Thematic music lesson “Spring” in the preparatory group. Summary of a music lesson for children of the preparatory group "Spring" Children answer questions

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Objectives of the music lesson:; teach to convey the content and intonation of music using rhythmoplasty and;

contribute to the formation of the ability to reproduce elementary rhythmic patterns on children's musical instruments; develop the ability to sing simple onomatopoeias; develop attention, memory, imagination, thinking; , a sense of mutual assistance and support.

Material: Spring costume, flat figurines of birds (sparrow, swallow), children's musical instruments, carpet stylized as a spring meadow; phono recordings: birdsong (collection “Sounds of Nature”), song “Bus” (collection “Popular Songs for Children”), “Droplets” by A. Maykapar; “Polyanka”, “Who has what song” (T. Borovik, collection “Spring”).

Progress of a thematic music lesson for children of the senior group with NFODA

Organizing time.

Children enter the music room to the soundtrack of birdsong and sit on chairs.

Musical director (M.r.). Hello! I am glad to welcome you to class today. Guys, look out the window. What do you see there? (Children's answers.)

M.R. The sun is shining brighter, the snow is melting, the drops are ringing. Soon the trees will bloom, everything around will turn green, the birds will sing... It’s spring outside our window. Do you like her? (Children's answers.)

M.R. Today we will go to visit Spring, would you like it? (Yes.) Then all of you get on the magic bus, which will take us where we need to go.

Main part.

Rhythm declamation« Bus». The music director sings the text and shows the movements, the children pronounce onomatopoeia and repeat the movements. While the composition is being performed, the teacher sets up the decoration of the clearing.

Here we are sitting on the bus,

And we sit, and we sit,

And we look from the window,

We're watching everything.

(One hand supports the elbow, the other supports the cheek.)

We look back, we look forward -

Like this, like this.

But why doesn’t the bus carry you, why doesn’t it carry you?

(Hold your hand with a visor near your eyes, turn your head left and right,

shrug their shoulders alternately.)

The wheels are spinning -

Like this, like this.

(With two hands clenched into fists, twist forward.)

We rolled forward

Just like that!

And the brushes rustle on the glass:

“Whack, whack, whack! Whack-Whack-Whack!”

All the droplets want to sweep away:


(Use your hands to imitate the movements of the wipers left and right.)

Let our bus shake -

Like this, like this.

(While sitting, they make a “spring”.)

We're moving forward, moving forward,

Just like that!

(Feed forward with your hands.)

And we are not just sitting here:

“Beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep!”

(Press an imaginary “button” with the finger in front.)

We hum loudly and loudly to everyone:


We hum loudly and loudly to everyone:


(To lose, they turn an imaginary “wheel.”)

M.R. Guys, look where we have arrived! How beautiful! What a wonderful clearing! There are flowers, and young trees, and green grass... And how the birds sing! Shall we stay here? (Children's answers.)

Rhythmoplastic composition« Polyanka» (model T. Borovik) for muscle relaxation. The music director pronounces a free text on the topic, accompanying it with rhythmic movements that the children repeat.

M.R. In spring, everything around comes to life, rejoices in the warm, gentle sun and sings with joy. The rain, the drops, the breeze, the birds sing... Everyone has their own spring song. Let's remember who sings what.

Rhythm declamation« Who has what song?» (model T. Borovik).

The music director sings the text, the children pronounce onomatopoeia and repeat the movements.

What's the song of the rain?

The rain has this song:

"Drip-drip, drip-drip,

Drip-drip, drip-drip."

(Children bang their fists.)

What song does the wind have?

And the wind has this song:



(Swing their arms from side to side.)

What's the song of thunder?

And thunder has this song:

"Bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom, bom,

Bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom, bom."

(Bending over, they knock on their knees with their palms.)

What song do the leaves have?

And the leaves have this song:

“Sh-sh, sh-sh, sh-sh-sh,

Sh-sh, sh-sh, sh-sh-sh"

(Rub your palms together.)

M.R. In spring, all nature awakens. Under the gentle rays of the sun, the snow melts and the streams ring. Life begins to boil everywhere: a bear wakes up from hibernation in the forest, larks sing over the fields. The music of Spring sounds.

M.R. Attention, guys! Do you hear this wonderful music? Isn't Spring itself coming to meet us?

Spring is coming. Hello guys! I welcome you as a guest! I heard how you were waiting for my arrival. You can help me come quickly if you melt the icicles.

M.R. Spring, we have been waiting to meet you for a very long time and even prepared a musical surprise for you. Please listen to our children's musical orchestra.

Playful icicles

We sat down on the ledge.

Playful icicles

We looked down.

We looked at what to do,

Drops began to fall.

The ringing goes on all day long:


Playing children's musical instruments: A. Maikapar “Droplets” (model T. Tyutyunnikova).

Spring. Thanks guys! They played great, well done! After such a drop, I will definitely come soon and I will come not alone, but with my friends. Do you know my friends? (Children's answers.)

Spring shows the figurine of a sparrow.

Spring. I love my friends -

The sparrow chirped.

Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Sing with me, don’t be shy, -

The sparrow suggested it to us.

Tick-tweet, chirp-tweet.

Let's sing the sparrow's song too.

Children, together with Vesna, repeat the onomatopoeia, after which she shows a swallow figurine.

Spring. The swallow flew to visit us,

She sat down on the house and sang a song:

Chiv-chiv-chiv, it's me

Arrived to you, friends!

Guys, repeat the song you heard!

Children repeat onomatopoeia.

Spring. Thank you very much for coming to visit me, for waking me up with your music! Wait for me! See you soon! (Leaves.)

A fragment of the soundtrack plays« Bus».

III.Summary of the lesson.

M.R. So our walk with you has come to an end. Did you like it? (Yes.) It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. What can we tell you about our journey?

The adult pronounces the words, and the children repeat the movements.

We went to visit Spring,

(Waving their brushes towards themselves.)

Got a ray of sunshine

(Arms up and to the sides.)

We will bow to Spring,

(They bow.)

We will become friends with her.

(Clap their hands.)

Children leave the music room to the music.

The summary of the thematic music lesson was prepared by E. Avkhimenko

"Melody of Spring" Summary of a musical thematic lesson in a senior group using active teaching methods

Purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance with Russian folklore. Using active teaching and educational methods in the classroom.

Training tasks:

Continue to introduce children to Russian round dances and games.

Teach children to coordinate movements with the character and form of a piece of music.

To activate independent creative expressions of children in the transfer of figurative play movements, in statements about the works they listened to. In singing, train children in the ability to sing expressively, without tension, with a “light” sound.

Developmental tasks:

Develop auditory perception while listening to music.

Development of memory and attention.

Develop individual emotional manifestations.

Educational tasks:

Continue to cultivate a stable interest in music of a different nature and value judgments.

Foster initiative and creativity.

Material for the lesson: illustrations - portrait of a lark by P. I. Tchaikovsky, musical instruments. - hat, glasses.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall. They are met by the Musical Director.

Hello guys!

Children. Hello.

M.R. I want to show you “Magic Glasses”. The one who wears them will see only the good in others, even what they hide from everyone. Attention, I'm wearing glasses. How beautiful, funny, smart you all are. (turning to his neighbor, names his advantages). I really want everyone to try on these glasses and take a good look at their neighbor. Maybe you'll notice something about him that you hadn't noticed before. (perform the game task in a circle)

I see that everyone is in a cheerful, cheerful and even a little spring mood.

Are you ready to study? Let’s imagine spring weather: dampness, melting snow, puddles, breaking ice, falling into wet snow.

They turned after each other.

Musical and rhythmic exercises

1 exercise “Spring step and run” (we walk carefully so as not to fall into the wet snow)

(for part 1 of the music they walk with a calm, springy step,

For part 2 - easy running on toes.) (along a dry path)

2. exercise “Three floods”

1h – claps TA – TA – ti – ti Ta (we warm our hands)

2:00 - Having lowered their hands down and turned them with their palms forward, they calmly walk scattered around the hall.

When repeating:

1h – floods TA – TA – ti – ti Ta (warm our feet)

2 o’clock – they calmly wander around the hall.

Musical director. We pass one after another and sit on the chairs.

Developing a sense of rhythm, playing music

“Sunny, don’t hide” - clap the rhythm of the song.

Sunshine, don’t hide, shine

It will be more fun for us to go.

Play rhythm on musical instruments.

Finger gymnastics

Performed movements

Drip-drip-drip, spring has come. Connect the thumb of the right hand with the rest.

Drip-drip-drip, the icicles are melting. Connect the thumb of the left hand with the rest.

Streams of movement ran to the left, to the right with both palms

The rooks flew to us. We intertwine our thumbs and wave our palms

Listening to music:

“The Lark” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

. “You’ve probably heard how beautifully and loudly the birds sing? There is such a bird - a lark. She sings especially well. Now we will listen to the play “The Lark's Song”. How does a lark sing? What did the music say about him? » Finds out with the children that the lark sings beautifully, loudly, tenderly and flies easily and quickly. Children receive a holistic understanding of music and its most characteristic features.

In the spring there is a holiday called Larks or Magpies. There is a belief in Rus' that on this day forty different birds fly from warm countries and the first of them is the lark. On this day winter ends and spring begins.

This work was written by the Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Chanting and singing

Riddle about spring.

The bear crawled out of the den

Dirt and puddles on the road,

In the sky a lark trills -

He came to visit us. April

"Winter is ending" music. T. Popatenko.

Singing is easy and relaxed.

Round dance "Sun"

Coordinate your movements with the music. Continue to teach children how to dance in a circle and sing.


"Friendly triplets." I. Strauss

Ask the children to help their partner, suggest what movement can be performed if the partner is confused.

“The moon is shining.

Teach children to perform movements in a round dance, to gather in a circle and expand the circle, to walk with a stomping step, to navigate in space.

A game.



Our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today, and the Smart Hat will help us remember

Whoever puts it on will be responsible.

Encouraging children to participate in summarizing the results of a music lesson.

Elena Yarygina
Summary of the music lesson “Signs of Spring” (preparatory group)

Target: To develop children's rhythmic abilities. Enrich musical impressions, evoke an emotional response to spring signs.


Exercise: Distinguish and convey changes in character in motion music. Develop imagination and creative initiative.

Rhythmic exercise: Identify by ear and reproduce various rhythmic chains on noise instruments.

Hearing: Introduce children to musical culture. Enrich musical impressions of children(cause an emotional response when perceived music) .

Singing: Improve vocal-auditory coordination, accurately intonate melodic lines. Perform with a light sound at a moderate tempo individually and collectively.

Musically-rhythmic movement:

A game: Improve the quality of the gallop, convey a simple rhythmic pattern, enter into your own on time musical phrase.

Musically-dance creation:

Form creative imagination, coordinate your actions with music, achieve soft, smooth movements corresponding to this image.

Children enter the hall. Musical The leader says hello, the children answer.

Musical director: Listen! What time of year called us?

(children answer)

Where is the best place for us to find signs of spring(In the woods) But now we won’t be able to get into the forest, but a magic screen will help us.

Slide number 1( "Early spring» )

Musical director: Enviable luck

See spring early,

Look into the face of spring

Ruddy face.

You and I are in a great mood and we will jump along the path to look for signs of spring, and then, listen carefully, she will tell you what to do.

Exercise-sketch "In the forest" music T. Lomovoy

1. We move in leaps.

2. “They walk, watch, look at the spring forest: snowdrops, birds, buds on trees."

3. "Lost", shouting “Ahh!”

4. Form pairs “they found each other, they are happy”- they are spinning.

Musical director: Finally we are in the forest! What fresh air! How easy it is to breathe. Let's take a breath! Let's say as we exhale word: "Fragrance".

Breathing exercises "Fragrance" (2 times)

Musical director: Listen, is someone greeting us in the forest?

Slide number 2 ( "Woodpecker") (Video without sound)

Musical director: He sits on a pine tree highest of all, and sees that spring getting ready to hit the road. And he decided to send a telegram to the birds in warm regions, which consists of different combinations of short and long sounds, so that the birds return home.

Speech rhythm game "Spring Telegram"(based on verses by V. Suslov (Children are given two sticks)

Musical director: A woodpecker sat on a thick branch, knock and knock

To all my friends in the south, knock and knock.

Telegrams urgently send knock-knock-knock

That the snow around here has melted.

I haven’t been here in hot camps here and there

And it’s clear why, the woodpecker is bored alone.

Musical director: And he will post the rhythmic call signs of telegrams on a flannelgraph... and we will all help the woodpecker together.

(One person lays out rhythmic chains on a flannelgraph - "call signs")

Musical director: The birds heard and flew into the forest. Imagine... Nature is waiting spring, which is late, and Frost does not want to leave. Everyone is waiting spring. Finally Spring falls to the ground surrounded by a retinue of birds. Birds cling to Spring, asking her to warm them up. A Spring tells them: “Are you shaking, poor things? Dance, warm up. I have seen more than once that people warmed up by dancing.” This picture was imagined by the Russian composer N. N. Rimsky-Korsakov. That's what the music is called"Dance of the Birds" from the opera "Snow Maiden"

Which music by nature will you answer after listening?

"Dance of the Birds" music N. Rimsky-Korsakov Slide No. 3 "Dance of the Birds"

(children's answers - perky, cheerful, playful, dancing)

Rehearing piece of music

Like this the music is called? (fix the name)

Musical director: All nature awakens from winter sleep. The stream woke up and ran, babbling.

(slide number 4) ("Stream")

Chant "Stream"

Musical director: And now a stream ran along this path (melody is transposed by semitones).

Musical director:Do you like to solve riddles?

In shiny black plumage

A singer flies from distant lands

And with a ringing, perky song

Welcomes spring(starling)(Slide No. 5 "Starlings")

Musical director: What song do we know about birds ( answer: "bird housewarming") That's right, that's what the song is called "Bird Housewarming" music by Shestakova. We already know the melody of the chorus. A game « Musical Echo» will help us learn the melody of the verse. I'm starting - you answer.

Song "Bird Housewarming" music Shestakova.

(Singing according to the phrases of the melody, chorus with musical accompaniment).

Musical director: In which song do many occur at once? signs of spring?

Slide No. 6 ( "Late spring» - greenery, gardens bloom)

Musical director: And the melody of the song will tell you (The melody of the 2nd part of the song is sung) per syllable "ku". Children call « Spring» .)

Before we sing, let’s sing this passage together every syllable "ku".(performed on the syllable "ku")

Now let's sing a song musical phrases. The one I point to will sing.

(Performance of the melody by musical phrases)

The song turned out wonderful, all the soloists performed the melody correctly.

Song « Spring» music Eliseeva

Slide number 8 « Spring has come» -various spring)

Musical director: It's time to play a fun game "Who is more likely to hit the tambourine"

A game "Who is more likely to hit the tambourine" music L. Schwartz

Musical director:Our musical the glade will give the girls a bouquet of the first spring flowers.

(Slide No. 7 "Snowdrop")

Dance composition "Snowdrops"

Musical director: You and I were doing an interesting thing. And which one? (children's answers)

Slide number 8 ( « Signs of spring» )

Musical director: What did you like?

And I would like to end our unusual journey with the words of Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheeva:

“The snow is already melting, the streams are running

There was a breeze at octo in the spring,

The nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of physical education “Meeting Spring” (preparatory group) Summary of physical education leisure “Meeting Spring” (preparatory group) Integration of educational areas: “Physical culture”, “Communication”,.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory school group “Signs of Spring” Goal: formation and systematization of children’s knowledge about the characteristic signs of spring. Objectives: Educational: - Activate cognitive.

Summary of a music lesson for the second junior group “Our group, my friends” Summary of a musical lesson dedicated to the topic “Our group, my friends” Objectives: 1. Educational: - enrich musical impressions.

Summary of the musical lesson “Ballet is a wonderful art form!” (preparatory group) Objectives: - to develop an initial understanding of ballet in children of senior preschool age. - teach to understand the content of ballet.

Summary of the music lesson “Winter Walk” (second junior group) children 3–4 years old Musical director (hereinafter M.R.): Hello, guys! Look out the window. What do you see? Children: Snow, slide, snowman.

Abstract of the educational activity “Signs of Spring” for older preschoolers Abstract of educational and experimental activities in a group of senior preschool age on the topic “Signs of Spring.” Goal: to form.

Lesson summary “How we looked for signs of spring” How we looked for signs of spring Goal: to develop coherent speech in children. Program content: teach children adjectives to nouns.

GOAL: To introduce children to the signs of early spring. TASKS: 1) To develop in children the ability to name and recognize the signs of early spring, to establish.

Summary of a math lesson in the preparatory group “In the Flower Kingdom” Summary of a lesson in mathematics preparatory group “In the Flower Kingdom” Ave. sod: Improve the ability to solve logical problems.

Scenario of the physical education and music festival “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” (preparatory group) Physical education and music festival “Sun, air and water are our best friends!” Tasks: - create a positive emotional atmosphere.

Image library:

GCD in the preparatory group "Spring Mood"

GCD in the preparatory group for kindergarten music directors
Diverse development of children in the main areas of development.
1. To consolidate the idea of ​​musical notation.
2. Form the concept of “pyramid”.
3. Expand children’s understanding of the types of musical instruments.
4. To develop in children the skill of conveying their impressions of the perception of music.
5. Summarize children’s knowledge about the signs of spring.
6. Continue introducing landscapes by Russian artists
7. Introduce the new technique of drawing “in the raw”. Develop imagination and the ability to convey your impressions in a drawing.
Music supervisor: Guys, let's greet each other and share our smiles and good mood.
Music supervisor: Invented by someone simply and wisely
When meeting, say hello:
-Good morning!
Children: -Good morning!
Music supervisor: To the sun and the birds
- Good morning!
Children: - Good morning!
Music supervisor: Smiling faces.
- Good morning!
Children: - Good morning!
Music supervisor: And everyone becomes
Kind..., trusting...
May good morning
Last until evening.
Music supervisor: I am very glad to see you in the music room. Look how beautiful it is here! Two artists visited us and this is what they left as a souvenir (they look at the paintings and notice the brushes).
Music supervisor: Guys, look, the artists forgot their brushes. What to do? (children's answers). Where can we find them, what will help us with this? (children's answers).
(Lyadov’s “Musical Snuffbox” sounds).
Music supervisor: Did you recognize this piece?
Children: “Musical snuffbox”
Music supervisor: That's what they called it in the old days?
Children: Music box.
Music supervisor: So the music box will give us the answer where to look for artists. (Open the box and find a telegram).
Music supervisor: This is a telegram. (“Dear children, we forgot our brushes in your kindergarten, please bring them to the spring forest. Artists.”)
Music supervisor: How will we get to the artists?
Children: With the help of magic.
Music supervisor: And I think with the help of a music box and our imagination. Let's close our eyes and transport you to the spring forest.

(We get to Nesmeyana. (The role of Nesmeyana is played by the music director))
Nesmeyana: Hello children, do you recognize me? I cry all the time in a fairy tale because everything upsets me. Who am I?
Children: Nesmeyana.
Nesmeyana: And now my music teachers have given me a very difficult task, to understand this incomprehensible music. Will you help me?
Children: Yes.
Nesmeyana: Look, what kind of rulers are these? (shows an image of a staff).
Children: This is a staff. Notes are written on it.
Nesmeyana: And here’s another riddle: which key will help open the door to music (shows 2 keys, a door and a treble clef) (children point to the treble clef and name it).
Nesmeyana: I see, but I don’t know where to attach this treble clef to the staff, who can help me with this? If we do everything right, the music will sound. (Children find a place for the treble clef, the music “Musical Snuffbox” sounds).
Nesmeyana: The music started playing, which means we dealt with you correctly, thank you.
Nesmeyana: Children, please tell me, when we listen to music, what do we hear?
Children: Sounds.
Nesmeyana: How can we record these sounds?
Children: Using notes.
Nesmeyana: But it’s so difficult for me to remember the name of these notes. Do you know any interesting game that would make it easy for me to remember the name of these notes? (Children and Nesmeyana play the game “Name of Notes.” All movements are performed while standing according to the text, pronouncing the names of the notes).
Children: Let's clap our hands on the "C" note, stamp our feet on the "RE" note, turn around on the "E" note, smile at each other on the "F" note, shake our heads at the "Sol" note, quietly sing the "A" note, "SI" note let's start from the beginning.
Nesmeyana: How interesting, children, now I know the name of the notes, but I don’t know where they are located on the staff, can you help me? (Children show the location of the notes on the staff and name them).
Nesmeyana: Thank you guys for your help! You gave me a great mood. Where are you going?
Children: To the artists in the spring forest.
Nesmeyana: Will you take me with you?
Children: Yes.
Nesmeyana: To get there faster, I suggest everyone turn into bats and fly. (Nesmeyana turns children into bats with her magic wand). One, two, three, four, five, the mice come out to fly. I turn all the children into bats.
(Children “fly” to the music of Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.”)
Nesmeyana: One, two, three, four, five, I’m returning everything again. I’m turning all the mice into children I know. It’s strange, it seems to me that we are in the wrong place... What kind of architectural structures are these? Do you know them?
Children: Pyramids.
Nesmeyana: Where are they?
Children: In Africa, in the desert, in Egypt.
Nesmeyana: Let's look at these pyramids. I have notes that you have to attach to the pyramids when answering questions. (Nesmeyana takes turns passing the magic wand to the children who answer the questions.
1. What pyramid is near you?
2. How many vertices are there at the base of a tetrahedral pyramid?
3. What is the name of a pyramid that has three sides?
4. How do these two pyramids differ?
5. Who first coined the word pyramid?
Nesmeyana: Look, children, what is under the pyramid? (children open a triangular pyramid, find cards with images of musical instruments)
Nesmeyana: What did we find?
Children: Musical instruments.
Nesmeyana: Let's play. Help the tools get into their house. (children perform the didactic game “Distribution of musical instruments by type.” The task is performed in teams. Using the signal card, you need to collect musical instruments on each face of the pyramid. After completion, Nesmeyana clarifies the name of the musical instruments as well as the correctness of the task).
Nesmeyana: Children, but the pyramids keep their secrets. What else do you think could be in the pyramids?
Children: Treasures.
Nesmeyana: But in order for the pyramid to open the door for us, we need to correctly tap the rhythm that we have obtained from the laid out notes. (children beat out the rhythm with the help of clapping and stamping. We find the decorations under the pyramid.)
Nesmeyana: What will we do with them?
Children: Dress up.
Nesmeyana: And we will turn into oriental beauties.
(East Dance)
Nesmeyana: Have we found a spring mood and artists?
Children: No.
Nesmeyana: Then, with the help of the music box, we will go further.
(We find ourselves in a spring forest. A soundtrack of birds singing sounds).
Nesmeyana: Where did we end up?
Children: In the spring forest.
Nesmeyana: What signs of spring are already clearly visible?
Children: Birds open spring,
The starlings have returned from the south,
The tits sing louder -
Early spring singers.
Nesmeyana: Okay, but in such a big forest we will get lost, who will help us?
Children: Spring.
Nesmeyana: Let's call her.
Children: Go, spring, go red! Bring a spike of rye, a sheaf of oats, and a great harvest to our region! (Spring is coming).
Spring: Hello, guys, you called Spring, I came.
Nesmeyana: Guys, let's welcome spring with a song.
("Sunny Song" by Vikhareva.)
Nesmeyana: Spring, please tell me if you have met artists in your forest, we are bringing them forgotten brushes.
Spring: Yes, these artists are visiting my forest, come in.
Nesmeyana: Children, do you know these artists?
Children: Levitan, Savrasov.
Nesmeyana: Children, please give me some brushes, because they are magical! (waves them, paintings by artists open) (conversation about the paintings).
Nesmeyana: But not only artists and poets sang of spring, but also composers in their music.
(Children listen to an audio recording of “Snowdrop” by Tchaikovsky)
Nesmeyana: Are you familiar with this portrait?
Children: Composer Tchaikovsky.
Nesmeyana: What piece was played?
Children: Snowdrop.
Nesmeyana: What kind of music did you feel like? (Children's answers). Was the mood the same everywhere or did it change? (Children's answers). What month does this piece correspond to? (Children's answers). What did the music represent? (Children's answers). Did you sound one instrument or several? (Children's answers).
Nesmeyana: Would you children like to draw pictures of spring and spring mood? Then we’ll close our eyes and use the music box to transport you to the group. (In the group, children, together with the teacher and music director, draw a spring mood. Technique of work is “Blotography” on a wet sheet).
Nesmeyana: Guys, what are you in the mood for? What did you like and remember most? (Children's answers).
Nesmeyana: It was a pleasure to communicate with you, to learn a lot of new and interesting things. Goodbye. Until next time.

Musical thematic lesson in the preparatory group “Spring is Red” Program objectives: -Exercise the ability to perform movements to cheerful music. - Introduce a fragment of the 1st movement of the violin concerto “Spring” from the cycle “The Seasons” by the 18th century composer Antonio Vivaldi. -Develop tempo-rhythmic skills through singing songs with movement. - Cultivate a love of nature through music. Equipment and materials: Screen, multimedia installation, surprise chest, postcard with tasks, magnetic board with letters. The children calmly enter the hall. Teacher: Hello, guys! I see you are all smiling, you are in a good mood. I'm glad to see you. My name is Elena Anatolyevna. Please note, we have many guests. Let's say hello to them. (Children say hello). And also, we have a magic screen in our hall. It will show us a lot of new and interesting things. Look what a beautiful, fabulous chest there is. I wonder whose it is, do you know? And here is a postcard. Now we will find out who it is from. She comes with affection and with her fairy tale. He will wave his magic wand, the snowdrop will bloom in the forest. (Spring) And now spring will appear in our hall (on the screen there is a slide - spring). Spring left us a chest. (Teacher try to open). But it doesn't open. And here something else is written: “Guys, I congratulate you on the arrival of spring. I have a surprise for you. But first, complete my tasks.” For each task, I will give you a letter. When these letters form a word, the chest will open and we will find out what is in it. Do you want to know? And now the first task. You need to learn the movements. I have a wonderful, funny song about spring for you. Let us march cheerfully in a circle for the first verse of the song, and for the chorus we will perform cheerful leaps scattered around the hall. And when the music ends, we’ll stand up in all directions. facing me. The song “Spring is Red” plays. The children perform the movements and stop at the end of the chorus. Teacher: Guys, did you like the song? What is her character like? (cheerful, ringing, joyful, lively). Now let us remember the step steps (performed by M.R.).  Let’s “draw” the sun (circular movement with the right hand and left hand)  Let’s combine the movements of the arms and legs. (The 1st verse of the song sounds) Learning the movements of the chorus:  3 steps forward, clap on the 4th step, and back (first a general count with movements, then without a count, then to the music). - To lose, spin around while jumping. (The chorus of the song sounds) Well done, guys. And now all over again... Children perform movements on the 1st and 2nd verses of the song. To lose, they march to the music and sit down. Teacher: Well done, you completed the task. Here's the next letter. (the teacher puts the letter B). Yes, spring is a special time of year. The time of nature's awakening from winter sleep, when everything comes to life, blossoms, and rejoices in the coming warmth. And how much joy it brings to people! And people glorify it in their creativity. - poets, artists, composers. Spring wants to get to know the composer Antonio Vivaldi and his music. You see that his appearance is very unusual for us, because at the time when the composer lived (in the 18th century) there was a fashion for wigs. Therefore, noble people and people of art always wore them. Notice what musical instrument the composer is holding? Children: Violin Teacher: Vivaldi played the violin beautifully and composed music for string orchestra. (What is an orchestra? Why is it called a string orchestra? What instruments are included in a string orchestra?) He was also a conductor (led the orchestra). His most famous work is called “The Seasons”. It consists of 4 parts (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn). We will listen to an excerpt from the 1st part “Spring”. The composer painted pictures of spring for us with the colors of music. Here is the first picture. Here the music sounds joyful and solemn, like a hymn to spring. The composer rejoices that nature wakes up and comes to life. Children listen to the opening fragment. Here is the next picture. Who does the music represent? (What do you think, maybe it looks like the ringing singing of birds?) Children listen to the next fragment Children Music depicts the singing and chirping of birds that have flown from warm countries and rejoice at the arrival of spring. Let us show with our hands how the birds chirp (raise their hands up and point their fingers) Teacher: What did the composer depict in the next picture? A fragment plays here: There is a blizzard and a blizzard, an angry winter wind that does not want to give way to spring. That's why the music is excited and fast-paced. Let's show a strong wind with our hands. (Swinging the arms below from side to side). The magic screen will help us see all the pictures of spring and hear the music of Antonio Vivaldi. On the screen is the film “Spring” to the music of A. Vivaldi. Teacher: Guys, what composer’s music did we meet? Here's the letter (E) What instruments sounded in his music? (violins, double bass, cello; string orchestra). I give you the letter (C) Teacher: Next task: we need to wake up our little voices. Learning the “Sunshine” chant. Well done, here's the letter (N). Teacher: Guys, Spring wants you to learn a song. Listen to the story that happened in the spring forest. The teacher performs the song “Mishka the Cook” by L.B. Gusevoy Teacher: Who is this song about? What is her character like? Now we will learn the 1st verse. Our hands will help. (Children repeat words with movements in phrases, then sing along with the teacher, performing the movements). Children, together with the teacher, perform a song with movement. Teacher: Well done, guys! You sang the song well, amicably and cheerfully. Here is the next letter (A), you have completed all the spring tasks, Let's read the word!.. Children read the word SPRING. Look, the chest has opened! And there Spring has prepared gifts for you - these are the musical keys... The teacher gives the keys to the children. It was a pleasure for me to work with you. At this point our lesson is over, and we will go to the group with a cheerful march, accompanied by a beautiful song. Goodbye!

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