Symbols of Russia in poetic sketches of schoolchildren. Symbols of Russia riddles Riddle about the flag for children short

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  • Moscow took centuries to build.

  • Moscow is the heart of Russia.

  • Anyone who has not been to Moscow has never seen its beauty.

  • The entire Russian land is visible from the Kremlin.

  • All rivers flow into the sea, all roads lead to Moscow.

  • Mother Moscow is white-stone, golden-domed, hospitable, Orthodox, talkative.

  • Moscow is crowded and bready.

  • Our town is a corner of Moscow.

  • They say it in Moscow, but they listen all over the country.

  • Moscow is miles away, but close to my heart.

  • In Moscow, every day is a holiday (in many churches).

  • Moscow is the Mother of all cities.

  • Not Moscow is a decree to the sovereign, sovereign Moscow.

  • Moscow is a kingdom, the village is paradise.

  • Moscow is crowded and bready.

  • Mother Moscow road: you can’t buy it with gold, you can’t take it by force.

  • From Moscow you can see everything like from a big mountain

  • Anyone who has never been to Moscow has never seen its beauty.

  • Glorious is Moscow for its rolls, St. Petersburg for its mustache.

  • The earth trembled from the Borodino cannon near Moscow.

  • There is no shortage of bread in Moscow.

  • From a spark, Moscow caught fire.

  • Moscow took centuries to build.

  • In Moscow, the rolls are hot as fire.

  • The whole city is proud of Moscow, the capital.

  • Moscow is famous for its brides, bells and rolls.
Call out to the streets of Moscow.

Zamoskvorechye, Luzhniki,

And Likhobory, and Plyushchikha,

Fili, Potylikha, Palikha,

Butyrsky farm, Putinki,

And the Bird Market, and Shchipok,

And Sivtsev Vrazhek, and Olkhovka,

Yamskoe Field, Khomutovka,

Cauldrons, Gypsy Corner.

Manege, Vozdvizhenka, Arbat,

Neopalimovsky, Lubyanka,

Pipe, Vagankovo, Taganka,

Okhotny Ryad, Neskuchny Garden.

Call out to the streets of Moscow,

And the bridge will creak quietly,

And not a Muscovite - a Muscovite

Place the buckets on the walkways.

The meadows will drink from the Yauza,

Will pull berries from Polyanka,

The forges on Taganka will wake up,

And on Ostozhenka there are haystacks.

Zaryadye, Kremlin, Moscow River,

And Samotek and Neglinka,

Stremyanny, Sretenka, Stromynka,

Starokonyushenny, Bega.

Kuznetsky Bridge. Tsvetnoy Boulevard,

Kalashny, Bread, Cook's,

Sausage, Tablecloth, Tverskaya,

And Razgulay, and Krymsky Val.

The old man has his own bench,

The sandpiper has its own Swamp.

Hello, Nikitsky Gate!


Call out to the streets of Moscow...

(D. Sukharev)

Riddles and poems about Moscow, about the main symbols of the country.

It's hard to compare with the city.

He is the main one in the country, this is......


The main city of a state, be it a republic or a kingdom.

This is where ingenuity comes in handy: here is Moscow, it is ……….


I'm sure, friends, you will guess

That ancient fortress in the center of Moscow.

On its spiers the stars burn brightly,

The chimes on the Spasskaya tower are ringing.

Can you immediately name the symbol of the city of Moscow?

The square there is called Red, the clock on the Spasskaya tower strikes.

A bronze monument is not a toy for you,

After all, he is a tool, this is......

(Tsar is a cannon)

At the Eternal Flame or at the Spasskaya Tower

Soldiers stand guarding them.

And if you saw that post once,

Then tell me these sentries.

(Guard of honor)

When thousands of soldiers march in row after row

And missiles, tanks, guns move obediently,

People say to each other: on Red Square.....

It sounds solemn, everyone stands up in greeting -

We all must respect the main song of the country.

There is one melody, the whole country is subject to it.

The citizen, throwing away everything, listens to her standing.

Our country has a main song.

Having heard her, we must all stand up.

Glory is sung in it to the unity of the people,

And our power is praised.

They used to call him the banner, they walk with him in parade steps,

The soldier will name any symbol of military glory.

It has many names: tricolor, tricolor banner -

The wind drives away anxiety white - blue - red....

It complements the coat of arms and flag, the main sign of any country.

Russia has a special one, try to name it.

At the head of the Power, elected by right

For four years by the will of the people.


Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin is the beauty of Russia,

Great, powerful, unique.

You are our glory, our strength,

We Russians adore you.

Many centuries have passed since then,

Like Kalita - the Moscow prince,

Oak walls built

Moscow has risen from the ashes.

But every century has left something of its own

In the history of the Moscow Kremlin.

And he remembers how the Italians worked,

Great Russian land!

The grandeur of the towers, the beauty of the cathedrals

And domes, instead of hats,

Masterpieces of Theodosius, Rublev, Greek,

Iconostasis of the 15th century.

Tsar Cannon, Chokhov's creation,

Cast to everyone's surprise.

And the ruby ​​stars above the Kremlin,

Where else can we find these?

Therefore, we constantly say:

“Oh, Moscow Kremlin, you are unique! »



Kremlin stars

They are burning above us,

Their light reaches everywhere!

The guys have a good homeland,

And better than that Motherland

I. Tokmakova


We remember these words from childhood,

And there is nothing more beautiful and simpler

For the city named - the city of Moscow,

For the square - Red Square.

There are many other squares in the world,

There are many heroes in the world.

But how many brave people were here,

Perhaps it has never happened anywhere.

Who goes to sea, who flies into space,

The route is dangerous,

But everyone considers it the beginning of the journey

A walk along Red Square.

Here you will meet people from any capital:

Paris, Warsaw, Algeria...

Let's walk with you today

On the starting square of the world!

Poklonnaya Gora

Now it is one of the famous places in Moscow.

Now the bride and groom are being brought here

And the Triumphal Arch looks to the west,

The French invader began to flee from here.

Troubles kept coming to us from the west,

Now there is a new Victory Park here.

There is a new chapel with a cross,

And a wooden cross on the hill.

There Stella catches the clouds in the sky,

The beauty of visitors there surprises

And at night there are fountains, and they are illuminated.

The memorial plaque glitters with a laurel branch.

The fountains are red, like blood from underground.

From here people came to defend their homeland...

Now Moscow comes here for a walk,

Lovers find each other here.

Here is a panorama of the Battle of Borodino

Kutuzovsky Avenue, there is a lot of rubbish in the kiosks.

There are a lot of guests to Moscow.

They keep order here very strictly.

It’s beautiful here, but my heart is worried,

It is impossible to forget how many died.

After all, everyone only has one life...

But there is still a war going on in the world and here...

I would strictly say to all the armies: “At ease!”

We've fought, that's enough, that's enough!

Human life, You are most important,

You are a man! You are smarter than everyone in the world!

And you and I always want peace...

And no! - we will say bloody war!

Let there be no mountains of worship in the world,

And so that our children do not know war...


  • consolidate children's knowledge about our country, about our village;
  • to form the concept of homeland, as the place where a person was born, and the country where he lives;
  • systematize children’s knowledge about the symbols of the state; consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms, anthem.
  • expand children's horizons; learn to answer questions depending on the content, using an accurate, expressive vocabulary;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism, the desire to imitate the heroes of our Motherland; cultivate a love for the works of Russian poets, artists, composers

Vocabulary work: Motherland, Rus', Russia, parents, people, love, appreciate, respect, symbols, coat of arms, anthem, flag, banner, map, globe.

Previous work:

  • learning poems by Russian poets about the Motherland and nature; proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, Russia, Moscow; songs, folk games, finger gymnastics “Russian Family”
  • reading works by Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature, region, city;
  • examination of illustrations of books, atlases; paintings; postcards; flags, emblems of the country, region, region, city;
  • listening to musical works of a patriotic nature;

An audio recording of the song “Where the Motherland Begins” is played. children with a teacher enter the hall and approach the globe.


The ball is big, there is a country on it,
The city is in it, and there are houses in it.
House on one street,
Inconspicuous, small.
This house, country, land -
This is my homeland!

- Children, what is the Motherland? (The place where we were born; our city, our country)

(Children read poetry)

– What is the name of our country? (Russia)

Educator: Right. Children, look carefully at the map of Russia. Which one of you can show the borders of our country?

The teacher asks two or three children to circle the borders of Russia on a map.

– Russia is our Motherland. Why do we call it Fatherland? (Because our fathers and grandfathers lived here)
– Why do we call it Motherland? (Because we were born here)

Educator: That’s right, our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived on this land, and your children will live. We call it homeland because this land is native to us, we were born here, our relatives are here, our roots are here, we speak our native language. And everything around is dear and dear to us.

(Children read poetry)

Homeland is a big, big word,
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies.
It fits exactly half the world,
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten and me.

– And now I suggest you play a game - a quiz. And you probably guessed that it will be called: “Rus, Russia - My Motherland!” We need to divide into two teams and come up with names for them.

Children:(divided into teams and come up with names: “Bogatyrs”, “Matryoshka”)

Educator: Our game will consist of 5 stages. (For each correct answer the team will receive a chip; at the end of the competition we will sum up the results) First, let's introduce ourselves and greet each other.


We are brave and strong
We are called heroes
We will defeat everyone quickly
Success awaits us ahead! (boys' motto)


We are the beauties of the nesting dolls,
Colorful clothes
We are nesting dolls just cool -
Win try us! (girls' motto)

So, first stage – “Home Country”

You need to look at the screen and choose the correct answer. Raise your hand, don't shout from your seat.

1. In the photographs you see different people. Which one is the president of our country? ( Presentation , slide 1)

2. Each country has its own national flag. Which of the presented ones belongs to Russia? (slide 2)

Poem about the flag a child is reading

White color - birch,
Blue is the color of the sky,
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn

3. Which of the state symbols - the coat of arms belongs to our country? (slide 3)

A child reads a poem about the coat of arms

Russia has a majestic
The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,
So that to the west, to the east
He could look right away
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is Russia's free spirit.

4.Which city is the capital of our Motherland? (slide 4)

A child reads a poem about Moscow.

Moscow is Red Square,
Moscow is the towers of the Kremlin,
Moscow is the heart of Russia,
Who loves you.

5. What is the name of our village? What are the residents of Kuloy called? (Kuloyans, Kuloyans) (slide 5)

6. What is the name of our kindergarten? (slide 6)

7. On what street is our kindergarten located? (slide 7)

Second stage “Proverbs and riddles about the Motherland”

Educator: I start saying a proverb, and you continue

1. Motherland - mother - know how to stand up for her
2. He who stands up for his homeland is a true hero.
3. Beloved homeland, like a dear mother.
4. Live - serve the Motherland.
5. The native land is a paradise for the heart.
6. There is no more beautiful country in the world than our Motherland.

Guess the riddles:

1. It sounds solemn
Everyone stands up in greeting.
The main song of the country
We all must respect! (Hymn)

2. Call me right away
Symbol of the city of Moscow,
The square there is called Red,
The clock on the Spasskaya Tower strikes. (Kremlin)

3. A bronze monument is not a toy for you,
He's a tool, after all. (Tsar Cannon)

4. It happens this month
Bright holiday - Victory Day,
All the guys congratulate
Your grandmothers and grandfathers. (May)

Our country is a very populous state in which different peoples live. But all together the residents of our country are one big Russian family.

Finger gymnastics “Russian family”

Different peoples live in Russia Finger massage
For a long time,
Some people like the taiga,
For others - their native space.
Every nation has its own language
and outfit Hands forward, fingers connected.
One wears a Circassian coat,
The other one put on a robe.
Some are fishermen from birth, Palms imitate the swimming of a fish
Another is a reindeer herder Fingers are spread apart, arms are crossed above the head.
Some people cook kumiss , Circular stroking of the abdomen with the hand
Another is preparing honey. Use the back of your hand to wipe your mouth.
One sweeter autumn Hands are lowered from top to bottom, shaking hands.
For others, spring is dearer They squat and stroke the “grass.”
And the Motherland is Russia "House".
We all have one. They join hands.

Third stage “Flag of the Russian Federation”

Educator: I have stripes on my tables. Let's choose and compose, each of us, our own flag of our Motherland (perform)
Here's one of them. This is the Russian flag.
– What colors do we see on the Russian flag?

Children: White, blue, red.

Educator: What does white remind you of?

Children: Snow, daisies, birches, clouds.

Educator: And white also symbolizes nobility and frankness.

– What does the color blue resemble? (Sky, rivers, lakes, seas). This is the color of fidelity, honesty, impeccability. What can you compare red to?

Children: The color of warmth, fire, sun.

Educator: And this color symbolizes courage, courage, love.
And also - white, red, and blue are colors that have been revered in Rus' since ancient times. We are talking to you all over the world, spring is red, the sea is blue, the girl is red.
Threads of these colors were used to decorate embroidery on clothes. These colors corresponded to popular ideas about the beauty of the world around us, about kindness, and modesty.

The fourth stage “Our national costume”

Children are offered pictures depicting people in various national costumes; they need to find a Russian national costume.

Fifth stage “Musical”

– Many songs have been written about our Motherland. Let's now sing the song "Our Land"
– Now let’s sum up our game. Count the total number of chips your team has.
So, the winner is the team with the most Matryoshka chips.


1. Vetokhina A.Ya., Dmirenko Z.S., Moral and patriotic education of preschool children. Planning and lesson notes. Methodological manual for teachers. – St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House “Childhood-PRESS”. 2011 – 192 p.
2.Gazaeva Z.Sh., Abramochkina O.Yu. Nurturing the value orientations of a preschooler’s personality. // “Management of a preschool educational institution.” – 2010.№ 7. – 97 p.
3. Domozhakova T.I. Raising patriotism in children of senior preschool age: // “Management of preschool educational institutions.” – 2006. – No. 8. – 80 p.
4. Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. We live in Russia. Civic-patriotic education of preschool children (senior group) - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2010. - 112 p.
5. Classes on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions / Ed. L.A. Kondrykinskaya. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010. – 160 p. (Series “Together with children.”)
6. Legacy. Both true stories and fairy tales: a guide to the moral education of preschool and junior children. school age based on the traditions of national culture./ E.V. Solovyova, L.I. Tsarapenko– M.: Obruch, 2011, – 144 p.

Anna Vinokurova


To cultivate a feeling of love for your Motherland - Russia, a sense of pride in it.

Create a joyful, cheerful mood in children.

Develop cognitive interests, attention, thinking, speech.

Activate and expand the vocabulary of preschoolers.

Develop the ability to correctly construct your answer using complex sentences in speech.

Develop the ability to reason, compare, and draw conclusions.

Summarize ideas about the purpose, origin and diversity of coats of arms of Russian cities: Vladimir region; learn to “read” the information contained in coats of arms.

Strengthen the ability to draw with felt-tip pens; develop fantasy and imagination, strengthen the ability to independently choose a plot.

Demo material: map, flag and coat of arms of Russia; coats of arms of Russian cities (of different sizes); double-headed eagle; coat of arms of the d/s "Alenka"; basis for creating the coat of arms of the senior group; basics for children's logos; felt-tip pens or colored pencils; double sided tape.

Musical series: Russian anthem, calm classical music while children perform tasks.

Preliminary work:

study of state symbols of Russia; learning proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, Moscow and patriotism; educational conversations at stands dedicated to the main state symbols; didactic games “Find the coat of arms of your city”, “What can we tell about the city from the coat of arms”, “Guess the coat of arms from the description”; listening to the Russian anthem; reading excerpts from the books by K. Ushinsky “Our Fatherland”, A. Prokofiev “Motherland”, S. Yesenin “Go, you, my dear Rus'.”

V.: - Hello (everyone greets the guests) Guys, you would like to play a very interesting quiz game: “What did the symbol say?” A quiz is a game in which many questions are asked on a certain topic. In our case, we will try to find out what the symbol can tell us. Do you agree to start our educational game? Ilya agrees to play? Does Nikita want it? And Dima?

Children: -Yes!

V.: -Then, take your knowledge with you and go ahead!

But to start our quiz, we need to remember what proverbs and sayings you know about the mighty and boundless Motherland. (children take turns reading the sayings loudly and clearly)

V.: -Okay! And Nikita Metlov knows not only a proverb about the Motherland, but also a beautiful poem about it. Let's listen to him:

Great land

Beloved land

Where we were born and live,

We are the bright homeland,

We are our homeland,

We call you our dear Motherland.

What beautiful lines about our vast country! Every person, listening to such poems, feels a sense of pride for his homeland, his people.

What do you think unites all of us present in this room? (We are all Russians! Citizens of Russia.)

Who is a citizen? (A resident of a country who recognizes its laws - rules of conduct.) He loves his country, is proud of it, experiences grief and joy with it, tries to make it strong and rich.

Guys, now your intelligence and ingenuity will come in handy in our quiz; try to guess simple riddles about the symbols of our country.

The symbol of the Russian state, which depicts an eagle. (coat of arms)

A rectangular panel of a certain color. (flag)

The capital of our state. (Moscow)

Head of State. (president)

What color is the middle stripe on the Russian flag (blue)

A ceremonial piece of music, a symbol of the state. (hymn)

V.: -Wonderful! And you coped with this task well. So the last question was about the anthem. Let us repeat, what is an anthem?

Let's remember him. (the teacher plays the anthem, everyone stands up)

So, what are the main symbols of the country you know? (coat of arms, anthem, flag)

Let's go to the wall and see what the coat of arms is. (children stand in a semicircle around the coat of arms)

Look carefully, whose coat of arms is this? Who can describe and explain its image (one of the guys approaches the coat of arms of Russia and begins to talk about it: - The coat of arms is the symbol of the state. The coat of arms of Russia is a red shield, which depicts a golden double-headed eagle. It has one head facing the east, and the other is to the west, which symbolizes the vigilance of the eagle, which is always on guard. There are three crowns on its head, united by a ribbon, which symbolizes the unity of all regions and regions of a large country. In one paw he holds a scepter, a symbol of power, and in the other, a power. - a symbol of the unity of the state. On the chest of the eagle is the coat of arms of Moscow, the heart of Russia. It depicts Saint George the Victorious on a white horse, killing a serpent with a silver spear. This symbolizes the victory of good over evil.)

V.: -Okay! The meaning of the main coat of arms of Russia was explained to all the children in great detail and clearly.

And Alina knows a poem about our Russian coat of arms, let's listen to it:

Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west and east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud,

He is Russia's free spirit.

You already know that every city in Russia has its own coat of arms. It is his hallmark. The coat of arms tells either about the heroic past of the city, or about what its inhabitants did, or about a unique natural object.

Oh, guys, I forgot, because on my table there are coats of arms of Russian cities. Let's take one coat of arms and play an interesting attention game where your reaction speed will come in handy. (form a large circle for the game)

Whoever has the coat of arms of Moscow, take a step forward and show it to everyone.

Fine! Stand back in the circle.

Whoever has the coat of arms of Vladimir, take a step forward and show it to everyone.

Raise the Melenok coat of arms above your head.

Whoever has the coats of arms of the cities of the Vladimir region, take two steps forward and show them to all the children.

If you have the coats of arms of other Russian cities, raise them above your head.

Amazing! Now put everything back on the table, while dividing the coats of arms into two groups: coats of arms of the cities of the Vladimir region and other cities of Russia. (the guys at the table are sorting coats of arms)

Fine! Now let's sit on the chairs. So, who can tell how the coats of arms of the cities of the Vladimir region differ from other coats of arms (the coat of arms of Vladimir is depicted in the upper field)

Fine! Do you want to play an interesting game (I take out an easel on which I will attach coats of arms)

It is called “What can we tell about the city from the coat of arms.” I will show you any coat of arms, and anyone of you who wants to come up and “read” the information contained in it. (coat of arms of Melenok, Vyaznikov, Murom)

V.: - Great! Guys, you've probably already noticed a map of Russia on the wall. Look how big and beautiful it is, where there are mountains, fields, forests, and rivers. And now I invite everyone to come to the table and take small cards depicting the coats of arms of Russian cities and place them on the map of our Motherland. (one by one, the children attach everything to the map of Russia, while the teacher shows everyone the location of the coat of arms)

V.: - Guys, stand near the map in a semicircle and see how impressive the map of Russia turned out to be. In these small pictures she immediately reflected all the wealth, uniqueness and greatness of our country. And if you place a large image of a double-headed eagle, this proud, freedom-loving bird, above this map, then the eagle will spread its wings over all of Russia. (the teacher places a large drawing of a double-headed eagle above the map of Russia) He unites Russian cities under his wings, takes care of them like his chicks, and protects them from all troubles and misfortunes. And, of course, its unusual appearance speaks of the uniqueness of our country. The territory of Russia stretches from east to west, from the far north to the south. We still have a lot of interesting things to learn about coats of arms. In the meantime, I suggest you rest a little.


Our rest is a physical education minute.

Take your seats:

Step in place left, right,

One and two, one and two!

Keep your back straight,

One and two, one and two!

And don't look at your feet,

One and two, one and two!

Okay, have a rest! And now I want to invite you to try to create a coat of arms for your group. Do you agree? Alina agree? Do you agree with Seryozha?

What is the name of our favorite garden (“Alyonushka”)

That's right, that means the coat of arms of our kindergarten is a blue shield, which depicts a smart, beautiful and kind girl named Alyonushka. (the teacher shows the coat of arms of the garden) This coat of arms symbolizes the development of smart and kind children in our garden.

If our group is in the Alyonushka garden, then Alyonka will be depicted on our coat of arms. (the teacher shows a blank for the group’s coat of arms) Only here we will need to add our favorite games and hobbies, or what we really love to do in kindergarten. Now each of you will draw what he has in mind on the prepared emblem, which we will then place on the group’s coat of arms and decorate Alyonka’s beautiful dress. So, let's prepare workspaces for our creativity. (children move the tables apart and sit down in their places)

Let's get to work. (the teacher hands out a blank emblem to everyone, the children start drawing to the music)

After completing the work, all the children come up to the teacher and take turns gluing their emblem on Alyonushka’s dress.

V.: -Very good! Stand in a semicircle and look at what an interesting and beautiful coat of arms we have created. Who wants to say what your coat of arms can tell about you? (those who wish list the drawn pictures and their meanings)

V.: -That's right, our coat of arms says that the group is in the Alyonushka kindergarten, and the guys in it love to draw, read, build castles, play with dolls, cars, and balls.

Our quiz has come to an end. Now we know what the symbols tell us. I was pleased that you answered questions and were active and attentive. Did you like our unusual quiz game? What do you remember about Alina? What did Nikita like?

Very good! I would like to end our meeting with wonderful words about Russia, which Nastya S. will read:

You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth,

You, my Russia, can sing songs,

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us.

After all, our Russia is us and our friends!

While you are still small, you can make our country strong and powerful if you love your friends and loved ones and do not quarrel. Let's look at each other, smile and let's not forget that you and I are Russians, a very wise, patient, kind people.

Thank you all very much for an interesting quiz game! Goodbye!


  • consolidate children's knowledge about our country, about our village;
  • to form the concept of homeland, as the place where a person was born, and the country where he lives;
  • systematize children’s knowledge about the symbols of the state; consolidate knowledge about the flag, coat of arms, anthem.
  • expand children's horizons; learn to answer questions depending on the content, using an accurate, expressive vocabulary;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism, the desire to imitate the heroes of our Motherland; cultivate a love for the works of Russian poets, artists, composers

Vocabulary work:Motherland, Rus', Russia, parents, people, love, appreciate, respect, symbols, coat of arms, anthem, flag, banner, map, globe.

Previous work:

  • learning poems by Russian poets about the Motherland and nature; proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, Russia, Moscow; songs, folk games,finger gymnastics “Russian Family”
  • reading works by Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature, region, city;
  • examination of illustrations of books, atlases; paintings; postcards; flags, emblems of the country, region, region, city;
  • listening to musical works of a patriotic nature;


An audio recording of the song “Where the Motherland Begins” is played.children with a teacher enter the hall and approach the globe.


The ball is big, there is a country on it,
The city is in it, and there are houses in it.
House on one street,
Inconspicuous, small.
This house, country, land -
This is my homeland!

- Children, what is the Motherland?(The place where we were born; our city, our country)

(Children read poetry)

– What is the name of our country?(Russia)

Educator: Right. Children, look carefully at the map of Russia. Which one of you can show the borders of our country?

The teacher asks two or three children to circle the borders of Russia on a map.

– Russia is our Motherland. Why do we call it Fatherland?(Because our fathers and grandfathers lived here)
– Why do we call it Motherland?
(Because we were born here)

Educator: That’s right, our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived on this land, and your children will live. We call it homeland because this land is native to us, we were born here, our relatives are here, our roots are here, we speak our native language. And everything around is dear and dear to us.

(Children read poetry)

Homeland is a big, big word,
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with your soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies.
It fits exactly half the world,
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends,
Dear city, dear apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten and me.

– And now I suggest you play a game - a quiz. And you probably guessed that it will be called: “Rus, Russia - My Motherland!” We need to divide into two teams and come up with names for them.

Children: (divided into teams and come up with names: “Bogatyrs”, “Matryoshka”)

Educator: Our game will consist of 5 stages. (For each correct answer the team will receive a chip; at the end of the competition we will sum up the results) First, let's introduce ourselves and greet each other.


We are brave and strong
We are called heroes
We will defeat everyone quickly
Success awaits us ahead!(boys' motto)


We are the beauties of the nesting dolls,
Colorful clothes
We are nesting dolls just cool -
Win try us!(girls' motto)

So, first stage – “Home Country”

You need to look at the screen and choose the correct answer. Raise your hand, don't shout from your seat.

1. In the photographs you see different people. Which one is the president of our country? (slide 1)

2. Each country has its own national flag. Which of the presented ones belongs to Russia? (slide 2)

3. Which of the state symbols - the coat of arms belongs to our country? (slide 3)

4.Which city is the capital of our Motherland? (slide 4)

5. What is the name of our city? (slide 5)

6. What is the name of our kindergarten? (slide 6)

Second stage “Proverbs and riddles about the Motherland”

Educator: I start saying a proverb, and you continue

1. Motherland - mother - know how to stand up for her
2. He who stands up for his homeland is a true hero.
3. Beloved homeland, like a dear mother.
4. Live - serve the Motherland.
5. The native land is a paradise for the heart.
6. There is no more beautiful country in the world than our Motherland.

Guess the riddles:

1. It sounds solemn
Everyone stands up in greeting.
The main song of the country
We all must respect!(Hymn)

2. Call me right away
Symbol of the city of Moscow,
The square there is called Red,
The clock on the Spasskaya Tower strikes.(Kremlin)

3. A bronze monument is not a toy for you,
He's a tool, after all.(Tsar Cannon)

4. It happens this month
Bright holiday - Victory Day,
All the guys congratulate
Your grandmothers and grandfathers.(May)

Our country is a very populous state in which different peoples live. But all together the residents of our country are one big Russian family.

Finger gymnastics “Russian family”

Different peoples live in RussiaFinger massage
For a long time,
Some people like the taiga,
For others - their native space.
Every nation has its own language
and outfit
Hands forward, fingers connected.
One wears a Circassian coat,
The other one put on a robe.
Some are fishermen from birth,
Palms imitate the swimming of a fish
Another is a reindeer herder
Fingers are spread apart, arms are crossed above the head.
Some people cook kumiss
, Circular stroking of the abdomen with the hand
Another is preparing honey.
Use the back of your hand to wipe your mouth.
One sweeter autumn
Hands are lowered from top to bottom, shaking hands.
For others, spring is dearer
They squat and stroke the “grass.”
And the Motherland is Russia
We all have one.
They join hands.

Third stage “Flag of the Russian Federation”

Educator: I have stripes on my tables. Let's choose and compose, each of us, our own flag of our Motherland(perform)
Here's one of them. This is the Russian flag.
– What colors do we see on the Russian flag?

Children: White, blue, red.

Educator: What does white remind you of?

Children: Snow, daisies, birches, clouds.

Educator: And white also symbolizes nobility and frankness.

– What does the color blue resemble?(Sky, rivers, lakes, seas). This is the color of fidelity, honesty, impeccability. What can you compare red to?

Children: The color of warmth, fire, sun.

Educator: And this color symbolizes courage, courage, love.
And also - white, red, and blue are colors that have been revered in Rus' since ancient times. We are talking to you all over the world, spring is red, the sea is blue, the girl is red.
Threads of these colors were used to decorate embroidery on clothes. These colors corresponded to popular ideas about the beauty of the world around us, about kindness, and modesty.

The fourth stage “Our national costume”

Children are offered pictures depicting people in various national costumes; they need to find a Russian national costume.

Fifth stage “Musical”

– Many songs have been written about our Motherland. Let's now sing the song "Our Land"
– Now let’s sum up our game. Count the total number of chips your team has.
So, the winner is the team with the most chips...

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