How many minutes should you hold an electronic thermometer? How to correctly measure the temperature of children and adults with an electronic or mercury thermometer - algorithm and methods

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Many people don't know how to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer. Minor changes in body temperature affect the well-being of both adults and children. Temperature is measured in three ways: orally, rectally and in the armpit. 1

How should you use a mercury thermometer?

Due to the presence of mercury, it is very dangerous. Many people refuse them, preferring electronic ones. But mercury thermometers continue to remain the most popular. It is most often used to measure body temperature under the armpit or in the mouth. It cannot be used rectally as it is very fragile.

The most common method of measurement is under the armpit, however, it is not the most accurate.


How should you measure your armpit temperature?

  1. The armpit is wiped with a napkin. This is necessary so that the sweat does not evaporate and cool the thermometer.
  2. It should be placed so that the cap with mercury is in full contact with the body and reaches the deepest point in the armpit.
  3. The hand is pressed to the body, covering the axillary fossa.
  4. The measurement time should not exceed 10 minutes.

During a cold, it is better not to go to bed using thermometers, as a person may fall asleep and accidentally damage it by pouring out all the mercury.


How should you measure the temperature in your mouth?

This method is contraindicated for patients suffering from mental disorders and young children. The correctness of the readings is affected by the presence of a runny nose, oral diseases, food intake and smoking.

  1. The thin end of the thermometer is placed under the tongue;
  2. do not open the mouth so that air does not enter;
  3. The measurement duration ranges from 3 to 5 minutes.


How are rectal measurements performed?

To measure temperature using the rectal method, it is better to use an electronic thermometer. This measurement method is considered the most accurate. Contraindications to measurement are any diseases of the rectum.

  1. The part of the thermometer that will be inserted rectally is coated with Vaseline.
  2. The position of an adult is on his side, a child is on his stomach.
  3. The thermometer is turned on and waiting for the starting indicator to appear.
  4. After this, it is inserted into the rectum a few cm.
  5. During measurement, the thermometer must be held with two fingers.
  6. Eliminate the entry of cold air.
  7. It is forbidden to move it during measurement and insert it sharply into the rectum.
  8. The measurement time takes 1-2 minutes. You can also wait for the sound signal.

The first sign of a problem in our body is often an elevated body temperature. It is the temperature that the therapist, to whom you periodically come for appointments, is interested in. And it is its indicators and their dynamics that can lead the doctor to a diagnosis. A healthy body, despite various fluctuations in external temperature and varying physical activity during the day, maintains our body temperature with high accuracy. To take measurements, you will need a thermometer (you can, of course, touch your forehead with your lips, but this method is too subjective and cannot serve as a basis for making decisions about treating a person). The thermometer can be mercury (inexpensive, but easily broken and requiring prolonged contact with the body) or (more expensive, but fast and safe). There are also infrared thermometers that take measurements in just 3-5 seconds, but they are too expensive. There are several places on the human body where it is customary to measure temperature (in the armpit, under the tongue, on the elbow, in the rectum, in the vagina). Accordingly, the norm of temperature indicators for each place is different. The simplest, safest, most common and familiar way for everyone is to insert a thermometer into the armpit. Each of us has measured the temperature in the armpit hundreds of times, but some did not even think about the fact that there are special rules that must be followed when taking measurements. Otherwise the result will be incorrect. The following tips will help you correctly carry out this simplest at first glance, but such an important procedure.

You will need:

  • Thermometer
  • A chair or bed where you can sit comfortably while taking measurements
  • Dry towel
  • Disinfectant solution

Step by step solution:

  1. The temperature in the room where the measurement is taking place should be between 18-25 degrees. If the room is cooler, then before you put the thermometer in your armpit, you first need to hold it in your hands for about 30-40 seconds, warming it with your palms.
  2. Before installing the thermometer, you need to wipe the skin of the armpit with a napkin or dry towel. This will significantly reduce the risk of the thermometer cooling due to sweat evaporation.
  3. Don't forget to shake the thermometer if you are using the mercury version, or turn on the electronic one.
  4. When installing a thermometer, be sure to make sure that the mercury column (or the metal tip in an electronic thermometer) hits the deepest point of the armpit, and it should be in contact on all sides with the body. The thermometer should not rest against clothing.
  5. Air should not enter the armpit. Therefore, press your shoulder and elbow towards your body, then the armpit will be closed. A tight seal to the skin must be ensured throughout the entire measurement period.
  6. Do not take your temperature immediately after coming in from outside, exercising, taking a bath or taking a warm shower. Usually, if a person (especially a child) cried or was very nervous, the temperature will be too high. An increased result will be obtained immediately after a hearty lunch rich in protein foods, as well as after drinking hot tea. In all these cases, you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes, which should be spent at rest, and only then start measuring the temperature.
  7. During the measurement, you must remain motionless, do not talk, do not sing, do not eat, do not drink.
  8. The measurement time for a mercury thermometer is a minimum of 6 minutes, a maximum of 10, and an electronic one must be kept under the arm for another 2-3 minutes after the sound signal.
  9. Take out the thermometer in a smooth motion. If you sharply pull out an electronic thermometer, due to friction with the skin, it will add a few more tenths of a degree.
  10. When you are sick, measure your temperature at least twice a day - in the morning (between 7-9 hours) and in the evening (between 19 and 21 hours). In this case, it is advisable to set the thermometer at the same time, this is how you can track the dynamics of temperature changes. In case of severe illness accompanied by high temperature, it should be measured before taking antipyretics, as well as after (30-40 minutes after taking the medicine).
  11. If several people use the thermometer, do not forget to wipe it with a disinfectant solution and wipe it dry after each use.


  • By the way, scientists recognize the most common method (a thermometer under the arm) as the most inaccurate. In addition, the difference between armpits can be from 0.1 to 0.3°C. Therefore, if you need to obtain high measurement accuracy in order to clearly trace the dynamics, then measurements in the armpit are not suitable.
  • In a healthy person, normal temperature is considered to be from 36.3 to 36.9 degrees. In children, the normal body temperature can be several tenths of a degree higher, and in older people it can be lower. In the morning the temperature is usually two to three tenths of a degree lower than in the evening.
  • Even at normal body temperature, a person can be sick. For example, people with low body reactivity get the flu at a normal temperature, but at short intervals and with complications.
  • Thermometer nipples have been created for infants. This is very convenient for those kids who are too active: even if they manage to insert a thermometer under their arm, the child immediately pulls it out. When the baby sucks on the pacifier, the mother can easily control his body temperature. Naturally, you should not take measurements immediately after eating or drinking warm water. Pediatricians note that this type of electronic thermometer gives incorrect values ​​even during teething, and this, as we know, is a very drawn-out and protracted process.
  • It is advisable to shake the mercury thermometer immediately after measurement. If you store a thermometer with readings, especially if they were high, then over time the thermometer begins to act up.

Colds have not surprised anyone for a long time. They are so common in every person’s life that rarely does anyone consult a doctor. To find out how serious the disease is, simply measure your body temperature. If it is elevated, it means that everything is somewhat more serious, but if everything is normal with the temperature, you don’t have to worry too much, everything will pass soon anyway.


But self-treatment is fraught with unpleasant consequences. First of all, you can simply measure your own body temperature incorrectly. “What’s so complicated about that?” - a question may immediately arise. But not everything is so easy. It is necessary not only to place the thermometer correctly, but also to know how long to hold the thermometer.


Today everyone knows that there are not only mercury thermometers, but also electronic ones. This may also affect the timing of how long to hold the thermometer. If a person has bought himself a new thing - an electronic thermometer, he should first figure out how to use it correctly. You must carefully read the instructions and only then start using the thermometer. Most often, such thermometers are equipped with sound signals, which will indicate that the measurement is completed. It lasts approximately from a minute to three. How long should you hold a mercury thermometer? Here you need a little more time - about eight to ten minutes.

Measurement methods

How long to hold the thermometer can also be affected by the way you measure body temperature. Our people are accustomed to the classic option - placing a thermometer in the armpit. But there are other ways. It is worth noting that scientists from the World Health Organization claim that the most accurate and reliable is to measure temperature rectally, that is, in the rectum. It is important to remember that the numbers in this case will be slightly different. The time for measuring temperature in this way with an electronic thermometer is approximately 60 seconds. You can measure body temperature orally, that is, by placing the tip of the thermometer into the person's mouth. The numbers will also be slightly different, and the measurement time will be approximately one minute. Women can also measure their vaginal body temperature, which can be quite useful in some situations. All these measurement methods have a right to exist. After all, the classic option for determining body temperature cannot always be used. If a person sweats, measuring the temperature in the armpit may give distorted results. It is also important to remember how long you need to hold the thermometer for each measurement. And only by following all the rules can you get the right result.


Having figured out how long to hold the thermometer, it is worth noting that you also need to follow some rules for placing the thermometer. For example, a mercury thermometer must first be shaken off and “knock down” the previous numbers. When measuring temperature, any thermometer must be pressed well to the body and fixed correctly, otherwise you can get distorted results. Well, of course: when measuring the temperature of children, it is strictly forbidden to let the baby out of sight. Measuring a child's temperature should be done under the strict supervision of adults.

If a person suspects that he is sick, and this especially often happens in winter, then the first means to confirm these guesses is a thermometer with which to measure. If it is high, then immediate treatment must be started so as not to get complications. But does everyone know how long to hold a thermometer?

Let's start with the fact that there are also electronic ones. Both should be able to be used correctly in order for the readings to be accurate. It is also very important that the temperature of children and adults is measured differently.

The mercury device is considered the most effective. Electronic one is safer. The exact time for how long to hold the thermometer depends on what type of thermometer it is. So, a mercury thermometer measures the temperature from three to ten minutes. Three minutes is enough to find out the exact readings. Now you know how long you need to hold a mercury thermometer and how long you should hold an electronic one. There is no doubt that the second option will measure the temperature much faster. To reset the readings, after you have already measured the temperature with a mercury thermometer, you should be sure to shake the thermometer, otherwise the next time the results may be too high. Using an electronic device, you can more accurately determine your temperature.

How to hold it correctly, it should be held under the armpit. In this case, the skin should not be sweaty, otherwise the readings will be incorrect. The thing is that the temperature of the secreted sweat is higher than that of the body itself, so in the case of humidity under the armpit, the measurement result will be clearly overestimated.

While you wait for the reading, you should keep your arm tightly against your body. After a few minutes you will see the correct readings on the thermometer. If you have an old mercury device, you can slightly extend the measurement time, since such thermometers, having been in use for a long time, react more slowly to changes in body temperature.

Now that you know how long to hold the thermometer, you can use another method to insert the thermometer under the knee. The leg must be bent so that the thermometer is held firmly for the required time. This method is best performed while lying on your back or side.

Young children can take their temperature rectally by inserting a thermometer into their bottom. Here it will be more convenient and safer to use an electronic device, since it measures faster and cannot harm the child. Remember that the readings are always slightly higher than when measuring under the armpit or under the knee.

To the question of how long to hold a thermometer for a child, you can confidently answer: the same amount as for an adult. If the baby is sleeping, you can put the thermometer under the arm, after warming it in your hands. This way you won't wake him up with a cold touch. Be very careful not to disturb your child's sleep, otherwise it is unlikely that you will be able to take the temperature.

If you know how long you need to hold the thermometer, but as a result of the measurements it seems to you that the readings are not correct enough, then repeat this procedure again. Measure the temperature again to make sure the results are accurate.

Regardless of whether you use mercury to measure a child’s temperature, you need to do this very carefully. This is especially true for mercury devices, because mercury is a very dangerous substance.

Those who like to skip school know how to artificially raise their temperature. To do this, they, for example, take the lead out of a simple pencil and simply eat it. Yes, the temperature does rise, but you risk getting poisoned. Therefore, it is better not to resort to such methods.

To find out your armpit temperature, place the tip of the thermometer in your or your child's armpit. To find out how long you need to keep the thermometer under your armpit. Make sure the thermometer touches your skin and not your clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it beeps. If you have a mechanical thermometer, then you need to wait 3 minutes. This is quite enough to measure temperature.

What do I need to know about temperature?

  • There are several ways to measure temperature. The best ways are to measure the temperature of the mouth, ear, armpit or temporary (forehead). Digital electronic thermometers are the simplest and most accurate type of thermometer. Do not use mercury or glass thermometers.
  • Normal temperature is 98.6°F (36.6°C), but can range from 97.2°F to 99.9°F (36.2°C to 37.7°C). Body temperature changes throughout the day. As a rule, it is higher in the morning and higher in the evening.
  • Your and your baby's temperature may vary depending on activity or exercise. Wait at least 15 minutes after you or your child drinks hot or cold liquids to allow the temperature to rise. Also wait 15 minutes after a warm bath. If your child is wearing pajamas, turn your child around and wait 5 minutes before taking their temperature.

What are the different types of thermometers?

Read the instructions carefully for each type of thermometer you use.

  • Digital thermometers are the most common and give the fastest and most accurate results. Digital thermometers can be used in the mouth, armpit, or rectum. They are usually made of flexible plastic with a sensor on the tip and a display window on the other end. If your thermometer comes with plastic lids or sleeves, use it every time you take the temperature. Throw away the cap or sleeve after each use.
  • Electronic ear thermometers fast and easy to use. Ear thermometers may give you a low reading if there is extra wax in the ears or if it is not placed in the ear correctly.
  • Thermometers with temporary arteries pushed through the forehead behind the ear. This thermometer takes practical measures and may not be as accurate as a digital thermometer. You may need to check your or your child's temperature more than once to get an accurate reading. Make sure your forehead is dry when you use this thermometer. Sweating may make the reading less accurate.
  • Thermometers with nipples should not be used in children under 3 months of age. Your baby should hold the pacifier as quietly as possible to get an accurate reading.

How to use a thermometer?

Clean the thermometer with soap and warm water or wipe with alcohol before and after use. Do not immerse it in water.

  • To take oral temperature, place the tip under your tongue as far as possible. Gently close your lips around the thermometer. Don't bite the thermometer. Relax and breathe through your nose. Hold the thermometer under your tongue until it beeps. You can take your child's mouth temperature at age 4 or 5. Wait 20 to 30 minutes after you or your child has finished eating or drinking to take an oral temperature.
  • To take armpit temperature, place the tip in your or your baby's armpit. Make sure the thermometer touches your skin and not your clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. Hold the thermometer in your armpit until it beeps.
  • To take temporary temperature, click the button to turn it on. Pass the thermometer from one temple to another and behind the ear until it beeps.
  • To take ear temperature, gently pull the adult ear up and back. When you take your baby's temperature, pull the ear down and back. Place the tip of the thermometer in your ear. Not use force or push. The tip of the thermometer should not touch the drum. Hold it until it beeps.

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