Scandal in the Dzhigarkhanyan family: family drama turns into a crime detective story. Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya about Dzhigarkhanyan and Tabakov, scandal with the apartment, court decision Comments from the artist about the scandal with his wife

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Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya spoke about the relationship between Dzhigarkhanyan and Tabakov

The pianist said that Dzhigarkhanyan was always “blackly jealous” of his colleague’s success, writes the Vlad Time portal with reference to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s Facebook page. In the post, the ex-wife of the People's Artist stated that with such behavior Dzhigarkhanyan doomed himself to death in loneliness and shame.

The pianist allowed herself a harsh statement. As it became known, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya wrote a post about the contradictions between two great actors. According to her, Dzhigarkhanyan will die in shame.

“Tabakov has always been more successful, courageous and consistent in his actions. Dzhigarkhanyan knew this and did not like him. But these are already human qualities,” this entry was found on her page.

Vitalina actively communicates with fans on social networks. “My ex-husband doomed himself to die in shame. And this is his choice,” said Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

The day before, Vitalina was charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and ordered not to leave.

The court arrested the Moscow apartment and 1 million rubles of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife

“The capital court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case for violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box at Lanta Bank and also belongs to Vitalina,” the defender said.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and took a written undertaking not to leave the place. According to investigators, the artist’s ex-wife collected and disseminated information in the press about his personal and family life with Dzhigarkhanyan without his consent.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself, in an interview with a TASS correspondent, rejected the charges. Later, her lawyer Larisa Shirokova told the agency that a non-disclosure agreement was taken from her client; the lawyer emphasized that “if charges were brought, it was in violation of the law.” According to her, from the materials of the criminal case it is not entirely clear who contacted the law enforcement agencies, since there is no information about the interrogation of the actor as a complainant about the crime.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is outraged by the court decision

Throughout yesterday, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s former muse remained silent, but due to the uproar that predictably arose in the media in the evening, she decided to speak out about the court’s decision.

“I am forced to comment on what is happening, since nothing “sensational”, as stated in the press, happened,” says Vitalina. - So: the Moscow City Court was supposed to consider the complaint against the decision of the Cheryomushkinsky court, filed by me and Larisa Shirokova regarding the illegal withdrawal of funds from my safe deposit box in November (or December) 2017. In fact, they were looking for fake documents about fraudulent real estate transactions, but in their absence they decided to seize at least the money. The article under which the investigation is being conducted does not provide for such sanctions, and we will appeal anything that is contrary to the law in all possible instances in a procedural manner. In fact, the meeting was postponed due to untimely notification (at least 7 days), and in our case, the complete lack of notification by the Cheryomushkinsky court to me and my lawyer about the date of the meeting. However, we were never notified of any procedural action of this court. We found out about the seizure by chance, a month later.”

Yesterday, Vitalina’s representative Larisa Shirokova commented on the judicial scandal: “The capital court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case for violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box at Lanta Bank and also belongs to Vitalina,” she said.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya spilled the beans about Dzhigarkhanyan’s black envy of Tabakov

The artist, having left the hospital, has been sleeping in the theater for three days

The Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater was seized by the Armenian mafia. The young wife robbed her famous husband. For the second week, the family “Santa Barbara” by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan haunts the average person, who is not fed bread - let him discuss someone else’s pocket and divide someone else’s property. What TV channels skillfully use in the fight for ratings.

After the performance, Armen Borisovich met with the artists in his office, which temporarily became his home.

News from the front: the police arrived at the theater on Lomonosovsky Prospekt. At first everyone was scared, but then it turned out that the check was being carried out at the request of Armen Borisovich himself due to the fact that his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya had stolen her passport. But actually, this is an article, and that means a criminal case has been opened. The police were looking for the artist’s main document in the theater, but for some reason they also became interested in the accounting department. Why on earth is unknown, but financial documents were seized. But here’s what’s surprising: there were no documents relating to the period of Vitalina’s work as a director (since 2016) in the accounting department. They are said to have been taken out. The acting director was also not at work, as I was told at the theater; a lawyer came to talk to representatives of law enforcement agencies on her behalf. The police themselves were surprised - they did not call anyone for an inquiry. Haven't called yet.

What about Armen Borisovich? After being discharged from the hospital, he came to the theater (and in fact, he had nowhere else to go), where he lived for the third day. He says that he feels very comfortable in his office (by the way, there is a bathroom next to the office), so there are some conditions. Friends who look after the artist found him a rented apartment not far from the theater, but he himself persistently expresses a desire to go to his own, the very new one on Molodogvardeyskaya Street. For some reason, he is firmly convinced that half of the living space is his. That’s what he says: “I’ll put up a partition and start living there.”

This is unlikely to happen, since the apartment is registered in the name of the spouse, where she now lives. As the actor’s friend Arthur Soghomonyan told us, when the actor arrived on Wednesday to pick up his things, he was allowed into the house, but on the condition that no one else would cross the threshold. We barely managed to persuade the owner to let the security guard in. Literally within a few minutes (that’s how long Armen Borisovich’s stay in the apartment lasted) he took out the artist’s belongings. Therefore, it is unlikely that Dzhigarkhanyan will be able to settle down in his own half in the near future.

The story, vile in every sense, is actually boring and primitive, since it is based on real estate (of any kind) and money - nothing else. A classic misalliance has a classic ending; isolated exceptions only confirm the rule.

Armen Borisovich and Vitalina. Photo: facebook@Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya

But it’s easy to say “an old fool,” but what if you imagine an old man who, at 70, with a wife, lives alone? Men, even if they are not widowers, do not know how to live alone. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife, Tatyana Vlasova, lived in America for many years, where Armen Borisovich regularly sent her financial support and bought a house, which was sold. What can a middle-aged man, very unhealthy, although popular, with the status of People's Artist of the USSR, do? Especially if peace and care comes to him in the form of a young woman? Of course, leaning on a woman’s shoulder is not living with a nurse: it’s too wretched and sad a picture to illustrate the life of a working artist. In fairness, it must be said that for the ten years that Dzhigarkhanyan and Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were together (although she claims 15), Armen Borisovich had supervision, including medical care. You know, giving a pill to an elderly person on time, making sure they take medications - at a certain age this is more expensive than many manifestations of love.

I do not rule out that this was precisely what erased even the slightest suspicion on the part of the artist of possible greed on the part of his young wife. Perhaps that is why he allowed her to transfer all the real estate that was not overwhelming in size (a one-room apartment and a three-room apartment) to her, as well as his bank accounts. Armen Borisovich, who was always considered smart and cunning among actors, sincerely told me a year and a half ago: “After all, she loves me.” And to my doubts: “What if this is a calculation? What if you feel false?” “I’ll kick you out,” he said abruptly.

So he kicked him out, moreover, he was the first to make a fuss, accusing his wife of theft. Does this act make him look good? At first glance, no, of course not. But on the second... If an 82-year-old man suddenly discovers that, according to documents, he is left without a single square meter of housing, then here you will not only start making noise, but you will also scream. From pain, from looking at yourself from the outside and realizing that with the high status of People’s Artist of the USSR, you are a homeless person. How else can he return to his previous positions? How can a woman who is labeled a “thief” live? It’s unpleasant, unbearable when the whole country rinses you. There is one way to remove all suspicions and finally finish “Santa Barbara”: return to your husband what is due under the law, even with the words “chokes on them.” Will Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya take this step?

But let's return to the theater. Despite the fact that the police worked in the backstage area for a long time on Thursday, the performance took place that evening. After him, the artists went up to their artistic director’s office and sat with him for a long time. It seems that the team has split - the artists are with him, but the administration, which the ex-director and now ex-wife selected for themselves, is not happy with him. A conflict is inevitable, and this is of no use to him at all: due to health reasons after the hospital, stress is categorically contraindicated for Dzhigarkhanyan.

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The pianist said that Dzhigarkhanyan was always “blackly jealous” of his colleague’s success, writes the Vlad Time portal with reference to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya’s Facebook page. In the post, the ex-wife of the People's Artist stated that with such behavior Dzhigarkhanyan doomed himself to death in loneliness and shame.

The pianist allowed herself a harsh statement. As it became known, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya wrote a post about the contradictions between two great actors. According to her, Dzhigarkhanyan will die in shame.

“Tabakov has always been more successful, courageous and consistent in his actions. Dzhigarkhanyan knew this and did not like him. But these are already human qualities,” this entry was found on her page.

Vitalina actively communicates with fans on social networks. “My ex-husband doomed himself to die in shame. And this is his choice,” said Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

The day before, Vitalina was charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and ordered not to leave.

The court arrested the Moscow apartment and 1 million rubles of Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife

“The capital court arrested my client’s apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street in Moscow as part of a criminal case for violation of privacy. In addition, the court imposed a security arrest for 1 million rubles, which is located in a safe deposit box at Lanta Bank and also belongs to Vitalina,” the defender said.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation charged Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya under Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of privacy”) and took a written undertaking not to leave the place. According to investigators, the artist’s ex-wife collected and disseminated information in the press about his personal and family life with Dzhigarkhanyan without his consent.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself, in an interview with a TASS correspondent, rejected the charges. Later, her lawyer Larisa Shirokova told the agency that a non-disclosure agreement was taken from her client; the lawyer emphasized that “if charges were brought, it was in violation of the law.” According to her, from the materials of the criminal case it is not entirely clear who contacted the law enforcement agencies, since there is no information about the interrogation of the actor as a complainant about the crime.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya is outraged by the court decision

Throughout yesterday, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s former muse remained silent, but due to the uproar that predictably arose in the media in the evening, she decided to speak out about the court’s decision.

“I am forced to comment on what is happening, since nothing “sensational”, as stated in the press, happened,” says Vitalina. - So: the Moscow City Court was supposed to consider the complaint against the decision of the Cheryomushkinsky court, filed by me and Larisa Shirokova regarding the illegal withdrawal of funds from my safe deposit box in November (or December) 2017. In fact, they were looking for fake documents about fraudulent real estate transactions, but in their absence they decided to seize at least the money. The article under which the investigation is being conducted does not provide for such sanctions, and we will appeal anything that is contrary to the law in all possible instances in a procedural manner. In fact, the meeting was postponed due to untimely notification (at least 7 days), and in our case, the complete lack of notification by the Cheryomushkinsky court to me and my lawyer about the date of the meeting. However, we were never notified of any procedural action of this court. We found out about the seizure by chance, a month later.”

Famous actor and theater director Armen Dzhigarkhanyan wrote a statement to the police against his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. He accused his wife of attempted murder and theft. At the same time, the artist himself is in the hospital. What is happening in the actor’s family, clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova asked the tarot cards.

“The situation is quite classic. You can give many examples of such unions, among our artists, showmen, leaving their families and rushing to young ladies. The same thing happened with Armen Dzhigarkhyanyan,” says tarologist, clairvoyant Marianna Abravitova.

Of course, this doesn’t happen in a vacuum. “So there was a certain basis for this, and an empty niche that I wanted to fill with something. Now to say that it was the girl who started it all, and started it all, and all that, is wrong. A holy place is never empty. In his soul he wanted to fill the space. This beautiful girl happened to be nearby, a spark flashed, it started spinning and everything started spinning. So it turned out what we see,” noted the tarot reader.

The couple got married safely. “The fact that he copied everything to her is his right. Maybe he was blinded by passion, practically a person does this as if it was the last time. A person leaves a trail behind him, and if you look closely, you can see a lot of such examples with such a scenario. Well, he himself came out of this scenario, he started the quarrel himself. Those friends who were nearby at the moment of his loneliness really screwed him up. That’s why he ended up in the hospital,” said the clairvoyant.

According to Abravitova, the relationship between the spouses will not be the same as before. “The wedge has been driven seriously. The development of events is the erosion of these relations. There is a showdown ahead regarding both inheritance and real estate. There is a phenomenal scandal ahead,” said the tarot reader.

Abravitova noted that the actor now has a choice of what to do: either put up with this wife, or return to his first wife, or calmly remain alone. “A fork in the road, so to speak. But universal human concepts are included. Then he goes in the direction of leaving his young wife. I would give it 70% in favor of them breaking up,” the cards showed.

“I don’t see that she’s a fraud and robbed him. She just happened to be in the right place at the right time. She helped him a lot with his health and generally revived his life. Now he may begin to come to completely different conclusions, especially since he they sing completely different things. Many are simply screwing him up. If now everything is taken away from Vitalina in court, it will be wrong. She gave him her youth and attention, and she really loved him. I would like the situation to still be the same. fair,” says the clairvoyant.

In second place is the question - where will the actor go if he gets divorced? “Reconciliation with the first wife will be quite conditional. But as a person, Dzhigarkhanyan is far from his first wife and a global return is impossible. He will remain a free man, as they say, a free groom,” Abravitova concluded.

YEREVAN, Oct 17 – Sputnik. A few days ago, Russian media literally blew up the Internet with news about a conflict between the most popular theater and film actor, head of the Moscow Drama Theater Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is 44 years younger than her husband.

Information appeared in the press that the director of the Drama Theater had a fight with his young wife because she “wanted to kill him and take possession of the property,” after which he and his friends left home and did not return. The artist did not contact his wife.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, in turn, claimed that an ordinary family quarrel occurred between the spouses, and the actor’s friends took him away and forcibly kept him in the hospital.

Later, Vitalina allegedly contacted the police so that law enforcement agencies could help find her husband. After some time, Dzhigarkhanyan was found in the hospital in serious condition. At the same time, he categorically refused to let his wife into his room...

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s sister, Marina, also spoke out in defense of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, claiming that Vitalina is a deeply decent person, without whom her brother would have left this world long ago.

The famous Russian TV presenter Andrei Malakhov did not ignore the topic. The correspondent of the “Live Broadcast” program managed to interview Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who is currently in the hospital.

In his speech, the actor called his wife a thief.

"I got sick. I almost caught a cold. It was almost over. But the most difficult thing is that not very good processes happened in my life. I had a wife, like a normal person. Then this woman turned out... It seemed like nothing was in danger. It’s sad. It’s hard to pronounce her name brought me a lot of pain... I’m always afraid when even people close to me start to come close to me. No! Let me think for myself and make some kind of decision. I’m not ready to forgive her. behaved disgustingly. A thief! She is a thief, not a person!” Dzhigarkhanyan noted in his unexpected confession.

“I am in very good condition, I am 80 years old. All this must be taken into account, because I won’t run now. I can’t and I don’t want to. But the most important thing for me is I want to return to my favorite theater. And all the other comrades they say, ‘Don’t do it.’ Because we often pretend that we are helping. We are masters of disrupting life,” he said.

According to Russian media, the situation was recently commented on by the famous TV presenter and public figure Oksana Pushkina, a friend of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. According to her, the actor is going to file for divorce.

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