The child's urine has an unpleasant odor. Physiological causes of a specific odor. Strong odor of urine in a child: other reasons

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Every person knows that urine and feces have a characteristic smell of feces. And every mother knows that young children’s discharge has almost no smell, at least compared to adults. But then one day you notice a pungent odor of urine in your child and wonder: is it worth worrying about?

It depends on many factors, but don’t make any hasty conclusions. Firstly, as a child gets older, his urine gradually takes on a stronger smell than before; this is normal. Secondly, we all have a different sense of smell, perhaps it just seems to you that the smell is strong. Thirdly, only then can preliminary conclusions be made about the child’s condition and the reasons for the worries. Therefore, in any case, the most reasonable thing to do is take the child’s urine to the laboratory.

Pain when urinating; His urine has a foul odor. High urinary tract infections are also called kidney or pyelonephritis, and symptoms are often similar to low urinary tract infections. Urinary infections are not contagious, but immediate advice is needed - with appropriate treatment, symptoms may improve within 2-3 days and the infection will heal within a week.

Preventing urinary tract infections in children. Some simple precautions can be taken to prevent urinary tract infections in infants, including. Increased fluid intake; The child should mock when he feels it, but not hold back for long.

Getting your urine tested today is not a problem at all, especially since there are many private laboratories that can give you results in a matter of minutes. But you will be calm that everything is fine with the baby.

Definitely, baby urine shouldn't have a strong smell. We are talking about a really strong unpleasant odor. It could be the smell of ammonia, acetone, “mouse” or “kitten”, sour, the smell of rotten apples or apple juice and so on, which hits you right on the nose. But even this sign cannot be an argument for making any of the diagnoses mentioned below.

It's best to ask your doctor about how to prevent future urinary infections. Under normal conditions, bacteria present in the bladder are quickly eliminated. Urinary infections should not be left untreated as they can cause serious kidney damage.

What babies say about urinary infections in babies. He did not have a fever and his temperature was normal. However, the smell of urine in the diaper picked up by the diaper led her to take samples for urine testing and lessons and discovered an infection. Many parents have encountered this phenomenon, increased acetone in children’s urine. And if in the past no one knew about it, today, due to the unnatural foods with chemical additives and other preservatives that we eat daily, more people have heard about increased acetone in children.

However, in some cases, it is the sharp smell of urine in a child that can warn an attentive mother about problems in his body. Thus, children’s urine can smell strongly due to infectious diseases of the urinary tract (for example), so after consultation, the pediatrician may prescribe additional tests for you: tests for bacterial cultures, sugar, acetone. The latter can be carried out at home, so as not to torment yourself with waiting - special tests are sold at any pharmacy.

Acetone asthma or acetone asthma syndrome in children today is quite actual problem, which occurs against the background of a high concentration of acetone in the child’s blood. According to doctors, this disease especially affects hyperactive and emotional children. Against the background of hyperactivity, excessive loss of energy occurs, as a result of which the body begins to actively consume accumulated fat reserves. So, what does acetone mean for children, where does this condition come from, how do we detect it, and how do we treat it?

Acetone or ketone bodies accumulate in the child’s blood and the so-called acetonemic crisis occurs. If such crises occur very often, the disease becomes known as acetonine vomiting syndrome. In fact, the causes of this disorder are not so small: it could be colds that the child previously had, the use of antibiotics, food poisoning, consumption of foods containing excess protein or carbohydrates. Additionally, increased amounts of acetone in the blood can be caused by exaggerated physical stress, stress, and fasting.

At all great importance has the child’s well-being and behavior. If his palms and feet sweat, he gains weight, a receding hairline appears on his head - perhaps the baby is not getting enough (this is more important for children under one year old).

If a child is sick and has a high body temperature, then the urine may also have a strong odor, since liquid evaporates through the skin and is excreted through the kidneys in smaller quantities. This causes urine to become more concentrated and smell stronger. The same thing happens when , which can occur at the most various reasons. That is why doctors, if a child has a strong smell of urine, first of all recommend giving the child plenty of water to drink. Often this alone is enough for the worrying sign to disappear.

In some cases, before the crisis occurs, the child may lose his appetite and have weak sides. However, parents are unlikely to recognize the presence of the disease given these symptoms. Typically, the main symptoms of an acetone crisis are drowsiness and headaches, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal pain, fever and the smell of acetone in both the mouth and urine.

In children, treatment primarily involves high fluid intake - preferably mineral water. Sorbents are also used. If the acetone level does not drop until the night, the baby's morning is clinging to sodium. It is prepared as follows: one liter of boiled and cooled water - one teaspoon of sodium.

Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing through the nose are sometimes also accompanied by the smell of urine: after recovery, everything goes away on its own.

The smell of baby urine largely depends on the baby's diet. If he is on breastfeeding, That we're talking about about mother's nutrition. Perhaps your baby's urine begins to smell after you eat cabbage, for example - keep an eye on this. Introducing or changing milk formula may also cause the appearance of an odor in the urine. The same thing happens when administered - you just have to track what exactly this odorous reaction is causing.

It is equally important to treat acetone in children, consider it a diet that is divided over several weeks. For example, in the first week it is better to let the child eat mashed potatoes, vegetable soups, rice or oat bran. After some time, you can gradually include lean or baked lean meat and dry bread in your child’s diet. For a certain period of time - not very much sour cabbage, various vegetables and herbs, ripe tomatoes. However, keep in mind that any medications can be administered only after consultation with a specialist.

To prevent high levels of acetone in the blood of children, doctors recommend that parents give Special attention diet. It is important to be careful not to consume excess sweets and carbonated drinks, which have a particularly harmful effect on the liver and pancreas.

If the child is older and eats from an adult table, then the smell of urine may appear when the eater’s taste preferences are corrected or changed (for example, if he eats a lot of meat or seafood), as well as when tasting some delicacies with a pronounced smell. Hunger can also be the culprit of the strong smell of urine in a child, but in this case it will not be observed constantly, but from time to time when the child is hungry.

Urine can be defined as a liquid that removes waste products from the body. This liquid is a combination of water, salt and chemical substances, called urea and uric acid, which are formed when the kidneys filter toxin blood. Typically, most changes in urine color are harmless and can be caused by food or medications.

Thus, certain medications, illnesses, and foods can affect how urine smells as well as its color; Sometimes urine changes color after exposure to oxygen. Additionally, the color, consistency, and smell of urine can indicate several things about the baby's health, such as hydration status, if there is a bladder infection, or if the kidneys are working normally. Consider the following information to ensure that your child's health is in optimal conditions.

Also, a strong odor of urine in a child can be caused by medications: , and others.

And finally, a pungent odor may appear when urine reacts with unsterile linen on which bacteria have settled. Conduct an experiment: collect baby urine in a clean, sterile jar and compare the smell of this portion with that which got on the diaper or panties. If only urine smells on your laundry, then you need to boil it and then wash it at high temperatures, regularly repeating boiling. The same can be observed when using some diapers - brand name in Lately didn't you change it?

What color of urine indicates a child's health?

Yellow Color - Urine typically has a pale golden tone. It comes from urochrome, a pigment produced by the body. On the contrary, if the urine looks like dark honey, there is good chance that a state of dehydration has occurred, so the child should receive additional fluid, preferably water. The child should not drink drinks containing caffeine because it is a natural diuretic and will further dehydrate him.

Pink or red color - Some foods, such as carrots and beets, can make urine appear slightly pinkish, while some drugs, such as rifampicin or phenazopyridine antibiotics, can cause urine to appear pink. The presence of blood in the urine cannot be ruled out, which may be an indicator of the kidneys, urinary tract, prostate gland, kidney stones or tumor. There is also the possibility that intense exercise may cause the juice to turn pink or similar. It is very important to seek a little advice from a doctor when the color of his urine is red or pink.

We would like to note once again that in most cases the reasons for the strong smell of urine in a child are trivial. Especially if you don’t observe any other signs of concern (increased or decreased activity, sleep disturbance, anxiety, complaints of pain, elevated body temperature). But, despite this, the analysis still needs to be taken.

If you experience discolored stools, yellowish skin and eye color, these are all signs that the liver may be functioning poorly. Blue or greenish color - There are some medications, such as propofol or promethazine antihistamines, that can cause greenish or bluish urine. The reason for this is the artificial coloring of food, which gets rid of it through urine. The green spot may also be the result of a bacterial infection with Pseudomonas. In extremely rare cases, it is a condition called hypercalcemia, caused by too much calcium in the body.

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A urine test is a mandatory medical test that is carried out in children, regardless of the intended diagnosis. This study informs us not only about, but also about the health of the whole organism, which makes it possible to diagnose a large number of diseases of the internal systems of the body.

If you do not notice this color disappearing within a few days, your child should see a doctor. Red or Brown color- Red or brownish urine is characteristic of porphyria, an inherited genetic disease of red blood cells. It could also be a sign of dehydration or simply eating the following foods: rhubarb, fava beans or aloe or medications. When it is brown, it can hide liver or kidney disease. This also requires a medical examination.

What urine looks like in a child's health

That urine smells like baby health

What is the effect of urine on a child's health? Because there are certain components of urine, such as small amounts of blood or sugar, that will not color the urine differently but may mask serious illness, it is important that your child receive a diagnosis based on laboratory tests. If you have symptoms such as a burning sensation when urinating, fever, chills, back pain, or abdominal cavity, vomiting, low appetite, fatigue, weight loss, position changes, decreased urine output, medical emergency.

Color of urine in infants

Normal urine color includes almost the entire yellow range: from amber to straw. Newborns make us happy colorless urine, the baby's urine is light-straw-colored. During storage, this waste product darkens. Diseases almost always affect the color of urine. The effect of certain foods (blueberries, beets, carrots) on the color of urine should also be taken into account.

If caught early, your child's urinary tract infection can be treated fairly easily. The harder it is when you don't understand it because young man Kidney problems may develop. Most likely children under 2 years of age. Signs that your child has a bladder infection are easy to recognize.

A urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria enters the urethral canal or inflammation of the kidneys. Studies have shown that the incidence of urinary infections is higher in girls than in boys. Symptoms usually vary depending on age and location of infection. Because children do not speak, it is often difficult to understand that they are suffering.

Urine clarity

There is also a norm for urine clarity, it should be completely transparent. The presence of turbidity in the urine can be caused by the presence of cellular formations in it. It affects turbidity and mucus, salts, fat, bacteria, and blood present in the urine, which cannot be detected by eye, but is detected during laboratory testing (microhematuria) by the presence of red blood cells. Most often, cloudiness is caused by infections (bacteriuria). is a preliminary test for the presence of asymptomatic urinary tract infection.

If your child has a fever that you can't explain, it's a sign that he or she may have a urinary tract infection. Don't neglect this aspect and look into it with your pediatrician for consultation. Another way to tell if there is something wrong with your baby is by the smell of the diapers. The urine may be odorless, cloudy, or contain blood. Don't wait and see your doctor.

This could be another sign of a urinary infection, so it's a good idea to do a urine test to clear up any doubts you might have. At night the child becomes agitated and does not feed properly. Diarrhea can be a real problem for babies because when they are sick, they become dehydrated. Beware, diarrhea is a symptom of a urinary tract infection. Immediate consultation and appropriate treatment are required and the infection will resolve within a few days.

Smell of urine in babies

If the smell of urine is not sharp and non-specific, this is normal. If there are ketone bodies (acetone) in the urine of rotting apples. Acetone is formed in the liver, and normally it should be vanishingly small. Ketonuria occurs during toxic conditions (diarrhea, vomiting); gastrointestinal disorders; constipation; hypothermia; physical overload. Even a small change in the diet of children can cause ketonuria, this is especially evident during acute infection, agitation or severe fatigue.

Urinary infections can be easily prevented by high water intake, avoiding caffeinated juices, avoiding bath sprays and strong soaps in the case of daughters and sleepy ones. So baby oil brittle is really not like mineral oil, liquid petroleum jelly is a by-product made by distilling petroleum from gasoline. It is a chemically inert, transparent, colorless oil, a very cheap product, the production of which generates a lot, so that the selling price is very low. In addition, it can be sold in pharmacies and in thick, oil form.

Possible problems

The smell of ammonia in the urine is a symptom of cystitis, while urine under the influence of bacteria decomposes inside the bladder or in the air.

Concerning urine density, then for newborns this figure is 1012, up to one year - 1002-1006 (compare with “adult” indicators - 1009-1026). This indicator increases with dehydration and increased sugar. A decrease is observed in cases of kidney inflammation or renal failure, although the child may simply have drank a lot of liquid.

Protein appears in the urine during infections, inflammation and immunological kidney diseases; sugar for diabetes and endocrine disorders; bilirubin - for liver diseases.

The detection of more than three white blood cells indicates inflammation in the child’s urinary tract.

Before collecting a urine test, wash your child thoroughly with baby soap.

The morning portion of urine is collected (in a newborn, night urine is acceptable). Do not collect urine by squeezing it out of diapers or diapers!

You can use a special urinal - a transparent bag from a pharmacy that is glued to the child’s skin.

It is not allowed to take urine from the pot and keep the collected sample in a warm room for a long time.

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