School KVN music homework. School KVN team homework scenario

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KVN homework

Yard Two grandmothers are sitting on a bench, listening to the radio. There is news on the radio.
Announcer: Sports ballroom dancing is being introduced as a new type of competition in the Olympic Games.

Grandma1: How good. It was long overdue.
Grandma2: Yes, yes, it’s a pity that they haven’t come up with something like this in our time.
Grandma1: Do you remember how you and I also burned fire when we were young? Well, even now there is still gunpowder in the flasks.
Grandma2 agrees.

A cleaning lady appears on stage.

Cleaning lady: I ​​don’t know what you have in your powder flasks, now I see that the whole yard has been spat on! And aren’t you ashamed to mess up the yard at that age?
The money for the interruption is justified.
Businessman Gena Plyushkin (Alimov) comes out.
Sasha: Gena Plyushkin, what are you doing?
Alimov: So...well, yes, but who are you?
Sasha: What are you doing, Gena, it’s me, Lariska, do you remember we danced, and then you accompanied me home... How are you getting along?
Alimov: It’s okay, I opened a business, how are you?
Sasha: Yes, what about me? You probably have a beautiful wife?
Alimov: I don’t have a wife
Sasha: Oh, no wife. (preens)

Gena leaves, saying “Larissa, I have things to do, bye”
Cleaning lady: Roars
Grandma 2: My dear, remember a simple phrase: everything will happen, but not right away.
A loving couple appears on stage. Grandmothers discuss them.
Grandma1: Oh, look, Mashka, Mashka has gone. Look, look how short the skirt is, and it barely covers it! And she even brought someone!
Grandma2: Don’t even say that, it’s a shame, there’s no culture!
Masha's ex Magomed sees them. Suitable with two flowers.
Maga: Masha, I love you! Let's start all over again. (Gives flowers)
Masha: Why 2 flowers?
Maga: so 1 is not a bouquet. Light of my soul, what mortal body is next to you?
Masha: This is my boyfriend! (Mom calls Masha home)

Edik reaches out to Maga.
Edik: Hello, Edik.
Maga: Edik is a flower of seven... Who are you in life in general?
Edik: I’m like a baller, if you haven’t noticed.
Maga wipes her hand on her trouser leg.
Maga: Ha ha, ballnik. In short, listen, Masha is my star, my sunshine, my “priorochka”. And you understand that you are now risking losing your life!
Edik: What? Yes, I’ll call my friends now, and you’ll feel bad!
(Mage starts laughing)
Edik: Why are you laughing? Are you under a security agency?
Maga: Yes

Edik: Mmm, what kind of agency?
Maga: Ahmed! (Advertising: Ahmed and no problem, no accent)
Quick typing of words.
Maga: listen, now I’ll call my brothers too.
Edik: Yeah, come on
(Maga walks away with a serious face, stands and calls)
Maga: Listen, let me call
Edik: By what right do I have to let you call?
Maga: According to the law of the mountains!
Karen: Oh, in short, you got me. We'll meet here in an hour.

We separated. There are grannies left.

Grandma1: Oh, Verka, what a shame! What a generation this has grown up in. No seriousness. It would be better to get down to business. (pause)
Grandma 2: Oh, listen, do you remember Vanka from the 3rd entrance, so, grains sprouted in kerosene, add a fish head, 2 yolks, mmm, mix it all, add 200 grams of butter, yes, and all this in a steam bath and for half an hour, and then….(Julia: oh, wait, you need to “post” (???)) you go to his door, and you pour it all on his door, the smell is not destroyed and is not washed off with anything….

Song (mani), the postwoman comes out.
Grandmothers: Oh, here comes the pension... They dance to the money
An hour has passed.

Dance "Rams"

Masha: Boys, boys, wait, I decided that I would connect my life with Gena.
Edik faints. “signal” noise begins, everyone comes out and quarrels with each other.
The grandmothers come out, pause everything and say:
-In fact, we want to tell you that KVN is also a sport that has its own medals and awards.
-And it doesn’t matter whether you win or lose, because the main reward is laughter.

I love KVN very much, but
I still need to study
I pass the Unified State Exam and like to joke,
And of course I want to get to the finals.
Well, let it be that we are just beginners.
We'll all get A's from the jury.
Amazing, amazing
How we played...

(Alimov shouts "Amazing")

Kiryanova Anna Nikolaevna, senior counselor. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 103", Saratov

To download material or!

Fanfare sounds. The presenters come out.

1st presenter: Good evening, good and safe evening, dear viewers, car enthusiasts and vice versa, non-car enthusiasts, that is, pedestrians!

2nd presenter: Have you successfully reached our concert hall? Did a bus cut you off? Didn't you get spit on the glass at the crossing? Have you preserved the honor of your car? Saved his rear bumper from a mad stool, oh, sorry, "Okie"? Weren't you fined for existing in this world? Have you found a place to park on the roof of the Audi sitting next to you? Did you remember to take wheels, brushes, a steering wheel, and a “seat seat” with you to the gym so that you have something to get home with?!

1st presenter: Have you successfully crossed all intersections with traffic lights that are stuck red? Did you get on the bus and jump over a puddle at the bus stop that equals our city's long jump record? Didn't you get called a brake from a foreign car running red and weren't allowed to enjoy an extraordinary shower from under its wheels?

2nd presenter: Then you are all very lucky! You are happy people! And the happy ones don’t notice anything!

1st presenter: Maybe we can go our separate ways or go our separate ways?

2nd presenter: It won't work out well! Have you seen our roads? That's it, there's no way to separate or separate on them! However, the first member of our auto-singing group, Vitas, will tell you about this!

To the soundtrack of Vitas’ song “Aria”:

My house is built

But there are no roads

Dirt up to your knees all around.

Can master

The designated ford,

Should I quickly run for sand?

Only sand

Mound as much as you want,

There is no point in this.

Someone called

I'll take it and stumble.

And I only had time to say: “Ah-ah”!


1st presenter: I didn’t finish singing something, i.e. didn't finish yelling!

2nd presenter: To wash off, poor fellow, let's go! Our dirt is the dirtiest dirt!

1st presenter: Well, at least they beat foreign countries in this! Although, not only this! In terms of the number of prima donnas, we are also among the leaders!

2nd presenter: Yes, not by the number of prima donnas, but by the number of prima donnas!

1st presenter: That's for sure, there should be a lot of good people!

2nd presenter: So, welcome, Alla Borisovna will tell us about her self-reflections!

To the soundtrack of the song “Bolshak”:

On that highway that is on Rublyovka,

Inspector, you better not go out.

Here, of course, you can get a fine, but, but, but,

But who, tell me, will pay you!?

We can be bullied for our speed, but who can argue?

But damn it, you better not anger the elite!


1st presenter: Come on, we’re not making you angry!

2nd presenter: We don't do anything at all!

1st presenter: That's for sure! Like our road workers!

2nd presenter: What are you talking about! They do a lot... for the country! They double GDP! That is the number of our roads!

1st presenter: That is the number of our cramps on our roads!

2nd presenter: Enough about the bad and the bad. We also have a lot of good things, trams, for example! They have the largest amount of scrap metal in the world!

1st presenter: What about our cars? Do you know how many songs are dedicated to them?! Let's play with you. I will play a piece of music, and you will comment on what it is about.

2nd presenter: Let's!

Excerpts are included - lines from songs, and the presenter comments on them.

“From afar, for a long time, my Volga flows...”

1st presenter: The song of a Volga driver who fell off a bridge due to drunkenness!

“I’ll be riding my bike for a long time...”

2nd presenter: Oh, a new word in moonshine!

"Black boomer, black boomer, brake lights..."

1st presenter: Testimony from the hospital bed of a driver who does not keep his distance!

"Your green nine..."

2nd presenter: So what? Why are you teasing! Bad car, or what! Well, hold on!

“Suddenly a wizard will arrive in a blue helicopter...”

1st presenter: Why call the traffic police? We would have figured it out ourselves without the magicians!

2nd presenter: By the way, about wizards, or rather, about novice wizards.

1st presenter: About Kyo, or what?

2nd presenter: Yes, compared to them, Kyo and Copperfield are relaxing! So, the song of the half-educated inspector, ugh, half-educated wizard!

The inspector, a little boy, comes out and sings to the soundtrack of the song “The Half-Educated Wizard”:

Calculate braking

Prevent robbery

And grab the milk

Just an opportunity.

I have a badge

And the traffic light came on

Again one signal -

What a disgrace!


Are our mothers for nothing?

Did they spend money on us?

Home Police School

This is not a madhouse for you! Yes Yes Yes!

Let's become "militiamen"

Smart and skillful.

Only that they are very smart,

I find it hard to believe!

1st presenter: Come on, kid, don't be upset! It wasn't the generals who were sitting on the potties! Ugh, what am I doing today! It wasn't the gods who sat on the pots!

2nd presenter: This is for sure: something is wrong with you today! Although both gods and generals were in prison!

1st presenter: What are you talking about!

2nd presenter: I'm talking about pots! Or rather, about peas. You know, I remembered the good children's fairy tale “The Princess on the Potty”. Oh, No...

1st presenter: Enough. Although now it’s time to give the floor to the princesses. And I assure you, the city is full of them! Look, they walk along the streets, back and forth, back and forth...

2nd presenter: Do they even follow the rules?

1st presenter: This is what we are about to find out!

2nd presenter: Meet our charming pop princesses, Verka Serduchka and Glucose!

Verka Serduchka and Glucose come out.

Verka: I'll ask for a remark! Not prinpessses.

Glucose: Then who?!

Verka: The princesses!

To the soundtrack “I wanted a groom.” They act out a scene at a crossing with a traffic light:

What kind of nonsense is this?

Traffic lights all around!

Red is shining again

And I stand like a stake!

After all, there are no cars, tires, tires, they should run across!

How tired I am

I need to listen to you, mom!

Look, there's the inspector.

Like that idol!

He's like, oh, oh, he'll scold you!


To be safe

Head and body!

It was such a mother-in-law

Fool your head!

Let's be respectful

To the traffic rules!

1st presenter: Of course, with respect, but how else can you treat the rules?!

2nd presenter: Don’t say that we are some kind of animals, so as not to respect them!

1st presenter: Oh, finally, about them, about animals!

2nd presenter: About modern drivers, or what?

1st presenter: How can you say that?!

2nd presenter: I can’t say that anymore, because they’ll sing “Beasts” for me!

The group “Beasts” comes out: We’re from the chorus, okay?

1st presenter: Go ahead! It's good that it wasn't from drinking!

To the soundtrack of the song “Strong Drinks” from the repertoire of the group “Zveri”:


Stronger beverages,

More authentic calls

Eyes in one pile

They took off on wings...

2nd presenter: Stop, guys, what are you singing?! Is it possible to say that about drivers? Well, it happens, but not everyone is like that!

"Beasts": Fine!

The soundtrack of the chorus sounds again:

Lighter drinks

Shorter calls.

What's the speed there?

We can't see it at night...

1st presenter: No, that won't work! Or rather, things won’t go far this way! Unless to the nearest traffic police post!

"Beasts": It's clear!

All team members come out. Now the phonogram is turned on first.

To make it safe

On the roads for children, adults,

Let it be clear in our heads,

There's not a drop of alcohol.

Red, yellow and green -

Like fireworks stars

Security laws

Save people's lives!


No drinks at all!

We'll call you later!

Healthy and Alive

Faces that are dear to us!

There are laws for everyone

Alone on the roads.

them unquestioningly

We need to remember!

Presenter 1.

Your attention -


There's plenty of fun for everyone.

We will sing, we will dance.

Presenter 2. Before getting homework, the children listened to one of the songs on a school theme. It sang:

Don't spin the colorful globe,

You won't find it there

That country, a special country,

Which we sing about.

Our ancient planet

Everything has been studied for a long time,

And this country is big -

Eternally white spot.

Presenter 1. I must say that schoolland is still a subject of much debate and continues to be closely scrutinized. The guys agreed with this. But they disagree with the poet on some things. Take, for example, these lines: “Our ancient planet has been studied for a long time.” They will try to prove the opposite.

They sing and dance to the tune of the song “Chunga-Changa” (in costumes corresponding to the lyrics of the song).

1. We went on a hike with the guys,

We found the Island of the Sun somewhere.

During lessons, children live there,

Everyone is dancing and singing merrily.

Chatsky hums something, and the teacher sings along,

This island is unusual and romantic.

There they chew all the pineapples, wear rings, gadgets,

And they look at it very simply.

2. Island of the Sun - there are countless joys.

It's good that this island exists.

There are no deuces, no strict belt.

Enroll me in this class.

Logarithms, even tests sing in chorus together,

They will sing you the whole story from notes.

We will ask uncles, aunts in charge

So that they come up with something like this for us.

3. Then we will know for sure

There is nothing to tremble in front of a deuce.

If I become the “best vocalist”,

So, I’ll definitely be a medalist!

We dreamed, we dreamed, we are in overload

How, tell me, can I get to you, wonderful island?

To learn with joy and not suffer

and don't be lazy.

Help make this easy.

Performance by the Turtle team

They speak in unison.

We stuffed a lot into our backpacks

And we hit the road

To try your luck,

Find a new island.

And it’s true that it’s not easy to walk,

Yes, the island is very attractive.

The backpack is big, what a weight!

But your own burden is only a joy.

They sing and dance to the tune of the song “Hotel California.”

On the highway even at night

To find out the secrets

To find a miracle island,

Let's walk together.

And it's getting harder to walk

The path is both difficult and far.

Just suddenly towards the horizon

He's coming towards us.

And we get it guys

That it wasn't a dream.

Welcome to the island “Island of Wisdom”,

Island-happiness, island-childhood, youth.

Any time of year

You can find them here.

Welcome to the island “Island of Knowledge”.

Such a lovely place, such a lovely place, such

This island is called a school.

Any time of year

You can find us here.

Homework option “School of the future”

Performance by the Victoria team

The introduction to the song “Cinderella” sounds. A team of robot kids comes out, led by a robot teacher. They walk with a special dance step. One of the robots heads to the microphone, the others are seated at tables.

Robot(sings to the tune of “Cinderella”).

At least believe it, at least check it,

We have robots in our class.

And we all stomp together,

All together for a class hour,

And our robot, our teacher

She gave us a task:

Wants to know how things were

Previously school work.

Robot teacher. Firework!

Robot students. Firework!

Robot teacher. "Contact" button.

Robot students. Yes, there is a signal!

Robot teacher.

Well, Vasya,

Did you find out?

Did you dig into the ancient diagram?


You won't believe it, kids.

Fat people read books.

And "Education" magazine

My great-great-grandfather read it!

Robot 2.

And how the earthlings surprised me,

Imagine going on a hike

They walked on the ground with their feet!

The script for the extracurricular event “KVN among 8th grade students “Our School Country”” was compiled by Irina Evgenievna Kabychkina, class teacher of grade 8b at the Krasninsky secondary school, Krasninsky district, Smolensk region

This development offers a ready-made script for the key stages of KVN: Words by the KVN presenters, Greetings to teams, Homework. There were more girls in my class, so I selected the material according to the audience. The musical accompaniment was taken from the Internet and cut into pieces.

KVN homework “Our school country”

Presenter:The program “There-there school news!” is on air. Our traditional page “They are doing wonders in 8b”. We bring to your attention news from the lesson literature...

(Scene “News from the lesson”)

Teacher:Hello guys!

All in chorus: Hello!

Teacher:So, Petushkova, who is missing?

Petushkov:Ryzhikov forgot his notebook at home and ran to get it, Kapustina is busy with preparations, salting cabbage, and Zhmurikov probably overslept.

Teacher:Is Kurochkin not at school today?

Bublikov:No, his cat died three days ago, he is celebrating a wake.

Teacher:(sighing with relief) Thank God! Well then! Let's see how you prepared for the lesson? Here, Katya Romashkina, tell me what I asked you?

Romashkina(reluctantly gets up, whispers something, and then says): Well, a poem, it seems.

Teacher: What poem?

Romashkina: Well, about the guy.

Teacher:Well, tell me.

Romashkina:One day in the green winter season he came out of the forest and...

Student:(whispers) And he came in again.

Romashkina:(loudly) And he came in again.

Teacher:Sit down, two, don’t come tomorrow without mom!

Romashkina: And the day after tomorrow?

Kurochkina:(knocks on the door, comes in), asks: Let me sit down.

Teacher:Well, maybe you can tell us a home poem?

Kurochkina:Why, I easily! "The Man with the Marigold":

Once upon a time in the cold winter time

I came out of the forest - it was severely frosty.

I was dressed in swimming trunks, like in the summer (thoughts)

Tell me, brothers, am I very cold?

Class: Very very!

Kurochkina:But walking with dignity, in decorous calm,

I'm walking slowly through the snow in my swimming trunks.

The frost is biting my hairy back.

I’m walking with firewood, pulling a sleigh...

Class:Where's the horse? Where did she go?

Kurochkina:The horse was taken away by that villain - the racketeer.

He stole boots, a short sheepskin coat,

He stole his mittens and his hat.

I'm the only one left! Now I'm pulling the sleigh!

And there are still five men at home.

Let them go fetch firewood themselves now,

Let them look for other fools.

Teacher: Well done, Kurochkina! You know how to compose. Sit down... It was your love for your father’s literature that saved you from getting a bad grade.

(They sing a song to the tune of “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”)

Unfinished verse

Haven't read the novel

The characters and phrases in the books are mixed up.

Someone said something, someone was out there somewhere...

How can I remember everything at once during recess?

Well, what about the Russian language?

We are silent about him...

A third of the class wrote an essay for “two”...

We don’t want to notice our mistakes,

We are confident that our writing is excellent!

Presenter:And now the news is changing. Let's listen to what the girls are whispering about...

"Thinking out loud".

(Scene “News of Change”)

Anya:My mother used to work as a postman. In ten minutes she demolished five houses.

Masha:And my mother sent me yesterday to the store to buy bread and eggs. And I bought Coca-Cola with all my money, because it is much tastier and healthier than bread and eggs combined. Got a belt. The belt is tasteless, although useful.

Lisa:Recently we went to fight in the next class. We made them! And they beat us.

Presenter: What do you have here!

Together: And we're having a fiesta!

Presenter: Can I ask you a few questions for the school news?

Anya: Ask, ask me. How do I study?

Presenter: And how do you study?

Anya: Better not ask!!! (waves hand)

Presenter: And in honor of what did you put such a bow on? Yes, apparently you are a stylist?

Masha: And what? This is my image! The school uniform depresses me!

Presenter: Where are you looking so intently? I see, I see how you look out for your guys?!

Lisa: Yes, I've already reviewed them all!

The bell rings for class.

Sing a song to the tune of “Random Waltz”

The night is short, the clouds are sleeping,

But for some reason we can’t sleep,

The same table is still before my eyes.

Tomorrow I'll run to school again,

It just seems like we'll be in vain

Search for elements in the table.

I'm not familiar with the table at all

And I don’t know where is iodine and where is bromine,

I can’t even find fluorine,

Even a spur won't help.

Lithium, calcium, astatine are circling before my eyes,

Help me, Mendeleev, put them in a row!

Chemistry lesson school scene

Teacher: Children, your time is up. Let's evaluate the results. Masha, what color is your liquid?

Masha: Red.

Teacher: Get young! Five! And you, Julia!

Julia: Orange...

Teacher: That's good too, four! What about you, Lisa?

Lisa: And I have a black one...

Teacher: Lie-i-i-i-s! (Everyone runs away)

Presenter: What a pity that it all ended so quickly...

Everyone leaves: Or maybe it hasn’t started yet?!

(They perform a song to the tune of “Island of Bad Luck”)

We don’t care about various school knowledge -

We can give anyone a head start at the institute.

It’s not in vain that teachers teach us everything,

We will be scientists, thanks to them .

(Repeat at end)

We know about climate, soil and relief,

We know what an African lion looks like,

We know about sine, tangent and cotangent,

We know, dance like an oriental dance!

If a foreigner knew Russia like we did,

He would never attack Russia!

We teach history and know it by heart.

This is our favorite lesson!

Great and mighty, our beloved language!

Oh, how many wise thoughts Pushkin told us,

I tied Masha and Dubrovsky forever!

We will sing the glory of Newton and Ampere,

We will find applications of physics everywhere,

We just have to remember - you can’t climb into the socket!

And there will be continuous beauty in our lives! ( Repeat first verse)

Presenter: Thank you for your attention! See you again!

Team introduction!

The music "Surprise" starts

“Girls from 8b” welcome you!

Motto: We are so different!

We are humorous!

No! We are humorous!

Cheerful girls from 8b!

— Hello, our dear viewers!

- Let's get acquainted!

- This is Anna!

- Anna means smart, wise!

- This is Victoria!

“I’m a winner, I’m lucky, and I dress just great!”

— Christina is a responsible girl!

- And here is Nastya - a beautiful shy girl!

— Elizaveta is a skilled craftswoman!

- I'm Julia - thoughtful, dreamy!

- Maria is caring!

- Girls! And they say that you can’t be smart and beautiful at the same time!

- It's a shame! Is it true?

- If she’s beautiful, then she’s stupid!

- If she’s smart, she’s ugly!

Together:- But there are exceptions?!

(They sing a song to the tune of “Surprise”)

KVN, KVN is a fun game,

KVN, KVN is a wonderful game!

Can you imagine this situation -
Absolutely everyone in the world has become serious, -
It's worse than a volcano eruption
And more terrible than carious monsters.

Let's say “no” to green melancholy, and say “yes” to fun!
Glory to the funny numbers, the witty jokes: “Bravo, long live the game!”

KVN, KVN is a fun game, KVN, KVN is a wonderful game!

We are proud of our participation in KVN,
But they would be even more proud of victory.
After all, the game gives us a reason to develop
Those talents that were previously hidden in us.

And we won’t stop joking, because
It is impossible for anyone to live without humor in the world.
Let's say “no” to green melancholy, and say “Yes” to joy!
Glory to the cheerful numbers!

To witty jokes: “Bravo!”

Long live the game!

KVN, KVN is a fun game, KVN, KVN is a wonderful game!


- To everyone present!

- To everyone who is absent!

- To all sympathizers!

— Humor for those who feel it!

- What a boat in the sea of ​​laughter, sometimes lying in a quiet list,

— Conducts our route with success —

Together: - This is school KVN!

(Greetings from the jury to the tune of the song “Black Eyes”)

The table is covered with a red tablecloth,

And the jury is sitting at the table!

Dear, fair jury, you judge us, but also have mercy!

Oh jury, jury, oh mighty one, brown eyes, burning eyes!

How we love you, how we appreciate you!

Do not leave us in this difficult hour!

(A tray with gifts is brought into the hall: a stone, a needle, glasses and a bottle of water)

- O prudent jury! Kind, correct, fair, responsive!

- Let your word be as solid as a stone!

- May your eyes be sharp as a needle!

- May your conscience be as clear as this water!


— We, friendly droplets of the school river, are pouring into the sea of ​​the huge country of KVN!

— Friendship, youth, love, beauty - this is our formula for success!

- Wherever we want, we’ll stick there, whatever we want, we’ll achieve!

- We will squeeze out as much as we can!

- Get bored and lazy out of your mind!

- Life without a smile is a mistake! Long live the smile!

- We are the fifth element! The eighth wonder of the world!

- We are modest and the best! Now everyone will know about it!

(Greetings to opponents)

- We wish you, competitors, we wish you that the best prize goes to US!

— And while competing with you, we will remain friends!

- Let the struggle rage stronger and our friendship along with it!

- We wish you to take a prize place, but not the first, but the SECOND!

(Greetings to the fans)

Hello, fans, true friends! After all, we can’t live without you!

- Spectators! Support us! Spectators! We love you!

- Spectators! Clap together! Spectators! Be more fun!


— Friendship and success will conquer everyone today!

- All for one - one for all!

They sing: Chorus ———-And we won’t stop joking….

Host of the school KVN “Our School Country”


KVN has become a respectable person,
And interest in him has not been reduced -
Allows, having finished studying,
Forget about the learning process.
We want you to be in this room now
Your faces shone like the sun,
So that smiles become wide,
Like a newly built avenue.
We will make you laugh with a merry song,
To test and teach you a little,
Because at the hour KBNa
Do not escape educational captivity!


Today the 8th grade teams will “cross” weapons.

And, as the KVN charter says, these weapons will be knowledge, resourcefulness, politeness and good manners.

Nobody knows how this battle will end, but we, that is, me and the fans, are full of hope that victory will go to the strongest of the strong. As for our jury, they also think: “Let him win.” the strongest! The jury evaluates the main points of the team's performance:


Humor. All witty jokes and funny moments in the game are evaluated here. Depending on the desire, the jury can evaluate humor based on its own opinion or focus on the reaction of the audience.

Originality. A creative approach to staging and performance, surprise, and novelty are noted. All jokes must be original and interesting. The jury will decide who will be the winner of today's game:

- Applause from the jury!


What does KVN consist of?

The game consists of traditional competitions, which are divided into several groups:
- Greetings
— Warm-up “Gymnastics of the mind”
- Homework.
Now the teams are preparing for the upcoming competition. And I want to announce the tasks of today’s KVN “Our School Country”

1. Business card: “We are ready to call ourselves stars” (maximum score 5 points)

2. Any meeting begins with a warm-up, or mental gymnastics (maximum score 5 points)

3. Final stage - homework: “One day at school” (maximum score 5 points)

- So, we begin! The captains will be drawn…….

Today's KVN opens with the team...(We will greet with applause)


The jury gives the floor


Any meeting begins with a warm-up, or mental gymnastics.
Warm-up, or mental gymnastics.
I have questions in my hands for both teams. Question to the team... (questions are asked one by one; if a team cannot answer a question, then another team answers, receiving extra points for the correct answer, maximum score 5 points)


Now let's summarize the warm-up. Jury, please tell me the score. ...

Cards with questions for teams:


1. Question: - What if a talent was born at the end of the lesson?

3. Question: - What if at the end of the lesson the teacher asks the student: “And what did you, Petrova, remember in the lesson?”


Dear jury, which team is ahead? Let's greet the team with applause.


"One Day at School"
This was the homework that the teams received in advance. Let's see how they did it.

The first word is given to the team that took the lead...


Our last competition is over. Dear jury, we ask you to sum up the results and name the strongest of the strongest...

So, the winner of today's KVN was the team...


Let's applaud the winning team


Our meeting has come to an end. All that remains is to invite the participants to the stage and thank them for their initiative and activity in our school life.

Our KVN went well,
In general, everything was as it should be,
We are pleased with our meeting,
And we are glad to meet you.

Don't forget us, friends!
And thanks for your attention.
We will not tell you: “Goodbye!”
And see you, goodbye!

on this topic“Our school eats this...”

A group of participants runs onto the stage to the music.

1st: We’ve been wanting to meet our audience for a long time

2nd: To tell you, like in the movies, about the school week

3rd: Ah! School week! What is there in it?

4th: In it, storms and blizzards leave their mark.

5th: You can instantly become a sultan, and thus glorify your class

6th: You can catch bad marks, or you can correct them.

1st: Rush, seven days will pass, and everything will fall into place.

2nd: We will grow up seven days...

All: And this is interesting!!!

They sing to the tune of a song from the film “Island of Bad Luck” by A. Mironov

There is an unusual school here in Donetsk,

The unusual news spread around the school.

A completely unusual message spread around,

There is something interesting about this school.

Happy people live in it and are not savages,

There are magic whistles lying on the floor.

Lying on the floor, he picked it up

And, as in a good fairy tale, you became a sultan.

Sultan (an oriental melody sounds ): Well, why are you smiling? This could happen to anyone. It's not my fault that I found the magic whistle.

Shows the whistle, whistles. The music stops.

Ugh! He whistled in the wrong direction.

Turns the whistle over and repeats the whistle. The music repeats.

Miracles. If you whistle in one direction, any wish will come true.

If you blow on another one, everything disappears. Well, hold on! Odnoklassniki! Now I (says his last name ) - Sultan Gulyai-ibn-Shit-i-Kryt. Otherwise they tortured everything: I was late, didn’t study, didn’t come, didn’t do anything, was rude, I don’t live the life of the class! Enough is enough, now I will live my life. All to me!

Whistles and snaps his fingers. All participants come out to oriental music. They make several eastern movements. They line up around the Sultan and bow.

1st: O almighty of the almighty! (The Sultan smiles) .

2nd: The strongest of the strongest! (The Sultan tests his muscles).

3rd: The smartest of the smartest! (The Sultan scratches his head) .

4th: The slimmer of the slimmer! (Straightens up).

5th: The kindest of the kindest!(He's starting to get bored with everything ).

6th: Assiduous of the assiduous!

Sultan: Stop calling names! Got it! (All smile)

Why are you smiling? My eyes wouldn't see you!

1st: Close your eyes, my Sultan, and you won’t see!

Sultan: Be rude! Come on, quickly drive away the flies from me!

Everyone keeps the flies away from him.

3rd: I obey, my Sultan. (Expands the sheet ). Routine for the wisest of the wise!

Sultan: Well, that's enough, let's get through the routine faster!

3rd: I listen and obey, my lord! Wake-up is at 12.00.

Sultan: It’s early, oh well!

3rd: Eye opening - at 14.00.

Sultan: That's good! The lessons are already over.

4th: Exercise – at 15.00.

Sultan: Cross it out, I’m already the slimmer of the slimmer!

5th: Washing - at 15.30.

Sultan: Why should I wash my face if I haven’t gotten dirty? Cross it out!

6th: Breakfast – at 8.00.

Sultan: Why are you talking? My eyes open at 2 p.m. And breakfast at eight? Am I going to be hungry all day? Is it lunchtime soon?

6th: Soon, my Sultan, after receiving guests.

Sultan: Then give us guests! (The teacher enters ).

Sultan: Oh! Lyubov Petrovna! No need to list my titles. YouI myself taught me to be modest. So let's get to the point, otherwise it's time for me to have lunch.

Teacher: O Sultan! I see in your eyes that you haven’t taken up your lessons again. Pay attention to the math. In your last test, you found out that the driver is heavier than the truck.

Sultan: Maybe it was a light truck and a heavy driver?

Teacher: No, you were not attentive. And in your essay you made 4 mistakes in the word “hello”.

Sultan: You are free, you see, I’m busy. (The teacher leaves ). My eyes wouldn't see anyone.

4th: The Lord wants to say that it’s time for him to sleep?

The Sultan resists when they try to put him to sleep.

They sing to the tune of “Tired toys sleep”:

Bye-bye, the sultans must sleep soundly,

Bye-bye, their bed is not worthy.

You were very tired during the day,

Close our eyes, Sultan,

Cover your ears, bye-bye! (The Sultan jumps up )

Sultan: Oh woe! No! I don't want that! Not life, but complete punishment. (Wipes his forehead ). Got it! From a decent place, where everything you need is available, you ended up here. OK! Stop whistling in vain! I walked around, looked around, and it’s time to go home. (Blows the whistle ).

Everyone sings to the tune of the song “Island of Bad Luck”:

There is no ordinary school here in Donetsk,

The unusual news spread around the school,

What kind of fun is there, all the people are dancing?

Self-Government Day is gaining momentum.

The Day of Self-Government is gaining momentum,

If we like it, it will be all year round.

1st: Yes! Our school has this... Anna Ivanovna (addressing one of the teachers ): Why were you kicked out of class?

She: For pluralism of opinions.

2nd: Please explain what you mean?

She: The students said that I was interfering with their lesson. But I didn’t think so, and I said it out loud.

3rd: Every citizen in our country has the right to his own opinion. This is even written in the Constitution.

She: Well, when I resort to publicity, I get kicked out of class.

4th: What are you going to do now?

She: Protest against arbitrariness.

5th: How?

She: I'll go on strike. I'll stop going to classes.

6th: How do you think Zinaida Ilyinichna will react to your actions?

She: I don’t think she will understand. First, grab the belt, and then burst into tears. But I still won’t give up on my demands.

1st: What would you like to say in conclusion?

She: We, teachers of the period of self-government, resolutely demand that we abandon command-administrative methods of education and move on todemocratic. We strongly require that our students understandresponsibility of the moment and opened the windows towards new trends.

4th: Thank you, Anna Petrovna, and now - to your parents, they told you to appear urgently. For what? Yes, certainly not for cheesecakes.

5th: Hold on!

All together: We wish you good luck!!!

They all sing to the same tune: There is no ordinary school here in Donetsk,

The unusual news spread around the school,

The unusual news spread around the school,

What is interesting about this school?

Children and adults are not bored in vain,

Mom didn't give birth to them on Monday,

KVN is played from night until morning.

No matter what they do, things are going well.

1st: There is something like this in our school... Attention! Attention! This is the school radio station speaking.

2nd: We are starting our radio program “Arguments and Facts”.

3rd: Not a minute idle - this is the motto (calls the name )

4th: He is the editor of a newspaper that is published almost every year. He attends 5 sports sections, learns to play the guitar, is enrolled in 4 clubs and 3 libraries.

5th: Learn! Speaking of studying! Despite the huge workload (Name ), he sometimes visits his native school.

6th: Sleep – health! The student understands this very well (Name ). He sleeps 10 hours at night. 3 hours after lunch. 1 hour in the library, half an hour in the trolleybus. And 8 hours at school. Thus, it turns out that (Name ) sleeps 25 hours a day. This is a world record!

1st: Sports arguments and facts: a distance of 100 meters from the 2nd floor to the dining room for a tenth grader (Name ) runs in 2 seconds.

2nd: This is also a world record. Moreover, we must take into account that along the way he knocked down: five first-graders, 3 tenth-graders, 2 teachers, he himself fell three times and still such an outstanding result.

3rd: But, unfortunately, he did not achieve his goal. He was put in a general queue at the buffet.

5th: And at the end of the radio broadcast, we broadcast a concert of radio listeners, teachers (names, surnames ). At the request of the teachers, this song is performed by the tortured, memorized children of the 9th grade:

They sing to the tune of the song “It’s not evening yet” by L. Vaikule:

Until we meet again, until we meet again,

See you again, our school friends!

Here all evening, here all evening

The smiles of the songs bloomed, and the circle of friends was small.

Let them say that we play KVN,

Let them say that it will not solve all problems,

Let them say, but we will turn back time,

We'll see you again soon!

They clap their hands together and leave the stage.

tell friends