Fairy tales by writers based on folk motives. The best fairy tales of Russian writers (FB2)

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Fairy tales are a very important genre in literature. This is where young children begin to become acquainted with the world of prose and poetry. But what do they mean, what is the history and specificity of the author's fairy tales? Let's look at all this below, as well as a list of Russian literary fairy tales with their authors and features.


A fairy tale is a genre in literature, usually based on folklore. It can be both prosaic and poetic. However, this is mainly folklore prose, and each nation has its own fairy tales. The main difference for them is usually the presence of mythical creatures and/or fantasy, fantastic, and magical elements.

But unlike folklore works, fairy tales always have an author. Often there is an obvious struggle between good and evil, bad and good. Usually there is a main character - the “favorite” of the author and, as a result, the reader. And there is also an antihero - a mythical villain.


As mentioned above, fairy tales originate from folklore. However, not always, because they can also be purely copyrighted. They appeared a long time ago in the form of folklore works, passed on “from mouth to mouth.” In Rus', for a long time, their own folk tales existed and spread.

Some works can be classified as very old fairy tales. For example, many folklore tales of Ancient Rus' and church parables of the Middle Ages, in many ways reminiscent of the genre we are considering.

Further, fairy tales began to appear in Europe in the usual sense for people: the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault and many others. But on the territory of modern Russia, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was previously (and still is) very popular. In the 18th century, in general, many writers loved to take a basis from folklore and thus create new works.

In the 20th century, even more fairy tales appeared. Such great writers as Maxim Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy and others were known as authors of this genre.


Author's fairy tales are also called literary. As already described above, they are distinguished from folklore works by the presence of an author. Of course, even very old folk tales had their creators, but the authors as such were lost, because for centuries the stories passed orally from one person to another, sometimes even significantly modified, since each person could interpret and retell in different ways, and so for a long time.

Another difference between an author’s fairy tale and a folk tale is that it can be in both verse and prose, while the second can only be in prose (initially it was only oral). Also, folklore usually touches on the theme of the confrontation between good and evil, while in literary works this is not necessary.

Another difference is that folk tales have more superficially described characters, while in literary tales, on the contrary, each character is clearly expressed and individual. In folklore there is also a beginning, a saying and peculiar figures of speech. They also tend to be even smaller than literary ones. This is all due to the fact that it was transmitted orally, so much was lost, and the size was shortened because it was forgotten over generations. But nevertheless, the tendency to different speech patterns, characteristic only of Russian fairy tales, has been preserved. For example, “once upon a time,” the epithet “good fellow,” and in Pushkin: “in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state,” etc.

The most surprising thing is that there is no exact definition of an author's fairy tale as such. Yes, it originated from folklore and has changed greatly, which helps in defining this term. Fantastic creatures have been preserved, which change depending on the people. Fairy tales are usually small in size. There is definitely some fiction in them. But you can always find some kind of morality, which is the main purpose of a fairy tale. This distinguishes it from fantasy, where the emphasis is not on morality, but on the narration of the plot, which also differs in that it has more adventures, events, and breathtaking events. Also, fantasy works and epics are long in size. And the world described in them usually does not have a folklore basis. It is often a fiction of an author who has completely created his own reality. In fairy tales, on the contrary, there is fiction, but it is within the framework of the real world.


Many researchers divide literary fairy tales into several categories. E. V. Pomerantseva, for example, divides them into 4 genres:

  • adventure-novelistic;
  • household;
  • about animals;
  • magical.

But the domestic folklorist V. Ya. Propp divides fairy tales into a larger number of categories:

  1. About inanimate nature, animals, plants, objects. Everything is simple here: fairy tales tell about this, respectively, about animals or inanimate nature as the main element. An interesting fact here is that such works are rarely Russian or European. But similar tales are often found among the peoples of Africa and North America.
  2. Cumulative fairy tales refer to those works where the plot is repeated several times until the denouement reaches the climax. This makes it easier for children to perceive them. A striking example is the stories about the turnip and the kolobok.
  3. The everyday (novelistic) genre tells about people with different personalities. For example, a fairy tale about an evil deceiver or a stupid person.
  4. Boring fairy tales are designed to lull children to sleep. They are very short and simple. (For example, a fairy tale about a white bull).
  5. Fables about something that could not happen in reality. It is worth noting that all fairy tales have a share of fiction, but fables contain the most fiction: talking animals, humanized bears (they live like people, communicate, etc.). As a rule, all subspecies overlap with each other. It is rare that a work belongs to only one of them.

In Russian fairy tales, heroic and soldier branches are also distinguished.

The most interesting thing is that fairy tales as a genre are studied very seriously. In Europe, A. Aarne wrote the so-called “Index of Fairytale Types” in 1910, which also contains divisions into types. Unlike the typology of Propp and Pomerantseva, well-known European tales about fooled devils and anecdotes are added here. Based on the works, Aarne created his index of fairy-tale plots and S. Thompson in 1928. A little later, folklorist N.P. Andreev and many other researchers worked on this typology, but with the introduction of Russian (Slavic) types.

Above we looked at the main subspecies, which relate more to folk art. Author's fairy tales, as a rule, are much more complex, and it is not easy to type them into a certain subgenre, but they have adopted a lot from folklore and the types described above as their basis. Also, plot motifs are taken from many sources. For example, the hatred of stepdaughter and stepmother, popular in works.

Now let's move on to the lists of folk and literary fairy tales.

Fairy tales for 1st grade

The list is large, since children begin their introduction to reading with stories and fairy tales, because they are small and easy to remember and master. In first grade it is recommended to read:

  1. Small folk tales. Often they are about animals: “The Cat and the Fox”, “Kolobok”, “Crow and Crayfish”, “Geese-Swans”, as well as “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Porridge from an Ax”, “A Man and a Bear”, “ Cockerel-golden comb”, “Morozko”, “Bubble, straw and bast shoe”, “Teremok”, “At the command of the pike”, etc.
  2. Charles Perrault, "Little Red Riding Hood".
  3. Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and other short stories.

Literary fairy tales: 2nd grade, list

  1. Folk tales adapted by A. N. Tolstoy.
  2. Works of the Brothers Grimm, for example "The Town Musicians of Bremen".
  3. E. L. Schwartz, "The New Adventures of Puss in Boots."
  4. C. Perrault: "Puss in Boots" and "Little Red Riding Hood".
  5. Tales of Hans Christian Andersen.
  6. As well as small works by A. S. Pushkin, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, P. Ershov, P. Bazhov, K. D. Ushinsky and others.

List of literary fairy tales for grade 3

In these classes they also read fairy tales, but they are longer, and there are also fewer folk tales and more literary ones. For example, Lewis Carroll's well-known fairy tale about Alice Through the Looking Glass. As well as larger fairy tales by Mamin-Sibiryak, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Pushkin, Bazhov, Zhukovsky, Tchaikovsky, Perrault, Andersen and many others.

4th grade

List of literary fairy tales:

  • Garshin V. M., “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”;
  • Zhukovsky V. A., “The Tale of Tsar Berendey”, “There the skies and waters are clear”;
  • E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time."

5th grade

Literary fairy tales in the secondary school reading program are much less common than in grades 1-4, but nevertheless there are such works. For example, fairy tales by Andersen and Pushkin, which are also available in primary grades. The list of literary fairy tales for grade 5 does not end here. There are also works by Zhukovsky, Schwartz and many others for children of this age.

Instead of a conclusion

A fairy tale is a very interesting genre, which is still studied by various researchers, and children read according to the school curriculum. Initially, they were only folk, transmitted orally. But then author’s literary fairy tales began to appear, which usually take folklore plots and characters as a basis. Such works are small, they contain fiction and a special narrative. But this is precisely what makes the fairy tale genre special and distinguishes it from others.

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The literary fairy tale as a genre is, of course, a full-fledged and full-blooded direction of literature. It seems that the demand for these works will never be exhausted; they will certainly and constantly be in demand by both children and adults of all ages. Today this genre is more universal than ever. Literary fairy tales and their authors are popular, although certain failures occur. There is still a connection with folklore, but modern realities and details are also used. big enough. Trying to identify only the very best, you can fill up more than one sheet of paper. But we will still try to do this in this article.

Features of a literary fairy tale

How does it differ from folklore? Well, firstly, because it has a specific author, writer or poet (if it is in poetry). And folklore, as we know, presupposes collective creativity. The peculiarity of a literary fairy tale is that it combines the principles of both folklore and literature. You can say this: this is the next stage in the evolution of folklore. After all, many authors retell well-known plots of fairy tales, considered folk, using the same characters. And sometimes they come up with new original characters and talk about their adventures. The name may also be original. Hundreds of literary fairy tales have been invented, but they all have a specific authorship and a clearly expressed

A little history

Turning to the origins of the author's fairy tale, we can conditionally note the Egyptian “About Two Brothers”, written down in the 13th century before. Also recall the Greek epics “Iliad” and “Odyssey”, the authorship of which is attributed to Homer. And church parables are nothing more than a semblance of a literary fairy tale. During the Renaissance, a list of literary fairy tales would probably be a collection of short stories by famous writers.

The genre received further development in the 17th and 18th centuries in European fairy tales by C. Perrault and A. Galland, and Russian fairy tales by M. Chulkova. And in the 19th century, a whole galaxy of brilliant authors in different countries used the literary fairy tale. European - Hoffmann, Andersen, for example. Russians - Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Leskov. The list of literary fairy tales in the 20th century is expanded with their creativity by A. Tolstoy, A. Lindgren, A. Milne, K. Chukovsky, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak and many other equally famous authors.

Tales of Pushkin

The concept of “literary author's fairy tale” is perhaps best illustrated by the work of Alexander Pushkin. In principle, these works: the fairy tales “About Tsar Saltan”, “About the Fisherman and the Fish”, “About the Priest and His Worker Balda”, “About the Golden Cockerel”, “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” - were not planned for presentation to a children's audience . However, due to circumstances and the author’s talent, they soon found themselves on the children’s reading list. Vivid images and well-remembered lines of poetry place these fairy tales in the category of unconditional classics of the genre. However, few people know that Pushkin used folk tales as the basis for the plots of his works, such as “The Greedy Old Woman,” “The Farmhand Shabarsh,” and “The Tale of Wonderful Children.” And in folk art itself, the poet saw an inexhaustible source of images and plots.

List of literary tales

We can talk for a long time about the originality of retellings and adaptations. But in this regard, it would be best to recall Tolstoy’s famous fairy tale “Pinocchio,” which the author “copied” from Collodi’s “Pinocchio.” Carlo Collodi himself, in turn, used the folk image of a wooden puppet for street theater. But “Pinocchio” is a completely different, author’s fairy tale. In many ways, according to some critics, it has surpassed the original in terms of its literary and artistic value, at least for the Russian-speaking reader.

From the original literary fairy tales, where the characters are invented by the author himself, we can highlight two stories about Winnie the Pooh, who lives with his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. The magical and optimistic atmosphere created in the works, the characters of the inhabitants of the Forest, their characters are striking in their unusualness. Although here, in terms of organizing the narrative, a technique previously used by Kipling is used.

Also interesting in this context are Astrid Lindgren's fairy tales about the funny flying Carlson, who lives on the roof, and the Kid, who becomes his friend.

Screen adaptations of literary fairy tales

It should be noted that literary fairy tales are fertile and inexhaustible material for film adaptations, fictional and cartoon. Just look at the film adaptation of the cycle of tales by John Tolkien (Tolkien) about the adventures of the hobbit Baggins (in one of the first translations into Russian - by Sumkins).

Or the world famous epic about young wizards and Harry Potter! And cartoons are endless. Here you have Carlson, and the Wizard of the Emerald City, and other heroes, characters from literary fairy tales familiar to everyone from childhood.

© Bianki V.V., inheritance, 2015

© Platonov A.P., inheritance, 2015

© Tolstoy A. N., inheritance, 2015

© Tsygankov I. A., ill., 2015

© Composition, design. LLC Publishing House "Rodnichok", 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015

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A. S. Pushkin

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish

AND or an old man with his old woman
By the bluest sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was catching fish with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea, -
A net arrived with nothing but mud.
Another time he cast a net, -
A net came with sea grass.
For the third time he cast the net, -
A net came with one fish,
With a difficult fish - gold.
How the goldfish prays!
He says in a human voice:
“You, elder, let me go to sea!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I’ll pay you back with whatever you want.”
The old man was surprised and frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said a kind word to her:
“God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

IN the old man turned to the old woman,
He told her a great miracle:
“Today I caught a fish,
Goldfish, not an ordinary one;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
I asked to go home to the blue sea,
Bought at a high price:
I bought whatever I wanted.
I didn’t dare take a ransom from her;
So he let her into the blue sea.”
The old woman scolded the old man:
“You fool, you simpleton!
You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!
If only you could take the trough from her,
Ours is completely split.”

IN from there he went to the blue sea;
He sees that the sea is playing up a little.

A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”

“Have mercy, lady fish,
My old woman scolded me,
The old man gives me no peace:
She needs a new trough;
Ours is completely split.”
The goldfish answers:

There will be a new trough for you."

IN the old man turned to the old woman,
The old woman has a new trough.
The old woman scolds even more:
“You fool, you simpleton!
You begged for a trough, you fool!
There's a lot of self-interest in the trough 1
Bark is - benefit, material benefit (hereinafter approx.

Turn back, fool, you are going to the fish;
Bow to her and beg for a hut.”

IN from there he went to the blue sea;
(The blue sea has become cloudy).
He began to click on the goldfish,

“What do you want, elder?”

“Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman scolds even more,
The old man gives me no peace:
A grumpy woman is asking for a hut.”
The goldfish answers:
“Do not be sad, go with God,
So be it: you’ll have a hut.”

P he went to his dugout,
And there is no trace of the dugout;
In front of him is a hut with a light 2
Svetelka is a small room, usually in the upper part of the dwelling.

With a brick, whitewashed pipe,
With oak, plank gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What the world stands on scolds her husband:
“You are a fool, you are a simpleton!
The simpleton begged for a hut!
Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a black peasant girl,
I want to be a pillar noblewoman" 3
Stolbova's noblewoman is a noblewoman of an old and noble family.

P the old man went to the blue sea;
(The blue sea is not calm).

A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
The old woman became more foolish than ever,
The old man gives me no peace:
She no longer wants to be a peasant,
She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman.”
The goldfish answers:
“Do not be sad, go with God.”

IN The old man turned to the old woman.
What does he see? High tower.
His old woman is standing on the porch
In an expensive sable jacket 4
Dushegre?yka is a women's warm jacket without sleeves.

Brocade on the crown 5
Makovka is the top.

Kichka 6
Ki?chka is an ancient headdress of a married woman.

Pearls? loaded the neck,
There are gold rings on my hands,
Red boots on her feet.
Before her are diligent servants;
She beats them for chuprun 7
Chuprun - a strand of hair falling on the forehead.

The old man says to his old woman:
“Hello, madam, noblewoman!
Tea, now your darling is happy.”
The old woman shouted at him,
She sent him to serve at the stables.

IN from a week, another passes,
The old woman became even more furious:
Again he sends the old man to the fish.
“Turn back, bow to the fish:
I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,
But I want to be a free queen.”
The old man got scared and prayed:
“Why, woman, have you eaten too much henbane? 8
Henbane? - a poisonous weed. The question “Have you eaten too much henbane?” means: “Are you completely crazy?”

You can neither step nor speak,
You will make the whole kingdom laugh."
The old woman became even more angry,
She hit her husband on the cheek.
“How dare you, man, argue with me,
With me, a pillar noblewoman? –
Go to the sea, they tell you with honor,
If you don’t go, they will lead you willy-nilly.”

WITH the little car went to the sea;
(The blue sea turned black).
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
Again my old woman rebels:
She doesn't want to be a noblewoman,
She wants to be a free queen."
The goldfish answers:
“Don’t be sad, go with God!
Good! the old woman will be queen!”

WITH The little car returned to the old woman.
Well? before him are the royal chambers 9
The palace is a large, rich building, room.

In the chambers he sees his old woman,
She sits at the table like a queen,
Boyars and nobles serve her,
They pour her foreign wines;
She eats printed gingerbread 10
Printed gingerbread - gingerbread with an imprinted pattern.

A formidable guard stands around her,
They hold axes on their shoulders.
When the old man saw it, he was scared!
He bowed to the old woman's feet,
He said: “Hello, formidable queen!
Well, now your darling is happy.”

The old woman did not look at him,
She just ordered him to be driven out of sight.
The boyars and nobles ran up,
The old man was pushed back.
And the guards ran up at the door,
Almost chopped her up with axes;
And the people laughed at him:
“Serves you right, old ignorant 11
An ignoramus is a rude, ill-mannered person.

From now on, science for you, ignoramus:
Don’t sit in the wrong sleigh!”

IN from a week, another passes,
The old woman became even more furious:
The courtiers send for her husband,
They found the old man and brought him to her.
The old woman says to the old man:
“Turn back, bow to the fish.
I don't want to be a free queen,
I want to be the mistress of the sea,
So that I can live in Okiyan-Sea,
So that the goldfish may serve me
And she would be on my errands.”

WITH Tariq did not dare to contradict,
I didn’t dare say a word.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
He sees a black storm at sea:
So the angry waves swelled,
That's how they walk and howl and howl.
He began to click on the goldfish.
A fish swam to him and asked:
“What do you want, elder?”
The old man answers her with a bow:
“Have mercy, lady fish!
What should I do with the damned woman?
She doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be the mistress of the sea;
So that she can live in Okiyan-Sea,
So that you yourself serve her
And I would have been on her errands.”
The fish didn't say anything
Just splashed her tail in the water
And went into the deep sea.
He waited for a long time by the sea for an answer,
He didn’t wait, he returned to the old woman -
Lo and behold, there was a dugout in front of him again;
His old woman is sitting on the threshold,
And in front of her is a broken trough.

The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda

AND once upon a time pop
Thick forehead.
The priest went to the market
View some products.
Balda meets him
He goes without knowing where.
“Why, dad, did you get up so early?
What are you asking for?”
The priest answered him: “I need a worker:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find one like this?
Isn’t the servant too expensive?”
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very efficiently,
In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelled 12
Polba is a cereal, a special type of wheat.

The priest became thoughtful,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Click to click, it's like roses.
Yes, he hoped for Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It won't be difficult for both of us.
Live in my yard
Show your zeal and agility."
Balda lives in the priest's house,
He sleeps on the straw,
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Until daylight everything dances with him,
The horse will be harnessed, the strip will be plowed,
He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
It will bake the egg and peel it off on its own.
Popadya can't boast about Balda enough,
Popovna is only sad about Balda,
Popyonok calls him father;
He makes porridge and looks after the child.

Only the priest doesn’t like Balda,
He will never take a liking to him,
He often thinks about retribution;
Time passes, and the deadline is approaching.
The priest doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking in advance.
Here he confesses to the priest:
“So and so: what remains to be done?”
The woman has a quick-witted mind,
Capable of all sorts of tricks.
Popadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda's service,
so that he becomes unbearable;
And demand that he fulfill it exactly.
This will save your forehead from reprisals,
And you’ll send Balda away without retribution.”

The priest's heart became more cheerful,
He began to look at Balda more boldly.
So he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker Balda.
Listen: the devils have agreed to pay
I need a quitrent 13
Obrok - forced payment in kind or cash from peasants under serfdom.

By my very death;
You wouldn't need a better income,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Collect the full rent from the devils for me.”

Balda, there’s no need to argue with the priest,
He went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, the end of it will be wetted in the sea.
An old demon came out of the sea:
“Why did you, Balda, come to us?” –
“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
Yes, you, damned tribe, make a face"
The old demon was overcome by despondency here.
“Tell me, why such disfavor?” –
“What for? You don't pay rent
Don't remember the due date;
This will be fun for us,
You dogs are a great nuisance.” –
“Baby girl, wait until you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you.”

Balda thinks: “It’s not easy to pull this off!”
The sent imp emerged,
He meowed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda little man;
What kind of rent do you need?
We have not heard of rent for centuries,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, and by agreement,
From our common verdict -
So that in future there will be no grief for anyone:
Which of us will run around the sea faster?
Then take the full rent for yourself,
Meanwhile, a bag will be prepared there.”
Balda laughed slyly:
“What did you make up, right?
Where can you compete with me?
With me, with Balda himself?
This adversary was sent 14
Adversary - adversary, foe.

Wait for my little brother."

Balda went to the nearby forest,
I caught two bunnies and put them in a bag.
He comes to the sea again,
Finds an imp by the sea.
Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
“Dance to our balalaika:
You, imp, are still young?
There is no one who can compete with me,
It would just be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up."

The imp and the bunny set off:
Little imp along the seashore,
And the bunny goes home to the woods.
Behold, having run around the sea,
Sticking out his tongue, raising his muzzle,
The imp came running, gasping for breath,
All wet, wiping himself with his paw,
Thoughts: things will get better with Balda.

Lo and behold, Balda is stroking his brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling."
The imp was dumbfounded
Tucked his tail, completely subdued,
He looks sideways at his brother.
“Wait,” he says, “I’ll go get the quitrent.”

I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
The smaller Balda overtook me!
The old Bes began to think.
And Balda made such a noise,
That the whole sea was confused
And it spread out in waves.

The imp came out: “That’s enough, little man,
We will send you the entire quitrent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose your favorite meta.
Who will throw the stick next?
Let him take away the quitrent.
Well? Are you afraid of twisting your arms?
What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I’m waiting for this cloud over there;
I'll throw your stick there,
And I’ll start a fight with you devils.”
The little imp got scared and went to his grandfather,
Tell about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, he threatens the devils with a rope.

The imp came out again: “Why are you bothering?
There will be a quitrent for you if you want..." -
“No,” says Balda, “
Now it's my turn
I will set the conditions myself,
I’ll give you, enemy, a task.
Let's see how strong you are.
Do you see the gray mare there?
Raise the mare
Carry it half a mile;
If you carry the mare, the dues are already yours;
If you don’t knock off the mare, he’ll be mine.”
Poor little devil
I crawled under the mare,
I strained
I strained myself
He lifted the mare, took two steps,
On the third he fell and stretched his legs.

And Balda told him: “You stupid demon,
Where did you follow us?
And I couldn’t take it off with my hands,
And look, I’ll blow you between your legs.”
Balda sat astride the filly
Yes a mile away 15
Verst? – Russian measure of length equal to 1.06 km.

I galloped until there was a column of dust.
The imp got scared and went to his grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.

There is nothing to do - the devils have collected the quitrent
Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
Balda comes, quacks,
And the priest, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the butt
He squirms in fear.

Balda found him here,
He gave the quitrent and began to demand payment.
Poor pop
He raised his forehead:
From the first click
The priest jumped to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost my pop tongue
And from the third click
It knocked the old man's mind out.
And Balda said reproachfully:
“You shouldn’t be chasing something cheap, priest.”

The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

N wherever 16
Not? somewhere - somewhere.

In the distant kingdom,
In the thirtieth state,
Once upon a time there lived a glorious king Dadon.
From a young age he was formidable
And the neighbors every now and then
Boldly inflicted insults,
But in my old age I wanted
Take a break from the military 17
Ratny - military; army - army.

And give yourself some peace.
The neighbors are disturbing here
Steel the old king,
Doing terrible harm to him.
So that the ends of your possessions
Protect from attacks
He should have contained
Numerous army.

The governors did not sleep,
But they didn’t have time:
They used to wait from the south, lo and behold -
An army is coming from the east,
They will celebrate here - dashing guests
And they blow about the sea. Out of anger
Indus 18
Inda – even, so.

King Dadon cried,
Inda even forgot his sleep.
Why is life in such anxiety!
Here he is asking for help 19
Pomo?ga - help.

Turned to the sage
To the astrologer and eunuch.
He sends a messenger after him with a bow.

IN from the sage before Dadon
He stood up and took it out of the bag
Golden cockerel.
“Plant this bird,”
He said to the king, “on the knitting needle;
My golden cockerel
Your faithful watchman will be:
If everything around is peaceful,
So he will sit quietly;
But only a little from the outside
Expect war for you
Or the raid of the force of battle 20
Bra?ny - military, combat.

Or another uninvited misfortune,
Instantly then my cockerel
Raises the comb
Screams and starts up
And it will turn back to that place.”
The king of the eunuch thanks
It promises mountains of gold.
“For such a favor,”
He says in admiration, -
Your first will
I will do it as mine.”

P cock from a high knitting needle
Began to guard its borders.
A little danger is visible,
Faithful watchman as if from a dream
It will move, it will perk up,
Will turn to the other side
And shouts: “Kiri-ku-ku.
Reign while lying on your side!”
And the neighbors calmed down,
They no longer dared to fight:
Such is King Dadon
He fought back from all sides!

G one, the other passes peacefully,
The cockerel sits still.
One day King Dadon
Awakened by a terrible noise:
“You are our king! father of the people! –
The governor proclaims, -
Sovereign! wake up! trouble! –
“What is it, gentlemen? –
Dadon says, yawning, -
Eh?..Who’s there?..what’s the trouble?”
Voivode says:
“The cockerel is crowing again,

There is fear and noise throughout the capital."
The king to the window, - en on the knitting needle,
He sees a cockerel beating,
Facing east.
There is no need to hesitate: “Hurry!
People, na? horse! Hey, come on!”
The king sends an army to the east,
The eldest son leads him.
The cockerel calmed down
The noise died down, and the king forgot.

IN eight days pass from
But there is no news from the army:
Was there, or was there not, a battle -
No report to Dadon.
The cockerel crows again.
The king calls another army;
He's a smaller son now
He sends the big one to the rescue;

The cockerel calmed down again.
Again there is no news from them,
Again eight days pass;
People spend their days in fear,
The cockerel crows again
The king calls the third army
And leads her to the east
Himself, not knowing whether it would be of any use.

IN o?ysk and? blow day and night;
They become unbearable.
No massacre, no camp 21
Stan – camp.

No grave mound 22
Kurgan is a hill that the ancient Slavs built over the grave.

King Dadon does not meet.
“What kind of miracle?” - he thinks.
Now the eighth day has passed,
The king leads the army to the mountains
And between the high mountains
He sees a silk tent.
Everything is in wonderful silence
Around the tent; in a narrow gorge
The army lies beaten.
King Dadon hurries to the tent...

What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets 23
Shelo?m – helmet.

And without armor 24
Laty - iron or steel armor of warriors for protection from cold weapons.

Both lie dead
The sword stuck into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On the trampled grass,
Through the bloody ant...
The king howled: “Oh, children, children!
Woe is me! caught in the net
Both of our falcons?!
Woe! my death has come."

Everyone howled for Dadon,
Moaned with a heavy groan
The depths of the valleys and the heart of the mountains
Shocked. Suddenly the tent
It opened... and the girl,
Shamakhan queen,
All shining like the dawn,
She met the king quietly.
Like a bird of the night before the sun,
The king fell silent, looking into her eyes,
And he forgot in front of her
Death of both sons.
And she is in front of Dadon
Smiled and bowed
For him? took my hand
And she took her into her tent.
There she sat him at the table,
All kinds of food 25
Dishes - food, food, food.

I put her to rest
On a brocade bed.
And then, exactly a week,
Submitting to her unconditionally
Bewitched, delighted,
Dadon feasted with her.

N finally and on the way back
With your military strength
And with a young girl
The king went home.
The rumor ran before him,
She divulged fables and fables.
Under the capital, near the gates
The people greeted them with noise,
Everyone is running after the chariot,
Behind Dadon and the queen;
Dadon welcomes everyone...
Suddenly in the crowd he saw

In Sarachinskaya 26
Saracen hat - Saracen hat. Saracen is a foreigner, a non-religious person who came from the East or the South.

White hat,
All gray-haired like a swan,
His old friend, eunuch.
“Oh, great, my father,”
The king said to him, “What do you say?”
Come closer. What do you want? –
"Tsar! - the sage answers, -
Let's finally settle down.
Do you remember? for my service
He promised me as a friend,
My first will
You perform it as your own.

Give me a girl,
Shamakhan queen." –
The king was extremely amazed.
"What you? - he said to the elder, -
Or the demon has turned inside you,
Or are you crazy?
What's on your mind?
Of course, I promised
But there is a limit to everything.
And why do you need a girl?
Come on, do you know who I am?
Ask from me
Even the treasury, even the rank of boyar,
Even a horse from the royal stables,
At least half my kingdom." –
“I don’t want anything!
Give me a girl
Shamakhan queen,” -
The sage speaks in response.
The king spat: “It’s so dashing: no!
You won't get anything.
You, sinner, are torturing yourself;
Get out, safe for now;
Get the old man away!”

The old man wanted to argue
But it is costly to quarrel with others;
The king grabbed him with his staff
By? forehead; he fell face down
And the spirit is gone. – The entire capital
She shuddered, and the girl -
Hee hee hee yes ha ha ha!
Not afraid, you know, of sin.
The king, although he was greatly alarmed,
He smiled at her affectionately.

Here he is entering the city...
Suddenly there was a light ringing sound,
And in the eyes of the entire capital
The cockerel flew off the needle,
Flew to the chariot
And he sat on the king’s head,
Startled, pecked at the crown
And soared?... and at the same time
Dadon fell from the chariot -
He groaned once, and he died.
And the queen suddenly disappeared,
It was as if it had never happened at all.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
A lesson to good fellows.

K. D. Ushinsky

Know how to wait

Once upon a time there lived a brother and a sister, a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel ran into the garden and began to peck green currants, and the hen said to him:

- Don’t eat, Petya, wait until the currants ripen!

The cockerel did not listen, he pecked and pecked and got so sick that he had to force his way home.

“Oh,” the cockerel cries, “my misfortune!” It hurts, sister, it hurts!..

The hen gave mint to the cockerel, applied mustard plaster - and it went away.

The cockerel recovered and went into the field; ran, jumped, got hot, sweated and ran to the stream to drink cold water; and the chicken shouts to him:

- Don’t drink, Petya, wait until you get cold!

The cockerel did not listen, drank cold water, and immediately began to develop a fever; The chicken brought it home by force. The chicken ran for the doctor, the doctor prescribed Petya some bitter medicine, and the cockerel lay in bed for a long time. He recovered by winter and saw that the river was covered with ice; Petya wanted to go ice skating, and the chicken said to him:

- Oh, wait, Petya, let the river freeze completely; Now the ice is still very thin, you will drown.

The cockerel did not listen to his sister; rolled on the ice, the ice broke, and the cockerel crashed into the water! Only the cockerel was seen.

Rooster and dog

There lived an old man and an old woman, and they lived in great poverty. The only bellies they had were a rooster and a dog, and they fed them poorly. So the dog says to the rooster:

- Come on, brother Petka, let’s go into the forest: life here is bad for us.

“Let’s leave,” says the rooster, “it won’t get any worse.”

So they went wherever they looked; wandered around all day; It was getting dark - it was time to stop for the night. They left the road into the forest and chose a large hollow tree. The rooster flew up onto a branch, the dog climbed into the hollow, and they fell asleep. In the morning, just as dawn began to break, the rooster crowed:

- Ku-ku-re-ku!

The fox heard the rooster; She wanted to eat rooster meat. So she went up to the tree and began praising the rooster:

- What a rooster! I have never seen such a bird: what beautiful feathers, what a red comb, and what a clear voice! Fly to me, handsome.

- What business? - asks the rooster.

- Let's go visit me: I have a housewarming party today, and I have a lot of peas in store for you.

“Okay,” says the rooster, “but I can’t go alone: ​​I have a comrade with me.”

“This is such happiness! - thought the fox. “Instead of one rooster there will be two.”

-Where is your comrade? she asks. - I’ll invite him to visit too.

“He spends the night there in the hollow,” answers the rooster.

The fox rushed into the hollow, and the dog grabbed its muzzle - tsap!.. Caught and tore the fox to pieces.

Wolf and dog

A fat and well-fed yard dog, breaking the rope, ran out of town for a walk. In a nearby copse he met a wolf, so thin and lean - bones and skin. The well-fed dog looked at him more with regret than with anger. Encouraged by this reception, the wolf began to talk with the dog and began to complain to her about his bad life. The dog took pity on the wolf and said to him:

- Come live with us, our owner is kind and for a small service he will give you a warm kennel and good food.

The poor wolf was delighted at this invitation and ran with the dog to the city; but on the way he noticed that the fur on his companion’s neck had been wiped off.

- What do you have? - asked the wolf. – Why is there not enough hair on the neck?

- This is so, nothing! - the dog answered with displeasure.

- Though? - the wolf pesters.

- Nonsense! - the dog grumbles. - This is from the rope with which they tie me at night so that I don’t run away.

- So they tie you to a rope?

- Sometimes... You see, you can’t...

- Eh, no, my dear! - the wolf said here, stopping at the city gates. “I don’t need a rope, nor your warm kennel, nor your hearty food, nor your kind master. Goodbye! - And he rushed back into the forest.

A literary fairy tale is probably one of the most popular genres of our time. Interest in such works is inexhaustible both among children and among their parents, and Russian fairy tale writers have made a worthy contribution to the common creative cause. It should be remembered that a literary fairy tale differs from folklore in several ways. First of all, because it has a specific author. There are also differences in the way the material is conveyed and the clear use of plots and images, allowing us to say that this genre has the right to complete independence.

Poetic tales of Pushkin

If you compile a list of fairy tales by Russian writers, it will take more than one sheet of paper. Moreover, works were written not only in prose, but also in poetry. A striking example here is A. Pushkin, who initially did not plan to compose children's works. But over time, the poetic works “About Tsar Saltan”, “About the priest and his worker Balda”, “About the dead princess and the seven heroes”, “About the Golden Cockerel” joined the list of fairy tales of Russian writers. A simple and figurative form of presentation, memorable images, vivid plots - all this is characteristic of the work of the great poet. And these works are still included in the treasury

Continuation of the list

The literary tales of the period under review include some other, no less famous ones. Russian fairy tale writers: Zhukovsky ("The War of Mice and Frogs"), Ershov ("The Little Humpbacked Horse"), Aksakov ("The Scarlet Flower") - made their worthy contribution to the development of the genre. And the great collector of folklore and interpreter of the Russian language, Dal, also wrote a certain number of fairy tales. Among them: “The Crow”, “The Snow Maiden Girl”, “About the Woodpecker” and others. You can recall other fairy tales by famous Russian writers: “The Wind and the Sun”, “The Blind Horse”, “The Fox and the Goat” by Ushinsky, “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” by Pogorelsky, “The Frog Traveler”, “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose” Garshina, “Wild Landowner”, “The Wise Minnow” by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Of course, this is not a complete list.

Russian fairy tale writers

Leo Tolstoy, Paustovsky, Mamin-Sibiryak, Gorky, and many others wrote literary fairy tales. Among the particularly outstanding works can be noted “The Golden Key” by Tolstoy Alexei. The work was planned as a free retelling of “Pinocchio” by Carlo Collodi. But here is the case when the alteration surpassed the original - this is how many Russian-speaking critics evaluate the writer’s work. The wooden boy Pinocchio, familiar to everyone since childhood, won the hearts of little readers and their parents for a long time with his spontaneity and brave heart. We all remember Buratino's friends: Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot. And his enemies: the evil Karabas and the nasty Duremar, and the fox Alice. The vivid images of the heroes are so unique and original, recognizable that, once you read Tolstoy’s work, you remember them for the rest of your life.

Revolutionary tales

One of them can be confidently included the creation of Yuri Olesha “Three Fat Men”. In this tale, the author reveals the theme of class struggle against the backdrop of such eternal values ​​as friendship, mutual assistance; The characters of the heroes are distinguished by courage and revolutionary impulse. And Arkady Gaidar’s work “Malchish-Kibalchish” tells about a difficult period for the formation of the Soviet state - the civil war. Malchish is a bright, memorable symbol of that era of struggle for revolutionary ideals. It is no coincidence that these images were subsequently used by other authors, for example, in the work of Joseph Kurlat, who revived the bright image of the hero in the fairy tale-poem “The Song of Malchish-Kibalchish.”

These authors include those who gave literature such fairy tales and plays as “The Naked King” and “The Shadow” - based on the works of Andersen. And his original creations “Dragon” and “Ordinary Miracle” (at first prohibited from production) were forever included in the treasury of Soviet literature.

The poetic works of the genre also include the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky: “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “Moidodyr”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”. To this day, they are the most widely read poetic fairy tales in Russia for children of all ages. Instructive and daring, brave and monstrous images and characters of the heroes are recognizable from the first lines. What about Marshak’s poems and Kharms’ delightful creativity? What about Zakhoder, Moritz and Kurlat? It is impossible to list them all in this rather short article.

Modern evolution of the genre

We can say that the genre of literary fairy tales evolved from folklore, in a sense exploiting its plots and characters. So today, many Russian fairy tale writers are evolving into science fiction writers, giving birth to good works in the fashionable fantasy style. Such authors probably include Yemets, Gromyko, Lukyanenko, Fry, Oldie and many others. This is a worthy successor to previous generations of authors of literary fairy tales.

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