Watch interesting stories and stories. The most interesting short life stories from the Internet

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Sometimes, in order to find yourself, you need to find yourself in unusual conditions. Free yourself from the shackles and try to breathe deeply. But the taste of life can only be felt if a person himself understands that something is going wrong. He is cramped, he is suffocating from the eternal race for something. Only if you yourself want to change your life, it will work out. And chance will help with this.

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Not only all ages, but also all circumstances are submissive to love. The other half can be found where you don't expect it at all. For example, falling down from a high cliff. It seems that everything is life before your eyes, but it turns out quite the opposite - a new page, happier than the previous one. Don't believe this happens? Read the magical story of how Svetlana and Pavel met. The girl, going on vacation, did not even suspect what kind of trouble would happen to her. But it turned out to be the creation of a family.

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When everything works out well and as planned, we are happy. But a streak of luck does not always happen. On the path of life there are sorrows, disappointments, and losses. If you can see the positive even in adversity, you are lucky. Few people have this quality, but it needs to be developed in character, because fate usually thanks those who endure its blows, continue to move forward and look into the future with optimism.

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As usual, returning from work, Lena drove into her yard and saw that someone else’s car was already showing off in her parking spot. “Neighbor,” Lena thought angrily. - This is his car. I’ve been parking in another place for two years, and here you are – it’s time to take over mine!”
Thus began a marathon called: “Whoever is first is the one who belongs.” Literally. Whoever returned from work earlier occupied an excellent area near the house, under the shade of trees.

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Unfortunately, this topic is familiar to me firsthand. I myself once fell into the trap called “love for a married man.” The good news is that I managed to get out of this triangle without other people’s losses and without other people’s shed tears. The tears were mine. And wasted time.
Maybe my story will serve as a lesson for someone, because sometimes we learn not only from our own mistakes, but also draw conclusions from the mistakes of others.

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You can meet your destiny anywhere. Sometimes a situation that initially seemed tragic turns out happily. This, for example, happened to the heroine of our story. She flew away from her hometown to heal mental wounds, and building a new relationship was not in her mind. But fate decreed differently. Cupid's arrow touched the girl's heart in an unexpected place and not under the most pleasant circumstances.

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Love is an all-consuming feeling. This is the most important thing worth living on Earth for. Love gives strength that a person sometimes doesn’t even know about. If the feeling is sincere, then it can overcome any obstacles so that two people walk their path hand in hand. Unfortunately, it often happens that people give up love when they encounter an obstacle that seems insurmountable to them. And then they regret it for the rest of the days. If you have met your love, do not be afraid of anything. You can sacrifice a lot for her.

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There is always a time and place for love. This feeling doesn’t matter where the man and woman met, whether they are from the same city or different. If Cupid has released his arrow, resistance is useless. If you want to become happy, start a family, then don’t be afraid of anything, take risks and fight for your feeling. Not ready for change? Then, years later, don’t lament that you never knew what true love is and missed your chance to experience it. Fortunately, the hero of our story listened to the signs of the Universe, and is now very happy.

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Our life consists of accidents. Sometimes such unexpected turns occur in it that we can only be amazed. Sometimes these are pleasant events, sometimes not so much, and often we are to blame for them ourselves. We didn’t think in time, didn’t talk to our friends, family, colleagues, we got scared... Of course, you can’t predict a lot in life, but it’s also wrong to completely abdicate responsibility. Especially if it concerns your children. Their experience is your experience. In many ways, their habits and views are your habits and views. As they say in England, educate yourself not your children, they will still follow your example.

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Remember the children's game: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, sea figure, freeze”? Then it seemed that it was enough to take an intricate pose, and a miracle would happen - no one would guess me, I won. Try to use this childlike spontaneity now. You will discover wonderful acquaintances, feelings, friendship, love. Read new wonderful stories in the "Interesting stories from people's lives" section.

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How often can you hear: “If I had gotten this job/moved to another city/married a former classmate, my life would be different. I missed my happiness." We often shift responsibility for our destiny onto other people, circumstances, and continue to be unhappy. But we have the power to change our lives for the better.
Read in the section "Interesting stories from people's lives" the story of our author, Oksana Chistyakova.

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Patience in this matter is a very important stage. To fulfill your desire in the best possible way, certain circumstances are necessary, and their formation takes time. Therefore, you need to have patience and faith, and wait. Wait as long as necessary. Believe with all your heart and do not despair. Your despair destroys the creative forces of the Universe, but your faith strengthens them.

Everyone has moments in life when difficulties overwhelm them, and their hands seem about to give up... The stories of these amazingly strong-willed people will help many of us understand that we can cope with any situation and under any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself and to your strengths!

/ Stories from life

/ Stories from life

The history of the creation of an amateur series about the morals and customs of the African country of Ghana and the position of women in society. Even if you are a doctor of science or, by chance, the owner of your own business, this does not matter to an African man. You are a woman, which means you should not have a personal opinion, as well as desires.

/ Stories from life

Timur Belkin is a professional photographer, creates websites, develops the public “Other Odessa”, in which he covers informal events of the seaside city, and conducts performances as part of the authentic La Briar theater. But today we are going to talk about the features of hitchhiking in our country.

/ Stories from life

We are the “fast food generation”. With us, everything is quick, in a hurry: instant pictures, short SMS, express trips... A crazy kaleidoscope of events behind which the essence is not visible... Why are we in such a hurry to live? This question was asked to the heroine of the story by an old antique dealer. And the search for an answer helped the girl find her calling and taught her to value time.

/ Stories from life

On the International Day of the Girl, which is celebrated today all over the world in support of equal rights, I would like to remind you of such an important, integral (albeit sometimes hated) part of our lives as education. To get an education, for example, in Afghanistan, girls literally risk their lives...

/ Stories from life

How to get into winter in summer, cause rain on a sunny morning and curb the wind? Why is filming never dependent on the weather forecast and how long does it take to place a lime in a block of ice? In the kingdom of the Snow Queen they know the answers, find out too.

/ Stories from life

She looks better than the flowers on the dress. With a warm look, a caramel smile. There is a confident calm next to her. She says Vajra, and I want to listen to her. She says awareness, and this needs to be written down. And read it. After all, this is yoga. And something else.

/ Stories from life

“You need to live the dream and think about it. It needs to be allowed to grow stronger so that it does not shrink before public opinion and criticism. To know that it is unique only because it originates from love. From the love of photography.” We talk about the dream of becoming a photographer.

/ Stories from life

What kind of business becomes profitable, how to survive frustration, build your own reality and want to get married correctly. The story is told by a girl from the list of Top 100 entrepreneurs in Europe, who worked at Google and Cisco in Silicon Valley and attracted $3 million in investment for her startup.

/ Stories from life

Pole dance is the toughest type of dancing, which requires not just coordination and flexibility, but remarkable strength in the arms, abs and other muscles. Acrobatics. Stretch marks. Soldier's work. Expander in hands. And love. Because how can you endure all this if you don’t love this activity?

Almost all peoples, nations and countries have historical facts. Today we want to tell you about various interesting facts that happened in the world, which many people know, but it will be interesting to read again. The world is not ideal, just like people, and the facts about which we will tell will be bad. It will be interesting to you, since every reader will learn something educational within the framework of their interests.

After 1703, Poganye Prudy in Moscow began to be called... Chistye Prudy.

During the time of Genghis Khan in Mongolia, anyone who dared to urinate in any body of water was executed. Because water in the desert was more valuable than gold.

On December 9, 1968, the computer mouse was introduced at an interactive devices show in California. Douglas Engelbart received a patent for this gadget in 1970.

In England in 1665-1666, the plague devastated entire villages. It was then that medicine recognized smoking as beneficial, which supposedly destroyed the deadly infection. Children and teenagers were punished if they refused to smoke.

Only 26 years after the founding of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, its agents received the right to bear arms.

In the Middle Ages, sailors deliberately inserted at least one gold tooth, even sacrificing a healthy one. For what? It turns out that it was for a rainy day, so that in case of death he could be buried with honor far from home.

The world's first mobile phone is the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x (1983).

14 years before the sinking of the Titanic (April 15, 1912), a story by Morgan Robertson was published that foreshadowed the tragedy. It is interesting that according to the book, the Titan ship collided with an iceberg and sank, exactly as it actually happened.

DEAN - The leader over the soldiers in the tents in which the Roman army lived, 10 people each, was called the dean.

The most expensive bathtub in the world is carved from a very rare stone called Caijou. They say that it has healing properties, and the places of its extraction are kept secret to this day! Its owner was a billionaire from the United Arab Emirates, who wished to remain anonymous. Le Gran Queen price is $1,700,000.

The English Admiral Nelson, who lived from 1758 to 1805, slept in his cabin in a coffin that was cut out of the mast of an enemy French ship.

The list of gifts for Stalin in honor of his 70th birthday was published in advance in newspapers more than three years before the event.

How many types of cheese are produced in France? The famous cheese maker Andre Simon mentioned 839 varieties in his book “On the Cheese Business.” The most famous are Camembert and Roquefort, and the first appeared relatively recently, only 300 years ago. This type of cheese is made from milk with the addition of cream. After only 4-5 days of ripening, a crust of mold appears on the surface of the cheese, which is a special fungal culture

The famous inventor of the sewing machine, Isaac Singer, was simultaneously married to five women. In total, he had 15 children from all the women. He called all his daughters Mary.

27 million people died in the Great Patriotic War.

One of the unusual records for traveling by car belongs to two Americans - James Hargis and Charles Creighton. In 1930, they traveled over 11 thousand kilometers in reverse, traveling from New York to Los Angeles and then back.

Even two hundred years ago, not only men, but also women participated in the famous Spanish bullfights. This took place in Madrid, and on January 27, 1839, a very significant bullfight took place, because only representatives of the fairer sex took part in it. The Spaniard Pajuelera received the greatest fame as a matador. Women were banned from bullfighting in the early 20th century, when Spain was ruled by fascists. Women were able to defend their right to enter the arena only in 1974.

The first computer to include a mouse was the Xerox 8010 Star Information System minicomputer, introduced in 1981. The Xerox mouse had three buttons and cost $400, which corresponds to almost $1,000 in 2012 prices adjusted for inflation. In 1983, Apple released its own one-button mouse for the Lisa computer, the cost of which was reduced to $25. The mouse became widely known thanks to its use in Apple Macintosh computers and later in the Windows OS for IBM PC compatible computers.

Jules Verne wrote 66 novels, including unfinished ones, as well as more than 20 novellas and short stories, 30 plays, and several documentary and scientific works.

When Napoleon and his army headed for Egypt in 1798, he captured Malta along the way.

During the six days that Napoleon spent on the island, he:

Abolished the power of the Knights of Malta
-Reformed the administration with the creation of municipalities and financial management
-Abolished slavery and all feudal privileges
-Appointed 12 judges
-Layed the foundations of family law
-Introduced primary and general public education

65-year-old David Baird ran his own marathon to raise money for research into prostate and breast cancer. In 112 days, David traveled 4,115 kilometers, while pushing a car in front of him. And so he crossed the Australian continent. At the same time, he was on the move every day for 10-12 hours, and during the entire time he ran with a wheelbarrow, he covered a distance equal to 100 traditional marathons. This courageous man, having visited 70 cities, collected donations from Australian residents in the amount of about 20 thousand local dollars.

Lollipops appeared in Europe in the 17th century. At first, they were actively used by healers.

The group “Aria” has a song called “Will and Reason”, few people know that this is the motto of the Nazis in fascist Italy.

A Frenchman from the town of Landes, Sylvain Dornon, traveled from Paris to Moscow, walking on stilts. Setting off on March 12, 1891, covering 60 kilometers every day, the brave Frenchman reached Moscow in less than 2 months.

The capital of Japan, Tokyo, is currently the largest city in the world with a population of 37.5 million people.

Rokossovsky is a marshal of both the USSR and Poland.

Despite the popular belief that the transfer of Alaska to the United States of America was carried out by Catherine II, the Russian Empress had nothing to do with this historical deal.

One of the main reasons for this event is considered to be the military weakness of the Russian Empire, which became obvious during the Crimean War.

The decision to sell Alaska was made during a special meeting that took place in St. Petersburg on December 16, 1866. It was attended by the entire top leadership of the country.

The decision was made unanimously.

Some time later, the Russian envoy in the US capital, Baron Eduard Andreevich Stekl, proposed to the American government to buy Alaska from the Republic of Ingushetia. The proposal was approved.

And in 1867, for 7.2 million gold, Alaska came under the jurisdiction of the United States of America.

In 1502–1506 Leonardo da Vinci painted his most significant work - a portrait of Mona Lisa, the wife of Messer Francesco del Giocondo. Many years later, the painting received a simpler name - “La Gioconda”.

Girls in Ancient Greece got married at the age of 15. For men, the average age for marriage was a more respectable period - 30 - 35 years. The father of the bride himself chose a husband for his daughter and gave money or things as a dowry.

One of my good friends has been working at a sports school as an acrobatics coach for many, many years. At the first training session, he shows each new group of parents the same trick... He puts several mats on the floor and commands the children to run around these mats. A few minutes later he gives the command: “Everyone quickly lie down on the mats!”
So: boys lie face down on their stomachs, and girls lie face up on their backs! Always!

Saturday morning (8.15 am) I’m going to Drahomanov to study... I get on a minibus at Pushkinsky Park. The minibus is half empty, a father and daughter are driving behind me, talking about going to the theater in the evening... a child of 8-9 years old...
Well, we finally reached the Universitet metro station. My dad and the child got off the minibus (and dad looked so intelligent)... we went down into the passage, we walked, and I saw a girl screwing an ordinary light bulb into the socket and something didn’t work out for her and she said “oh, b^ &"...
And then the daughter asks her father:
- Dad, what is “B^&???”
The father, thinking probably from 2 seconds, answers:
- This, my dear, is your mother...

During the years of stagnation, I had the opportunity to work at an enterprise with a strict access control regime.
One day, an employee, Vova, was detained at the checkpoint - he was trying to take out a bottle of alcohol. The head of security handed him a pen and paper. “Write an explanatory note about where the alcohol comes from.”
Some time after the beginning. The guard came out with a completely stunned look and said: “I had to read all sorts of crap, but this!”
The explanatory note outlined a touching story of how Vova was wiping contacts on radio devices with alcohol and he ran out of alcohol. The storekeeper did not give him any more due to overexpenditure.
And then Vova went home during his lunch break and brought a bottle of alcohol that he had once bought at a pharmacy for his second cousin. He partially used this alcohol and took the rest home.
Outwardly at the time of his arrest, Vova looked like this: Red face, cloudy eyes, and a terrible exhaust.

Proofread on the Internet.
“When I was at the factory, a remarkable incident occurred. At this factory there were two buildings side by side, and in the first of them the men’s toilet was on the second floor, and in the parallel building the women’s toilet was on the third. The buildings were new and the windows in the toilets had not yet been They managed to cover it with white paint, according to the custom of that time. This circumstance allowed the female part of the team to observe the male half with impunity and vividly discuss their merits and, even more so, their shortcomings.
When the men discovered this matter, one of the workers - a small man - did the following. He cut off a healthy piece of power cable, removed the sheath from it and painted it flesh color. Having waited until the audience had gathered, the man put the cable in his pants and went to the toilet.
You should have seen the faces of the women who were taken aback when the man pulled a thing of this caliber out of his pants! To top it all off, he did the following: “having relieved himself,” he shook off his “dick” with a powerful blow against the plywood partition in the toilet.
All the men almost died laughing, and after this incident the culprit became terribly popular at the plant among the female half of the team..."

There was an incident today.
An obese patient came in and was trying to lose weight. In addition to talking about diet, there was something like this dialogue with her:
- Do you have any exercise equipment at home?
- There is a treadmill, but only the dog runs on it.
- So what, she likes it?
- No, but if you tie it and turn on the track, it runs...
- Why are you doing this?
- So, a shepherd dog needs to run 5 km a day! But we can’t go out for so many walks with her.
- I think I understand what your problem is...

(Udovichenko Oleg)

What do you know about love!!! I remember once my husband woke me up with a gentle kiss and asked: “Do you remember what day it is?” “Of course!,” I cheerfully report, “today the horses are playing with Partizan!!!”
It turned out that they meant our 10th wedding anniversary.
But before I got married, I couldn’t tell a penalty from a corner.

Pre-perestroika Moscow. Northern River Station. Walking with a friend. We look at the ships bringing tourists to Moscow - the port of five seas.
An ice cream lady stands selling delicious ice cream in cups (20 kopecks each) from a mobile tray. There is a girl standing in front of us in line - ruddy, rich, pretty, healthy and fresh throughout her body. Obviously not a Muscovite.
The ice cream maker works quickly. He opens a box of about 40 cups, pours out wooden sticks and sells them, placing a stick on each cup.
And now it’s the turn of the dear guest of the capital, she comes up to the tray and asks in an indescribably sweet, common-speaking voice:
- Tell me, is this an ice cream?
“PlombIr, plombIr,” the saleswoman politely agrees.
“Well, then please give me one,” ten stretches out.
- How many? - asks the saleswoman.
- A box!
Blushing even more, the girl leaves, looking at the box with such love as I, alas, have rarely seen in a woman’s eyes.
And then some witty guy from the line asks her:
- Hey, beauty, do you need chopsticks?
She stops and a slight thoughtfulness, which does not suit her at all, darkens her brow for a second, but only for a second. Then she turns to the saleswoman:
- Yes, give me... One...

“No matter what they do, things don’t work out,
Apparently their mother gave birth on Monday..."

One of my friends, during the Soviet shortage, snatched a terribly scarce Polish wardrobe for bribes and acquaintances. The cabinet, as expected at that time, was dark and varnished. They brought him and his friend home. And they began to collect.
What it means to assemble a Polish cabinet is a different story. Not only was there absolutely nothing going on, but the owner’s 4-year-old daughter was terribly in the way with her help. So that she could somehow get away from them, she was told: “Natasha, let’s assemble the cabinet and let you play with the hammer.” Natasha sat down in the corner of the room and began to wait for what was promised.
After 4 hours of struggle with the furniture industry of fraternal Poland, the cabinet took on the desired shape and Natasha received the promised hammer. A family friend shows Natasha that with this hammer you can hit the floor to hammer in nails.
At this moment, mom enters the room and says that Saturday lunch with all the ensuing consequences awaits the workers in the kitchen...
The men retire to the kitchen, where they carefully wash the assembled cabinet. They talk decorously, the whole conversation takes place against the backdrop of Natasha’s hammering on the floor.
About two hours later, a friend is going home and offers to put the closet back in place. Men enter the room... The cabinet, along the perimeter, exactly to the height of Natasha's height, is tapped with this same hammer.
The next weekend the cabinet was painted and taken to the dacha, where it still lives.

Once upon a time there was a drunken officer at his post at the Admiralty. Paul I, noticing this, ordered the arrest of the offender.
“According to the charter, before you arrest me, you must replace me at my post,” the officer said to those who came to carry out the order of the sovereign.
“He knows his business better when he’s drunk than we do when we’re sober,” said the emperor when he was informed about what had happened.
And he promoted the officer.

Teenagers are sitting on benches in the park. Already like adults, dressed up, with beer, all business. They discuss all passers-by, especially girls.
A quite pretty person walks by, but, alas, with slightly crooked legs. Not with a wheel, of course, and no one would pay much attention, but... there will always be a sharp-eyed goat. The boys already forgot about beer:
“Gee, girl, you were probably so fucked yesterday that your legs don’t fit together! Ha-ha!”
The girl is SMART - without slowing down:
“After your stubble, they won’t come together on their own.”
Can you imagine their faces?

I touch my son’s freckles with my finger and say: “The sun kissed you...
He gloomily said: “And my grandmother says I’m sick of cockroaches...

A brother describes his car to a potential buyer over the phone:
"...and on the front bumper there is a dent the size of a human head"...
The client delayed making an appointment.

A friend told me how he met a girl in a tavern to create a strong connection for the night, or how it goes...
He is a simple, simple person. And he also loves simplicity in relationships. He came up and introduced himself.
- Sergey.
“I’m glad,” said the girl.
She was even more pleased with the mojitos, tequila boom and other gifts from the bar counter.
Needless to say, the connection turned out to be strong and strong. Until the evening of the next day. As she said goodbye, she once again said that she was glad.
“Well, of course,” thought Sergei. And then I guessed. Now she’s thinking: before leaving, did she introduce herself again, or was she sincere? Or maybe she was being ironic...

This story took place in times that are now called “stagnant”.
In one city N they decided to build a swimming pool. And since they wanted to have a good pool, they hired Finns to build it.
The result was not long in coming: the beautiful swimming pool, the pride of the city, was built strictly on schedule.
All the “city fathers” came to its opening: the first secretary of the city committee, head. police, prosecutor, etc. and so on. Finns were also invited - the president of the construction company that built the pool, with his retinue.
Take off your clothes and everyone can swim and have fun...
Suddenly our “city fathers” begin to wonder: “Why is the water around them starting to turn lilac?!”
And the Finns swim a little to the side and smile embarrassedly...
It all became clear later: it turns out that according to their Finnish technology, a special reagent (substance) is added to the water in the pool. When it comes into contact with urine, it (the substance) turns the water lilac...

This happened a couple of years ago.
At one biker party, a guy from Vorkuta cried loudly that all of them were ringers from the zone, and he really wanted to get a real cool biker tattoo...
Three kolshchikov immediately showed up. The boy says that he doesn’t have enough money on him, and takes out a huge bag of grass... The guys didn’t object, but first they decided to try the grass.
The grass turned out to be killer tightly. They sat down at about 4 o'clock, and woke up the next morning from the animal roar of the Vorkuta resident. He looked like a Dalmatian dog, instead of spots there were pins... Cheburashkas... Then the whole day they redrew the Cheburashkas into skulls...
PS: And skulls with ears are cool!

I have been doing wedding photography and video shooting for over ten years. During this time, before my eyes and the eyes of my colleagues, many curious and, at times, sad episodes occurred, which could easily have been avoided. As they say, forewarned is forearmed!
Story one.
The newlyweds are greeted at the door of the restaurant. They offer to bite off a piece of loaf. “Whoever bites off the most will be the head of the family!” As a result, the bride has a dislocated jaw and, while her jaw is being set in the department of maxillofacial surgery, the groom and his groomsman sit in the waiting room and drink beer.
Later, the story repeated itself, but then the role of the bride was played by the wedding toastmaster herself (they also sometimes get married) and again a loaf bite that ended in a dislocated jaw. I’ve known her for a long time and she doesn’t like to remember this episode.

The second story.
After ransoming the bride, the cortege goes to the registry office. The groom himself is driving the lead car. Friends ask to see custom-made diamond engagement rings. The groom, without being distracted from the road, gives the rings to his kunaks. Upon arrival at the registry office they cannot be found. Best friends don't even try to suspect each other.
It turns out that after “hanging around”, the box with rings somehow (through the efforts of one friend) ended up lying in a pile of garbage in the back seat (champagne bottle, chocolate wrappers, banana skins, etc...
How good it is for him - silence, no TV or telephone. I brought textbooks and notes and decided to prepare for the session here.
Then I thought about it and invited my friend Masha.
In this insidious silence, we failed the session, but our daughter was born.

There was a case in the glorious city of Minsk - a wire break. I go home, but the trolleybuses don’t go. At the roundabout, where I wanted to sit down, a huge crowd of people came running and I decided to be more cunning - I went to the stop in front of the roundabout.
The trolleybus did come, but I discovered that there were more cunning people - they moved away two stops and now sat there happy. I stood up, holding the handrail, next to a sitting powerful woman with powerful breasts.
At the roundabout, a stream rushed into the trolleybus. I was holding on to the handrail with difficulty, but then some big guy pressed me from behind and a terrible thing happened - my hands came off the handrail and, looking for support, rested on my powerful chest.
I expected an explosion of emotions to follow, I looked up and... saw the contented, spreading smile of a sultry woman. There was pressure from behind, there was no way to remove my hands from my breasts - so we drove on - I, like a child, held my chest, the lady smiled.
But the worst thing happened when workers stormed the trolleybus after their shift - they pushed me and I sat on the lady’s lap. She just sighed languidly.
Imagine the situation - a 23-year-old dunce is sitting on a lady’s lap and holding his chest. This spectacle amused the whole trolleybus. Jokes and jokes began, including from the sultry woman (she turned out to have no complexes), I tried to get up, but was literally pinned to her.
And so we got there - fun, with jokes...

Yesterday I was walking past an office building, a traffic cop came out and walked in the direction of the BMW X3. Here, I think, this creature, a bribe-taker, I have to work for such a machine for half my life. And he suddenly turns and walks along the parked cars. I even felt a little ashamed - maybe a normal person, maybe even almost honest. It’s sad how it goes, and his face doesn’t seem to be very impudent.
Meanwhile, the guy walks about fifty meters and gets into the BMW X6.
And you know, sometimes you want to think about them well, but the X6 greatly undermines this desire...

That’s why I couldn’t find a place for myself, I was biting my elbows, why Mitechka still hasn’t gotten married. And he never had a girlfriend. To me, he is shy, hunted.

At first, I thought he had learned it by heart. Technical school and then institute. I crammed my notes and didn’t wander around with my friends. Well, thank God I didn’t fall into bad company.

My son did not serve in the army. The Muscovite will be killed there. And he has a squint. And flat feet to boot. But he is smart, but a little rude.

Author : Site administrator | 15.03.2019

Darlings, I don’t know what to do anymore. Last summer I was overwhelmed by a feeling of hopelessness and despair. Antidepressants don't help. The anxiety is only getting worse.

And it all started when my husband called me a black sheep. In an enraged and insane state, he cursed both me and the children three times. In a sober mind and bright memory.

The next day, when I woke up in the morning, I felt depressing. My body ached as if a bulldozer had run over it. I drove away terrible words from myself.

But they stuck to my mind like leeches. For no reason, no reason, to spew out something that even the most inveterate carrion would not dare to do.

Author : Site administrator | 14.03.2019

I bring to your attention a real story (life story) of a 2nd grade student about a dangerous situation with strangers. Let the story become a reminder to you.

There are many more good people in this world. And I'm not going to get angry. But, unfortunately, excessive gullibility can play a cruel joke on you.

And here we are not even talking about the fact that all strangers are troublemakers. You just need to distance yourself from those who offer you something for free.

I don’t want to seem super smart, but a dangerous situation can be discerned in the eyes of a stranger staring intently at you. It's as if they are trying to hypnotize you and force you to follow orders.

Author : Site administrator | 14.03.2019

I’m ashamed to say this, but I work as an ordinary driver with a higher education. At the meat processing plant. Why did I just study at the institute? If only I knew!

Honors diploma with honors. But as it turns out, the specialty “Geodesist” is not held in high esteem these days. And the salary, in case of employment, is miserable, a pittance.

Surely many of you have encountered a similar problem. Without work experience, you will not be hired for a prestigious position. But where, excuse me, can he come from, if I just got up from the institute bench!

But no one is interested in this. Give us your work book. Everything is clear with you, comrade. We will call you back tomorrow. So I hung around for three years. And let my life story become the most useful lesson for you.

Author : Site administrator | 13.03.2019

I was excited and inspired by the sensual prose. I want to live my whole life with you and die in an instant, falling into the abyss of sticky bliss and the universe.

Helen, I’m not a boy romantically singing your praises. There is a feeling that is timeless. It is like a soul, without which life is unthinkable.

And my love for you is expressed in deep and selfless devotion, readiness to walk with you through life and remain faithful until the very end.

I dream of taking possession of your body and penetrating it according to mutual desire. Enjoy voluptuous sobs and incessant moans, uttered in a fit of ecstasy.

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