Words of gratitude to the school principal from parents. Congratulations on the last call to the director Congratulations to the director on graduation in elementary school

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The last call is a warm holiday, when you want to say the most sincere good words to teachers, head teachers and school principals. But this does not mean that graduates will sing their praises with a dose of flattery. They will simply pay due respect to the head of their school - the main strategist and tactician of the entire educational process and school life in which students have lived for many years.

The school director deserves special words of gratitude. After all, on his shoulders is not only the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities that need to be instilled in students during their school years, but also the work of a psychologist. When it is necessary to monitor and control relationships not only within the class, but also between teachers. And the teaching staff, which predominantly consists of women, is a complex organism in which completely different people function - with different habits, tastes, and levels of education. Finding a middle ground in solving any problem, reconciling seemingly irreconcilable people and uniting polar opinions - all this lies on the shoulders of the school director.

In addition to the psychology and tactics of developing his educational institution, it is the director who is the main manager who monitors and controls the sufficiency of school supplies, equipment, and technology. He is responsible for that. So that all classrooms are fully equipped and comfortable for children. The director is also responsible for staff turnover. For the lack of specialists. This list can be continued endlessly. Also, the director’s congratulations have an endless spectrum - from an intelligent educational leader to an experienced supplier.

The form of congratulations on the last call to the director can be different: poetic, song, epic, fairy tale, prosaic. Children themselves will choose the genre and method of congratulating the main person in their favorite school.

To root for everything in the world with your soul,
To delve into everything, to give up your whole life,
So that children gain knowledge,
And they could understand the purpose of life.
Thank you, our dear director,
We are grateful to you to the point of tears.
We don’t know where you get your strength,
Pulling such a heavy cart!
Teacher, your work is not easy
Probably nothing can measure it,
Your every day is theater and battle
And you have the strength to believe in victory!
Bringing teaching light,
You are altruists by nature
And in human culture
There are no such professions anymore!

The last call said sadly,
We are leaving school,
Opened the path to the vast world,
Where everything is unfamiliar to us.
We thank the director for everything,
Because there is no better school anywhere,
We want to congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish you long and happy years.

We can’t escape moments of sadness,
Everyone was familiar with this feeling,
Unfortunately, we say that our childhood,
Leaves to the ringing melody.
The director gives us parting words,
And he sees you off on a long journey,
Good health and good students,
We wish our dear director.

Sad melody of the last call,
She gathered us all at the school line,
Graduates are flying from the school yard,
To the unknown lives of distant lands.
We thank the director for everything,
We wish you patience and goodness,
May your life pass for many years,
From the first to the last call.

Today the last period of childhood has expired,
The school bell told us this,
The director only wishes us success,
And he accompanies us on our adult journey.
We thank the school director for everything,
We sincerely wish you inspiration in your work,
And those parting words that you told us,
They instill confidence, hope, and faith in us.

We've been waiting for the last call,
Brings the wind of change
We are happy to congratulate the director,
Let everyone say what they wanted.
Thanks for the years of teaching,
Thank you we say
You have endured a lot of torment,
For this we thank you.
We'll be back again, don't be bored
And leave the door open
We'll definitely go see the director,
And we will bring you joy.

The last bell rang cheerfully,
We will never forget this day,
Don’t forget our first day of school,
The day when we stepped onto the stage.
The director sat us down at our desks,
In the mornings you began to greet us,
Awarded with student enthusiasm,
So that the children don't get bored.
But we have grown up, and you have not aged,
And the eyes still shine,
We wanted to say “thank you” to you,
A tear runs down my cheek again.
Don't be sad, we wish you success,
Continue on course
Let no obstacles come your way,
Always have a taste for life.

School time is an important part of every person's life. School not only provides knowledge, but also contributes to the formation of a worldview, teaches how to interact with society, and develops the ability to find solutions to difficult situations. Memories of a fun school life, tests, breaks, fair teachers remain forever in the memory. Over the years, the school has become a real home. Of course, when the time comes to part with teachers, you want to find the most touching and sincere words to thank the teachers. In this article we will give examples of thank-you speeches on behalf of students, parents, and on behalf of teachers for students. You need to take the preparation of your speech responsibly so that at the solemn moment everything goes “without a hitch.”

A school director is a person on whose professionalism the coherence of the entire educational institution depends. They thank the school director, as a rule, at ceremonies dedicated to the end of the school year, at graduation parties, and at alumni reunions. The solemn speech can be given by both children and their parents. It is important that the speaker has a well-trained voice, clear and expressive speech. You can choose the most sincere words in the form of a poem and in the form of prose. It is better not to make your congratulatory speech too long. To “not get confused in words,” write the text in a beautiful postcard. Students and parents can use the following words in their speech:

  • Dear;
  • experienced;
  • purposeful;
  • fair;
  • responsive;
  • literate;
  • wise;
  • partial;
  • wonderful.

It is better not to express gratitude to the school principal for his hard work with an impromptu speech. Compose your speech in advance, read it several times “to yourself.” Let's look at a few examples of successful thank-you speeches for a school principal.

  • Dear school principal, let me thank you for your hard work as a school leader on behalf of all graduates. Rest assured that we will remember your wise advice and valuable lessons for life. Your frowning raised eyebrow could calm the whole class, and a warm smile was the best praise. We wish you to always remain the same fair, sensitive and competent leader! We wish you not to lose optimism and creativity!
  • Our dear school principal, you know better than anyone else what a home our school has become for us, how hard it is for us to leave it. It is you who are doing everything possible to make this place not just an educational institution, but a real second home. You were a wise mentor, a reliable friend, a competent teacher. Thank you for always trying to be on the same wavelength with us. We wish you not to lose enthusiasm in your work and always achieve your goals!
  • Dear director, please accept the most sincere and warm words of gratitude on behalf of the entire parent team. We and our children will remember you as a talented leader, an experienced teacher and just a good person. Thank you so much for being a support for teachers and students for 11 long years. We wish you many fruitful years of work, professional and personal growth, good health and nerves of steel!
  • We first met you, our dear director, when we brought our children to first grade. Your confident speech and kind look were able to dispel the feeling of excitement and fear. You are an experienced captain of the ship on which our children set off on a long and exciting journey. We, parents, can only guess how you manage to find a common language with every teacher, cook, librarian, janitor, school watchman and, of course, every student. You seem to know every child's name! We sincerely wish you health, inexhaustible energy and fruitful work!

Words of gratitude to school teachers

Do you need any special occasion to thank your teacher? Of course not! You can express your gratitude to the teacher for his work simply after a lesson or during a meeting outside the school walls. Ceremonial celebrations marking the end of the school year, the beginning of the school year, and graduation parties are the events at which speeches of thanks to teachers are heard most often. Both students and their parents can express gratitude, appreciation and respect to teachers. You can use the following words in your speech:

  • Darling;
  • wonderful;
  • Dear;
  • funny;
  • communicative;
  • friendly;
  • friendly;
  • positive;
  • fair;
  • responsive;
  • purposeful;
  • creative;
  • wise.

Let's look at a few examples of thank you speeches and congratulations for teachers:

  • Now the important and responsible moment has come when we leave school. But for the rest of our lives, we, graduates, will retain the warmest and most reverent memories of our beloved teachers. You have come a long way with us, which was full of difficulties, obstacles, as well as smiles and positive moments. You opened the door to the world of knowledge for us, instilled in us hard work and determination. May your lives always be full of children's laughter and smiles. Please do not lose your enthusiasm for work and creativity. All the best to you!
  • Dear and dear teachers! No matter how hard it was for us to say goodbye to school and teachers, this moment has come. When we go “free sailing,” we take with us the most valuable thing—your wise advice and instructions. Forgive us for sometimes upsetting you, making you frown and upset. Believe me, all this was not out of malice. You taught us to read, write, calculate, remember, think, analyze, compare. We wish you mutual understanding in the team, diligent students, understanding parents, as well as family well-being and good health!
  • Dear teachers, let me express my gratitude on behalf of all parents for the long and thorny path that you have traveled with our children. The teaching profession is incredibly difficult. We, parents, know and understand all this. Thank you for your patience, for your fairness, for your professionalism and desire to “invest” in the guys as much knowledge, skills and abilities as possible. Believe me, you will leave in the memory of our children the warmest memories of school life. Good luck to you and all the best!

Words of gratitude to school staff

The school is a huge ship, the smooth movement of which on the waves of the Land of Knowledge is ensured by a large number of people. The work of the janitor, the cook, the librarian, the nurse, and the caretaker is important. Students are usually thanked for the hard work of all school employees at graduation ceremonies and ceremonies marking the end of the school year. Let's look at a few examples of such congratulations:

  • Low bow to the janitor of our school! Thanks to your hard work and serious attitude to work, the school grounds always look brand new! We wish you good health, family well-being and long life!
  • Who is in charge of all the books, textbooks and manuals at school? Of course, a librarian! On behalf of all graduates, I would like to wish long and fruitful years of work to the “owner” of the library. How pleasant it was to run to you during recess for a book and be greeted with a kind look and a gentle smile. Always remain as positive!
  • On behalf of not only the students, but also the parents, we express our deep gratitude to the nurse. One of your most important responsibilities is to monitor the health of all students throughout the school year. We, parents, were calm about our children at school, since you work there - an experienced and responsive nurse who will always treat a broken knee or abrasion on the forehead, take pity and calm you down. A big parental “thank you” to you!
  • Thanks to all the school canteen workers for the delicious cutlets, hot porridge, aromatic soup and compote! You, like hardworking bees, have been busy in the kitchen since early morning. After all, cooking delicious food for such a huge group is not an easy task. We would like to wish you financial stability, good health and mutual understanding in the team.

Words of gratitude to the elementary school

Primary school is an incredibly important stage in the life of every child. It is at this time that a love of learning and a desire to learn something new is formed. A primary school teacher is a special teacher. He receives the kids “from the hands” of the kindergarten teacher and opens the door for them to the huge Land of Knowledge. As an adult, you may not remember all the teachers at school, but the memories of your first teacher, as a rule, are etched in your memory for a long time. At ceremonial assemblies and graduation ceremonies, special attention is paid to primary school teachers. Parents and children can use the following epithets in their speeches:

  • solar;
  • smiling;
  • affectionate;
  • Thoughtful;
  • Darling;
  • good;
  • patient;
  • wise;
  • creative.

In order not to get confused in a solemn atmosphere, it is better to prepare words of gratitude to the elementary school teacher in advance.

  • Dear, kind, dear first teacher! You taught us to learn, taught us not to give up in the face of difficulties, taught us to achieve results and not be afraid of failures. Thank you very much for your patience and responsiveness. We wish you career growth, inspiration in your work, and family well-being!
  • The first word, the first smile, the first step, the first teacher... Dear Maria Ivanovna, I want to say so many pleasant words to you on this gala evening. Today we stand on the threshold of a new life, leaving our beloved school, leaving behind many years of hard study. But it was you who laid the very foundation on which our entire school life was built. Like a loving mother, you adopted the foolish chicks a long time ago and persistently taught them to make their first flaps of their wings. Today we are birds in independent flight. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love for children, inexhaustible optimism and professionalism. Good luck to you in your work and personal life!

Words of gratitude to the school from graduates

Words of gratitude to the school in prose

Words of gratitude to the school in verse

Words of gratitude to the school from parents

Parents would like to say no less pleasant words of gratitude to the school, school administration, and teachers than to the children. After all, parents experience their child’s failures at school, rejoice at his achievements, and provide teachers with all possible assistance in organizing the educational process. Of course, they become close to teachers and see their “contribution” to the child’s development. At the holiday dedicated to farewell to the school, parents want to find the warmest and most reverent words that could express endless gratitude to the entire school.

  • Our children leave school with a valuable baggage of knowledge, skills and abilities. Thanks to the professionalism, perseverance, and literacy of all teachers, we, parents, can look with peace of mind into the future of our children. The school has become a real home, a native place, about which both we and our children will have the warmest memories. Thank you very much!
  • Dear school, home... With what excitement we brought our kids here once upon a time, with the same excitement we stand today - at the graduation party. Our small and foolish children have turned into independent young men and women, proudly looking forward to a new life. It was the school that gave the start, laid the foundation, and brought up the best qualities in children. Thank you very much for the soul that the teachers put into our children.

Words of gratitude to the music school

Although music education is not compulsory, a large number of children attend this institution. The same sensitive teachers who work there as in a regular school, who over the years of study become family and friends for the child. At the gala celebration dedicated to the graduation from music school, children and their parents try to choose the most sincere words. The following examples can help you decide on the content of a thank you speech for a music school teacher:

  • Dear music school teachers! You have become so dear to every child over the years of education. You always greeted our children with a smile, a kind look, a good mood, and knew how to praise and correctly express criticism. On behalf of the entire parent team, we express our deep gratitude to you for being able to “reveal” each child, being able to see talent and trying to develop it by any means. We wish you constant creative inspiration, positive mood and good health!
  • Favorite vocal teacher! Let me express my gratitude on behalf of all your brats for your hard work and endless patience. You were not just a teacher for us, but a true friend and guide in the world of music and singing. You will always remain for all of us a true example of hard work and determination. We wish you not to lose optimism in your work; we wish you only diligent students, good management and financial well-being. Thank you very much!

Words of gratitude to the head teacher of the school

At ceremonies dedicated to the end of the school year and at graduation parties, the school administration is traditionally congratulated. But it is best to contact both the principal and the head teacher of the school separately. The head teacher is a person responsible for educational work at school, for extracurricular activities, for organizing holidays and cultural events at school. Let's look at a few examples of thank you speeches for the head teacher of a school:

  • On this gala evening, I really want to thank a wonderful and respected person - the head teacher of our school. Thank you for your responsiveness, creative approach to work, and inexhaustible supply of energy. You knew how to both scold us and praise us. Remain the same smiling and cheerful person! We wish you personal and career growth, financial stability and family well-being!
  • Of course, we cannot help but thank our school on this gala evening - an unusually sensitive person and a competent specialist. You have always been an example of perseverance and determination for us. Thank you for never refusing help, for finding time in your busy schedule for simple communication with students, for teaching us not to give up. We wish you success at work and good health!

Words of gratitude to the school staff

You can express appreciation and gratitude for the hard work of a teacher in the form of a beautiful poem or in prose. As an example, you can consider the following options for a thank you speech for the entire school team:

  • Our dear teachers, dear director, head teacher, caretaker, today on this farewell evening, on behalf of all graduates, we express our endless gratitude for your work, for your professionalism, for putting your soul into us. Forgive us for sometimes not listening, being insolent, and being dishonest in our studies. We still love you and respect you very much. As we leave school, we would like to wish you career growth, personal development, optimism in your work, inexhaustible energy and, of course, health!
  • Today the last bell rang. Some will return to these walls in the fall, while others will never return here again. There are tears of joy in the eyes of both teachers and students today. We would like to say a huge “thank you” to the entire school staff. Thank you to the cook, thank you to the janitor, thank you to the watchman, thank you to everyone who has been with us throughout this school year. There were many difficulties, there were many failures, but there were also so many good things. We wish everyone a good rest and gain strength before the new school year!

School anniversary - words of gratitude to the school

The school's anniversary is an important holiday for all school employees, students, and parents. Typically, the administration of the educational institution organizes a festive concert program or other event in honor of this event. Teachers, students, school technical staff, the director, and parents can congratulate their favorite school on its anniversary. Let's look at a few examples of successful congratulations:

  • On this festive day, I would like to congratulate the entire school staff on the anniversary of our educational institution. We wish that every morning here begins with children's laughter, kind smiles, a positive mood and, of course, with a constant desire to gain new knowledge and learn something interesting. Let everyone who works at the school feel important and in demand today. Happy holiday to everyone!
  • Congratulations to all teachers and students on the school's anniversary. We wish that only talented children graduate from these walls, that as many first-graders as possible come every year, that an atmosphere of kindness and positivity reigns in every class. Happy holiday everyone!
  • How many talented people have graduated from our school? How many medals, certificates of honor, victories in various competitions did you receive? All these achievements became possible thanks to our “golden” school team. We congratulate you all on the anniversary of our institution. We wish him only prosperity, diligent students, talented teachers. Let knowledge be given here easily and naturally, let students come here only with eagerness and a great desire to meet their favorite teachers. All the best to our home school!

Several recommendations for preparing a thank you speech for teachers and schools

  1. There is no need to drag out your speech too much. Try to keep it to 3-5 minutes.
  2. If you know in advance that you will be given the floor at a ceremony or at a graduation, then you should not rely on an impromptu speech. Prepare your words in advance, write them down, and “rehearse” your intonation at home.
  3. In a speech of gratitude to the entire school staff, you should not single out any one teacher. Let your speech be general. It is better to thank your favorite teacher personally.
  4. Even if your speech is very touching, you should not make an overly sad face.
  5. Don't gesticulate too much while speaking.
  6. Take your time, let the pace of speech be smooth and measured. Rapid speech is perceived worse.
  7. In your speech of gratitude to the school and teachers, you can recall funny incidents from school life.
  8. It is better to memorize the text of the thank you speech than to read it from a sheet of paper. If you are afraid of forgetting the text at the most crucial moment, then it’s still worth making a “cheat sheet”.
  9. After giving a thank you speech, it would be logical to present flowers to a specific person.

School is a wonderful place, full of children's smiles and laughter, to which children become very attached over the years. If you are given the opportunity to thank the teachers and the entire school staff, then by all means take it. Remember, it doesn’t really matter what words you use, what parts your speech will consist of, or whether you can withstand all the intonation pauses. The main thing is that the words come from the heart and are sincere.

As a rule, at graduation ceremonies, a letter of gratitude to the school principal is read out by one of the parents of the graduates. However, graduates themselves often do this. However, this is not so important, the main thing is that the person chosen for this mission has a beautiful, strong voice and well-spoken speech. It’s good if the director’s congratulations are not the first experience of public speaking in his life.
When choosing the text of a speech, the main thing is not to overdo it with volume, because you should remember that all those present came to the event not only to listen to gratitude to the school director. The best option would be a speech that will not last longer than 2-3 minutes.

The speaker should remember that the address to the director should be in the first person plural, since with his speech he must convey the gratitude of the entire class or graduation. It will be great if the text of the thank you letter contains catchphrases, metaphors, epithets or some other rhetorical devices. They will make it brighter and richer, and will also help to hold the attention of listeners.

Words of gratitude to the school principal in prose

Our dear and respected director (full name of director)! We bow to your leadership talent: you are like a real captain who confidently leads the ship forward, skillfully bypassing underwater currents and reefs, bypassing shallows, defeating thunderstorms and storms! This is why our company is thriving, and so are we, its employees. Today we want to wish you good health, prosperity, the implementation of all your plans and great family happiness!
Dear school director (full name of the director)! Thanks to you, our school is a second home for children. Here they not only gain knowledge thanks to highly qualified teachers, but also communicate, make new friends and spend their leisure time usefully. New training programs are constantly being introduced at the school, teachers are improving their level of professionalism, which has a beneficial effect on the level of development of the educational institution. This, of course, is your great merit as the school director. Please accept our sincere congratulations on the holiday! Let me wish you great success in your hard work, good health, a close-knit team and grateful students, and only prosperity for our school!
Dear director (full name of the director), throughout all your years of study you have been a wise leader, a competent mentor, a caring and responsive person. Thank you for your sincere participation in the fate of graduates, professionalism and ability to guide and lead. We wish you health and success in your difficult and responsible work.
Dear director! (Director's full name) It is unlikely that anyone knows a more responsible and diligent person, capable of devoting himself to his work with such enviable desire, despite lack of sleep, troubles and constant mischief of children.
Today we say thank you to the most amazing director in the world. Thank you for being able to select such a wonderful teaching staff in all respects, thank you for monitoring the condition of the school building and making every effort to ensure that it is the envy of other educational institutions in our city. It is also simply necessary to say thank you for the fact that in our school all the students believe in themselves and in their strengths, and all because the respected (I.O.) treats each of them with paternal awe (maternal care).

Today's graduates forever leave the threshold of their second home - the school, but none of them will ever forget the advice given by the director, his support in difficult moments. And critical remarks will also remain in their memory, protecting them from mistakes in adulthood. (I.O.), may your hard work bring you not only troubles, but also unforgettable moments of happiness, and may your body and spirit be as vigorous as ever.
The moment has come when yesterday’s students say “goodbye” to the one who has invested a considerable part of his soul in each of them - the school principal. Class teachers changed, teachers changed, but (I.O.) remained an ever-changing guardian of order in every corner of our abode of education. Although sometimes harsh and critical, he was able to penetrate into the essence of each student and find a way to make their school life exciting and unforgettable. It’s hard to even imagine how much effort he put into ensuring that our children could receive a quality education in such a wonderful school, filled with truly family warmth.
They say that anyone who puts their soul into something can do anything. It’s not hard to guess where the soul of (I.O.) is – it has settled in the school forever. And he was able to do everything: he became the owner of the school grounds, closely monitoring cleanliness and compliance with safety standards, a friend and mentor for children, and achieved the respect of parents and teaching staff.
In the hearts of today's graduates there will always remain a corner dedicated to school memories. Penetrating into it, they will always represent the silhouette and wise face of the director. And we can say with confidence that at that moment each of them will want to be next to him again and listen to another advice, joke or even remark.
Dear (I.O.), may your life path be smooth, your health strong, and each new school student illuminate your soul with light and goodness.
You are a wonderful director. You gave so much effort to the school. It’s not for nothing that our school is called the best. Thank you for everything, our wise mentor. Today is teacher's day. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you all the best. May your life flow like a full river, may your good mood never leave you. Good health, patience, friendly team and wonderful students. Be happy. May the Lord protect you from all failures.
Being a school director means devoting yourself entirely to your work. After all, all worries and right decisions fall on your shoulders. Our director is fully qualified for his position. He, like a father, cares about both the students and the team. Today is a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. We congratulate you and wish you a lot of happiness, great success in your work, prosperity in your family and prosperity. May all bad weather disappear forever, may only good things await you ahead.
You are a wise mentor, you are a wonderful teacher, you are a caring business executive. There is a huge burden on your shoulders, you are responsible for everything, our dear director. Let me sincerely congratulate you on Teacher's Day. May your professional holiday bring you a lot of great mood and fun. Let your dream come true. We wish you great success in your work, good health and long life. May you always be lucky in everything, may all problems be solved easily.

School director is a responsible and difficult job. After all, you need to be aware of all the events in the life of the school every day. Our dear director is the best. We are grateful to him for his attention, for his wise advice, for his care. Today is Teacher's Day, please accept my best wishes and congratulations. May you meet only reliable friends on your life’s journey, may luck always accompany you. Let your experience be an example for everyone. I wish you happiness, joy in your personal life and good health.
Dear director, congratulations on your graduation! This is not the first generation of students who graduate from school and rush along the path of life. And I would like to wish that your merits are reflected in the success and gratitude of hundreds of young people who graduated from the educational institution under your leadership. I wish you joy, health, prosperity and great achievements!
On graduation day, we want to say “thank you” to the best director for your care and guardianship. We would like to wish you healthy long years, enthusiasm and good luck in your work, happiness and love in life. Let your mood always be good, and all your affairs will certainly end only in success.
Dear director! Please accept congratulations on the release of young talents, talents, and unique personalities into a new life. Thank you for your attentiveness, sensitivity, and organization. Wishes: long life, overcoming all difficulties, fortitude, new acquisitions.

Let your inner core serve as an example for all students, let your unshakable will inspire you to exploits, let your determination give you confidence in knowledge.

Words of gratitude to the school principal in verse

Gratitude to the school director in verse

Thank you for not kicking us out,
For our antics we were saved from the head teachers,
For a kind word during recess,
We will never forget our native walls.
And we will never forget you, director,
No matter how far the years hide us.
Let's go back to school sometime after work,
Say: “Thank you, director, for your concern!
Every year there is sadness behind sadness:
We wish you new victories,

And the schoolchildren were obedient,
Certificates should be issued to everyone,

And good mood to you.

Our wise and fair director,
Our last bell is ringing.
We are leaving school forever,
Full of hope and anxiety,

We rush towards something new.
Your previously stern look has become sad.
Our class is like a ship from the shores
My dear school is ready to leave.

We'll wave goodbye to you,
Always remember our friendly class.
And yet, we unanimously promise,
To be good - as you taught us.
The school principal is at work,
And at home there is a woman and a mother!
How do you manage to do all this?
Great to combine?!
You have no equal in what you love:
You lead wisely.
And with you next to everyone believes,
That school is his home!
The school director is a woman and a mother.
Both in school and in family form.
It’s hard for us to find worthy words,
What can a Female Director decorate?
Foreman and watchman and administrator,
She is a teacher, manager, supply manager!
The advisor is a judge, not a dictator.
She is dragging the school baggage in a cart.
At the beginning of March the school is so beautiful
And in the morning every classroom is filled with sunshine,
Russia rests on women like you,
And our school depends on you!
You are not an ordinary director,
You are the school principal!
Work with a big soul,
To be worthy
Our dear school,
So that she is not a stranger to us!
The classrooms are clean, comfortable,
Knowledge where they give us!
Teaching staff,
He deserves all the praise!
Congratulations today,
And we wish you good health!
Huge achievements to you,
And there are many good solutions!
Lots of joy, warmth,5
Let your dream come true!
You care about school in your heart,
I delve into all matters thoroughly.
And with a firm director's hand
Lead us brilliantly!
In the authority of the students -
Guarantor of education and science.
And today we do not mince words
We praise all your achievements!
It’s not easy to find worthy words,
That they can describe you thoroughly!
Today we will congratulate each other
Directors who rule brilliantly!
Both a watchman and a foreman in one person,
Caretaker, administrator, teacher...
Everyone is happy to go to such a school,
So God bless you with good health!
On this day we have no twos!
The buffet is beautifully decorated!
This holiday is bright and cheerful
Congratulations to the school principal!
We want to wish you
Don't scold teachers
Raise their salaries!
Don't scold students
Better to praise more often!
And be the happiest!
The director of the school is the main person,
We never doubted it.
He was strict, but he always loved us all,
Only the best memories remain.
We ask you not to forget us,
Even though it was difficult with us sometimes.
You showed us the way to adulthood,
We will always remember this gift.
I remember my mother holding my hand
I went to school on the first day of September.
And the school principal stood at the door,
And he greeted all the children with a pleasant look.
He led us by the hand all the time at school,
He was strict and kind, carrying his burden.
Thank you for everything, that’s what we want to say.
It would be a shame for us to dream of a better director.
Graduation promises only the best for children,
The time has come for us all to part.
And the director is sitting so kind now -
He is our friend, he will not swear.
Thank you, director, for the years of study,
And for patronage over each of our souls.
And it doesn’t matter where life takes us,
We will come back to visit again, as if we were coming home.
Our beloved director, now so dear!
Our time has come to part with you.
We walked together through the school along the same road,
You persistently led us along educational paths.
We sincerely congratulate you on your graduation today!
We wish you success, health and patience.
For us, you remain loved and dear.
Thank you, director, for your instructions!
You are the most wonderful director
They gave so much to their school!
Everyone respects you very much for this,
From first graders to teachers.
We wish the guys year after year
We hurried to see you with the arrival of September.
So that your school is called the best
Thanks to the directors for everything!
We thought you were very strict,
And for several years
We strived to make our roads
We should go around your office.
But one day you are simpler, kinder
They began to resolve issues with us.
We just grew up and became
Be responsible for your actions!
Today on this hot day
Please accept our congratulations
For your loyalty and love,
For your dedication to your work!
We have known you for so many years,
And you know everything about us.
How good it is to be with us
You are smiling now!
You are so extraordinarily kind!
And today it is no coincidence that we
Let's say thank you for everything together,
Everyone knows if you need something,
You did not allow refusal,
They always helped us with everything!
Let's not talk today
Banal words, stock phrases,
We wish you good health!
We love you very, very much!
With gratitude in my heart, with pride in my eyes,
We come to say goodbye to you forever.
Let's not forget our school, the hand on the clock
We will definitely come back - it’s not a problem.
Director, we only wish you joy,
And, of course, shake hands with respect.
Our friendly class will sing a song in chorus.
Just remember school with kind, kind words.
Your job doesn't seem easy
But you manage to cope with it like this
Simple and correct, smart and subtle,
That it seems like the work is nothing.
And you are not an ordinary section chief.
The heaviest object has been entrusted to you:
And a motley mass of students,
And teachers are complex intellects.
On the day of the school principal's anniversary.
We want to tell you that the years do not age you.
Be like that - strict, smart, cheerful.
And we will support you and always help you.
Dear school principal,
We say with respect:
You are cheerful and cool,
We thank you for everything:
That they always understood us
Were a friend and a shoulder,
We relied on him -
There was nothing wrong with him.
And they scolded and reproached,
They taught as best they could.
Understood and loved
They took care of their childhood generously.
At school you are responsible for everything,
And they are strict at any teachers’ meeting.
Children's destinies "with a soul" architect,
You are talent, and you are the best director!
We are so incredibly grateful to you!
Each of us knows for sure
Graduation is not goodbye to you.
Let's glorify our school with our deeds!
The director of each school is its main teacher,
To students of all classes - he is a wise parent.
You raised us all under the strict guidance,
So that every student finds a special sun.
We would like to sincerely congratulate you on this,
That the new generation looks up to you.
Soon everyone will have a new rector,
But our school principal will remain at heart.
Being a school principal is not easy.
This burden has fallen on your shoulders -
Answer any questions
To be fair and impeccable
You're doing a great job with it.
Wise leader, captain of our school.
Next to you we have become wiser,
And not just older in age.
Every year there is sadness behind sadness:
The day of parting has arrived again.
We wish you new victories,
And health, and long years to you,
So that your hard work is appreciated,
And the schoolchildren were obedient,
Certificates should be issued to everyone,
And so that there are no problems at school.
We wish you bright moments,
And good mood to you.
Please accept our gratitude!
Remember our class more often!
Our dear and respected director,
The school year has already ended.
You are like the architect of children's destinies,
All of us have always had our own approach.
But the children have grown up and today
They will leave the school and its native threshold.
And you with hidden annual sadness
You will quietly say after them: “God bless you!”
You lost yourself in the school, just creating.
No time or words were spared on the matter.
And it felt like we were a big family!
We raised a team of teachers and students.
They kept a strict course, like a school captain.
We strived only for light in children's souls!
And everyone came out with a fleet of knowledge in the ocean of life.
You always knew how things would be better for us!
This day is very important for the school principal,
Graduation even became a personal holiday for you.
Each student will very sincerely tell you:
In our school the director is a golden man.
Let the learning process give you only joy,
And only smiles will reign everywhere.
We also wish that there are no problems left.
Spend your leisure time with friends!
Thank you, dear school principal,
For your understanding of children,
Why did you put up with all our jokes?
They kept the teachers in their fist.
For making us feel warm and comfortable,
We came here with joy every day.
And although it’s difficult for us to say goodbye today,
It's time. We're leaving forever.

Thank you for not kicking us out,
For our antics we were saved from the head teachers,
For a kind word during recess,
We will never forget our native walls.
And we will never forget you, director,
No matter how far the years hide us.
Let's go back to school sometime after work,
Say: “Thank you, director, for your concern!

The school director is the main person
We never doubted it.
He was strict, but he always loved us all,
Only the best memories remain.
We ask you not to forget us,
Even though it was difficult with us sometimes.
You showed us the way to adulthood,
We will always remember this gift.

I remember my mother holding my hand
I went to school on the first day of September.
And the school principal stood at the door,
And he greeted all the children with a pleasant look.
He led us by the hand all the time at school,
He was strict and kind, carrying his burden.
Thank you for everything, that’s what we want to say.
It would be a shame for us to dream of a better director.

Graduation promises only the best for children,
The time has come for us all to part.
And the director now sits so kindly -
He is our friend, he will not swear.
Thank you, director, for the years of study,
And for patronage over each of our souls.
And it doesn’t matter where life takes us,
We will come back to visit again, as if we were coming home.

Our beloved director, now so dear!
Our time has come to part with you.
We walked together through the school along the same road,
You led us persistently along educational paths.
We sincerely congratulate you on your graduation today!
We wish you success, health and patience.
For us, you remain loved and dear.
Thank you, director, for your instructions!

With gratitude in my heart, with pride in my eyes,
We come to say goodbye to you forever.
Let's not forget our school, the hand on the clock
We will definitely come back - it’s not a problem.
Director, we only wish you joy,
And, of course, shake hands with respect.
Our friendly class will sing a song in chorus.
Just remember school with kind, kind words.

At school you are responsible for everything,
And they are strict at any teachers’ meeting.
Children's destinies "with soul" architect,
You are talent and you are the best director!
We are so incredibly grateful to you!
Each of us knows for sure
Graduation is not goodbye to you.
Let's glorify our school with our deeds!

The director of each school is its main teacher,
To students of all classes - he is a wise parent.
You raised us all under the strict guidance,
So that every student finds a special sun.
We would like to sincerely congratulate you on this,
That the new generation looks up to you.
Soon everyone will have a new rector,
But our school principal will remain at heart.

Our dear and respected director,
The school year has already ended.
You are like the architect of children's destinies,
All of us have always had our own approach.
But the children grew up and today
They will leave the school and its native threshold.
And you with hidden annual sadness
You will quietly say after them: “God bless you!”

You lost yourself in the school, just creating.
No time or words were spared on the matter.
And it felt like we were a big family!
We raised a team of teachers and students.
They kept a strict course, like a school captain.
We strived only for light in children's souls!
And everyone came out with a fleet of knowledge in the ocean of life.
You always knew how things would be better for us!

This day is very important for the school principal,
Graduation even became a personal holiday for you.
Each student will very sincerely tell you:
In our school the director is a golden man.
Let the learning process give you only joy,
And only smiles will reign everywhere.
We also wish that there are no problems left.
Spend your leisure time with friends!

Thank you, dear school principal,
For your understanding of children,
Why did you put up with all our jokes?
They kept the teachers in their fist.
For making us feel warm and comfortable,
We came here with joy every day.
And although it’s difficult for us to say goodbye today,
It's time. We're leaving forever.

Congratulations on graduation:

At the last bell, touching to tears, both children, mothers, and fathers want to express their gratitude to their patient and kind teachers. Real teachers always treated their students with understanding and tried to help them solve important issues. Our readers can choose beautiful words from parents to teachers in poetry and prose from the examples provided. They can be read to the first primary school teacher. Also, original words of gratitude will help to congratulate all class teachers and subject teachers of grades 9 and 11. We also recommend watching a useful video example.

Words of gratitude from parents to a primary school teacher at graduation - in poetry and prose

Farewell to elementary school is always sweet and tender. Therefore, all mothers and fathers of former 4th grade students should congratulate their children’s beloved teacher on this day. Our selection of examples will help parents choose beautiful words of gratitude in poetry and prose for a primary school teacher for graduation.

Examples of poetry and prose with words of gratitude from parents for a primary school teacher

Among the examples we have selected, mothers and fathers of former elementary school students can easily find words of gratitude for teachers. They can include a number with congratulations at the beginning or end of the festive evening. Ready-made examples can be supplemented with your own words.

Our dear teacher! Thank you very much for the knowledge that you skillfully and talentedly pass on to our children, because primary school is the basis of all knowledge and further education of our children. We are very grateful to you for your care, kindness and faith in every child. Special thanks to you for your gentle character, patience and wisdom. Our dear and beloved teacher, we wish you good health, professional growth and development, optimism and positivity.

How difficult it can be sometimes

You need to raise our children.

But we all understand it

And we really want to tell you:

Thank you, dear teacher,

For your kindness and patience.

For children you are a second parent,

Please accept our gratitude!

Our dear first teacher, a faithful and kind mentor to our children, you are a wonderful and wonderful person, you are an excellent specialist and a wonderful teacher. On behalf of all parents, we want to thank you very much for never leaving any of the children alone with fear and doubt, thank you for your understanding and loyalty, thank you for your hard but very important work. We wish you not to lose your abilities and strength, we wish you to always achieve success in your activities and happiness in life.

Let's say thank you, teacher,

For our dear children.

You taught the basics with patience

Our daughters, sons.

Thank you for your love and care.

You gave the children warmth,

You instilled joy in their souls,

Bits of happiness and goodness.

Dear and wonderful teacher of our children, a wonderful and kind person, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our mischievous children take their first steps into the land of great knowledge and bright science, thank you for your patience and great work. We wish you inexhaustible strength, strong nerves, excellent health, personal happiness and prosperity, sincere respect and constant optimism of the soul.

Touching to tears words from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation - for grades 11, 9 in prose

Sincere and sweet words of gratitude will complement any holiday for graduates and teachers. We have selected the best prose to include in the event script. Sincere and tear-touching words from parents to teachers in prose will help create an unforgettable graduation and last bell for 9th and 11th graders.

Words of gratitude in prose to teachers of grades 9 and 11 from parents of graduates

We congratulate the excellent teacher of our children on a wonderful and joyful event in life. We wish you joy and delight, self-confidence and strong vitality, prosperity and respect, mutual understanding with students and great success in your activities, extraordinary luck and sincere happiness, bright love and great luck.

Our dear teachers!

Many years ago, you began to teach our daughters and sons to carefully make sticks and hooks, add and subtract, and read their first books. And here in front of us stand adult boys and girls, beautiful, strong, and most importantly, smart.

Today the doors to adulthood will open. Everyone will have their own, but thanks to your efforts, they will all walk through life with honor. We know that you didn’t sleep many nights checking their notebooks, didn’t pay much attention to your families in order to spend an extra hour with our children, gave them the warmth of your hearts, spent your nerves on them so that they would grow up into worthy people.

Today we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything, even for the bad marks you sometimes gave them. Both we and our children will never forget everything you did for us.

A low bow to you and a big thank you!

On behalf of all parents, we want to thank a wonderful teacher, a wonderful person who gives our children the opportunity for self-realization and proper education. Thank you very much for your understanding and loyal attitude towards your students, for your individual approach to each of our children, for your important knowledge and a true example of determination.

A school is an integral organism that has a unique feature - the ability to push out those who are superfluous, leaving behind those who know how to sincerely love and sincerely empathize, be loyal friends and truly feel another person. School is like a ladder, along which you can only move upward, to the stars.

Once you step on the initial stage, you must go all the way from beginning to end. But what if this is the end? Most likely not, because a person is destined to study all his life - and school Guardian Angels and teachers are called upon to help in this important work.

At school, everything starts with them - faithful, bright bearers of wisdom and knowledge. The rise in life becomes easier if a mentor from God warms you nearby with crystal-clear light.

With every step comes the understanding that the higher you rise, the warmer this extraordinary light becomes, warming the soul. The light of a loving and understanding, at times strict and principled teacher.

Dear, respected our teachers!

On behalf of all parents, we want to express our extraordinary gratitude to you for everything you have done for our children. Just saying thank you is not saying anything. By entrusting our children to you, we were confident that they were in good hands. And we were not mistaken.

Without your support, without your attention, without your efforts, we - parents - would not have been able to achieve the main goal towards which we have all gone and continue to go - each of us wants to raise our child to be a Man with a capital H.

You helped and guided our children, you supported us when we were unsuccessful with them. You worried about your students no less, and perhaps even more, than we did.

A low bow to you for your hard work and from the bottom of my heart, sincere words of great gratitude from all the parents!

Thank you!

Words and congratulations from parents to teachers on the last bell and graduation of 11th and 9th grades in verse

All graduate teachers will be pleased to hear kind words of gratitude. We have found the best examples for mothers and fathers of former school students. You can choose words of gratitude from parents for the last bell and graduation in grades 9 and 11 for teachers in verse from the texts below.

Words of gratitude and congratulations in verses from parents of 9th and 11th grade graduates for teachers

Once again, teacher,

You hear speech addressed to you,

That you need to worry less

That the heart should be protected.

That illnesses will not pass by

When suddenly it gets tired,

That everything in the world is replaceable,

But you have one heart.

But your heart is like a bird

Strives for children here and there,

To those hidden in chests

To the same beating hearts!

How quickly children grow up.

Having grown stronger, in spite of all the winds,

They will leave, preserving forever

Your warmth!

Thank you for teaching me

For always being with them,

When they needed some guidance!

Thank you for all your efforts,

What gave them the opportunity to become better,

For what you do in matters of education

We always tried to take part!

We wish you success in the future,

So that your work will be a joy for you,

You are the best! We know that for sure!

Good luck and warmth to you!

Thank you for raising children

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