Soviet writers for children and their works. Famous children's writers

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October 24, 2013

Any educated person began his knowledge of the world with children's books. The article will talk about amazing people who always thought about kids and wrote fascinating stories and poems for them, about famous children's writers.

Children's books are remembered all my life with great love and nostalgia for happy years. Growing up, many read the same books to their children. Which of the writers people remember all their lives, which of them gives little prodigies a ticket to the big world of adventure, fantasy and instructive stories. You just need to remember who they are, those famous children's writers. After all, if there were no such kind and warm poems by Agnia Barto, interesting stories by Korney Chukovsky, how would children learn to read more serious works?

Agnia Lvovna Barto

Agnia Lvovna Barto - (1906-1981) It is with her that the journey into children's literature begins. This is a wonderful Soviet poetess who wrote for young children. Everyone knows her poems, they are simple and naive, that is precisely their charm. When remembering Agnia Barto, poems about a little bull who is afraid to fall immediately come to mind. An unforgettable poem about Tanya, who dropped the ball and about the poor bear, who was abandoned by the owner. It is simply impossible to list all of her creations, but they warm the soul, and with them moments from childhood come to mind.

She also wrote scripts for films about children. Many people don’t realize that everyone’s favorite film “Foundling” was based on her script, as well as several other equally famous films of those years. Her books are loved all over the world and read in different languages; they are close and understandable to all young readers, as this is the language of childhood.

Few people know that Agnia Lvovna helped in the search for relatives lost during the war. She hosted the program “Find a Person” on the radio.

Children grow and develop, learn about the world, read new books with other characters and other authors, which will also remain in their memory.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - 1882-1969 years of his life. This is a wonderful and extraordinary children's writer and poet. If with A. Barto everything is simple and clear, then Chukovsky forces the child’s brain to work, put everything in its place, determine the bad and the good. His “Cockroach” is remembered by everyone even in adulthood and is no longer associated with childhood events. And a good doctor who treats everyone and is not able to refuse help to anyone is the faith of children in goodness, and the hope of adults in it. His poems such as “Crocodile”, “Moidodyr”, “Telephone” are loved by everyone. By reading them to their kids, parents discover something new for themselves. It would seem that these are children's poems, but there is a lot in them that is connected with adult life. Children can find useful advice in the poet’s poems and learn how to behave correctly in different situations.

Another Russian and Soviet childhood writer is Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913 - 2009), who is known all over the world. Many generations grew up reading his poems. Both adults and children know his Uncle Styopa, a wonderful citizen and person. Many of his poems do not have titles, but they are easily remembered by children. One of them is about dreams that definitely come true if they are made on New Year’s Eve. Many cartoons were based on his poems and poems.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964) is a well-known writer and poet for different generations. His stupid and smart mouse is familiar to everyone. This poet, like those listed above, is a classic of children's literature. His works for children, such as “Mr. Twister”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero” and others, are still read. He collected and processed many fairy tales and riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (date of birth: February 2, 1937) - this writer is now alive and well, delighting young readers with his stories, working on cartoon scripts. Who doesn’t know his Cheburashka, his cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor. Children become engrossed in his books and simply love watching cartoons about Prostokvashino.

You can remember G. Auster with his “Bad Advice,” the English writer A. Milne and his Winnie the Pooh, whom every child knows, and many other writers. Famous children's writers became such thanks to the fact that children read their books and learn them by heart.

Parents should introduce their children to their works from early childhood, then they will develop correctly and become interested in discovering more and more new books.

Modern Russian children's writers of the 21st century and their works have replaced the long-familiar Chukovsky, with his Aibolit, and Nosov, with his beloved Dunno. Some modern works are highly controversial. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that children's fairy tales, stories and poems should be kind, instructive in some way, and goodness should certainly win.

In addition, there are outright graphomaniacs with unstable psyches, but they have enough money to publish their collections.

Therefore, it is very important to carefully sift out the literature that falls into the hands of children. After all, it shapes their psyche and suggests the line of their behavior in various situations.

Modern children's writers in Russia have moved away from classical Soviet children's literature and do not always put morality first. And yet, they manage to convey in a fun and accessible way to children what “good” is and what “bad” is.

Contemporary children's writers of Russia, list:

  • Tatyana Bokova (I fell in love on Thursday. Miracles on New Year's Eve. Mom, Dad and Me.)
  • Sergey Georgiev (Christmas trees: Field Marshal Pulkin. Ball from Australia. Little green frog)
  • Arthur Givargizov (Notes of an outstanding student. About dragons and policemen.)
  • Tamara Kryukova (Shiny galosh on the right foot. Zhenya Moskvichev and his friends)
  • Oleg Kurguzov (Birthday upside down. In the footsteps of Pochemuchka)
  • Sergey Sedov (Hercules. 12 great labors. An eyewitness account.)
  • Maria Bershadskaya (Big little girl.)
  • Stanislav Vostokov (Do not feed, do not tease...)
  • Arthur Givargizov (From grandfather's to children's.)
  • Maria Aromstam (When the Angels rest.)
In fact, there are now a lot of children's writers, and only the most famous ones are listed here. How do people become writers? Most of them are dreamers and inventors who, having become parents, discovered that their children have nothing to read. Old fairy tales have long been read, and some of them are better protected from. It is difficult to teach children to read when there is a vacuum around them, and this is at best. It’s worse if a child gets stuck in computer games, where he develops a difficult character.

Modern children's writers are psychologists, teachers and simply parents who endlessly love children, their own and others, and they grow up with their children, telling more and more fairy tales. They know children, and sometimes it is children who suggest fairy tales. Only the person who communicates with children every day can write an exciting story and tear the child away from the TV with cartoons.

And the influence of children's fiction on the child's psyche cannot be underestimated. Books force a child to think and imagine images on his own, which does not happen when watching cartoons.

Parents should pay more attention to their child and choose fairy tales/stories that the child will understand and will like. He simply doesn’t know that such a fabulous world of literature exists and doesn’t know how to separate good books from bad ones.

Having analyzed the personalities and creativity of the majority of children's and youth writers of the 20th century, we present to you a list of authors who are the best in terms of the quality of energy and purity of their works.

In our opinion, a child’s education should begin with familiarization with their creativity.

The information contained in Bazhov’s books will be developing for people for the next 100 years, Lewis Carroll’s books - for the next 50 years. The remaining works presented here will potentially carry an evolutionary message for about 20 years.

Parents, remember! Many books can be found in audio format, don’t be lazy, listen to something yourself!

January 15 (27), 1879 - December 3, 1950 – teacher, journalist, ethnographer, writer. The book of essays “The Ural Were”, the autobiographical story “The Green Filly”, the author’s collections of tales: “The Malachite Box”, “The Key-Stone”, “Tales of the Germans”. Some of the most famous tales: “The Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “The Malachite Box”, “The Stone Flower”, “The Mining Master”, “A Fragile Twig”, “Iron Tires”, “Two Lizards”, “The Clerk’s Soles”, “The Sochnevy Pebbles” , “Grass West”, “Melting Mirror”, “Cat Ears”, “About the Great Snake”, “Snake Trail”, “Gill Walker”, “Golden Dykes”, “Lapping Firefly”, “Blue Snake”, “Key” land”, “Sinyushkin Well”, “Silver Hoof”, “Ermakov’s Swans”, “Golden Hair”, “Dear Name”.

July 14, 1891 - July 3, 1977 - mathematician, teacher, translator, writer. He is best known as the creator of the six-book series “The Wizard of the Emerald City”: “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “Oorfene Deuce and His Wooden Soldiers”, “The Seven Underground Kings”, “The Fire God of the Marrans”, “The Yellow Fog”, “The Secret of the Abandoned castle." His other works: “Architects”, “Wanderings”, “Two Brothers”, “Wonderful Ball”, “Invisible Fighters”, “Planes at War”, “The Wake of the Stern”, “Travelers in the Third Millennium”, “The Adventures of Two friends in the country of the past”, “The Constantinople Captive”, “Petya Ivanov’s Journey to an Extraterrestrial Station”, “In the Altai Mountains”, “Lapatin Bay”, “On the Buzhe River”, “Birthmark”, “Lucky Day”, “By the Campfire” "

Lewis Carroll, real name Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898 English writer, mathematician, logician, philosopher and photographer. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”, “Sylvia and Bruno”, the humorous poem “The Hunting of the Snark”, “Phantasmagoria”, as well as a collection of riddles and games “The Story with Knots”.

BoRice Vladimirovich Zakhoder September 9, 1918 - November 7, 2000 – writer, poet, translator. Some of his collections of poems: “On the Back Desk”, “Monkey Tomorrow”, “Nobody and Others”, “Who is Like Whom”, “To Comrade Children”, “School for Chicks”, “Calculations”, “My Imagination”, “ If they give me a boat”, some works in prose: “The Monkey’s Tomorrow”, “The Good Rhinoceros”, “Once Upon a Time Fip”, fairy tales “The Gray Star”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Hermit and the Rose”, “The Story of the Caterpillar”, “ Why are fish silent”, “Ma-Tari-Kari”, “A fairy tale about everyone in the world”.

Zakhoder is also well known as a translator of many masterpieces of foreign literature for children: A. A. Milne’s fairy tales “Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, L. Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland", fairy tales by K. Capek and the Brothers Grimm, J.M. Barrie's play "Peter Pan", various poems.

June 22, 1922 - December 29, 1996 - poet, prose writer, screenwriter. Novels and short stories: “He was a real trumpeter”, “Boys Station”, “The Mystery of Fenimore”, “Where the Sky Begins”, “Sentry Petrov”, “Where the Battery Stood”, “Fence with a Blue Eye”, “Salute”, “I I’m following the rhinoceros”, “Semyon the striped one”, “Temporary lodger”, “The game of beauty”, “Sretensky Gate”, “Heart of the earth”, “Son of a pilot”, “Self-portrait”, “Ivan-Willis”, “Company commander "", "Kingfisher", "Ballerina of the political department", "Girl, do you want to act in a movie?", "Travesties", "Persecution of redheads", "Elephant Driver", "Passion for Four Girls", "Difficult Bullfighting", "Difficult Blood”, “Lala Bullet”, “Party”, “Teacher”, “Sancho’s Faithful Friend”, “Samantha”, “And Vorobyov Didn’t Break the Glass”, “Ledum”, “Bambus”, “The Beauty Game”, “Boy” with skates”, “Boy with skates”, “Knight Vasya”, “Collecting clouds”, “Sons of Pedestrians”, “History teacher”, “Girls from Vasilyevsky Island”, “Friend of Captain Gastello”, “Naughty boy Icarus”, “ Memory”, “The Last Fireworks”, “Sapper”, “Goalkeeper”, “Bavaclava”, “Flower of Bread”, “One Voice”, “Change of Weather”, “Letter to Marina”, “Woke by Nightingales”, “Relic”, “ Violin”, “Horseman galloping over the city”, “My familiar hippopotamus”, “Old horse for sale”, “Shorn devil”, “Umka”, “Urs and Kat”, “Visiting the dog”, “Memories of a cow” , “The Girl from Brest”, “The Commander’s Daughter”, “The Preference Man’s Daughter”, “We are destined to live”, “The Invisible Cap”, “Lullaby for Men”, “Our Address”, “But Passaran”, “The day before yesterday there was a war” , “Post Number One”, “Constellation of Locomotives”.

3 August 1910 – 18 August 1995, English children's writer, artist, film actor and theater director. He wrote two books of fairy tales: “Forgotten Birthday”, “Journey along the River of Time”. Here are the titles of some of his fairy tales: “The Dragon and the Wizard”, “Hide and Seek”, “Cows and the Wind”, “Mr. Crococat”, “Where did the starfish come from”, “Under the carpet”, “About the station that did not stand still” ", "About a puddle and a bun with raisins", "About policeman Arthur and about his horse Harry", "Dot-mother and Dot-daughter", "Fog", "Wow", "Breadcrumbs", "Cupid and the nightingale" , “Blackie and Reggie”, “Down!”, “The Big Wave and the Little Wave”, “The Philosopher Beetle and Others”, “Ginger Cookies”, “The Quacking Mailbox”, “Crow and the Sun”, “About the Boy Who growled at the tigers", "Miranda the Explorer", "Mice on the Moon", "Nelson and the Hen", "Knolls and the Juniper", "A Little Penguin Named Prince", "About the Little Bus Who Was Afraid of the Dark", "About Zzzzzzz”, “About Ernie the Parrot Who Got Measles”, “About Olivia the Seagull and Rosalind the Turtle”, “Joe’s Travels”, “Fish and Chips”, “St Pancras and King’s Cross”, “About Olivia the Snail and the Canary ", "Shhhhhh!", "Yak", "The Three Hats of Mr. Kepi", "About the Beetle and the Bulldozer", "About the Beauty Cow", "About the Piglet Who Learned to Fly", "About the Tiger Cub", "About the Tiger Cub Who Loved take a bath", "Daisy's Journey to Australia", "Annabelle", "Ant and Sugar", "Bam! ", "Everything is topsy-turvy", "Ha-ha-ha! ", "The Komodo Dragon", "The Forgotten Birthday of Komodo", "Little Red Riding Hood of Komodo", "The Grasshopper and the Snail", "The Milkman's Horse", "The Rhinoceros and the Good Fairy", "Do you want, do you want, do you want...", "Eagle and lamb".

Born May 18, 1952, is an American science fiction and fantasy writer. The following works of hers are available in Russian:
“Young Wizards” Series: “How to Become a Wizard”, “Deep Magic”, “High Magic”, “Boundless Magic”
“Magical Cats” series: “The Book of Moonlit Night”, “A Visit to the Queen”
Star Trek Series: "Doctor's Orders", "Spock's World", "Wounded Sky"
“X-Team”, “Space Police”, “Space Police. Brain killer."

September 15, 1789 – September 14, 1851, American novelist. Novels: “The Spy, or a Tale of No Man's Land”, “The Pilot”, “Lionel Lincoln, or the Siege of Boston”, “The Pioneers”, “The Last of the Mohicans”, “The Prairie”, “The Red Corsair”, “The Valley of Wish-ton” Vish", "Bravo, or in Venice", "Heidenmauer, or the Benedictines", "The Executioner, or the Abbey of the Winegrowers", "Pathfinder, or the Lake-Sea", "Mercedes from Castile", "St. John's Wort, or the First Warpath", "The Two Admirals", "Will-o'-the-Wisp", "Wyandotte, or the House on the Hill", "On Land and Sea", "Miles Wallingford", "Satanstowe", "The Surveyor", "Redskins", "Gleades in the Oak Woods, or Bee Hunter”, “Sea Lions”, “The fantastic story of the brigantine of the same name “Sea Sorceress”.

August 28, 1925 - October 12, 1991, born April 15, 1933, Soviet writers, co-authors, screenwriters, classics of modern science and social fiction. Novels and stories: “The Country of Crimson Clouds”, “From Outside”, “The Path to Amalthea”, “Afternoon, XXII Century”, “Interns”, “Attempt to Escape”, “Distant Rainbow”, “It’s Hard to Be a God”, “Monday” starts on Saturday", "Predatory Things of the Century", "Anxiety", "Ugly Swans", "Snail on the Slope", "The Second Invasion of the Martians", "The Tale of the Troika", "Inhabited Island", "Hotel climber”, “Baby”, “Roadside Picnic”, “Guy from the Underworld”, “Doomed City”, “A Billion Years Before the End of the World”, “A Tale of Friendship and Unfriendship”, “A Beetle in an Anthill”, “Lame Fate” ", "The waves extinguish the wind", "Burdened with evil, or Forty years later"
Plays: “The Jews of the City of St. Petersburg, or Sad Conversations by Candlelight”, “Five Spoons of Elixir”, “Without Weapons”
Stories: “Deep Search”, “Forgotten Experiment”, “Six Matches”, “SKIBR Test”, “Private Speculations”, “Defeat”, “Almost the Same”, “Night in the Desert” (another name is “Night on Mars” ), “Emergency”, “Sand Fever”, “Spontaneous Reflex”, “Man from Pasifida”, “Moby Dick”, “In Our Interesting Times”, “On the Question of Cyclotation”, “The First Men on the First Raft”, "Poor evil people."

In addition, Arkady Strugatsky wrote several works alone under the pseudonym S. Yaroslavtsev: a fairy tale in three parts “Expedition to the Underworld”, a story “The Devil Among Men” and a story “Details of the Life of Nikita Vorontsov”.

Boris Strugatsky alone, under the pseudonym S. Vititsky, wrote the following works: “The Search for Destiny, or the Twenty-Seventh Theorem of Ethics,” “The Powerless of This World.”

Born in 1931, artist, illustrator, screenwriter and director, author and illustrator of seventy books for adults and children. Three of his books “The Adventures of the Hryllops Family”, “Kriktor”, “Adelaide. Winged Kangaroo."

December 6, 1943 - April 30, 1992, poet and artist. Published collections of poems: “We went forward - we came back”, “Bird in a Cage”, “Cranks and Others”, “Hooligan Poems”, author’s collections: “Cranks”, “Talking Raven”, “Vitamin of Growth”.

Born in 1952 - teacher, playwright, writer. The author of more than 20 books, the books “The River Flowing Backwards”, “The Winter Battle” and “The Grief of the Dead King” were published in Russian.

Born on January 18, 1981, she wrote two books: “Waffle Heart” and “Tonya Glimmerdahl.” Both of these books by Maria Parr were translated into Russian.

Max Fry- literary pseudonym of the authors Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Svetlana Yuryevna Martynchik (born February 22, 1965, Odessa) is a contemporary writer and artist. Igor Stepin (born 1967, Odessa) - artist.
Books in the “Labyrinths of Echo” series: “The Labyrinth” (“Stranger”), “Volunteers of Eternity”, “Simple Magical Things”, “The Dark Side”, “The Executor”, “Obsessions”, “The Power of the Unfulfilled”, “The Chatty Dead”, “ Labyrinth of Menin. Books in the “Chronicles of Echo” series: “Forehead of the Earth”, “The Tulan Detective”, “The Lord of Mormora”, “The Elusive Habba Han”, “The Crow on the Bridge”, “The Sorrow of Mr. Gro”, “The Glutton Laughing Man”. Books outside the series: “My Ragnarok”, “Encyclopedia of Myths”, “Book of Complaints”, “Nests of Chimeras”, “Fairy Tales and Stories”, “Book for People Like Me”, “Book of Lies”, “Book of Imaginary Worlds”, “The Ideal Novel”, “The Yellow Metal Key”.
Books will be educational for another 10 years.

(April 4, 1948; Peoria, Illinois) is a famous American science fiction writer. Books: 1985 “Song of Kali”, 1989 “Phases of Gravity” (not published in Russia), 1989 “Carrion Comfort”, 1989 “Hyperion” (“Hyperion”) 1990 “The Fall of Hyperion”, 1990 “Entropy’s Bed at Midnight” (not published in Russia), 1991 “Summer of Night” (“Summer of Night"), 1992 "The Hollow Man" (not published in Russia), 1992 "Children of the Night", 1995 "Fires of Eden", 1996 “Endymion”, 1997 “The Rise of Endymion”, 1999 “The Bell for Ham” (“The Crook Factory”), 2000 “Darwin’s Blade”, 2001 "Hardcase", 2002 "A Winter's Haunting", 2002 "Hard Freeze", 2003 "Ilium", 2003 "Tough as Nails" "("Hard as Nails"), 2005 "Olympos", 2007 "The Terror", 2009 "Drood", 2009 "Black Hills" (at this time not yet published in Russia), 2011 “Flashback” (at this time not yet published in Russia).

The books will be educational for another 10-20 years.

Many people think that all talented storytellers lived a long time ago, and since the time Barto, Chukovsky And Mikhalkova nothing interesting appeared in children's literature. On International Children's Book Day, will try to dispel these doubts. We offer a review of interesting new book releases.

“This is a truck, and this is a trailer,” Anastasia Orlova

Publisher: ROSMEN, 2015

For children from 0 years old

“This is a truck, and this is a trailer” - a story in prose for the little ones. This is a book about how a truck and its friend, a restless trailer, work from morning to night, delivering various cargoes. On the way, the heroes encounter many difficulties: holes, mountains, puddles and rain. But all this is nothing if there is a friend nearby who will come to the rescue. Popular children's author Anastasia Orlova built the plot according to the classic principle of a fairy tale story, but each hero in this fairy tale has its own unique character, its own voice and its own intonation.

“My Happy Life”, Roose Lagerkrantz

Publisher: “CompassGuide”, 2015

For children from 0 years old

"My Happy Life" by a Swedish writer Ruse Lagerkranz— a story about first-grader Daniela, who faces small troubles and big problems every day, but still comes to the conclusion that she is the happiest in the world. And although this book is about a girl, the story will be no less interesting for boys, since school fears, shyness and feelings of loneliness are familiar to everyone.

“The Magic Tree”, Andrey Usachev

For children from 6 years old

"The Magic Tree" - a new book by a popular children's writer Andrey Usachev with illustrations by the artist Igor Oleinikov. Publishers jokingly call the fairy tale “a book of happy falling asleep stories.” A fantastic story introduces children to the planet O (resembling a ball flattened on the sides or the letter “O”), where a Magic Tree grows that makes any wish come true. Also on this unusual planet, fish fly, flowers sing, books grow on trees, and all the inhabitants know how to dream.

“Suitcase”, Anna Nikolskaya

Publisher: ROSMEN, 2015

For children from 6 years old

Anna Nikolskaya- popular children's writer, winner of the gold medal named after Sergei Mikhalkov. One of her latest books, especially loved by young readers, is a fairy tale about Avdotya Chemodanovna Svirepova. Many compare this story with cult books about Mary Poppins And Carlson, but it is written in a completely different, modern language. One day, the mysterious grandmother Chemodanovna appears in the house of nine-year-old twins and changes their lives for the better: now the kids can enjoy cheesecakes and cottage cheese rolls for breakfast instead of oatmeal, and in the evening - walks in the rain through puddles instead of cartoons.

“Yellow Bag”, Lizhia Bujunga

For children from 6 years old

“The Yellow Bag” can easily be called a modern world children's classic. The author of the book is a talented Brazilian Lizhia Bujunga, winner of the award named after Hans Christian Andersen, as well as awards Astrid Lindgren.

“The Yellow Bag,” like Ligia’s other works, not only brings a kind smile to little readers, but also makes them think about life. The plot centers on little Raquel, who dreams of becoming a writer, growing up as quickly as possible and regrets that she was not born a boy. But the girl is forced to hide her dreams in a magic yellow bag, because the whole family laughs at her desires.

“The Secret of the Chocolate Witch”, Daria Korzh

Publisher: "Dolphin", 2016

For children from 6 years old

“The Secret of the Chocolate Lady” is a fascinating tale about friendship, magic lessons and naughty but still kind children. And most importantly, it is about a cherished childhood dream - to be in the world of sweets. The red-haired girl Tasya becomes one of the assistants of the owner of the chocolate store Isolda Markovna, and in her basement she accidentally finds a box with pastille fairies Rose and Bella. Little readers, together with Tasya, will have to solve many unusual mysteries and find out who the Chocolate Witch is?

“Black hand from the second entrance”, Natalia Solomko

Publisher: Ripol Classic, 2016

For children from 12 years old

“The Black Hand from the Second Entrance” is a suitable book for those children who love scary stories. For the bravest boys and girls Natalia Solomko came up with frightening, exciting and funny horror stories, which, of course, are most interesting to read while crawling under the covers and turning on a flashlight. And the artist Ekaterina Bogdanova I drew unique illustrations for “The Black Hand from the Second Entrance” that will help children vividly imagine the “black-black city” and the “black-black street.”

Anatoly Orlov is a talented Russian writer who, in his works, continues the traditions of Mikhail Prishvin and Konstantin Paustovsky. Attention to the life of nature (Anatoly Orlov is a forester by profession) is combined in his texts with attention to working with words, which is especially important for books aimed at children. One of his first stories, “Pim the Deer,” has already become a favorite of many readers: it tells about the very beginning of the life of the musk deer, the smallest deer-like animal living in Russia.

Grigory Oster still remains one of the most famous children's writers in Russia. His “Bad Advice” is still relevant today, despite the fact that it was written decades ago. Winner of numerous literary awards, the 69-year-old writer actively participates in the cultural life of the country. We recommend reading his stories with your children and remembering the kitten named Woof, the funny monkeys and the curious baby elephant.

Children's writer, poet, screenwriter and playwright - Andrei Usachev, perhaps, is one of those authors who understand perfectly well that stories for children should be kind and cheerful at the same time. At the same time, the laughter in his books is never “evil,” which is especially important in our case. Andrey is great at writing short, memorable stories with colorful characters. Separately, we note that his books are always beautifully illustrated.

The talented young writer Maria Verkhistova writes easily, so her books will definitely appeal to children. The author's focus, of course, is on the guys themselves and their imaginary fantasy worlds, where the domestic cat becomes a true friend with whom you can go on any adventure. An excellent option for evening reading.

The 79-year-old classic of children's literature, Eduard Uspensky, is familiar to every person in our country. There is hardly anyone who has not read his stories about the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, about the cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor. Let us note that he continues to write in our time: for example, in 2011 his book “The Ghost from Prostokvashino” was published. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s worth reading with your children!

Anastasia Orlova wrote poetry from childhood, after which, already in adulthood, she took a significant break from creativity - until the birth of her second child. It was then that the writer again began to create stories and poems for children, so successfully that she won the important Russian competition “New Children's Book”. The Rosman publishing house is publishing her book about the adventures of a truck and its trailer - a funny story about strong friendship and mutual assistance.

The young and very talented writer has already published more than 20 books for children, each of which was eagerly awaited by many readers in Russia. Anna Nikolskaya is a master in creating adventure stories and romantic stories. Her books are always accompanied by excellent illustrations. It is also worth noting that she has a rich language: an abundance of epithets is what the writer’s texts are famous for.

An amazing Soviet writer who continues to create works for children, having crossed the eighth decade. Her subtle and smart good tales are not about distant kingdoms and worlds - they are about the fact that magic is nearby, it is all around us. The heroes of amazing adventures are either schoolchildren, or their grandmothers, and sometimes suddenly animated clouds. Sofia Prokofieva's books are a must read.

Not only funny and kind, but also very educational stories by Olga Kolpakova will tell children about fairy-tale characters and the life of nature, about incredible worlds and Russian life. The combination of fascination and very real knowledge is a distinctive feature of Olga’s texts. A mother of two children, she knows well how to make a child laugh and how to make him think about something.

Anton Soya's books regularly cause parental debates: is it worth reading to children or not? Many people are frightened by the abundance of slang expressions in the author’s stories, but many, on the contrary, like his language. It’s better to decide for yourself: for our part, we note that the undoubted advantage of Soya’s books is the skillfully created plots - they quickly captivate children, so at least the child will probably reach the end of the story, and will not abandon the book in the middle.

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