Types of human character. Other character traits

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Characteristics of heroes can be of two types: individual and comparative. If you need to create an individual characteristics hero, start with a description historical era about which we're talking about in the work. It has important, as it allows us to explain many actions hero. Tell us about social status hero. Describe the environment in which he was raised and in which his character was formed. For example, Evgeny Onegin grew up in a secular society, which affected his character, lifestyle, and attitude towards women. You know he's bored social life, tired of the beauties from high society, empty That's why he became interested in Tatyana Larina, who was so different from them.

Describe in detail in the characteristics hero, clothes, appearance, manner of behavior. Usually manners or some unusual features in appearance hero are a means of revealing character. For example, Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov in “Hero” emphasizes the contradictions in Pechorin’s appearance: a slender, thin figure and broad shoulders, which proved his strong build. It helps us understand actions hero, also contradictory, ambiguous.

Actions hero, of course, needs to be described in the characteristics. For example, Pechorin flinched at the noise of the shutters, but was not afraid to go to the wild boar. Features of speech hero- an important component of the characteristics hero. Thus, Manilov’s kindly sentimental attitude, hero Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s “Dead Souls” is revealed in his speech: “I would gladly give half of my entire fortune to have part of the advantages that you have.”

Composing characteristics hero, pay attention to the character, his range of interests. For example, Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” is a man searching for his own path in life. The author describes his search and mental crises. Pierre goes from being fascinated by Napoleon's ideas to realizing that he is driving force. The image of Pierre is shown in development. If you are making up characteristics this hero, be sure to describe his search life path.

You can also note the author’s attitude towards his hero, if this is visible in the work. For example, if you are composing characteristics Tatyana Larina, the heroine of Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", note the kind, sincere, careful attitude to her by the author. “Tatyana, dear Tatiana...” writes A.S. Pushkin.

Comparative characteristics allows us to understand hero through comparison. For example, to characterize Zhilin, hero works of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy " Caucasian prisoner", it is necessary through comparison with another hero, Kostylin. This will allow you to better understand the actions hero and reflected in the characteristics. At the end of the characterization, you can write your attitude towards the hero.


  • Characteristics of a literary hero

Characterizing a hero involves compiling as complete a description of him as possible. The task of the author of the characterization is to systematize and summarize information about the hero and draw conclusions from it. Such work will show not only the analytical abilities, but also the thinking and speech skills of the writer.

You will need

  • - the work whose hero you are describing;
  • - critical literature about the work;
  • - information about productions based on this work and illustrations for it.


Start your characterization with how the work introduces readers to the hero. Under what conditions does it appear, what impression is created when meeting it and what artistic techniques the author uses it. Good introduction there will be information about the prototype of the hero, about how the author thought about such an image.

Describe the hero. This applies to appearance, image, and type of activity. Your task is to select as much as possible all the descriptions of the author, phrases of others characters that relate to the hero, analyze them. It is better to cite as quotes those that most clearly convey the image of a person, and express the rest with your own.

Go to personal characteristics hero. Based on his behavior in the work, his actions, try to convey his worldview, determine personal qualities, aspirations, character. To strengthen your description, you can compare him with other persons in this work or indicate similarities with the heroes of other epics. But use this technique sparingly.
Is there any conflict in the character's personality? Talk about the characteristics of this person and what the author wanted to convey with the help of this image, what are the characteristics of the era or segment of the population. What is the attitude of the author himself towards the hero? Provide quotes from the work that support your thoughts. It’s also a good idea to use the opinions of different critics about the character being described.

Draw a conclusion. Indicate your own opinion about the hero, express agreement or disagreement with the author. What feelings does this evoke in you personally: sympathy, joy, or something else? Note whether the hero is close to you in at least some way or is unclear, whether his image remains relevant in modern world, whether he had any influence on further literature, whether his name became a household name, whether artists and directors showed interest in him.


With the heroes of fairy tales by A.S. Children get to know Pushkin at a very early age. All the characters in fairy tales are very colorful and are remembered for a long time, and therefore it is not surprising that most of the characters were erected monuments in different corners our country and abroad.


One of the most beloved works by children by A.S. Pushkin is “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”. No wonder that main character- wish fulfiller Goldfish- immortalized in many cities. It is not a fact that everywhere it is installed in honor of the work of A.S. Pushkin, somewhere it’s just a symbol of the fact that wishes come true. One of the last to be erected was a monument to the fish in Astrakhan. Also, a bright fish on a sea crest was installed in Kemerovo. There is a wish fulfiller in both Donetsk and Abakan. In St. Petersburg, rich in sculptural compositions, we haven’t forgotten about this Pushkin heroine. In Moscow on Manezhnaya Square the fish was depicted together with the old man who caught it. In Voronezh there is also a sculpture of an old man who came to the sea to ask for help. In the clearing of fairy tales in Yalta too

Hi all.

Surprisingly for me, this series “” has become very popular. No joke, quite a few people wrote to me and said that they were learning to write in this section. I'm shocked myself :).

I did not continue this column for six months. On May 22, 2015, even before moving to Kyiv, I posted the last article “”. And it started to get hot. Moves, events, affairs... And all this time I watched the blog and people’s attitudes.

The dynamics were very positive. “Well, we can continue :),” I thought. So catch it new article from the “skills” series. The next one, God willing, will be sooner than in six months :).

“On the eve of a serial killer's execution, reporter Christopher Scanlan flew to Utah to visit the family of one of the killer's alleged victims. Several years ago, a young girl left home and never returned. Scanlan found a detail that conveyed the boundless grief of the girl’s family. He noticed that the switch by the front door was taped over so that no one could turn off the light.

The mother always left the light on until her daughter arrived. And although years had already passed, the light continued to burn like an eternal flame.

Here's the clue: Scanlan saw the taped-over switch and asked about it. The important detail he grabbed was a result of curiosity, not imagination.”

Examples of using the detail skill for writers

Now let's move on to the writers.

  1. "Gobsek"

This detail is the most significant for me.

Because I remembered it from school. We read Gobsek like this in the 8th grade, that is, at about 13 years old. Somewhere in 2000.

And I remembered this detail so much that when I read “Gobsek” this year, at the age of 28, in 2015, I remembered it and looked for the entire book.

Moreover, this detail remained in my memory against my will. Because at school I didn’t like writing essays and didn’t like being forced to read. And therefore I completely forgot what the book “Gobsek” is about.

Balzac knew how to create characters

Here is a quote where this detail is indicated

“In this major scam, Gobsek was an insatiable boa constrictor. Every morning he received gifts and looked at them covetously, like some nabob's minister considering whether the price was worth signing a pardon. Gobsek accepted everything, from a basket of fish presented by some poor person, and ending with packs of candles - gifts from stingy people, he took silverware from rich people and gold snuff boxes from speculators. Nobody knew where he put these offerings. Everything was delivered to his home, but nothing was taken out.

“By God, I’ll tell you in all honesty,” the doorkeeper, my old friend, assured me, “it seems to me that he swallows it all, but it’s just not for his own good—he’s become thin, dried out, and blackened, like the cuckoo on my wall clock.”

And the continuation

Remembering those who amazed me last words Gobsek and what the gatekeeper told me, I took the keys to the rooms on both floors and decided to inspect them. In the very first room that I opened, I found an explanation for his speeches, which seemed senseless to me, and saw to what extent stinginess can reach, turning into an unaccountable passion devoid of any logic, examples of which we so often see in the provinces. In the room adjacent to the deceased's bedroom there were indeed rotting pates and piles of all kinds of supplies, even oysters and fish covered with plump mold . I almost suffocated from the stench, in which all sorts of fetid odors merged. Everything was infested with worms and insects. Offerings recently received were mixed with boxes various sizes, with cups of tea and bags of coffee. On the fireplace, in a silver soup bowl, were invoices for various cargoes that arrived in his name at the port warehouses of Le Havre: bales of cotton, boxes of sugar, barrels of rum, coffee, indigo, tobacco - a whole bazaar of colonial goods! The room was cluttered with expensive furniture, silver utensils, lamps, paintings, vases, books, excellent engravings without frames, rolled up in tubes, and a wide variety of rarities. It is possible that not all of this pile of valuables consisted of gifts; many of them were probably unredeemed mortgages. I saw there chests with jewelry, decorated with coats of arms and monograms, beautiful damask tablecloths and napkins, expensive weapons, but without a mark. Opening a book that seemed to have recently been removed from a stack, I discovered in it several bank notes worth a thousand francs.

Check out this picture of a fish covered in plump mold. How juicy and bright. I remembered it throughout my youth, although I didn’t remember the essence of the book well.

Because the detail is very bright.

Here is an example of a perfect detail for me. Moreover, in conversations with friends I often used the comparison “ Greedy like Gobsek" I don't know why. Although now I probably know. This detail left in my subconscious a vague understanding of who Gobsek is and his main feature.

  1. Gogol ""

Many of the characters are colorful. In general, all landowners from Dead Souls were created with a soul. I would single out Plyushkin, but Gobsek is similar to him. Yes, and Gogol rewrote Plyushkin several times, there is a huge piece of text.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, in his own words, rewrote individual parts of the book up to 8 times.

I will single out Sobakevich. The wise Gogol created simply perfect portrait a hero, where every detail shows his character. Just read:

When Chichikov looked sideways at Sobakevich, this time he seemed to him very similar to a medium-sized bear. To complete the similarity, the tailcoat he was wearing was completely bear-colored, his sleeves were long, his trousers were long, he walked with his feet this way and that, constantly stepping on other people’s feet. His complexion was red-hot, the kind you get on a copper coin. It is known that there are many such persons in the world, over whose finishing nature did not spend much time, did not use any small tools, such as files, gimlets and other things, but simply chopped with all their might, hit with an ax once - the nose came out, hit another - her lips came out, she picked her eyes with a large drill and, without scraping them, released them into the light, saying: “he lives!” Sobakevich had the same strong and amazingly well-made image: he held it more down than up, did not move his neck at all and, due to such non-rotation, rarely looked at the person he was talking to, but always either at the corner of the stove, or on the door. Chichikov glanced sideways at him again as they passed the dining room: bear! perfect bear! We need such a strange rapprochement: he was even called Mikhail Semenovich. Knowing his habit of stepping on his feet, he moved his own very carefully and gave him the way forward. The owner seemed to feel this sin behind him and immediately asked: “Did I bother you?” But Chichikov thanked him, saying that no disturbance had yet occurred.

Entering the living room, Sobakevich pointed to the armchairs, saying again: “Please!” Sitting down, Chichikov looked at the walls and at the paintings. In the paintings all were fine fellows, all Greek commanders, engraved to their full height: Mavrocordato in red trousers and uniform, with glasses on his nose, Kolokotroni, Miaouli, Canari. All these heroes had such thick thighs and incredible mustaches that a shiver ran through their bodies. Between the strong Greeks, no one knows how or why, Bagration, skinny, thin, with small banners and cannons below and in the narrowest frames, was placed. Then again followed the Greek heroine Bobelina, whose one leg seemed larger than the entire body of those dandies who fill today's living rooms. The owner, being a healthy and strong man himself, seemed to want his room to be decorated by strong and healthy people too. Near Bobelina, right next to the window, hung a cage from which looked out a blackbird of a dark color with white specks, also very similar to Sobakevich. The guest and the owner did not have time to remain silent for two minutes when the door in the living room opened and the hostess entered, a very tall lady, wearing a cap with ribbons repainted with house paint. She entered sedately, holding her head straight like a palm tree.

“This is my Feodulia Ivanovna!” Sobakevich said.

Chichikov walked up to Feodulia Ivanovna’s hand, which she almost pushed into his lips, and he had occasion to notice that his hands were washed with cucumber pickle.

Healthy and strong man Sobakevich. Pictures in a room of healthy, strong men. Wife Feoduliya Ivanovna, who washes her hands with cucumber pickle.

Very clear and precise.

Please note. The detail may be the act of a hero. But it could also be his established habit. Both of them show character perfectly.

  1. "Mary Stuart"

Stefan Zweig knew how to write biographies in an artistic style.

This is a biographical book, where there is no fiction, but only the author’s exact following of the chronology of events. And I want to draw your attention to one detail - the queen’s choice of dress before her execution.

Late after midnight Mary Stuart lies down. She did everything she had to do in life. The soul is allowed to remain in the weary body for only a few more hours. The maids are on their knees, huddled in a corner and praying with motionless lips: they do not want to disturb the sleeping woman. But Mary Stuart does not sleep. Wide with open eyes she looks into the great night; She gives rest only to tired members, so that with a fearless heart and strong soul to appear in the morning before omnipotent death.

Mary Stuart dressed for many occasions: for coronations and christenings, for weddings and knightly games, for walks, for war and hunting, for receptions, balls and tournaments - appearing everywhere in luxurious clothes, knowing what power beauty has on earth. But never before for any reason she didn't dress so deliberately, as for greatest hour your destiny - for death. For many days and weeks, she must have thought through a worthy ritual for her death, carefully weighing every detail. She went through dress after dress, probably her entire wardrobe, in search of the most worthy outfit for such an unprecedented occasion; one might think that and as a woman, in the last outburst of coquetry, she wanted to leave for all time an example of what a crown of perfection a queen should be, going towards execution. For two hours, from six to eight, her maids dress her. Not like a poor sinner in wretched rags she wants to go up to the scaffold. She chooses a magnificent, festive outfit for her last appearance, the most strict and elegant dress made of dark brown velvet, trimmed with marten fur, with a standing white collar and lush flowing sleeves. A black silk cloak frames this proud splendor, and the heavy train is so long that Melville, her chamberlain, must respectfully support it. A snow-white widow's veil covers her from head to toe. Skillfully crafted omophorions and precious rosaries replace her secular jewelry, white morocco shoes step so silently that the sound of her steps will not break the breathless silence at the moment when she heads towards the scaffold. The queen took it out herself from the treasured chest, a handkerchief with which to blindfold her - a transparent cloud of the finest cambric, trimmed with a gold border, must be hers own work.Each buckle on her dress chosen with the greatest meaning, every little thing is tuned to the general musical sound; It is also foreseen that she will have to throw off this dark splendor in front of the chopping block in front of the eyes of strangers. In anticipation of the last bloody moment, Mary Stuart put on an undergarment of crimson silk and ordered long, elbow-length, fiery-colored gloves to be made so that the blood that splashed from under the ax would not stand out so sharply on her robe. Never before has a prisoner condemned to death prepared for execution with such sophisticated art and consciousness of his greatness.

At eight in the morning there is a knock on the door. Mary Stuart doesn't answer, she's still stands on his knees, in front of the lectern and reads the waste card. As soon as she has finished, she rises from her knees, and the door is opened when there is a second knock. The sheriff enters with a white staff in his hand - it will soon be broken - and speaks respectfully, with a deep bow; “Madame, the lords sent me, they are waiting for you.” “Come on,” says Mary Stuart and prepares to leave.

Pay attention to the care with which the Queen chooses her dress. And although she faces execution, for her it is a matter of honor. An ingeniously chosen detail sets the tone for the queen’s entire look.

  1. Leo Tolstoy ""

I love " ". I don't even know why. After all, there are a lot of smart, subtle books. But since Tolstoy reveals psychology, I have not seen the inner world of heroes in others. Tolstoy's depth and understanding of the essence is timeless. Indeed, beyond any comparison.

Tolstoy is one of the most subtle psychological writers, for my taste.

Here is a piece from part 5, where Anna has already run away with her lover Vronsky.

Part 5, chapter 8 and 13

Vronsky, meanwhile, despite complete fulfillment of what he desired for so long, I was not completely happy. He soon felt that the fulfillment of his desire brought him only a grain of sand from the mountain of happiness that he had expected. This realization showed him the eternal mistake that people make when they imagine happiness as the fulfillment of a desire. The first time after he connected with her and put on civilian dress, he felt the beauty of freedom in general, which he had not known before, and the freedom of love, and he was pleased, but not for long. He soon felt that desires, desires, and longing rose up in his soul. Regardless of your will, he began to seize on every fleeting whim, taking it as a desire and goal. Sixteen hours of the day had to be occupied with something, since they lived abroad in complete freedom, outside the circle of conditions of social life that occupied their time in St. Petersburg. About the pleasures of single life, which occupied Vronsky on previous trips abroad, it was impossible to even think about, since one attempt of this kind produced an unexpected despondency in Anna, inappropriate for a late dinner with friends. It was also impossible to have relations with local and Russian society, given the uncertainty of their position. Sightseeing, not to mention the fact that everything had already been seen, did not have for him, as for a Russian and intelligent person, that inexplicable significance that the British are able to attribute to this matter.

And just as a hungry animal grabs every object it comes across, hoping to find food in it, so Vronsky completely unconsciously grabbed then for politics, then for new ones books, then for paintings.

Since from a young age he had ability to paint and since he, not knowing where to spend his money, began to collect engravings, he settled on painting, began to study it, and in it he put that unoccupied stock of desires that demanded satisfaction.

He has had the ability to understand art and correctly, imitate art with taste, and he thought that he had what was needed for an artist, and, after hesitating for a while, what type of painting he would choose: religious, historical genre or realistic, he began to paint. He understood all kinds and could be inspired by both; but he could not imagine that it was possible not to know at all what are the types of painting, and be inspired directly by what is in the soul, without caring whether what he writes will belong to any famous family. Since he did not know this and was inspired not directly by life, but indirectly, by life already embodied in art, he got inspired very quickly and he easily and just as quickly and easily achieved that what he wrote was very similar to the kind that he wanted to imitate.

Vronsky's passion for painting and the Middle Ages did not last long. He had such a taste for painting that he could not finish his painting. The picture stopped. He vaguely felt that her shortcomings, hardly noticeable at the beginning, would be striking if he continued. The same thing happened to him as to Golenishchev, who felt that he had nothing to say and was constantly deceiving himself that the idea had not matured, that he was nurturing it and preparing materials. But Golenishchev was embittered and tormented by this, while Vronsky couldn't deceive and torment myself and especially to become embittered. He with his characteristic decisiveness of character, without explaining anything or making excuses, he stopped painting.

But without this activity, the life of him and Anna, who was surprised at his disappointment, seemed so boring to him in the Italian city, the palazzo suddenly became so obviously old and dirty, the stains on the curtains, the cracks on the floors, the chipped plaster on the cornices looked so unpleasant, and everything became so boring one and the same Golenishchev, an Italian professor and a German traveler, who I needed to change my life. They decided to go to Russia, to the village. In St. Petersburg, Vronsky intended to make a separation with his brother, and Anna intended to see her son. They intended to spend the summer in a big family estate Vronsky.

Pay attention to this. Vronsky’s passion for painting is a well-demonstrated character trait of the hero. After all, to have a mistress like Anna Karenina was his dream. But his passion for secondary matters, politics, books, painting perfectly shows that Vronsky did not get what he wanted. And what's more, he made himself more problems than happiness.

  1. Remarque ""

"Three Comrades" is one of best books Remark, subjective, of course.

The last book in our review of the skill is “”. A detail that revealed the character of not only the hero, but also his friends.

But how can I do this? - I asked in despair. “My money is enough for no more than ten days, but Pat’s is paid only until the fifteenth.” I have to go back to earn money. They wouldn't need such a bad pianist here.

Kester leaned over the Karl's radiator and lifted the blanket.

- I'll get you money, - he said and straightened up. - So you can safely stay here.

Otto,” I said, “I know how much you have left from the auction.” Less than three hundred marks.

We're not talking about them. There will be other money. Don't worry. You will receive them in a week.

I joked darkly:

Are you waiting? inheritance?

Something like that. Lean on me You can't leave now.

We drank a glass of Dubonnet and went upstairs to the sanatorium. At the office, the secretary told me that the postman had come and told me to go to the post office. Money was received there for me. I looked at my watch. There was still time left, and I returned to the village. The post office gave me two thousand stamps. Kester's letter was also presented with them. He wrote to tell me not to worry, that there was still money. I just have to let you know if you need it.

I looked at the money. Where did he get them from? And so quickly... I knew all our sources. And suddenly I realized. I remembered the racing enthusiast Bolvis, how he greedily clapped our “Karl” that evening at the bar when he lost a bet, how he said: “I’ll buy this car any moment”... Damn it! Kester sold "Karl". That's where so much money comes from at once. “Carla”, about whom he said that he would rather lose his arm than this car. He no longer had "Karl". “Karl” was in the thick paws of the suit manufacturer, and Otto, who could hear the roar of his engine from kilometers away, would now hear it in the street noise, like the howl of an abandoned dog.

I hid Kester's letter and a small bag of morphine ampoules. I stood helplessly at the post office window. Most willingly, I would send the money back immediately. But this could not be done. We needed them. I smoothed out the banknotes, put them in his pocket and left. Damn it! Now I will walk around every car from afar. Cars used to be our friends, but “Karl” was more than a friend. He was a fighting friend! "Karl" is the ghost of the highway. We were inseparable: “Karl” and Kester, “Karl” and Lenz, “Karl” and Pat. In helpless rage, I trampled, shaking snow off my shoes. Lenz was killed. "Karl" is sold, and Pat? With unseeing eyes I looked into the sky, into this gray endless sky of a crazy god who invented life and death to have fun.

Please note - friends sold the car. And this is a huge sacrifice for them. Note the behavior of the friend, Kester, who did this. And the reaction of the main character.

Bonus. Character trait of the hero.

If you've read this far, you've already earned at least a croissant.

At least like this.

But since the fact that I attached it to this post is useless for your coffee, here's another bonus for you.

When a detail reveals a positive character, a good aftertaste remains.

Like this in Remarque, for example, where the protagonist’s friends sold a very valuable car for the sake of his beloved. Or Zweig, where Mary Stuart is shown as a brave and generous woman.

I still remember these books and the characters with pleasure and a good aftertaste.

Conclusion. How to reveal the character of a hero.

Think through and create strong characters.

And well-thought-out actions or habits reveal character traits best of all.

And let the details reveal their character. And they are remembered, as was the case with me and Gobsek’s rotten fish.

Briefly about me: Author of two blogs (and Word of Encouragement), head of the Slovo text studio. I have been writing since 1999, I have been making money by writing since 2013. Let's be friends on social networks.

Before we begin to classify and list character traits, it is necessary to understand what character is. In Greek, “character” is a difference, a sign, a sign. From the point of view of psychology, character is a certain set of personal properties that determine a person’s actions in different situations and form him as an individual.

There is one ancient saying: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.” This saying briefly and succinctly reflects the place that character occupies in the life and destiny of a person. Therefore, it is so important to know what character traits people have in order to learn to understand their influence on the resolution of various, and especially conflict, situations.

Classification of character traits

Conventionally, character traits can be divided into three main groups:

  • emotional;
  • strong-willed;
  • intellectual.

According to the direction of impact, traits are also divided into the following subgroups:

  • attitude towards the outside world - people and society;
  • attitude towards oneself personally;
  • attitude to activity - learning and work.

The most basic character traits, especially those belonging to the emotional group, are formed in early childhood- at the stage of formation of the child’s psyche and depend on many factors. Not last role The natural predisposition of a person plays a role, which is influenced by hereditary characteristics and temperament. But the main influence is the environment.

It is in childhood that the positive and negative character traits of a person are formed in the process of acquiring experience in interacting with outside world. Then, throughout life, the formation of individual traits continues, and new ones may appear. And if at first this process occurs at an unconscious, reflexive level, then with the acquisition of awareness, and depending on its level, a person has a choice. When this choice is realized, the opportunity opens up for transformation of character, which is otherwise called personal growth.

Basic character traits

Today there are several hundred definitions of various character traits. Moreover, they can coexist in one person in a variety of combinations. Depending on the direction of influence, such traits can have both positive and negative consequences of their influence. Therefore, it is very difficult to say with one hundred percent certainty that these are bad character traits and these are good. In most cases, it makes sense to talk about certain sets of properties that, in a certain situation, can have great influence on the consequences of solving certain problems, defined as positive or negative, which again will be to a certain extent a subjective opinion.

And yet, let’s try to compile a list of the main character traits that are formed in the early stages of development and therefore belong more likely to the emotional group, conditionally dividing them not into bad and good, but, say, into positive and negative character traits of a person, as is commonly believed in social circles. -moral point of view.

Negative character traits

Anger. This is an emotional trait that can be expressed in a negative attitude of any direction - towards oneself, people and even towards work. If this is not a periodic, but a constant reaction, most likely its roots are in deep childhood resentment.

Pride. In religion, such a trait is even considered one of the grave sins. Because a person in whom this quality is very strongly manifested loses the ability to make adequate assessments and make correct decisions. Such a person ultimately causes harm to both others and himself.

Selfishness. This is a negative trait that concentrates and gives rise to a whole host of others. In fact, it can become the quintessence of all unseemly character traits, but, as a rule, it has negative impact in the direction of attitude towards other people, while in relation to oneself it is subjectively considered positive.

Jealousy. This character trait is associated with selfishness and pride, since it presupposes a sense of possessiveness and has a destructive effect not only on others, but also on oneself, since jealousy is blind and therefore can lead to very bad actions.

Greed. It can have different forms: greed for fame, money, things, food, pleasures, etc. Pushes a person to unseemly actions and causes rejection from others.

Envy. A person obsessed with envy causes harm, first of all, to himself. After all, as they say, envy eats you from the inside, sharpens you like a worm. It can also bring great harm to the object of envy if the owner of such a trait intends to somehow restore the apparent imbalance in his favor.

Cruelty. This trait in any form brings only destruction and suffering to those to whom it is directed. Psychologists believe that it is a manifestation of lack of will. One might add that often cruel man driven by fear and self-doubt.

Positive Character Traits

It is believed that all character traits have their opposite. Therefore, let's look at what character traits there are that are opposite to those listed above.

Kindness. Unlike an evil person, you want to communicate with a good person. Kindness also implies such traits as selflessness and participation. Is this why those who have predominantly negative character traits so often try to use good people for their own purposes? Think about it.

Humility. Some people don't like this quality because for some reason it is considered slavish. In fact, this is a very good trait that can work wonders - for example, stop destructive conflicts, nullify infighting and useless showdowns.

Altruism. This is the complete opposite of selfishness. An egoist will never understand an altruist, but an altruist will understand, listen, forgive and even help. Amazing feature, which is an endangered species, but in vain.

Trust. Perhaps it is the most accurate antipode of jealousy, although some argue that its antipode is love. But it is trust, and not gullibility, that is the saving bridge between loving people, which is able to connect them and give true happiness in communicating with each other.

Generosity. If it spreads in all directions, it will be a unique personality. This character trait is a blessing to others, and if it is from the heart, then to its owner.

Goodwill. Despite the fact that this trait is associated with kindness, it refers more to external manifestations, in contrast to envy, which is always secret. Kindness blesses and attracts if it is sincere and is a character trait and not a show.

Mercy. One of the best character traits of a person. We can safely say that this world is based on mercy, as one of the forms of universal love. By developing this trait, a person becomes enriched spiritually.

Other character traits

There are many other character traits that can be emotional, strong-willed or intellectual. They are already produced during the period adult life and are based on life experience. This is how curiosity and thoughtfulness, determination and independence appear. At the same time, character strengths can enhance both positive and negative traits. For example, assertiveness combined with anger can lead to destructive effects, and combined with kindness it can lead to the salvation of another person. It is not for nothing that they say that, as many people as there are, there are so many characters, and in fact, even knowing many of the character traits of a particular person, it is impossible to one hundred percent predict his behavior in a specific situation.

Is it possible to change your character traits?

It only makes sense to change your traits in a positive direction. After all, in the end, all positive traits lead to creation and improvement, and negative ones lead to destruction and destruction. But to do this, you must first come to the realization that negative traits really exist, and thereby complicate the life of an individual. And very few succeed in this.

Before you begin to formulate a judgment about the character traits of a particular person, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what the properties of human nature generally are. Let's begin to act according to the list of human character traits and according to a clear gradation, dividing the character according to the principle of black and white, that is, into its positive and negative features.

Negative qualities of human nature

Adventurism is often called a negative quality of human nature. And indeed, excessive passion for various adventures does not lead to anything good - at best, a person scatters his life in the pursuit of unrealistic dreams and the implementation of chaotic projects.

However, healthy adventurism is necessarily inherent in successful businessman– Without it, innovation in business and corresponding commercial success are impossible. If you follow this path, you can identify other, basically negative character traits that a successful person definitely needs.

Here they are: authoritarianism (the leader’s decision should not be challenged), gambling (the desire to earn money in unusual ways, the ability to take risks), as well as greed (again, the desire to acquire financial success) and a certain unscrupulousness, which cannot be avoided in big business. However, a certain balance will be important here, which will not allow a successful business person to turn into a complete scoundrel.

However, let's leave business aside and move on to the character traits of ordinary people.

What are the negative character traits of a person?

  • Let's start with pride, which in many religious movements is generally considered a mortal sin. A person overwhelmed by pride thinks that the world exists only for his sake and that everything is done according to his whims and for his pleasure. Such a proud person is capable of causing a lot of pain to his loved ones and never finding his place in life;
  • Excessive lust for power cannot be called a positive quality of human character. The desire to tell others what and how to do does not inspire sympathy;
  • Selfishness and vanity are also negative traits - concentration on one’s needs and excessive boasting of one’s often dubious achievements irritates and makes communication with a person of this type extremely difficult;
  • A jealous person is capable of poisoning the life of a loved one, turning a cozy family nest into a hotbed of scandals and even leading to crime, therefore excessive jealousy in character is considered one of his worst qualities;
  • It is worth getting rid of resentment and envy. Envy can undermine the soul from the inside, forcing you to wish bad things on other people - that’s why the stable expression “to be jealous in a black way” appeared. Resentment is bad because a person withdraws inside himself, reveling in the feeling of resentment, and does not at all look for ways to resolve a conflict or problem situation;
  • Cruelty and vindictiveness are considered two of the most negative qualities of human character. Rigidity is the other side of another negative character trait - lack of will. A person tries to restore his lost status quo through violence and infliction of pain on those around him;
  • The negative qualities of human nature also include: callousness, wastefulness, stinginess, suspiciousness, malice, self-criticism and lust.

Positive character traits

What human character traits are considered positive? One of the most important good qualities human nature has certainty, that is, a character trait in which a person always knows what to strive for and what he needs to do to achieve the goal.

It is not scattered on unimportant and insignificant factors, but goes straight along the chosen path:

  • Hard work is also extremely important. positive feature in human nature. Without hard work, little can be achieved in life: after all, all its important milestones require regular and careful application of effort;
  • Reasonable vigilance is also necessary for each of us - after all, it will help us draw the right conclusions from the most difficult life situations and will teach you to prevent the occurrence of problems of all kinds in a timely manner;
  • Endurance is a character quality that is difficult to live without. modern life– after all, it is full of stress, conflict and controversial moments. The ability to withstand all the trials of life and be ready to continue on your path is a very, very valuable skill;
  • Kindness is very useful in life. Treating strangers with attention and warmth, sincere care for them without the desire for profit or reward - adorns a person, makes him a worthy person;
  • Mindfulness is useful not only in career and study - this quality will help preserve a person’s health and even life. It is important to develop this quality in yourself from childhood - an attentive person is most often successful in all areas of life;
  • It is important and necessary to show courage in judgments and actions, because how many omissions people make, being afraid to express their opinion openly or show their talent;
  • The ability to compassion, according to many philosophers, can save the world. You cannot indifferently pass by the suffering of others and not extend a helping hand to those in need;
  • It is also worth learning determination - it will help you make the most difficult and important decisions in situations where any delay is disastrous;
  • It is necessary to cultivate respect for other people and learn to respect yourself. Without respect, it is impossible to ensure a normal working environment in the office; it is also impossible to create a truly cozy and loving family circle;
  • Mandatory in a person generosity– the ability to give one’s strength, feelings, talents and abilities to others, to share joys and opportunities with them;
  • Tenderness and cheerfulness are important for the full existence of an individual in society. Showing touching concern for your neighbor, sincere interest in the problems of others takes standard communication to a new, higher and harmonious level, and the ability to enjoy life in all its manifestations will help you overcome crises and notice the beauty of the world around you;
  • People should not forget about honor: they must not throw their dignity into the dirt, humiliate their own personality with lies or base aspirations. It is important to learn to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself - then most mistakes can be avoided;
  • The ability to be grateful is the most magnificent and, unfortunately, extremely rare positive quality of human nature - but it is precisely this that allows others and the person himself to realize the value of his life and talents.

Finally, I would like to note such a positive quality of human nature as humility. Humility is taught and called for by various religious and philosophical movements, and this is not without reason: after all, it is humility that helps a person realize his mistakes, not get hung up on unreasonable and horizon-limiting pride, but having recognized defeat, begin to move on.

Humility is the highest virtue and an invaluable quality not only of character, but also of the human soul.

It is important to remember that any qualities of a person’s character are always reflected on his face and an attentive psychologist is able to draw correct conclusions about a person simply by taking a quick glance at a person.

The character of a person and his facial features are closely related, and it is not without reason that they are very handsome man with an evil soul, he quickly ceases to be attractive to others, but a kind and warm look can decorate even the most unsightly appearance.

This connection is examined in more detail by a special science - physiognomy, which is used in both psychology and criminology.

Modern recruitment agencies They also do not shy away from this science - it makes it possible to make the recruitment of qualified personnel more effective.

People are not alike. Everyone has their own model of behavior in society. Someone easily gets along with people, finds common topics, and encourages the interlocutor to communicate. Another person looks closely at those around him for a long time, carefully selects the object of communication, thinks about the course of the conversation, and so on.

It all depends on the character. Character is a person’s model of behavior, his reaction to the world, his internal state. Character is formed as a result of hereditary qualities and upbringing.

A person lives in a society of people and his attitude towards others plays a significant role. The quality of life of society and its civilization depend on this.

Sociability, kindness, responsiveness. It is difficult and unpleasant to communicate with a rude, indifferent, cynical person.

To live, everyone must work, thereby obtaining a livelihood for themselves and their families.

Certain character traits help you succeed in this.

To achieve success, you need to have certain talents - creative thinking, perseverance, hard work, courage in decision making. They value people who are proactive and conscientious. In teamwork, it is important to trust employees. Efficiency is a valuable quality.

Character can be changed because it is influenced by the communication environment.

For example, a non-obligatory person who takes these promises lightly can turn into a responsible employee if the success of the enterprise and the lives of other people depend on his decisions and actions. This is especially evident in the professions of firefighters, doctors, judges, where the destinies and lives of people are decided.

Kretschmer gave an original classification of human character according to body type:

Picnics are strong people at a certain stage of obesity. Facial features are disproportionate to body parts, small. They are sociable, positive, generous. Negative character traits include a tendency to depression in difficult life situations.

Asthenics are thin, tall individuals with a long face. These are closed, uncommunicative people. They prefer loneliness and are often rude, greedy, and stubborn. But it is asthenics who have a developed mind and talent for science.

Athletics - physically developed and attractive, but not emotional people. Among them there are both good and evil.

Negative character traits

There are people who try to make money in dubious ways. At the same time, people who trusted the deceiver suffer from deception and are held responsible for the result of dishonest behavior.

A person’s successes and failures largely depend on what place he assigns to you in society. If he behaves confidently and calmly, this evokes respect and sympathy. A person who adequately responds to constructive criticism and behaves with dignity is liked.

A person should cherish and appreciate the good things he has

Modesty, as we know, is also one of the most worthy personality traits.

Mutual assistance is only good if it comes from a pure heart, without expectation of reciprocal action. A person must cherish and appreciate the good things that he has. You cannot demand and expect incredible luck from life without doing anything to achieve great results. , but without stinginess.

The role of education in the development of character

Plays a big role in shaping a person’s character. From childhood, a child follows the example of his parents. If they behave incorrectly towards loved ones, towards work, towards politics, the child absorbs all this and learns the wrong model of behavior. Over time, this model develops into a character.

Growing up, a person introduces into his behavior the views instilled in him by his father and mother. A child should be brought up with open, simple and logical ideas about life for him to understand. If adults say one thing and do the opposite, the child becomes lost in concepts and becomes hypocritical. At first he cannot understand this situation. But since adults do not clearly explain to him why they lie, he accepts this model of behavior and also learns to lie.

Temperament and character

These concepts are related, but not identical. Temperament is related to the human psyche. These are his innate characteristics. The diversity of personality types forms special personal relationships in society. If character is formed in an environment of communication, then a person is born with a special temperament. You can guess it in a person from the very early age by behavior.

There are 4 types of temperaments:

Melancholic people are vulnerable nervous people. They find it difficult to get along with people and do not like to share their problems. They often become depressed; if this condition is not helped, a melancholic person may commit suicide. Such people are influenced by the environment. If there is a melancholic person around good people– he feels great. Scientists, artists, and writers often have this temperament. Such children do not like noisy games.

Cholerics are sociable, active, and inquisitive. The energy of a choleric child must be directed in the right direction. He must attend sports clubs, dance clubs. IN otherwise his activity can find a way out in bad, thoughtless actions. Cholerics are born leaders; they strive to stand out from the crowd and lead. They have a certain tenacity, they can be greedy, some strive for quick dishonest earnings. Cholerics are prone to transformation, and there are many talented actors among them. The tendency to pretend is evident from childhood.

Sanguine people are balanced, calm people. You can rely on them - in a difficult situation they will always find a way out. They are not afraid of difficulties and are rarely exposed to bad habits. They use common sense in everything. Sanguine people do not like loneliness, they like to communicate with people, they have good feeling humor. They have almost no negative traits character.

Phlegmatic people are mentally stable. Their strengths- mind. Restraint, composure. They do not like sudden changes in life.

There must be a golden mean in character. It is necessary to distinguish in assessing a person:

  • thrift from greed,
  • modesty from isolation,
  • restraint from indifference.

The character traits of the hero are interpreted by the poet as traits of a collective image: Terkin is inseparable and integral from the militant people. It is interesting that all fighters - regardless of their age, tastes, military experience - feel good with Vasily; Wherever he appears - in battle, on vacation, on the road - contact, friendliness, and friendship are instantly established between him and the fighters. relative position. Literally every scene speaks to this. The soldiers listen to Terkin’s playful bickering with the cook at the hero’s first appearance:

terkin literary poem

And sitting down under a pine tree,

He eats porridge, hunched over.

"Mine?" - fighters among themselves,

"Mine!" - they looked at each other.

I don’t need, brothers, orders,

I don't need fame.

Respect for things as the fruit of labor

Terkin is characterized by the master’s respect and caring attitude towards things as the fruit of labor. It’s not for nothing that he takes away his grandfather’s saw, which he warps, not knowing how to sharpen it.

Returning the finished saw to the owner, Vasily says:

Come on, grandfather, take it and look.

It will cut better than a new one,

Don't waste your tool.

Terkin loves work and is not afraid of it (from the hero’s conversation with death):

I'm a worker

I would get into it at home.

  • - The house is destroyed.
  • - I'm a carpenter too.
  • - There is no stove.
  • - And the stove maker...

Simplicity of the hero

The simplicity of a hero is usually synonymous with his popularity, the absence of exceptional features in him. But this simplicity also has another meaning in the poem: the transparent symbolism of the hero’s surname, the Terkino “we’ll endure it, we’ll endure it” emphasizes his ability to overcome difficulties simply and easily. This is his behavior even when he swims across an icy river or sleeps under a pine tree, quite content with an uncomfortable bed, etc. This simplicity of the hero, his calmness, and sober outlook on life express important features of the people's character.

In sight of A.T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” contains not only the front, but also those who work in the rear for the sake of victory: women and old people. The characters in the poem not only fight - they laugh, love, talk with each other, and most importantly, they dream of a peaceful life. The reality of war unites what is usually incompatible: tragedy and humor, courage and fear, life and death.

I hope that no one else has any doubts about how important his goal is for the hero (some of the heroes are ready to kill for theirs).

Now let's talk about character. As I already said, cinema is movement. The hero is the one who moves, the goal is what makes him move. And character is what sets the speed and trajectory of movement.

In the last lesson, I asked you to try to name a character whose character changed during the film.

Anakin Skywalker, Kisa Vorobyaninov, Raskolnikov, Andrea from The Devil Wears Prada, Tyler Durden, Plyushkin, Monte Cristo, D'Artagnan and many, many others were named.

Let's take Raskolnikov as an example. Indeed, at the beginning of the book (film, series, story) he is a poor student who suffers terribly from the thought of whether he is a trembling creature or has the right. In the finale, he is a convict who is convinced that yes, he is a trembling creature and repents of his errors in the arms of Sonya Marmeladova. Frankly, there are two differences. But has his character changed?

In general, what is character?

Here's the definition from Wikipedia:

Character (Greek charakter - distinctive feature) is a structure of persistent, relatively permanent mental properties that determine the characteristics of a person’s relationships and behavior.

I ask you to pay attention to the words of the persistent, relatively constant. What are these properties? Let's try to define them without delving too deeply into psychology:

1)Energy level (strong - weak)

2) Temperament (speed of reactions, excitability)

3) Introvert-extrovert (social behavior)

4) Habits (stereotypes of behavior)

The hero already has all these properties as soon as he is born (I mean the light of a film projector) and all of them remain with him when he goes into ETM.

Raskolnikov was weak. Have you become stronger? No. He was melancholic. Have you become sanguine? No. I was an introvert. Have you become an extrovert? No. Have you gained or lost any habits? No. As he came, so he went.

Character is the main thing that distinguishes one hero from another. The viewer recognizes and remembers the hero by his character, and not by his appearance.

If you know the character of your hero, it will be easy for you to construct a plot - you just need to erect obstacles between the hero and his goal and watch how he, in accordance with the characteristics of his character, will overcome them.

If the hero commits an act that is out of character, the viewer will feel that he is being deceived. Either the hero or the author. If a hero is deceiving, it is the author’s sacred duty to expose him. Otherwise, the viewer will no longer believe the author. And it needs to be exposed quickly, clearly, rudely and visibly (but not stupidly).

In general, cinema is a rough art. Much rougher than prose, which allows you to devote dozens of pages, for example, to describing the thoughts of the hero. In the depiction of the characters, the roughness of the cinema is manifested like nowhere else.

Why do fans often protest against film adaptations, even successful ones? Because cinema necessarily simplifies and coarsens the characters, sometimes making each of them the bearer of only one, most striking trait. And some heroes are thrown out altogether, like Tom Bombadil from The Lord of the Ring.

Sometimes this simplification kills a movie, as in the case of Johnny Mnemonic, when a great novel turned into an average action movie.

More often, on the contrary, simplification allows one to create a movie, such as, for example, Pudovkin’s “Mother.”

And the story behind the creation of Doctor House? Dr. Lisa Sanders wrote a column for the New York Times for many years in which she described diagnosing a patient as solving a crime. The columns were published as a separate book, and television people bought the rights to create a series based on this book. And for two years they didn’t know what to do with these rights. Until they finally came up with the hero we all know.

You would watch a series about diagnosing patients if it didn’t have this hero with his obnoxious, but so bright character? Attention, this was a rhetorical question, not homework!

It is believed that there are two approaches to depicting the character of a hero: Moliere's and Shakespeare's.

Each of Moliere's heroes has one dominant trait - Harpagon is stingy, Scapin is a rogue, Tartuffe is a hypocrite, and so on. This approach is suitable for genre films. For example, if you are writing an action movie, your hero should not, having caught the enemy in the crosshairs, suddenly begin to doubt, like Hamlet.

Shakespeare's heroes are multidimensional: Hamlet is ambitious and modest, decisive and prone to doubt. Shylock is stingy and smart and child-loving. Falstaff is both voluptuous and lazy, brave and cowardly.

Isn't that why most Moliere's plays have long since left the stage, but Shakespeare continues to be staged? The reader and viewer of Shakespeare not only follows the development of history, but he also goes into a most exciting journey deep into the character of the hero, gradually recognizing more and more of his features.

What should the character of the hero be like for this journey to be truly exciting?

BRIGHT. It is foolish to expect great feats and unexpected actions out of nowhere.

DEFINITELY. We must understand what the hero wants and why he wants it.

BELIEVABLE. Just don’t need to copy the features of people you know. Life is not a screenwriter; it does not need to worry about verisimilitude. And the screenwriter needs it.

WHOLE. The hero acts only as he can act. For example, at one time in American cinema Action heroes didn't kill anyone. Even during the last fight with the most evil villain, the villain had a habit of tripping and falling on his own knife.

COMPLEX. Internal contradiction gives the hero volume (remember Hamlet - probably the most controversial and most popular hero in the world). In order to become a hero, he must overcome this contradiction. Just don't abuse it. If the character's function is to give the hero cartridges, he must silently (or with the words here are the cartridges) give the hero cartridges and immediately fall with a bullet in his head.

The complexity of a character is directly proportional to the importance of the role the hero plays in the story.

Even an action movie cannot be built on the fact that a single-celled hero is the strongest and shoots without missing a beat. He definitely needs to come up with some kind of ficus tree on the windowsill, a love for John Wayne films and friendship with a little girl.

Conversely, if you delve too deeply into the personalities and stories of characters who play a small role, it will turn out funny. This effect was very well ridiculed in one of the episodes of Austin Powers, when they showed in detail how the wife and son of one of Dr. Evil’s henchmen learn about the death of this very henchman at the hands of the main character.

In some screenwriting primers they write that in order for a character to be three-dimensional, the screenwriter must describe in detail his appearance, character and social status.

When I read in the "bible" ( terms of reference) of the new project, a detailed ten-page biography of the hero, this makes me at least wary. And if at the same time I see that the hero has an uninteresting and unconvincing character, I immediately abandon the project, because I understand that such a technical assignment does not foreshadow anything but fruitless torment.

In fact, what makes a hero three-dimensional is not his appearance or social status - what difference does it make to a screenwriter whether his heroine is blonde or brunette, if he is not the screenwriter of Legally Blonde? In many films, it doesn’t matter to us what kind of craft the hero does for a living. But the character of the hero is the stone laid in the foundation of any good script.

The screenwriter's task is to make this stone precious.

However, the fact that the character of the hero remains unchanged does not mean that the hero himself does not change. But what does it change?

Plyushkin was a landowner, became a poor madman, Kisa was a registry office employee, became a murderer, D'Artagnan was a poor Gascon, became a field marshal.

All these heroes changed their fate.

And that’s exactly what we’ll talk about next time.

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