Scenarios for working with finger puppets. Play script: “Finger Theater Repka”

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Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kurenkova

Master Class: « Finger puppet theater» .

Kurenkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna.

Master– the class is intended for educators.

The basic principle: "I know how to do it and I will teach you".

Target: To interest and encourage creative people to make theatrical puppets with their subsequent use in theatrical activities for children of early preschool age.


Arouse interest in theatrically– gaming activities. Introduce manufacturing technology theatrical puppet using cardboard in the work.

Increasing the professional level and sharing best practices of participants, broadening their horizons

Train participants master-class on specific skills in making toys for puppet theater.

Develop creative initiative, imagination, imagination, manual skills.

Cultivate interest in theatrical activities, to popularize innovative ideas and original discoveries.

Expected results master class:

understanding by its participants of the essence of the work master teacher; - practical development by participants master-class skills in making toys for puppet theater;

activation of cognitive activity of participants master class;

increasing the level of professional competence of participants master class in the theater activity and growth of motivation to form one’s own interest in theatrical activities.

Technical means: computer, projector, screen, camera.

Materials and equipment:

Colored self-adhesive paper;

Colored paper;


Glue stick;

Eyes ready for fairy tale dolls"Chicken Ryaba".

1 Theoretical part

"Turnip". What's happened theater Puppet Theatre Puppet

Role puppet theater "enslaved".


There are four types puppet theater: desktop, finger, puppet theater like Parsley, puppet theater finger theater.

While studying theater theatrical

Every teacher .

Master Class.

"Chicken Ryaba".

Application with step-by-step photos.

III. Summarizing total:

Undoubtedly, the elements theatrical theatrical "Actors" And "actresses" theater

IV. Reflection.

A game "Mood" hand

See you again!

I. Theoretical part

Dear Colleagues. The topic of our meeting today is “Making finger puppet theater based on a fairy tale"Turnip". What's happened theater? This is the best, according to K. S. Stanislavsky, means for communication between people, for understanding their innermost feelings. This is a miracle that can develop creative inclinations in a child, stimulate the development of mental processes, improve bodily plasticity, and form creative activity; help reduce the spiritual gap between adults and children. A child’s whole life is filled with play; every child wants to play his or her role in it. In the game, the child not only receives information about the world around him, the laws of society, the beauty of human relationships, but also learns to live in this world, build relationships with others, and this, in turn, requires creative activity of the individual, the ability to behave in society. Puppet Theatre– the most common organization of children's leisure activities. Puppet The performances enjoy the well-deserved love of children and bring great pleasure to the organizers of the productions. The doll itself is very close to children’s perception, because they have been familiar with this toy since early childhood, so they perceive it as a close friend. And if this hitherto silent friend suddenly comes to life before their eyes, he himself tells stories, fairy tales, sings, laughs, cries - this spectacle turns into a real holiday.

Role puppet theater in the development of a child cannot be overestimated. First of all, the doll helps to establish contact with the child if he "enslaved".

Theater is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible areas of art for a child. It brings joy to children, develops imagination and fantasy, contributes to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture.

While playing a role, a child can not only imagine, but also experience the actions of his character. And this certainly affects the development of the child’s feelings.

Aesthetic experiences help a child experience admiration for those manifestations of life that he had not previously noticed.

There are four types puppet theater: desktop, finger, puppet theater like Parsley, puppet theater. Today we will talk about finger theater.

While studying theater, we make the life of our students interesting and meaningful, filling it with vivid impressions and the joy of creativity. And most importantly, the skills acquired in theatrical games that children can use in everyday life.

Every teacher regularly asks himself the question “How to make the learning process effective?”. “What is the methodology of the modern model?” I am also in constant search.

Why did I choose to present Master Class.

The answer is very simple. “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will learn.” It is a unique form of broadcasting and transferring personal professional experience

II. Practical part - manufacturing finger puppet theater based on fairy tales"Chicken Ryaba".

Application with step-by-step photos.

III. Summarizing total:

Undoubtedly, the elements theatrical activities can be effectively used in classes with children. But, of course, in combination with other didactic means. It is necessary to create and constantly update a developmental environment in theatrical corners of our Children's Home. "Actors" And "actresses" they should be bright, light, easy to manage. To organize children's theater We need dolls of various systems that develop in children certain skills and abilities that stimulate children's creativity.

IV. Reflection.

A game "Mood". Look closely at the stand. Here you will see indicators of your mood. With the help of your hands and certain gestures you will show your attitude towards the activity. Raised up one right hand- I liked the lesson. Both hands raised up - the activity interested me and lifted my spirits. With both hands hanging down, nothing changed in my mood. Thanks everyone for your attention! You are real spectators and capable actors.

See you again!

Open lesson "Magic chest"

Tyurina Tatyana Valentinovna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD Youth Center "Firefly" village Teplovo
Purpose of the lesson:
Introduce types of theatrical puppets.
1. Study the technology of working with a glove puppet
1.Develop children's creative potential.
2.Develop imaginative thinking and imagination of children.
1.Create a situation of success for each child.
2.Formate positive self-esteem and self-confidence in children, and the ability to work in a team.
3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards theatrical puppets
Materials and equipment:
A multimedia installation, a tape recorder, a theatrical suitcase with different types of puppets, a screen, dolls for working behind a screen, an album with photographs of participants in the “Merry Pinocchio” puppet theater, a memorable prize for each participant in the lesson.
Plan - outline
(The audio recording “Where the Wizards Are” by music by M. Minkov is played)
Stage I
Organizing time.
Greetings from the teacher to the students.

Hello dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our lesson. And as always, I am lucky, because the best, cutest, kindest children come to me. And our heart will help in class today. The heart has incredible power if it is kind, loving, joyful, and trusting. I think each of you has such a heart. Now place your right palm on your chest, close your eyes and quietly, quietly listen to how your warm, kind heart beats... Ask your heart to give you the strength to work in class. Silently to yourself...Did it work? Did you feel the power? You can start studying.
Have a seat. I ask you to clap your hands to those who love to play, and now to those who love to dream (fantasize) and clap your hands to those who love fairy tales. Guys, I’m glad that you came to my lesson today, because you all love fairy tales, love to play and fantasize, because that’s what we’ll be doing today.
Stage II
Communicating the goals and objectives of the lesson:
Today we will get acquainted with the types of theatrical puppets. Let's learn how to work with a glove puppet.
I want to awaken your imagination and creativity, help you believe in yourself and your success.
Preparatory stage:
Creating a psychological mood for joint activities.
And so I invite you to plunge into a fascinating world - the world of puppet theater, where you will get acquainted with various types of theatrical puppets, and also everyone will try themselves as an actor.
Puppet theater - what is it? (Children answer). How many of you have seen a puppet show? Which? (Children answer). What are your impressions (liked it and why)? Actor...who is this? (Children answer).
What types of dolls do you know? (Children answer).
Let's see what types of theatrical puppets exist.
PRESENTATION. (View slides with discussion and commentary)
- Finger. Why are they called that? (Children answer). These dolls are very easy to make. These dolls are quite suitable for home performances. A finger puppet can be made from a table tennis ball or a Kinder Surprise egg case. We make a hole for the finger and decorate the toy. We put a regular glove on our hand
- Gloves. Why are they called that? (Children answer). (answer - they fit on the actor’s hand like a glove). Glove puppets, regardless of who they depict, are called parsley dolls, since the first character of this type was the famous Parsley.
- Cane- Why are they called that? (Children answer). The actor holds the torso in one hand, and with the other he controls special wire canes attached to the doll’s hands. The cane puppet is larger than the glove puppet. Working with her is much more difficult.
- Puppets - puppets on strings. The marionette doll must be very mobile in the joints, then it can be made to do a variety of movements - walk, squat, dance, perform circus acts.
- Shadow dolls. Why do you think they are called that? (Children answer). (it seems that only the shadows are moving). There are shadow theaters in many countries of the world, but the countries of the East are especially famous for them - Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, India. The distinctive features of the puppets of this theater are that they are flat. Doll silhouettes are made from cardboard. You also need a flat screen and lighting. The doll is moved with the help of thin canes, or the puppeteer holds it by the handle, and the moving parts are pulled by a string or fishing line.
Teacher: Guys, I am the leader of the puppet group “Merry Pinocchio”. The kids and I have a tradition of making dolls with our own hands, staging plays, performing in front of other children and adults, and participating in puppet theater shows. And now I will give you a short tour.

Video “Miracles of the Young Puppeteer”
All these dolls are made by the hands of girls and boys just like you. But these guys are distinguished by diligence and patience, because a theatrical puppet will become obedient only in the hands of a very diligent and patient person.
III. Main stage:
(magical music sounds)
The sorceress of the puppet theater comes to visit the children: (child from the theater group).
Enchantress: Hello, dear friends! Guys, I took with me a wonderful, wonderful, magical chest. Shall we look into it?
The chest opens and the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.
Enchantress:(shows the guys the movements and they repeat.)
One two three four five,
Let's start doing magic
We all need to join hands,
Rise up on your toes,
Spin around, smile
Plunge into a magical world
Guys, we opened the chest, and inside there is a message for you from fairy-tale theater dolls. They ask you, before you get to know them, you need to learn the funny finger game “Waxwings”, so you and I will warm up our vocal apparatus, stretch our fingers and get ready for a further journey into the world of theater.
(finger game “Waxwings” is performed to the music of D. Tukhmanov “Bird”)
The waxwings have arrived (flapping their wings with crossed hands).
And they sat down on a branch (half squats with closed knees)
They began to peck the grains (“Peck” on the palm of the left hand with the 2nd
finger of the right hand. Then on the palm
right hand with the 2nd finger of the left hand).
One, two, three, four, five (Alternately close with the first finger
second, third, fourth, fifth finger on
each hand).
The crests are straightened (towards the closed first and second fingers
attach both hands, then raise the rest
fingers, spreading them to the sides (imitate crests))
They made me sing songs. (Snaps fingers).
Ti-ri-ra! Ti-ri-ra! (Perform 2 short claps with palms,
1 slap on the knees - sequence
performed 2 times).
It's time for the birds to fly away! (Make four rhythmic wing beats).
Enchantress: Well done! And now, dear guys, you will take a small step in a difficult but very interesting task: you will bring glove puppets to life. A magic chest will also help us with this. Let's see what's inside. (The chest opens and the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.
The chest contains heroes from various fairy tales and are waiting for their turn to chat with you. To do this you need to solve riddles.
(Children guess riddles. The one who guessed it gets a doll)
Does he walk in the summer and rest in the winter? (Bear).
Lives in a swamp, loves mosquitoes? (Frog).
White in winter and gray in summer? (Hare).
Under the floor, wagging its tail,
Looking through the cracks, afraid to get out? (Mouse)
Red-haired cheat, red-haired head? (Fox).
Who baked the bun? (Grandma).
What was the name of the girl in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Mashenka)
Who caught the goldfish? (Old man)
Who took Ivanushka to Baba Yaga? (Geese).
Jumps quickly, loves carrots? (bunny)
Who outwitted all the animals in the forest? (fox).
Who flies on a stupa? (Baba Yaga).
Who played with golden apples? (Ivanushka).
Who is the scariest in fairy tales? (Wolf).
Who has the longest nose? (Elephant).
Enchantress: Well done kids, girls and boys, you completed the task and solved the riddles, now it’s time for me to say goodbye to you! (leaves)
And now these dolls need to be brought to life. As soon as you put such a doll on your hand, it comes to life: it cries, laughs, thinks, suffers. But don't think it's that easy. Thanks to the plasticity of the puppeteer's wrist and the mobility of the speech apparatus, the doll moves and speaks. And this can only be achieved through warm-ups, gymnastics, massages, which we will get acquainted with in our classes.
(The teacher conducts a warm-up for the puppeteer. Children repeat the movements after the teacher, performing exercises for wrist mobility I.)
Teacher: Guys, we will now try to draw a picture without a pencil and paper. Let's imagine that your fingers are brushes. And now with these brushes we will draw on an imaginary sheet. With the left brush we “draw” the outline of this leaf in the air. Next, we “draw” alternately with the right and then with the left brush. We “draw” the pictures on the left with the left brush, and on the right with the right.
Let's color the leaf:
The top is blue and the bottom is green.
In the right corner there is the sun, and in the left side there are clouds.
In the center of our sheet is a little house.
On the left, we draw a bush.
On the right is a tree.
Birds fly from bush to tree.

Teacher: On our imaginary sheet we drew a tower.

(An exercise is carried out to practice clarity of speech.)
Let's voice our drawing.

There is a tower - a tower.
He is neither low nor high.
Who lives in the mansion? (shows signs with inscriptions.)
Pi-pi-pi (mouse)
Puff - puff - puff (hedgehog)
Kwa-kwa-kwa (frog)
Woof - woof - woof (dog)
Ko-ko-ko (cockerel)
Meow-meow-meow (cat)

Teacher: We have stretched our fingers and wrists, warmed up our vocal apparatus, and now we will learn how to drive dolls. But first you need to learn how to properly put the doll on your hand.
There are three main types of movements in the glove puppet theater: movements created by the fingers, movements created by the wrist and the whole hand. The movements of the fingers inside the doll correspond to the movements of a person’s head and arms, the movements of the wrist correspond to bending at the waist, and the movements of the entire arm correspond to the movement of the legs. The plasticity of the glove puppet consists of these basic movements.

Stand behind a chair and turn the seat towards you, sit down. The back of the chair will be a screen. Watch and repeat after me the movements to the music.
(Exercises are carried out with the doll, while the nature of the music changes)
The doll walks - joyfully, sadly.
Tilts of the head and torso.
Turns: left, right, fast, slow.
Doll: crawls along the puppeteer’s hand, looks at it, hides.
Doll: looks, talks, listens.

Teacher: Your dolls, guys, have taken their first timid steps. We brought our dolls to life. But to become a real puppeteer, you still have to learn a lot. In our classes you will learn many secrets of puppet theater.
For exercises with riding dolls, you need a screen. The upper part of the screen is called the “bed”. A fabric covering the actors - an “apron” - is fixed on the bed. (Show)
Let everyone go behind the screen and try themselves as an actor. (Practicing movements). (First the teacher shows the movements, and then the children).
1. Usually riding dolls are shown from behind the screen at 2/3 of their height (as if up to the knee). The hand should be soft and relaxed, then it will not get tired for a long time.
2. The farther the doll is from the garden bed, the less it is visible to the audience, so to enter the screen, it is not raised near the garden bed, but in the depths, in the background, and then brought forward to the garden bed. In the same way, to remove a doll from the stage, it must be taken to the background and lowered there.
3. If there are two or more dolls on stage at the same time, then only the one that is talking at the moment moves, the rest stand motionless and look at the speaker. Let's try to voice our dolls.
Well done! I think you all managed to experience the role of an actor.
Guys, you have been working behind a screen, your hands and your voice are a little tired, you and I just need to do a warm-up.
I will take a lemon in my palm.
I feel like it's round.
I squeeze it slightly -
I squeeze out lemon juice.
And I strain my whole arm -
I squeeze out the juice to the last drop.
Everything is fine, the juice is ready.
I'm throwing a lemon
And I relax my hand.

Teacher: Today, in our lesson, one of the girls from our group “Merry Pinocchio”, Maria, helps me. She will act as a director. Remember in previous classes we read and analyzed the fairy tale “Kolobok”. And today, together with the director, we will try to act it out behind a screen using glove puppets. Let's create a theater group. To do this, Masha chooses the first member of the theater group...(method: “Who will go to the theater with me”).
The rest of the children will be spectators. And in the next lesson we will switch roles.

Stage IV. Practical activities for children:
Look, look and don't say you didn't see.
Listen, listen and don't say you didn't hear.
Only today and only now.
Only here and only for you is the premiere of the fairy tale….. “Kolobok”!
(Children stage the fairy tale “Kolobok”)

Stage V. Final stage:
Summary and reflection behavior I.
Well done, you completed the task. Let him clap his hands:
who liked being an actor;
who liked being a spectator?;
What type of dolls did you work with in class today?
(Children answer). (Answer: glove puppet).
What other types of dolls do you know? (Children answer).
(Answer: cane puppets, finger puppets, shadow puppets, puppets).
It's time for our fairy tale heroes to return to the magic chest. Let everyone, putting down the doll, say a few words about today's lesson. What did you like most? (music plays, children express their opinions.
Teacher: Now it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye adults, goodbye kids!
(the chest closes, the music ends).
Teacher: What is the best award for an artist?
Children: Applause from the audience.
Teacher: We did a good job today, let's applaud each other. Thank you very much for coming to class today. And as a souvenir, I will give each of you a small surprise.

State educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 2360

SEAD of Moscow

Lesson script on the topic


music director

Godunova Tatyana Vyacheslavovna



Target : Providing musical and motor theatrical and play activities. Expand children's knowledge about the diversity of the musical world.


Musical activities:

    Learn to improvise dance movements that match the nature of the music and the words of the song.

    enrich children's musical experiences;

    develop children's musical abilities;

    Expand children's knowledge about the diversity of the musical world.

Theatrical activities:

    improve artistic abilities, skills and performance abilities of children;

    develop the ability to perform theatrical sketches;

    develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Artistic and speech activity:

    develop intonation expressiveness of speech (reading poems, role-playing a fairy tale), voice strength, diction.


    cultivate a kind attitude towards others;

    cultivate a caring attitude towards theatrical puppets;

Materials and equipment:

tape recorder, balloons, markers of different colors, dolls, strollers for dolls.

Musical repertoire: Disc “Music of P. I. Tchaikovsky”,song "Living Doll" music. V. Ya. Shainsky;song “Kuklyandiya”, music by P. Ovsyannikov (audio cassette “Burenina’s Rhythmic Mosaic”).


Theatrical performance for older preschoolers.

The stage is designed in the form of a doll town. Children dressed in “doll outfits” come on stage to the music. Puppet March by P. I. Tchaikovsky is playing. Children-dolls come to life and begin to move to the music. When the music stops, the dolls freeze. The presenters come out - Papa Carlo and Vasilisa the Wise.
Vasilisa (with a bow): - Hello, dear guests! You didn't just gather here! They won’t show you pictures - Favorite name day dolls!Papa Carlo: - It’s the dolls’ birthday! What could be more beautiful? Now you, without a doubt, Everything will become clear immediately!Vasilisa: - We are glad to see you in the hall, Well, do you recognize us?

Negative response from children.

- Ay-ay-ay, what an answer! How is it possible, we don’t know, no? They call Vasilisa And they call her the Wise. Well, my companion is an old man, I'm used to making dolls, He made a living son, What's called... The children answer: “Pinocchio.” Papa Carlo:- I’m called Papa Carlo, I will drive sadness out of the house. I make toys I love dolls very much!Vasilisa: - Tell me, guys, Vanya, Petya, Sasha, Katya, Lena, Vera and Tanya, Do you all love toys? Children's answers. - That’s why we invited all of you, children who love to play and love your toys so much, to the name day of dolls. Today is the only day of the year when your toys can talk to you, because you are their dads and moms.Papa Carlo: - Are you surprised? You - so little - are already dads and moms? Don't believe me? And you want to say that your pets are not living dolls?


Vasilisa: - Do you want me to prove the opposite to you? Answer me one question: - Here, at the holiday, at our The dolls walk, jump, and dance.Pap Carlo: - You need to shout: “One, two, three! Come on, doll, come to life!”Vasilisa: - Shall we try everything together? "One two Three! Come on, doll, come to life!”

Vasilisa waves her handkerchief.

DANCE OF THE DOLL ( Music at the discretion of the music director)

Vasilisa: - They ran away, flew away, You know, they have a lot to do, Did you have time to clap? Clap for those who didn't have time!Papa Carlo: - These are the dolls we have! Alive! They appeared on earth a long time ago, when the first baby appeared.Vasilisa: - When it was? Nobody remembers, not even Baba Yaga, who lives for many thousands of yearsPapa Carlo: - There were all kinds of dolls: rag, clay, wooden, rubber, porcelain... And even, imagine, stone!Vasilisa: - And they got tired of being silent, and they decided to talk to you, children. At first it was like this...

The sound of a doll crying.

Papa Carlo: - Then like this...

The word “Mom” sounds.

Vasilisa: - And then like this...

One "doll" comes out and sings a song

V. Shainsky “THE LIVING DOLL”.

- That's the number, that's class! Our dolls are the best!Papa Carlo: - Tell me, guys, have you ever been afraid of your dolls? And in the old days they were very afraid! Therefore, they were not painted with faces or given names.Vasilisa: - And dolls came to us for the holiday with a huge request to draw their faces and give them names. Meet the poor things! After all, you haven’t forgotten the words: “One, two, three! Come on, doll, come to life!”

They bring out two dolls with heads made of balloons, bodies made of shawls, and oven mitts instead of hands.

Papa Carlo: - I feel sorry for them, poor things, right? Or maybe we have artists in our hall? Let's help the dolls find their faces! - If you are a master at drawing, Then take it quickly... a felt-tip pen! So that the doll opens its eyes, We need, of course... paints!

Two people go out and draw on the balls with markers.


Vasilisa : - Let's draw eyes for the dolls, Look how beautiful it is here! There will be a face like in a fairy tale, And a braid to the waist! Papa Carlo: - Come up with a name for the doll, So as not to be confused with others. I'll tell you a riddle, Guess it, guys. Let's find out now on the spot - Is there anyone wiser than me? In the name for our doll Four letters gathered The letter “A” was changed to the letter “I” in the book, It turned out to be a name for both a girl and a boy. ( Children's answers.) - So what do we call this doll?That's right, Masha, and her friend - Misha!
The dolls are taken backstage. Parsley runs into the hall to the music.
Parsley : - Hello, hello, who do I see! Cool, what's your name? Marisha? Irisha? And I am Petrushka! Not a cheesecake, not a pillow, but cheerful I am Parsley! And you are probably Petya in the red boot? And I - Parsley - a big toy! And you Sasha? Sasha is curdled milk! What is your name? And you? No, I can’t get to know everyone like that. Now everyone will shout their name loudly. One, two, shout! ( Children answer.) So we met!
Parsley sings ditties: 1) Like at a toy festival Will they manage without Parsley? I am a folk character! I have come to your holiday! 2) Jokes, songs and courage - From time immemorial my path Otherwise I can’t do it! 3) I will sing and dance together! Hey, don't frown, have fun, After all, on the holiday, on ours, You can't do it without me!Vasilisa: - Hello, Petrushka, well, you’ve made some noise!Papa Carlo: - He is always so restless! Everything is on hinges. Merry fellow and nothing more!Parsley : - Who is sad today? Who is getting married today from the puppet people?


Vasilisa: - Nobody wanted to get married!Parsley : - Why didn’t you want to? And I!? Vasilisa, I have no time to fool around with you; I came here on important business. I want to get married!Papa Carlo:-Have you finished school?Parsley : - School? Who will take me to school, such a buffoon? I'll make all the teachers laugh there! So do you agree to marry me? I'll settle downI will be important! Vasilisa, will you marry me?Vasilisa : - No! I have a groom, Ivan Tsarevich!Parsley : - Yes, I wish I could marry such a bore! You look like a teacher! But I don’t need a smart wife, but a ruddy, perhaps wooden one. So that she can wear a sundress and act weird at dances. Come on, kids, guess who my bride is? - Her cheeks are red, And the sides are rounder than the moon! And a colorful shawl Wears up to the eyebrows. Ay, the bride is just a treasure, And he can do everything: And with a plow and a ladle - And her name is...... CHILDREN: -Matryoshka ! Parsley: - Right. Matryoshka! Parsley! Parsley! Matryoshka! (Laughs.) Vasilisa: - Let's remember the saying, Let's help Petrushka. One two Three! Come on, doll, come to life!


After the dance, the Matryoshkas stand in a line.

- Which one is your bride, Petrushka? Parsley runs around and can’t choose. Parsley: - Not this one! This! No, not this one again! And this one is even more beautiful! Ugh! Who should I choose? After all, they are like sisters, one more beautiful than the other. Parsley stops and scratches the back of his head. Meanwhile, the nesting dolls are running away from the hall.Yes, it didn’t work out to get married! Or maybe it’s better this way! Play while you're young! I’ll hang out for 200-300 years, maybe I’ll think about getting married!Papa Carlo: - And that’s true, Petrushka! Parsley: - No, I don't want to marry, apparently I’ll marry one - it’s a shame, and others will want to.Vasilisa: - Yes, go, Petrushka, amuse the people. Otherwise he will get bored without you and will forget how to sing and dance.Parsley: - I'll go. Oh, who's that going there? Brides again? Then I'm not going anywhere!Vasilisa: - Parsley, these brides still have to grow up. Parsley: - Yes, they have strollers! Guard! I'm running away! I'm afraid that when children cry, I start crying myself.

Parsley runs backstage, girls with toy strollers come on stage and take the dolls in their arms.

Vasilisa: - Hello, little mothers!Girls:- We came to talk about our dolls!

Girls take dolls out of strollers.

Girl 1: - This doll’s name is Dasha, And she doesn't like porridge And he doesn’t drink my drink... I still love her!Girl 2:- My doll is beautiful, But a little silent. Talk to me, Oksana! And she just said to me: “Mom!”Girl 3:- It’s good that you’re silent, And he’s not offended. I shook my finger at her - She smiles! Girl 4: - These best friends - Our dolls, our children. Both as mothers and as fathers, We are always responsible for them!

Girls perform DANCE with DOLLS

(at the choice of the music director)

Vasilisa : - Thank you, girls. For your story and for your dance. We are always responsible for our toys. Friends, don’t abandon them or offend them, and they will delight you for a long, long time!Papa Carlo: - After all, they give so much happiness!Vasilisa : - You walk with them through life in a country called “Childhood”.Papa Carlo: - Take care of your toys, because they love you very much!

The song “Kuklyandiya” sounds, music by P. Ovsyannikov,

children perform final dance.

    Literature and fantasy: a book for kindergarten teachers and parents / sot. L. E. Streltsova. M.: Education, 1992. Musical director. 2007, No. 6. Shainsky V. Ya. Songs for children. M.: Soviet composer, 1986. Cool lessons. Poetry. M.: ONIX 21st century, 2003.

Scenario of the play: “Finger Theater Repka”.

Target: Development of children's speech through oral folk art.


1. To form cognitive activity, introducing children to the national culture;

2. Continue getting acquainted with folklore works;

3. Develop fine motor skills fingers using finger theater;


Finger theater from a fairy tale« turnip» ; soft toy dog, tabletop theater based on a fairy tale« turnip» .

Preliminary work:

1. Reading a nursery rhyme about a dog “Eat, doggy!”

2. Learning the game “A dog came to us”;

3. Examination of toys and illustrations based on the fairy tale « turnip» .

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher meets the children, greets them, says how smart they all are today, everyone’s eyes are sparkling.

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Yes we love (children's answer).

I see your eyes sparkle!

And I want to invite you to take a trip to a fairy tale, on a fairy train.

Well, let's get comfortable and start the engine.

Let's go puff - puff - puff.

Carriages, trailers

They rumble along the rails

They are transporting, transporting trailers

In a fairy tale guys.

Here we are, guys, in a fairy tale.

Oh, guys, something happened here, it’s so quiet, where did everyone go?

No one in sight?

No, the children answer.

You know, kids, you and I are now going to look for our fairy tale.

One two three four five,

Let's look for a fairy tale!

Who knows what fairy tale these characters are from?

Children call fairy tales.

And who else is missing, what fairy tale heroes have we not found?

Yes, of course, grandparents.

Where are they?

Yes, they are our grandparents.

Where is their granddaughter?

And here she is, granddaughter.

And now we can tell you what kind of fairy tale this is?

That's right « turnip» .

And where is turnip?

Guys, look at this turnip the dog Bug hid it and doesn’t want to give it to us.

Do you know why?

She wants us to play with her.

The teacher comes up and takes the dog while reading nursery rhyme:

Eat, doggy: am, am!

I'll give the dog some porridge.

The dog is eating in a bowl,

And my daughter - from a spoon.

The teacher turns to dog:

“Bug, sit in a circle, and we’ll play with you.”

The game is being played “A dog came to us”,

A dog came to us

Smart dog.

Plays with the children

Barks very loudly:

Woof woof woof!"

Educator:- How does the dog bark?

Children:- Woof woof woof!

Educator:- The dog is kind. She loves to play with the guys. Do you want to play with her?

Children: -Yes!

The teacher places the dog on the opposite side, speaks:

Let's go up to the dog and pet it.

The children and their teachers go to the dog and pet it. Dog "barks and runs" for the children. The children run to their chairs.

Educator: - The dog didn’t catch up with anyone! Children run fast. Now you will catch up with the dog.

The teacher imitates a dog running, the children catch up with it and stroke it.

The game is repeated 2 times.

Then the teacher says:

Children, who came running to play with you today?

Children: -Dog.

Educator: - You liked playing with the dog, and the dog likes playing with you. Well done, everyone tried hard, ran fast, played merrily, and the dog Zhuchka I gave away the turnip.

But our fairy-tale heroes became sad, what happened?

What? Yes, they want us to show a fairy tale about them, shall we?

Quiet, quiet kids

You listen about turnip

The tale may be small, but about important matters,

Starts off right:

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat - Murka,

And in the basement there is a little mouse, Next to my grandfather’s vegetable garden, The fairy tale will go on...

Children, together with the teacher, show a fairy tale ( finger theater« turnip» ).

At the end of the tale, the whistle of the locomotive is heard.

Teacher - well, guys, it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. And so that our heroes don’t get bored, we’ll take them with us. We all sit down in the trailers and hit the road. Here comes the locomotive, taking the children to kindergarten. Tu-tu-tu.

turnip- a short fairy tale for kids with a huge number of repetitions. Shows that together, as a family, it is always easier to do things than alone. Introducing children to theatrical activities contribute to the child’s mastery of the world of human feelings and communication skills, and the development of the ability to empathize. Thanks to theater a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil.

Publications on the topic:

“Turnip” A musical play based on the Russian folk tale of the same name “Turnip” for children 4-5 years old Author: Shelest S.V. - director of the theater.

"Finger theater made of felt" My group of children really likes to play and show theater, both girls and boys. Present in the group.

Dear colleagues! Let me introduce you to my “Book of Fairy Tales”! One of my hobbies is felt toys. In my opinion.

Finger puppet theater is a fun educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination and strengthens fine motor skills.

Finger theater is a set of character figures that are put on a separate finger. These could just be individual pupae, animals,...

"Small and remote"

(exhibition of finger puppets)
Script: Romazan I.E.

  1. Introduce children to finger puppets

  2. Train articulatory motor skills

  3. Develop attention, thinking, memory.


Table, cups and finger puppets according to the number of children, palm stands (4 pcs.), hedgehog dolls, squirrel (bi-ba-bo), magpie (on the gapite).

Excursion progress:
- Hello guys!

I'm glad to see you at the museum.

Everyone took their places.

Here, tabletop dolls sit on shelves. Let's call them (children list).

Guys, do you want to know what other theatrical puppets there are? (Yes) Then…

Look at your palms...

The elephant and the frog have disappeared,

Donkey, cockerel, bunny...

What to do? (the guys express their versions)
They find a note on the table. Read out:

Irina Evgenievna, don’t worry,

If the children find us

And they will return it to the shelf.
- Guys, we need your help. Can you help me find the hidden dolls? (Yes) But how do we know that these are the dolls we are looking for? (they should be small, there should be a hole at the bottom so that the doll can sit on her finger). Guys, dolls that perform on a table are called... tabletop, but what are the names of dolls that perform while sitting on your finger? (finger) So, what kind of dolls will we look for? (finger)

Hold hands and let's go in search of finger puppets.

They walk like a snake to the music and line up facing the forest (Scenery).
- There is a forest in front of us. Who lives in the forest? (children list) There is silence in the forest... Maybe finger puppets are hiding here? Let's call them: Hey! (fold your hands into a “tube” at your mouth, say 3 times with a drawn-out sound).
The Hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog Who's making noise here? What's happened?
Children ask Hedgehog about finger puppets.
Hedgehog I was preparing my mink for the winter cold, so I didn’t see any finger puppets. Better ask the squirrel, she jumps on the branches and sees a lot.
The hedgehog runs away.
- Let's call the squirrel.

The children are calling.

Belka appears.
Squirrel Did you call me? What's happened?
The children ask Belka about finger puppets.
Squirrel I haven't seen any finger puppets. You ask Soroka, she flies everywhere and knows a lot.
The children call Soroka.

Magpie appears.
Magpie Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

Hello guys!

Why are you screaming? What's happened?
The children ask Soroka.
Magpie Of course I saw it. I just don’t know what this place is called.
- Describe it to us.
Magpie Fine. There is a curtain, a stage, lighting, and applause can be heard.
- Guys, what is this? ? (Theater) Where is he located? Thank you, Soroka, you helped us a lot. Guys, we are leaving the forest and returning to the museum.
They walk like a snake to the music and sit on the sofas.
- Here we are back. Let's take a look at our theater. Let's open the curtain. To see better, turn on the lighting. Where are our dolls? (children speak out).
The exercise “Knock-knock!” is performed.
- Let's knock on the glass with our finger and say these words.

tell friends