Globe earthly world on earth. Poems for children about peace

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Peace on Earth - birds in the sky.
Peace on Earth – smiles on the lips.
Peace on Earth is joy in our hearts.
Peace on Earth - fear goes away.
So let the clouds above the Earth
will be light.
Let your intentions and mine
will be clean.
Let the people of the Earth
will be free.
Let our hearts
remain open...
Give me your hand, friend
The world will become kinder.
Give me your hand, friend
Your soul will become warmer.
Give me your hand, friend
We are stronger together.
Give me your hand, friend
It's more fun with two...

Peace on Earth. How possible is it?
Peace in the world that there is a field of struggle
Between Heaven and Gehenna! Immutable
The law of our destined fate,

So that we are always ready for battle
And they chose Angel's Trench.
These words are by no means new in the world,
And thousands of saints lay in the grave

And they ascended from earth to Heaven,
Having withstood the battle against demons completely.
But the world denied God, and for a fable
Counts Faith, licks Satan

Evil hooves tirelessly
And dances to the evil tune.
And the people of earth wander restlessly...

War and Peace are always a contradiction,
Accumulated in souls over centuries.
This problem is purely human,
Not allowed by anyone yet!

The goals of any war are always known,
Peace lasts only from war to war,
That's why he's always at gunpoint,
And people value peace doubly!

Scientists, thinkers, prophets,
From ancient times to the present day,
All the same people call us vices,
Which always lead to war!

But even if they listen, they don’t hear them
All those who are carried away by the thirst for power.
They breathe war, not peace...

May God grant peace to everyone on Earth,
Kindness, love, warmth and happiness!
And give me just a little
Or something from the third part.

As you want under New Year,
On Christmas Day and Birthday
Miracles to make the people happy
And the awakening came!

Russia my mother...
The world knows you dear.
Like in those distant years...
You knew how to stand up for yourself!
Break any enemy here
And bend someone over!
To displease others...
Someone else's possession is hateful.
Now the 21st century has arrived...
He came to our planet.
He somehow approached with aggression...
I have already visited Ridna Ukraine.
Yes! It's so raging there now...
There's no time for jokes here sometimes!
So, Rus' be careful...
Forget joking with America now.
After all, she won’t understand our humor...

The world has collapsed in my soul,
I forgot you in vain.
This evening I sit alone,
Barely holding back bitter tears.
You just can't turn back time,
What should I do, what should I do now?

I always wanted to tell you
That your son tried to be the best.
Who will give me wise advice now?
I love you, but the world has gone dark!
And I suddenly read with horror:
“I wasn’t there. Dad..."

The fog is silent outside the window,
The branch rubs against the glass.
Behind is one deception,
Why is there warmth in my chest?

Pine scent
Among the mossy rocks
Surprisingly glad
That I'm not tired.
My backpack is flying
Into the coniferous grass,
To find yourself
I'm calling the heavens.

The warrior is tired of winning,
A timid flute sounds among the rocks.

My soul is like White Swan
Flies over the shining Galaxy
To where I've never been
Where no one can find me.
In the cold stone desert
Your back gets a little cold by the fire.
In distant, vague cities...


Exploring the Moon with the help of distancers, Iyon discovers traces of massive destruction, encounters local types of weapons, as a result of which he loses all the distancers one after another. The last distancer, built on the principle of Protean automata and capable of transforming into objects of any kind, allows him to penetrate inside one of the underground bases and make important discovery: sectors different countries, conceived as completely isolated, were able to overcome the dividing barriers and began a war until complete destruction. The last thing Iyon remembers is the strange-looking dust covering the surface of the Moon. Subsequent events, including how he returned to the ship, become a mystery to him, as a callotomy is performed on him through an unknown method.

As a result of the callotomy, Iyon’s consciousness is divided into two parts: Iyon himself, on whose behalf the story is told, who controls the left hemisphere of the brain, and Ion, who controls right hemisphere(and its corresponding limbs - the left arm and leg). Due to this split, Iyon is unable to provide full report about the events on the Moon, since part of the memories of what happened is in the right hemisphere.

With the help of his friend, Professor Tarantoga, Iyon, after returning to Earth, constantly tries to make contact with his alter ego, Ion, (first through sign language, and then through Morse code). All this time, he is visited by representatives of various parties and intelligence agencies, trying to find out whether he really does not remember what happened to him or is hiding any facts discovered on the Moon. At the very end of the story, Iyon’s two personalities finally manage to establish a connection with each other and restore part of the events.

It is discovered that after breaking contact with the last remoter, Iyon, having returned to his body on the ship, received a signal from the Moon from the remoter that turned on independently, as a result of which he did the unexpected - he descended to the Moon in own body and returned back, unintentionally bringing mysterious dust with him to the ship and delivering it to Earth. The callotomy operation that happened to him on the Moon led to the loss of memory of this event. As a result, the lunar artificial intelligence gained time between the moment the dust hit the Earth and the time when it became known to humanity.

Subsequent events revealed that the dust found on the Moon was the final stage of the evolution of lunar weapons, victorious in the last military clash between the sectors. Being a “mechanical” analogue of terrestrial bacteria, after reaching the Earth it continues what it did on the Moon: actively multiplies, fights all other types of weapons, destroys software and high-tech industrial products. At the same time, since there were no living opponents on the Moon, not a single living creature was touched on Earth. Humanity finds itself thrown back to the very beginning of the mechanistic era.

Actually, the situation is unprecedented. Like after some sort of secret nuclear war, during which the entire infrastructure fell apart. Industrial base, communications, banks, automation. Only simple mechanisms survived, but not a single person or fly was harmed. However, no, there were probably many accidents, but due to the lack of communication no one really knows anything. After all, newspapers have not been printed using Gutenberg’s method for a long time. The editors were also hit hard. Not even all devices in cars work.

Original text(Polish)

Wlasciwie stan jest bez precedensu. Cos jak po takiej cichutkiej wojnie atomowej, w ktorej na rozkurz poszla cala infrastruktura. Baza przemyslowa, lacznosc, bankowosc, automatyzacja. Ocalaly tylko mechanizmy proste, ale zadnego czlowieka ani zadnej muchy nie ukrzywdzilo. Chociaz i tak nie jest. Musialo byc mnostwo wypadkow, tylko przez brak lacznosci nikt na razie nic o tym porzadnie nie wie. Przeciez i gazet od dawna nie drukuje sie podlug Gutenberga. Redakcje tez szlag trafil. Nawet nie wszystkie urzadzenia w autach dzialaja.

S. Lem “Peace on Earth” (translation by E. Weisbrot)

Editions of the novel

The novel was first published in Swedish as Fred på jorden in 1985 by Brombergs, then in German as Frieden auf Erden by Insel. And only in 1987 it was published in Polish by the Krakow publishing house Wydawnictwo Literackie.

Russian editions


see also

  • Invincible - a science fiction novel by Stanislaw Lem


  • About the book “Peace on Earth” on the writer’s official website (English)
  • Review on (English)


  • Literary works alphabetically
  • Fantasy novels
  • Works by Stanislaw Lem
  • Books in alphabetical order
  • Novels in Polish
  • Novels 1984

Wikimedia Foundation.

  • 2010.
  • World of Art (sociology)

World number zero

    See what “Peace on Earth” is in other dictionaries: WORLD - everything that exists; the existence of this being, appearing in certain areas (for example, “M. nature”, “M. physics”, “M. culture”, “M. art”, etc.); that in which human existence takes place (“M. of man” “we”, “they”, etc.); in existentialism then...

    Philosophical Encyclopedia Peace (no hostility) - Mystery of feelings * Memory * Desire * Dream * Enjoyment * Loneliness * Waiting * Fall * Memory * Victory * Defeat * Glory * Conscience * Passion * Superstition * Respect...

    Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms world - PEACE, ah, many. s, ov, husband. 1. The totality of all forms of matter in the earthly and outer space , Universe. Origin of the world. 2. A separate region of the Universe, a planet. Star worlds. 3. units Earth , Earth, as well as people, the population of the globe.... ... Dictionary

    Ozhegova World

    Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms encyclopedic Dictionary - 1. WORLD, a; pl. worlds, ov; m. 1. The totality of all forms of matter in earthly and outer space; Universe. Origin of the world. 2. A separate part of the Universe; planet. Distant star worlds World

    . Explore the Martian world. 3. Globe, Earth with everything... ...- Ringworld Genre: Science fiction, novel

    The World Now (organization)- Peace Now (Hebrew: שלום עכשיו‎ “Shalom Achshav”, English: Peace Now) is a left-wing non-governmental Israeli organization that believes that in order to achieve Arab-Israeli peace in its understanding, it is necessary to put pressure on the Israeli governments ... Wikipedia

    Mir-Susne-khum- (a person observing the world) in the mythology of the Khanty and Mansi peoples, the seventh son of Num Torum, a mediator on the paths of the living and the dead. IN Khanty tales he is often mentioned under the name Ekva pygris. Other names: “Golden Hero”, “Merchant”, ... ... Wikipedia

    MIR-SUSNE-KHUM- (Mansi), Mirshetivi ho (Khanty), in mythology Ob Ugrians one of the main deities. The literal meaning of the name is “watcher of the world.” Epithets and descriptive names reflect various signs and hypostases of M. s. x.: “golden hero”, “horseman”,... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    See what “Peace on Earth” is in other dictionaries:- 1. WORLD1, world, many. worlds, m. 1. only units. The universe in its totality; system of the universe as a whole. Theories about the origin of the world. The myth of the creation of the world. Ptolemaic system of the world. Copernican system of the world. || All life is in infinity; everything, that… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • The organic world on Earth is the creation of extraterrestrial civilizations. From the Cambrian period to the Neolithic, G. Kleimenov. In the book, the author claims and proves that the organic world was created starting from multicellular organisms, which appeared in the Cambrian period (about 540-560 million years ago), alien...

friendship of Peoples

Today, when there are so many nations in the world,
And now we stand shoulder to shoulder with each other,
You can't play with lives like in a shooting gallery,
Without noticing the blizzard in someone’s heart.
We are different, of course, all on the outside,
But the same blood flows in our veins,
And in the coldest frosts again,
Skin color won't count.
We all have the same feelings
And the heart beats the same
The soul should still not be empty,
When other people scream for help.
Yes, we have different traditions and faith,
But this is the main thing for us.
A sphere of happiness must be created in the world.
So that a smile appears on your face.
I call on all people of the planet,
Unite, become one family.
And in life the main answers for everyone,
Let's find it, ending the moral war!

I think about the world

If we could connect,
Let all the guys make friends
If we united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would flow
Never on the planet!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone in this world
He spoke to us about peace.

We have one Earth

We have one Earth, one
She's so blue.
She calls us to help,
So unprotected...
If you don't respond - at the same moment
She will accuse us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!
Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children are laughing on it alone,
And no more beautiful than beauty,
And there are no doves on the planet.
She gave us joy
Gave dew and sunrises,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

I want people to calm down
They went to bed, got up,
So that songs about happiness
They haven't stopped talking since morning,
So that people can all live
In love and harmony...
I vote for peace
And for bright happiness.


White bird, light bird,
a point above the sea circles and lands
on the coast, getting stuck in the sand.
Another one is already flying towards her from the cliff.
White birds, light birds!
The sea plays and sparkles for them,
birds fly in this big world,
in a beautiful world, in a happy world.

We need peace

We need peace
On the blue planet.
They want him
Both adults and children.
They want to wake up
at dawn,
Don't remember
Don't think about war!
We need peace to build
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace
Forever! Forever!

For the whole Earth

The trees are rustling, the sun is shining,
Tulips and mignonette are blooming.
But there are not always children in the world
They live happily. Not always.
And so that the earth smells fragrant,
The children laughed and grew
Our desires alone are not enough,
We need to save the world first.
For all people, for the whole Earth!

Take care of your children!

Shells are exploding,
And the bullets whistle.
Dies under bullets
Lots of guys.
Children are reaching out
To the sun and light.
People, fight
For peace on the planet!

The language of friendship

One day an offended neighbor came to me:
- My older brother gathered friends
From class to council.
They threw their bags on the sofa,
They told me: “Freeze!”
And we sat down to discuss the plan
Under the code "dictionaries".
"To the festival from many countries
We are waiting for our friends to visit.
We put dictionaries in our pockets -
And we will understand everyone with them.
We will find icons for everyone,
We'll show you our palace,
We will take guests around the parks
Sometimes in the evening."
I asked my brother: “How do I know
What country is the guest from?
Otherwise you’ll start flipping through the dictionary
Completely, completely different!
And won't it bend you like an arc?
From morning until dawn
Along the streets of Moscow with you
Should I carry all the dictionaries?
The unequal battle was short -
And here's the result:
In his hearts he slammed the door behind me
My strong older brother...
Friendship has a sunny language,
Intelligible, simple!
Like a blue spring in the grass,
It is refreshing in the heat.
The language of smiles, gestures, eyes,
He's a rainbow broadcast
Will bloom millions of times
Invincible: “Peace!”
And I say to my neighbor:
- To friends - Moscow is like home!
Without referring to the dictionary,
We will understand each other!

Our song

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine”
Let the children laugh
On our blue planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on -
For no reason in the world
Children don't know dark days
On dear planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on.
I wish you, children:
May there be peace throughout the whole world
And the sun is shining brightly!

Peace on earth

If there is laughter but no grief,
If you look and there is no quarrel,
This means peace on earth.
If the sun is high
If the sky is blue
This means peace on earth.
To prevent bombs from exploding,
So that the songs don't end,
We need peace on earth!


Fly, red petal,
And to the West, to the East
And to the North, warm South,
Tell me who is your best friend.
Here is a green petal -
Shawl from Australia.
I'll dress up Katyusha,
I'll show all the guys.
But here is the blue pure light,
Everyone knows him from an early age.
And here yellow sun Ray,
He is friendly and powerful.
Finally, here is the black color -
I don't want war. No!
Let Katyusha be the mascot
Everyone is invited to join us for a holiday.
I want the globe
Was a little mischievous
So that you laugh, don’t grieve,
It was a colorful meadow!

Let the pigeons walk on the roofs,
Let the cranes melt in the sky...
Let there be peace!
We need him so much!
People all over the world need peace!
Let there be rivers, cities and villages,
Let the forest grow, bridges be built...
Let the children of the whole planet go to school,
Let flowers bloom in all yards!

The Earth is small only for the Universe,
It's big for a person,
And for him everything about her is priceless,
From oceans to sand.
From the beautiful face of the planet
It would be careless to swipe
Even a mote: suddenly this
The path changes in space.
Everything on earth is smart and necessary:
And bread, and air, and water,
And only terrible weapons
Let it disappear forever!
Then the grandchildren of our grandchildren,
Opening my eyes to the world for the first time,
We didn’t see the terrible explosions,
Only blue skies.

Children, fight for peace!

Happy children great country,
We are interested in living in the world:
Palaces and stadiums of the Fatherland are given,
All the best is given to the children.
And in countries where capital now rules
There is no care for children
He rebelled against the world again:
Produces rocket after rocket.
Therefore, we need to protect the world -
Join the fight, even though we are children:
Perform with a song, drawing, poem
For happiness, for peace on the planet.
Never fall again
Rockets are coming at us from the sky,
To the peaceful cities of our country,
To our homes and factories.

We bring to your attention children's poems about peace and friendship between peoples. These verses may be useful for organizing ceremonial lines and Peace lessons in schools and kindergartens, as well as for Children's Day.

I think about the world

If we could connect,
Let all the guys make friends
If we united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would flow
Never on the planet!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone in this world
He spoke to us about peace.
(M. Ignatieva)

We have one Earth

We have one Earth, one
She's so blue.
She calls us to help,
So unprotected...

If you don't respond - at the same moment
She will accuse us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!

Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children are laughing on it alone,
And there is no more beautiful beauty
And there are no doves on the planet.

She gave us joy
Gave dew and sunrises,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.
(D. Zevina)

EXTRACTS from the poem “Children of the Whole Earth”

Compiled by teacher
Survey questions
And in several classes
I read it to the pets.
The guys are on them
Wrote answers
Then I go to that school
came to the meeting.
The teacher handed it to me in a huge envelope
Answers, these sheets are multi-colored.
I read your notes, children,
And translated it into poetic language.

I appeal to you, children of the planet!
Do you need bombs,
How will it end? present century?
What should a person be like?
What do you think about adults?
Do you dream of the stars?

A piece of paper on a notebook.
KARIMOV Akhmed. I 1 years.
"To the overseas presidents
I appeal to:
All guns, tanks, machine guns
And deadly missiles
Should be out of work
On the territory of the planet.
Take them apart and then
Send for scrap metal.
On the spot
military bases
Build for children of all races
Swimming pools
and attractions, Park under the blue tent
And even a children's cosmodrome!
I really ask you to do this.
I'm not the only one who thinks so,
My comrades, friends!

KLYCHEV BAKHADIR. 13 years old.
It means child of the Earth.
He must be brave, and kind, and simple.
His paths and roads ran from his earthly home
to the very stars.
But, having learned the wisdom of a hundred thousand books,
But, having comprehended the language of birds and flowers,
Only by your courage
The man is great
With your kindness
The man is great!
And wherever the routes go -
He is a child of the Earth! He is a child of the Earth!

The answer is on the poplar sheet.
LIMA BERZIN. 14 years old.
“Even a blade of grass cannot be saved,
If an atomic tornado rises.”

Seventh grader Vitya's answer.
VITE is soon 14 years old.
"In anticipation of the coming century
I believe in bright days celebration,
Believe in good essence human
I believe in his wise power!”
(Raim Farhadi)

I want people to calm down
They went to bed, got up,
So that songs about happiness
They haven't stopped talking since morning,
So that people can all live
In love and harmony...
I vote for peace
And for bright happiness.
(Nina Matyushonok)


White bird, light bird,
a point above the sea circles and lands
on the coast, getting stuck in the sand.
Another one is already flying towards her from the cliff.
White birds, light birds!
The sea plays and sparkles for them,
birds fly in this big world,
in a beautiful world, in a happy world.
(Yu. Titova)

We need peace

We need peace
On the blue planet.
They want him
Both adults and children.
They want to wake up
at dawn,
Don't remember
Don't think about war!
We need peace to build
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace
Forever! Forever!
(I. Kravchenko)

For the whole Earth

The trees are rustling, the sun is shining,
Tulips and mignonette are blooming.
But there are not always children in the world
They live happily. Not always.
And so that the earth smells fragrant,
The children laughed and grew
Our desires alone are not enough,
We need to save the world first.
For all people, for the whole Earth!
(L. Sinenko)

Take care of your children!

Shells are exploding,
And the bullets whistle.
Dies under bullets
Lots of guys.
Children are reaching out
To the sun and light.
People, fight
For peace on the planet!
(A. Koreneva)

The language of friendship

One day an offended neighbor came to me:
- My older brother gathered friends
From class to council.
They threw their bags on the sofa,
They told me: “Freeze!”
And we sat down to discuss the plan
Under the code "dictionaries".
"To the festival from many countries
We are waiting for our friends to visit.
We put dictionaries in our pockets -
And we will understand everyone with them.
We will find icons for everyone,
We'll show you our palace,
We will take guests around the parks
Sometimes in the evening."
I asked my brother: “How do I know
What country is the guest from?
Otherwise you’ll start flipping through the dictionary
Completely, completely different!
And won't it bend you like an arc?
From morning until dawn
Along the streets of Moscow with you
Should I carry all the dictionaries?
The unequal battle was short -
And here's the result:
In his hearts he slammed the door behind me
My strong older brother...
Friendship has a sunny language,
Intelligible, simple!
Like a blue spring in the grass,
It is refreshing in the heat.
The language of smiles, gestures, eyes,
He's a rainbow broadcast
Will bloom millions of times
Invincible: “Peace!”
And I say to my neighbor:
- To friends - Moscow is like home!
Without referring to the dictionary,
We will understand each other!
(Yu. Lutskevich)

Our song

“Shine for us, sunshine, shine”
Let the children laugh
On our blue planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on -
For no reason in the world
Children don't know dark days
On dear planet.
Shine on us, sunshine, shine on.
I wish you, children:
May there be peace throughout the whole world
And the sun is shining brightly!
(I. Filchenko)

Peace on earth

If there is laughter but no grief,
If you look and there is no quarrel,
This means peace on earth.
If the sun is high
If the sky is blue
This means peace on earth.
To prevent bombs from exploding,
So that the songs don't end,
We need peace on earth!
(S. Sukharenko)


Fly, red petal,
And to the West, to the East
And to the North, warm South,
Tell me who is your best friend.
Here is a green petal -
Shawl from Australia.
I'll dress up Katyusha,
I'll show all the guys.
But here is the blue pure light,
Everyone knows him from an early age.
And here is a yellow ray of sunshine,
He is friendly and powerful.
Finally, here is the black color -
I don't want war. No!
Let Katyusha be the mascot
Everyone is invited to join us for a holiday.
I want the globe
Was a little mischievous
So that you laugh, don’t grieve,
It was a colorful meadow!

Let the pigeons walk on the roofs,
Let the cranes melt in the sky...
Let there be peace!
We need him so much!
People all over the world need peace!
Let there be rivers, cities and villages,
Let the forest grow, bridges be built...
Let the children of the whole planet go to school,
Let flowers bloom in all yards!
(N. Gavrilenko)

The Earth is small only for the Universe,
It's big for a person,
And for him everything about her is priceless,
From oceans to sand.
From the beautiful face of the planet
It would be careless to swipe
Even a mote: suddenly this
The path changes in space.
Everything on earth is smart and necessary:
And bread, and air, and water,
And only terrible weapons
Let it disappear forever!
Then the grandchildren of our grandchildren,
Opening my eyes to the world for the first time,
We didn’t see the terrible explosions,
Only blue skies.
(M. Stepanova)

Children, fight for peace!

Happy children of a great country,
We are interested in living in the world:
Palaces and stadiums of the Fatherland are given,
All the best is given to the children.

And in countries where capital now rules
There is no care for children
He rebelled against the world again:
Produces rocket after rocket.

Therefore, we need to protect the world -
Join the fight, even though we are children:
Perform with a song, drawing, poem
For happiness, for peace on the planet.

Never fall again
Rockets are coming at us from the sky,
To the peaceful cities of our country,
To our homes and factories.

(Denis Kotelnikov)

A world without war.
Imagine, people, for a moment.
Just one day, just one, but without war.
By God's will, by command
Today people must live in peace.
There are big clouds floating in the sky,
And they are not obscured by black smoke.
Funny bunnies are hopping around in the forest,
And the son returned to his mother’s house again.
There is peace and quiet all around:
Neither shots nor bombs are heard.
We always need this silence
But the echoes of war thunder.
Today is such a beautiful day:
Green Forest rustles leaves without explosions,
And the sun is shining clearly in the sky,
I can't hear the bitter ones sad tears tears.
Mom will cry just because
That the son, at least for a moment, returned to the house.
Today you can hear laughter all over the planet,
Listen, your children laugh!
Just one day, just one, but without war...
How much he could have done for all of us.
But to achieve this, we all must
To become more human as God intended us to be.
What are you sharing? What are you fighting for?
For a piece of Earth, for air, for people?
Have you ever thought, comrades, about
Why are you destroying children through wars?
Imagine a boy playing in kindergarten.
And a large shell fell on him...
And who will look his mother in the eyes?
And why did the storm start again?
Only rain knows how to cry and love.
He will feel sorry for those who are no longer there.
But people don’t know how to live in peace.
What if one day the dawn doesn’t come?
The earth-planet is torn to pieces.
She has been suffering for centuries because of us,
Her sea eyes are full of melancholy;
All because we destroy each other.
Nobody thought that once suddenly
One terrible terrible day will come,
When a menacing knock is heard from the sky,
And only a stump will remain on Earth...
And God will ask: “Where is the man?”
Mother Earth will answer: “Not for a long time.”
Probably already the fourth century
No one waits for dawn to come."
God created us, he gave us the right to live.
Why do you need to ruin your life?
How to teach people to love their world?
Tell me, Almighty, what should we do?
While we are still living on Earth,
Come on people, let's join hands,
Let's all go together to meet the dawn
And we will smile tenderly at each other.
A spark of kindness should ignite in everyone.
Try to become more kind!
You will give everyone a little bit of spiritual purity.
The world will be able to give you more in return.
Everything is in your power, people, you must
Think about your family of origin,
So that children can live in peace WITHOUT war
On this future LIVING land!

Why on Earth
Are these wars necessary?
Let's live in peace
In agreement, in love.
Let the sun shine
And the birds sing
Gone days
They only bring joy.
Let's forget
About evil and war.
And we'll be happy
On our land!!

How hard it is when there is a war,
Soldiers are dying, children are dying,
I don't want her to be
Not on TV, not on the planet.
Let the wars on earth completely freeze
And they will never burn again.
And in every home there will be happiness and comfort,
And people will not be left homeless!
There are medals in my great-grandfather’s box,
And there are photographs hanging on the walls,
And we must admit, we only saw it in the movies,
How a fragmentation shell hits armor.
But in every home they remember Victory Day,
And the frontline songs are heard again,
And from my grandmother’s stories I understood
How nice it is in the world without war!!!

For friendship, for smiles and for meetings
We inherited the planet.
We are bequeathed to protect this world
And this amazing land!
We will not let you become ashes and cinders
To what is called beauty.
May the sky above the earth be peaceful,
And childhood always laughs loudly!!!

How many of them thundered over our land...
All kinds of wars, small and large.
And behind every war, and behind every war
How many broken human destinies...

How much can a living person withstand?
Who will be fully responsible for the horror?
Let it go forever, let it go forever
This terrible word "war".

He who has fallen will not see the bloom of spring
And he can’t hug his beloved.
People must remember, people must remember,
We can no longer raise the dead.

How I want all the wars of my planet
Destroy forever, forever
And in the radiance of days, and in the radiance of days
May the lives of the years continue.

People, I ask you, there is no need for war!
let there be no more hostility,
I ask you not to shed blood,
Why do we need to kill each other?!

Please, please, don't rush!
and save your soul from malice,
we are people! and we must live together,
so that our dreams come true.

Those dreams that have long been forgotten
so that flowers bloom in your soul!
No need for violence! let the evil disappear
May peace come to earth for a happy life.

We are all people, and this is what we are united with,
we are a big global family.
Territory speech and religion,
It should not serve us as a border.

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