become easier,
After all, it is your heart that shines!
Chorus (2 times):
You are a dear person to us,
We know for sure that forever
You will remain an example for us.
And that thread that connected us
We will keep in memory
We'll go back to school, believe me.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the class teachers of grades 11A and 11B

(teachers' speech)

Presenter 2:

Well, how can we not remember today those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter,
Who was going to school every day,
And sometimes he burned with shame for us.
Presenter 3:

Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble is not a problem with you.
And joy... so full of joy!
After all, we can work and study together.
Presenter 4:
Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if we offended you in any way,
For sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience,
Presenter 5:

For the gray hair at my father's temples
And for the wrinkles of my own face.
Our dear parents, our mothers and fathers, grandparents!
At the last call,
Your daughters and sons,
They want to make you happy
And thanks!" They say.

You are wonderful fathers
Moms are really great,
You were with us all the time
Your graduates!

Forgive us, dear, dear,
After all, besides you, we have no more valuable people.
As they say, children are the joy of life,
And you are our support in it!

For parents to the tune of "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright from the cartoon Shrek
on the screen are photographs of children with their parents

Like early in the morning for the first time
You accompanied us to school with excitement.
We walked side by side, hand in hand,
It seemed like it would always be like this.
But the years passed very quickly.

We didn't talk about the main thing
We love you. We love you.

We will soon leave our father's house,
But let's not forget
That there is no one dearer in the world.
We thank you for everything,
We love you very much and want you
Extend these minutes at least for a moment.

We are just children. Only children.
Your children... Forever...
We are just children. Only children.
Your children... Forever...

Parents' response

Presenter 7: How difficult it is to be the host of the last call! Remember everyone and don’t forget anyone!

Presenter 8: Yes, it's hard work! And yet it seems to me that we have missed someone!

Presenter 7: Yes, to our Librarians! Marina Vladimirovna and _________________
You are the mistress of all the books in our school, how we ran to you during break!
We were glad when the book was soon found on large shelves!
You gave us a wonderful world, living without you would be sadder for us,

Please accept great gratitude from your grown-up children!

Everyone who was close to us
These eleven years
Our issue sincerely thanks everyone,
Says thanks to everyone!
Our dear school,
We thank you
For love and care
We say thank you to everyone.
Presenter 3:

The school led us along the path of knowledge,
We all grew up, but not suddenly,
And he was always there with us
Our school teacher is our best friend.


Dear teachers! We really appreciate your work and your care for us! Let me present you with flowers as a token of our sincere gratitude!
Presenter 5:
In the rain or in the heat,
But in due time,
Every new spring
There is a Last Call!

Presenter 6:
He is beautiful, desperate,
Ready to become a springboard
He signals the beginning
The main steps in life.

Presenter 7:
How many promises does it contain?
This ringing calls into the distance,
It contains the bitterness of farewells,
And there are a million hopes.

Presenter 8:
The right to give the Last Call is granted to the best students of this graduation, students of class 11A and students of class 11B, without exception!

Last Call Song
School years fly by quickly
Children grow up and mature forever,
Pranks, toys, we forget
Girlfriends have grown up, everyone is in love with someone.

And March begins, spring

Goodbye childhood, after we say,
The memory will bask, remembering your days
The cheerful bell sees us off
Goodbye school, goodbye dear class

And childhood is leaving, it’s a pity
Everything passes, February ends again
And March begins, spring
It's time for our youth, let's fly away from the yard
We will resolve issues like adults.

Memories from childhood are close and so far
Sometimes fleeting as the deep ocean
Everything I valued, everything my heart asks for
Suddenly it leaves me forever
Gone forever and will never return
The last song sounds, the last time sounds.
Goodbye school, goodbye beloved class.

A line in honor of the last bell... Graduates, teachers, and parents are waiting for it with trepidation. The day of farewell to school is remembered for a lifetime, so I want to make it special and unique. But how to correctly create a scenario for a special event to satisfy both kids in elementary school and graduates of grades 9 and 11? This is a troublesome matter and the organizers will have to work hard. This is the only way the line for the last bell, the scenario of which we will offer in our article, can become the best for every small and adult school graduate in 2017.

Ceremonial lineup for the last call 2017: script with photos and videos

The long-awaited month of May has arrived - the harbinger of change, sung by poets. Now the weather pleases with its warmth, the air with freshness, and nature with lush greenery. And only schoolchildren are not able to fully appreciate the magic of the environment; they rush to live day after day in order to wait for the solemn last bell. For some, it will be a fun pass to the summer holidays with lots of entertainment, company of friends and sound sleep until lunchtime. And for some, the solemn ceremony for the last bell of 2017 will open a wide and previously unknown scenario into a new life, with its final exams, admission to a university and full responsibility for one’s future life.

One way or another, the ceremonial lineup for the last bell of 2017 according to the scenario with photos and videos should be the best for every schoolchild. After all, such an important event pursues a lot of important goals. Eg:

  • preserving and strengthening the traditions of the school;
  • creating a cheerful mood at the holiday;
  • instilling respect among students for teachers and the educational institution;
  • strengthening children's self-confidence and pride in their successes;
  • farewell to graduates of grades 9 and 11;

The tasks are certainly not easy. This means that you will have to try to make the last call 2017 scenario ideal.

How to create a script for a line dedicated to the last call 2017

Well, let's figure out how to competently write a script for a line dedicated to the last call.

  1. First, find out about the previously established traditions of your school. Perhaps the organization of the last bell from year to year falls on the shoulders of the same teachers. Or maybe 11th graders are thinking through their own line, with the support of 10th graders.
  2. When drawing up the script for the solemn last bell, do not forget to include all the traditional elements of the holiday: congratulations from teachers, passage of the graduate and first-grader with the bell, farewell school waltz, etc.
  3. Do not forget to set aside some time for the official congratulations of the graduates by the director and teachers, as well as for the response speech of students and parents.
  4. Try to alternate solemn congratulatory indents with entertaining numbers: songs, dances, poetry readings, competitions, parodies, skits, alterations, etc.
  5. Focus on graduates of grades 11 and 9, but don’t forget about first-graders. They have completed their first academic year, which means they also have something to congratulate.
  6. Give a farewell gift to your home school: during the assembly, plant a tree in the school yard, record a song with popular music and your own lyrics, and “draw” parents into a large-scale flash mob. Don’t forget to congratulate the director, administration and teachers with gifts and flowers.
  7. Finish the line dedicated to the last call with a small gathering in a cafe or in nature.

Ruler for the last bell - organization and implementation in elementary school

For most junior schoolchildren, the assembly in honor of the last bell is the most long-awaited event of the year. After all, after May 25, there comes a period of long rest, trips to the resort (to a camp, to grandma’s in the village), lack of any kind of routine, lessons and other troubles. Knowing about the happy anticipation of the children, I would like to organize and conduct the last bell in elementary school in the best possible way.

Each school has traditions of holding the last bell, developed over many years. Some of them are radically different, but there are also common ones for each educational institution. For example:

  • pre-holiday decoration of the yard and stage with bright signs, congratulatory posters and balloons;
  • selection and configuration of audio equipment;
  • parting words from teachers, principals, administration and parents;
  • children's demonstration performances - reading naive poems, performing cute songs and dancing;
  • ringing a bell “from the shoulder of a graduate”;
  • congratulations to graduates with flowers;
  • releasing white doves or a bunch of balloons into the sky;

Scenarios for the last bell line for elementary school

In order to get the perfect lineup for the last bell, the organization and implementation in elementary school must be closely intertwined with something fabulous, magical, and fantastic. We offer several interesting ideas that any organizer can take as a basis and beautifully play out in a scenario.

  1. "Door to another world." In the story, elementary school graduates accidentally find an unusual door in the classroom, through which they find themselves in a new, unknown world. What follows is a thematic line, organized in one of the planes: in outer space, in knightly times, in the period of primitive people, etc.
  2. "Hello, fairy tale." This last bell scenario for junior high school graduates involves a costume line (with cartoon characters and modern superheroes), suitable musical accompaniment, various kinds of “fairy-tale” performances and competitions. Here, the Fairy and the Elf can compete in poetry, the evil Koschey will dance with the Witch for his first teacher, and the Princesses will try to get rid of the tricks of the harmful Stepmother.
  3. "Ladies and gentlemen". This lineup scenario is like any traditional layout with classic elements, the only difference being the manner of execution. Instead of ordinary 4th grade schoolchildren, young ladies and gentlemen in beautiful outfits, with wonderful hairstyles and accessories will come to the holiday. The main showpieces on such a line are a beautiful waltz by the children, an acting sketch by the girls, and congratulations by the boys to their teachers and parents. The end of the last bell for 4th graders can be a short costume photo shoot with wigs for girls and hats for boys.

An interesting last bell line for 9th grade graduates

The last bell for 9th grade graduates differs from that of junior schoolchildren. In it, each participant realizes the importance of the moment and anticipates parting with something long, important, and stable. A strong high school student carries a small first-grader on his shoulder, and the last ringing voice of the bell simultaneously pleases and saddens. All parting speeches have been said, songs have been sung, poems have been read, and bouquets have been presented. Ahead is a festive concert in the assembly hall and a small sociable party of classmates, almost the last in its entirety. This concludes the interesting series of last bells for 9th grade graduates. And it is very important to do everything to make it very bright and unforgettable.

Just think about it:

  • in China, graduates traditionally get rid of all items reminiscent of their school years - pens, notebooks, folders, pencil cases, cheat sheets, etc. After graduation, technical staff have to spend a long time cleaning the streets from discarded rubbish;
  • in Norway the “last call” lasts 17 days. These days, graduates wear outfits that symbolize their chosen profession: athletes in white overalls, economists in red, techies in black, etc.;
  • in Italy, graduating classes organize an “I cento giorni” party for themselves 100 days before final exams;
  • In the USA, there are no rulers in principle, but Western youth hold their prom on a huge scale. People come to the party in pairs, choose the king and queen of the ball, and observe other traditions.

Line dedicated to the last bell for 9th grade graduates: video

Ruler for the last bell, grade 11: script with video

Traditionally, the last bell is held in the schoolyard in entire parallels or in the assembly hall in separate classes. If we talk about 11th grade graduates, then a combination of both options would be more relevant. So, at the official part of the line, the children listen to congratulations from teachers and parents, perform standard rituals, thank the class teacher and their home school. And at the concert part in the assembly hall, they show their talents and cheerful teenage disposition for the last time to a wide, enthusiastic public.

It is customary for graduates to dress discreetly and modestly on the occasion of the last bell. Guys can wear smart suits or shirts with trousers, girls can wear blues with skirts or a traditional school uniform with aprons and bows. Too short hemlines, flashy accessories, provocative makeup and flashy hairstyles are unacceptable. There is no need to show your individuality in your wardrobe. To do this, in the script for the line for the last bell of grade 11, there are other possibilities: skits, songs, dances, competitions, etc.

The best scenario for the school lineup for the last bell for 11th graders

We offer the most successful script text with video for the line for the last bell of 11th grade. Use the blank in its pure form or supplement it with important steps specific to your school.

First graders line up opposite the 11th grade (7 people).

First-graders' oath:

We, taking the baton from the great 11th Graders, vow to: Run to school for the first lesson with eyes burning with curiosity. We swear! Absorb all knowledge with a ravenous appetite and not digest it to the end, so that there is no brake. We swear! Run along the school corridor only in white slippers, without causing damage to the corridor linoleum. We swear! We vow to transform our school cafeteria into a magnificent McDonald's by the year 2000. We swear! We vow to maintain the fire of love and respect for teachers and administration that you lit 11 years ago. We swear! We swear to never light a cigarette from this fire during breaks after school. We swear! We swear to honorably convey the high title of “Student of the 194th school” until graduation, as the great 11th bequeathed. We swear!

First grader: The officer on duty took the oath...

Eleventh grader: I took the oath!

11th grade response word:

We give you an order that you must strictly follow:

Don't forget to attend school in large numbers daily! Do not overdo it in acquiring knowledge, remember: indigestion is dangerous to health, and in the brain there are as many as 4 of them. Do not destroy the remains of the school equipment bequeathed to us, but revive it in every possible way in school workshops under the leadership of the deeply respected Vladimir Alekseevich! Boys, do not direct your fiery gaze at girls, but exclusively at knowledge for fire safety purposes. Do not forget to unobtrusively spur the knowledge that is slowly settling in your head. Do not forget not to attend school en masse during city, regional and republican Olympiads, in order to increase Olympic awards. Do not incinerate your native teachers with love. Remember, their health is in your hands! We, the great 11th, having gratefully shouldered the great responsibility for your future, undertake to come to school: once a year; once every quarter; once a month; no, every day.

Greetings to teachers: To the tune of “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!

The bell rings confidently
Persistently, measuredly,
The hour of parting is approaching,
My eyes are already in tears.
Well, what should we do, dears?
Dear teachers,
Without you there is no joy in life,
Where are we without you?
Here we grew into uncles,
Our girls are girls.
At least get her married.
And it's so nice to feel
What is there in this world
Those people who love us
And they won't forget us!
And we have joys and sorrows
Lived like a moment
Although there were problems,
But this is nonsense.
Grigorievna, beloved,
Although sometimes grumpy,
But we know that you will substitute
Always your shoulder!
Thank you for your knowledge,
Patience, attention.
But the main thing is science
-You gave your passport to life.
So be healthy forever
May God give you strength and courage,
So that in a year we will be with you
Gathered here too!

Congratulations - cartoons to teachers:

For teachers of the humanities:

Music: Weather in the house.

What is the forecast for us at school today?
Who is our director not getting along with these days?
I think: “Oh, Lord, have mercy.
So as not to get in his sight..."
The most important thing is the administrator,
Everything else is nonsense!
After all, there is an order, which means (2 times)
Why should everyone sit here until the morning!

Music: Generals of sand pits.

I started studying Russian at school,
But you don't understand anything.
The story is my second mother,
But I don't understand her.
Literature is my mother again,
But I don't understand her,
When I decided to receive a medal,
I quickly, quickly began to understand
And I want to say thank you!!!

Give flowers

For teachers of the physics and mathematics cycle:

Music: Help me.

You talked about integrals,
It's so boring, it's so long,
But still, we grasped the essence of this knowledge a long time ago.
You scared us with hydrostatics, with nuclear physics,
But through scientific thorns
We broke through anyway!
Help me, help me
Pass mathematics and physics.
And it’s not easy, oh it’s not easy,
And we want to get straight A's!

Give flowers

For science teachers:

Music: Everything is gloomy.

We can pollinate all the flowers in the meadow
And we can pour H2O into the test tube.
We can open our own island in the ocean
And walk far, far across the stars (2 times)
Thanks to the teachers:……

5. ACh:

This service is so dangerous and difficult in its own way,
In common parlance it is called AKhCh.
Without it, the windows are unwashed, the floors are ugly,
And all the breakfasts and lunches are like transcendental dreams.
And today, like a prayer, we say to you, without hiding,
Wishing you all great health and a wonderful life!!!

Dedicated to the first teacher:

All our lives we will remember how, without hiding a smile,
You returned the notebook to us, where there was no mistake,
How upset you were when, although rarely,
You should have given us a bad mark.
We were children and sometimes, alas. didn't notice
In the look of your kind eyes there is care and sadness.
We thank you for everything, for us
You are always first
We say thank you!

An 11th grade student reads a poem to all teachers

Parents of 11 “A” sing a song to the teachers based on a tune from the film “It Happened in Penkovo”:

With our school at the hour of parting
We decided to curtsey
But before we bowed, we wanted
We'll tell you all the truth now!
Chorus: Teachable, powerful,
In general, pedagogical
Physmatics is abusive,
You are a winning school!
We know that parting is approaching,
The soul aches and the heart hurts,
Tears are flowing, but we really want
Give you gratitude!
Chorus: Friendly, athletic,
Contact with tasur,
Full of aesthetes,
Passive in everything!
Children are loaded with mathematics,
Lobachevsky - there is something in everyone,
But that knowledge did not fall from the sky,
There is someone to give us honor here!
Chorus: Teaching, deciding,
Generally decorative
Singing, modest,
Sending everyone to Moscow.
Our class is the coolest,
Mother, father, she is our godfather and matchmaker,
We are filled with gratitude.
But we are afraid to say the wrong thing!
Fatherly strict.
Warming everyone's soul!
The versatility of children is undeniable
Polished by your labor.
Grateful masses of parents
They will reward you with interest later.

From the audience: No, let's use the carpet now!

Chorus: Smart, tenacious,
The sores are not fighting,
Strong, mighty,
Dear teachers!
They give a carpet

The ideal scenario for the best last bell line for high school graduates

Even an ordinary scenario for a school assembly in honor of the last bell for graduates can be made ideal. To do this, it is not necessary to radically change all stages of the event. You can dilute traditional elements with unusual, modern ones. Eg:

  1. Start broadcasting a pre-filmed video clip about graduates;
  2. Organize a global flash mob of students or even teachers;
  3. Organize the launch of fiery Chinese lanterns into the open sky;
  4. Create a public box with a promise from each graduate;
  5. Sing a popular medley of modern tracks in parallel;
  6. Dance the most “unexpected” school waltz;
  7. Plant a tree, decorate a flower bed, put a small memorial plaque in the school yard;
  8. Act out an impromptu skit and involve teachers and school administration in it.

There are many more ways to turn a typical event program into an ideal scenario for the best final bell line-up for high school graduates. Watch the video for ideas and tips.

The best final bell line for graduates: video

One of the most important events for schoolchildren in grades 9 and 11 is the last bell line; the script for such a festive event is drawn up in advance and rehearsed several times. And if there is not enough time to prepare an original script, the organizers use the best preparations for holding a line dedicated to the last bell in elementary schools and graduate classes.

All 11 are high school students - “workers” of the TV channel “,-TV”.
They enter the hall and everyone says their slogan
We are first
We are the best
We create your reality
We make your life brighter
We are with you, you are with us
We model the future while preserving traditions
We plan your everyday life and your leisure time
We are the brightest
We are the face of television __________
Juvenes TV – we are the best in our format!
____________________________ will introduce you to the announcement of programs for today.
Today you will see a fascinating, heart-warming Advertisement on our channel! Stay with us!
VED. So, today you will see the most popular and most beloved program “Minute of Glory”
VED. Then the TV show “Intuition” will be offered to your attention.
VED. For lovers of home and comfort, the TV show “While Everyone is Home” will be offered.
VED. You will also see announcements of future TV shows, news and much more!
VED. Don’t switch and don’t get distracted, stay with us on the TV channel “,, – TV”
PART 1 (leading 11th grade)
VED. Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen!
VED. The television channel “,-TV” welcomes you and we begin our program “MINUTE OF FAME” (applause)
VED. If a person is talented, then he will not bury his talent in the ground, but will definitely share it!
VED, When a person is talented, he will definitely win the hearts of millions of television viewers. VED. And finally, when a person is talented, then one day he will definitely get his “minute of fame”!
VED. Ladies and Gentlemen! The television channel "-TV" is starting an unprecedented campaign - a search for talented people! And we begin!!! (applause).
VOICE OVER The search for talent began 11 years ago, with more than 200 applicants beginning their training immediately after they entered the territory of ",,". Meeting the channel’s team inspired the project participants to new exploits.
Castings for the “Minute of Fame” were held not only in the capital, but also in other cities and even in other friendly states. Thousands of talented people had the opportunity to show themselves and get into the project, but you will see only the best on this stage today!
VED. Ladies and Gentlemen! Today on this stage there will be people who come from different cities and countries, but all of them are, of course, very talented! They will demonstrate to us their skills and abilities and will definitely receive their due “minute of fame”!
VED. As you know, brevity is the sister of talent and we invite our first participant to the stage!
VED. Our first participant is a native Muscovite; at school she was an active pioneer and Komsomol member, and never skipped class! When she grew up a little, she began to really love traveling and became interested in photography! Close people tried to persuade E.V. for a very long time. take part in this TV show, because due to her natural modesty, she refused for a long time.
VED. So, meet E.V. (teacher of Russian language and literature)!
VED. This man has many talents, but today we will see an amazing ability to know by heart almost all the poetry studied at the school of authors.
VED. _(each teacher demonstrates his talent in one way or another, depending on real capabilities)
E.V. finishes lines of poems
1. We all learned a little...
2. We cannot predict...
3. Goodbye, forget and don’t blame me
VED. Thank you for your talent, you have won our hearts and now this congratulation comes from the TV channel “-TV” in gratitude to you
CONGRATULATIONS to E.V. (Song "Ferryman")
An early star fell
But I have no time for sleep,
Write an essay again
About what, I don’t know.
And everything got mixed up in my head:
Tolstoy, Bulgakov,
I hope my ingenuity will help me.
Chorus: How many different languages
In this white world,
But there is no richer Russian
All over the planet.
We will remember every moment
Cool lessons,
Our best friend is our native language,
So beautiful.
Elena Viktorovna, you taught us,
The door to literature and language was opened for us,
We’ll pass the Unified State Exam, and you won’t be ashamed of us,
After all, you taught us “5”, which is obvious!

VED. Yes, dear friends! We are on the “TV” channel and the “Minute of Glory” show continues!
VED. Our next participant was a very obedient and well-mannered girl as a child, to the delight of her parents. Having matured a little, she became interested in dancing, sewing, knitting and making delicious cakes! But never in the life of I.I. I didn’t upset my parents with my behavior! And our guest came to us from very far away - from sunny Georgia, to tell us about her talents!
VED. So, meet I.I. (demonstrates talent - “bakes” a cake in front of the public)
VED. Thank you, I.I., for your talent, and accept gratitude from the TV channel “-TV” - our congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS TO I.I. Geography ("Small Country")
1 We learned about geography
How big our world is,
He is interesting, he is beautiful, he fascinated us.
It's blue and it's green, with a white ice cap
And with its immense breadth it always beckons us.
Ah, geography, how much you have given us
Knowledge that we will not forget
Irina Ivanovna.
Rivers, forests, seas were not learned in vain,
Maybe somewhere in the warm sea we will drop anchor.
2 And we were taught biology
You are simply wonderful
And DNA and chromosomes -
We have studied everything.
We even know how to solve problems using genetics
If suddenly necessary, we will all be super, like doctors!
Ah, biology, you have given us a lot
Knowledge that will help us
Ah, biology.
We learned ecology with an "A"
And we will always know the processes of evolution.
3 Small country, small country,
Who will tell me, who will tell me,
Where is she, where is she?
Irina Ivanovna, Irina Ivanovna,
With you my soul is light and clear,
Spring is always with you!
Presented with: flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. Let me remind you, friends, that we are on the “-TV” channel and the “Minute of Glory” show continues!
Today, some people with enormous talents have arrived to perform with us!
VED. Meet the next participant!
VED. More precisely, our participants!
VED. Yes, now a duet will appear before you. These women are each talented in their own way, but there is also something common in their talents - they are fluent not only in spoken Russian and written Russian, but also in various foreign languages, in particular English and Spanish!
VED. One participant - A.L. As a child, she was a charming child, and her parents tried to develop all possible talents in their girl. They succeeded very well. Now A.L. Not only does he master the English language, but he also plays the piano beautifully, dances, knits and even knows how to make horoscopes!
VED. Our second participant is E.N. known for being born at the foot of Mount Kazbek, as a child she was an activist, Komsomol member and athlete.
VED. Few people know that E.N. In general, I was a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Chemistry when, by the will of fate, I ended up in Cuba and simply fell in love with the Spanish language. After returning to her homeland, she turned her life around and, leaving the chemistry department, began to study Spanish.
(Teacher demonstrates talents - dance)
VED. Let's applaud such a talented duo and these lines are dedicated to you!
We have become polyglots
On leaving school,
We were taught great
Overseas languages.
And we all speak English
We have such a great conversation
That all of us are at competitions
First places.
The language of Hugo, Balzac
We also all understand
With a smiling Frenchman
We can chat.
And the native Spaniards
In the sunny Bahamas
With your pronunciation
We will surprise.
Language barrier we
Got it "excellent"
And we can explain ourselves
Different languages
We will say “thank you” to you
For your titanic work.
The teacher is the main thing. Always.
In all ages.
Presented with: flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. Our show continues, and we invite to the stage a man who is known in our circles for the fact that in a very short period of work on our TV channel he managed to make friends with all the adult and young employees of the channel
VED. And besides, he managed to introduce quite a lot of knowledge of chemistry into the heads of some citizens!
VED. T.V. I prepared for a very long time to demonstrate my talent in bright light, but the trouble is, at the last minute, solely due to a misunderstanding, the suitcase with the props was sent not to our TV channel, but to the city of Khabarovsk.
VED. Therefore, today we invite T.V. to the stage. and thank you for being with us for these year and a half.
VED. Thank you, and now this congratulation comes from the TV channel “-TV” in gratitude to you
Red smoke billows in clouds,
The flames lick the ceiling
Acid flows like a river -
There is a lesson in the experiments.
On the way to a great goal
Suffering is not terrible.
Mendeleev would approve
Our research.
chemistry is always needed.
It will be useful to us.
As soon as I start cooking cabbage soup,
I'll know what to add salt to.
For knowledge of chemistry
We thank you.
Light for Tatyana Vladimirovna
We say “thank you.”
Presented with: flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. And now we would like to invite to our stage the best diploma winners of our TV channel, who, we hope, next year will be well-deserved and recognized laureates
VED. Thank you for your talent, and please accept gratitude from the TV channel - our congratulations!
(Recitative to the tune “We walked to the roar of Canadian music”)
We walked under the roar of change
On history, all as one,
We made it to class, but not all of us
There are few of us, but we will win!
And our physicist was very strict,
He wanted to teach us everything:
Who is Joule, who is Lenz, where are the calories?
We didn’t manage to comprehend everything!
Let hertz and dates be pascals
They would be in our blood forever,
And may it never fade away
Love for great sciences!

VED. For those who are distracted, I remind you that our “Minute of Fame” show continues and now the next participant in the program will appear on stage.
VED. The next participant in our project came to us for the program from afar and is endowed with many talents
VED. It seems to me that many will be interested to know that Sh.N. — Japanese Karate Champion 2005, 2006 and 2007, European Karate Champion 2006, World Karate Champion 2005 and Karate World Cup winner 2005 and 2006! This is the kind of teacher who works in our school!
VED. Meet the physical education teacher! (Demonstration of talent - karate techniques)
VED. It is always a pleasure to look at a gifted and talented person - and as a sign of our gratitude, please accept these words of gratitude
Physical culture (“Blue Bird” - Makarevich)
Physical education is a special subject,
Both old and young know this,
Run fast and jump fast
It might even be out of place.
They say that over the years
We did not become sportsmasters,
Only we declare directly:
This is complete nonsense.
We threw such balls
What you won’t really take,
We played football better than anyone else
Despite the snow and rain.
We don't drown in icy water,
We have no equal in relay races
Because among all the lessons
This is the best item for us!
VED. Ladies and gentlemen, the next group came to our performance from different parts of Russia. And they became a close-knit creative team here, within the walls of the school “,,” and they were united together by their love for beauty! These people may realize their vision of the beauty of the world in different ways, but they are certainly talented and we saw the fruits of their labor many times at school!
VED. (Creative block teachers)
VED. Thank you very much for your talents and for the fact that for many years at our school you have given all the strength of your soul to us, so that we too can become a little more talented and beautiful!!!
You taught us to draw with pencil, gouache, paint,
Your lessons were a fairy tale; words cannot describe them.
Self-portrait, maple leaf, snowflakes and a jug of flowers,
And our brush depicted just a rose with petals.
We will never forget you, we will always remember you,
You have revealed to us this joy of coloring and drawing.
Thank you for the secrets of color, for the pencil strokes,
For our first steps in the visual arts.
Presented with: flowers, a bell, a folder with poems_________________________________
They taught us to dance well,
You taught us how to play plays,
We have become artists, we are being filmed,
And we will say “thank you” to you all for everything.
You lit the stars of talent here,
It was always interesting for you and me
And your creativity is always brilliant,
We will never forget him.
Olga and Stas - a sparkling couple
You decorated school life,
We wish you happiness, health, good luck
And a lot of talent, of course, to boot.
They present flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. Our show “Minute of Fame” continues and now there is a group of like-minded people on stage again. These people differ from each other in age, work experience, temperament and even height! Each representative of this group lived their own lives until a happy accident brought them all to the school ",,". And here they became a single whole, they became a single group, a close-knit team under the common name “deputy directors.”
VED. Meet - (head teachers) Speech by deputies
VED. It's great, it's great that no overload at work prevented you from developing your hidden talents! Our television company “-TV” would like to thank you in turn and give you this song
Deputy directors. ("March of the High Altitudes")
Neither the stokers, you, nor the carpenters,
But there are no bitter regrets, just like there are no
You are deputy directors,
You have an answer to everything.
For you ____________________,
Create a schedule - five minutes,
And neither truants nor poor students
We don't live here long.
And you, ______________________,
Thank you for your knowledge of languages,
We are in both Europe and America
Let's talk to anyone at once!
And you, _____________________,
We were very well entertained
And not a single event
It was not in vain for us.
You, ____________________________,
Social security at school is simply a god,
Warm us, feed us,
Get everyone home on time.
And you, _____________________,
We remember from our little seven years,
How we were greeted as first-graders,
We remember your every advice!
And on a solemn and festive day
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
We promise not to forget school,
And we'll be visiting soon!!!
They present flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. We interrupt our program for a breaking news release.
VED. NEWS Hello, dear TV viewers. We interrupted the broadcast of our channel to report breaking news - today the last bell will take place at the Moscow school, which means the graduation of as many as 10 graduates theoretically ready for adult life.
VED. NEWS We contacted the director of this school for comments __________
Director's speech
VED. Thank you for your kind words and please accept our congratulations as a token of gratitude
CONGRATULATIONS to the director
Our main man, our beloved director,
In 10 school years they were able to open up the world to us,
You are a person who is irreplaceable for us,
They taught us goodness, taught us to love.
We won’t be able to say goodbye words,
There is no need to say farewell words.
You better let us confess our love for you
And remember about us, and we won’t forget you.
Come up with a plot about a good school fairy tale,
About what we will leave here forever,
Our beloved idol, our beloved director,
The plots in that fairy tale are all dedicated to you.
You revealed to us the beauty of your soul,
We were led into a wonderful world of dreams,
And they captivated us all forever,
And they gave us so much love and kindness.
They hand it over. flowers, bell, folder with poems
Ved. The first teacher is invited
Presented with flowers and a bell
VED. Ladies and Gentlemen! We continue the program “Minute of Glory!” and now we will invite the last participant of our program!
VED. Now a person will rise here who was able to combine in himself the traits of several very important people for any child. Yes Yes!
As a child, this talented girl was always at the center of events and was distinguished by her special ability to come up with new ideas and lead her friends!
VED. Also T.A. always had a bright personality, because, as our TV channel managed to find out from secret sources, even in kindergarten, while all her friends dreamed of playing the role of a snowflake, she boldly and decisively played the role of a wolf!
VED. And 7 years ago, in this person we all saw a math teacher, a class teacher, and just a kind, understanding and caring mother!
VED. T.A., we ask you to come for your well-deserved “minute of glory”! After all, as we learned, you also write and perform poetry beautifully!
The class teacher congratulates the children
VED. Thank you for your talent, and for the fact that you have been with us all these years, and accept congratulations from our TV channel “,-TV” in gratitude!
Class teacher (“Alexandra” Moscow doesn’t believe in tears)
For us you are the main person
In many ways our common success
Depends on the Teacher
We are grateful to you,
We were always remembered
From year to year you walked side by side,
But it's time to part
Came to us today
Ah, Tatyana Aleksandovna,
You did a great job
And now for everything,
We say “Thank you” to you.
Ah, T.A.,
You are our second mother,
We will never forget you
Please remember us.
Let them upset you at times,
You always managed to cope with yourself,
And they found it for everyone
You are the right words
Scold someone
But more often than not, praise
After all, our school is with you,
Love is always right.
Presented with: flowers, a bell, a folder with poems
VED. This concludes the “Minute of Glory” program, but don’t rush to switch channels.
VED. Our next show will start literally right after the commercial break.
Part 2 (GRADE 11)
VED. Good afternoon, dear TV viewers, on our channel there is a TV show “While everyone is at home”
VED. For many years that we studied at our school, we were surrounded every day not only by teachers.
VED. And today, as part of the “While Everyone is Home” program, we want to thank all those who ensured our comfortable existence all the years of school!
VED. The guests of our program today are essentially completely different people, but they perform functions that are very necessary for our school life!
VED. So - meet our school psychologist N.V.!
CONGRATULATIONS to the psychologist
The psychologist gave us to understand
How can we win in everything?
How to resolve any conflict
How to raise children
How to find friends
And how to improve memory,
Succeed in business -
We all need to know this!
VED. And now our chief accountant M.A. is invited to the stage!
CONGRATULATIONS to the accountant
In the school accounting department there is peace and grace,
Marina Aleksandrovna works at “5”
Debit - credit converges
And the balance gives in
Our accountant manages everything easily!
Ved. Our words of gratitude to the school doctors - V.I., welcome to the stage
If you frown and leave the house,
If you are not happy about a sunny day,
That means you're sick, that means you're sick,
You will have to go to the doctor for an hour.
Our dear doctors and sisters!
They always ran to you with any ailment,
You treated us all, your hands are golden,
We will remember your hands, we will always be!
VED. Of course, the services that made our life easier at school are worthy of praise and kind words
VED. However, not all workers in these areas of work can leave their posts even on a holiday, so representatives of the team of cooks and the team of drivers are invited to the stage!
You have to travel around the streets of Moscow,
So that we all arrive on time for lessons,
In a cozy school ship you will take us
We will get to the museum and the excursion at the right time.
We wish you a happy, green journey,
So that you can overcome difficulties on the road,
So that only the children laugh merrily behind their backs,
You returned home in a great mood.
Poem to the cooks
It would be difficult for us to live at school
If I didn't eat or drink
You fed us as best you could
And we saved our strength!
We would like to assure you now -
There are no better eaters here than us.
You will regret us
No one can eat that much!
VED. And now comes a very important moment
VED. Yes, unfortunately, we don’t often say such words
VED. Now we want to say words of gratitude to those who have supported all these years and in the future and will always be our main support - our parents!
Moms, dads, our relatives!
Today we are, perhaps for the first time
We express our gratitude to all of you
Because it was you who got us!
Well, where are we without your notations?
And without painfully alarming looks?!
And you deserve a standing ovation!
Thank you too! You are our “hope”!
Graduates give flowers to their mothers (to lyrical music)
PART 3 Presenters – 10th grade students.
VED. Good afternoon, dear TV viewers!
VED. The program “Intuition” is on air!
VED. This is the most intriguing and interesting program on our television, we will continue it immediately after the commercial break, stay on our channel!
For first-graders (“It’s fun to walk together”)
Ten years ago we were like this
Babies, babies,
And now we have become very big,
Look at us for yourself.
We leave the school in your care,
Let your learning be easy here.
You will grow up year by year,
And by the last class you will have become wiser!
We envy you today, first-graders,
We are leaving, you are staying at our school,
Take care of our school - we give you an order,
Well, of course, we will come to visit you more than once.
Graduates give gifts to first-graders
VED. Well, we continue our broadcasting and bring to your attention a new TV show of the “,-TV” channel - “INTUITION”!!!
VED. Today, the opportunity to show the wonders of intuition is presented to the teachers of the Juvenes school. And the most correct answer will allow the participant to receive the honorary title of “psychic teacher”!
VED. And we begin!
VED. Ladies and Gentlemen! Let's applaud our heroes (toward the graduates)!
VED. And we invite our first participant to the stage!
We know that E.N. one of our members has something to say!
Each teacher reads poetry to the child and gives a gift, and then he is asked a question about this student and he tries to guess intuitively. As an answer, there is a video where the graduate talks about himself and gives an answer to this question. The answers are very unpredictable.
Sample questions:
Answer the question - what did Alexey dream of becoming as a child?
- doctor
- teacher
- military
What does Nastya dream of doing important and grandiose in her life?
- trip-cruise around the world
- write a novel and receive a Nobel Prize
- open your own law office
So, what do you think Alexandra really dreams of becoming?
- singer
- Business lady
— a famous film actress?
What hobby do you think Denis has that not everyone at school knows about?
— he loves skiing
— he composes electronic music
— does he like to meet beautiful girls?
What did Ulyana dream of becoming as a child?
- lawyer
- doctor
- an artist?
What sport does our Vanya dream of becoming a champion in?
- shooting from a Makarov pistol
- alpine skiing
- water polo?
What were Pasha's hobbies in early childhood?
- he loved LEGO
- he loved cars
- he loved to read books
What does Volodya want to become after university?
- programmer
- jeweler
- a pilot?
What would Sasha prefer in her life first of all?
- get a well-paid job after graduation
- head a modeling agency
- get married successfully and live happily ever after?
VED. This concludes our show
VED. I think that everyone noted what special insight our teachers have, and to finally convince you of the inexhaustibility of their talents, our teachers prepared a song as a gift for the graduates. Greet with applause!
“Last Call” (from the repertoire of Tatiana Bulanova)
VED. And now we want to give the floor to congratulate the parents
VED. It is probably becoming clear to everyone that soon the last bell will ring for our graduates, and we invite our dear graduates to stand up and listen
VED. This concludes our Holiday! Good luck with your exams guys!

tell friends