Reader's tip: Five proven ways to learn French. How to learn French: step-by-step instructions

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Much more complex than many other languages. To study the French language perfectly, you need more than one year of hard work and a lot of time and effort, but in the modern world and with the current rhythm of life, unfortunately, we do not have that much time. In this regard, we will pay attention only to cases in grammar that require closer attention and are necessary when studying the language. In the process of learning a language, motivation is also very important. In the modern world, polyglots know several languages ​​and that’s all, because they really like it, and they want to know and study them. If you have the same position in relation to the French language, then success is guaranteed, but if not, then you can forget about the desire to learn French as, in general, any other language in the world and not a single teacher will be able to teach a foreign language, in in case of lack of desire on the part of the student.

Motivation as a stimulus for language learning

A very important factor influencing the quality and speed of language acquisition is motivation.

Let's compare two situations, imagine a case in which two young people decided to learn French. In the first, a young man needs French to travel to France in the summer to visit a young girl, but they met on the Internet, and, unfortunately, they speak different languages, which leads to the need to learn the language. In the second case, the young man must pass an exam at the university. The motivation in these situations is completely different; it is obvious that in the first case the young person will learn the language, devoting several hours a day to learning the language with great zeal. When will the second young man devote less time to learning the language and will not receive much pleasure from the learning process. The most important thing is to motivate yourself well. After all, when they tell us, “If you finish the quarter well, we’ll buy you a new laptop,” oddly enough, our grades for the quarter surprisingly become higher and we finish the quarter, almost excellent.

The verb is the basis of any foreign language

As you know, in any language the verb is the base. Accordingly, in French, the verb is no less important at the beginning of the path of language acquisition. When learning French, you should definitely have a couple of books on French grammar in stock. Without this, it is practically impossible to understand all the basics of the language yourself. In French, there are four main verbs that are mentioned more often than others: to live, to have, to do, to be. First, you need to learn how these verbs are conjugated and make the conjugation automatic. Further, to strengthen your knowledge, you can make sentences in different tenses and conjugations with these verbs.

Don't expect the learning to be easy or quick. They should be given special attention; the variety of forms can terrify you. Unlike English grammar

Thanks to my French teacher at the university: despite the fact that I have not used this language for a long time, my knowledge and skills have been preserved. For example, I read any text flawlessly and have an excellent grasp of grammar. But: there was little speaking practice at the university. I plan to close this gap in the near future and bring my French back to life.

I want to start with my personal selection of sites for beginners. This list contains resources that will be useful to you in the basic stages of learning French.


My favorite English-language resource with a powerful database of dialogues, podcasts, printables and assignments for them. If you know and understand English at least a little, you can at least download podcasts to your laptop or phone and listen to them in transport. The tasks are divided into levels from beginner to advanced.

When registering, you can buy a whole set of materials for beginners for $1 to try out the training. Then it is convenient to get premium access to the service for several months with feedback from the teacher to ensure regular and high-quality practice.

A detailed overview of the Language Pod service.


I have repeatedly turned to Dmitry Petrov’s courses to remember and practice basic knowledge and skills in Italian and French. This year I plan to use his lessons to learn new languages. In my opinion, these are the best classes to get a first idea of ​​the language, understand basic vocabulary, grammar, language system and start speaking.


I'm currently studying French on the interactive French lessons service Busuu to fill in the gaps in the knowledge I have, and also to prepare for full-fledged advanced classes next month.

The tasks here are divided by learning level, it is very convenient to go through a small block every day. Vocabulary and grammar are taught from simple to complex, there is voice-over, new information is immediately reinforced in practice. I like that the theory and practice are presented in small chunks so that everything is memorized.


It is very important to understand correct French pronunciation from the very beginning. On this resource you will find a collection of lessons with a detailed explanation of the sounds of the French language, you can listen to audio files and test yourself by repeating after a native speaker.


I have known this site for a very long time and have turned to it many times for reference information. The resource is run by a French teacher, so there is a lot of quality material here. In addition to the obligatory information on French vocabulary and grammar, the author publishes comprehensive articles about the culture and traditions of France, and offers lists of resources and tests.


While you are just learning the basics of French phonetics, the Forvo website will help you out. Here you can check your pronunciation at any time.


Cool series in French. Of course, if you just started learning a language yesterday, it’s too early for you to watch it. But in the process of mastering the basic level, it is worth connecting it to classes. You need to learn to understand what you already know, to hear simple dialogues and phrases. This is a good alternative to regular TV series that are still difficult for you to watch.

BBC Learning French

Another English-language, but cool site. (Do you see how useful it is to know English?) If you have some knowledge of English, check out the site - there are a lot of cool video lessons, tests, riddles, and articles. There are good materials with basic phrases and voice acting. I took the Ma France advanced course a couple of times on this resource.

Les Verbes

Verbs in French are a different story. If you understand the logic, then it will not be difficult for you to automatically conjugate them in different tenses, persons and numbers. Not only individually, but also during a conversation. In the meantime, keep a hint!

Hello Pal

A convenient mobile application for communicating with native speakers by correspondence, conversation and voice messages. Join to chat anytime! Why do I recommend this program to beginners? Because inside there are tips and phrase templates that make communication easier at the initial stage.

Detailed review of the Hello Pal service.


I often encourage you to use monolingual dictionaries. And I recommend starting to use them as early as possible. Read more about this and. But for beginners, a proven dictionary with Russian translation is simply necessary.

Study French

Lots of cool information on all aspects of learning French. There are sections dedicated to grammar, vocabulary, ready-made topics, tests, and dialogues. If you wish, you can even find a tutor, courses or a conversation club.


Not a single review of resources is complete without this site.)) But this is not just like that. I'm really very pleased with this service. When you go there with a specific goal, you get results.

A beginner can set himself the task of mastering communication in French on basic topics, list a specific list and find a teacher who will help with this. Italki is the best tool for this. I am now looking for a native speaker teacher, as I need to improve my speaking level.

Detailed review of the Italki service.

Explore these sites, they will be enough to start learning French from scratch or remember what you once learned.

What stage of learning French are you at now? If you have good resources in mind, what would you recommend?

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This material was sent to us by our regular reader Sanzhar Surshanov (his Twitter is @SanzharS), who shared very interesting ways to learn a new language for you.

Since the beginning of this year I started learning French. I do this with the help of the English language, since I began to speak English confidently, one might say I found the key to numerous Internet resources.

Below I would like to list and describe how I learn French:

1. Duolingo

The site was founded by the creators of CAPTCHA and RECAPTCHA, students of Carnegie Mellon University. By the way, every time you enter recaptcha, you help digitize thousands of old books. The main idea is for people to simultaneously learn languages ​​and translate the Internet into different languages.

All material is divided into different categories.

After you finish the exercises, you will be given real material taken from the Internet for translation. Simple sentences at first, becoming more complex as you learn. By translating sentences you strengthen your knowledge and help translate web pages. You can also look at the translations of other users.

Exercises include text translation, speaking, listening. There is no emphasis on grammar as such.

In addition to French, you can study Spanish, German, English, Italian and Portuguese.

Audio lessons go like this: 2 students come to him who don’t know French. It turns out that you become the 3rd student. Michelle talks to the students and this is how they learn the language. He explains the difference between English and French, first talks about new words, then asks to translate from English into French.

The main difference and rule of the Michel method is no need to try to memorize words, phrases, etc.

I don’t know how to explain, but after the first lesson, on an intuitive level, you yourself begin to guess how it will be in the language you are learning.

I personally really like this method.

3. Memrise

To improve my vocabulary, I use the memrise website.

You can find a lot of different courses on the site, you can even learn Morse code. I'm learning - Hacking French.

By learning new words, you are “growing flowers.” Plant seeds, water, etc.

The main trick is that you create memes for unfamiliar words and associate them with the English language. I did not create the memes themselves; I use the creations of other users.

You grow flowers something like this: first, remember the meaning of the words, then repeat them several times. Click on the correct answer, write the translation yourself, and while listening to the phrase, select the correct answer from the list. This ends the first part.

After 4-5 hours, you receive a notification via email that you need to repeat what you have covered. Repeat the above; if you make a mistake in the translation, the word is repeated. That's pretty much how it all happens.

4.News in slow French

Thanks to Twitter, I just recently found a link to another wonderful resource.

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