Thank you for the gift, I really liked it. Modern etiquette: how to give gifts and how to thank them for them (even if you didn’t like it)

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Educators, teachers. That is why the ability to give thanks is instilled as a skill, firmly and for life. With age and experience, the word can vary: thank you, very grateful, accept gratitude and others.

But sometimes we don’t know how to respond to “thank you.” It even seems that no response is needed. Is it really?

Is it necessary to respond to gratitude?

Let's try to put ourselves in the shoes of the person thanking. Having said the cherished word, you do not specifically expect anything in response. But how nice it would be to see or hear kind words in return!

These may not be words, but a gesture or a fleeting smile, an expression of a glance. Such “little things” can preserve a good impression of a polite person for a long time. Exaggerating a bit, we can say: you would like it.

In any case, simply turning away and going about your business in response to a “thank you” is rude and can be upsetting.

But every rule has exceptions. Sometimes the word “thank you” has the opposite meaning and is pronounced with sarcasm, mockery or anger. In this case, the person does not thank, but expresses his resentment or anger: “thank you for the broken car,” “thank you for being late,” “thank you for the ruined evening.” Here it is better to remain silent in response or apologize for the mistake.

Verbal response to gratitude

The easiest way to respond to “thank you” is “please”, it’s that simple! But people with poor communication skills sometimes have difficulty expressing emotions verbally. That is why this also needs to be taught to everyone from childhood.

Let's consider the options for verbal answers:

  • Please;
  • I was glad to help you;
  • contact;
  • you're welcome;
  • I was pleased to do this;
  • nothing, it wasn’t difficult for me;
  • if necessary, I will do it again;
  • If you have any problem, please contact me again;
  • and thank you very much for asking for help;
  • to your health (if you thanked me for a delicious lunch).

There are so many possible options, and that's not all. Each response to a grateful “thank you” depends on the specific situation, on the people, on their position. It should be taken into account that a rather boring “you’re welcome” in some way diminishes the value of the service provided.

It is possible to solve the “thank you, please” problem in another language, but to do this you need to be sure that you will be understood. For example, answer in English, which is now very popular:

  • do not mention it;
  • not at all;
  • was glad to help.

Experiments by psychologists

From a psychological point of view, “you’re welcome” symbolizes a sign of lost benefit (profit). It's better to choose something more acceptable. A very sophisticated answer is advised by the famous psychologist Robert Cialdini: “I’m sure you would do the same for me.” In this simple way, reciprocity begins. There is a feeling that good will be repaid with good (in the future tense).

Adam Grant considered it wrong to hint to a person about a future “return of a good deed.” And he slightly altered Cialdini’s phrase: “...I was glad to help, you would probably have done the same for me.” This removes the “aftertaste” from the first option, and the person does not feel like a debtor.

Reply using gestures

Of course, gestures also help in communication. Under no circumstances should you use an irritable “wave” of your hand. In this case, you can insult the person, show that “there is already a lot to do,” but you had to be distracted by other people’s problems.

But gestures are different, not all are verbally translatable, but each is intuitive. We suggest you study a small list. In response to "thank you" you can do the following:

  • just smile cordially, this action works wonders;
  • place your palm on your heart and slightly tilt your head;
  • imitate a handshake by clasping your own palms and shaking them slightly;
  • just nod your head slightly and smile back;
  • depict an “air kiss” (for ladies).

This list can be continued with your own options (imagine at your leisure)!

Joking answers

People with a sense of humor easily weave it into any situation. The response to “thank you” for a gift is no exception. This can only be done among close friends, those who are able to appreciate and understand humor. Examples of answers: “you will owe me”, “you won’t put thanks in your pocket and you won’t spread it on bread”, “please, but better with money” and so on.

If you gave a gift

The problem for many is the inability to accept gifts. But an even bigger problem is how to respond to “thank you for the gift,” what to say in response?

The main thing is to behave with restraint and confidence. You need to react adequately, there are many options here. Imagine again: you gave a gift, the person rejoices! It's nice, isn't it?

How to respond to “thank you”? The options are as follows:

  • I'm glad I pleased you;
  • We are glad that you liked the gift (it was about the soul);
  • please (don't forget about the simple option);
  • wear (use) with pleasure.

What is not allowed

Under no circumstances should you answer something like: “it’s not expensive,” “we didn’t buy it, I had a gift lying around at home,” “I got it as a present,” “we bought it on sale.”

Some gestures are also unacceptable: waving, grinning, mysterious glances. The person who accepts the gift must see the clarity of the situation: you presented the gift with all your heart, and he joyfully accepts it. And no ambiguous hints!

All these words, gestures, facial expressions can not only offend a person, this is a serious request to never be invited into the house again. Therefore, think carefully about how to respond to “thank you.”

Everything must be done sincerely

Do you know how to give gifts? Do you like to do this? If the answer is no, then we advise you not to try to give or thank in return. People always feel false.

And for those who accept gifts, there is one rule: do not criticize! Even if you didn’t like it, you need to remain polite and say “thank you.”

About women and men

Women love gifts very much, all men know this. But if there is a close relationship in a couple, then the lady can express gratitude in various ways. All of the above are not suitable.

A woman, accepting a gift, may hug back, jump and squeal with happiness. No sour expression or quiet “thank you.” Gratitude in this case can be loud, stormy and always sincere.

Then the man will go crazy in order to constantly give gifts to his beloved and not worry about the topic: “What to answer to “Thank you for the gift”?”

Expressing sincere gratitude in words is not always easy. It’s not for nothing that successful people prepare words of gratitude in advance for important moments in their lives. Familiarization with the basic rules in advance will allow you to learn how to say thank you in beautiful words to your family, colleagues, teachers or boss.

What's your last name?
- OK, thank you! And yours?
author unknown

Basic rules for expressing gratitude with words for congratulations

Words of gratitude differ depending on who they are intended for. Relationships with loved ones (loved ones, parents, friends) require sincere and warm words of gratitude. Difficulties most often arise when you need to express gratitude for congratulations to work colleagues, boss or teachers.

As a rule, at work the whole team congratulates their colleague on a significant event, so words of gratitude should be brief, but meaningful and sincere. Working in a team sometimes forces people with completely different character and temperament to communicate. A special relationship is established with each colleague: friendly or almost friendly with some, neutral with others, and hostile with others. You can, of course, say thank you to your teachers, boss or colleagues using general phrases, but it’s better to prepare something more suitable for a specific situation.

You can learn how to say “thank you” in beautiful words for congratulations on your birthday or any other holiday by familiarizing yourself with the simple rules:
  • prepare words of gratitude in advance;
  • speak sincerely;
  • pay attention to gestures and facial expressions;
  • include in the words of gratitude the name of the person to whom it is addressed;
  • speak clearly;
  • smile;
  • do not be intrusive.
Gratitude is a moment of reciprocity. Every person is pleased when he is appreciated, singled out, and congratulated. With the help of words of gratitude you can express how pleasant this attitude is. You can rehearse the day before and come up with basic phrases and work on gestures and facial expressions.

Words of gratitude

When pronouncing words of gratitude, you need to try to highlight a few points that you especially liked about the congratulation. For example, you can say this: “Sincere thanks to everyone for your congratulations and kind words. Indeed, health (, success) is the most important thing in our lives.” You can thank someone beautifully by looking into a person’s eyes, it’s easier to express feelings. If there are several congratulators, you can look a little higher than the faces of the audience, so those congratulating will have the feeling that the hero of the event is looking at everyone.

Words of gratitude for a gift are not much different from gratitude for congratulations. If possible, you should unpack and look at the gift right away, so the gratitude will look more appropriate and genuine. Saying thank you for a song given, for example, on a wedding day or birthday needs to be emotional and from the heart, because the givers wanted to awaken pleasant emotions and memories, and this is the most precious gift.

How to express gratitude for a service

When a person helps his neighbor, it is a sign of kindness and self-sacrifice. In this case, it is necessary to express gratitude, because the person spent his time and paid attention. As a rule, in this case they resort to material gratitude (flowers, sweets, etc.), which is not prohibited in some cases. However, a dry presentation is unlikely to leave a good impression on a person. Words of gratitude in this case should be concise, expressing how valuable the assistance or service provided was.

It is not advisable to limit yourself to a banal “thank you”; it is better to make some accents, for example, say this: “Sincere thanks for your help with the report. Without your advice it would have been very difficult.” When saying gratitude, it is better to look directly at the person without hiding your gaze. If it is appropriate in a particular case, you can touch your arm or shoulder - the touch will help add sincerity to the words of gratitude.

Video card: “Thank you so much!”

Gratitude to your beloved girl or man

Communication with loved ones is more relaxed, open and warm than, say, with colleagues or friends.

It will not be difficult for a woman, because most of the fair sex are distinguished by their emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings.

Men like to surprise their other halves and give them positive emotions. When presenting a gift or congratulations to his beloved girlfriend, a man unconsciously hopes for an energy recharge from the positive mood of his chosen one.

But for most men, a verbose and open expression of gratitude is difficult due to a more restrained temperament. An overly dry “thank you” can offend your other half.

When expressing gratitude to your beloved woman, you need to try to choose the words so that the woman has no doubt whether she liked her gift or congratulations. Be sure to reinforce your words of gratitude with a touch, hug or kiss.

Video: How to say thank you in 1 second

How to prepare words of gratitude in advance

A pre-prepared thank you speech may be needed when expressing gratitude to parents at a wedding, teachers at graduation, etc. In such cases, both prose and poetry are suitable. Nowadays, you don’t have to be a poet to thank your parents or teachers with a poem - you can find a suitable work on the Internet or order an individual thank-you poem from professionals. The main requirement for such a poem is quality and originality. Banal words will sound dull and inappropriate at a celebration.

Both newlyweds should thank their parents at the wedding, despite the fact that one may be more eloquent. This is an excellent opportunity to show the unity of a young family, so it is advisable to divide the speech between both newlyweds.

How to beautifully say THANK YOU for a compliment: example

- What a delicious pilaf!
- Oh, it’s delicious, I’m always in a hurry, the cauldron has disappeared somewhere, the other dish is no longer the same, the rice came out a little dry and the color is paler than usual...

Do you really think that this is what the other person wanted to hear from you? With such an answer, you either emphasize that he understands the issue much less than you, or let him understand that it is better to refrain from compliments addressed to you (to be safe) - or even not to visit you at all. At the very least, mutual awkwardness in the conversation is guaranteed. But the person simply praised your dish.

Why is this happening?

Reason 1: Excessive modesty

Strict upbringing or low self-esteem often force a person to respond to any compliment with denial - “You look great!” - “Well, stop it...”
Reconsider your attitude towards yourself.

Reason 2: Compliment = lie

The common phrase “This is not a compliment, this is the truth” makes all pleasant remarks considered flattery and lies. Completely unfounded. Even if the interlocutor is a little disingenuous, this is not a reason to refuse to state the fact as a plus for yourself.
You really are a great cook, don’t lie to yourself!

Reason 3: Fear of attention

A compliment pronounced in public will really turn the spotlight on you for a couple of seconds. Great, and in what form is it more comfortable to be under them? An awkward pathetic little lump - or with a dignified smile on his face? That's it.

Reason 4: Underwater part

Some people believe that a compliment obliges them to return the courtesy. But there is no need to dramatize the fable “The Cuckoo and the Rooster”: if they praised you, just thank them. When you have a reason and desire to praise others, then you will do it.

The other extreme

It is even more unwise to respond to a compliment by desperately engaging in self-praise - or launching into lengthy monologues about the subject of approval.

If a friend points out an interesting handbag, there is absolutely no need to tell you like a machine gun about what it is made of, what company it was made of, where you bought it and how difficult it must be to find the same one. Did you set yourself the goal of discouraging this friend from talking to you? No - that means abolish encyclopedic reviews in response to compliments.

The exception will be the case when your interlocutor becomes seriously interested in the subject himself - then you will be able to answer questions about where such a beautiful thing was bought or which hairdresser makes such interesting haircuts.

How to be?

Golden word. Why not just say thank you? Sincerely say “Thank you!” - and this will be enough, if, of course, everything is in order with your intonation and facial expression. This answer option is most appropriate if your personal traits are being praised.

We respond with attention. There is no need to hastily fabricate a return compliment. Just note that your interlocutor’s opinion matters to you: “I’m glad you liked it!”, “Thank you, I tried really hard.” Perfect for when they praise your gift, dish, or work done.

A little information:
Sometimes you can add a couple of words to your gratitude: “Thank you, this is my mother’s recipe,” “Thank you, the dish is famous, I just added other seasonings.”

And once again the casket opened simply. Adopt discreet gratitude and a sincere smile - and compliments around you will come more often, and also bring joy.


The most significant signs of a person’s wisdom are the ability to forgive and be grateful. Do not neglect mastering these skills, because the development of a harmonious personality without them is impossible.

Here you will find some warm and kind ideas to express your sincere gratitude to a person in the form of a gift. It is this kind of gifts that can be called living, because they convey love from heart to heart.

Good luck to you, dear readers!

They say that when the heart is full of gratitude, even a closed door (or one that seems closed) leads us to amazing discoveries! I invite you to open the door of our site and go up to the room where real gifts of gratitude live!

The idea of ​​this article lived for a long time and finally took shape in words thanks to the article Anna Chernykh Gratitude as a gift. Thank you, Anna!

The author of the painting is Oksana Shapkarina

Before we begin, I would ask those of you who would like to raise your hand:

So that your friends call you more often (as a sign that you are important to them)

So that your loved one pays more attention to you

So that you are more often sincerely asked “how are you doing? How are you living? What are you thinking about? What are you reading now?”

To be told "thank you" for the work done

I will be the first to raise my hand all 4 times!

And looking into your eyes, dear readers, it seems to me that most of you also desire attention, recognition and gratitude, such is our human nature. Do you agree with me?

And if you think about how to receive such an amount of care, love and attention, then it begs law of reciprocity. Remember what we were taught in physics lessons: “Energy neither disappears nor appears anywhere. It passes from one state to another.”

This is exactly what I thought about a few months ago... What do I personally bring to this world? - I asked myself. Whom do I personally please, for whom do I do good deeds, or even just call with the question “how are you?”.

These topics logically arose from a small experiment when Tanya Kosyanenko and I came up with the idea of ​​exchanging small and large joys of the current day on Skype. We called them "gifts from the world." And there were at least 2-3 such gifts, even on the worst days. And when I thought about my CONSCIOUS contribution to the world, then I felt sad.

Of course, like any person, I can give a rather large list of things to do for others, but many of them are done automatically and, as a rule, for a close circle of people. And suddenly I remembered one episode when I helped an unfamiliar girl take a beautiful photo. That day, I was walking around the city in a rather gloomy mood when I noticed a girl in an elegant dress with a huge bouquet of flowers trying to take a selfie. Considering the size of the bouquet, the task was almost impossible and I offered to help.

The stranger was happy, but wings just grew behind my back and my mood changed radically in just a minute! I mentally added “doing something nice for another person” to the list of ways to instantly improve my mood!

It’s things like these that make up that very feeling of magic and kindness in the world, when they give you a seat, offer you a chance to go to the movies, or give you an unexpected gift, I thought.

We give something to the world, and it gives something to us. And the more our heart is filled with gratitude, the more we want to give. And the more good deeds are done in the world. This is how it works!

And then I decided to always thank for what I liked, leave good reviews, say thank you to people, thank loved ones for existing and... write to all the bloggers whom I enjoy reading about that. how cool they are!

And I consciously launch GOOD into the world GIFT NOW! Let the amount of goodness in the world increase!

Let's thank and make other people happy, call loved ones and give gifts - that's my message, friends!

The author of the painting is Oksana Shapkarina

Do my words resonate with you? What do you think about it?

And I smoothly move on to the practical part. If you want to thank someone, think about what tastes better - a fresh apple or a beautiful polished fruit from the supermarket?

I choose a natural living apple and sincere gratitude, packaged as a gift from the bottom of my heart! It is not necessarily big, expensive, like another unnecessary crystal vase, but it is always kind, pleasant and warm, like a freshly baked loaf of bread.

I offer you several ideas for such thank-you gifts. And let's start with the closest ones!

A gift of gratitude for a loved one.

The idea is to write down on separate pieces of paper what you are grateful for to your loved one.

This is a wonderful gift, it warms two hearts at once: first yours, and then the one to whom it is addressed. Decoration is secondary here, the main thing is your SINCERENESS.

Author Anna Chernykh

“I already did this once: I bought a large beautiful glass jar for cookies and wrote 100 thanks to Serge on multi-colored pieces of paper, poured multi-colored M&Ms into the jar and... this jar stood in a prominent place for us, you could look at it at any time, unfold a piece of paper at random and burst into a smile. We, of course, almost never did this, but Tasha was born and grew up a little, she began to regularly ask to play with these pieces of paper, it turns out to be a kind of fortune-telling when you collect them all in a jar, and one gets lost under. sofa, probably not by accident!

6 or 7 years have passed, we have changed a lot, and this time on the morning of February 14th I thought: why not?.. I found my gratitude diary and wrote out from it what rightfully belonged to Serge, and then a couple more dozens of “thank yous” from my head. Yes, I didn’t have beautiful multi-colored paper that harmonized in color, there weren’t any sweets, there weren’t 100 pieces like last time, only 83 were born. But the most important thing - unique content (am I a blogger or who?!) - there was. And now it’s not in my diaries, but in a visible place, Serge read it and... it’s already our personal"

How to format such thank-you notes?

There are a lot of options:

Create a separate private account on any platform (LJ, Instagram, vk, blogger) and post your gratitude there in the form of separate posts ( or video!). Generate your own QR code for each url of the post and present pieces of paper with the codes (and attach your login password). It is ideal to make simple html pages so that it is impossible to read all the thanks at once.

If you like to write (or talk) a lot, I suggest you format thank-you notes in the form of letters and send them by mail. Or give the whole pack at once)))

If you want to supplement the text with photographs, you can arrange a gift in the form of a so-called. exploding gift box(follow the link to see how it is done)

How else can you write notes like this?

Sources pinterest, namoradacriativa,

Have you ever had this experience of giving gratitude in the form of notes? Share in the comments, friends!

A gift of gratitude to each other (for couples). The basis of the idea is the same in thank you notes. But in this case, it is proposed to start a family tradition of writing down what you are grateful for to your loved one.

By the way, you can give such a gift of gratitude for a wedding

Anastasia Chuprina wrote well about the practice of such gifting in Anna’s commentary:

“After our wedding, my husband and I also started a special jar, where we periodically put notes with the most touching, romantic, kind and happy moments of our relationship. But we don’t read it yet :) It’s something like an anti-crisis jar, in case something goes wrong , we’ll quarrel a lot (and who knows!) - so that we can pour out a mountain of these pieces of paper, read it, feel again how much good and bright we had. We joke that if we never use the bank in our entire life, then no. We'll have a reading evening for our 50th wedding anniversary."

My heart begins to beat faster as I imagine this 50th anniversary reading...

Let's wrap the deliciousness in words of gratitude.

About how to please a loved one spontaneously and how to give a conditional chocolate bar as a token of gratitude for the service

I like spontaneous gifts, when you don’t have to wait for March 8th or your birthday, but express your feelings here and now. This is probably a very “girly” approach, but for some reason it always works for me))

So when you are driving home from work and you are warmed by the thought that there is a person dear to you in the world, or about how pleasant you spent the evening with a friend, go to the store, buy a tasty treat, make a custom wrapper and write exactly those words, which are on your heart right now!

Let's give pleasures just like that! It's so warming!

And if you buy "chocolate in gratitude", don’t be lazy to drop a few words of your own)) Look at the photo: did it really turn out sincerely?

Found on crazylittleprojects

I really liked this story about how a Bavarian businessman expressed gratitude for pleasant communication to random fellow travelers on the train. This is strong, friends!

Now I have also started the habit of writing an SMS or making a call and thanking them for a good evening, warm communication, or a service rendered out of kindness.

What do you say, dear readers?

We give tea with words of gratitude.

How to turn tea into the most pleasant gift with the help of thanks.

Tea drinking is both an opportunity to relax and... to receive a charge of positive energy from the person who loves you.
I suggest you do it this way: pack different types of tea into homemade bags, attaching numbers to them. And the text with thanks should be presented in the form of a separate booklet. This is how each of your gratitude will acquire its own unique taste!

It’s nice, beautiful and sweet to thank a person for something - not such an easy task. It is not for nothing that even public people who are accustomed to speaking prepare words of gratitude to colleagues, commissions, and superiors in advance - so that at the time of congratulations or accepting a gift they do not mumble or look ridiculous. How to say “Thank you” in beautiful words in prose, sincerely and not pretentiously - in our article.

How to say “thank you” beautifully

The words with which a person expresses his gratitude for something always depend on who exactly they are intended for.

  • With family and loved ones, gratitude should be sincere and warm;
  • For a colleague or boss, words of gratitude imply brevity and lack of familiarity, but do not exclude sincerity and content.

Much depends on what kind of relationship a person has with the person he is thanking, for example, at work - very friendly, completely superficial or neutral.

You can say “thank you” in general phrases - or you can prepare several phrases in advance and please the donor or the one who congratulates you on a significant event, brightly and unusually, without going beyond the bounds of decency.

For birthday greetings

When pronouncing words of gratitude for congratulations, the main thing is to highlight those moments that you especially liked or remembered in the speech.

For example, say:“Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes. I really appreciate your attention and care, thank you!”

While saying thanks, smile and look the congratulators in the eyes one by one. If there are a lot of them, smile at everyone a little above their heads - this will give the impression that you thanked everyone individually.

For the present

Gratitude for some pleasant offering or gift differs little from words of gratitude for a congratulation.

If possible, each gift should be unpacked, looked at and then expressed gratitude. This way it will look natural and sincere, and not abstract.

For example, when receiving a reproduction of a painting, say:

“This is my favorite artist, this is the painting I always dreamed of hanging above my desk, it perfectly motivates creativity!”

Intangible gifts deserve special, sincere gratitude - for example, a song or poem written for the birthday person, or a selection of photographs with music and comments.

To a loved one

Communication with loved ones, dear and close people should be more warm, sincere and relaxed than at work with colleagues or, especially, with superiors.

As a rule, it is not difficult for a girl to express words of gratitude for a gift or congratulation - women react sincerely and emotionally.

For example When accepting a gift from your grandmother or mother, you must definitely hug your loved one and say: “My dear, since childhood, you always knew exactly what to give me, you always made me happy - but this time you surpassed yourself. I’m delighted with this... (sweater, wallet, dress).”

A man who congratulates you on a holiday or gives a bouquet should be thanked warmly and emotionally in order to stimulate him to do pleasant things in the future.

For example, say:“I worked all day, cooked - I was so tired that I had no strength left. And these flowers gave me back my joy in life and filled me with happiness. Thank you, honey, my greatest joy is knowing that you appreciate me.”

Men should prepare for words of gratitude in advance, because nothing hurts a woman more than a dry, emotional holiday greeting and a cute souvenir.

Words of gratitude must be said in such a way that the woman has no doubts - her gift was liked, valuable and congratulations are very important for her half.

For example, say:“Darling, you know very well how much I love coffee - this thermal mug with the prepared aromatic drink will keep me warm in the car and at work, reminding me of you all the time - it’s very nice, thank you very much.”

Words of gratitude definitely need to be reinforced - with kisses, hugs or just a light touch on the cheek or shoulder.

At work to a colleague

You can say “thank you” in beautiful and memorable words to a colleague or colleagues at work by following simple rules:

  • prepare and rehearse in advance;
  • try to speak sincerely;
  • smile;
  • thank everyone by name (if there are less than five donors).

Do not abuse the time of donors - that is, speak briefly.

At the moment of saying words of gratitude, you can rely on significant moments in relationships in the team, for example, say: “Colleagues, five years ago I came to this job - could I have imagined that here I would find not only a friendly team, but also friends with whom I can share sweet moments like this? Thank you all so much for your congratulations and gifts!”

To the boss

Words of gratitude to your boss depend on your status and relationship with management. With high authorities who have honored you with congratulations on your anniversary or, for example, the birth of a child, you can limit yourself to sincere, but short:

“Thank you, Nikolai Nikolaevich, I am very pleased with your words.”

It is better to build a more detailed dialogue with the head of the department with whom you have a warm relationship, for example, say:

“Thank you very much for your congratulations! On my own behalf, I can say how nice it is to hear such words from a person who, with his example and leadership, directs me to new achievements and successes, directly participating in them!”

If relationships at work are warm and informal, you can hug all the donors in turn; these moments greatly unite the team.

The main thing is not to tell your boss or colleague: “I am so pleased that even such a busy person like you remembered my anniversary/holiday/success in passing the exam.” Such words may be misinterpreted as sarcasm.

When responding to congratulations and a gift, the main thing is not to get lost and respond from the heart, sincerely. Nothing hurts more than a dry response to a heartfelt wish for happiness.

Smile, accept even small gifts with joy, then relationships in your team and family will be much warmer and more sincere.

If you receive a gift, you should definitely thank the person who addressed it to you, because it is very important for this person to feel whether he pleased you or not, and in this way you will show your upbringing and politeness. Gratitude is a special feeling that should be expressed consciously, sincerely, so that a good impression is made of you. There are many different ways you can express your gratitude - write a message on the phone, email, send a card to your home address, call, meet in person. But in each case, you need to clearly understand what you will say, choose your words wisely, so that the text does not just say the word “thank you,” but so that the person also sees your emotions. In our article you will find options for words and poems that you can use to thank your man, boyfriend, husband, colleague, parents and other people with whom life has connected you by the will of fate.

Gratitude always sounds different. In many ways, the intonation of the pronunciation of words of gratitude depends on how close the person to whom you want to say thank you is to you. If this is a person close to you, loved one, then you will probably want to use warm and gentle words to thank you for the gift. If you express gratitude to a colleague or teacher, then you need to try to make your word of thanks brief, but at the same time sincere and meaningful.

So that you can immediately imagine what your words of gratitude might be, you must learn a few simple rules:

  1. Always think through the words of gratitude that you are going to voice in advance so that you get a beautiful and coherent text, and not a bunch of words.
  2. When you come up with a text, don’t try to take a quote from books in order to stand out. Just be sincere, that's much more important.
  3. During your acceptance speech, don't stand like a stake stuck in the ground. Add facial expressions and gestures, smile to make the text emotional and touching.
  4. Be sure to include the name of the person to whom you are addressing it in your thank you text, so that this person will note for himself that you are saying thank you to him.
  5. If you see that the person you are saying thank you to is not even trying to listen to the text you have prepared, then do not impose yourself on him. Complete your word to the end.

It is best to say words of gratitude for a gift right away - they opened the surprise prepared for you, and immediately thanked you, because at that moment you are in an emotional upsurge. If in the first minutes you do not find words to express gratitude, do not hesitate to find suitable phrases on the Internet, or use the texts that we have selected for you in our article. Believe me, you won't look boring, and the words won't sound dull if you say them with all your heart.

Words of gratitude to parents for the gift

Oddly enough, the thing we feel most embarrassed about is gratitude for our parents. Children have a special connection with their mother and father; we know that their love is unconditional, that we don’t have to say anything to them, because they won’t be offended anyway. But mom and dad are people just like everyone else. It is important for them to feel that you liked the gift they gave.

We suggest that you consider the following words of gratitude for your closest people as an option:

  1. Dear mom and dear dad! I have always told you that you are the most important people in my life. I learned a lot from you, you are my true friends, because you never abandoned me in difficult times. You taught me to work and value my time, you always give me exactly the things that I need most. I am very grateful to you for another relevant gift! I love you very much!
  2. My dear parents! You know everything about me, and even more than I know about myself. You always manage to find a gift for me that has helped me out many times in life. I am so glad that this time you gave me what I had dreamed of for so long. You are my good wizards. Thank you, beloved ones, from the bottom of my heart!
  3. Mommy and daddy - you are my treasure, you are my everything! How you need to be able to love, how subtly to feel the desires of your child in order to guess so accurately every time with a gift. I am so pleased that I have such attentive parents! I love you madly and thank you with all my heart! And on this occasion, I want to once again ask you for forgiveness for every tear you shed because of me.
  4. My tender mother, my dear father! You know, all the most beautiful words in our language are not enough for me to express my feelings towards you! Thank you very much for the gifts that you regularly give me! Every word from you sounds like parting words and a prediction that all my dreams will definitely come true. I believe in this because I love you very much and feel your love! Thank you very much!
  5. Only parents know how to truly surprise and delight, because they always guess with my desires! No matter what holiday I have, my parents hit the bull’s eye and give exactly what is so necessary at this very moment! Thank you, my family and loved ones, for being such amazing wizards!

Words of gratitude for a gift to a man

Words of gratitude always sound very casual when we want to say them to the man who gave us a gift. It is not at all difficult for a woman to say thank you to a representative of the stronger sex, especially if she feels sympathy for him. With every word of gratitude from his woman, a man will have more and more desire to surprise her so that she is happy and cheerful. It is this fact that energizes real men.

So, dear girls, if you want to say thank you to your man, then do it as simply as possible, but with sparkling eyes and a feeling of great delight.

Here are short phrases you can use to express your gratitude:

  1. How courageous and strong you are! And how delicately your soul is structured! I am so happy that you gave me this thing that I want to fly from the emotions that overwhelm me! Thank you!
  2. Only you, my hero, could choose a gift for me that I couldn’t even dream of! Thank you for your attention and desire to make me happy!
  3. How do you always manage to conquer my thoughts without further ado! Having received a gift from you today, I again drowned in the warm river called “Happiness!” You are the most attentive of all men on this planet! How pleased I am that your congratulations go to me.
  4. The sign of attention that you showed me today is very dear to me! I appreciate your time, care and gifts that you regularly give me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
  5. I felt a pleasant subtext in this gift! And if I’m right in my guesses, then just give me a hint about it, and I’ll make you the happiest person in the world! In the meantime, I want to tell you my sincere and huge thanks!

Words of gratitude to my husband for the gift

Every woman can very skillfully choose words of gratitude for her spouse, but at the same time she makes many mistakes because she does not take into account the masculine nature of her chosen one, whose inner world may not be at all sophisticated. In order to awaken assertiveness and masculinity in your husband, all these qualities should be emphasized in words of gratitude addressed to him. Thanks to your husband, you need to praise him, it is also advisable to say a few pleasant words about his mother, who raised him so well, and the friends who influence him so well. Men also love with their ears and hear only what they want to hear. And, you must agree that they will remember such pleasant gratitude forever. And if, in addition to words, you prepare a pleasant gift for your husband in return, a delicious dinner and a romantic night, then he will simply be inspired to new deeds for your sake.

What can you say to your spouse to say thank you in a non-banal way and with feeling:

  1. My love! Thank you for the gift! I'm just floating in the clouds with happiness. I’m ready to do anything now so that you can be just as happy!
  2. What a wonderful and attentive husband I have! Not everyone can give such gifts to their wife! But, dear, remember that I really appreciate your every attention and sincerely thank you for giving me moments of happiness.
  3. I have the best man who knows how to give only the best gifts in the world. Thank you, my love, for the pleasantness that I hold in my hands! The girls will simply die of envy!
  4. My world became a much better place when I filled it with you! You are my happiness and inspiration! Every gift you give to me is a treasure that I will safely hide from prying eyes, because I really value and value it!
  5. Thank you, my dear husband, for the gift you gave me! How happy I am that you prove to me every day that next to you all my dreams can come true, that all my desires can come true! I am so lucky to become your wife! Thank you, my dear!

Words of gratitude for the gift on March 8

Any self-respecting woman will accept gifts and verbally express gratitude for them to the person from whom they come, on or without occasion. Women receive especially many gifts on International Women's Day. It is very important not to deprive every man who congratulated you on March 8 with your attention.

Here's what you can say as thanks:

  1. Thank you for the flowers and the gift! My holiday today would not be so wonderful if you had not participated in it!
  2. I want to express my gratitude to you 1000 times for the gift, because it is wonderful! I really want you to be happy and to be surrounded by only positive things in life! May the Lord hear my words and give you all the best!
  3. Thank you for your congratulations, they touched me! I didn’t even think that today I could cry with joy! What wonderful emotions these are! Thank you for the opportunity to experience and feel all this!
  4. Receiving such gifts on March 8 is just a dream! I sincerely thank you for taking the time for me, for finding the opportunity to come with congratulations! This is important and valuable for me!
  5. Today is the best holiday I have ever had on March 8th! And all because my dream came true! I am very grateful to you for going above and beyond on such a beautiful day!

Beautiful words of gratitude for the gift

You can even receive a gift from a stranger or from someone from whom you do not expect a gift at all.

But even in this case, you need to be able to find beautiful words and thank you for the attention shown to you:

  1. My wonderful mood is thanks to you today! I am now full of energy and ready to share it with everyone. Thank you for your congratulations! I am deeply touched.
  2. I am so surprised by such a gift in a good way that I’m even lost for words. I want to say thank you very much for such a pleasant experience. Now I want to smile and rejoice!
  3. What a bright person you are, how do you always manage to please those who are next to you! Thank you for remembering my little holiday, and special thanks for the luxurious gift!
  4. Thanks for the compliments! Your gift is very appropriate at this moment in my life! I thank you for your attention and I want to say that you do not forget that the doors of my house are always open for you!
  5. What an unexpected surprise for me to receive a gift from a person like you. It is an honor! I will keep it as a bright memory of this wonderful day.

Words of gratitude from the teacher for the gift from parents

On Teacher's Day or on any holiday taking place in the kindergarten, parents always congratulate their children's teachers just to cheer them up and thus show their appreciation for their work. The teacher, in turn, needs to choose words of gratitude.

They can be like this:

  1. Thank you, dear parents, for your attention. I am very glad that I had the honor of being a teacher in a group of children whose parents are such wonderful people. Thank you for sharing every holiday with me and devoting a little of your precious time.
  2. What a beautiful congratulation the children prepared for me today! I have no doubt, dear parents, that to a greater extent this is your merit. Thank you for always being creative with congratulations! I really appreciate it.
  3. Dear moms and dads! I want to express my gratitude to you for the gift you gave me on this day. I am very pleased that you always do it in such a way that I don’t feel awkward. I want to cry with joy that life has given me the opportunity to raise children of such wonderful people.
  4. Dear Parents! Thank you very much for your congratulations! I did not expect to receive such a valuable gift from you! I really like him! I would like to wish you all that every effort and your attention will definitely return to you as a boomerang of goodness.
  5. Today I want to express my gratitude to my parents in the form of wishes and parting words. I want God to bless your families and protect them from all troubles. Thank you for giving me this gift on such a day! I will gladly accept it in order to show my respect and gratitude to you.

Words of gratitude to the guy for the gift

If you have not been in a relationship with a guy for a very long time, and he gives you various gifts, you should know how to accept them and how to thank them for them. Use simple words, say them without unnecessary emotions, take your time to confess your feelings so that the guy doesn’t decide that now everything is allowed to him. If this happens, he will simply consider you frivolous, and your relationship will not last long.

Here are some words you can use to thank your boyfriend for the gift:

Words of gratitude from the teacher for the gift from parents

As is the case with educators, at school parents are eager to congratulate teachers. There are already many more of them, but usually no one is deprived of attention. It is not enough for a teacher to simply say thank you to children and their parents.

You need to choose more meaningful phrases to express your gratitude:

  1. Dear parents! It is always a pleasure to receive such necessary and useful gifts from you. I want you to know that your attention is of great value to me. Thank you for not forgetting about your teachers.
  2. I thank the parents of the students in my class for the wonderful congratulations and gifts on this day. It’s incredibly nice to understand that you have another friendly family in your life, for whom it is important that you enjoy every minute of your life.
  3. Thanks to parents for the gifts. They are so useful, so necessary in our lives, that when I saw them, at first I couldn’t find words with delight. From a purely human perspective, I want to thank you very much for the gifts for teachers.
  4. Today I would like to address my gratitude to the parents of my class for the congratulations I received this morning. It was unforgettable and very touching. Such moments remain forever in the memory of a person, and especially an ordinary teacher. Thank you!
  5. I am very happy that I have such wonderful parents in my class! I am pleased that you pay your attention to me on every occasion and congratulate me on all the holidays. I really appreciate and respect this. Thanks a lot!

Thanks to colleagues for the gift

The team at work is a big family that always congratulates colleagues on all holidays. To express your gratitude to the people working with you, you can organize a small buffet, and then be sure to say a toast with words of gratitude like this:

  1. My dears! You made me so happy today, made me laugh and lifted my spirits that I felt like a child again. Thank you for such a wonderful and spontaneous gift! I will never forget what you did for me today!
  2. There are probably no more attentive colleagues than mine. I only once dropped a word with my wishes regarding a gift, and they immediately picked it up and implemented it. Thank you very much, my dears! I'm very touched.
  3. The most important gift of fate in my life is my wonderful colleagues. You are good people, attentive friends. Happiness is spending my everyday life in the company of you. Thank you for the gift!
  4. Thank you for not forgetting about my holiday today and making it an unforgettable surprise for me. My mood today cannot be compared with anything, because I am happier than ever. Thank you for the gift that I have dreamed of for so long.
  5. Thank you, my colleagues, for your congratulations. I've never had anything like this before in my life. I thought that this morning my mother, sister and brother would call me, and this would complete my holiday, and it was you who created the festive atmosphere and gave a wonderful gift! Thanks a lot! I love you very much.

Words of gratitude for a gift in verse

Words of gratitude to your beloved for the gift

Men cannot always find the words to express their gratitude to their beloved for the gift she prepared for him. This sometimes offends girls. Do not be stingy with words of gratitude, dear men, because we are pleased to hear how much you appreciate any of our attention, especially if it was shown with the desire to show your feelings.

If your chosen one gave you a gift, thank her something like this:

  1. Honey, this gift is simply magnificent! I am so pleased that you care about me and want my every day to be unforgettable. I appreciate it!
  2. Darling, today you gave me something that I can never forget. You are my inspiration and sorceress. Thank you for your gifts and simply for being you.
  3. I received a gift from you today, my beloved, and now I can’t hold still. I'm coming to thank you personally for your attention!
  4. Thank you, dear, for giving me moments of happiness and trying to please me with such sweet gifts. I really appreciate you and everything you do for me.
  5. Thank you, my love, for the present you sent me. You know how much I love such things! I am very pleased that you think about me and care so much.

You should always be grateful for everything. If a person begins to treat everything with a feeling of gratitude, then he will simply even feel lighter and happier. Therefore, let's not mince words and say thank you to each and everyone who does a good deed for us.

Video: “How to thank for a gift?”

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