Sheps who he really is. Alexander Sheps and his new girlfriend: who is next to the psychic now

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For several seasons in a row, the program “Battle of Psychics” has been attracting attention to TV screens. huge amount people. With each season, the participants become stronger and the leader is already visible from the first gears. In the 14th season of “Battle”, he became the psychic Alexander Sheps. The young medium amazed everyone with his victories and investigations. In front of millions of television viewers, he managed to get in touch with dead people and receive from them important information. In the finale of the program, Alexander received not only the “hand” - the “Battle” prize, but also the beautiful witch Marilyn Kerro, to whom Sheps declared his love.

How did Alexander Sheps become a psychic?

The guy was born on November 26, 1986 in Samara. From birth, parents noticed that they had unusual child, since he was born not red after his mother’s efforts, but snow-white. Since childhood, Sasha began to communicate with the dead and already at the age of 12, he realized that he was not like everyone else. Sheps tried to lead completely ordinary life, he studied at the theater institute to become an actor drama theater and cinema. The guy did not finish his studies and began to look for himself. He was interested in the Gothic, and this manifested itself not only in appearance, and also in behavior. Sheps wrote scary stories which, to his surprise, began to come true. Despite his young age, in the future the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps tried himself in different fields: he was an actor in the theater, a presenter television projects and various events, he also showed himself in the modeling business. In addition, Sasha was an organizer of projects, and also wrote songs and scripts.

Many people are interested personal life psychic Alexander Sheps, and especially information about whether he got married. On at the moment he is in a relationship with Marilyn Kerro, but there is no stamp in his passport. Another long and famous union with Ilona Novoselova, finalist of the 7th season of “Battle”. They met in a cafe and began to practice various things together magical rituals. It was thanks to the girl that Sasha decided to try himself in the project.

Alexander Sheps at the Russian “Battle of Psychics”

Interestingly, the guy might not have gotten into the project, since he was late for the casting and did not receive an invitation to qualifying rounds. He himself came to the park, where psychics usually gather, and the management of “Battle” gave him a chance to prove himself. Sasha passed many tests using a dagger, which he saw in a dream at the age of 14, and later acquired it. According to the psychic, it allows him to pass through temporary barriers and make contact with the dead. Sheps seemed very modest and polite to everyone, but his results showed the strength of the guy. In his work he uses Tarot cards, Lenormand cards, a pendulum, candle fire, etc.

After the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Sheps became very popular and millions of people from all over the country and neighboring countries dream of getting an appointment with him. There is such an opportunity, and to make an appointment you need to contact the administrator of the psychic group on the VKontakte social network. Other pages and sites that offer services are not real.

If you are interested in one of the strongest participants Season 14 of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps - his biography has practically no blank spots. In 2007, they tried to kill Alexander...

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Alexander Sheps - biography

So, Alexander graduated from the regular secondary school in Samara, where he was born. After this, the future clairvoyant studied at the Samara Academy of Culture and Arts, where he studied acting. He did not finish his studies, after dropping out, he worked as an actor and at the same time organized holidays. At that time, he did not even think about moving to Moscow, because his career as an event organizer brought in sufficient income. Now Alexander has become general director a whole group of entertainment establishments "Art-Leader".

Alexander Sheps

Among the well-known organizations in which Sheps worked is the Hammer Theater, cast which he replenished. At the Atmosphere Special Events Studio, he was an administrator as well as an event host.

Alexander tried his abilities as a news and show presenter. First of all, he was interested in Samara reality shows. Real fame was still far away; Alexander acted only on television in the city of Samara. However, the experience he gained helped him present himself well while participating in the “Battle of Psychics” project and, possibly, win. One of the most famous shows, organized by Sheps - “Ready for Anything”, an analogue of the sensational project “Dom-2”. His show could be seen on the Skat TV channel.

Music is another hobby of Alexander. As a DJ, he goes by the name Alex Energy. He performed in nightclubs in Samara. Alexander also achieved success as a model. He managed to take part in more than one fashion show, photographing - he photographed fashion shows, openings of establishments and organized several of his own projects with the participation of Moscow celebrities. For some time I was interested in vocals and even planned to release a disc.

Alexander was involved in writing scripts, and during his student years he wrote gothic stories. At a professional level he was engaged in photography. His passion for everything new shocked his parents at first, but then they got used to their child’s hobbies. Now he records music, writes poetry and books in the fantasy genre.

In 2007, they tried to kill Alexander. An unknown company on motorcycles shot up the car of the future psychic, wounding him in the neck.

He was in the car with his friend, who was not injured. Alexander believes that this was not a planned assassination attempt. According to him, he simply fell into the hands of drug addicts or drunken hooligans who decided to have fun in this way. During the assassination attempt, Alexander was helped to survive and not cause the death of motorcyclists by his visions of the future. He clearly knew what to do, and thanks to this he was able to save his friends and receive a slight injury.

Alexander Sheps - real name, date of birth and other facts

The date of birth of Alexander Sheps is November 26, 1986. He was born in Samara, but has been living in Moscow for a long time.

An interesting fact is that immediately after birth the child was pale, then, as usual, newborn children have a slightly reddish tint. Almost all people who have paranormal abilities were noticed to have some kind of oddity at birth.

The real name of Alexander Sheps is Sheps. His name is Alexander Olegovich Sheps. Unlike other clairvoyants, he did not take high-profile pseudonyms; the real name written in his passport was enough for him.

Alexander's height is 186 cm and weight is 70 kg. He wears size 48 clothes and size 41 shoes.

Psychic Alexander Sheps - paranormal part of the biography

Psychic Alexander Sheps could write his biography and stir up interest in himself. But he decided that his talent was enough. Therefore, we know that the clairvoyant’s interest in magic did not appear since childhood. His abilities are quite developed and not inherited. But paranormal situations happened to the future magician and childhood. In addition, in his family, Alexander is not the only one who considers himself the owner of a magical gift.

First, while studying at the university, Alexander became a Goth. He wrote dark stories about the Middle Ages and was interested in music and other forms of art. After one of the stories, Alexei’s friend, whom he made the main character of his work, almost died. He described how the hero of his story had his head pierced with a spear, and a friend’s skull was broken a few days later with a crowbar. This prompted the young man to study magic and paranormal phenomena and became the reason for the opinion that spoken and written words are material.

Now Alexander Sheps positions himself as a necromancer magician. In addition to necromancy, he uses other knowledge. These are runes and. While participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” Sheps used a considerable number of witchcraft attributes. He could be seen with a knife, a special cane, a pendulum, black candles and other attributes. Alexander also works with cemetery soil. He needs the dagger to overcome the barrier between worlds, which prevents the magician from hearing what the dead are saying.

After the end of the 14th season of the show, Alexander Sheps dated Marilyn Kerro. Their relationship developed during their participation in the “Battle of Psychics.” Marilyn took second place, losing to her lover, who tried to give her main prize. For some time they tried to hide their relationship. Many viewers believed that this novel was a PR stunt.

In the finale, Alexander gave Marilyn a case, but she did not want to talk about its contents. Many assume that there was a ring there. Perhaps Alexander really proposed to Marilyn. But there are no facts about the wedding of Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro, there are only rumors about a secret wedding. According to rumors, in 2014 he proposed to a witch, but Mary did not accept the engagement ring.

The couple lived in a civil marriage. They received people together in a common office. The apartment was furnished by Marilyn, and Alexander was pleased with her choice. They often traveled, practiced witchcraft together and shared experiences with each other.

The couple did not plan to have children. Gossip that Marilyn Kerro is expecting a child turned out to be a lie. The child in the photo is Marilyn’s nephew; the couple chose a gift for him in a children’s store.

At the beginning of 2017, the relationship between Marilyn and Alexander was experiencing some kind of crisis. The witch dreams of real family, which in her understanding is impossible without children. She does not say why this was impossible in her relationship with Alexander. Perhaps Alexander cannot have children, or maybe he future plans seriously differ from the plans of his common-law wife.

The result was a serious quarrel, after which Alexander packed his things and left. After her, the couple decided to separate. Despite serious disagreements, Alexander and Mary remained good friends. At the beginning of filming the 18th season of “Battle,” information appeared about the affair between Sheps and his student. In life ex-lover appeared new love- Mark Alexander Hansen.

Family of Alexander Sheps

Alexander Sheps became the fourth child in the family. In total, his parents had five children. Only two of them have a magical gift, but about Alexander’s brother - a little lower.

Alexander's mother's name is Lyudmila Shotovna, she is quite famous in Samara. She is a doctor by profession, but this does not stop the woman from practicing spiritualism, reading Tarot, and helping people as a clairvoyant. His mother is sure that Alexander’s abilities were passed on to him from her. She was never bothered by her son's oddities; she knew that he would become a powerful magician and psychic.

Alexander's father Oleg Grigorievich does not share the interests of his son and wife. He is sympathetic to their oddities, but he himself is paranormal phenomena doesn't believe it. Oleg works at the cemetery and is responsible for electricity and water supply on the territory. He never met the inhabitants world of the dead, despite the fact that he spends a lot of time in the cemetery. Oleg is indifferent to magic and believes that living people should be feared first of all.

Alexander was in good relations with his grandmother, but she died when he was still going to school - at 87 years old. The future psychic had a presentiment of her death and saw her more than once prophetic dreams. In one of them, he saw himself standing near his grandmother’s coffin and holding her ring in his hands. After the death of his grandmother, Alexander took this ring and does not take it off now. Later he managed to communicate with his deceased relative.

Oleg Sheps - potential participant in the “Battle”

Oleg Sheps was supposed to participate in the 18th season of the most mystical project, but for unknown reasons he moved into the category potential participants next seasons show. For a long time this information was considered an empty rumor, since Alexander personally accompanied only his girlfriend Elena Sinilova. He didn't say anything about his brother. Perhaps, like Elena, Oleg is not ready for the test.

Biography of Alexander Sheps: who is hiding behind the mystical appearance?

Alexander Sheps, the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, a necromancer magician, a young man with a memorable appearance, is of active interest to many adherents of esotericism. Sounding name- real or pseudonym, received abilities by inheritance or discovered by chance what was remarkable about him so far short life? If you want to get to know each other better, start with a short biography.

The name Alexander Sheps is not fictitious, it was given to the fourth of five children in the family by parents Lyudmila and Oleg, who on November 26, 1986 gave birth to a boy with unusually white skin for a newborn baby. This event took place in Samara, where Sasha spent his childhood and youth. Now Alexander lives and practices in Moscow.

Choosing a life path and personality development
Alexander graduated high school and easily entered Samara state academy culture and arts. But extraordinary abilities were manifested not in studies, but in creativity, the student never received a diploma, and professional actor didn't. But with early childhood unusual boy saw otherworldly entities in adolescence He joined the Goth movement, wrote poems and stories on relevant topics, and composed music.

The family was not frightened by their son’s communication with the world of the dead; the environment rather played into the hands of the novice psychic. His father is a cemetery worker, his mother is a doctor, a well-known Tarot card specialist in the city, a spiritualist and a clairvoyant. Wise parents did not interfere with their son’s hobbies, and he actively sought his niche in life.

A lot has been tried. Lack of finished acting education didn't hurt young man master many professions in the world of show business. He served in the troupe of the Hammer Theater, was a news anchor and entertainment programs, organized events, acted as a DJ, worked as a model and photographer at fashion shows.

The turning point

Alexander continued to write - scripts, stories in the "fantasy" style, stories with dark overtones. The prototype of one of the works was Sasha’s best friend, and unexpectedly the plot, where main character almost dies, almost completely realized in life. This was the first call that Alexander missed.
The next sign was an attack in 2007. Two people in an inadequate state fired at the car in which Sheps and his friends were traveling. Everyone escaped with a slight fright, and Alexander was wounded in the neck. Victims were avoided; the novice psychic clearly saw the picture of the actions, the possible outcomes of the incident and chose the most optimal option.

After this, the formation of Alexander Sheps in the esoteric world began. He realized that fate did not intend to joke, and seriously began studying parapsychology. The result is obvious - 88% of TV viewers of the “Battle of Psychics” cast their votes for the young magician, unconditionally recognizing him as the winner. There he also found his soul mate - Estonian Marilyn Kerro.

Alexander Sheps (Instagram is a famous showman who positions himself as a psychic. Although, who knows, maybe he really has some mystical abilities. Let's try to figure out what it is life path and television career.


Our hero was born on November 26, 1986 in Samara. The boy became the fourth child in a family of only five. At the very moment of birth, his mother was surprised that the baby was not born pink, like all babies, but white. Even in childhood, his parents began to notice that the boy was behaving strangely, namely, talking to someone invisible. For some reason, my mother was not surprised, since, according to her, she herself always saw her dead father. Obviously, Sasha inherited her gift. Dad works at the cemetery, but communicates with the world of the dead only out of duty.

After studying at school, Alexander entered theater institute majoring in dramatic actor. He dropped out of school, but worked in a certain sense by profession - he mastered the modeling business and vocal art, then a photo. An uncontrollable desire to always do something new did not allow the young man to remain in one place.

Magic career

Alexander Sheps on his official Instagram website almost never leaves the image of a gothic and mysterious medium. More than 200 thousand subscribers follow his life. Real success He won the 14th season of the show “Battle of Psychics.” The action was exciting: the magician used many spectacular attributes (candles, coins, soil from the grave, amulets), brandished a dagger to destroy the boundaries between worlds. This is how he understands what the dead are saying.


This Instagram page indicates that Alexander Sheps now conducts a private practice, organizes seminars, and publishes thematic books. He reads the Tarot, predicts the future using a pendulum, and casts a spell on objects, charging them with positive energy. In Moscow he has a branded store called “Magic Workshop”. It is noteworthy that Sheps works only at personal meetings; you will not achieve anything from him remotely via the Internet. Or you will simply fall into the hands of scammers.

Personal life

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps adorned their photos together Instagram. Unfortunately, the couple has now broken up, but fans continue to shed tears over beautiful story love of two psychics. Marilyn is from Estonia; The guys began a romance right on the TV project. The relationship was difficult, the girl refused his proposals for marriage. Rumors constantly circulated around the lovers that the romance was not real, but was simply an inflated PR stunt. However, they are no longer together, but the careers of each of them continue.

So, in the fall of 2017, Alexander Sheps goes to tour with the “Your Card” program (something like a seminar). Residents of Irkutsk, Sochi, and Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities.

Alexander Sheps blog on Instagram is official page, where you can follow all announcements of events with his participation.

Alexander Sheps— winner of the Battle of Psychics of Season 14.

White envelopes received: , .

Alexander Sheps, a young participant in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics,” attracted the attention of the public even during the qualifying tests. The clairvoyant answered without difficulty tricky questions presenters and accurately guessed the details of the events that took place.

The way Alexander behaves in front of the television camera makes it clear that this is not the first time that a psychic has been on set. And indeed, while living in Samara, Sheps has already tried on both the role of a TV presenter and the role of a DJ. An arrogant look, a delivered speech and an extravagant style of clothing - all this is part of the image of the magician, which arouses genuine interest among the audience.

Biography of Alexander Sheps

Alexander's path to magic can be called a long one. It all started with the fact that the psychic had an interest in gothic culture. It was this hobby that became the basis of the magician’s clothing style. Having tried on the profession of an actor, event organizer, screenwriter and VJ, Alexander realized that he was increasingly attracted to esotericism and magic. So, the young psychic began to develop his abilities.

Since then, Alexander Sheps decided to devote his life to helping people. In his work, he uses the help of elemental spirits, Tarot cards, inhabitants of the world of the dead and, of course, his own experience. However, due to the sharply increased excitement around his person, Alexander temporarily closed access to his contact information. His pages in social networks already filled with requests for help in solving problems.

At the moment, Alexander Sheps is the undisputed favorite of the fourteenth season of the television program “Battle of Psychics.” But there are still many challenges ahead and leaders may change several times. Nevertheless, fans of the young clairvoyant look to the future with confidence and predict victory for Alexander.

Photo by Alexander Sheps

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