List of words for happy birthday. Words of congratulations in your own words on your birthday

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In order to be remembered by the birthday boy with your congratulations, it is not at all necessary to prepare long, complex poems for him. Happy birthday greetings in your own words can also be sincere, beautiful, and catchy. There are two options to choose them - write them yourself or take ready-made copyright ones.

It’s quite easy to compose beautiful congratulations to a woman yourself. To do this, you first need to think about how nicely to name the birthday girl. A beautiful address is an important part of any congratulation, especially if it is prepared for a birthday, because this holiday is special.

The easiest way is to address the woman by name. But it’s worth inclining him (and even more so choosing funny rhymes and epithets) only in those cases when the congratulator is well acquainted with the hero of the occasion and is a close friend for her. The boss or neighbor can be unpleasantly surprised by calling “Lyudok”, “Valyushka”, “Katyunya-krasotunya”, etc. And it won’t matter at all what the person says next. A negative impression of his congratulations will form after the first lines.

The most universal is the address “Dear/Dear Birthday Girl.” This option is suitable for any occasion.

Then you can combine compliments and wishes for the girl. It is worth noting not only her beauty, but also some individual characteristics. For example, determination and the ability to achieve a goal, tenderness, femininity, the ability to understand and support, amazing intuition, iron logic, etc. Only if the wish turns out to be personal and thoughtful, will the birthday girl remember it for a long time.

  1. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens, in the end, is for the better! May your life be bright, may it be replete with all the colors of the rainbow! Let all your plans end with the expected result, so that you are always proud of yourself! Let all your hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy birthday, the most beautiful woman on Earth!
  2. Our dear beauty! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Don’t be sad that another year has flown by, because you have become even more beautiful and attractive, because you are like a bright light, enjoying life! Happiness and love to you!
  3. I wish you on your birthday: If you have health, then the best! If love - then bright, passionate and mutual! If it’s a job, it’s interesting and well-paid! If there is happiness, then the real one! And let there be a lot, a lot of good things in your life, and only a little of the rest, so that you never stop appreciating the good!

How to sincerely congratulate a man

Birthday greetings for the stronger sex can be touching, tender, serious or funny and comic. Humor is always appropriate at any holiday, and funny birthday greetings to a man will set the right tone for the celebration and bring a smile to everyone’s faces...

Congratulating a man on his birthday is also heartwarming and touching. Even the most stern and serious representatives of the stronger sex will be pleased to hear praise, compliments and warm, beautiful wishes. Of course, a man should not be celebrated for his beauty or tenderness. Especially if the congratulations are voiced in front of a large number of guests.

It is better to compliment his strength of character, masculinity, excellent sense of humor, determination and other similar qualities.

If the birthday man does not plan to celebrate his holiday noisily and wants to live it like an ordinary day, his loved ones should take care of a pleasant surprise for the man. For example, just prepare dinner for him from his favorite dishes, choose a small nice gift and write a sincere congratulation in your own words. You can use ready-made ones. Such care and manifestation of love will definitely please the birthday boy and change his mood for the better.

  1. I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish your life to develop at lightning speed and to be as limited as the universe. Let as few of your wishes come true as there are stars in the sky, and let your ears hear kind words as few as there are grains of sand on our big planet. Love and affection that fairy tales are written about!
  2. My dear man! You are the most precious man in the world, and every day I am glad that I have you. Happy birthday to you and I wish you to always be “number one” in everything you undertake. Happy holiday to you, my love!
  3. I wish you to always strive to fulfill your cherished desires, never lose heart over trifles, be a kind and sympathetic friend, enjoy life and smile. Happy birthday.
  4. Happy birthday! I wish you sun, warmth, peace, fun, money, success in all your endeavors, love, prosperity, fulfillment of your most cherished desires, health and inspiration! May life give you many pleasant surprises, may friends always surround you, and may your eyes sparkle with happiness!
  5. Happy birthday! What can I wish for such a wonderful, glorious person like you? Of course, happiness and love! Live long and delight everyone with your optimism and magnetism! I wish you good luck, wealth and never give up on your dreams!

Touching wishes in your own words

You don’t have to write touching birthday greetings in your own words in advance, but say them to the birthday person upon meeting, presenting a gift. At this moment, you just need to focus on your feelings, sensations, think about the hero of the occasion and remember how much good acquaintance with him gave. All that remains is to voice your thoughts out loud.

There is no need to worry that a hesitation or a couple of seconds of silence will ruin the entire congratulations. Rather, on the contrary, they will make the guest’s speech more lively and emotional.

If you want to avoid such moments, you should simply write a wish to a man or woman in advance and record it in a notebook/on a postcard/on gift wrapping.

  1. (Name)! On this brightest day, accept the words of wishes for happiness and warmth. Let only joy cross the threshold of your home, and let worries always remain outside the door!
  2. On your birthday, I wish that your dreams come true, that your plans come true, and that on your way you meet the most interesting people and the most exciting events. May there always be those who love and appreciate you nearby, and may all the wishes that you receive on this birthday be heard by fate and return to you with happiness and joy!
  3. Among all the holidays created by God and people, the most important in all centuries remains the birthday. Today is your big day! And we hasten to rejoice with you at your birth. Rejoice and wish you well, bright sunny warmth. To wish the love and tenderness of people close to you, the most incredible happiness and longevity. May your most cherished dream come true, and may you find everything you have been dreaming about for long days and nights. Happy birthday!

Short birthday greetings

Beautiful congratulations can be made short. This version of wishes is universal, suitable for a variety of occasions. They are convenient to quickly read to the birthday person when presenting a gift in the presence of guests, send them in a message/letter, write them on the gift packaging and even on the birthday cake.

There is a very interesting idea for birthday wishes. The congratulator writes all the warm words on miniature pieces of paper, after which he bakes them inside the cookies. If the recipe for a special dessert with fortunes turns out to be too complicated, you can choose the usual Soviet “nuts”. Only instead of condensed milk in the center they will contain short, beautiful and original congratulations. This can be several wishes at once (happiness, love, health, good luck in life, good mood, causeless joy, financial well-being) from one person or personal messages from each guest.

Such a delicious gift with congratulations will definitely surprise the birthday boy and will be remembered by him for a long time. Any wishes for cookies are suitable. The main thing is that they contain no more than 2–5 lines.

  1. With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement! I wish you that everything comes true, that wings of glory find you, and that your name appears among the great figures of the whole Earth!
  2. Happy birthday! I wish you to swim in the ocean of positivity, live on the island of Joy, not know grief and evil! I wish you a lot of money! So that three pillars are always present in your life: happiness, health and good luck! Let them carry you along the flow of your life and never let them go!
  3. With all my heart - happiness, fulfillment of desires! Let life, like a bright mosaic, be made up of bright colors of joy, unforgettable events, and let every new day bring good luck and a great mood!
  4. I wish you health and good mood, all the blessings and pleasures of life, prosperity and home comfort, love and human happiness!

Creative congratulation ideas

For a bright, memorable congratulation, you need not only to choose a creative text, but also to present it to the birthday person in an unusual way.

For example, write a wish on tiny pieces of paper, roll them into tubes and hide each one inside an air-filled balloon. The birthday boy will have to burst them to find and read the congratulations. The whole process will probably turn out funny and unusual.

Another bright, extraordinary way is to write wishes under the birthday boy’s window. Then his morning will begin with a pleasant surprise. The main thing is to use colored crayons or other materials for your creativity that are easily washed off by rain and will not ruin the yard.

  1. As my wish, I want to say: never change! You are a ray of light, a wave of positivity, brightness and extravagance. Don't lose it! These qualities are golden and not given to everyone. I don't wish you luck because it's a simple platitude. I wish you sincerity, lightness, peace and harmony in all your endeavors. Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
  2. Happy Birthday! I wish that from this day an endless white streak in life begins! Inspiration and desire, strength and wisdom, health and harmony, energy and smiles, joy and fun, prosperity and success, love and fidelity. Live every day so brightly and richly that you outshine the stars with your radiance of happiness!
  3. Happy birthday! The main thing is to remain yourself. No matter how old you get, no matter what obstacles you encounter along the way, still remain yourself. I would like to wish you spiritual strength, patience, health and, of course, sincere love. Know that if it’s difficult for you to walk, it means that you are rising to the top, to the desired success. Just don't stop lifting!

Toasts at the festive table

Toasts at the table have always been an important part of any holiday. It is better to prepare them in advance so as not to get confused with a glass in your hands under the gaze of all the guests and the birthday boy himself.

If you can’t create a beautiful, soulful toast yourself, you just need to choose the appropriate one from the ready-made ones. It is worth choosing the option that is ideal for a specific holiday and will be pleasant for the birthday boy/girlfriend.

  1. Three young men were driving along the steppe, and on the way they came across a huge stone. And on that stone there was an inscription carved: “Whoever goes to the right will find love, whoever turns to the left will gain health, and whoever goes straight will receive wealth.” So let's drink so that you never have to choose between love, health and wealth. May all these blessings always accompany you on any path.
  2. I wish you strength like a bull, wisdom like an owl, perseverance like a donkey, elegance like a panther, grace like a gazelle, health like an elephant. Well, there’s as much money as all these living creatures weigh.
  3. They say that in life you need to treat everything with a grain of salt. And the best way out of any situation is the ability to forget everything bad and keep everything positive in your memory, say “thank you” to all your offenders for the invaluable experience and just move on with your head held high. I want to raise this glass to our hero of the occasion and wish him just enough indifference to not notice human stupidity and malice. And just as much attentiveness to always notice good and positive deeds!
  4. A long time ago God created the earth. And He endowed every living creature with the same life expectancy - all 30 years. The horse plowed and plowed for 30 years, she felt sorry for herself, she decided: “I will give ten years of my life to a man. During this time he will become wiser, come up with a tractor, and my life will become easier.” No sooner said than done. The dog thinks: “Am I a friend to man or not?” And she also gave her 10 years. Here the monkey says: “I read somewhere that the man and I are distant relatives. So, I’ll give him ten years.” So it turns out that a person lives for 60 years: 30 years normally, 10 years he works hard like a horse, 10 years he runs like a dog, and another 10 years he is wrinkled like a monkey. Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy lives another 100 years, but in a human way.

Creativity and originality should be mandatory accompaniments of every congratulation. Otherwise, the wish simply will not have a chance to stand out and be remembered by the birthday person.

The article provides beautiful birthday words to congratulate family and friends:
  • Let this day be like the song of a nightingale.
    Bad weather will erase all the gloomy days.
    May your life be like the dawn of May
    Brings happiness in the palms of your hands every day!
  • On your birthday, may your bank account bloom and golden rain begin in your home.
    And through life, may only a fair wind accompany you!
  • May this wonderful birthday bring fulfillment of your cherished desires, and may all your intended goals come noticeably closer and be defeated by a well-aimed hit from a professional. Let the golden steps of your career not be steep and tough, but on the contrary, let them submit to a quick and courageous ascent to the very top!
  • At that moment when an angel smiled in heaven, the kindest, most beautiful, intelligent person was born on earth. Before him lay the long road of life with small colorful stops on the side of the road - holidays. Today is one of them, my birthday. On this day, the stars rejoice and birds sing, flowers dance, butterflies spin in a waltz. We wish him to become bright and joyful. He brought the birthday boy a lot of love, pouring in an endless stream from all sides. A sea of ​​sincere smiles, an endless round dance of fun, a large armful of happiness, a wagon and cart of good health, a huge chest of money. And also, reliable, loyal friends and heroic strength to accept all this.
  • Birthday is a bright holiday,
    Believe me, this is so!
    The year has increased, you prankster,
    But this is also a good sign.
    Age is not a hindrance to happiness,
    Experience makes you wiser
    There will be more success with him
    And brilliant ideas.
    I wish you adventures
    New plans and victories.
    Congratulations from all my heart!
    And live another hundred years!

  • We wish you:
    from the sun - heat,
    from people - kindness,
    from my husband - tenderness,
    from friends - love and loyalty.
  • I want to wish you happiness
    Even more than there is on earth!
    On this most beautiful day -
    All the best - only for you!
    Behind your eyes with sincere joy,
    For the perky spiritual fuse,
    For you, with your sensual passion,
    I'm raising a glass today!
  • Happy birthday! I wish you that your life will be fulfilling, with pleasant worries, brilliant ideas and brilliant victories!
    May the source of kindness never dry up in your soul!
    Walk through life boldly and straight!
  • For our dear and beloved woman today, our sincere wishes! Always be cheerful and satisfied with yourself, let your every morning begin with a smile, because life is truly wonderful. Strive only for goodness and happiness, do not waste your time on petty grievances and quarrels, let go of bad people and negative emotions. On this Birthday, you enter your next year of life - may it be nothing but pleasant for you!

Many people are looking on the Internet for birthday greetings that will sound very sincere and from the heart. After all, you always want to congratulate your close and dear people not with banal, cliched words, but in such a way as to stir up the emotions of the birthday person, evoke trembling feelings and maybe even tears. But not everyone is gifted with the ability to beautifully say Happy Birthday words in their own words, so we have put together a small collection of sincere and touching wishes that will surely touch your loved one to the core.

A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere, interesting...
Smiles, sounds of beautiful music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier,
Let him give this birthday!

Happy birthday greetings in your own words and from the heart

A birthday is a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, I declare with a clear conscience:
I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday boy, exist in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and simply love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events to you!

Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. You can wish for a lot of different things. But I want to wish you to always feel in your place in this life. This is when it is convenient, comfortable, pleasant, warm, reliable. May God take away illnesses and evil thoughts, the glances of envious people and the lies of others from you. Let your heart beat to the rhythm of a happy song, and let your soul hum a melody of joyful notes.

Happy birthday to you and with all my heart I wish you to achieve all your goals! May luck always smile at you on your life’s journey, may your wallet never be empty, and may your heart always sing! May your family and friends please and help you conquer new heights, and may your health remain strong! I wish you to meet every day with enthusiasm and excitement, so that later, when you see it off, you will always be satisfied with how you spent it and how your life is going! Good luck!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a good mood, great happiness, endless love, prosperity in your family, career growth, good friends and, of course, health to you and everyone you care about. May your dreams never leave you and turn into reality.

Happy birthday! It’s always nice to congratulate good people, but it’s doubly nice to congratulate a wonderful person like you. I sincerely wish that you always have enough: smiles, sunny days, successful situations, success, admiration, love, congratulations, support, true friends, brilliant ideas, interesting ventures, only important people, money, feelings and emotions, strength, courage... But the main thing is that at the right moment you always have what you need.

Happy Birthday. Let the tears from your eyes roll only from joy, may your heart never know betrayal and lies, may a new world of goodness and sincerity open for you today. Another year, another date, another achievement. May you have something to be proud of, something to worry about, someone to love, someone to trust and someone to stay with in difficult times. I wish the path of your happiness to be smooth and endless.

Beautiful sincere birthday greetings from the heart

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, your loved ones to give you attention, joy, warmth and affection, your friends to surround you with sincere understanding and support, your colleagues to respect and value you. Let everything that seemed impossible come true, and let the most desired things happen!

Happy birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, bright impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may sunlight warm you in any weather, and may your wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all your dreams come true. May your life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy birthday! May this day be full of the most unexpected and joyful surprises and long-awaited gifts. May your dearest people, loyal and reliable friends always be near you. Happiness, love and goodness to your home. And may luck smile on you!

Live in such a way that your life can be compared to a happy story, written by a beautiful fate, in which people admire the nobility of the main character and wish him only the best. Happy birthday!

We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. So that the mood is always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.
Success, good luck, luck. Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Today is your birthday! And this is a very significant day not only for you, but for all of us. And even though you have become another year older, this does not mean that the years are aging you. After all, the soul is forever young!

I wish you to always win in the work field, emerge as a hero from any life situations, have a reliable rear of true friends and the only one who would like to lean on your strong man’s shoulder!

Happy Birthday. I would like to wish you to be the right person, because in this life it is very important that someone cannot live without you or that someone feels bad without you. So, let there be more than one person in your life who truly needs you. I wish you sincerity of all bright feelings to the depths of your soul.

Happy Birthday! With all my heart I wish to allow my heart to enjoy the love of loved ones and joy. I wish you a short struggle with life’s obstacles and endless long days of calm happiness, prosperity and peace.

Heartfelt birthday greetings in your own words to the point of tears

On your birthday, accept sincere and heartfelt wishes from me: peace, prosperity, health, love and friends who are always ready to help. May your days be full of sunshine and love. All the best to you, good and pleasant - everything that can bring a smile to your face. Especially what is hidden in a tiny word - happiness. And, of course, the traditional hundred years of life!

Happy Birthday! I sincerely wish that everything goes well with you. So that you, my dear little man, are happy with every particle, every cell. Let everything beautiful in this world be at your feet. May all your dreams and desires come true. There are simply no people like you. You are the embodiment of ideal.

May the warmth of the hearts of your family and friends warm you every day, and on this day especially, may it always bring hope to your open and kind soul, inspire confidence and help you look into the future with a joyful expectation of miracles, and also, love your present and certainly be proud of him.

Every year is a new page in the book of your life. By turning over a new leaf, you add another year. What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing. This is your book, and you are its author. You have the power to write your own adventure novel of more than a hundred pages. So may you always have enough strength and inspiration, health and an excellent creative mood for this!

Let there be many sincere congratulations on your birthday! Today you have probably already been wished happiness, health, wealth, and love. All this, of course, is very important, but I won’t repeat myself... I want you now to just think about what you would like most - I wish that before your next birthday it will definitely come true!

With all my heart, please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, financial stability, harmony in everything, love in all its manifestations, peaceful skies above your head. May good luck and success accompany you throughout your life, may you be surrounded by like-minded people, and may your every day shine with new rainbow colors!

On the eve of your birthday, I racked my brain for a long time, thinking: what to give you, how to surprise you and please you? I went shopping, looked, chose... It’s very difficult to choose a worthy present for you, because you already have everything you need, and I don’t want to give you a useless thing. Therefore, I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to do it simply - in this envelope there is a modest amount that you can spend as you see fit. I am sure that such a gift will not be useless, and you will definitely find a use for it.

I want to wish you great happiness, Siberian health, optimism, longevity, love and attention from your family, good luck and prosperity!

Thank you for adding to:

Happy birthday! Live easier, more fun and more successful.

Let the happiest stage in your life begin from this birthday!

On your birthday I wish you to create your destiny with inspiration and not sigh about anything!

Do not know failure and the bitter taste of disappointment. Let your heart melt with sweet happiness!

Stay in carefree ease, but fight for serious victories!

On your birthday I wish you in a nutshell: live in such a way that you feel the wings behind your back!

In a nutshell I wish,
May everything turn out great!
The family was happy
And, of course, you yourself!

Don't let the negativity gnaw at you
Your soul with a predatory tooth.
Every day will be beautiful
And honorable, like a cup!

* * *

I'll tell you in a nutshell:
Experience happiness on earth!
If you find it, hold it tight!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

I wish in this congratulation
Literally in a few words:
Hope, joy, patience,
Success in righteous deeds!

So that the sun shines in the morning
Above your bright head.
Drink all the joys to the bottom,
Triple your zeal for success!!!

Prosperity, optimism, determination, happy birthday!

Happy birthday, may love and success always be faithful companions!

Happy name day, blowing out the candles on the cake, make your deepest wishes!

Happy birthday, may all the streaks of life be bright!

I wish your life to be full of positive things, happy birthday!

Have a colorful life and unforgettable experiences, Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy birthday wishes for a man in a nutshell

May luck on your birthday hug you like your own and never let you go!

Don’t doubt that everything will happen and work out exactly the way you want! Happy birthday!

You have so many qualities that deserve respect that we can only wish you success, health and prosperity!

On your birthday, let everything you want to realize become closer and more obvious! Strength, health! Congratulations!

A man has a lot on his plate. Let your burden be pleasant and light! Happy holiday!

I wish you just a few words to make you feel what a great guy you are: successful, smart, self-sufficient, attractive! Multiply the best! Happy birthday!

I wish for little, but important things: my home, good wheels, a strong family, hot love and a happy life!

Happy birthday wishes for a woman in a nutshell

Let beauty not fade, let your soul rejoice, your eyes sparkle, your dreams come true!

I wish you a strong shoulder next to you, a loving look eye to eye, a stable income to make any dream come true!

Women are such dreamers... so I wish you not to stop fantasizing about what you want most, and it will certainly come true!

I wish you everything that has not yet come true. Let every moment become joyful and bright, and let fresh flowers always smell throughout the whole house!

Let there always be fresh flowers in your home, bold dreams in your thoughts, and a strong man’s back next to you and more...

* * *

I wish you more tenderness, profit, travel, pleasant acquaintances and cheerful and devoted friends in life!

Let life surround you with care and pamper you like your most beloved daughter!

Like a huge outer space, may your happiness be as endless as there are stars in it, I wish you as many joyful events, successful endeavors, pleasant life surprises. May all your innermost desires come true from your birthday, may your stellar dreams come true, give you the energy of the cosmos and incredible freedom of feelings, aspirations and actions.

Beautiful fairy-tale congratulations in prose in your own words on your birthday

Let everything turn out in your destiny, as in an old children's fairy tale: good always overcomes evil, all efforts are rewarded with half the kingdom, and dreams, even the most fantastic, come true. Happy birthday!

A short official congratulation in your own words

Happy Birthday. I wish you health, prosperity, prosperity, happiness and good luck. May your every day allow you to realize your plans, may your every aspiration lead to undoubted success and prosperity.

The best beautiful and original birthday greeting for young people in prose

On your amazingly bright birthday, I wish you incredible feelings of happiness, as if you are flying on a bungee over the unreal landscapes of your own successes and joys, and the wind of love carefully blows across your face, gently kissing you, and the gentle sun of life’s harmony warms you, and your soul is literally bursting with this happiness!

A small short congratulations in your own words in prose on your birthday

Happy Birthday. I wish you a prosperous and prosperous life for many long and happy years. Good luck in business, success in your aspirations, peace in the family and harmony in the heart.

The best beautiful tender congratulations in prose on your birthday

And let the wind of good changes blow today and the rays of the sun shine in your life with a bright light of happiness. Happy Birthday to You. I wish not to know what “impossible” and “painful” are, I wish to maintain peace of soul and hope of the heart, I wish not to rush to live, but to enjoy every given minute of happiness, every moment of love, kindness and beauty.

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday in your own words

I wish you always bright green light on your life path! Let any unusual ideas, interesting undertakings turn from ideas into reality without much hassle or difficulty, let your health be strong, and let there be enough wonderful mood and strength for everything! Happy birthday!

Sincere and heartfelt birthday greetings in your own words to you

Have a good and bright birthday to you! I wish that the days and years have no power over you, but bring only bright, positive emotions and pleasant excitement. I wish you good health and cheerful mood!

A short business greeting on your birthday in your own words

Happy birthday to you. I wish you to succeed in business, achieve high results in any field of activity, discover a horizon of new opportunities every day and always remain a happy person, confident in your success!

Beautiful congratulations in prose in your own words on your birthday from us for you

We wish that a beautiful, life-affirming melody always sounds in your soul, and that your heart echoes it, beating the right rhythm. Let there be no gray everyday life - let every day shimmer with bright multi-colored colors!

A short congratulations in prose in your own words on your birthday

Happy Birthday! I wish you diamond health, bright and sunny days, success in all endeavors and affairs, financial stability and independence, family comfort and warmth, peace in the soul and love in the heart.

A short congratulation toast in your own words on your birthday

Happy birthday! May your soul always be open to goodness, your heart noble, your appearance beautiful, and your home rich! We wish your body to be healthy and your spirit to be strong!

Sincere heartfelt congratulations on your birthday in your own words

Happy Birthday! I sincerely wish that everything goes well with you. So that you, my dear little man, are happy with every particle, every cell. Let everything beautiful in this world be at your feet. May all your dreams and desires come true. There are simply no people like you. You are the embodiment of ideal.

The best beautiful creative birthday greeting in your own words in prose

Every year it is a book with 365 blank pages. So create a masterpiece every day, using all the colors of life... and so that every day when you write something there will be a smile on your face! May you see everything beautiful in this world and all your dreams come true. Happy Birthday to You!!!

The best birthday greetings in your own words from us to you

Happy birthday, with another wonderful year in your biography! I wish that you always walk through life with your head held high, delighting us with your new realized plans. May your loved ones support you in everything, and may you have enough money, health and inspiration to make your dreams come true!

The best beautiful and heartfelt birthday greeting in your own words

Happy Birthday! Let there always be peace in your soul, love and happiness in your heart, a warm, bright atmosphere and complete well-being in your home. May good luck await you on the way, profit in your work, success in every goal. May there be harmony in everything and may everything work out in the best way for you.

The best congratulations in your own words with wishes for success on your birthday

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you more new opportunities, interesting projects and their successful implementation. May life bring you love and inspiration. May you have enough strength to accept them fully, and most importantly, use them for good. Well, and happiness, of course, as the basis of all of the above!

A beautiful and original short birthday greeting in your own words

Let your ship of life sail only on smooth seas, let there be only good passengers on board, and let a guiding star always shine in the sky so as not to go astray.

Wise birthday greetings in your own words

Happy birthday! Only positive realities, energy, inspiration, good health and prosperity. Never lose hope, and until the last adhere to the position of a fair and adequate person. Love with all your heart and subtle soul, worship, live with a clear conscience and enjoy the moments that are destined for you as a human being.

The best short birthday greeting in your own words

Happy Birthday to You! I wish you a wonderful and amazing life, an ocean of crazy love, endless happy time, only good health, excellent mood and the most incredible opportunities!

The best birthday greetings in your own words to you

Happy Birthday! May happiness accompany you every step of the way, may your health be protected under any circumstances, may luck and luck become your reliable companions in life. I wish you inspiration in everything, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all plans.

Wise birthday greetings in prose

Happy birthday! No matter how old you get, no matter what obstacles you encounter along the way, still remain yourself. I would like to wish you spiritual strength, inspiration, health and, of course, sincere love. Know that if it’s difficult for you to walk, it means that you are rising to the top, to the desired success. Just don't stop lifting!

It’s impossible for a person to have everything at once, so on your wonderful birthday I wish:
- ups without downs;
- love without pain;
- attachment without loss;
- friendship without betrayal;
- prosperity without deception;
- health without drugs;
- success without borders;
- years without counting;
- endless happiness!

Christian congratulations in your own words on your birthday to you

On this wonderful day, please accept my sincere congratulations on your birthday. May fate always be favorable to you, may the love and care that you give to the people around you return a hundredfold. Peace, goodness, generous earthly blessings and Heavenly blessings to you!

Congratulations in your own words in prose on your birthday

Let there be no stagnation in life,
And every day is seething with new events,
Exciting and enjoyable. And from them is life
Every time it changes only for the better!
Especially this one, because today is your birthday!

Best short business formal birthday greetings

Happy Birthday! May your every day allow you to realize your plans, may your every aspiration lead to undoubted success and prosperity!

The best birthday greetings in your own words

Happy birthday! I wish you ineradicable optimism, inner confidence, personal independence, constant success, career growth, strong spirit, material well-being, and cheerful mood. May your life be accompanied by luck, joy and love!

The best beautiful and original birthday greeting in your own words in prose

The series of gray days has stopped at a bright and festive point - today is your birthday. And may your soul today shed the shell of grayness, and, like a pure diamond, reflect the bright colors of your holiday in its facets. And may life forever color your every day with bright emotions. Happiness to you.

The best beautiful heartfelt birthday greeting in your own words

Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. You can wish for a lot of different things. But I want to wish you to always feel in your place in this life. This is when it is convenient, comfortable, pleasant, warm, reliable. Let your life not be ideal, but the way you want it to be. Let your heart beat to the rhythm of a happy song, and let your soul hum a melody of joyful notes!

The best beautiful and original birthday greeting in your own words

May the wonderful puzzle of your wonderful life be made up of only pieces of happiness and form an overall picture of joy and success, and may all its happy pieces be glued to each other with good health, and with each new birthday may their number grow, making the picture of life long-lasting and beautiful .

Beautiful and original happy birthday greetings in your own words

Happy Birthday! On this beautiful day, I wish that the fairytale bird of happiness brings good luck on its tail, a huge supply of health, strength and energy, good mood and all the blessings of life. Let all the changes that happen in life be only for the better! May every day bring new and joyful discoveries!

Beautiful birthday greetings in prose

Let life unfold like a beautiful puzzle, in which every event will take its place, forming a picture of harmonious peace, happiness and prosperity, a picture that will become your delightful destiny.

Official business greetings in your own words on your birthday

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Let practical experience and accumulated energy continue to contribute to successful work! We wish you many ideas and strength to implement them!

The best creative birthday greeting in your own words

Happy birthday! Let there be more sharp turns in your life, and let everything go smoothly, like snow under a penguin’s butt, the refrigerator is bursting at the seams, and money is falling out of bags. A goldfish lives in the aquarium, fulfilling your every desire, and your favorite kisser and hugger sleeps in the bedroom.

Business official congratulations in your own words in prose on your birthday

Happy birthday. I wish you to become more confident and successful this year. May all your plans be successfully realized, may all good things happen, may everything you need for happiness be present in your life.

An original touching birthday greeting in your own words

Happy birthday! I would like to wish you, which I will gladly do now, the best health. If there are surprises - then only pleasant ones, if there are acquaintances - then the most cordial ones, if there is news - then the most long-awaited ones. I wish you the highest incomes and the most pleasant expenses. Ski winters to you, hot ocean summers, warm blooming springs and bright autumns in a warm country... And in general, happiness all year round for millions of years to come!

The best creative birthday greeting in your own words

Without any jokes, I wish that happiness occupies you and never lets you out of your dizzying captivity. Let Fortune beg you to give her a master class in luck, and Gazprom shudder nervously, estimating your mega-incomes. Oh yes, and such a miracle of love that the characters of chic melodramas of all nations, times and box office receipts have never dreamed of. Happy birthday!

A short birthday greeting in your own words

May you always have a positive attitude and strength for new victories and achievements in your new age! Bright emotions and new impressions! Happy birthday!

The best congratulations in prose in your own words on your birthday

On this wonderful day of your birthday, I want to wish you bright juicy days filled with the colors of love, sincerity, pleasure, stable income, sincere support, cheerfulness, wisdom and inspiration. Let only bright moments and warm, unforgettable sensations appear in your life! Let what you wake up for in the morning always bring joy and true lasting happiness!

Creative and original happy birthday greetings in your own words

Happy Birthday! But I don’t think it’s worth wishing you health and happiness, since everyone has already wished for this for a long time, and it will definitely happen! I wish you that you have exactly what you need. What you and only you want! After all, only you know what you need for the most important thing - happiness. Happy birthday!

Original short congratulations in prose in your own words on your birthday

I will not wish anything good, only the best: success in business, health in the family, a heart full of love, eyes glowing with happiness, new discoveries, the most pleasant emotions. May your whole life be a continuous holiday. Happy birthday!

Positive birthday greetings from us in your own words

Birthday is my favorite holiday! We wish that your heart always beats happy rhythms, from which your head will joyfully spin, and your soul will be filled with trembling delight. Let everything around you surprise and evoke a great desire to live and create!

A short original birthday greeting in your own words

I wish you joyful days, great opportunities and inexhaustible energy. Let success, like a bird of luck, fly ahead of you, showing you a wonderful future. Happy Birthday!

Sincere and heartfelt congratulations on your birthday in your own words

Happy birthday! I wish you to get everything from life: boundless happiness, excellent health, true friends, excellent mood, year-round prosperity, constant success and unforgettable rest. Let your eyes always shine with joy, your thoughts always be clear, and your heart glow with mutual love!

Congratulations in your own words on your birthday to a young man

Happy Birthday! I wish you friends whom you can call at any time and hear in response: “I’ll be there now.” Great love that blows your mind and makes you want to sing. Health, which allows you to walk all night long and go to work in the morning with a smile. A bank account that will allow you to fulfill your cherished desires. Harmony in the soul and the feeling that every day you live is the happiest!

Wonderful birthday greetings in your own words

Happy Birthday! Bright positive mood, high achievements, spiritual harmony, prosperity, good health, success in everything! I wish you never to stop there. Good luck in learning new ideas, self-development and striving only for the best!

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